HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-10, Page 1T.HE. WI.N�,,GHAm- Tk] y' VOIL. XXIX. N0; 1516. WING11A NTARIO, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 00 t, $t A YEAR IN ADVANCE . T 0MMMIR/ OMAAMMN/ MOOAAAA Dutch Setts 5o IW Ey fah Multi hors - [Tse kF 1 Br i Rev. obs T l 6 granted, Carried. of $10 A "�{.s• �p • a1. Bros, folded carpet paper. R. Hobbs for bat u '1W1 41us for 10o, o t O ns w lb at JuO, & + ' PgPULATIgN NR4.1 LY `�u reek" be a ed, t, r Jas, H. Kerr s. 00. --It is ex- hn . .�, pealed that the ce tsus recently taken rlNAxo n°1un41TTE1„ Now is the .season for ! � BOY WANTED, -A good smart ba.y, will show thAt Wit Pham has a popula• The Finance nlmittee reported an G�rSOk1s ' with: fair education, wanted to learn isle trouble to occur tion of nosily 2 0, Should, these the following ao nuts:— Printing business. ply at TlraEca with the IIiQ<rS. lulld tl figures prove to bo prrcet oufi town will John Valentine, ork on streets.$ 2 50 l� c ofilco. silos. Li •ht Co• .. 85 5G the system and Streif th- l•�+ Shaw u very wei VPe will have to b 'r "» ®- �Z t t(iFt-+' IN Two INST V,3MNTS.-The Prov n. P Alex. Ross, oxp'r sa & telegrams. 1 35 A wait a fete Sveeks or rho correct en the lungs with •..., cial License Dept rtniout has sent `out a P P nkling streets.. 40 rd.. •;�,,,�., �". °a•'�7 � W. GiAcs ie s A few thousand dollars of private Jos. Gray, " C�0 �,,,�y ar �, '+"a n e • _ ��«^- circular to the if TOILET 8" E T•ease-holciera, notifying funds to loan on good security at 5 per Mrs. Watson, sa ubbiug hall , .. 10 00 ��-� � > them of the pi-vilege accorded to all wilt. Apply, to J. A. Morton, Barrister, V. N%unorman, •clary ........ • . 42 UO G > under the rete act, of paying their Wingham. R, Armstrong, i werfngtrees.... U 25 (� ¢ , ., At a ors[..,....,;... S 50 ala�table fees in two ins Ir ENTRANCE EI: ATIOxs.- The High � 0�� This lino is good value at n2.G0 , , School Board, ley .... 30U UOi The North Bud Grocery, viz: Hanna School Entrance a tniaationa� will bq• Howson & Co„ are of dam..... 8 33 �.1r c per sot, but will be On Sale for ten CO's branch stare las been stocked �,, c days at , } gin on Wednesday, Juno 26th at 8.45 Henry Branston, work on streets 4 19 �y kkkk��� 4� 1 with new groceries aild ie now doing a a. m, The departz ntal examinations ?�•• Vazlalstine, °' +1 5 94 of `t.iod L�,-�%er y flourishing business, begin on July' 2nd. Candidates who S, McKenzie, chilo r rk etc dam... „ G3 Oil ,� ` S. Ycuhill, "alar ,ate • ......... 127 U0 @,.d' 1 PAID IN ADvexc + One subscriber to purpose writing on hth ese examinatious' P, Do. , letting scales .. , , ... , . 2 00 the �...,s last we - paid his stibscrip- must uotif the ins otor, either direct- McLean & Son mber......... 20 01 t� � �° ,Spring$1095 tion up to the 17th i' August, 1904. We ly or through the p1p oipal of the school Beattie Bros, to ling, , . , ... , , . 21 40 would like t° have number who have R. Ferguson, or on streets.... 2 50 Dont miss the which they attend, , It is fresh and the best on the A not yet paid ,for 00 and 1901 Poliow W J. Pattison, t amiug........ .2 50 market, 5 Also a full ran a of lzi flet and p P y P Farmers wanting new coed oats, W. Stapleton, wo k on, streets... 1 88 -Ins arrived and we Greet it ` g g this subscribers Yam le and a u perfectly clean, bug proof peas, new A. H. Carr, tilnot y seed... , ... GO The old Williams stand. C lower priced sets to choose from their subscription . seed potatoes can of them at A. H. Carr Bros,, taxes r ono 6 GO with welcome.' Winter cloth- g , porkatld..t Rt FOR SATis.--I offer for sale my house Uarr's Floor and Feed store. Only a S. Mitchell, worst n culvert.... 50 ing may. now be laid aside. If A. limited supply on hand. Mcludoo—Bell—That the offer of aand five acres of land 'situate on Q A. U LASS � _� Josephine street.. FIRE AT BLYTH. -Tho Blyth r slot Howson & Co. re pumping water for c N, A 8 F C s. GILLESPIE, y 4 streets at the rate c2 75 flour mills, togotlze, with the elevator � per year for the Prop. PASSED H15 E;; a_ he spring exam- I and office were tote ly destroyed by fire balance of their lea is be accepted, andLG,N. W. Office. �;'y ,� inations of the mc -11 department Of on Tuesday morn ng, The loss is thatthe Mayor be authorized to enter CHINA HOUSE y estimated at $12,80►, with an insurance g �'�'°"���� � the Western Unive •sit at London were into an a reemen : to this effect,— Opp. Bank of Hamilton. concluded o1! Mouc of last week. We Carried. Suit � � �•y of ip7,500. Holy the faro started is at � � �m� � App �w,y,�������,� ��„�y ���a,�„�,' are pleased to reLort that our young present a m stet r Bdll—Medudao—khat the matter of For Photograph-, , '•i.81 H �r y y, out lucre is a strong ., townsman, John A rnew has suecessfnil suspicion that it is t case of ince diary- building tank and naking connections passed his first yea, examinations, ism, Blyth has ately been x er un- to water mains be lefferrecl to the Fire that pleas' ea ALrRED GRAY .SEA Alfred Gray, fortunate in the w . of fires. and Water Commi -tee with Power to You cannot afford to pass our formers of Wing lam cifecl at Owo1a y got —Carried, go to Tailoring Establishment without y g We, the undersigned entists of cooing what we can offer you. Our GEORGE McAENZIE, avingham. `sound, on Saturdw April 27th, after an. Winghain, agree to 0 our offices McIndoo—Bell—fiat the reporri of J. Milton €Dfll �&,c1�tc'tAa�, illness of several u.znths. Mr. Gra every Wednesday after on, duxizig the the li'fnztuce Commi ;tee be adopted as steal: is unsurpassed in town, and as y to the making, we guarantee neatly- spent many years �. lois life in Wing- months ,f Juno, July a d August. read.—Carried. made making, we guarantee and-fla neatly - ham and Ieaves to nourn his cis his W. T. HOLLOWAY, By-law No, 442 to' jorrow $500 to meet Photo �il�H©� Star A, J. IRwxN. 'results. '.Chen in father, a s n, twc brothers a three current expenditure f the town until Beaver ]ingliam. • • Block, iF sisters. -.4// TOWN (oIUN / l L. taxes are collected w a read throe times -- GENERAL LOCAL ' NEWS. Parties havingc6,ttle the wish astur- Regular monthly . aecting of the Town and Passed, Orders invited for enlargements ones P duplicates. `Genf Furnishings. ed for the summer can accommodat- Council was held o h2onday evening. McIudoo—Bell—T t the Court of See Halsev Park's adv, - ement. ed by applying to Thos Robertson, lot MoTbers all •presen except Councillor Revision be compose of the following Seed Onions at half r' e, at Jac. & 15, con. 9, Turnberry. River runs McLean. members:—Mayor,an Holmes,Newton, s We lead the trade. Come to us for Jas,;H. Kerr's, through pasture field. K 1,nd�J latest styles in Hats, Ties, Collars,. - Minutes of last • •egular and spacial iVIcKenzie and McL an, and that the ,y IrMER, MEETING. A meeting of the DIED IN ENGLAND.4Mr. Allan S. Me- meetings were read .nd approved. first meeting of the ourt be held on Shirts, and every article in this line. g PP It is also of interest to Liberals of Wfngha will be held in the Lean, of London, E , eldest son of Mr. Communications i rom Hamilton and Tuesday, 28th day of May, at 8 p. in,, in a jg 0 1�^aU g1 hall in the Macdonal block, on Monday M. Y. McLean, of th-SeaforthExpositor, Toronto . Sewer P`oe Co., soliciting the council chamber. Carried. aQa Cr 6i ii &• M evening nest at 8 o'c ck. Business of died there on April 8, after a lingering T. Grego was resent, he said Newt door to Advance Office. llll^^^ :orders for sower pipe -rues road.—Filed. Gregory P "Your Pocket importance will corn before the meet- illness. A wife an 1 two small children Communication fiom E. L. Dickison be had a claim againt the Council for o ing and all Liberals f.the town are es- are left to mourl his loss. Much re closing streets and laces running backing water on his property. Confectionery of all kinds. That on examine bur Hatt stock pected to be presen sympathy is oxpres�d for the bereaved Newton—Holmes—That the matter of Biscuits. trait in season. y y through property. of 4ationalIrOuWorks, of Fine ,Shoes for Ladies, Gents, WANTED.—Five sun/e�on and ones. N,lso enclosing Mort aqe was read. water backing upas, Mr. Gregory's ������� �'�' ��� '���({��R . Misses and Children. We have a Boys' to buy Clothing te ew Store. EAST HURON TE._-i:mRs.—A meeting Mortgage was als + read. property be left .n the hands of H. . IsARD & Co. o at prices t� suit. large stock of the best makes; of the teachers of ast Huron will be Mclndoo—Bell—What the eomtnunfca- Executive Commitee to inspect the , Tce Cream m season. g Bread for Bale. SXALLPOS OIITi •AIC,—The Prov' ial held in the public s ool, Wingham, on i'ial:t of MX. Dlokinsea re mortgage be re- property cc u line of and hear from A cal! solicited, antiYoritfes aro'of t b'liplriion thahey Friday and Sattiril y, May 17t1i and ferred to the Exeon vo Committee with Mr. Gregory --(;ii led. have the smallpox ttbreak under con- 18tH. A good long rogamme o4 papers power to act. -Car 'ed, Bell•-Mclncloo- hat the Ilexk be J. " ' �'' &MUth Song rtes. Silica Jami sat there have been on various subjects prepared, besides Communication from Lady Minto, instructed to take all proper steps and _ — __ ___-._.—, -- , •�_,__! 501 cases of smaIlp inOutario of which an.i°at home" by t e Wingham school askingfor contribi ions for the erection give all proper no ces required by the daughter have ro.trned from a fear five have been fatal There are now 67 staff, and . addre ses from Messrs. of cottage hospi s was rears and re- Municipal Act to +nable the Council to WINGHAM, p weeks visit with fr-:lids in Teeswater. cases; the chief ce .res being' Sudbury Mercnaut, Robb, ugh, and others. ferred to the Tina ce Committee. pass a by-law clo 'ng and stopping up and Cordon. Communication from Cat Bernier that; portion of illiam street, or the W. R. Belden, wl o is now working in: To FAILaMRS.-A meeting of farmers P + the interests of tl. 3 Palmerston Port 15Tarrlage I,iuonses WANTED—At once a good general interested in co-operative pork packing asking for contri tions to aid in his extension thereof which lips between the river Maitla, 1 and Albert street Packing CO., was in town on Tuesday. Issued by FRANK PATMRSON, No, 28 Victoria servant. Apply to Mrs. (Dr.) Mac- will be held in the Council Chamber, trip to the north p le.—Filed. , treet. Wingham, Ont. No Witnesses required. donald. Wingham, on Tuesday, 1llay . 21st, at l Communicationfrom National Tran `and also the lane running south from Lincoln Hembly , of Palmerston, To THE DEAr. jA rich lady, cured of 2-80P- m Works, asking C ncil to give them ! .Mbert street betw en lots 384, 385, 886 formerly of Wiughnn, is now a brakes - her Deafness and Noises in the Head by THE BANNER TE •RANCE COUNTY.— permit to ut in th it siding over Alfred and 357, Governal_ont survey, and also mau ell the G.T.R. He sometimes runs iI'...........d►•P•i••:••i•-i•cr•i••t••'o... Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, According to the an ual report of the s P � for selling or leash. the same.—Carried, a the W. G. & B. + g P street. e � P "Business Knowled. e" and "Everlast- gave 25000 dollars to his institute, so that Inspector of Prisons or the year 1900, McKenzie—New on—That the account , Council then acs, ourned• R. J. MaClymont, formerly of Wing- ing M ' Pumi" win '1' deaf people unable to procure the Ear the count of Huro is the banner tom - .q. y of Gurney Scale C . for two se of scales, ham, who has beenf�1' some time in the +Drums may have them free. Address, perance county of t 'e Province among I be paid.—Carried. 1'ER Oi\IALu. General IioApital ..t. C-uaiph, suffering .;. •1• The Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth the larger counties having t11e lowest Holmes-lTewto —That this council from kidney trnnbl� •_lass so far recover - Avenue New York. number of comm' ments to goal far t We luau f gladm a o have contributions to '� � > grout tae Nation Iron Works the tills column from an of our readers. If Sou ed as to be able to w :aril to his Name in. This week we received G pieces of new drunkenness from 85 to 1900, viz., 41. rivele a of nttin switch over Alfred have visitors or pal se going away, 3olusezf, Goderirh. .1• P P g p c drop in and toll us, send as n no+ to that •1• •Y• Delaines in red and bluo, in stripes and The county of Yor 'comes highest with street.—Carried. eii'cot. i ''t' polka, dots. Natty goods. HANNA&Co. 21 9i7 J. J. Ball, of Wiu_*ham. was in Erus- It has paid othtl-s to attend the + D. Campbell was 3 reseut and asked if sols on Monday. _one of J, J's visits ToivN CLERIC I EAD FRO. Chief , gg T piece Miss W. Alba hisholm has returned ' WANTED. -1; s 1.2x, One ton Bntter council .would sell o, lease him the „ 't' to Toronto. are undertaking bs not of the grows pr -� Vannorn2an this wE•l; received a letter weekly, we have all kinds of corn, of William street, opposite Patrick �eoa� Business' Coils e i variety,... 141rs. W F. Vallstotie and .i. � ,v from Town Clerk F xgusou, who is now from Cemptons Early dowel. 1Vo aro street. U•eo. Pott oil, c+ Blyth, was in town Stratford, Ont. s ondin a few hol days in California. sole agents for the celebrated Bailey daughters, Misses ' Ilie and Freda, of •F• P g y Corm "For silo purposes it has no Holmes -Newton -What the request of last Friday. 'i' Mr. Ferguson is Z S� -ng a splendid visit ,+ P P W inghasu, were fu t tvu last Sunday and it Will pay you. Our students are g aP equal, so says John McMillan &s Sons, Mr.• Campbell ro I urehasing end of A. E'. Bradwin of rho Blyt11 Standard, Mrs, James McLauc lin of Wingham `1' holdiuq�etcelIenttsituatious a Be caleEul ones is enjoying goo .health. Ho leaves the largest corn producers of Canada. William street, be oft t0 the Street was in town on t outlay was visiting at �Ti;il icLattc111iu's far ar '11, in your selection of a school. Elmtttd• California shortly f r Vancouver, B. C,, G. E. Klxcl. Committee with powaa to not.—Carried. License Iaspec or Paisley, of Ciintozl, fete days. --Brussels, 'est. in-btelozdanco ati our F hooses "' e to '' and will spend a. fel weeks in Manitoba WEICFII SCALE ,•—'Cho Wingham f Rev. R. Hobbs was ureseut and asked g 4. b spent Mouciay iu Vin„ham. this college and we will guarantee to '+ and the West. Mr. Ferguson expects to weigh scales were et b Peter Deans ' thorout hly rtrepare you for business .� g y , that the Ladies lid Society and John A, McLe ti was in Toronto for a life. Wedea7 in genuine business a�tt• .,o return to Winglzamearly in June. auctioneor, on Sa urday afternoon last Epworth League � the Methodist cation•wohave clothing to do with the , few clays this we!k On, business. +4• sham article. Don't forget our special line of odd to A. H. Carr for he ensuing year. Mr. church, be refunded $ 0 rebato on two A. Write Por our catalogue. $ size Oxfords and Slippers for SUc. Just Jas. Walker ai d wife spent last Sun - '1' attldents admitted at any time. .1. Carr will be wei master at the scales recent concerts held. .1. the thing for school girls. HANNA & CO, day with relativ in Zeeswater, •t• Oil the market a also at the scales at Bell -McKenzie -TI at the request of ' W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. " SIX MONTHS ix CENT1tAL.—I'ratlk both railway y a ds. He pays a rental Dr. Turnbull, of Godaricll, was the -,- Reed, the young m arrested by Chief of $186.00. T e new scales at the rail- guest of Dr. A w, on Sunday. "Q'•S'f� '.i°"'b� ti"Y"i d •F•�••:••i• ;..;.•1 •i• -F••: •�'; Vannorman some imo ago, and who Miss Maude Forbes of Listowel way yards are out read for use and 4 9 has since appeared efore Jucigd Masson in future all St I' for shipment 11 be I 1 spent Sunday at er home in town. ' 1 at Goderieli, char ;ed with assaulting wef hod on thy!- !ll���►►► 00 ttiittt�"'dddd m MONEY TO LOAN.—Moneydiscounted to loan on g Mayor Watson Of Listowel, was in notes, and notes caiscoitnted at reason- Chief Vannormaz and also charged 20 good Dur'nam calves fil be offered' Nest door to Post Cftfce. town on Thursd and Friday of last able rates. Money advanced on most- with committing tt o burglaries, appear- for sale by aue ion at h (lueen's hotel, I week. Y gages, with privilege Of paying at the ed before Judge Musson for sentence on Belgrave, on 3atur -, May 11th, at end• of ally year. Notes and accounts Charlie Stephe on has one to Wood- .collected. Office—Beaver Block, Wing• Tuesday of this we. -k. He was sentenced G,30 P. m, Richmond, auctiooueer _ —� g ham. RonT. MOINDOO. to cis mouths in tl� Central Prison at and owner. Y stock, tvllero he h s a situation on the -,� AUCTIONEERS A D PEDLARS.—'VPs have Toronto. POPULAR TALLIONs.--Route and C E- `--STRA I G. T' R' teoived a circus from Co. Treasurer Five excellent building lots for sale, pedigree card have been issued this I `" Chas. Pogson I s returned to town Holmes, giving ti list df the licensed on corner of Patrick and Franc], st cot". week from thi office for Archy Patter- 1 n CHILDHOOD after a few month visit with friends in Apply to R. Vanstono, Wingham son, the owns of the pure bred Clydes- Croasltill. The auctioneers lie and odlaTho for rho °,Huth, Tnt SoNs or I SCOTLAN - - John dale stallion, astfield Chunk, sired by Messrs. Jas. A. ummings and Neil The homas3Thomas Grundy, slewJohn Murchison, of Luc tow, or ani• r for k has blighted ,Gill, Thomas B own, Edward Bbssen- f1' Lord Brs ins, Scotland's greatest sire. � Baines, or' 'Lfstot 1, spent Sunday in bury, John Cur e, Henry Brown, John the Sons of Scotlauc , Was in town, for a Eastfield Chu k will stand at $10.00 and many lives Wingham. Xuox, B. S. hillips, Jas, Stanley, few days last week :nd as a result of his Will travel; tl rough Grey, Morris and EYES because, T. Et Bowles, o Orangeville, is visit- •,Iosbph Cowan, . Dickinson, G. Barton, visit, three new i zembors joined the Turnberry to-nships, being at Lionel EY1MINEi i11g in town, a guo at, the home of J. l ai coin at its i tooting ott� 'Mouday H s 'a h f."I stables W' by H I1 sttopso tine con, -,h ai nal. vrorks oft the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets cure n cold in oneday. No Cure, no Pay. Price 23 cants. Wilibharll's Leading Shoe Store. .Tohn Purvis, Obt. H, Garnlss, F. 'S, Scott, R. M. C arles, C. H. Morryfiold, °c p an on , Ing- evening. The meet ng of the .Camp on hair, every Sa �lyday afternoon. We tie c lick" causUd i thereby J. grout . Jas. Netterfield: jr., has secured a THE SHOE V O U WANT' (I. Hamilton, Henry Torrance, ,C. H. tenr Richmond. The Ped;'-, Monday evening waw one of 'tho roost ve also issue': cards for Jas. Dow,the interesting ever held its Winghitw- ownerofthepu obrodeiydesdalestallion, � �I produces -situation fat Toro to and left for the situ tionveek. We have talar shoo you want right here in atWo As talo ictl 767% -. Wilooll; ' p --Louis ngllkopskl, Jacob Yaffe, L.1'My,1."r d Gos"man, Tlaos. Nilo S$ y' After. the meeting f _e members went ' Gladstone Wa ace, sired by Bay `Val• Jas. MoXelvxo's Sti- restaurant and on- lace. this orse 'will travel through lx an aversion. 'to John Anderson, lug withrelatives t Wareham is visit " d friends in "iViug- 6 (�e�ay g�C t0 `.1� C� Y Rll r ' W, • Whale Louis Fine, y, Thos: joyed a dish of ice :ream, and spoilt tt East Gild °OVe Wawanot h, Calrosg and gttp� a,. y. ham and vicinity, Awl can guarantee you tut+;trei►tent a]ten,:xtirl• faction of lift•, t�iee thole. It •trill L4nga11, Aso McNair, Fted. Morgan, social hour with HT 3h Gillies, one of the Kinloas tory slip. Fee $9. Got full members, who is s1lout to remove to the partionlers f m cards. The backward child too often y i+oster PAO', P. R. operator, of your lAr you. lm= m rr'--wonet�• rr eo, all ripw inch Henry flan n, W. J. Miller Geo. ` ' E Grouch, C. I. Sanderson, A. J. Tree, As. 7JGest. . Parties do irnlg their lots 1n the Wing- beecinies the uinsuccessful man. Palmerston, seen visiting hId parent Sunday in town, bought of us, Trunlat :Anel Valirsm eltrrp. Vit. Gibson, oo. f3oatty, 'G. F.1ltCPriee, r Walter Zane . Y+'olz SdL> oft I31Ytu A nuznbel' of ham come 'ry property looked after, second-hand bicyles, Also the new 1901 strep as s ding the eggrav � p�a ,, r s Mr. Lucus of O � en Sound President ' � x'r'%. � GREEN, '` ' for sales loft at the'l'Ii,1Ri; McBurneyy-Beettfo bicycles for sale or flowers tat cutting wilplanting l please biro. A feiv second-hand Indy'a or leave all o era R. Aavesn ellisozi's Hfor �11t Gal�^�7 AND OP`1`lCtlii�, o Shallow Lal o Cement CO., was 111 Y Y � t...sr � .office willireceivo ro'nf t attention. J. p p , gent's wheels will be sold at a bargain. grocery store or at ley residellc°• town a fow da a this week. S©1 -t LOCAL AGlrlV VC>ft . Currie, auctioneer. BRA.TTM 331tos, WV. GtMST. V0 N G q•••t AM. Mr•. had, lira. D. Flingle w1d 0 �y,�yft �i,u.M2.. • . _.iL3� ♦• .'Y..1. .. ''..ri'.r�r�acYit- '.+ - _ _ .. �- - \'i'� . ..-�� �YfiElxM ....�1' __ i• �'t... + v '' I9�IrM'. �•