HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-03, Page 80. .
i fi �-. .. ■ I IY.YI I I •.IrY.11 , I �.�.YIY.�Y,II, YY.I� IYI q�Y•� 111 ,YR ... .. ,
is entirely free of smallpox. Pete1, E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN WALKER. BRAS. & BUTTON There 'll
Ho Calltelon's house htllving been entirely are We t3o Liu
freed and fnitiigated. �l'IN(1#IA UNDERTAiC�Ct,�a, 1Y111GIiAM.• nq 131N {less 1110
N D 0 -•--Geo. A. Newton. is moving a, frame �IrAC�TRR QF' VQICE CULTARE. Night onlis at Button 131ock, or Fifth �iz•za s '� Sgnare
in our business. n
�} ulcer south of X�aboal klousq. Shop ap•
house from I.on<lesboro slid will place it ----- poeite blacdonald block,
on his lot near tllq C. V. H. station It q ,,,prepared for Conservatory of Music
will be moved ros �tiois.11 stili tale VIOLIN AND GUITAR. r
V4 e run our awn business and mare our own lit�nest Krises,
best place ill town at w to buy your �00� �� O�S
furu#ture, of Lortdon Conservatory of Music, �v111 be pre
oared aPtez Oat. pat to receive a limited nam-
-The Clinton assessor wakes the town ber of pupils for instruotiou on Violin and SAME
35alf-soled tis low as from 25 to 4.5 cents a air OIt s douee-o oyito R, C. Church, WIngham, ONE PRICE. T r. dl's A � T O ALL.
population 2,482, a slight increase. 79pe ^� F pp ,
C,» w total real and personal property and in, at the oldest ectltblichod shop In town. Farther,
canzq it l)lticr+tl at t�G38,Jb J, parties
eta caro fed not fin � fora t charge,Itan have their
--R• . I$ullote ,V tilos week mav- PIANO AND THEORY. As a result our business is increasing.
This is the cheapest over heard of,
® in; han Ilia recently purchased property A row steps west of Swarts' Uotel, Vlotorio I'dISS SARA LOUISE MOOR�E, L.C.M,
unw�auter street. Iia Itas had a now 8trect. and meuiber of the Associated Musicians of RRASONS—Our customers are satisfied and send their
porch ereoted ill front of the dwelling, ® �jps@ g�y,� Ontario, fs lwentrecl to receive a lianiied num- friends to us, Stock unexcelled for quality and variety,
T EM M A S A �D � 6 P� a•I A M . ber of pupils ffor instruction on Plano and in
--Tlanovar ratepayers haFe passed by- Theory.
Sat u rig laws to govt+,l bonus Of x,10,000 t0 the klFec Iain t i.iis u given to pupils preparing
Por osandnations.
Kwelitel Furniture Cotu,rany and to J. J,, cIlld1l V. S esidenec-opposite R. C. Church,Winghain. t ��v}+ e } ®�
spene $25,000 on tl waterworks system, p�ll�ll L I It ,l 4d 9l q�� V 7
m Suite
Honorar Graduate of
After 171to' ;9t liiR� in April. Any orders for Sales Ieft at the Tiurus �i Ontario'vPeterinary oftie. will, rect-tre prompt attention. J, College,and Inilrmnry 1S fit far a palace. See lt.
J. Currie, auctioneer. at Golloy's old, rtond,Tefaming
Victoria St., Wingham,
F' """•'" ~ • „"~'~ """ -`- - -Ties late Ja urs Brown, of Detxoit Day and night calls
whose death was noted under the Blyth"l" FromFtlyatfiendedto. --- UNDERTAKING—Our extensive experiece warrants
+ Tolopinonoconneation.
correspondenco in onr last issue, was a The undersigned is now prepared to LIS in calling special attention to this Branch of our business.
Manv book. -n lots and incom- brother of Mrs. Thos. Holmes of this do all kinds of work in the way of -
plete li`1Ci. So Saturday will tow11. FARMERS aralteamini:, <, You will find us prompt, reliable,. attentive and efficient.
be a great lig Bargain Day in —The cireulmion of the Timm is onand anyone leaving live stoelr or other Garden Plowing and other work will
articles they wish to dispose of, should adver receive prompt attention.
the following, lines. the increase. Several new names added circuit o toils aleinwillbo tznti.31 o tleetiP -t••iUTHER •®•�LL Funeral cal .0., erect or.
this Creek. Every business Mau in oudonotl;etacustomer. Weean' gunrantce Fill orders left at Lott cos will
20 Nl en s Serge Suits, reg. that gesti wall sell because you ma aSic nu,ro livery stable, or at my house will receive
Wing -ham &ionise have an ttdvt, in these Por fixe article or stools than it is worth, ;.t.nd prompt attention. Residence—Patrick St., '
$6.00 for , 75, much under colnnlns, your advertisement to the TrwEa and try thin Mr. Gracey s late residence.
Wholesale rice, sizes 36, Plan of disposing of your steel: and other W: G. GRAY.
P 3f, -•W. Adan)S has bFen home from articles,
¢o. See these early. DobtTintun this weeps, owing to the ^'-~--^~ -�� -^^- .�-^`�` .-^•^^-^^�~ ^ �"' ""'" ~ ___.__._ - _ -- _ _ _ _
2o Soft Hats, new shades, serious illness of his soil with pneumonia.
and sty les, reg. $2.00, Satur- We are pleased to learn that the boy is 4> „- 11ri
day $ I.2 a. ' recovering. A L�: 4yi i4 e
i -The Ripley Express sass that E. S. :,, l:. I
25 Druss Ends, and Rein-
Conites, of that village and formerly of a
nants, this springs styles, in Bhievalo and W. Allenby of this town,n n r
HomeSpuns, SergeS,
and will play football with the Brussels ""'� �-"" ""- ���"" ��" ' � ��� J� e
Ladies Cloth reg. Sac for 35c. team this season,
20 doz. Ladies Black Rib- • -Parties having new four dollar bills, Make tots bo}, fusel like a marl then lie will act manly'. Put
bed Cashmere Hose, extra fine with the wrong canal engraving there- him into•C:lotlles that lnal:e hint look nil;c a Man then he will a 11 . k-unes fnr 25c.
b 'tt' ,-1 1'1 ` ^ '1a ;
regular 45c, Saturday 25c.
on, can get rid OL the same y rein Ing
to the TimEs office, where they will be
ee 1 ;e one.i,
st '
R S® ,
accepted at face value for subscription,
The "Lion" brand of %r'``�t�i��
y; n1 � t1J1y1
job work, etc.
Boys' Clot lis8o' �r
s 1; 11+4,���
-Dr. Agnew, of town, who is Medi•
cal Health Officer for the Po�vuship of
tt� µ ` •���:.
will just do this because t o�� � �'�` ����*� ^ ��':�'_;
l iii ; �,1
�� �!;���
- 4 �
�, 0 � ,ir"° � 1�n,� I jt"�, T
1� `�
Turnberr was at the Bluevale school
there is a style and make about -1€ �' �,
y '�
Ei L-'�, j � 1
i� •
n r
on Tuesday vaccination the scholars.
them that cannot be seen in any k�tt ,
,' ,e,R ��
s . - oar
-�„�;�. � ,v
During the afternoon fifty-seven persons
• "
other line. ;l �'
'. 51 `�
were vaccinated.
A good thin cannot be s,=,1�=--tt--
� g
try NOVA the Great Antiseptic Soap for
at special prices ill high-class
-Many women have been reproached
for living for the sole object of enter-
��?�Ii _=i
made out of poor material. just h_= ��.�.-�� , --
P 1
here is the secret of the boys' trade. Our clothing
cleaning Paint, Carpets, 'Cotton or Woollen
Dods all through NIa ►
g g y
Another shipment of Walk
trinities No one doubts that such an
aim is petty and narrowing, but it is
, t,
sold under the L I O :� brand is all wool, manufactured ex-
T ,
Goods. Makes them LOOK LIKE NEW.
Easy Boots.
equally certain that it is a woman's duty
pressly for boys' use, and we are safe in saying cannot be
Ready—Men's Furnishings.
y a5
to understand the art of entertaining,
and this forms the subject of an attrac-
beaten. If you call and examine our line you will at once: be-
1Vlonkey Brand Soap for general cleaning.
P g g•
Specials in Underwear,
five and useful article by Lady Jeune in
come a customer.
big Bar Soap, big bar, 2.for 25c.
Shirts and Ties.
the Cosmopolitan y olitau for May.
We term tigole ngen tq for floe famous "Lison" brand,
Shop early at
ns 1.
IlEl jjifsof
RAIIT1turin Brussels, on ril loth, the
wife of W. Krauter; a son.
on April 18th, the
D. Gollodon
� �B
1133„99 t f�
Amos w
wife of Amos Donn- awn.
® a
briideparents, ooViredn tdn7,zATn-oil residence of
Dlri�i,'u I:�p®r. e '• y�A�60...00bo4+44+++++04+4* ++4++++44++4+4+444+4+4+�+e♦•
R. J. Garbutt bliss 6urah Gough, of �. �..._ a n..® ...a..,•..�. rd
lViiIVOR LOCALS. ie, to Mr. R. Uaxiveil, of Drayton. 1 � 11
'+:""�ENNETT—DAPID30S.—In Arcola, N. W. T., ~
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran "on Aggril 10, by Rev. Mr.. Kinsman,. 2¢z•.
teed to cure headache. OorueliUs Robznson Boz 'tt, bf A rcola, to 22ias �^
Maggie, eldest tla of ILL. 'Thos. David- a ,,
-Grading Operations are in order so tin, 11, Grey.
now. LTcalsoN-LoEzEE -in Wingizam, oils �'
dayy, April 8001, at the resideuee of Mr.
-There are 72 inmates in the Huron R. A•: utchison, by the ltev. D Perris, M :f `'
Thomas Hutchison to Miss Bertha D�,
House of Refuge at Clinton. Loezer, both of Hornington, Perth Co'
-Don't forgot the Spinsters in the DIE". z!'rtit'ts� jam;
town hail, s�'riala Ma 10th. v%1"now -In Gorrie, oFriday, riday, April 14th, s,' ;�"
y' y rgaret Stimon, in her totlz year. , r i �- • I ilr I�r �_ _.
-Job printing of all kinds done oip E1=) -In East Wawanosh, on April 26th
short notice atth8:'IVESairlte. �erelictofthe latoGeo.itezd,a:ged0ycmz
i YotrxG.-At Zetland on April 2dtin, Barbara s% , ZI rF
Regular monthly meeting of the Rgbinaon, eli tiif the tzte Janles `loung, aged
Ry yeas.i._
'.Gown Council on Mondayevening ne n i � �� s � r ! u ! , , 6a ' -
b' 13ssxD l�i h`owfclr, an April. 2 zd, Elizabeth ,s 1`` " - I� " err, - A I'
In a few da s more
Mabel Giver r li u oY thL late I:obt. Idaizd, +> >��7'
y o •e the trees a „tired 41 yearn4
foliage will have donned their garmeu McRirrNON: wing gym, on April 2+;th, - v -
Douald 15icRtnnon, of ose, aged is years, 5 �2 ` —
of green. months and 23 says. „"`� - — - - -\
--Je>sel;hive street received a good 7fcCoaII.--Ia Greyon April 14th, Anna, te=a' , __ — �__ • -_�-'- =�
infant daughter of Mr'. and ,Vers. A. D. ,McOosh,-
sorapi= with the road machine on of Pina River, aged J month•,.
NORTON. -In Brussels, on : aturdcy, April i t- '-- 1�A • '>m �'
Wedt1+r 40y. 20, Rev. Wm. Norton, JEetnod:st minister, oged ��� - - -- _
J, - �._
--W. F. •6 anstone ` erecting ar new �$ years, 1 month and 10 days.
brick r t Il er (1
GAUNT,—III =711ONs, ou Wednc •day, May l;�,t,
= c e kitch n at the r' r o f his Edwin Lorne, 'youngest
t rose of �rir. and Ali a, ' b year �-
Edwin Gaunt enc? 28 days
dwelling oil John rest. aged 1 y y _ �= _ � _ tom•
GnissiTR, Izz V,Troxetor, on iiaturday. April I - __ �s �. s,,. r_ 9 x •r -
A nirr+ life=' .lby carr' hes at Walk- 20th, Mary. Mathrw t, relict of the late Hamii I -
er Bros 1' • ton Griffith,aged e;i ymn and .1 nniontlis. - , w o t c .bis r`
. t all ►' , - --• a">=•• ' a tj"�'.--7• t�„�„y. •t Nl
A I `� yews vtisz S , t fust•
WAti•1`EI)•-- Au one a good $hn6ral t -��(' � - � - � r- �' pF ,. �, s ,.»
servant. Apply a 'Mrs. (Dr.) Mac- To THE DE3r.-A rich lads, cured of
't ;t,'
donaltl her Deafness and Noises in the Head b l �- `� ~ _ _ _ = r
y -ft)s Rin r
„ Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, - _7 ,. L.i • rte i T -- _}��,� $' ;"
,—"The ,spin, tees Under the dices- "�_ -I]-� ' ._-j `_� `L}•rr fr"4a. yx p ; ;. L
1n of Miss Houghtonve 2"0000 dollars to his Institute so that
will be given in ' I --�� -�_-�_'.v''� ' S"e•'s7� ,,., a,"''�.tl *- . 'c'_ y 'l}' e'•_a 5'• .•.� .�,,."r' •s
the town hall on r rtclay, May 10th. deaf people unable to procure the Ear = _ �"tA;;„ k rs� -- Y r . "t$
Drums niay have them free. Address,
`''''> •� rP n 7 yr ''
-0u Wednesday evening, Col. Scott, The Nicholson Institute, 780 Lighth
D.D. G. M., of Kincardine, made an Avenue, New Yorik.-
official visit to Wingllam Lodge, G.R.C. r -
A new light has been put in at the To cure a cold In a aligns -use Vapo-Creao-
Star Photo gallery. The improvement lent It has been used extensively clurial; more
will mean batter photos from this old than twenty-four years. All Dru;ists.
tatablished gal''cry. A. despatch from Alnstordam all.
• --•Dr. Sb&w pronounces that Clinton tunes& snit. will kava for
JL 1"vA I N A L I N -WO 5
. the Uuitut,d States
es early ill Juno.
- - ed in the
1ity of Waterloo town,
cess of aluallpox is report
croup* �. _.� n�. �.Grr�w,�,..W:..�..� _
It's a terrible thing, isn't physician, Surgeon, etc.
~! it? Somehow, that awful Olnee -•Mi ndlonald Block, over 7. It, Dada' Solo Canadian Manufacturing Agents for The Glenfield-Itenlledy Co'y, Ltd., MIMarnook, Scotland
cough, that hard Struggle Druggtore, Night calls answeredattheoirico.
for air, Can never be for. •-_._ __.... ___ � .__ .-
f; . 000k B Cbttdh 1tOOt C01Tlj 6UtA 13AlViCERS.
gotten. 8' 2 little f or. ) AUDITORS. SOLICITORS.
llarided and prevent It. tadudeesdfultyusedmotithiyb ovtar •CANADIAN BANG OP COI,t2fI:i1C2;. Cf.AftliSON 6* CitOSs RC}WAN ROSS
l ee Va O•Cre3aleile in the house, 10al0Ladies Safe,efeeatuai, Lad ed ask
p p our druggist for Ceek•K QUO Red Cod•
and when the children take Cold let �aaad.`�`akonbbther,asall Mixturad,pill#and JOHN GALT, C. �'. & M. r., WILLIAM G. BULLOCK,
. tattohd are dangeronb, Priae, No, 1, n br e
them breathe -in the eta or durlri the bbeo1 , rltrslDINXT. litdNAOING xtixltLC'CCfYi.
p � ii��, ppN��o. x.ifi degrees strenger,Es per bore. N
veriing. It thsicicghO to lh@ tl^r All ati9 N. The,Oos 80flurpolmy Wirld a Oil Dllll brolt8 2'oit JI.tCiltnsf �A. V. Smith, Esq., I and er y Sohn A. 11ICltean; 'scj., tCllnhCr llfiOrC ant,
ust where C p tealSottaibleDraggietd 31t Canada. �•" ' `
irritation subsides, the cough quiets '
down nad Serious trouble is prevented.;+1c,.Inzldvo.2aretaol(tft:winghimlivA,Ii The Colripany invite applicadon from residents of W'ingharn acid vicinity for 'a portion of the present issue of 7 per
,, Y amilton„T.Y.Ilavis, A. A, Aiorro,v, Colin A cent. reference stock. The referrh�eg YIVen '11.0 eXee tlonAl, and being embodied In the chal'ter rrakr= It an Unusual 0 0r-
Xt tic's .: to cure whooping cqugk.l. Campbell. Dngfilsts. P f, P ` g pp
V'� xr : h s6ld bi fire idem aver where, - _:� .. _ tunity to fitrmers, mcrch-,.*.f% % and others df the district to secure`a portion of the profits accruing from the immense trade in.
.ebntHt,tncndiaatheVapotzeraad ,pq'A:t7'ffD,••-Cn Kbl'P.relftabloyTrtrani•tevnry t
vriuc4:'a,7tzld last allfa•timcandabottlaaf t•attnty to trart�ent large em w)tny of wilia iron, itotr't' opening tip in Canada find so seldom in the reach of ordinary Investors. The Shares are placed -on the market at
rwr,%1e. aw+ate ptato, $t, jn• enttra snpplitat of Creeo• financial trprtt ation • $faikl xalary u•r year, z,ne-
,,,gp«t,t,end�ooeata. pilnetratadr)or,kletaontein• ablewoe•1lf tsi yAbwnlntt-1ysnreatrirall io17.00 par 1Tt 1)ay17]N1#t5 of ICJ pE.'r cent,putting It lkithlr2 easy i"ec"ICiI of C'VCryClt9e.
pysleasns'tNriatoMutllafradmpoarec�waat V ra �. t-btrtatle, clydnitcraalrtrr ,
aecxec co., rtin l+eriron 9t.,New mrk, C1.s.A, Coen atrslza3s�ictd'cn sd tti , atz tut t Information and prospectus can be obtained by addressln the Company at Windham, or callin UI70n 1r�r: Bullock at
and sold by A. L Dturtalltotl, IC , 1
wtatn. t lit ow"tst It
any al tern ra ry office, south wee in M ha.m.
CLAU L” �t , .°
the Ct�ixlpr ser ,,
v�Y ti
� v...xL d,a.lt T3T .I� ,;lit �v�. •�'