HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-05-03, Page 34'
T >iaa the moraataarr 7: ploca.
' Yell fool better Of your sick hoadoollo or ',Chis elegant .an(i dolfcats staroh is Of
bilious�spoll It you have talion a L.axa• roctuot of ra
Livor Pill ill the night before, These little P plant that is cultivated
fellows work while you sleep without very extonsivoly in the Malay peninsula,
;gripe or Pain, )r where its culture is almost entirely Ill
the hallds of the Chinese, '.Pile tubers
111orses iii Afrieta, of the plant (Matlihot utilisima), which
A South African broil horse keeps his weighs on an average front 10 to 25
condition best, as he will get his head pounds, aro first scraped and then oars-
tdowa and nibble whenever you got off fully washed, after which they .are re.
his. track. He is less excitable, too, than duped to au pulp by being passed between
Most. ,Qi nousil` horses, An imported, rollers, This pulp is carefully washed
horse bred North of the equator tabes at And sh4hen up, with abundance of wator
least a year to got used to the change of until the feloula separates and passes,
aeasons, not to mention the change, of through a very flue sieve into a tura
,food. placed beneath, The flour so obtained
When, campaigning, it is not the fast is repeatedly washed and thele placed on
°kvork whioli kills the horses, but the .mats and bleached by exposure to the
long hours, heavy weights and want of sulz ;and air, It is dually converted into
sleep and rood. It is as well, therefore, the pearl tapioca of commerce by being
to halt if possible where there is grazing placed in a crude shaped framo covgrsd
and to dismount whenever you halt even with canvas, It is slightly moistened
for a few imputes, and subjected to a rotary ;notion, by
The safest way to secure the horses of which means it is granulated. Itis next
a patrol on the veldt at night is to Place dried in the sun and finally over the fire
about a dozen in a circle, each one being in an iron pan greased with vegetable
tied by the rein to the headstall of the tallow and is then ready for the market,
xaext horse ou his left, allowing an in-
terval of only a foot between their
lioads. N�vp ycP�+ Ecaerina 7 --Have you
any skin disease or eruptions? Are,you
In this way the kOxses cannot, of subject to chafing or scalding ? Dr. Agnew's
course, lie down, but they keep each, Ointment prevents and cures any and all of
other worm and cannot get loose with- these, and cures Itching, Bleeding and
out breaking two reins instead of one, Bland Piles besides. One application brings
f a horse is dead beat, he can of ,curse retie£ in ten minutes, and cases cured in
three to six nights. 35 cents, -7x
be knee haltered or tied up by himself. sold by a, L. Ilainilton,
How to Cure onions. Aphorisms,
Iced and yellow onions should be pull- No heresy is so fatal as discontent. It
sed when the tops begin to lap and are is a denial of the first article of the
still slightly green, so they lie readily, Creed. --Dickens.,
-when they are made into round piles. The rnlo of self,obedience to the
White onions must be pulled green. right will bring all things into order, --
Part of the crop must be sacrificed in W. E. t�ladstone.
order to secure that color which is neo- To owe an obligation to a worthy
essary to bring the first price. Red and ,friend is a happiness, and can be no
yellow vanities call be safely left in these disparagement,—ghanon.
round piles until the middle of September Put this restzietien on your pleasures;
when they should be well cured. They be cautious that they injure no being
are then opened for a day or two before that Iivos,—Zimmerman.
carting to a slatted bin in the barn. Believe me, upon the margin of celes-
Plenty of air should be given. Many of
our largest growers have onion barns, tial streams alone those simples grow
where they keep a fire in winter, but we which curs the heart-ache.—Longfellow.
have banked our onions well on approach There are ,seasons when. to be still
of severe weather and have never had demands immeasurably higher strength
,any trouble in keeping them for the than to act. Composure is often the
spring market—in fact, we think they highest result of power.—Channing.
,are less liable to sprout than where a fire The commonest things, such as lie
Is kept. We cart our onions as wanted within everybody's grasp, are more
in the winter to a basement ceilar,where valuable than the riches which so many
they are prepared for ;market, writes a mortals sigh and struggle after. Haw -
Connecticut grower to Rural New thorne.
Corker. heaving the past behind, asking no
-- r praise, pay or reward, submitting our -
selves to the grand law of the world,
turning the way of faith and hope,
giving ourselves to the nearest present
duty, asking ourselves only what does
right or truth or love bid, we tlzrts enter
into the joyful life of the children of
God. --Charles F. Dole.
The real misery of the :Future will be,
I feel sure, the recollection of wasted
opportunity. It will be the reflection
that one diel not do iris best; that he did
not make of life what he ought to have
made of it. When the heart takes fire
with regret, you will need no other
burning. When the reproachful mem-
cry saddens, you will need no othcr
sorrow. It will be enough.—Rev. Dr.
D. M. Hodge.
A Medieine Chest is,the name ap-
propriately applied to Hagyard's Yellow
Oil. It can be used externally or taken
internally. Cures cuts, burns, bruises,
contracted cords, stiff joints, painful
swellings, quinsy, sore throat, pain the
stomach, Kidney complaint, etc. Price
There are 10 battalions in the British
regular army that wear the old Scotch
Th0 N rah American Bent Chair Ca
W114 I'laptwood to tlao nlel .t rclaaitalrit QIiUNI FI HOUR,
+'cY-*I&nd funadi,
r1'lasa xrare4 I'uun(r ft crit,
It occurred to an ulchoanist one da ` 1�ipts xtly i is tilrsala 'that Mew
y /dart;refer Nt'llsar► floe W#laR•le .li ew haat# _ +�
that it would bo A tine thing to take. �ivt iitaialr pinilor, "� *�+
pulphor, saltpeter and driod toads, pound (1`Iow York t un.) +i4��rEE EN R BLACK)
thein all to a powder duel A hair of intelligent horses attracted ,
there tegethsriii all ' alembio, which he the attention of a, large crowd on Nos+ $ +±G` l' `'.
carefully luted and set on the furnace to salt street at noon one clay last week.�x��a�� �S �ai3ct� a'� best customer -,haat, say's au writer ill. .Ainloe's They, were attached to n,heavily loaded
,Magazine. He poked up the Are and •:ice wagon; coming down the steep grade tx% a 1; Uzi Salt: does not Sell.
,vatted around, thinking what lie would between Cedar street And Maiden blue � ,
40,with all Ili$ money if this would turn Alta were boldlug back the wagon with Use T '' A Grown in -a, British Colony by British Capital.
nut to lie the powder of reduction that a noticeable abort, ,vl%hou •.alley were
would burn brass mOtal into 9QK when, 11141fWay-down the whistles blew for 12
bang! went the alembfo and the wiod�ws cl'cfock, Suddenly the horses. drew in A free sample of delicious SATaADA Tea sent
blow out, and the door ripped cif ifstoward the curb and began to plant On, xec11i � �f �stal zxlic�� I17l�! �JG�
hinges And fell dawn, blain! The thein ltiud feet well forward to stop the Gl>� 1 p" �' mentioning w you
alchemist scuffled out from under the drink --Black, Mixed, or �arl'een Tea. Address
wagon, sc »
ruins of the furnace, shoot; a redhot 'Floe ctxiver rand, no short to cheek SAL A,D,A,, Toronto or tontreal,.
coal or two out of his shoo and the ashes then, and thein' hard worst at once at- �-�--�. •. �»,.��,--��-.« ..-.�.
off himself, and wondered what had zracted notice, Pedestrians looked at
struck hint, > to tried it again and again, the Horses and then at the driver who ^" - -
and each time ryitli file satno result; find had a broad grin on, hila. face. By hard To Catch' th. e'E.
then it dawned upon hint that he had work the wagon was stopped, The
discovered it fail: article of blasting driver sat still and watched his animals, �n� ��� ���
powder. Since then about all that has ()lie of then; immediately beganrubbing
been done to his recipe has been to put hi$ Bead against tho nock of the other
in a little boater grade of charcoal; say and with hods and pushes succeeded in �'E. Jtf £"
that of willow'twigs, instead of toasted rubbing his bridle oft', Then the other 'rim
-,,e horse took his turn at rubbing and his
Little did the old alchemist dream bridle came off,
what potency was in that "powder of Fully two hundred persons had
reduction." For snob, It was. Although watched this and when it was completed is the art in advertising. This Ad, illustrates how true this
it never yet has turned lead into gold by the driver got down front this seat and Saying is, cipecially to tijta,e wishing pleasant find profitable
its mere touch, yet when a small, round swung a bag of oats Exam ower the nose employment, ai Canada's Sons on KOPP and Veldt," the only
Piece of'lead is put with the powder into of each animal. They stood there and
a round tube of curious workmanship, book dealing eaclusivel•v whit the Canadian Contingents, is. thep, ate their ,mid day meal. The driver booir to handle. Official, Autbentic, Cheap, sails on sight bo
and not gold only, but all manner of .was patient and proud of his team, He
goods and chattels, houses and lands, petted them and talked to them and everybody, and anybodc t -an sell it. Capital or experience not
messuages, easements and heredita- when they were through drove off necessary. Send for Trine Outfit and make money,
menta, oven men's souls and DO LS, ryliistliiig,
"Talk about the laboring Tuan drop -
A CrY ftr H_ -Ip, -A pain in the back ping his shovel at the sound of the noon
isacry of the kidneys for help. SoutliAmeri- whistle," said .one man, "that beats
can Xidney Cure is the only cure that hasn't
a failure' written against it in case3 of anything I have ever saw. No onea
Bright's disease, diabetes, inflammation of hereafter need try to convico me of the
the bladder, gravel and other kidney all. intelligence of tho horse, That ice
ments. Don't neglect the apparently ipsig-
nificant "signs." This powerful liquid wagon team settles it.„
specific prevents and cures.--rye`---
Thi HABLE-Y-GA RETSON G®., limiledt
0 •,
of Owen Sound, made shipments last
A Tas
weekto Dawson City; Dunedin, Scot -
land, and to the Hawai]n Islands.
Nvould be useless unless
The business man forgets, as do many,
the fita stY 9.. Y le and ualit
of us, the truth expressed by I3uskin,
points. Because ,they act gently, more
effectively, never pain, and are easy to take.
were apparent to back up
every statement. We
clan pane
don't tally volumes, but
our suits talk for us, and
a r,9
our prices will suit you.
LifttI ITIe�,' 111 0
Leave your order for
that new
MGok Boar Vgnaturo of
� foo ][lac $SL^e3fa 4ltwpper . ... ..} ..
veirSr sandal l` Dud or. ttwo r
t py
the poor and oppressed, wherever he
GARVER i!'dn alzz9NtSto
Stand next Griffin's Grocery.
ITTLE M laltlbi NUS.
It believes in the man who believes in
�; p•y-
JL.UJa I4.R-t
OF- p
.A: .1. l 'e�
tfinm ltusT"Vk NA4u1ir.
is pure and cold and
TO DAUNT good Boas �
maq bo 104e:tneod by
+1~TCZtIu C TI i 'I'.
our aid. Address,
109 PAPE tN►iiioae 04, i
W114 I'laptwood to tlao nlel .t rclaaitalrit QIiUNI FI HOUR,
+'cY-*I&nd funadi,
r1'lasa xrare4 I'uun(r ft crit,
It occurred to an ulchoanist one da ` 1�ipts xtly i is tilrsala 'that Mew
y /dart;refer Nt'llsar► floe W#laR•le .li ew haat# _ +�
that it would bo A tine thing to take. �ivt iitaialr pinilor, "� *�+
pulphor, saltpeter and driod toads, pound (1`Iow York t un.) +i4��rEE EN R BLACK)
thein all to a powder duel A hair of intelligent horses attracted ,
there tegethsriii all ' alembio, which he the attention of a, large crowd on Nos+ $ +±G` l' `'.
carefully luted and set on the furnace to salt street at noon one clay last week.�x��a�� �S �ai3ct� a'� best customer -,haat, say's au writer ill. .Ainloe's They, were attached to n,heavily loaded
,Magazine. He poked up the Are and •:ice wagon; coming down the steep grade tx% a 1; Uzi Salt: does not Sell.
,vatted around, thinking what lie would between Cedar street And Maiden blue � ,
40,with all Ili$ money if this would turn Alta were boldlug back the wagon with Use T '' A Grown in -a, British Colony by British Capital.
nut to lie the powder of reduction that a noticeable abort, ,vl%hou •.alley were
would burn brass mOtal into 9QK when, 11141fWay-down the whistles blew for 12
bang! went the alembfo and the wiod�ws cl'cfock, Suddenly the horses. drew in A free sample of delicious SATaADA Tea sent
blow out, and the door ripped cif ifstoward the curb and began to plant On, xec11i � �f �stal zxlic�� I17l�! �JG�
hinges And fell dawn, blain! The thein ltiud feet well forward to stop the Gl>� 1 p" �' mentioning w you
alchemist scuffled out from under the drink --Black, Mixed, or �arl'een Tea. Address
wagon, sc »
ruins of the furnace, shoot; a redhot 'Floe ctxiver rand, no short to cheek SAL A,D,A,, Toronto or tontreal,.
coal or two out of his shoo and the ashes then, and thein' hard worst at once at- �-�--�. •. �»,.��,--��-.« ..-.�.
off himself, and wondered what had zracted notice, Pedestrians looked at
struck hint, > to tried it again and again, the Horses and then at the driver who ^" - -
and each time ryitli file satno result; find had a broad grin on, hila. face. By hard To Catch' th. e'E.
then it dawned upon hint that he had work the wagon was stopped, The
discovered it fail: article of blasting driver sat still and watched his animals, �n� ��� ���
powder. Since then about all that has ()lie of then; immediately beganrubbing
been done to his recipe has been to put hi$ Bead against tho nock of the other
in a little boater grade of charcoal; say and with hods and pushes succeeded in �'E. Jtf £"
that of willow'twigs, instead of toasted rubbing his bridle oft', Then the other 'rim
-,,e horse took his turn at rubbing and his
Little did the old alchemist dream bridle came off,
what potency was in that "powder of Fully two hundred persons had
reduction." For snob, It was. Although watched this and when it was completed is the art in advertising. This Ad, illustrates how true this
it never yet has turned lead into gold by the driver got down front this seat and Saying is, cipecially to tijta,e wishing pleasant find profitable
its mere touch, yet when a small, round swung a bag of oats Exam ower the nose employment, ai Canada's Sons on KOPP and Veldt," the only
Piece of'lead is put with the powder into of each animal. They stood there and
a round tube of curious workmanship, book dealing eaclusivel•v whit the Canadian Contingents, is. thep, ate their ,mid day meal. The driver booir to handle. Official, Autbentic, Cheap, sails on sight bo
and not gold only, but all manner of .was patient and proud of his team, He
goods and chattels, houses and lands, petted them and talked to them and everybody, and anybodc t -an sell it. Capital or experience not
messuages, easements and heredita- when they were through drove off necessary. Send for Trine Outfit and make money,
menta, oven men's souls and DO LS, ryliistliiig,
"Talk about the laboring Tuan drop -
A CrY ftr H_ -Ip, -A pain in the back ping his shovel at the sound of the noon
isacry of the kidneys for help. SoutliAmeri- whistle," said .one man, "that beats
can Xidney Cure is the only cure that hasn't
a failure' written against it in case3 of anything I have ever saw. No onea
Bright's disease, diabetes, inflammation of hereafter need try to convico me of the
the bladder, gravel and other kidney all. intelligence of tho horse, That ice
ments. Don't neglect the apparently ipsig-
nificant "signs." This powerful liquid wagon team settles it.„
specific prevents and cures.--rye`---
Thi HABLE-Y-GA RETSON G®., limiledt
g e, .
He gazed at the flowers with tearful eyes,
Hd kissed their drooping leaves;
It was for the Lord of Paradice
He bound them in his sheaves. •
"My Lord has need of these flowers gay,"
The Reaper, said and smiled ;
"Dear taken of the earth are they,
`Where he was once a child."
A.ud the mother gave, in tears and pain,
The flowers she most did love;
She know site should find them all again,
In the 13elds of light above.
not in cruelty, not in wrath,
The Reaper came that day;
;'was an angel visited the great earth,
And took our treasurer away.
Itatas of I,itorost,
A Mormon, no matter what Ilia age,
wants to be buried in pore white coli(ill
There isn't a lighthouse in all Alaska
except one little'°bug" light at Sitka.
Miller's 'Worm Powders cure fits in
children. Vor sale by A. L. Hamilton.
The average depth of the ocean is it
tittle less their thrco miles, or 15,000 r
foot. {,
What an Bnglish paper says' is the
greatest incubator in the world is at
Binary, near Sydney. It aecommo-
,Tates11,440 duck eggs or 14,080 ]tells'
,995. 1
Miller'& Coinpound Iron Tills; G0 doses i
25e. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Beirut discovery tri dierusliln. proves;
that the ancient aqueduct which
brought water front, llothlohom 'through
the 11,11fralr valley, thought to be the
wotk of Herod, was built by 'Vlnpetoir
Severns, 105, A. IX Inscriptions to that
effect have beau. found.
a,. � h ..tis »s u� t. `�. '" n.,. i• P
Powley's LAquilie d' Ozoaae Cured Thos.
IBe�.vtd>saa, �ea'Asaa, �r �¢ 6s
"f3rRUN. ONT.
"Ttr.o 0zo:, Co,, Limited:
OPOSlrs. -• it gives in0tatploasnro to give 3,011 my testimonial of
the really great merits of Ozone. Our little boy two months old had
broneinitiy vory bad. I met your agent and ho gave mea bottle to try
on him, anti before he had finishod it, wo perceived a (treat benefit
And in three days lie was cured. In the same Zook our littiu two.
year-old girl took the measles. Sho reeovored inn speody and most
satisractory niaianar. I consider year medicine a Cledsend, for I
have never seen any thing. like it and I am using it noiv inyself with
tho best results, and though I have �oesit $,1W,0e on inhalers and
catarrh romedies, yet I have nover niet with the soma ros"Its as I
have with the two bottles of Ozone Ihave used, (89d.) Thos, I3aw-
don, 13erlln, forniorly 355 Borlcloy St., Toronto:'
Throat trouble, colds and bronchitis are prrivalent
disorders this time of the year. In themselves they
amount to very little ---maybe a passing discomfort.
It's the after effects that are alarming, We have
givelt testinsonials where patients have been cured
of the after effects --lung trouble and Ceti sultilstiotl -,•
esy 1'owley's Liquified Ozone, the condensed oxygen
treatment. This case shoWS its effect on the other
or milder types, The best thing you can do is to
get a bottlo and use it as a preventive.
it only casts a dollar, and it's surer than medicine
a goon deal. Oxoiie is fife.
too arab $1.00, at tett dVUV Stt lftd- Wvlto the 6x0110
444. of *rd-volitoi Limited, 4S Colbbrrib Sat., T011611W.
1 ;; b � >., �` �;' '/' t .Ky .a5 . .K; •ti' y�,' T k �',. r rr
5uld lit A. T.. Ilamitton, i3ftl,y"tri•t, 11'itiulia•rli Ow,
Lit'tlo � r.mvaa.-Old time a quarter-
Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
a -box 11Purg„rs"arequitting tho field in
Gladstone Voutud Time to. be Kind.
whole bat,alions. Dr. ,Agnew's Little Pills
The business man forgets, as do many,
at zo cents a vial are driving them out at all
of us, the truth expressed by I3uskin,
points. Because ,they act gently, more
effectively, never pain, and are easy to take.
that I a little thought and a little kind-
ness are often worth more than a great
Sick Headache succumbs to one dose, -,-69
deal of money.” The great demand is
Sold by A. L. 13ami1tou.
on their hearts, not on their purses, In
the matter of kindness we may all be
The Timid Ciiap;:ever Wins,
great,.aad if the prime minister of •one
There is something sublime in the
of the greatest nations in the world, a
youth who possesses the spirit of bold -
man whose pen and tongue and brain,
ness and fearlessness, :who has proper
were constantly exercised hi behalf of
confidencein his ability to clo- and dare.
the poor and oppressed, wherever he
The world takes us, at our valuation.
found them; if the grand olid -; man of
It believes in the man who believes in
� Go o
Great Britain, William E. G]adstoize,
himself, but it has little use for the
could find time to leave his pressing par-
timid man, the pile rvho is never certain
liamentary duties, to carry a bunch of
of himself, who cannot rely on his own
flo`vers to a little sick crossing -sweeper,
judgment, who craves advice from
shall we not be ashamed to make for
ourselves the. excuse, Ill haven't time to
others, and is afraid to go ahead on his
k K, ipti
be kind '"
Own account.
It is a man with a positive nature, tie
Ali .Nerves.
luau. who believes that he if equal to tho
Many people say they are "all nerves,"
easily startled or upset, easily worried
Heart and
nail irritated. rl. just
emergengy, rvho believes he can do the
I thing be attempts, who wins the con-
fidence his fellow-ulau. He is be -
�' 4P
l Roirwamna
Nerve Pills are just the remedy such
Ii of
people require. They restore perfect
loved because bio is brave and self -
harmony of the nerve centres and give
new nerve force to shattered nervous
Those rvho have acoornplished great
Chizr;s in the world have been, as a rule, .
im lll.AortIAisf.
Composed by Cleveland friend the late
bold, ti,ggre«iVe and, self-confident.
',;'.hey dared to step out frOln tyle crowd,
Ten for five cents, at Druggists Grocers, Restaurants, '
Sheers' p, Gee,duce life 1
a of
They banish s d prolong
W. H. James, whose death occurred April 17,
and act in an original way. They were
One gives relief I No matter what's the matter• one will '
do you good. Ten samples and one thousand testi.
not afraid to be generals.
a monials sent by mail to any address on receipt of price,
by the itipam Chemical Co., x0Spruce St., New York City.
There is a- reaper, whose name is death,
'.Chetan is little room in this crowding,
And with his sickle keen,
competing age, for the timM, vacillating
He reaps the bearded grain at a breath,
youth. He who would succeed to -day,
And the flowers that grew between,
ill ust not only be braze, but must also
"Shall I have caught that is fair?„ with
dare to take chances, Iia who waits for
certainty never wits.
"Have naught but the bearded grain?
Through the breath of these flowers is
sweet to me,
l, .
I "a
I willive them all back a lin "
g e, .
He gazed at the flowers with tearful eyes,
Hd kissed their drooping leaves;
It was for the Lord of Paradice
He bound them in his sheaves. •
"My Lord has need of these flowers gay,"
The Reaper, said and smiled ;
"Dear taken of the earth are they,
`Where he was once a child."
A.ud the mother gave, in tears and pain,
The flowers she most did love;
She know site should find them all again,
In the 13elds of light above.
not in cruelty, not in wrath,
The Reaper came that day;
;'was an angel visited the great earth,
And took our treasurer away.
Itatas of I,itorost,
A Mormon, no matter what Ilia age,
wants to be buried in pore white coli(ill
There isn't a lighthouse in all Alaska
except one little'°bug" light at Sitka.
Miller's 'Worm Powders cure fits in
children. Vor sale by A. L. Hamilton.
The average depth of the ocean is it
tittle less their thrco miles, or 15,000 r
foot. {,
What an Bnglish paper says' is the
greatest incubator in the world is at
Binary, near Sydney. It aecommo-
,Tates11,440 duck eggs or 14,080 ]tells'
,995. 1
Miller'& Coinpound Iron Tills; G0 doses i
25e. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
Beirut discovery tri dierusliln. proves;
that the ancient aqueduct which
brought water front, llothlohom 'through
the 11,11fralr valley, thought to be the
wotk of Herod, was built by 'Vlnpetoir
Severns, 105, A. IX Inscriptions to that
effect have beau. found.
a,. � h ..tis »s u� t. `�. '" n.,. i• P
Powley's LAquilie d' Ozoaae Cured Thos.
IBe�.vtd>saa, �ea'Asaa, �r �¢ 6s
"f3rRUN. ONT.
"Ttr.o 0zo:, Co,, Limited:
OPOSlrs. -• it gives in0tatploasnro to give 3,011 my testimonial of
the really great merits of Ozone. Our little boy two months old had
broneinitiy vory bad. I met your agent and ho gave mea bottle to try
on him, anti before he had finishod it, wo perceived a (treat benefit
And in three days lie was cured. In the same Zook our littiu two.
year-old girl took the measles. Sho reeovored inn speody and most
satisractory niaianar. I consider year medicine a Cledsend, for I
have never seen any thing. like it and I am using it noiv inyself with
tho best results, and though I have �oesit $,1W,0e on inhalers and
catarrh romedies, yet I have nover niet with the soma ros"Its as I
have with the two bottles of Ozone Ihave used, (89d.) Thos, I3aw-
don, 13erlln, forniorly 355 Borlcloy St., Toronto:'
Throat trouble, colds and bronchitis are prrivalent
disorders this time of the year. In themselves they
amount to very little ---maybe a passing discomfort.
It's the after effects that are alarming, We have
givelt testinsonials where patients have been cured
of the after effects --lung trouble and Ceti sultilstiotl -,•
esy 1'owley's Liquified Ozone, the condensed oxygen
treatment. This case shoWS its effect on the other
or milder types, The best thing you can do is to
get a bottlo and use it as a preventive.
it only casts a dollar, and it's surer than medicine
a goon deal. Oxoiie is fife.
too arab $1.00, at tett dVUV Stt lftd- Wvlto the 6x0110
444. of *rd-volitoi Limited, 4S Colbbrrib Sat., T011611W.
1 ;; b � >., �` �;' '/' t .Ky .a5 . .K; •ti' y�,' T k �',. r rr
5uld lit A. T.. Ilamitton, i3ftl,y"tri•t, 11'itiulia•rli Ow,