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The Wingham Times, 1901-05-03, Page 7
: 7W -'a THE WINGRAN MAY • _ . ., __ . -. .., _ .. I _ __,.. ._ ._ ..._. . _ _ .�, ^ ... - _ ,/�,�.�, mii0er the w1ndotx Denetith. whfeb. I e# . ten tlae opberti to eriho biri.Qi. hart, at the on, .CJ Ai�' the lot I;Iie ,,. "� a"• , . 1»4 ♦ WMv'Y-4-••Y$-W.."O..O.t,,$),•!,* .@.*.I •!...•"*" ♦ ..P -*1$l ,�.»•,( (i>-4 —,,! - �yC*4$>.•«•,/1. "".T/�'.,%I.+J..,.dy�'•^0'. k •I�j'w 1••Y•, • i •'"",, Ove 44 ♦'� 44 dt� 44 00 S!O �p 00 V»! w �� +r r _ • 4 iY ""v- leave just been searching. A footprltit tbOUgh Xr, :It'suton and Dr,'Xalbotlook- were still t'tagla:g Lea Iltsl a ikf'" f . � ,.. v ��.�.41'jv, �«s�QQ.-«4iQ�,•«i•Q(. 4c.,,4.0 ....4•mOGtt,.igy-4'Cj<%'r,., ,,.-,^:,4-::%s,* .,�.�✓.�,•»qr . 4«9•' • 4•M•�.jt 'Y».'V'v'} qt, Cilli 1)e seen #hCPC, fill'$, a S'et'y' 1)lalt# 10 I footprint, and if Ar. Talbot will tale cid almost csonsluce(l, tlrsy said. asotiling, down the black stairs lxi bat dffa�I,lEtt I while i�trapp, of oourse, was quut as aft $Told Ar"1101, lie canine "Jilan op I , tate trouble to toms are It with the alt + 1 . 1) p oyster. Ota b .,.,,, . , .», . ., , .The Mystelry04 AgCr%EthdWe'bb, - � per ate holds il� lila Rana lie will sail it; ine(I to eb st�lth at ciuiet sAlilta eatI� * <r .;13aen to t,4.E+ Tlliillxe ttzi� ti?�i�tal.n.t� . .� ,. �y • I;I have been made by the toot that cttlntl'd to hide flits dfaappotutuzeut,. be asked. . L P wore that slipper." trent an as It perfectly satisfied. -',N-Q, six, but Lem has, 'l"'haito�s groat 11�---.• 4-,- r�. I'ha .coronet', with a quick glance "".),1611$ bile ,been awakes. sees the news there. I wonder It any glee hair I o <4 ,•. .. from the slipper tai h!s hand Up to tiaggel' and #beaks to (3r2(I ills misery told fir. Suthet'hltld " ,�'• � sane,, '14oat Katharine Green. V Sweetwater's eager face, showed a de• - frith it, but linins himself too feeble. „ ♦! Jiutllor of Tlr3 zoavaztwortlt gase1.,f7 c`•I,oat lYiaxl'e Lar~q/:, ccHaxtcl and itln6,'x Etc. Etc. "What news, Jake? 1 don't tliluJt tp etdt'd disposition, to Make the expert. The cut in hes gest. the deaf in the ' „ _-, .I*�..,- fir , father" Is up yet. 211 . . <, cl ;+u+nt thus suggested, but Ali.'. d� enton, Moor, prove tills, but It you call for fur "Why,sir,there were two move death* TCopyright,1900, by Anna Katharine Green. s®r iwhose mind was full of the Zabel trig- - ther proof, a little fact, Which some It JA taR'u fast nlglit--tile bratbers Zabei4 '' .% Eriy, Interrupted theta with the ques- not all. of you seem to Have overlooked, -and folks do say (Dena heard it a 1,--M,pO.4.4'Op,4«•,00.4»4.00,..4 4«....4.......,....4. ,.........«... 4.......... 4-... p kion; will amp? satisfy You that tills one at 00 00 pp pC pp pp Qp OQ •»., •P4 . 'OU y tisY en times Uetween the grocery t►ud the ! 4U ®O �0 OO 00 t94i mq Ac9, O® t+0 00 �A ..A 1►9 Ao.: Ow .. ©O i "But ]tow do you explain by this by- leust of my conclusions Is correct. Open fish xnacket tlttit It svgs due gt tbew�l, » y • • • • e%0 •»• 00 •»"40'-• 00 •Ov •»• 00 •.400 •""00 ' • ` • "•, • • • • 00 • • p0 •"•'p0"«4.Op"-•Gip •»* p . •.... . 'x ».'O (nathesls the fact of James Zabel #rying the Bible, Abel: open It ilei to slnalte it old loco tic to l.illatl yrs. �IVebla, '1'hce + $toll to cool• tit theta, 1, -as cit a to pass one of the $20 bills stolen from for what will never Ra11 out from lie- o h ahAP�riil zviI. ' 'Fie had adnionislied silence, and his search for leer slippers, and prsently firs, ii'ebb's cupboard? Do You con- tween its leaves, but to find in the Bl- dagger has been fount] in their hour* 'wish In tills regard was so well carried mass rnaa♦,susr>n:czlsa. 1 carne upon thein, thrust behind an sider Miss Page ,generous enough to Ile .Itself the lines I have doelaretl. to and most of file money, Why, Sir&. ., out that they iool:ed more like a group A half hour later thine men were all old picture it the dimmest corner of give, Item that money?" whats tlfe matter? Are you sneer. V specters inovin . up the moon lighted closeted with Dr, Talbot in the Zabel tin(' : oont. Takia thein down, I ex- +, • you he wrote as a dying legacy with . .1,, rede2'lc>r made an eflart and stggd i, g feu n$1* sine that, Mr. l anion? Da ]hat tightly elutehed peuell, have you upright. Fie had nearly fallen, rend than a Party of eager and 1mpa, kitchen. Abel had rejoined them, And irInbied thele closely, They were not you R ish to know what l tl',Imll of the fouled thenal" „ , Sweetwater was telling hes story with oitly soiled, entlemen. but dreadfull „ . No -that is, I aha not quite Alysellt, tient men. Not till they turned Into tens grout earnestness and no little show of g y connection between these two great No, was.'Abgl s perplexed retort. So many horrors. JAke," mato Thoroughfare did Any one spear. cut And rubbed. In short, they were tragedies?" I cannot see stay sign of tufting on , Then Abel could no longer restrain pride' , ruined; and, thinking that the young -Yes; you have earned a voice in this fly leaf or margin." ' q ' What did they die of 7 Too say the$ f himself, and he cried out, "Gentlemen. when 1 charge a young lady herself would be glad to be Ind of matter. $peak, SR eetR stet:" '•Arc those the onI blank places in are both dead -Uoth. "We are going to Mr. Sutherland's." woman of respectable appearance and them, I quietly put thew .Into my "Well, , then, I wee ater. Pnge has the sacred book? Search the leaves Yes, sir; and. It's dreadful. to think ead came But Sweetwater quickly undeceived connections with such a do,so with good crime pocket. and carried .them to my oven made an effort to throw the blame of denoted tq the family record. l\()w, too later was blip n $telt. eeiakeiet n>r Iiia. b , as Bowe. Abel has just been for thein, Both mi m . z "No," said he, "only into the woods I hope presently to make plain to you. . so you can see them for yourselves, what p you find there?" to look .at They have kept thetnselvex „ "Gentlemen, on the might :end at the and, it g > Knapp, who was eosin; some of Its opposite his house. your judgment coincides with , close for weeks now, and nobody kne,m ", I ihour Agatha Webb was killed, 1 was ,,, indifference, drew nearer and read for how Uad off' they were, I don't wt►II, . But at this Dir, Penton drew frim mine, you will disco �er rt.mething - I9imsslf rho serial lvhich now appear• der St upset you,,sir. . We All feel it Ifs iback,- playing with four other musicians in More on them than laud.' { Al s ewer scr on the discolored pial$ "Are you sure of yourself?" he said =iii'• Sutherland's hallway. From the Dr, '.Lalbot, though he stared a little �� � °�� �� y �r 41" •� i which Abel here turned uppermost. [TO 131: COI\TFxL'ED.] "'Rave you really seen this money, and place R here I sat l collect see what At the young man's confessed theft, / f ► r , „ went c�a in the parlor Altd also have a V, I �* Almost illegible`." he said. "'One can 'is it coucealed in this forest? P tools the slippers Abel was holding out r n "I have seen the money;' Sweettra• clear view of the passageway leaden y 1 i. just utak$ out these natds. bot`give a;)oars sulci ui,eorle. 1 g and carefully turned them over, .Che : dowel to the garden door. As the g r �: me, dames -tried to use dag er-found ter 'solemnly declared, and it 1s hidden were, as Sweetwater had said, bt-tev. � � Y• r , eg A couple advanced in years gob mar „ dancing was going on in the parlor I »w (, �; fir•: lying ,but baud wouldn't -dying vvlfb• In these woods. g g P ously torn and soiled and showed. be- 0 ..1 l .1 * ; out -don't grieve -true mea-liarvu't mese lately, . DIr. Trenton dropped his arm, and naturally looked that Reay most, and sides several deep earth stains, a mark �,, i. '` > j« ills -raced ourselves -Gori bless'- That Tho husband base a. room in the house lithe moved on till their way was this is how. I came to note the eager- or two of a bright red color quite un- O y ness with which (lurin the first art , . /' t"�, ,1. , Is all." securely locked, the itiside of which his :blocked by the huge trunk of a fallen g P mistakable iu characteI 1,P t i , tree, of the evening Frederick Sutherland "Bleed," declared the coroner. "There - / i t err, 1 �" . "The effort must have overcome hint; wife had cover seen, and, being curious; µ ' •"It is here we are to look," cried and Amabel Page came together in the is no ddt3Ut about it. bliss Page wiis � li,Nti . .' j, resumed Sweetwater In a voice from as to its contents, silo Begged again anci g quadrilles and countr • dances. Some- „ r • ;, i`� s which lie carefully rscluded all signs again to see tlao xoonn, 'Sweetwater pausing and motioning y where blood was spilled last night. �� , 3, t ..� , Knapp to turn leis lantern on the spot iliacs she spoke as she passed him and "I base another proof against her," 't= G �,,;r •� of secret ti'IurtnitU. "And when Jauic s At last he cozisented, ancl, to and be P fk �� return(td, as I,e did it rev; minutes lilt• wbere the shadows lay thickest, "Now, sometimes he answered, but not al- Sweetwater went on, to full enjoy- � � hold, rho room rues f.'utl of whole ri . e`t, he was evidently unable to answer what do you See?" he asked. ways. Although Ge never fuiled.to show meat of his (Imminence among tiles ��`�� cheeses! "The upturned toots of a great tree," ler was pleased with bar or would have men who, up till now, had barely ree- � \-,. questions ecru if .gimes was iiia con- I-10 explained matters by tolling her said Mr. Trenton. been if something-peViiaps it was his ognized his existence. "When full of � dition to ask them. lint the fallen deg• ger told its own story„ Lot, ,lames'pick•' that for every sweetheart leo had in his t "' ?" lack of confidence in her, sirs -had not the suspicion that bliss Page had had a „ i "And under them?" stood in the way of a perfect under- � footprint esti be seal• tAcre-epmpare ad it uIl incl Put it back on the ruble, Sconce days he bought a cheese:. A hole or. rather, the entrance to hand in the theft, if not the murder of it with the SlIpper." tit;d it Was tit this Minute he saw, what His wife'be an to cr one." did' not alwayseeemed rs undo ndlce he af after Dirs. 'Webb, I hastened down to the her own misdoing cit one or both of ,John had not. the $20 bill lying there 'Don't cry, dear"liecontineed. "I'V& ."Very 1 good. Thin Fenton." s in that showed 1 scescene of the tragedy, I tet this young these unfortunate old tion. She is suf- with its prosnlsc• ut life and c'otut'o:•t had no sweetheart ,.ince l inet you." ' atvltile less Inclination to speak herself, though she did not fail to She had just been malting herself con- ficit.ntly cold blooded and calculating hope revives, Ile cutches up this hill, "It's not that," slip replied• still sob- The assurance with which Sweetwa- j to do so, and ch•eumstances certainly hies down to I.oton's, procures a loaf ter spoke was such that Mr. Penton at watch him and that intently. But she spicuous by pointing out a trail of favored her. Sha)= i show bow?" Bing, "I only wish L lead been as �, didn't watch him any more closes than T of bread and wines Pre- his ty back, thoughtful &s , :once stopped and plunged his baud � I did her, though I little thought at the blood on file grass plot. • Dr. Talbot, 'air. Fenton w:tsttlted Knapp, who gitaR•ing it as be rang, for laic own hone 3 you and bought a loaf of: Into the hole; but when• after a hurried . g g who was there, will remember how she nodded bis head. The Boston detect- gar Js more than Ue can endure. Ile- bread for every maul that kissed me. search, he drew it out again, there was time what would corns of my $splen- (coked on that occasion, but I doubt eve was not without curiosity as tohis brother's prrsrllce, he We could have lease bread and cheesy ,nothing in it; firs hand was empty. age. She wore a white dress and white if he noticed how Abel here looked, or how Sweetwater would prove bis case. entering g „ slices and was as coquettish and sedue- rush(s Yortvarcl R fill the lr,i•ad. But enough to last us all our clays. Sweetwater stared at that hand amaz- so much as remarked the faded flower "Ofd Jud-utns Zabel had seen his broth- the relief has c•otne too late. John has -•ed. denlytive sItmissedhe evil ehet ne makes them. was insthe the silly boy had stuck in his button- or sinking rapidly from inanition. cited In Itis absence, and Junies, dizzy i Dont you find anything?" lie asked. hole. This their condition amply shows. He with the sbock, reels; back and sur- Languor and weakness, due to the de - ."Isn't there a roll of Uills in that hole?" middle of the dance one minute and "I did not" ejaculated the coroner. was tweak hiiuselP, but .Toho was weak- , plated condition of the blood, and over- "No," was the gloomy auswer,.after entirely out of it the nest. "Yet that flower has a very important ' er, and In a moment of desperation he cnmbs to, Ibis own u misery. Uentletne n' come by Hood's Sarsaparilla', the greafr 1. rt renewed attempt and a second disc Naturally I expected that she had bearin•'• on this case. He bad found have you anything to say si contrudlc' vitalizer. a rushed out to ask A crumb of bread tion of these curious suppositions'!" pointment. "'there is nothing to be slipped aside with Frederick Sather- if; as he will tell you, on the floor near from Agatha R'eUU or possibly -for I (,`or a moment Dr. i'uiUot. 'lIr, Fen- J t �ouncl here. You are laboring under laud, but no, he 'was still in sight, but Betsy's skirts, and as soon as I saw it have heard some whispers of an old Keep Litnerxtor on az:.:ta. „ looking so pale and so abstracted I was in bib coat, I bade him take it out and ton and even Knapp stood anneal; then :Some misapprehension. Sweetwater. custom of theirs -to john Philemon at the latter said. with pardonable dry- Limowater, being easy and iusxpen- "But I can't be. • I saw the money; sure the young miss was up to some keep ft, for, gentlemen, it was a very his yearly met't-ymalring unci so obtain tress: sive to prepare, should be ]rept in ever* •saw it In the hand of, the person who sett of mischief. But what mischief? ; uncommon flower• the like of which in a natural way the bite for himself �� atchiu� and waiting, but no longer !eau oil be found to this town in Dir. ":111 this Is ir,�,rniousi•; but, .unfnrtn. household. To malts it place a piece o€ ]lid it there. Let me lock for it, sou- confiniug my attention to the parlor, i Sutherland's conservatory. I remember and brother Uc Pet-hapry had not the nately, it Is upset by a little t',^,ct R htet2 nnslackeci lime the size of an egg fit aft stable. I will not give tip the search courage to ask for outright. But death till I have turned the place topsy I presently espied bar stealing along seeing such a' one in Miss Page's hair, had been in the Webbbeottnge before yon yourself have overlooked. Ildve enrtheu vessel and pour over it one quark Curvy„ the passageway. I have mentioned early -in the evening. Have you that him, which awful circumstance• acting you examined attentively the dagger of of clear, cold water, Allow it to sta,nd.a Iineelin ;down in Dir: I'enton's place, carrying a long cloak which she rolled fiovver about you, AUeI?" on his already weakened nerves, drove which you have so often spoken, .ler, few hours,. then filter through blotting up and bid behind the open door. Then Abel had, and being filled with im- Sweetwater: g he thrust his baud into the hole. On a him half Insane from the house and paper, rejecting the sediment.. Put if: .either side of him peered the faces of she came back, humming a gay little portance too, showed it to the doctor g "Not as t would like to, but 1 noticed i seat Ulm wandering blindly about, the into a clean bottle, cork, and keep in er t Mr. Fenton and Knapp. (Abel had song wllleb didn't deceive me for a mo- and to Dar. I+enton. It was withered streets for a good half bogy before he it had blood on its edge and tens or the ment, 'C'loodl' thought I, "she and and faded in hue• but it was unmis- shape and sire necessary to Inflict the dash, cool place. Lime acts very suer-. ('slipped away at a ,whisper from that cloak will soon join company.' reappeared Ill his own house. How do wound from which Mrs. Webb died." l eticaliy on water, and a teaspoonful of tai-abi nn orchid of the rarest de- •1 Sweetwater,) They were lit with a Jslmilrzr expression of anxious interest And they did. :1s the were playing the Y scription. I l,IIew tbts. i• tom a tory simple Yaat. , Abel here has been to Inquire. anion, "Very good, but lever$ is something limswater pus into a cupYul of water or ' =and ;,rowing doubt. Isis. own count$- Harebell mazurka I again caught sight "It was lying near Batay," explained other things, if Mr. Crane voinembers else of interest to. be obsel-Ved on it. milk almost eutireey destroys any de- . • trance was a study of conflicting and by °t' her stealthy white figure iu that des= taut doorway. Seizing the cloak, she Abel, "I chew Dir. I+'enton's attention the tune the we`re playing aL the creat Fetch it. A bel^ :Thee, hurrying from the room, sown leteriuus snbstauco there. A teuspooir- n wrapped it round her, and with just to it at the time, but he scarcely no- house when Ile came (Iowa the: main brought buck the weapon to question. fel in a cupl'tll of mill. is an excellsizh , a �, iw A one furtive look backward, seen, I war- treed tt" • • ••1 will make up for my Indifference street from visiting old Widow "-at- ker. Fortunately I e does, for' the trip, "'tt r'c'ttvater, with a Tactic sense of (ifs• renicuy of delicate children whose di g estiou is weak. It is also very be�le- . F ` rant, Uy no one Uut myself, she van- flow," said that gntlemAn• trip, trip iu it struck his fancy, and be appointment disturbta;; him, toots it ficial in CASPS Of acidity of t.to stontaoh» 1 ., t ' + t {$ i isbed in the outside Clark. 'Now to note g n ho follows here' thought 1, But no "I should have been shown that flow ., ,�' , , bas round UimseiY. Uuniming it occt eagerly and :;tnt1N cl it very closely L:ut he only shook cis bend. It gives iso un le ; p aSAL't taste t0 t13e milliv s w ,a,,. . f t tri ; •,, 1 body followed her. This struck me as er. put in IinAPP• „ „ g So you should, acknowled'ed more than once since. Wall, that waltz rt „ ,,Bring it nc:u cr to the light." sag• or other at tio.e of foot] in which it fig �. ,} `., p + ; r ;• , strange, and having a natural love for Sweetwaet-, "Uut when the detective was played by us at a quarter after m(dutgUt, wUicU fixes the time of rbc gesterl livapp. "nud exni:iitie the little used. • } ',Vitt" '�:i•", G detective work, in spite of my devotion. instinct is aroused it is hard for a cucatmter at Dirs. \�'c•bh's g:tletray 'c t°II utvu the rocs of tit(.' handle." _. r Y ,i.. %el.• .,,. ,, ,m h to the arts, I consulted the clock at roan to be just to his rivals. Besides, pretty accurately. But, as you will Swe`etwatcr did so :incl at once chat g, i'rgvcrb,t About tS-omen, ' l �,� r `�s '��1„ the foot of tUe stairs, and noting that hour I was otherwise occupied. I had Miss soon see, it was 13:;>0 lef0te Junir.s , ed color. Ill the nlldst of the scroll were two smah but Here aro some Chinese sayings that �i.�, . �'f n, r it was half past 11, scribbled the I P age to watch. happily for me, It /,.tbol k coked at Loton's (loot-. Ilow very yet pprl'et'lly I t ( k d `mandin a Ione o[ , 1 �€" t "; j' :1." ' '� on the margin of my music, with the had been decided that she should not do .1 know tills? By the same method distinct letters. They were ',J. Z." indicate much philosophy: m ;,rig., �y Intention of seeing bow long my lady • be allowed to leave town till after the , g 'imi6ed of rrasontu by which 1 dote • Elow slid Atunbel Page, come by a Respect always asilentwoman. Great P y ,�: ;,, 11 wo> ild linger outside alone. Gentle- Iuquesf, and so my task became easy. the time of Mr. Crane's encounter. dri; ger imtrkrd Reith the Zab� 1 In!• is the wisdom of the woman that hold - ^ -I , , s glen, it was two homes before I saw her This whole day I have spent in sight Dirs. Loton was greatly pleased with tials. questioned [�uapp. 1 o you (th her tongue. ;'v"". , as,'`q lr',-mss face again. How vele got back Into the cY 11Ir. Sutherland's house, and at night and base all the music played that nig ihlntc her foresight Rent so Pat as to - 11`1, .- 1" :., Douse -I clo not ltn.ow. It was not by nightfall.I was rewarded by detecting leer Rendows open in order to hear it, Pr°viol(' L•ersclY Reith u dagger ostt`usi• Avain woman is to feared, for .o on s IA m y e g j from iter mouth, inside th@ hole, like a burrowing anis I know, And it is time I unburdened RItU that peculiar sound the associate bread And offering in exchange oar cY otr c•rtlon against it." :mal. myself to the police. with fresh batik notes. I had approach- the bilis which had been stolen front L:uapp shook Its bead note ssnilocl: 11 II - "I cannot be mistaken. Nothing will . "But first 1 must inform you of a _ eel bet- as near as I dared And was peer- "1'ouug eutrtuslasts like yot::•scl f ur„ A woman and a child are alike. Each. lr •make vie believe it is not dere. It has small 'discovery I made while the then mutes! woman's drawer. Thirty• •nocds a'stron » Ing Around a tree trunk when ,she five minutes! And he and his brother ),rent at icu'tuhi;: theories tvhirh well f„ uplifl'iva Maud. simply been buried deeper than I Glance was still in progress. Miss Page stooped down again and plunged both were starving. Does it look. then, as seusonad tura like utyself tunst regard A woman that respects herself is more. - • thought. Ah, What did I tell youl had come down stairs, as I have said, s 6 us Y:wla,ti: at. IIoR ct er'," he tvcnt ten, r , s . 1„ hands into the U'J.e. She remained in (p that money was in bis possession r beautiful than a singl(, tar, snore beitu- t See herel And see here. from what I now know to have been tills position so long that 1 did not when he left Mrs, Webhi s Neuse? "chore is n ' dattht that Jl iss [ tt,-c R a3 tffnl tl:aii m(tny stat sat night. 4 Brie ing big hands Into the full blaze bar own room. TIer dress was, in all know what -to make of It. But she Would any man who felt the panes of u Riturss tu, even If she It:ts nut pt„tit . of the light, he showed two rolls of respects, the same as before, with one ' hunger as he did or who saw a broths ere h the intirder We have been ,•uusid• Woman is the ease for that which ,• rose tit last and turned toward (tome, ,1• 5• sl laeSv crisp bills. exception -her white slippers bas been '; laughing to herself In a wicked but perishing. for food before his eyes, III- er•ing. ft =t tgith this pulpsthic proof of pains tile, (,tiller, tiho is balm for ilia 1."They were lying tinder half a foot of exchanged for blue ones. This seemed l pleased way that did not tend to matte tory 35 minutes to elapse before he the Zubeia' direct voburction with the troubles, . -earth." said be, but If they had been to show that they bad been rendered file think any more of her. The moon .' g ntluh• I Would not revoitiniend her are , -burled as deep as Grannie Pullec'a unserviceable, or at least unsightly, by was shining very brightly by this time, made use of the money that ri„htfttlly „ A twottlttlr who InistAlts ]tor p;ttce can .. , „ R or wrongfully had come into Its hand? rest as•yr`t' never return to whem she first was. ( tWell. I d have unearthed them. the walk she had taken. This In Itself and I could readily perceive every de- . No, and so I say that Its did not have "Silt' should he under survetllanee, The ath has been covered ..!•. 1lleantime Mr. • Fi entoii wag rapidly was not remarkable, nor would liar pe, tAil of Uer ersou. SUe held her hAnda n- though,,, tuthuated the coroner. P cote ed upfront iter I c p It when Mr. Crane met him. 'That, 1 y .couudug one roll and Knapp the other. cultnr escapade have oracle more than , out before Uer and shoot: them inose stead of committing crime to obtain it, - "Host c•ertainty,” ae(Jutesced Knapp. eyes. . . s The result was an aggregate sum of a • temporary impression upon my 1 than once as she trod by me, so I was he found it in Ills own home, !,ring on As for tiweetwmet: he remained st• I $980, just the amount Sweetwater had curiosity if slit' had not Afterward sure there was nothing in them, and his own table, whenafter his i'ronzied 'lent till the opportunity came for Statistics show that womon .marry^ . .1 ,promised to show them. shown An unaccountable and extraor. this is why I wto so -confident we absence, he returned to tell his reread- to Whisper apart to Dr. Talbot, whim later in life than the tlsoel to. I r i ; "A good stroke of business," tried dinary interest in ,the murder which I should find the money still In the hole. ful news to the brother he had left be- lie said, I n y i1 ; Mr. Fenton. "And note, Sweetwater, had taken place in the town below "When I saw her enter the house, I hind rim. But how did it come there? I+or all the palpable prooY of which t s Asserted that the idea of the Pitt, -whose Is the hand that buried this during the very hours of iter absence I set out to find you, but the Courthouse you ask. Gentlemen, remember the Air. Knapp speaks --the •J. z. oil the organ was borrowed from the human; II -`.; ,treasure? Nothing is to be gained by from Dir, Sutherland'a ball. This, in � room was empty, and It wasp a long footprints under the window. Amabel dagger and the possibility of this being chest, mouth and lariiyx, I reserved silence on this oint an consideration of her se t And her being i P ip p y . time before I learned where to loot: for the object he was seen carrying i .,, ,r - ,. Page brought tt, bIavins seen or per- � y gout of xu poker Aud poihties they* liluir thd• 6 longer, a stranger to the perSoti attacked. t As I you, But at last n fellow at Brighton's halts met tills old man roaming In or Philemon Webb's gate=l tnafntaln that lostlr. »-Atchison (xlnve. Instantly' the young mail became remarkable, and, though perhaps 1 had I corner said he saw four men go by on near tine ZVebb cottage during the time tilts old matt in Ills moribund condition . ) •very grave. With it quick glance no business to do tthAt I did, Ino _ .. � _� their tray t° ZAbel`a seting$, and on she was inter$ herself, site conceived never struck the blow that killed - --- - - ..-_. around which peemed to, embrace the sooner sate 'tile house emptied of the chance of finding yeti among them the plan of tbrawln upon him the buns Agathis Webb. Ile hadn't atrebgtU secret recesses df the forest rainier master and set'vtints than I stole il C11 prove, t you tient aintI I A t turned dawn here. Z�he shock you of tie crlinp she,l�d herself commit= -enough sten tY Ufs ►lfelong: Love t'ot''iter L'h•iso'si O:ntmtntis acertailn I than the eager faces bending toward softly back, and climbed the stairs to ave me ill nnnoullcilt that you had had not been AtA liclent to revent him." � find abAoluto caro for each ;thin, etc lowered ills voice and quietly .ter room. Ilad no good to aIle ' g fl eel and with A slyness to be etpeCted p and a very form, oe itelifti - discovered the murderer of Agatha Che coroner belted thoughtful. bloetiinaandprotrtttlinszpIIK from tier stole up to Its Uome, mafle a �� „ g,c , theimanuthetltcetahavcttttarantcndit. 3ccte*• . � aid: I Webb knocked we over for the mo- hold in the shade hanging over an open You are right, said be. Pie hadn't the Iniplsr in totorm havdrIXUArAss t ask;t o- Seat�bw I "';Clic stat;d that burled this money tnttuston, tvlitcli, Z rtw gtilte ready to nient, but now i hope 3 ou realize, As i ' window, looked into the room where strength enough. gut don't eapeud too borowhatthey think b"it. Yort c:tn tloo tt a»a. Cinder the, roots of this old free is the actcnorvledge3, ryas a tribe +presttm()- 1 tlo, that he could never have bac] an ac• n saw that he was there Aloud much ersergy in talk. Wait and ace q(+t cur-mannv tlaetFlP notrnretl. trot nb Son sat, t all Tors or B»ntA�sori,TiAfi1Gs o., o. dame which you snty pointing dotvft� locus, I should have held my evens$ to J five Land its her death netaYitbstand• and asleep, and, creeping In by toe What a flew direct questloits will eltcif :, tt'ar(1 at the spot of blood in A$Atha regard to it, Uut As I diel rnal,c a (Ila , ing tlis fact tilat dee of the stolen Unit! 'from Aiiss Page:'' ofoa chaist3 s 01nitm nt - CVebb's front yard." eovery+ there 'which has, its I believe, + trent floor, laid oft till table beside hem { has ]leen found to haw,? been fit that the $2t5 bill and the bloody dagger with ,-•� •..._...,..-.._._ _ _ .._._....__ ...�__-. ;l "You fro not (mean ;A.mabel Page,W' an important bearing cit this atfarr, I wretched marl's peisesslon, far And #blah she had just 914111 Agatba Webb, 01Ap'1!t P.: **111, 'WAX Sb- tUW8'1'°�'01tTn �T 0 � Wom a to tfavol find wtiveri srq i`o' clef ' ,tried Air. Penton,. with natural sur• have forced myself to mention it. lite here !s y great point -the proof is not Then Aber stole out ngaitt tiled In 'W A wits wtxriass. Mahe hdtutt t,f;v,rilti flnaw, 1 13 , lights in the house havens; been left. Minutes•nipre Was leading the slattern �'t $dock toot oarlj�', Ile hila 610p1 'iPOa;l'(iGi't',tWltl. p.`Ct7(+Ll"N0.9r >i 1 prise. �vauting that Miss tags visited this gs Et ,,Yes, I (Io, I stn glad It is you wllo' burning, I had no difticulty in find"19 , u>l Uit1,3. Thp �+ti(rda ire had verh�aard ri "U a lain -eq'ulxr rl. n.. , > at*B trafYtrltl h,�,,,, her peal tiyent. I knew It by elle fol• nidus$ as well its Atrir; c�ebb s during flgaln to Ir. Sutherland >tl pftrlor. telexRrtiidu tt 'Qgrlilrllrle, +1t Inarltt 'stood "well re(rs(5urldir' tlAt�rmLilld bel, 4 �°i a ( 4. .,,.,,.,,«,,.,;,�,,, d'erul's StcattaTod Almut. nut I did, not � i t,al�tirtslt , 6t ,, 11 » 14 ,r n ' k ,.�, � �= �,, :•. ,,, r'~" `�1' - the Garden door, for my eye seldom Uer end a prolonged wail; in the gas- and she says we were playing '\ions y bly 1,c'101'ring to one of these brothers: she will sacrifice all for her pride. .,T.!. .> �` ` ••--Y' - s_.;-,, ; left it; yet at or near half est 1 I P den by a hurried c1asU int$ tete woods Diusl� when that knocking clinic to renin then have you t'sibo.trn that erheu Trust nota vain woman for slices; r4._' ti i . � _r...�•= E� heard bar voice on the stair above me opposite. I followed her and, noted distul•b her. how, gentleman, we play- , c:t'ttie t»c't the sed roan tit Mrs. first in her own eyes. v _ ,�: t', ,� :" i and sate her descend incl melt into the carefully all that she did. As she had ed 'stoney �iusit' just beYore we R c;•e ,1'< bb's ;;ateR:ty be saw, iu his ha:irl �oR, A haughty * �;y^, crowd as if she had not Ueen absent just seen Frederick Sutherland and called out to supper, unci as we went to st,u`thin; that get to tit d . tt out tvotna g 3 n s.uutblos, for she . �, i I3c:Itcwcct lane rolls oj'ricw crisp bills. from it for more than five minutes. A Miss iioliiday disappear up the road supper promptly at 1:13 you eau see 'vas that IY not this dtiggvv•!" cannot see what may be in her Sway. » jay. lino means cheerful emotions.' Sudden' half hour later I saw Uer with Fred- crick again. They were dancing, but together, she probably felt free to do just hots my calculation en made. ;;weetwiltill• was more clisturhed tllua ba eared to acicnowiudge• l Trust not tele woman that tltMercy, .--;Iy his aspect changed. \�ritU a qufek ,bot with the same sphit as before, and as site liked, for she walked very di- toctly to the old tree we have just fes t '"xhitty-five tniaitt(s then passed bc- the dames 7.aUei was ..•Phut just sbowti. my lack of esperi• o more °f llerseiE than another. ltZsrcy, 'twist oP ]ifs lithe, IP aw2tR ard, Uocl , y � himself lengthwise the sten while I watched them they sop- come from 'and, kneeling down beside tween moment seen rushing from Dirs. Webbs gates once," he grnnibto(l. ^t thou tet t Ural " t, will not dwell in her heart. , ae threic on arated. Now where was Miss Page it, pulled from the hole underneath way and that in which he appeared at turned this subjeet so thgi%,,glJy over The gods honor her who thinkethlong l,grotmd, unci began tearing at the earth during those two long hours? I thiel: something which rattled in her hand I t ( k d `mandin a Ione o[ In my mind ileal ►lo cue could tsring an before opening tier lips. Pearls comer .o on s IA m y e g j from iter mouth, inside th@ hole, like a burrowing anis I know, And it is time I unburdened RItU that peculiar sound the associate bread And offering in exchange oar cY otr c•rtlon against it." :mal. myself to the police. with fresh batik notes. I had approach- the bilis which had been stolen front L:uapp shook Its bead note ssnilocl: 11 II - "I cannot be mistaken. Nothing will . "But first 1 must inform you of a _ eel bet- as near as I dared And was peer- "1'ouug eutrtuslasts like yot::•scl f ur„ A woman and a child are alike. Each. lr •make vie believe it is not dere. It has small 'discovery I made while the then mutes! woman's drawer. Thirty• •nocds a'stron » Ing Around a tree trunk when ,she five minutes! And he and his brother ),rent at icu'tuhi;: theories tvhirh well f„ uplifl'iva Maud. simply been buried deeper than I Glance was still in progress. Miss Page stooped down again and plunged both were starving. Does it look. then, as seusonad tura like utyself tunst regard A woman that respects herself is more. - • thought. Ah, What did I tell youl had come down stairs, as I have said, s 6 us Y:wla,ti: at. IIoR ct er'," he tvcnt ten, r , s . 1„ hands into the U'J.e. She remained in (p that money was in bis possession r beautiful than a singl(, tar, snore beitu- t See herel And see here. from what I now know to have been tills position so long that 1 did not when he left Mrs, Webhi s Neuse? "chore is n ' dattht that Jl iss [ tt,-c R a3 tffnl tl:aii m(tny stat sat night. 4 Brie ing big hands Into the full blaze bar own room. TIer dress was, in all know what -to make of It. But she Would any man who felt the panes of u Riturss tu, even If she It:ts nut pt„tit . of the light, he showed two rolls of respects, the same as before, with one ' hunger as he did or who saw a broths ere h the intirder We have been ,•uusid• Woman is the ease for that which ,• rose tit last and turned toward (tome, ,1• 5• sl laeSv crisp bills. exception -her white slippers bas been '; laughing to herself In a wicked but perishing. for food before his eyes, III- er•ing. ft =t tgith this pulpsthic proof of pains tile, (,tiller, tiho is balm for ilia 1."They were lying tinder half a foot of exchanged for blue ones. This seemed l pleased way that did not tend to matte tory 35 minutes to elapse before he the Zubeia' direct voburction with the troubles, . -earth." said be, but If they had been to show that they bad been rendered file think any more of her. The moon .' g ntluh• I Would not revoitiniend her are , -burled as deep as Grannie Pullec'a unserviceable, or at least unsightly, by was shining very brightly by this time, made use of the money that ri„htfttlly „ A twottlttlr who InistAlts ]tor p;ttce can .. , „ R or wrongfully had come into Its hand? rest as•yr`t' never return to whem she first was. ( tWell. I d have unearthed them. the walk she had taken. This In Itself and I could readily perceive every de- . No, and so I say that Its did not have "Silt' should he under survetllanee, The ath has been covered ..!•. 1lleantime Mr. • Fi entoii wag rapidly was not remarkable, nor would liar pe, tAil of Uer ersou. SUe held her hAnda n- though,,, tuthuated the coroner. P cote ed upfront iter I c p It when Mr. Crane met him. 'That, 1 y .couudug one roll and Knapp the other. cultnr escapade have oracle more than , out before Uer and shoot: them inose stead of committing crime to obtain it, - "Host c•ertainty,” ae(Jutesced Knapp. eyes. . . s The result was an aggregate sum of a • temporary impression upon my 1 than once as she trod by me, so I was he found it in Ills own home, !,ring on As for tiweetwmet: he remained st• I $980, just the amount Sweetwater had curiosity if slit' had not Afterward sure there was nothing in them, and his own table, whenafter his i'ronzied 'lent till the opportunity came for Statistics show that womon .marry^ . .1 ,promised to show them. shown An unaccountable and extraor. this is why I wto so -confident we absence, he returned to tell his reread- to Whisper apart to Dr. Talbot, whim later in life than the tlsoel to. I r i ; "A good stroke of business," tried dinary interest in ,the murder which I should find the money still In the hole. ful news to the brother he had left be- lie said, I n y i1 ; Mr. Fenton. "And note, Sweetwater, had taken place in the town below "When I saw her enter the house, I hind rim. But how did it come there? I+or all the palpable prooY of which t s Asserted that the idea of the Pitt, -whose Is the hand that buried this during the very hours of iter absence I set out to find you, but the Courthouse you ask. Gentlemen, remember the Air. Knapp speaks --the •J. z. oil the organ was borrowed from the human; II -`.; ,treasure? Nothing is to be gained by from Dir, Sutherland'a ball. This, in � room was empty, and It wasp a long footprints under the window. Amabel dagger and the possibility of this being chest, mouth and lariiyx, I reserved silence on this oint an consideration of her se t And her being i P ip p y . time before I learned where to loot: for the object he was seen carrying i .,, ,r - ,. Page brought tt, bIavins seen or per- � y gout of xu poker Aud poihties they* liluir thd• 6 longer, a stranger to the perSoti attacked. t As I you, But at last n fellow at Brighton's halts met tills old man roaming In or Philemon Webb's gate=l tnafntaln that lostlr. »-Atchison (xlnve. Instantly' the young mail became remarkable, and, though perhaps 1 had I corner said he saw four men go by on near tine ZVebb cottage during the time tilts old matt in Ills moribund condition . ) •very grave. With it quick glance no business to do tthAt I did, Ino _ .. � _� their tray t° ZAbel`a seting$, and on she was inter$ herself, site conceived never struck the blow that killed - --- - - ..-_. around which peemed to, embrace the sooner sate 'tile house emptied of the chance of finding yeti among them the plan of tbrawln upon him the buns Agathis Webb. Ile hadn't atrebgtU secret recesses df the forest rainier master and set'vtints than I stole il C11 prove, t you tient aintI I A t turned dawn here. Z�he shock you of tie crlinp she,l�d herself commit= -enough sten tY Ufs ►lfelong: Love t'ot''iter L'h•iso'si O:ntmtntis acertailn I than the eager faces bending toward softly back, and climbed the stairs to ave me ill nnnoullcilt that you had had not been AtA liclent to revent him." � find abAoluto caro for each ;thin, etc lowered ills voice and quietly .ter room. Ilad no good to aIle ' g fl eel and with A slyness to be etpeCted p and a very form, oe itelifti - discovered the murderer of Agatha Che coroner belted thoughtful. bloetiinaandprotrtttlinszpIIK from tier stole up to Its Uome, mafle a �� „ g,c , theimanuthetltcetahavcttttarantcndit. 3ccte*• . � aid: I Webb knocked we over for the mo- hold in the shade hanging over an open You are right, said be. Pie hadn't the Iniplsr in totorm havdrIXUArAss t ask;t o- Seat�bw I "';Clic stat;d that burled this money tnttuston, tvlitcli, Z rtw gtilte ready to nient, but now i hope 3 ou realize, As i ' window, looked into the room where strength enough. gut don't eapeud too borowhatthey think b"it. Yort c:tn tloo tt a»a. Cinder the, roots of this old free is the actcnorvledge3, ryas a tribe +presttm()- 1 tlo, that he could never have bac] an ac• n saw that he was there Aloud much ersergy in talk. Wait and ace q(+t cur-mannv tlaetFlP notrnretl. trot nb Son sat, t all Tors or B»ntA�sori,TiAfi1Gs o., o. dame which you snty pointing dotvft� locus, I should have held my evens$ to J five Land its her death netaYitbstand• and asleep, and, creeping In by toe What a flew direct questloits will eltcif :, tt'ar(1 at the spot of blood in A$Atha regard to it, Uut As I diel rnal,c a (Ila , ing tlis fact tilat dee of the stolen Unit! 'from Aiiss Page:'' ofoa chaist3 s 01nitm nt - CVebb's front yard." eovery+ there 'which has, its I believe, + trent floor, laid oft till table beside hem { has ]leen found to haw,? been fit that the $2t5 bill and the bloody dagger with ,-•� •..._...,..-.._._ _ _ .._._....__ ...�__-. ;l "You fro not (mean ;A.mabel Page,W' an important bearing cit this atfarr, I wretched marl's peisesslon, far And #blah she had just 914111 Agatba Webb, 01Ap'1!t P.: **111, 'WAX Sb- tUW8'1'°�'01tTn �T 0 � Wom a to tfavol find wtiveri srq i`o' clef ' ,tried Air. Penton,. with natural sur• have forced myself to mention it. lite here !s y great point -the proof is not Then Aber stole out ngaitt tiled In 'W A wits wtxriass. Mahe hdtutt t,f;v,rilti flnaw, 1 13 , lights in the house havens; been left. Minutes•nipre Was leading the slattern �'t $dock toot oarlj�', Ile hila 610p1 'iPOa;l'(iGi't',tWltl. p.`Ct7(+Ll"N0.9r >i 1 prise. �vauting that Miss tags visited this gs Et ,,Yes, I (Io, I stn glad It is you wllo' burning, I had no difticulty in find"19 , u>l Uit1,3. Thp �+ti(rda ire had verh�aard ri "U a lain -eq'ulxr rl. n.. , > at*B trafYtrltl h,�,,,, her peal tiyent. I knew It by elle fol• nidus$ as well its Atrir; c�ebb s during flgaln to Ir. Sutherland >tl pftrlor. telexRrtiidu tt 'Qgrlilrllrle, +1t Inarltt 'stood "well re(rs(5urldir' tlAt�rmLilld bel, 4 �°i a ( 4. .,,.,,.,,«,,.,;,�,,, d'erul's StcattaTod Almut. nut I did, not � i t,al�tirtslt , 6t ,, 11 » 14 ,r n ' k