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The Wingham Times, 1901-04-26, Page 8
THE WINGITAX TIAMS, AM114 26, 1901, W. P. Vonstotte shippoil,a, car load of DR. hGNE W, WALKER BROS.&BUTTON There 111itCFs tai© Ir --Wroxeter people. aro agitatitir for a t 11, 010IN't, Night calle at Button 111wk, o DruR Store. t b in our business. --w veractery site. A I. L rl V hogR to Toronto on Monday. 11117810inn, 8urgoon. Ch.. UNOZRTAKE316, WINQ Aro "I 1 -Zags door south of 801:4001. Uout,% Shop op. posite Namdopold blook.. G 11'"'Nv DOO Ile _We are pleaFed to ree John Unrray E, ESTELLE CRIFFIN able to be at ound againt afror bis severe WIMMAX . - I I 't price illueso. VIOLIN AND GUITAR@ We run our own business and make our own liones -The brick work oil. tile new Watioual UACHER OF V01OPo CULTURE. X10 CARR14 ROOR13, .d.ft Iron. Works buildhigs, was startocl on of London Conservatory of Nu will be pro, f umle lip" a ,�Ared for Conservatory 1�e Illy" 1. I'll n . TH SAMr TO ALL. DFIFWSS Tuesday. I&IP11111t I :;A ." Of vito,111"42a -13eattle Bros. bave purchased a Alto. Guitar. ONE' Irr" R I G team of gray horses f9r use in their TENDERS V -H llsaldvn ce-oppomito 1J. C. 01itirch, Wingliam. livery barn. Tenders in b lk iddrotd 10 V r; ed ising, i. G%Jvdsl --T. A. Xills, and' A. yt),jug & Sons are invite(Val ti 4 }�t 4 411, As a result our business is incre &roglon of 0 3 111 C uxt at PIANO AND TKORY, 11 ice bit(I liew gNvulugs put up :1IVfrQnt It i left r, 10148 lull bo seen a I and after tho iiit., 0 g I MSS SARA LOUISE MOORD, L.C.N. ASONS—Our customers are satisfied and send their of their stores. rplouag(" C OW. W t or RE 3fi-M A14D PRINTS, -Dr. McCrae, of Daug liou, has uny tenZ11,41 not nee'ess " aceo t and member of the Associated xusic 1#1 of f I I , tock unexcelled for quality and variety. an Ontario, is reputed to reovive a linitte , am- rienc a to 4%. S CHAS, IL P. 0 berotplipir, Xor instruction on plauOu.ndin sold his business and niedival pr(Midet, to 121=111ent. Theory. i Dr. Brice, of London. special attention given to pupils prevarbig, itp A big, pirchase in -high-class -Wm, Armour has moved into Thos. U'D Bed=lRoofn Suit g J. J. Niolt, V. S, 0 u r $ 16. or examinations. ' 0 Uoorolshouse ou Centro street, lately Dress Goods at our oW n price. Honorary Graduate of vacated by B. P. -Ptkulill- Ontario "Veterinary fi'College. 9 Now, we ti ill let yt)u share the -Weddiog invitations and * Visiting OQWo ad Inarinnry is Cit for a palace. See it. fruit ofe)ur hig, purchase. ItiS arIt, tire printed at reasonable rates and tit 0olley m old sfand, Teadn one of the best Dress Goods on short tiotica at the TMES 00106. Day and night enilh a y attended to. UNDERTAKING—Our extensive experiece warrants Bartyains we ever offered you. J. Elliott shipped a car load of nevoraiection, The undersigned is now prepared to Lis in calling The _ special attention to this Branch of our business. First lot put out on Saturday I hn--es to oil Thursday. do tV1 kinds of work in the of gell- w u avatla Africa. FARM kk at 5oc, rqq. 65c and 75c new hurses. are to be ust)d i cral teantiner, You will find us prompt, reliable, attentive and efficient. -A line lot of envelopes just received find anyone Unving live mtoelr or otbor Garden Pio-,Ndng and other woric will spring shades. at the Tvu= of4ce. When you want articles they wish to dis )pee Of, 81401at(i adv- receive )roil) it attention, the same forsale, in ho Trms. Our largo 'LUTHE R BALL, Funeral Direct or, Shop early Saturdav first tiro rite telb4and Awill bostrangv irdecKl if All ordors left at Lott & SLuTdy's your next printed eavelopes give Its a orLdonotgretuoustotner. -Weenn'ti;uvrentee livery stable, or at my house will receive choice. call, T14atoil will sell because you may askmore for tZe article or stock than it is worth. Tbend prompt attention. Residence —Patrick St., Mr, Grace.y's late residence. -Robt. rierrie, of Whitechurch , has your advertisement to tho 'Nus and tt7 th-14 purohased a tuorogghbred bull frow pling of your stock Gulaotother W. G. GRAY. New Spring OvercoatS ran of disposing James Steele, OZ LY111131t' f=ll, 1111rult aticles and Swell Spring Suits. township. • The total assessment of SeafOrth, as G3 t Any kind of a fine new �011 from the assessor's roll is $631,085, 4W suit The population is given as 2,880, a de- an .7 to ri-ftm*nd you We are ready for crease of 46. -u s that y kind of a man could R e� n b A t,i M, a wish for. SatUrday Shoppers with the -John, Campbell, implement agent, and has purchased the Ross property on finest clothing variety Victoria street, at present occupied by WE HAVE A FEW DINNER SETS closest prices you have ever Chas. Kriechtel. Make the boy feel like a man then lie will act manly., Put ++ seen. -The snowfall which Wingham ex- him Hito Clot4S shat niake him look like a Man then he will + LEFT,— perieuced on Saturday last was part of a feel like one. Our NeW S 9 Hats storm which was general over Eastern and to move them quick -before the new ones arrive, will • prin Ontario and through New York State. The I'Lion" brand of and Ties. sell at the following prices • -The work of laying the cement Boys' Clothing IGN .4 - Men's up-to-date spring foundation for the new Methodist church shapes; Stiff and Soft Hats, is belong pushed forward. The aboue will just (10. this.because Christy's, Battersbys, and work will be commenced in u few days. there is a style and make. about RLI Printed Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, $4.95 +r 10. Printed Dinner Sets, 100 pieces 5.95 +0 i.other leading makes ; new —Mrs, John Matly, the wife of the them that cannot be seen in any I + Pearl - Greys, Slate new proprietor off the Holyrood hotel, other ine colors, died very suddenly last week from Vh Prilited and Gold Stippled, 97�pieces, 7.75 *+ A good thing, cannot be A"k vl'h Drab, Manse, Fawn, Brown + blood poisoning She was only 25 years al. _ - 1 1. made out of poor material. - just Enamelled and Grold Lines, 97 pieces, 8.75 and Black. of age, C, here is'the secret of getting the boys' trade. Our otbin -A team of dray horses belonging to 9 Enamelled and Gold Lines, 112 pieces, 10.75 BIG STOCX Beattie Bros. made things lively at the sold under the "LION "brand is all wool, manufacturers ex- " Enamelled and Gold Lines, 12/1 pieces, 1 1.9 5 G. T. R. oil Monday morning by rannium- pressly for boys'. use, and we are safe in saying cannot be + in Carpets, Lace Curtains, away, No damage beyond a broken beaten. Ifou call ind examine our line you will at once be- 4- 0 Jardenieres, 7, 8, 9 and 10 inches. Some Table Linens and Shirt neekyolre. y come a custoillt:)'. Waists. —J. A. Johnson's jewellory store at + of these are regularly sold at $ 1.00, your Atwood was b �,e ro 5�_# L'uto on Tuesday 14Te are qele ageu tui f -Gr' t1ke fatuous"Liout", 1;,rnmd. choice for 50c. SATURDAY k -TIGHT night and robbed of q7r $30D worth of 4. Big sale of 5o doz. Ladies' watches, rings and other jewellery andtt t-4 d Children's Cashmere Hose over $20 in cash. If it is Asthma. bronchitis, croup, or =,-y an 25.c. at "F FIN b St Do, mo, U10111 aon9 11�1 such trouble, use-Vallo-Cresolene. Alt Druggists, 41 gn -We are sorry to leaf the serious + Direct Irraporl.-er. M, C I N D 0 0 illness of, our former toNrustuaii, J. H. Dulmage, at his home in Gorrie. Mr. Dulmage had another paralytic, stroke early in the week and lie is now in a MINOR LOCALS.. very dangerous condition. Campbell -Elgin A. Harris, formerly of the Is He 40� qhe Wafers guaran- teed to cure hea&ch&. TDrzs stma and now editor and pro- -let day of :KiY nkat Wednesday, prietor of the Burlington Gazette, was Al e L married on Wednesday of last week to headquarters fr, -The TSS A r Is horse cards. Miss Lena Mortimer, of Burlington. The Trail';s extends cmigratulations. -Jas, A. Cline liar been ill this week with the grip. 16 TO CURE A COLD "T ONE DAY -Regular meeting of 0ourt Maitland, Tako Laxative Bromo, Quinine Tableta. All C, O. F. this (FAdity) evening. dvaggi,.,ta refund the money 11 It r= to cure )r ael 1 ---:For fine job i4nting at reasonable B- W. Grove's slanature is 0 0 1 t prices, the 'VMS p6nnot be surpassed. -A meeting of; he W. C. T. U. will CALRD or TnANX8. vw� be hol(I in Chlshol*'s hall next Tuesday To the officers and members of Camp afternoon. Caledonia, ITo, 49, Sons of Scotland, Wingh%ra-1 desire to eMpross to you -Mr. '"'Illiani Oollins, cleric of themy sincere thanks for the prompt pg division, court wad flunnicipal treasurer, a - Lent of the $1,000 insurance carried by of Walkerton, is (tad, my late husband, Wm. 11. Wheelong, in -The "Young Ladies' Fortnightly yolirnoble order and for the kindness Club"tivill meet Monday evening, 49xil land sympathy shown by the members of 29th, at the home Of Miss Fisher. your Camp. I wish your order pros- - Vie young Ladies' Single Blesses- perity and success, ness Debating Society wYours respectfully, ill hold their ME convention, in Winghant early in, rr 't -Airs. Lamont, of Ripley, mother murnberry, April 10th, 1901. Mrs, A. L. Hamilton is very ill with in. flammation of the lungs. Mrs. Hamil. ton: has been with her mother all week. =,Z: .1 t., the -wife McDOITATZ.—In. 0111 -111r. H. I Benner, an old newspape f Donald McDonald, a On con. 8.it..Ap liter. t =an, died recently at 11mmilton. He lijall Higgins, Of a da .started at Pert Blgin, and for son, ArArtrzujw ,years conducted the Mount Forest Con Hrt-0_k,-0_k,=n.—At the rPoidonCO Of the fedevnte. Pstviouslv he had workea on bride,oil Catiturine street, Ingersoll, the 24% inst., by the sloe`. antat-'s "NiOnt 011, W. J. 'the (luu-1ph Herald. Hahadreached his b�11�1,10ttj'11'11"C'Dnd son Of P-4 Aliort, of %%e Chronicle torta.1, d Y*t Ile wincham T'1dti3s, NA"I'""l ONA L I N WO Uptity - -in Clinton OnAT11-11 ZIA ITA .9 -r-11 Gill, it bis 74th yuan,, Allwiltv.—Itt 13rus-R-1s, on April Iftil, ft. 'Nathan Austin, 49cd 41 years and 127day (1XCOAPORATED UNDER ONTARIO COMPAXMS ACT.) Mimra.--In A(Avick, on Atirit Wilt, see -,daughter oil the ate George A. il W, Spot ENGINEMS, CONTRACTORSo FOUNMRS AND MACHIN15T9. irl Arlyll War- Marrl,;,on Atiril I—Od bid you over have that let olarkwu, wife of ChaR, M-nderso 89 Sole, Agents for Thu Glenfield-Xonuedy Co'y,Ltd., Itilinaknod1r, Scotland, little tickling spot in your 7 (,.q I, S. throat? Felt as if you could almost touch it with k # Cott= 1106t 06mpottA AUDITORS, our fingtr, didn't it? HOWtri tiucCeAefntty aged '0 * (3A',qAJ)XAX BANX Orl WMNIMICSZ, CLARICEOX & GROSS UoWAX ROM your you tried to' -reach it, 1010MAdies. safe, effoatual. ]AZOOZek your d -tialt R"t (M JOHN QALY '0. E. M. E,t WILLIAM 0. 8ULLOCK, but couldn't I Itla easy with Vapo. Owd. Take lbr=et' "Orat 6%&Z tCil f i as, P1 I 16 Sri a ircitationsar6dangtroat. stir Cregolene, fol breathe it. ThereM r 1.0=11811MINT. 111AWAOINO 011ty!"10TOR. box, No. 2,0 degrees attonger.s p6tbojr. q, ylotbil)g in the world requal to it for 'sq,, 11aulter; John A. MeLeaft, Esq., Luinbor Merobant. goppingthew tickliug coughs; and A Mfti a. Tht Cook 061hpnbY Windsor. Oils. Drtrmous ror. 'WxxGnAx._A. B. Smith, H be,landtadidat andedW *11 <, it's *0, plaagant, too. Por asthma, I fWODAW6 Druggists ltx%iton'todoa', emp, broachitig) catarth, and The Company invite' application (rom resident.-, of Wingbami and vicinity for a portion of the present issuc Of 7 Per I pla. -CO 11 A. A. 1_ A whw, ugh, if a the great ";,�TC) 16 cent. preference stock. The preferenpes given are exco-ptioliAl,'and being ernbodied in the chpxter make it an unusual oppor- :1601IM6 ft WA br defigg"ttk 6verrwhera. tuna to thimers. merchants and others of t�.e district fbsc;cuvt� a portion of the profit.s, accrullig from- the immense tride in 'O'=45014aft outlet, i"'.• ing up in Canada and so seldom in the, reach 'of ordinary investors. The shares are placed on the itarket at IrWdh ohqdd 1"t st Uk-time, and a battlo of 1 pouitt,_ JO rotr vom, any of itou iron, %ow open ��ont sitg; 11nanetaltolft $10 par in piymentg of to per wit, putting it withi-t easy reach or everyone. t.tauibookletcont#ift- ttblo weekly,48ppr day abfwA vs - .1. fted T request. 1�lkt x1raight, boft- d(50 di-Allits Wary )i 1 "41% &tu -oq an be obtaine(l by Irl(lr<,�ssing the Company ttt Wingham, or callingtipon Mr.' Bullock at 44". 4An r" 6i"nforrmation and pi pectus cc nutd $old b on =nXe0h vr#trk. SM D. the Company's temporary office, south store in Me'er Block, Vin stalls.