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The Wingham Times, 1901-05-03, Page 5
d, T11 WIN1 1AN TIMES, M&Y 3, 19014 �..._„� FAREWE4L SERMONS. +is EIG Mrs.7axgarot Stinson, wife of Mx,(� FROY It ORB .john Stinson, Mod hero on Friday last #lov. W. �'xeed preaclaecl ]lis fare- �%�. aged 80 years and was buried on SAtur• well Sermons in the Baptist church 07AO N Y 6 A V I N G clay April 'Otli. '.Oho deceased was all Sunday last, There was .a good attend- EVENTS O F INTEREST T O ALL OUR READERS. old rosidont hero ancllearaaa her husband anQe at the moi ping service, and in the was crowded. Tile .,�.. AT TK E NEW and a number of stopchildren to mourn morns next was t kon. from Romans o o nuine Al WRY•SAVING lot] Dan bei, loss, morning tet It' you want t do some .ge ' y not Other rey 1 overlook r stock and CUT PRICE% /) What Wideawake Times Correspondents Oommunioate -- t re font active vedut e�understand, we ar, the lose of mate of ourselves "Value of a groper esti- afford to eve ou f .- items Clipped From Our Exchangws.. his year in Juno next and go to live at The danger of an over estimate. re- GINGHAM& HOSE. Toronto, Mr, Lake has seem a long and sultii►g in pride, arrobanco, and a lose of 10 pieces check and plaid Giag- Ladies' rine ribbed black Cash- .,g term as a minister in many humility, artd a willingness to serve G. d ham, fast colors, regular price 7c. more Ilose, fast, black, reg. 36e. nxOURIs. ur,UxvArr., places, and has done a lot of hard work, n any, caplcity, Sls •lal Price 5e a Prle,e '_'5o, lags completed Rev. D. Rogers, Chairman, of the from whi. lx Ito never flinched. Ne will i Ilonor fur honor's salve is. an, emptyeG ce+ seal Assessor Watson, ' his rounds for another year and has Wingliam District, attended the funeral now retire with the best wishes of all in and valueless thing. A stoker in the CORSET COVERS, CARPE TS. handed the following particulars of,his of the late Rev, Mr. Norton, ofr+Brussols Wroxeter, and, the Methodist people of hold of the Mat ironclad may be as A nice assortment of corset coves, One piece Union Carpet, new Pat- roll,—Number of notes in the township, at that place on Wednesday of last all the, circuits it has been his lot to have efficient as the gunner though not as all sizes. See special line, reg: $6c, tern, yd, wide, reg. value 46o. conspicuous. 135100• cleared land, 44,000; woodland, week, charge over, Cut Price 25C. Sale Pricy zlbc 4,483; swamp, 6,382; orchard, 730; fall The first gypsies of the season passed Are we ready to wash Quo another's Wheat, 3,722, a decrease of 145 acres; . through the village on Saturday, JAMESTOWN feet? Following the natural order of QUILTS. CURTAINS, value of real and personal property, $1,- Mrs. William Patton is in poor health. Hang your screen doers, and keep out the text, three points Are brought out:— White Quilts, largo size, heavy, White Lace Curtains, 3i;� yds $02,091, an increase of . 585,56 over last Harry Crani er Cattle dealer of 1st—The injunction is to all, "To good, patterns, reg. price $1.25. lens, r inch wide, stitched edges, every inau among you, Gocl is jealous : - Out Price. $1, 00: regular value $$,00, year; No. of persons between 21 and 60 Molesworth, was in this vicinity plying Miss Bessie Wright Sundayed under over all His children with o Godly Out Price $1,50, years of age, 1,422, increase of 100; days his business one da last week. p ” ��� BOOTS. " y g , t e oo-boos, d a y . the parental roof: statute labor, 3148, increase 40 days; The mill wrights, who have been pian Miss Godetha Coombs of Brussels jealousy, Ladies' Dongola Buttoned or PRINTS, total population, 2,407, decrease 78.; ing machinery in Mr. Warder's grist spent Sunday at home. t ! 2nd --Beware of an over estimate of Laced Boots, ilow toe, regularly 10 pieces wide print, fast colors, cattle, 7,917, increase 192; sheep, 3,647, mill, left for Woodstock last week. Mt. and Mrs. George Eclsmire said our (a) mental abilities; (b) financial ',; sold at $1,50, new patterns, rog. price 12gc. decrease 157; hogs, 3538, decrease 266; Charles Marsh is home after spending Miss Fern spent Sunday at Ethel. god—How to eta just estimate "ao• p o t Price 1Qc, abilities; (c)social`surroundings. horses,11797, increase 78, There is no the winter in New York. Mr, and Mrs, Gibb. Stevenson, and g j Special Price Sl . 5, a Out dog tax in Morris, hence the number of Albert West of'Bl th visited over Sun- d cording to the measure of faith,"—(1) y Miss Lotti©, of Wivaham, wore visiting CLOTHING, SHEETS. canines is not recorded. This year the day at Mr. John Burgess'. i at Mr. Sam Shine's, Sunday, with a view to service; (2) to humble a 10 Men's Suits, tweed, good pat- Croy or white flannelette sheets, service. "He that will be greatest I terns, well made, late style, reg. good siie, reg, price $1..00. municipal equalization is raised, from News is scarce this week. Mr, Richard Miller visited at Mr. :, r' rice $6.50, ,� Clearing' Price ?5e. *32 to $33 per acre. 'Assessor Watson Albeat Denman, of Mount Forest, Lenard Ruttan's Sunday. among you, lot him be your servant. � p Oleariug Price $5,QU. i. .says Fall wheat, particularly in, the spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. Watson,. of Sunshine, is visiting The sermon in the evening was from; . i; - South portion of the township, looks Mr. Hoekridge's house caught fire his cousin Mr. George Thornton at Exodus 1: 7, last clause, and directed to the unsaved. more • •. •. ..PRINTS. �; TapestryTBLE COVERS, fLinged well. On some lines there have been from a stove pipe on Monday afternoon present.' Theme—"The differeuce between a - 10 pieces new pattern prints, fast large size, new patterns, regular . many changes in owners and tenants and the roof was burning right merrily You done all right, Will. Next time colors, regular price Sc. pries, $2,00. and the drop in: population is largely at- %yhen the neighbors gathered and put it we'll see that everything is quiet. sinner and a christialn. ' Out Price 6c. SAle Price la) 5Q s tributed to people moving to the West. out Jolla, Simpsou has. hauled the first 1st—It is a vi6a1 diSerenee. Ho is born again, TOWELS. DRESS . _ This"is fife 25th year for Mr. Watson as Mr. FIarry McHardy went to Gederiah load of Niue for the Town Hall; also g S GOODS. Assessor, a rather unusual record for an on Monde to work for the Goderich 2nd—It is a legal difference. sin. 7'he Ladies Costume Suitin s, 50 Monday Jas. Wallace has started operations on 5 dots large linen towels, fringed, Suiting s, is justified. The sinner is official. � Limber Company. the stone wall, tsps puce 35c Pair. inches wide, reg, pricy 65e.. Monday of last week John Shortreed, To "A Reader," who sent acommuni- yWright 3rd—Ono ed already." which secures God's petal- t3ale Price p • - �T 06, Saud Wri ht has sold his driver to a " e 23a'r air. Out Trico 5 Sth line, Morris, disposed of an entire cation to us last week. we reply that buyer in Brussels. He delivered it on heavy draught colt, 2 years and 11 mos. scarcely a word of "A Spring Freshet" Thursday. No more drives for the girls far love. OXFORDS. SUITS. old,•to B. Bender, jr., of Wallace town- was original. The '°thread," it there now. 4th—One of special providence, Ladies' Dougola Oxfords, regular Boys' Navy Serge Suits, nicely chi for $300. Thb animal is called was one was not taken from the onclos- Pastor Freed had been ill from la grippe rice $1.25, made and lined re rice 82.50. Will Brydon, Svixo has been living P g• price, P, .00. 02 > _. -._ ..._ .. ! _ _.......... _.. "Cole] Crown,"* weighs 1,744 and was ed clipping any more than from dozens with his sister, Mrs. Iunos, tivent to all weel:.previous, but was grateful that Our Special Price $1,00. Sale Price �o bred by "Sir Walter" with a Canadian of similar stories that I used to read. It Sault; Ste Marie$ last Thursday. He is he was permitted to deliver hie farewell aired dam from "Lord of the Mandr." was ]Wade up from novels of that type going to take a situation at mason work. message. He left Wingham on Thurs- GROCERIES. i UNDERWEAR. _ of which "A Romance of Idaho" is only day and after few days rest near London What you can buy for a quarter' A nice range of men's shirts and " -� .. ,i one in hundreds, perhaps thousands for he preaches to several churches who at our Grocery Counter: r drawers, spring weight, reg. 35c. She ]vented to Enjoy tl,o tarty, CaliforniaPrunes, 4 lbs for - 2ae Special Price; 25c, - all I know. Could "a reader" not see have invited him with a view to a settle- .. "5c � - • but a dreadful snivelling cold prevented Rolled Oats, 10 lbs for 2 v 3, 1. mint. 114rs, and Miss Freed remain for , - . 71bs for 25c r • - that. It was intended only as an item her {going. �•9hflt • a aisaippoiniuieut! fresh Figs, DRESS GOODu i in the weekly correspondence. Perhaps She might have gong had she only known a few weeks to rest And recuperate and Laundry Soap, 10. bars for - 260 Ono piece navy blue serge, iS being placed b itself ave it undue im. how quickly, Catarrhozono cures those will then visit friends in FIespoler. Tapioca, , lbsPe for 25o inches wide, all-vvooi, reg. price 60c. portauce. Keep bii gave Boyce's Cour,ran to t knee s tl o mid rightout.' Tomatoes, Peas and Corn, 3 tins, 25c TABLEILINEI�T. + nasty colds.. Only necessary to breatheOut Watches, Gold f � and �lSilver. 10 Monthly, Chicago Ledger, Saturday W HITECHURCH. _ .. • .... •.--._J._. , .... • - _ Blade and "rich" trash and you'll find Carr a Catarrhozone inhaler in our BLOUSES. y y, The cream drawers of the White A large assortment of Blouses, all = One pisco heavy fable. linen, wide, ' it all yet. But don't send it to me. I'm pbcket; Its very small—use it Occasion- church creamery will start drawing kinds and prices. See our reg. price 35c. A. happy and contented with what I have ally and you wont have colds. Catarrh cream on Wednesday, May 8th. Special Line at 50c, Sale Price 25c. A. A. - ozone is a scientific treatment that ab - g ' pp ' Bronely cures Colds, Coughs, Catarrh, TURNBisn.xiv. Rememberth r • thou h the re -a earance of those Brotichitis and Asihtua. Has been ex- Assessor McTavish has returned ]us a stock i now. It was a curious eoinci enc© n ��Ir Wasps , under -stroked lines. Sevbral years ago, tensively used, and never once failed. s all new. Compare our prices with otLeis• r I should say four, I read a story in the Quick relief; pleasant to use, sure to r �$ Rings cure or our money back. Small Size roll for 1901 and from it we glean the 0J' 3 Globe "noospaper" containing those 26e. Drugaists or N. C. Polson & CO., following particulars:—Total average, Brooches a lines, which were the only good thing in Kingston, Ont. The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Sink of Han-Alton.35,648: total assessment, $1,224,480; pop - it. I Temombered them .and forgot the ulation, 2,105; statute labor, 2,474 days; �3:;T1; Bucklesrest. The article you sent me was the =tnlrssFLs. cattle, 4,447; sheep, 2,752; hogs, 1,987; same story, newly named, with differ- horses 1 040- dogs, 307. Fall wheat, Cx€vnCH NOTES. I' WheelingRn1gs, - The members of Western Star Lodge , + a ent names for the characters and the 2,000 Acres, which is cousiderAblo less Sterling Silver horse. The horse's name was really No. 149, I. O. 0. F. attended divine Rev. C. A. Eaton, of Toroutb, has The following from an exchange may service at St. John's church, on Sunday than the average of last year. accepted , the call to Euclid Avenue fit some of our local riders. = Novelties. Dandy. So you understand copy- +� • - 1 morning last. Rev. G. J. Abeyproach- Baptist church, Cleveland. Now that the bicycle season has open- - wrxght." I doubt that if anything that ed the sermon. �HOW10H. ed we trust that the rider who does not Glass. paper could copywrightwonldboworth Rev. J. J. Patterson, B. A., of Schon, - the protection. It looks as if they stole Bishop Baldwin will be in Brussels o Lvo deaths in one house in a week berg, will preach in the Baptist church know enough to keep to the' right will G•'• •ut .• • Wedueseay, May 8th, and will hold a ometimes happens, and so it was at the next Sunday, morning and evening. hereby take notice and govern them - that piece. Now to properly finish your home of Mr. Thomas 2Baird, Howick, selves accordingly. If there is anything job understroke some lines in "The confhmation cervico in St. John's g y 3' g His Lordship, Bishop of Huron, Eyes tested without charge. Repairing Spring you know and send it to church. Only a few days ago one of his nieces P in the world calculated to cause a man - neatly done. Don't be afraid to tomo in. will consecrate St. Paul's church on neatlWe y do vat's pleased to show goods. those Chicago peoplg, William Blashili has disposed of his was laid to rest and on Monday morning ' to spit venom it is a vacillating whoel- butchering business to Samuel �'flll:er, April 21st, his mother, widow of the Tuesday afternoon, May 7th, and will man (or woman) swinging from side to The old Stand in Mason Block. late Robt. Baird passed away after a Preach alt the evening. side like the streamers on a lady's bonnet. - who takes possession On May 15. , End Neuralgia's Agony. John Oupnin ;ham has recovered his short illness. She came with her late At the meetinas, of the Synod of Lon- Seep to the right. You can learn to do H. n `,� Have you failed to get permanent horse and buggy which was stolen husband from Burford, Oxford Co., don and Hamilton,. held in Stratford this it easy enough if you put your mind to relief? Are you almost frantic with from Melville church shed on Snuday about 34 years ago and settled on the week, Rev. E. W. Penton, of Stratford, it. Tie a string around your right wrist Weller and Optician. neuralgic pain? If so, why not use evening, April 1.4th. The thief left the farm on the 10th con., where 'the late was elected Moderator. if you need prompting 'in that respect, Jeweller p _i Poison's Nerviline? It is the only nen- Horse and buggy at Dundalk. Mr. Robert Baird died about 12 years ago. and keep on the string side at all hazard. ralgia remedv that has never failed to Rev. R. E. Knowles, pastor of Enos "r 11 P. highest award cure even the worst cases, and it will Cunningham is out an overcoat and and where she has since resided with Church, Galt, one of the largest Presby- It may cause you some inconvenience at surely cure you. Five times the strength about $80 and expenses. Efforts are yet her son, Mr. Thomas Baird. She leaves first, but you will have the satisfaction terian, Churches in Cfluada, has been and Gold Medal was of other remedies; it penetrates the bei4sade to capture the thief. two sons, Thos., and Robert Baird who of knowing that you do not run the risk tissues, and drives out the pain instant called to St. Louis, with a salary of given to the v. Wm. Norton died on Saturday is now in California. Her daughters $6,000 a year, but has not yet decided. of hitting some inoffensive person amid - given Quick relief, sure cure, huge bottles ••��,��'' .}. 25 cents. VIVenling April 20th, ter an illness of are, Mrs. Geo. A. Miller, and Mrs. Wil• ships and thereby lessening his chances 11JL�1®t U� less than a week. On Sunday, April7th, sou Blair of Missouri, who arrived l o Last Sunday, Rey. Richard Hobbs of chanting hymns on that beautiful F+° FonDW7CH. he httended church in the morning, but just in. time for the funeral. de preached anniversary sermons to the shore. ,Because if you run into him and Cream very pretty wedding took place on was taken ill that day, but for a few ceased lady was long a sistant Epworth League in the Lucknow he doesn't swear yon may conclude that 1�8 t�,iw�,t gyy° duesilay evening, 17th fiat., at the days his illness was not regarded serious- member of the Presbyterian :church. Methodist church, Rev. A. G, Harris, he is deaf and dumb, or that you havo d ly. His great age, however was against Rev. Mr. DObaOrW, of Fordwieli,,a Tlbiat- of Luoknow, took Mr. Hobbs' work killed hint Outright. There are some residence of Mr. William Goggin, in I e his recovery.. He entered the ministry eel at the funeral And gave a lozigthy ail- here. p„ople who could uO, tutu a bicycie�in A• at Paris,. 1900. which bis sister, Miss Rebecca, and y P Congratulations are in Ord#r to Rev. ten acre lot, Lilt they are few. It is of the Methodist church in. 1855 and was dress in memory of the do artot�..• . Call and see them at my Warerooms. Joshua W. Scott were the contracting first stationed at Bayfield. The greater R. Paul, of Brnssels, on his golden ignorance of the rules of the road in most parties. The ceremony was performed i'atna,n a rainless Corn and wart WM. GANNETT. in the presence of about fifty guests by Part of his ministerial work, however, 7:titractar• anniversary of 60 years -since he Com- cases, and we trust those. few reminders Rev. A. B. ,Forney, rector of Trinity was done in what is now the Montreal menced the Methodist ministry. He is will bear fruit." Church. The bridesmaid was Miss conference. He was superannuated about Is the only remedy that positively cures still able to demonstrate the Truth withcorns and n in twenty - 11 years agog and after living in Mount four h burs warts without y our drnai+*tsti >ib 7ut e, a large share of his old time energy. Stewart, of Cavan township,niece of druggist' » •�- Forest for a few years came to Brussels he has sold it for a lou time Club an ,awr, the bride, and the grcom was assisted g y From the Tiverton. Watphinan weAN � about seven ears ago, and has resided druggist who offers ,you a substitute for by his brother Fred. After tendering y g ' Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. He learn that Rev. H. McQuarrie, who so /M� k hearty congratulations and good wishes here since. He was in his 84th year, knows it is the best; you will too if you severely, injured himself in a fall from the company repaired to the dining though judging from his mental and try it. ago, g bodily activity lie might have Men the stable loft some weeks a o et breaking t room where the host and hostess served +los ribs, is now almost completely to- room an excellent wedding supper. The bride taken for 20 years younger. He leaves HAST tv xtivn.rroslr. o red, and able to go about tigain as a family of two sons and two daughters. Bsias Poareu has fief sold his farm as was the recipient of a number of beau- r Of these Dr. Norton of Shelburne, with tifnl and useful presents. Conspicuous -was reported in our last is�.ne. among, these were an oak rocker, the 11?ra. Noxtoii, John of New York, and P. Gibbons of this township has sold Rer. A. MacNab, M. •, has Accepted ,- Mrs. Treleaven of Dungannon were re- a call to Duffs church, Walton. The _ � �r" sift of Trinity Church choir, and a beau- �• g P thirteen young Berkshire brood sows P tiful settee and rocker presented by the sent at t aueral, Mrs. Treleaven being since last fall. M. Gibbons has a numb- induction will take lace on Tuesday, Unusual question! ' > with father during his illness as May 7th, at 2. m. Rev. Geo. Ba11an- q Woman's Auxiliary of the same i g or o "cod youlie brood sows on Band l � The bride has been a faithful member of well which he wishes to sell. type, of Males�vorth, will preach on the _ Xf your di CStioll needs a ccoasien• Rciv, D. B. McRae, of Oran- both for several yearsand boli bride •��-•••�••-••� � �• l +iLrly Monday, morning Ocrurred the ' rCSt •�-•tvllate'Vel` C1SC rriap be And groom will be greatly misses, in � � • , death of Essfl Burchill, •elect Of the late 'brook, will address the congregation and Give ,F in an Inch, Rev. A. C. Stewart. T11Cderator Of the . truC—YOU Cal] met St (101"1 `� .tea �°Style Truuty Church of which they %v ere r Geo. Reid, at her hon ear Marneele. I,xesbytery, will Address the ixiiuister. ' eJ � •s- vahLed membors A pleasant evening Tile deceased lady was in her .53rd year SCOTT'S �I12UL5T0:1 0 �OCi He 11 Fake an Ell. Liver Oil. will at once detect the super- was spent in games and social vonversa• and -was a resident of this township for Capt- Brauigau, who is flwiry success- was The company left at ail early hour Let the smatled microbe gain lddgmhj some years. Deceased retired on Sun- "'r Officer in. the Salvation Army, is At ' Whatever else it may be-- ioraty Of our made-tU-order for home, wishing the happy couple a to your bddy and your embole sysfem �witl day evening Inst And itppoitra;cl to be iii "'resent on. a much needed rest and is gartnents. long and prosperous married life.' be diseased, rhe microbe is microscopic, her usual good health, but about four I resting at pairs. john llicNecin's. The it 15 � vaClLti011 for stOrilaCll and T. Iatcr. vs• Put the germs becdtne inches and then ells : O'clock Monday morning tsaa found CAptain nasistod in the meeting's last tilt] for bowels. HIGH ART TAILORING of path. Hood s Sarsaparr7ra d¢stroys the dear]. Her husband, died az few years SAnday. No, uaturdity and Sunday i partly, 5 OeCzalt � e alt the Last �voek raider this heading wo said microbe, pr&veltis the pain, parifles the ago and she has since made her home Ou the Proviuciazl Officers of West Ontario 1 It fCCCls you i1 little without 1s our` l Y her farm. Slio 1vAs a sister of Samuel province, 1liayor Mcs Aillau, Stair Capt. 1 that Cost Brothers had given air enter- blood and effects a permanent tures qny work at all by the 5toinaCh. man of abnortl al as well as he tainnlont in tho Vnglish church. 'We Burchill of Zotlaud and was highly re. 1,atvling, a�siater, by the boy trumpeter, of normal shape, aria our . Run t�bwn—`•r had' s¢�v¢r¢ 1�¢��� That little tray 'iia el�ea�i�l� to � oxo ,leased to 111a1rO the CorroctieliAs the speCted and iia ' •ge circle- of friends � will conduct the �veol. and it eetinga, I prices Stilt all, aches and my tonstttutfon mt,as g¢neraffy 'cvhe will re " , 0 hoar of Tier sudden �T�o e etend you a Cordial invitation to Set your whole body going Colne alone grid rret d1,e of ers' hrtilimout`ivAl givoiLiii the Merest- guff doaun. Had read about Rwers Sari a • , ., . ' �• �* tleatlx.. utieral to fife Win, hath i attend all tltCso+ meetings. than It feeds you. more sapartffa, irled it, and after using tavo a' n a121 102 1t lI(1 S on. the newest tiovelties In Suits, " aN&S ArAt' comet, to did. sday afternoon ivAs � Y boitfes gates ¢ntirely edrr'ed. �" largely attended. j p;rt P„ Cochrane, tvho lives a xnxlci Overcoats and Pants. 94M,0� F7Atlntlgan, 9fanningAve,, `1rOrotild, aunt. I 'Ityen.}aavenoftrieditsendforfre:esample,its Yours trul �L:/o�St�,�y i �, y.� West of Hamburg, sold] hiv farm O 160 .asreeatle taste •will surrpprise you. i'ldtt utgntLitir9 iii ata odery box ae tteo genuine 1 ! uriey to :4i�. C. I�i'eib.,rgltl, of Philipay SCo�"r & t#Ci lv , CH l er �'p Vodl".;, `• � ,G��`'`'r' burl;. air. CoClirano n'ill reniaiu on the �'ora>ytb, R bt. a W�� aV6Mdy t1 Bd*i*1g #i Coldti1@ `nlfletA , . ` e CA I m yA,rm this year. Soo. and $1.00: all druggist*. Ilia r+atnodY tHab eaaii•�al_afa cold 1a eaaa!ie deny -•. , I