The Wingham Times, 1901-05-03, Page 2N THE WINGINK 'r[NFS, MAY '3), 1901, U_f­_ Vairoda equncil, A lUndy 1, Teeswatert whidilue, still In ivillouce, was com- coulicii ,let in town. hall, 11 -People talk about the various uses to ..twit pletva:111 B. L), ouApril l0th, 1001, as per moti A LAME BACK which a woman. eall, 1�u,' a IlAir pin," 11iller's Worm Powcler.o are a wonder- adjournment. Members All present, said the old printer, "but I think the to, I'lediedue tor ailments of children, The Reeve in the chair. experienced compositor can take his What I like lyJ1lg*.0. Fur viao by A L. Hamilton. Minutes of Just meeting were read CAUSES Wt., Q, H, WILCOX YEARS 00111POsing rule and with it give the..... ....... The first, cturetioy issued by flits ,told adopted, OF GREAT SUFFERING. ladies points as to the manifold And whites withill tilt) limits of the United Kutitz—Ballagh—That applications seemingly incongruous uses to -tyllich a States Was waspulu, which was adopted for wtirking road -grader be now 0PQAed il-jTURUD III-, SPIqn wxllL..a LTrTINQ, AND. a simple impleinont can be put." by tlio (-olunists in I007 ixt and considered.—Carriect. IrUL remits TOLD IIINE HE VOIILD Now, a composing rule, I must ex. v. A NLVER rLTLI4 11ROOVER-13UT, XJH Is plain for the benefit of those unfamiliar their intermurso with the Indians. Scott—,Tarvis—That its Messrs. Unutz ONOE XQUE F131r4s VROIK TTIL T , 110 . Mon and Ballagh failed to set) M. I. Seitz as VrQra the Brockville 3ecorder. with the mysterles of "the art preserym- - rwarked Heoxt, instructed by luotious that Mr. Goetz be tive of all arts", is a thin sheet of metal, Help the Ovo —18 the great t-n,dne vhicri putrlp$ life In the western section. of Leeds coull, preferably, stecl,.,About fifteen -sixteenths through your systtin lard 1,rrsscd, o%t,r, liai(l fl dollars and iorty cents, being the taxed, groaning un P s It, 1-cal Culross share tit d a es claimed, and ty there is no mau better kilowij than of all inch in width, which is about the mout that Mr. . Ohms. 11. Wilcox, He lima resided CAstorla Is for lInfants. and Children. Castorla Is a - I Z' etisehasclogertlit? Dr.,.g-ieNv'RCurrtur as Mr. Seitz I-,, nZ11,utor said a height of a pioce'Ot type, Its length is tbeHe.trtisn-itt,ck',iltibr,c.-tt, r;mdcar s v, in the vicinity o4 McIntosh Mills for governed by the Nyidth of the line of type harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops end daily dvwon•tratv% to ht­rrstiff�r­a Ur. Janata asl� Iiinf, to. repay the money uch of the time has which is being set' which In the ordinary It contains neither Opium.. that it is the salt t a.%4 r.1o,T I -11r etly EU the tuwnship treatrer Carried, years, and during ry and Soothing Syrups. renled,F th.kt in- %lic-LI scl_md h.-t-ws—Ci ballogli—Bentz—.1fat tFbo reeve and corldneted m very sccessful saw -milling newspaper column, is 13 ems of pica, or Mo line nor other Warcotic. substance- It Is Pleasant. t - to inspect business. All of Mt. Wilcox's neighbors 2 . 3.10 inches, Th rule is placed in the rpl so'd by A. L. Hamilton. U,. Jarvis be apt 11 luted know that lie was E Its guarantee Is thirty years' use by Millions of Two hundred an fifty thousqu.1 fl� I. great sufferor,for composing llstick,"�'or threeisided inetal n � BlIothers, Castoria, destroys Worms and allays Feverish millious of locast woro 16161 Scott—Kautz—Thal as this council years from a lai kel, back, and most of box in which to lay6lie letters of type, id two yetirs. fitir, been petitioned bt five rate, payers them k4o%ir that thj I affliction has now When the line is, coitipleted, the rule is ness. Castorla'cures Diarrhoea alid Wind Colic. Castorla, tualipuint. au arbiErato , r to consider the happily passed awily. Mr, Wilcox Says lifted out, placed niter the line just set, relieves Teething Troubles, curies Constipation and he owes this happypelease from pain to and the composition of the next line r, latuiency. Castolqggl, assimilates the food, re ;elates I aitt Agtjoi,s of Union School Sections Wo. I and 2 Greei.w.-It and Culross, that. this Dr, Williams' Pitif Pills, and those who proceeded with. !To facilitate the lift. the Stomach and Bowels of Infants and Children, giving JUS W �ouiicil appoint Win, Reid an arbitrator know him will not for all instance clues- lug of the rule fr4ii the stick, a- pro. healthy and natural sleep. Castorla is the Children's aial, that tho reeve and clerk sign and tion the sincerity f ,is statement He jecting Ing is pravided on all, upper 1 the By -Lit-, appointing said Mr. gives the story o his suffering and sub- utiruer, Panacca—The Mother's Friend. Dr. Pitcher's Eackacho "' i seq Kidney TableHas Jarvis—kiout went cure in following st.trenit.,11t: -Yon see," said the old comp., as he' Reid arbitrator. Citt'ried. ,at the petition tion of "One (lay. while. working in a, the ;hill, inserted sharp corner of his rule in the Castor 1a. Castoria. t a lumber I had the And of an orange, deftly circled the -1 Castoria is an excellent medicine for , castorim is so well adopted to children ISoub. Stroino audwthurs be laid over for and engaged in hlting 1, Record of. Cupes 1;. - ; having misfortune to sevtrely wrench my back, huit and proceed d to peel off the. skin, children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre - further consideration as Calrosi ilk' of its good efrect upon their children." seri tion known to me." -lam, �b have the open- I was so badly in ured that I hod to be "I amStow using t as a fruit knife. As k Unparalleled. passed a By I DR. G. C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Afass. 11, A. Aiitcurm, M. D. Brooklyn, N. 11 necause it is not an experiment, not a "cure- uil betel e and Kiltls having refused to carried home, im&for six months I was a paper knife Alla letter opener it is -u wo vvilsid k , ally unablelo move, and Fuffered always, at hand. To a bachelor, de - We, thorotigh- tit) s er that Kiuloss must priotia. all," but a modern, upto-date form THE FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF ly tried and tested on many hundreds of ittle Itutlull first.—qal-ried. great torture.. Tlie�dootor told me that prived of all the ii4le conveniences of a cases in private practice, hospital and outdoor itel)(),L UF I-L't0ve,T-1 beg to report that I had injured my spine and that I would home, it is sinipt invaluable, for I clinics. it Los been brought' to my notice that never fully recover *om • its effacts. . At have used it as a c. rkscrew, as a cigar A medicine that has kept pace with the times certain parliniastleri left the road im. last I was able to g about again, but clipper, as a cau-ok� I ener, as an oyster and the advancement of mcCic„l sc;cucc. A 1) ssiblu after the w storm in the was far from being 1human that bind knife, slid to open plains. It is also a' medicine confined to a particular range. One t! I that does not prouti�,e more thanit can do. ter. I shon1d s gest that a By-law beenbeforz. For yqars I suffered almost surprising handy ttiol for odd jobs, for I Winter. A backache, kidney, ma adder tablet, I gyre and be passed in accord e with sub. section continually from pains in the back, and have at different times used it as a simple, the s-ame yesterday, to -day alul to -,liar- see 5 a. or 11. V a as a row. This great l3duey inediciue is a ]won _. 661 of the nicipal Act, pro- was uuablo to lift any heavy weipht. putty knife, a s ewc I er nd alike to the young, the ujiddhaged and the viding for the keepi of the roads open At times the pain was so bad that I was tackdrawer. 'I canzshmrpen pencils with APPEARS ON EVERY WiIAPPER. aged. during sleighing in h year. There unable to work at all, and I was often it whou I lose my pooket knife, 'and I It was the people -rrh -s surces-fully used Dr. •to flin hPuse for (lays At time. can pry open my ��,vatch case with it THr OCNTAUR COMPAMV, 77 MURRAY ST9ECT. NEW YORK CITY, Pitcher's Imela'ache iiduey Tablet that applied bas been also informion giving about confined to it the term *. 1 -rhe Creat Kidney Medicine," the muving of bents oder some bridges During, this timo.II ' Nytts, treated by four When I want to see the wheels go because it removed symptoms like the following that were staring titem in the face every day, supposed to be cause by fencing under different doctors-4but their treatment did around.' Therear many obherwaysin all the result of disordered kidneys— bridges by owners adjoining lands. not seem to do me anv good, They told which it printer's le call be used, but Backftcbe, Anti information ha been laid of horses me that owiug,' to the injury to my I have either for otton them or not Pain in the back. X weak, sluggish circulation. being seared by woo., piles on the road spine my back mvnld always be weak, learned them yet. However, I think AW Puffy or datkcircies under the that the cotors were unable to I have told you enough to she* that if a 1=, dark in alluwalice and as Ithe council is re- Seeing Urine cloudy, milk—like or stringy, colour, or offensive. Painful, scalding sensation in passing it. that a By-law be passed prohibiting any ouves resulting from the use of Dr. away on an uninhabited isle, he Would Dull, heavy headaches, tired, dizzy feeling, spohsible for dainagel would recommend help me, and hm;�ug read of the many printer were, like Robinson Orusoe cast obstiuction being placed on the high- Williams' Pink Pits, I decided to give feel himself amply eqpipped for a OOD faint spells, irregular heart bents. Ti you ever contracted any Blood Diseaseyol safe unless the virus or Urinary weakness, compelling frequent ways—milkstaup, bark, wood, -fences them trial, and 11procured a supply- strnggiewith the disadvantages of his ?ois-mi has been eradicated from the system. Attimes you see alarming symptoms, w. ";' ' t live in hopes no serious results will follow. Have you any of the following attention during the day, and to get up inday cluing bridges, 4tc., and tkat any party Very soon I coulrl 4te that they relieved situatidn. -were he only: provided with his n ? Sore throatp ulcers on the, tongue or in the inoutliq hair falling out, ach- times during the night. symptoms Ing pai n�s itchiness of the skin, nores Or blotches on the body, eyes red and smart, Fagged out, run placing obstructIns on the highways be me a little and, the encouraged me to ' Restless, sleepless nights. composing rule."—London Advertiser. dyspeptic stomach, sexual weakness—Indications of the secondary stage. Don't down and irritable. continue their use..1 In all I took ftbcut� trust luck. Don't ruin your system with the old fogy treatment—mercury and These are some of the danger signals nature liable for all dam4es, etc. t 12 which only suppresses the symptoms for a time only tobreak out again whets Hy. McKay. ten boxes and whet they were finished g po as w a indomestic life. Don't let quacks experiment on you. Our NEWMETROD sets to show the track of health is not clear, but oThe native hen of'New Zealand is an My kidneys clogged and Bright's disease stealing in. Jarvis—Ballaglit—That the reeve's re- my back was as strong as over. The ATMBNT la guaranteed to cure you. Our Muckrantean are brkeked export rat killer. lo..k b -pd- that the disease will never return. Thousands of patients ,If you are convinced Pitcher's Tablets are already cured our METHOD TREATMENT for oover2lo years, what you want, you can purchase them at your Port be adopted and acted upon and that pains that had racked my body for Fo ,Q have been alre. acarn druggist's for 50 cents a bottle. If not obtain- the clerk- have ,sanie placed in the many years had entirelyfo,`J. and no return of thodircass. NO experimen" no risk—nota, "patch up,"but disappeared, 51�x tiva cttr.-. T!ic worst cases solicited \\\ a xeceipt of price. o'r - %1AST0M able at druggists, ittailed free of postage on minutes.—Carried my back felt as strong.as bef e the in - The Dr: Zina Pitcher Co., Toroi;to, Ont. Jarvis—Kuntz—That. this council on- jury. It now years since Idis NF&hh age the services of Juo. Keir at and for continued the usg of the pills and in all KV 0 u 5­1ialLIT 9 For the price and sum 6f s6venteen. and one- that time I hav not had an ache or Infimtsand Chi -.Tren. �;�j GUIR MEW MOTED&D T21iDAWWVNT will cure yota. and make a may of you. Under iisir-iluczce the brain becornes activet the blood purified so that a&cr work performed pain, so that I un safely say that my 31 blotch s and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so - half cents per he- all ulm-ple! ic on that nervo aslifulnesa and despondency,disa car; the eyes become bright, 0 orture ad grider for all statute. cure is permalle .. I would 'advise all the face full ned iilcaT, energy returns to the body, an the moral, �ftvslciai "d ser - of The ' t with the road every ag ar sufferers try Dr. Williams' Wrqqet. X nal Systems are inyiVrated; all drains cease—no more vital waste n5mtbesystera. T7 C 77 r� IVIA 14borandthathe De allowed the same similar sufferers. o t Of 'Iq The various orgat become natural and marly. You feel yourself a mall and. know rate for any priirate work that the Pink Pills, for kn$wincr what they have marriage cannot afailure. We invite all the afflicted to consult us confidentially -me, Iarri confident that ,a free of charge. Don't letquacksand fakirs rob you of your hard-mrne&, —Carried. done for machine may be otillad oil. The Japanese, although a cleanly 24 do'ltrs 17E WIILI� CURE YOU OR 7,10 PAY. 'hat By *e'trrat sad .erre IIT,-RVOTJS DEBILITY, SEXUAL WEAXNE SS, nwis- Prevented Sleep* i -law No. 55 cannot be less stic6essful in other eases." :" people, are not fastLdions on a journey. 4 SIONS, SYPHT S. GLEBT, STRICTURE, VARICOCE14L KIDNEY and being a By law app 6intius pound -keepers These pills are 4)ld had all dealers in, More than 90 per c4ht BL-ADDMR DISH of their passes- teed. S?,S, and all diseases peculiar to men and women. Cures guar=,• ye t ille and inedicille or may ad by mail at 5.0 now read, passed, a t1olct; go oil third -eta s rates. A— FBI 41re 3:oua victim? Have -you lost bore? Are -yon contemplating Mr. Paul Lariv eri 3leadowv TM ? signed and settled. Carried, Ores for $2.50 by ad airriage Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weak nii(I 41 years is the psalm- 4 IL a u ss? Our New Method Treatment will cureyou. Consultation' , I Station, Pletou Co.�, N.S., writes Threescore V iliums' tiv, , -D as follows: "I shall always praise Jarvis—Ku:ptz— hat By-law No. 56 dressing the Dr. U, s' Medicine Co., a box or six ists measure of HN but in Caithilem, Gree. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Burdock Blood Bitt6rs as the best being a By-law for he purpose of pur- Brockville, Out. 12o not take any sub- Cliames reasonable. gookafrea.--AlThe Golden Monitor" [illustrated] OaDiseascsof remedy for skin diseases. I had Scotland, a man of fO, unless married, is men V*Dlseascs of women" "The Wages of Sin." "Varicocele, Stricture and Gleet.11 ,been suffering from � Salt Rhelum. chasing a road gr er, be now passed, stitute or any otheit remedy alleged to be described as a lad o by his brother of go All sent Free sealed. or Eczema for the past five years ilii signed and settled. Carried. "just as good." , r3o tradloine sent 0. 0. 0. Ho names on boxes or envelopes. EvbrylbinB as a. boy. conflasn"Hal. Question gist and Cost of Treatment, FREE, for Home Cure. and could not get any rest from Jarvis—Ballugh That the clerk the terrible burning�and itching, ughlin to have the 15afety Pap to be Used. which was worse at night and pre- notify James 41 We draWZr by statute labor and to bill The result of the, -isit paid by +' vented _0 vented me sleeping. the council with the price of the tile Winton" to the orouto banks will 014 Ps. UN N EDY 'a KEROM Hearing of L B.B.B. I thought ouly.—Carried. probably mean the do tion of the use 148 SHELEW ST. DETROIT ME -CH. Iry it n, r ;,0a d !�Jj� using one I would bottle as mile clieved that Kuntz—.Ballagh—That By-12LyV No. of safety Pape for checks by %11 li YA xis alts DY0 I coutin liking Thispaperm. es 'in ued using ii t 57 being a By-law appointing person to flaunt iustitatioi 0 ;� T bottles in all, and a now coin- 'rk- a road grader, be noNv* read, passed, the successful of acids in the we u cured, obliteration of or(in the N S( pletely cured," signed and sealed.—Carried. ITL5 g impos LLS Kuntz -Jarvis—That the scale of sible issue of Ronse, the for 'id liver, and cure ,)Joe ru �c It is a blessing teat there is statute be as follows—up to $800 asses- accepted W1 also be more biliousness, sick headache, jaundice, M such % reliable reme as B.B.B. stringent. One f the devices used to, nausea, iud!ges tion, etc. They are in - sed value, 1 day.; for every additional for those torturedd and night prdvent the raisin of checks is in. oiler- I valuable to provent,a cold or break up a with ter skin dise sex and who voo assossed value, another day.— p'g; fever, Mild, gentle, edrf fain, they are worthy ation in the office f the Home Savin ez"* can get no l!c1-�15nf",0o,8.L, heir misery. Carried. I your Kuntz—Ballagh—That the roads con- & Loan Company: Oil the left Im-nd of confidence. p�ureiv vegetable, they Applyitexternal andittakes can be taken by chi 1dren or delicate women, CLUBB1N%1.,A out the fire and ite and aids in strutted in this township shall be a this conipaily's oil clU is printed in red, '�rieo. 25c.atall medicineidealers orbymall the healing process. 0 of C. I. HOOD & Co., Lor, ell, Mass. uniform width of 24 feet with 1 inch a list Of anloulAs, ' ranging front 1,45 t foot anti ler tis the words, "not Take it internally arid it purl- grade to the fo � from centre of road V,()00, and under fies the blood of all:"vhose poisons and that the olA?rator- shall, have full exceed the minotin struck ont.11 . The intention is that the drawer of the check. NvItich are the source :of skin erup tions. control of coustr4oting any road as per shall strike out with his pen the sum, . ..... printed in red nearest equal to the Jarvis—Killitz—, -That; the claim of Mn amount of the cheek and which stim he THE TIMES announces the fo.1- EM.18. Cure -_-t Eczema Colvin for road through field be thrown 11ullespair out.—Carried. does not wish to exceed. If this is not lowing 6lubbing Offers for ng, I Jarvis—Balla—That, whereas the done the ledger1ccoper rnns his Pon a1ld all B4M. Even.if you are bridge on the creek at Moscow on the through the proper sum. The check is troubled with 1900-1901 Itching- Slain Diseases. side -road opposito'lot 18, con i 14, is in made of sensitive paper -which prevents the ink of the pen stroke being -removed Backache and need of repair, that Mr. Kuntz have the by chemical means. not able to atw. Times till end of igoi, $ r.00 same attended ti, —Carried. tend to your household duties, If Times and Weekly Globe, with picture, "The Can- FINAxoE REPORT. Its not the weather that's at fault. you have not used Doan's Pills you adiang at the Battle of Nardeberg," till Jan. I st, Shattered Nerves ane 'James lRoss, fixing pitch holes on. It's your stytotn, clogged With poisonous. can be absolutely cured by them. 1902) 1.60 gravel ..., _ti ................. * 115 materials, that makes you feel (lull, I - Robt Grant, catting ice at Day's drowsy, weak and miserable. Lot Bar- PROOF F40?1 ONB OF NAM Times and Wed1dy Witnes�, i.6o Weakened Systemv, bridge...... . X ................ 6, 60 dock blood Bitters clear away all the M0TILEAL, Qt1e., 7Mh.26th, looi. Times and. Family Herald and Weekly Star with 1,Tno McDonaldjday disc oil gravel 8 00 poisons, purify and enrich your, blood, Do=ls Rmxrx Pim Co., Toronto, Ont. premium 7 A . Batchart, #art - printing 1901, make you foci bright and vigorous, Dear Sirs,�! have 6been suffering for M THE AFTER EFFECTS OF LA OR 7 � 10 67 earti from kidney trouble. i !,ad terrible Times 10; post cards, 0 ( . .......... I . s and.Weekly Mail and Empire, 1 71 G, LamberttI4 ploughing gravel lt6r the Xitchan. �ackache and wag troubled with dizzineas. Times and Western Advertiser, 1.50 Han lon Had li� �e? south of Teefwqter ..... 1..... 2 00 colored and GOP Nichael Goetri, damage to cutter.: Pour teaspoonfuls of liquid malto one My urine was scanty, highly 540 omitained a ihiok sticky sediment. I con. Times and Weekly Son, 1-75 Jun. Sproul, Q,P.R. btatato Label! tablespoonful. suited physicians without any success and Times and Daily Globe, 4-35 Did it Lane any After Effects? 1898 ...... I., ............ _ .... 140 Four tablespoonfuls of liquid, one gill almost gave up in despair, At last I saw X-anti—MlItigh—That the V-71111100 or a quarter of a cap. Dosurs Vie advertised, so I procured two Times and Toronto Daily Star, 2-50 If It did # read' What M. V. J, report its just read be adopted and A teaspoonful of liquid, balf an ounce, boxes of them and they ave we adomplete Titneg and Farmers' Advocate, 1.90 sure and I call ati,6119to my household Btopl%y# of Mritreal, Que., has to cheques issued,— Carried. A pint of liquid weighs a pound. ditties without trouble. I can recommend say of eho good Milburn's Heart Ballagh—Jaivis—Thht We do now ad- A quart of sifted flour, one Pound. noun's His and idadst say that they abbula We cotild extend the list, but it is not necessary. We ► journ to meet again ou Monday, 'May I F our kitelien cupfuls of flour, one be tried by all. who auleev from kidney. Can give you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine vAd Nerve Pills did him. 27 ate a, in.. as a Court of :Revision and I pound. trouble. Idlia..9, Linakurm published..Every stibscriber will receive a copy of the. hand- Hwilotes I fig"I zvelr gevem I APPOO'l, and jor general busitiosg.— I Throe kitehen cupfuls of corn Ileal, e otack of la, grippe, 1 Carried. ono pound. isome illustrated TIMES CHRISTMAS SUPPLEMENTJ CHAS. BurroN, 0101t. One cup of butter; half a pound, The advance in the price of paper, having to pay postage and-, which left Xne all run downt wtv fl.o.-Vous 1 106, Woes Phospboalno, having a higher rate from publisbar, the clubbing rates have md extfewdy WCA. I Could not detp at i . ALgolidpint of Chopped ineat, one DwOretzg 1%glish &Wft. akht And was fmubfed With peoftt.-A per. Indligettl6h, that #"6hsj*6 t6 pound, f 12 arn isto in Cao assn Olil roll- beett increased in sone instances. The above ;ire our F I XE D .' clu.cd me tnudi wittoy- : huhian hoLo s in its , TOII, eggs, One Pound, le medicine (1190618re . grft rates, wanted down so ar, to admit of no reduction. Thern. Joation, whith plha*6 pitiles ab kaflos 9Ut%rdnk0C?t40uke all �)5d et dets of r4g. i "saults, ittid no �kspectot n? Pe-rS0118, MS Met A dgndl Of l0 el' t%tt Cighth Of ft tea- h aside. me,14-5 of V.•4 " ff f rms 0 Se fore there is no use asking for cheaper rates. When we ca U 1 its conqueror itt 8'oath Ameticin Nervine. This kna V11=11 id I great stomach and nerve renterly stimnlates or o3totAg, Mental Worry.. Zx6e§sIve to^ of To, illo ti� accords S U006. Ophlift of StImulatit# Ailod on -V6 t aflord to give cheaper rates to one we Can give them to all. rt ,6 Z 7 b2a CC 13 Ift 6 UP Vggoo. digestion, tones the nerves, aid:, circulation, Of 4, Otis 1pok& 6 $14 J,drives out InipuritW, dispels *oil, suid J 1 lets I t� oft &6"., 0 cite it p itud nly W!131t SY14=4 and mide, rhe I'al bring flack the r Wett htnitl!. Ciirr.% ChIldren 'Cry for TIMES VP ■OX of p Me 0, now n=, I Caa ftcornzayd theva to hun(mlsof"d. poy- Pho liciany.­0 ^ A Ir 4 "Id M:111ani. by 19 tdWring its I dict. Win (11)mp orrow, Davis, MM by A. U 150IM11. 1A. A,