HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-03, Page 6e
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THE WINGRAN `1iMES. MAY • 3� 1901.
I:STAI�J,IF31i$D lyi'd• and, have bad exparinleli#t3 Conducted Increase All 00aths, r r )T �(! r �r GSTA I3Tai8HED 72
tllrou hour Ontario in sowing Tile re � IIL4t4��0I�� a 18 � 't'rielts of the lsometi
„ - , � v t iR � g R peas at � port of deaths in Ontario during �"�' ,j Tues "(:algbratecl allthars sometimes forgot
`� Itf la ��+ . different dates in the Spring, but it seems March last shows a total of 2,411, cola- , BAPTIST Czzul;gzx Salibatlz services at To Wt' iNo I�'' Tu ' g
that the weevils are getting so numerous pared with 0,450 ill February, and 3,330 their own works,"sant 11Ii gtuflioiit
I[. F3. ELI�IOTT,1'trlit.I6mEit AND I'ttekliILrTOIt r 11�a In and. 7 � M. Sunday School at � 1'U13I,IfiLIEU physician file otlior cls �
that they injure the late sawn as well as In March, 1'fio iuerarsa of 81 over 3;30 p in. General prayer meeting , day.e
the early sown, crops, although to a less last year is even larger than it appears, oA Wednesday evenings, Rev, W. EVERY- FRIDAY MORNING 'This is usually one, bf the effeatq of i
FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1301. extent. Tile yield of grain' per acre, how- for it represents reports from, S7 per Supp i liar#or, W. J, t;hapuian, S. S. nl— disease Or aid ago."
p P p Suporintendaut• "As Walter Scott grew old lie became
cent ie o ale ax c
Of the population, compared 1 w'tl .
t m .. with The
ever, produced a seeding i op : i
,._ e r l d b alt. # sae. i muchP Times .,... �__ e sp . ME'rzipDI ' Office,
...�,....,...-..._,�..,......_._._:• •:._.._ , p y g� sf: ClivRczl;—Sabbath services 13eave>h Block a victim. of this ltincl of forfyOtfulnOss,
I... than that produced fxozn an earlier 96 per ewlt last year, The deaths from 11 11 a m and 7 p n,, Sanday Soliool at �PLNGILAItI, ONTARIO. ,
seeding." the principal colittigioua diseases last 2:30 p in, Epworth Legigno every Mou- Frequently when one of his own poems
The Pea
„ I day evening. .General prayer meetitig Tlsjmi; orr sunsvnIrTIorr—. was read to hint he would ask �vho was
o Cam Das bo slicaessfuli treated#qr ]?Doth wore as follows; Scarlatina 201 Fl.opperunnu:nitlV p Y an Wednesday .evenings. Rev, Richard acv, ,, ; t,I.eo it not so paid. NQ paper cUscon Ilio author. 'Ivanhoe? `van dictated
the destruction of the pea weevil?” diphtheria 40, measles 12, Whooping Hobbs, pastor, Dr, Towler, S, S. Sup• ojitiuii aYltl till arrears Itre ;raid, except cat the during x, painful illness and published
4'ThH peas can certainly be treated equgh G, typhoid � I, consumption 188, ormteadollt.
° PitESi3iTEliIAN CHtTRCH—Sabbath Ser- ADYBUIVISING ItATJ S. — Legal and other before its author had quit his bed, When
very effectually for the destruction of Diphtheria ShOWs a large increase, only casual advertisements 80 per Non xcriellinefor
34 deaths occurring in March, 1900, vices at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday first insertion, tic por llito for eaea subsequent Scott had become convalescent he.
InOntario. the weevil if the treatment is tloue in g Sohool at 2:30 p m. General prayer insertion, q ,
the right way. Ito order to get the best The registrar -general's department are meetingqn Wednesday eveilitl s. Rev. Advertisements in local columns are charged hadn't any recollection of the story.
} p Of o ini011 tllat a mere careful s sto y g io eta, p�1 Iitie for first iusert'ion, and 0 cents Toward the close of his life Fiume -
.� results the ens should be threshed as p y . m of D. Perna, pastor and S. S, 9uperinten. per line ZOr ouch subsequent insertion.
e t.
soon as possible after harvest and treat- registration is largely responsible for the, d u Advertisements of host, Found Stra od found great pleasure in reading his o,vn
. P Patrols o
■ i ST. AUL C f i S tic
A I Y h" S .Iii] H EPI P jot Y
!ll Interesting and ea at once while the weevils Or bugs CHURCH, SCD in. San a to Rent, and similar sequRot works. Forgetful that lie Was himself '
g increase 1n deaths,. bath services at 11 a ui and 7 p m. Son• moibli°nth and 60 cents, for ettoh subsequent file author he would frequently ex.
Structive Chat With still in the ceutial part of the peas and clay School at 2:30pm. General prayer month.
a1 RArEa--Tllefollowingtabfe shows claim us he read: 'Bed frequ ntla ex.
Are in th0 form of Small Spores, The Deafness Cannot Be Cured meeting on Wednosday evening. Rev, out, rat (s for the insertion of advertisements
Mr. C. Zavitz. by oval a lications, as the cannot Wm, Love, incumbent. r+.Shore, S. S, for apocifledperiods;— cbntl' 'I wish I had Ivritteu that l'
A. Z peas should be placed in all air tight box, reach the diseased portion of the ear.-Superiutenclent, srACE. I Yn, omo, a mo. I Urn "Macaulay, the lifstoriail, had a Friend
---- barrel, or bin and treated with carbon There is only one way to cure denfnesa, services
GREGATIoxAn CRURCH.—Snbbtl, One Column,
Is 00 ;100000 C, t) Whose memory had once beenexceed,
THE INIQUITOUS WEEVIL, bisulpllido by pouring the liquid into and
tlf hat i s caused by au iu mttional em con Sahooesat t12 m �a nd,7 p meati n day Q�dvert olumn ' "" 18'00 10'00 0'00 2.00 ing'ly strong . Old ane made it exceed-
flat dishes and placing them on Ilio top , i ments j�zthout apecifio directions
dition of the mucous lining of the Weduesdry evenings at 8 o'clock, Gavin will be inserted till forbid Ail, charged accord. logit' Weak. If anything brilliant ,vas -
(From Guelph Weekly Mercury of April 18.) OP the peas. One potted Of the Carbon Eustachian Tube, When this tube gets Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. o lin advance, advertisements moat be paid said or read to him in the evening, he
Spring is again here and the farmers bisulphide is sufficient for treating from inflamed you have Il rumbling sound of ROMAN CATIIOwCf CHURCH — Every T.. �'On DiirAUTMENT is stooped tivith an would imagine g,
12 to 15 bushels of peas, and is sold by imperfect hearing, and when it is entirey fmou rtl Sunday. Mass at 10:30 a m, ser- Ing, assortment of all roquisitc sf°r print g neat morning that the
are looking over their broad fields, while most druggists. After the liquid is closed deafness is the result, and unless o benediction nt 7 p M. Rev. D. g, ordmg facilities not equalled in the brilliant ideas heard ,,he night before,
in some cases work has been started gg q the inflammation can be taken out and P. McMenamin, P. P. county for to ning out first class work. Large were his own. It 'was his custom. to•
poured into the dishes, the box should type and a ropyiate puts for all styles of Post -
upon the land. It is impgrtaut not only this tube restored to its normal condition, SALVATION ARmy—SErvice at 7 and it ers, Handills, etc., and the latest st7les of write them out and show diem to his.
to have the laud in a cod state of oulti- be closed and allowed to remain undis. healing will be destroyed forever; nine a m and 8 and 8 p m on Sunday, . and choice fancy type for the finer classes o print,
g turbed for 48 hours. The liquid vapor- cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, every evening . during the weep- at 8 ung p friends as original matter.
nation, but also to sow seed of the best izes quite rapidly, and, as the fumes are which is nothing but an inflamed con- o'clock at the barracks. H. B. ELLIOTT '
quality and of those varieties which are Proprietor and Publisher
two and a half times heavier than air, dltlon o, the mucous surfaces. CHRISTLtNANDMISSIONARYALLIANCE, llalnigral 73talietin,
the surest to give the most satisfactory they will ass down through the ens We will give One Hundred Dollars for —Meetings as follows: S, S. at 2,30 p. SIRS,—I was suffering terribly with
returns. In order to secure some infer p p any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) in. fellowship at 4 p, m., and• evan- pains neross the small. of my back, and T'
I and destroy the bugs, even though they that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh gelistio at' 8 p, m., every Sunday inBANK am pleased to say that after taking one,
:ration which might be of practical Cure. Send for circulars, free. Ritchie s Hall, Victoria St. of HAMILTON box of Doan'a Pills Ism cured.
service, a newspaper re representative call- are in the form of small worms in the F H. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. POST Orplan—In Macdonald Block. M E
p inner part of the peas, and the skin of Druggists, 75c. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:80 W I N G H A M • Bobo orals Ont
,ed upon Mr, C. A. Zavitz, experimental- Sold�by Dru ,postmaster. p m P �2 Balmoral,
peas is still unbroken. NO fire Hall a FamilyPills are the best. Peter fiisher, Capital. ,000,000. Rest $1 234 120
rat at the Ontario Agricultural College, should be taken near the box, while the MEOHANICS' • INSTITUTE—Library and, Prosident—JOHN STUARM, Growing Cabbage After Cabbavo.
to secure some information for rublica- Co»serving soil nrotstaro. free reading room in the Town Hall, Vice President—A. G. RAMSAY. It is true that cabbage carbon bisulphide is there, ' ns the fumes
tion. In conversation Mr. Zavitz at Good cultivation and conservin the will be open every afternoon from 2 to D,IREOTORt3 after cabbage.
,once referred to the ea tiro as one of if mixed with all, are explosive if ignit- g 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to is not usually successful. ''This is be.
p P ed," moisture of the soil is really producing 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, J0 a T°C•t cod, M. p °A. B Lee Gibson, M.P. cause soil on which cabbage the most important subjects which could a crop, for water is what the farmer sells librarian. (Toronto). ge is grown is••
°� Is there any possibility of eradicat- P, likely to be infested with the fungus,
be discussed at the present time, „ meati With ever alien of mills the TOWN OOUiiOIL—Wm. Clegg, Mayor; Cashier—J. TURN$ULL. g
"Do you consider the pea crop a very ing the pea weevil from Ontario? y' y g Will. Holmes, Thos, Bell Robt. Me- which produces -club-root.. This bad
"B unitt;d efforts I believe it is ossi- farmer sells about three and a half j Savings Bank—Hours to to 8;' Saturda , l0
important one in Ontario?' asked the y p Iucloo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, to 1, Deposits of $e and upwards received and disease will ruin the crop. Lilo the scat
No to eradicate the pea weevil from On- quarts of water, and with every ton of Goo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer- interest allowed, on potatoes the germs o'r spores of this,
reporter. tario for some time to come, providing potatoes sold goes 1,600 pounds of water. guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel special ]Deposits also received at current p � P
"The ea crop is indeed an important " M Wm. Robertson, Col- rates of interest, disease remain in the soil and attack the•
p p p A fou of onions contains 1,,00 pounds of YOuhill, Assessor;
+One for this Province," replied Mr. that the farmers would either grow bug- lector. Board meets first Monday even- Drafts on Great Britain and tine United successful crop. For this reason cabbage
„ proof, varieties, or would effectually water; a ton of tomatoes, 1,800 pounds; States Bought and sold.
".Zavitz, but is seriously threatened at y lug in each mouth at 8 o'clock. Griffin,
. should not follow cabbage, turnips or,
treat their peas immediately after a ton of squash, 1,900 pounds, slid other SCHOOL BOARD,—C. N.N.. Griffin, (chair- inTravellers. are anotified ss a Duran r Ratteas o raps• III some eases the use of lime has,
:present in the southern porta of Ontario harvest each year for three or four crops contain it in various quantities. man), Thos. Abraham, Jr. J. Elliott, J. J. National Provincial Bank of England, Limited
by the ravages of the peaweevii (Brutus y HOlnuth which can be cashed without charge or trou-
ble prevented Or reduced the trouble i nom
ears ,Nater costs nothing, but is a very vat- , Wm. Moore H. Seri Thos. in an • art oft•] 1 b t
In ), which is usually galled ea bug. y Bell Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm. a n re world. c u roo ,But it is safer to plant on new
lsi y p g• cable substance, as the farmer cannot ' , W. CORBOULD A'
J3ecaltso of the great damage done by With reference to the effect upon the Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. E L. DTCIi1NSON, Solicitor, gent grotincl: Calibat;e is aheavy feeder, -and
peas from the use of the carbon bi- always get as much as he requires on his Meetings second Tuesday evening m elob uses a the soluble nitrogen in the soil,
rho pea weevil, many farmers are quit- P g
sulphide, Mr. Zavitz said that it dict not farm. The best thing he can do is to month. rapidly, but if this is supplied other.
ting the growing of peas entirely,. This hold on to all that he has, and in order PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHi Rs.—A, H. j P. KENNEDY Di, i),, lu, C, p, S, O.
I fn any way impair the germinating 1 Member of the British Medical issocia- crops can be 1
is plainly sears by referring to the report y y P g g Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, e p grown exempt for this
qualities of the seed, and that peas thus to do so must not allow weeds to have Miss Reynolds, Miss F,argnharson Miss tion.) Gd1d Meaallist in Medicine. S ecial disease.—Rural New Yorker.
of the Bureau of Industries, which attont on paid
any of it, and must not permit the water Cornu n d to diseuaes of women and Child
shows that in 1899 743,139 acres were de- treated were quite as 'good for either y ,Musa Vanstone, Miss Matheson ren. 01116° hours -1, to 4 p. in.: 7 to 9 p. m.
noted to this crop, while only 601,592 iPeeding or seed purposes as if they were to escape from the soil. If the soil is and Miss Reid. ,
r not so treated. loosened after each rain so as to form a BOARD OF HEALTH—Mayor Clegg, 60 Specialists an the Case. --
the i u f medical practice Case.—
acres were g a for growing peas in 1900 ,{ a dirt mulch, the moisture in the soil will (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- DR. MACDONALp, In
ter number than this have treated cases
thus showing a decrease of upwards of How can the farmers secure the ..sed Dry, Dr. Sennett', J. B. Ferguson, Sec- g
for the grass pea?" was asked in con- be held in cheek and thus reserved for retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Centro Street
of chronic dyspepsia and have failed to cure
X0,000 acres in 1900 as compared with crops. If the top soil is hard, not only Health Officer. —but Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets
the year previous." , ' elusion. Win. -ham, Ontario. (5o in a box at 35 cents cost) have made
„ does water escape, but weeds come up ,
"Do yon consider that this decrease A good quality of grass pea seed can the cure, giving relief in one day. These
rapidly.—Pbiladel hia Record. Iittle " specialists " Have proven their real
]las been caused by the trouble from the be obtained from nearly any of the prin� P �• VANSTONE, merit, -7z •
ea weevil?" cipal seedsman in southern Ontario, 1� BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. y
P rieanty of Form and Figure. �/ Q, ,g,� 1 Sold b A. L. Hamilton.
''T certainlydo as the pea crop is so replied Mr. Zavitz. IC may also be Private and t. No
mods to loan d lowest
p p had'from a number of farmers in this Health and beauty ,always d linked rate of interest. Nocommiastoncharged. Mort -
highly prized by our farmers generally. together. A wrinkled, tired and worn- so es, towel and farm pronerty bought and In Iyeep Tribulation,
'The grain is much stronger for feeding Part Of the Province, especially in the looking face tells immediately of ner- �'�g > Office, Beaver Bloc c. Winglism.
Niagara district, many of whom had a vousness, worry and the many accom- AT o V Editing this paper is n nice thing. If
purposes than oats, barley or morn, and few hundred bushels for sale this spring* panying • ills and irregularities. Dr. T A. MORTON, we publish jokes they say we are rattle»
the pea straw is very suitable for feed- P g' Chase's Nerve Food fills the shrivelled U
ing to sheep also to dairy cattle when "Any farmers who wish to experiment arteries with new, rich blood, strengtens BARRISTER, &6., brained. If we don't we are an old
Iiroperly handled." with bog -proof peas," concluded Mr. and rekindles the vitality of the nerves, Wingham, Ont. fossil. If we publish ori matter
r, Zavitz, "can secure a small quantity of alit gives a well-rounded form, and clear they say we dont give them enougli
Are all varieties of peas injured by y healthy complexion to all who use it. selections. If we eve them selections
the pea weevil?" grass pea and one other weevil -proof T'�j�'o Coat •� L. DICKENSON, g
variety free of charge b applying t 60 cents'a boa, all dealers, L'�. they say we are too lazyto write. If.we
I h.',vo been. making a careful study y g y O BARRL5TER, ETC. , �
of this point for the last four years, and me, c/o the O. A. C., Guelph. We are dont go to church we are heathen; if
.find that all varieties o£ peas are subject having a big demand for experimental Dr. Agneuw's Catarrhal Paw- `�,�(�� °�� Offic Moyo Bank
Bi ekf Hamilton. Money to loan, we do we are a hypocrite. If we re -
to the ravages of the weevil, the one ex- parcels of bug -proof peas, and the farm- der.—Rev. u H. Main, pastor of the main in the Dilute we ought to go out
fig y Baptist Emanuel Church, Buffalo, gives
aeptions being grass peas, cow petits, and ers seem anxious to find out for them- strong testimony for and is a firm believer ARTIIUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. and hustle for locals. If we go out thele
selves just how these varieties will in Dr. Agne v a Catarrhal Powder. He has. Also
Doctor oPDental Surgery ofthe Pennayivania we aro not attending t0 our own busi
chick or Egyptian peas. The grass peas „ tried many kinds of remedies without avail. Dontni College and Licentiate of the Roynl cess. If we wear old clothes they lannil
reduce an excellent straw and a faire thrive on their own farms. b
y " After using Dr, Agnew's Catarrhal Powder College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office t us. If we wear oo'd clothes the
good yield of grain per acre. The cow I was be, at once," are his words. It over Post Office, Wingham. g y say
For Over Fifty Yearn. liana a pull. Now,
is a wonderful remedy. 5o cents.—G5 We , what are we -
'peas require too long a season to grow To �G��.'�1 T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. Ding
An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs W. going to do. Just as. likely someone.
for the climate of Ontario, unless they Winslow's SoothingSyrnp has been used °Did by A. L. Hamilton. New method for painless 'extraction. will say we stole this item from Oar ex..
•are on light, sharp soil in the extreme for over fifty years bymillionsof mothers Makers. No Cocaine. changes and so we did,—Kingston•Free-•
southern arts of Ontario and even then for their children while teethiDg, tivith A branch oiiiee of ■tile MOlsons bank �•�� Special attention to the care and regulation s
p will shortly be started •in Zurich t of children's teeth. Moderato prices and all- man.
it is doubtful whether cow peas would perfect success. It soothes the child, y O be work carefully and skilfully per 6rmet'i. 011ice
softens the gams, allays all pain, cures managed from the Hensnll branch. The in Beaver Block, Wingham.
doe satisfactory in unfavorable years, wind colic, and is the best remedy for manager at Hensall will make bi-weekly Got Rid of That Cougb.
The Egyptian peas which are also known diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste.
JOHN RITCHIE, Before the summer comes. Dr. Wood's.
visits to Zurich. til
by other names, such as chick pea, etc., Sold by druggists in every part of the -p �+[�'lI'�1•�p Norway Pine Syrup conquers Coughs,
�i .d� S 1 .l3-i.iGiL Qt' Co GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT; Colds, Soto Throat
produce a very large yield Of grain per world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its .9 , ,Hoarseness, Bron -
value is incalculable. Be sure you ask Wingham, Ont, chitis, and, all diseasesof the Throat and.
acre, but they require thick seeding on Queen's Block. Lungs.
for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and p e Q gs•
rather rich land, and the straw becomes take no other kind. No Y riff n 1,• DEANS, JR, Dont Trust Ilune. '
woody by the time the peas are ripe. In LICENSED AUCTIONEER
the average of seven years' experiments If You Would Possess Health. With the Nerves. ; for the County of Huron. Sa1os attended In Under 'no circumstances should the
in growing grass peas in the plots at the Keep yourself well and strong. Don't any part of the County. Charges moderate. bull be trusted, either when being hall. `
When you can't sleep at nights and died by an attendant or when runnin
'College, the average yield has been 23 think about freckles or anything- else. toss in misery longing for daybreak to :, . F JOHN CURRIE, WINGHAM, Ove. g
bushels of grain per acre. I consider There are worse things than freekles,any- come, do not yield to the temptation loose In the ,yard, as there are so many
to use morphine, cocaine or other opi- LICENSED AUCTIONEER, cases on record where the
ilia grass peas the best substitute for the how. Maybe the freckles like to be with , - y have become
ates. They only hasten decay. �' Salsa of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a
common varieties of peas for the average you. Leave them to themselves and go Let reason rule. Get right down to specialty. unruly and attacked their attendant
the foundation Of the trouble and build t:aveats and �'rnde-Mark's obtained, and all patent All orders left at THE Ti1;rEs office promptly, Without the least warning. A bull a
soils of those districts where the pea your own happy way. Get otic of doors up the system by. using Dr. Chase's business conducted for MODE114Th FEES, My attendedto. Terms reasonable,
weevil is doingso much damage. eve moment that YOU can. Fill ' Our Nerve Food. : oitccisin thcimmediatc vicinicyorthcPatentoffice year old or over should always be de -
,a g y y and my facilities for secu•ingpatentsareunsutpassetl -
This great restorative is in pill form Send model, sketch or SOCIETY MEETINGS. horned and have a rim inserted . in his l
`pleat about sowing peas early in the lungs deep and fall. Run and romp and and contains the very elements of na- ticscri tion andstatement aogtoph of in invention
wit%mea. Camp Caledonia No. 49 meets nose, with rope attached for htindlin
season in order to prevent the pea weevil cram into the recesses of your heart ture, which go to form new red cor- ,ter al'o ell"J'pe is ■na,fo for ar opinion fie to S P I g
q,j patentabirtc • and.Rv rte for P �• !-Imth,.In
■ ■the rat anti third Mondy•workin u on them. lent of hi h s frits and the o of be• pasties in the blood and arcate new +�� prosecuting the eve fife Oddfelie' Ha11. visitin by. And whenever it ispossible the
„g p p y g p J y nerve cells. application as L ato0 t5o t alZed fon• unttL the hrot ien weleme. D. S2Etv.�tx, ohiof; H. ]� bull should be handled by a grown up
We have experimented at the College in on earth. You may ndt realize it pate>it "allowed- "Invr. •ions' Goran,•+ con. Elliott, Ree.- sec.
l g g y It is worth while to remember that raining full information scut free. All Communl• , person. He will then receive kinder
but in building up strength and in keep. Dr. Chases Nerve Food is not a patent tatlons Considered as str1c2ly Fonfldentlal' OB PRINTING, `
medicine, but the greatest prescription ��� ��� H. �� J and firmer treatment than if taken care
ing a good appetite you will be laying of Dr. A. W. Chase, author of the lam- fl G►
&E® ga the foundation of a beautiful woman• ous,receipt book. 9^c 1 S„•o6bp �vrt :slry7;st1 i mea. ]r>t. c. including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill of by the boys, because they cannot
"' ®q" re p °h 2 tl 0 hood: Learn the tremendous need of Dr, Chage's Nerve Food is an up -to- ::tyle OfOtil unrt,` at ' oder rte prriices tend on -sways resist the temptation Of teasing 4
date, scientific preparation which has - - short notice, the bull p
f eaten suitable food. Don't munch proven itself' to be specific for all mer -[An
`` """'"''`��i1ii°'�j"' "` BoorsnrxnrrrG.—W°aro pleased to announce ' ,which will be sale to spoil him
'�i. ' "" "'I�"'t' chocolates and sweats between meals. vous diseases. It cannot rail, if used that any Books or Magazines loft with uafor if he is of a nervous temperament.,
persistently, because it actually re- � Bindin , will have# our prompt attention Live Stock.
rYr, lames Clark, COnseeon, Prince The sacrafice you will have to make in builds and revitalizes the wasted ®� Prices or Binding in any stylo will be given oil
idward County, Ont„ states :--"Dleven application to
years ago I 'crag taken with pains in abstaining from these dainties will be nerves. It is especially recommended THE TIMES OP'PME,
xny back, settling in my hips and ox- good for the loveliness of our character for ills peculiar, to women, because theySOLID R U B B 1 R Wingham, South American Rhouirriatle
tending' no my spine. The pain was g y almost invariably arise from exhausted Cur® Cures Rheumatism,—It is.�
very severe, and at times almost unen as well as a splendid rest for your poor nerves. Dr, Chase's Nerve d+'0od, t�0 • RAILWAY TIME TABLES.
,durable, and manyMays I was not able little stomach. cents a box at all dealers, fir by ;;sail, qq safe, harmless and acts quick—gives almost
{o do an hour's tvoric, Though I had 9 �ra ' RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. instant relief and an absolute cure in front
Pastries and rich nothings are dear t0 Dr. Chase a G one to three days—works wonders in most ,
consulted many first-class physicians ■ • TRAINS L AVE l;'oR acute forms of rheumatism. One man's:
noel tried several advertised medicines, ilia heart youthfal, but its a very easy �+� dt Palmerston ; 6.53 n m::., 8 2 p:m: testimony : "I spent C weeks in bed before
I could get i relief. your af%otions ole ��� ��� l o�
,matter t0 centro London .,
At this time my father -in law {aid apples, Sincardino 1110 a m.,. 8.26 p•fu., ., 8.t38n.m. commencing its use -4 bottles curkicl me.'"
me to try Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver pp , Oranges, grapes,figs and other Aitrtivn VA014 --6G r
Pills, tinct f4sid he knew they would fruit, which are a thousand times snore 't' t�:] YrEs.1 s, 1 carry heavy loads and Ktneardino ,,..9.49a a.m.. &.fi5 a m..., 8.7d p,m
cure me. I secured one boar and great ys�■t�':�•� L-,X�14:INC1~ hstand hard service. London..
n......,.,..�,. ?:4Glisnti:::: 8:as n:m SoldlivA.L.Hnmllten.
was my surprise when I began to reel wholesome and whieh will hells clear + -
better. I continued their use until I your eomplexioa and brighten your eye evir-satisfattory, easy- J. H. GO?xDON, Agent, Wingham. Har iston may soon got unproved pub. ;
lhad taken about four boxes, which in a manner that will astonish. you. riding wheel tire. CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY, liC school accommodation, The board
made me a sound loan. I have recem �' � , = TRllsNs LEAVE inert have salted the town council to submit a �
mended them to It, number of my friends Ohl these are facts undeniable, my - Every set guarasfteed. Toronto and East.. .... e•53 n.in.... 8,00 p,m.
Whore they did not meet With gond g � .g y
Can b2 fiat d t0 any wh. ,t, Toeswater..... 0.58 A.211- ..ap m. 30.96 p:m• necessaryt8 000. p e
and have never met with one case iris. You Cant of aWa from them, �n AnulVR rxtox 3'-
ChicagO Times ITerald. end for Cnttrdoyno, Z. H. BEDMER, Agent, Wlli ham. 'Chat toillaC trouble will cease if ia1
stuecess. My daughter, Mrs. Chas. Phil- '[antis MARKS a Toronto and East -.....182 P.M. -.10,49 p ni,
lips, has also been curets of a severe t)esfcslt; I g y
stomach trouble by the use of theme . Brlgtit+rt nlaeaarer of fife #iicinoytl. Gopvt#1cttYu &c. ClU1VlLOF* flitls CO. - - ---- will tape Miller's Compound iron fills,
t OX, At all den.lerst',`er rAnlanloft, D �tes Mr. Andrew Dufflin, Aultaville, Ont., vtio iY modrriAln mar opin onf eo a�ietbcr�e°n � . � r.tnrrrr n. � 0110 after each meal. Sold by A. L. ' Y
t' , "Ill ittAn sprobhblYbntAntnbie. Communic,a p HEtlnilt011.
Co., 'Toronto, Ont. writes: I was troubled tvit118right s tientlstt•tetti centldontial. Iiandbcokonkatents �: i TORONTO. 7'ho German Cit' Of Ca5501 well colo-
010+ 1
disease of the kidneys for five years, I dont,free. oldest Agency for ncearantt stents. . If 5'
kat is takAn tHrouah Munn c,�u, rocelva w
Dr. C ' � s a tf'ied a number of doctors' and p'repar- �raotollWttca withzoput ebafte,tntth�e ;,, �=` 10 „�,,,]�V���RTI brate the thousandth anniversary of its c
Af etig but
tnse t no relief. My son ad • � 1` J7 Q1 C�� foundation in 1018.
r)r. Chaso's xiduay IN
�r�t1• E•,
#$ II L`I rL 1 �'r
i Livor Pills, I got ft. bay, and, to my x . ndtl ei, ivnntrxtMt ttt lcle. I,t% M rtr-
C�9ilCi1"ei11r. fd�'
surprise, I got relimw' at OflOe, and am +m tum o ttnyat�fenttAn 1•tiarnni. tarmtl,lt7 tit i
thoroughly curl." One pill a dose, 215
,,;,Arlo o tho $1. ftl i bri :lrrertsdoslem a;
li thorcoutotit• box. `` $fftal"Adwty,
.t`ttr' /■■!},��,,• �,'ff .[,,g�elW�` .`t'1 �■p/ .�■■■■M TO
1'6(1 . Y Ly.T, 1Y AL.:•��N,'I n Y .l �' M.CA R' [A
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