HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-04-26, Page 5rl
Nl"JG"'11 OR Ar
'S T110 00% hies gave an entertainleilt in At the recent meeting of the 1:)Te6by_
NEW YROM 0 U tho T."ligliph church here oil 1-1,riday, tory of Huron, g, rei;olutiou W" X&Pted
I respecting the demise, of the late Aev.
The Presbyterian congregation here Itoberb Henderson, minister of Man -
has decided to erect a closed -in shad and choster and Smith's Hill, and brother of AT THE NEW STORE,
EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS. there was a meeting of the Iminagers oil Il. 1), HoudorooA of, this place. The
Wednesday night for further arrango• following ie all extrAcv*_,q1e was Al. If you want to do some genuine MONEY-84VINO you WADW
wa;rs willing to perform the work Assign- afford to overlook our stock and OUT PRICE',S.
TIliat W;deawaXe Times Correspondents Coxamunicate — Otter Thos. Davidson And family, who have ea hint wiii, promptilesa, and care but'
resided In the village for some time past, those to whom lie illinister a can An 1)ear' GINGRA HOSM
Items Clipped r-rom Our r4xoh4n&es< have purchased a farm at Douneybrook fall proof of his talents and fidelity in
And moved last week. 10 pieces obook Anti plaid QL3g- Ladies' Ana ribbed black Chwb-.
the ministry of the Gospel. To thils !m• ham, fast colors, regular price 7o. =.art) Hose, fast black, rag. 85o.
Robert XeGaire will occupy the house portant work his greatest vuergiea Vero Special Price be,
very pleasant event occurred At the Ah! Mr., Hicks, but; you be well vacated Ly the Davidson family, bent, With this he allowed nothing . ...... Sale, Price �Au.
Miss Lizzie Todd las gone to Michigan elsk, to interfere, I-Je Rimed t testityl g PRO"
home of Isaac Bricker, Gorrie, Wedues- pleased with yourself last Saturday, to visit friends there. the whole, counsel of t a a CORSET COVERS. CARPETS,' S.
day, April loth, when legis EfIle Bricker Says Dumb Animiils,a lium he grace of God; A nice Assortment of corsot covess, ,One ooeUnion Carpet, uevipj%0,
- Paper of Boston, "Don't kill your dog Ml yr wide, rog- value 450,
wits, united by the bonds of holy matri society Miss Mary' and Robert Miller at dividiuq rightly to every man the all sizes. Sao special line, rag. 80c.
3mopy to T 11, McDonald, of Toeswater, trying to make him run with your have returned to Goderioh, to resume word of truth., It, pleased God to take Pv�t Price 25c Sale Prlea $be.
their studies in the Collegiate.
Rev, Mr. Dobson officiated in the bicycle. Dogs were intended for no hinlaway'as in a moment, from the
]presQnoo of about 80 guests. Promptly such. purpose." A, couple of smart Clorn Tainpor, discharge of that work,in which he de- QUILTS. CURTAINS,
-jot. 5.30 1), in, the bridal couple entered Alecks wout through our village with a Just as trying. to the nerves as temper lighted, to the enjoyment of its reward. White Quilts, large size, heavy, White Law 0artaills, Vi yds
the room, the bride being beautifully at, dol; chained to one of their bicycles, excited by other causes, Raven you His death was like an immediate trans- good patterns ' '100 $1.215. long, Ot inch wide, stitched edges,
Oat Y'L 00:
tired in fawn lady's cloth with chilfon, The poor brute was ho ling. heard of Pumaill's Painless Corn And latioh from the work of the sanctuary. Price regular value 0.00.
and blue trimmings. She also wore a it was tired or thirsty, Maybe both, Painlessly. others pain—makemen swear Cat Price $1.60.
howl- Perhaps Wart Extractor? Cares quickly and on earth to the emooYment of tile I = , , , , , , "' " ! , , '! �- " --- "' - ,
pretty boquot of yellow flowers in her No difference about the dog's feelings,
lings, —the ladies complain—trot . so with Put- sanctuary Above. lie was permitted to BOOTS,
Ladies' D
air, Miss Bessie, sister of the bride, however, the crowd was looking on with nam's. All drgggistp sell Putnam's or escape, in a great degree, from the Don rola Buttoned or
it can be sent by N. C. Poison & Co., mela Laced Boots, new too, regularly 10 pieces wide print, fast colo s,.
noted as bridesmaid and was dressed in admiration, Any fool can do a trick Kingston, Ont,, to any address in Calls. .11011oly Approaches of the last, foal sold at $1.60. new patterns, reg, price 12,1jo,
a sailor costume, neatly trimmed with like that da 6r United States, on receipt of 25 The enure
mortality easily dropped Special Price $1,25. Out Price. 100.
braid. The groonl7as supported by his Miss Buckley, of Paris, visited Miss cents. Off and the servant, of God tell Asleep in Q
brother, C. McDonald. After the sore Hood, last week. da... 11� . � .,
I thoLord, We commend the bereaved M
3nony the guests retired to the sitting John Burgess is in Brantford, this widow and sorrowing congregations to 10 Men's Suits, tweed, good pat, 1 white flannelette sheets,
morn where a repast, which the Bricker week. The Sabbath School has been re -organ- Him who illealeth the broken in heart terns, well made, late style, reg. good Grey or
reg. $1,00,
ized in S. S. No. 9, Bast Wawauosb. And bindeth up" their wounds and we price $6,50. aria Price 75c,
people know so well how to prepare, was William Jewitt, of Brussels, shipped a Clearing'
served, On the following day Mr. and carload of hogs from our station, on The following officers have been elected would ourselves be admonished to in. Clearing Price 85.00.
fertile coining summer;—Supt., J. J. creased diligence
his, McDonald left for Teeswater ao- Monday, u in the vineyard of the
companied by a few intimate relative% Kerr. Teachers, J. J. Kerr, TABLE COVERS.
Robert C. Xiug, of Goderich, visited Mrs. W. S. Lord, knowing that. the night cometh 'PRINTS. Tapestry table covers, fringed,
where they will spend their future life. Liuklater, Mrs. 3'. J. Kerr and" Miss A, when 10 pieces now pattern• prints, fast size, now patterns,
relatives here last week. no man can work," d large regular
On the same evening a most excellent S. Grieves; sect., Mrs. J. Lindlater; colors, regular price $a. price, $2.00. J
Malcolm Scott hals a very sore eye, A
Cat Price 6c. Sale Price. $1.50,
-wedding reception was tendered the caused, by getting saw -dust into it while treas., J. Linklater. Special collection RlsonniatAq Pains cured by Nerviline, A
is af4pd for next Sabbath to procure the
kappy couple by the groom's parents.
sawing wood. This is'the testimony of Mr. Benjiman.
The bride was the recipient of many Will Bailey had a bad spell of grippe, ne ssary lesson helps for the children. Dillion, of Leeds,. Out,, who says: I feel LO ELS. DRESS GOODS.
handsome and beautiful gifts. last week, bath School meets 3 o'clock P. in. it my duty to proclaim the marvellous 5 large linen towels, fringed, Ladies' Costume Suitings, 60
funeral of the late William H. value of Polson's Werviline as an infam- reg, price 35c pair, inches wide, reg, price 65c,
Mr. and Mrs. David Hall, of Pelgrave, ble cure for rheumatic pains; it Sale Price 25e pair. Out Price 50o.
Mr. B. V. Clergue announces that in Jame o the Wiligharn cemetery on cures
visited in the village last week. them every time. Nothing I know of
addition to the steel plant of 600 tons Mr. MoNev in, of Seaforth; and Mrs Frid,.Xy�hst was largely attended. The equals it as a, household liniment, and — ------
daily capacity now being built at the 'religious services were conducted by the mothers Should feel it as necessary as OXFORDS. SUITS, Q
Soo,another of 2, 000 tons capacity will Win. Gannett,of Wingham, visited Airs. Rev. Richard Hobbs and the four broth- bread itself. Nerviline has cured Ladies' Dov ala Oxfords , regulAr Boys' NAVY Serge Suits, nicely 1!
Bailey, lost week. rheumatism of N years standing, and price 01.25. made and lined, rog. price, $2.00. 1.
be added. ars of the deceased and Messra.William
After a long and tedious season of re- oats cure you. Instant relief, absolute Our Special Price $1.00. vale Price 62.00.
A strong well of natural gas has been and John G. Salter were th pallbearers. c(Irs, large bottle 25 cents. of
pairing, Joseph Warder now has his !P�
struck at Melita, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Philip 3"r.".. of Mitchell
R in first class running order. GROOBRIE S.
were among those from 'distance Nvho 33r.USSELS. UIREDERWEAR.
With the now machinery he put in he is What you can buy for a 'quarter'
attended the funeral. A nice range of men's shirts and
able to supply the want, in this line, of George Best has leased the 100 -acre at our Grocery Counter: .1
Rev. McCurl vyinge, student Of faxin of Robert M. D California Prunes, 4 lbs for 25o drawers, spring weight, reg. 85c. i
the neighborhood. Toronto Univexslty, preached a very 14. Grey. Don, lot 11, con. Rolled Oats, 10 lbs for 25c Special Price 25e.
Revs. Messrs, Rogers111d West, arm- Fresh Figs, % . 7 lbs for 25o
effective sermon Calvin Sunday. Robert McKelvey has Purchased the LaundrySoap, 10barsfor 25C
ed with a largely siglipetition, went eff DRh SS GOOD
He will also be present next Sunday. One 'Piece navy bine, serge, -16
to Brussels on Wednesday of last week Elliott brick house and lots, Ethel, pay- Tapioca, 5 lbs for 25o , I
. n Visit- I inches wide, all. -wool, rag. prieo.60o.
Airs. AMorton, who has bee
to protest against the granting of a ing $750 therefor. John McDermott, the Tomatoes, Peas and Corn, 3 tins, 25o Cat Price 45c.
iu4 her daughters in Michigan for the present tenant, will move to Brussels,
Watches, Gold and Sillicense to Bluevale's hotel, on the ground ver. that as there is so little legitimate busi- Past winter, . returned to Nor home last and Mr. McKelvey will take possession BLOUSES. TABLE LINEN,
ness to do at the hotel it is hardly possi- week. On Sunday evening, April 14th; Geo. A large assortment of Bleuses, all One piece heavy table linen, wide,
A. A. fk_ ble for a tenant to make a lb We are sorry to know that Mr. Cham- Cunningham, con. 8, Grey, had a horse kinds and prices. See our reg. price 85c.'
-ring and ney is on the a . ick list at present, Special Line at 50c. Sale Price 25e.
keep within the laws. , The commission- We believe that Eslas Pearon has sold and buggy stolen from the Melville
Hair Clasps ers did not see fit to withold the license,, church shed, BrUisels. The horse was
Remember the stock is all new. Compare our prices Stith others,
however, and granted it to John A. his farm on the 9th and bon ht the one black and was. Valued at over $100,
Rings Johnston, of Goderich, formerly of lately owned by David Taylor on the A qui6t home wedding took place on
Bluevale. same concession. April'16, at Rose Villa, the residence of . ISAR' & C'eq
Brooches Mrs. John Gardiner received word a' Will Robinson assessed the township the Rev. William and Mrs. Hayhurst, The Cheap Cash Store, Opp. Bank of Hamilton.
in fourteen days this spring.
fete days ago of the death of her sister, , Charles Campbell burnt a kiln of lime formerly of Brussels, when their young- . . . . . ...
Belt Buckles Mrsf'Hiram. Lake, of Mauistiqne, Mich. est daughter, Eleanor, was united in
this week. The demand for lime is very inayriage to p'.
Mrs, Lako formerly lived in Blvevale great this. year. M. Lewis, of "Forn MYTH.
Sterling Silver and"Was a daughter of the late James Glen," Burford. Howard a' General Booth, of the Sal -ration Army,
Avery pleasant. event took place at Brew. Willi
•McGee. She left to mourn their loss, a Herbert Hear of Westfield is hired Mr. Robert has bought th
t ores.
Novelties. with William Deacon for the summer. ams farm, EM lot 35, con. 'celebrated his
Husband and two children, a boy and a David Ohamney is building a new t) ' ie manse, Brussels, April 10, being the 6, East Wawanosh, containing 100 acres, 72nd birthday on April
girl, neither of them yet grown up. marriage,of Peter Baker, of Cranbrook , for $1500. loth.
Out Glass. The infant child of Mr. - and Mrs. Geo, barn this summer. t,) laiss Jane V., daughter of Robert Mr. George Denstedt, who went to The London. , Methodist Conference
Ma hews, of the 1st line of Morris, died Miss.Maii4te Robinson. who has been lqenary, of Grey. The bride was assist Whitewood, Assiniboia, a few weeks will begin On Thursiday, June 6th., in the
onlay and was buried in Bluevale inWingliamfo the 'past two,monthsis ed TdissMarion McKay, and Win' the Central Methodist church, St. Thomas.
i Eyes tested without charge. Repairingetery on Tuesday. home a' . present. Menary acted as groomsman. ago, has returned and purchased ople"s . Society I of tile
11John "Watcher, all early Settler of Zurich. Presbyterian
i neatly done, Don't be ofraid to come i Samuel Morton, of the Gth has rented - harness, business of Mr. E. Appel at The Young Pe
We are always pleased to show goods. the pasture farm of Elam. Livingston church will hold their next
urnberryl, died at his home in' Wing- DEMBAV3-u.
Th. old Stand in X... Block. for a year. . Mrs. Dr. Tait, formerly of Blyth, and entertainment on Friday evening, May
ham, on Sunday April 14th, of pleurisy, Mrs. John Menzies, of the loth con. Mr. Phillips, of Ashfield, is visiting at Mrs. Amasa Wood, of St. Thomas, sail 8rd. A splendid Programme is being
aged 81' years and six months. Mr. his SOWS, William in the village this on Tuesday next by steamship MenorpZ, arranged.
Watchar came to Turnberry about; 1852, was ill, but is improving. week. .
H. H. CHISHOLM from Dorchester township, where he set- Rev. Mr. Kennedy, of Auburn was nee, of the Atlantic Transport line, for Pastor Freed closes his work with the.
making some pastoi-al calls on the 9th Mrs. Buchaaian is visiting in Goderich London, England. Mrs. Tait goes to
Jeweller. . . .. and .. Optician. 1 . , . , tied in 1845 when first out from England his week. this week. :join the doctor and will remain two Baptist church here next Lord's day.
He was born in Devonshire. The funeral t William Watson, went to Shelburne months, returning with him. Services as ii§ual at 116 * ',m. and I p. ul.
service was held on Tuesday afternoon Robert Cunningham is driving now on Monday to ship rollers. A junior football club has been o He will be glad to gee all WW friends at
The highest a rd in the Bluevale Methodist church where buggy this spring. organ- either or both of the . services.
and Gold M al was Mrs. Charlie Rintaul. who has been James Wightmall. is digging the collar ized in Blythwith the following officers:
he was a regular Attendant.. '. hilo living, of William I Watson's house, this week. Mr. A. T. Cooper, of Clinton, secre.
M _' bi
highest I a
Gold al
to th very ill I ovinter .1*a, we are pleased to
President, Dr. Lindsay; manager, Mr.
given to th in Turnberry. Air. Wa or left one Mr. VanNorman has started remodel- John Hirons; captain, Mr. A. E. West; tary-treasurer of the Provincial
hear, the mend.
Wt son aild, 6 daughters. ' was laid to ing the Crook's1property. He intends_ secretary, Mr. Robert Carter; treasurer, Christian Endeavor Union, has been
el t rest•p6side his life ner who died TUrINBERRY, moving it back and bricking it, Mr. John Brown; mauagin& committee, appointed transportation manager for
Ll & this province for the mammoth Interna.
qJAt four years ago. m'. Jobb oat a valuable horse last Miss Bruce, oar Hullett, is visiting her Messrs. John Staples, David Somers and
dead' without any brother, Robert truce in the village this Henry Wettlaufer. tional Christian Endeavor gathering to
C t9MI VThe funeral of the late Hubbard Cor- eek, whin pp W
Separator. nell tool place. from the statio on Fri- apparent cause. i pp - I I _. week. Mr. James Brown, a former resident be held in Cleveland in July.
I day afternoon last to Bluevale: e etery Win. Mitchel Vda�liyered ton hogs at Mr. Murphy, of Clinton, spent Sunday of Blyth, died in Detroit on Saturday Rev. Mr. Hobbs, of *inghaul, was in
ya where the remains were ' -b , uried beside
at Paris, i goo. Gerrie last week-, which were under s* in the village. lase of progressive pernicious' aniamia. town this week interviewing the noted
tho7s,of his' late wife; Who died four months old and they.notted the sum of The anunalvestry meeting of Trinity His body arrived in Blyth. on Monday Evangelists, Revs. Messrs. Crogdo and
Call and see theinat my Warcrooms. a ,
ye sage. Mr. Cornell died suddenly $130. church, was hold on Easter evening and was taken to the residence Hunter, with a view to getting' %em. to
at the residence of his daughter, in Monday. The church's affairs were all of his brother, Mr. Thos. Brown, of lay the corner'stone of a now'Chvrob.
WM. GANNETT Guelph, on Wednesday morning,, April Bight hundred cigarmakers are out o strike in Montreal. found in good shape. R. McMurray East Wawallosh, where the funeral took which the reverend gentlem!�n is erect -
17th. He had been ill for a few day, and 1-1. Johnson are the wardens for place from Tuesday afternoon to Ball's inginWingham. ".Chia inter3sthjg cere,
but was going about as usual -until Tues- nest year and l). Whee]6r lay delegate cemetery. The deceased was a brother A& A) 1i mony takes Place on the 24th of May.
day afternoon when. he went to bed. o the synod. of Mr. Win. H. Drown, who died in Needless to say the Evangelists cheer-
Acute inflammation of the stomach and Tampa, Florida, on April 1st, and of
fully accepted, Rev. Mr. Hobbs' proposal.
pneumonia are thought to have been the LIMMEL. Mrs. Win. Graham, who died in 'Stanley
Co �i t
a S I awl P 1@0 1 ID, ai - I —Mt. Forest Confederate.
cause of death. Mr. Cornell was 7.1 G6go Forbes has retlikiled from New 'on March 10th. Tho sorrowing friends Prayer meetin.- in the Presbyterian
years of age and was well-known in is,*by no rneans, the dreadful York where he was visiting his parents. and ralat#es have tho sympnthy of church on- Wednesday evenings will
Waterloo county. Before the
construe- disease it is thoucht to bc— John Glennio has moved his tamily. oVety one ill t-110ir 1,11WOOLuIll beWavolneilt cullIrft61108 at 8 0�cl0cic in place of 7.30,
tion, Of the Hamilton railway he drove a from Galt and has taken tip his residence in so short a time.
team between Hamilton and Owen in the beginning. on Elma street. The meeting of the Western Ontario
Sound and was acquainted with many It can always be stopped� J. P. Livingston returned home from Thomas I %ughan of talo Albion Hotel Congregational Association held at Paris
of the old. settlers Along the line, Mn Now York, where he has been spending Stratford, dropped Bond, , He was forill. recently, wits ore of the best is the his.
in the beginning. The trouble erly employed in Toronto. tory of the Association. '11be attendance
Cornell lived on the farm oil the Blue- a few weeks.
by Mr. David loc
Classic. City 2, Mills at W,'Shirgo and enthusiastic; the papers
vale road now occupied is: you don't icnow you got John McKeever, stock dealer, lcf,v. The
01 Jewitt,for a number of years, whore tqNVii last week- for Bay City, Mich., to; Stratford were burned. Losq, kuo,ouo. unci addresses were all practical and in
Since the death of it; you don't believe it; you I the best -,vay helpful. The churches pro
Airs. Cornell dlid. . see his sister who is dangerously ill.
won't beli6ve it— till you are 130-irly all doing a more or less aggressive
his wife he 4da his home in Guelph, WO We are pleased to pay that Mr. Win.
f �ctivc Work. Conallerablo im-
ji and e&
around again, afte
eaves Ily 0 cloven sons and forced to. Then it is danger-, Leslie is able to be r "Put Monoy
e to being confined to his house for a few
A Judge of Styl 'daughters, 11 of whom axe married ex- PrOVel"Olt sifto the stizringautumnal
11 o Ous. 11WL dlIg i-; alotig the 1,.ilvs of
copt twfThtey are: - Mks. Jas. Case- months with the grip, in Th y Aim-.
will at once detect the super- J� Don't be afraid; but attend Gilbert Barber 1=8 TOturned to town 011140h life. Rev. Arthur E. Rdor was
more, John Miller And Wesley 1VOod-v suffering from brain -fag, tack received into associational inpuihi!rship
iority of our made-to-order Cornell, of Bluevale vicinity, trastus to itquick— you can do it your, after sojouit4ug in Woodstock for m of energy, or "shat tired fecling", Mw by n, ccr.,Jficj,tc of tninsfo.- from Mich.garments. and Robert, of F roeoporb; John and Hub- couple of months. puts money in his pLassdudc And
bard, of IlesPler; Albert and Mrs. W- self and at home. Miss Gibbs returned from New York Nites.1ness come from intpure, slaggali
H I C H ART TAILORING Stalbaum, of Preston-, 'Thomas, of Mani. Take Scott's Em.UlSiOn Of where she hadbeen visiting the millinery blood that simply 11avilig. 11,10hin on CatarrhftftO.
is our specialty. We fit th,. stiqae, Michigan, and Mrs. Care. es, . tablishments. oozes 1heough Me weins.
'Tames Cod Liver . 011, and live good�s Sarsapargta makes the blood pare The most phenomenal run tho drug-
Steepe, of Guelph, We are in(lobted Tho sale of the Smith farm on the and gves it It e, vigor and vim. J1lV1lt.4atl Ul it proprictory
itan of abnormal as well, as ' he. for some of these partloalUs to theiros- fully every way- Wallace road, adjoining Listowel, Ilao ll'l,= eL1111" two having; just now with
of normal shape, and Our* ton correspondonob of thcGaltlldportek.... This is sound doctrine, boon k1coniploted by Mr. Xames Smit Pimplet—"&W-v face suras mveptd Catarrhczogo. Remarkable aures
prices suit all. 010 late Wni. Auld Smith, takin with pintples and blackheads but after efrocted ux this vicinity is the cause,
whatever you may think or son Of lakIng tfood*S� Saftaparitht a short Dru�gists silt
over tile 190 -aero farm, at$8,150.
Come along and get on^- of lijas (,41,1100 Irvine, retvibitil luissioll- bo told; and, if heeded, 'Will 'WAS enfi'rtty eared, and my skin 'O.Is all -i %ivy it, im Ih- 4-1 qw�K,•,Q
the newest novelties in Suits, gry, froift China., left for Vionto last sinoolh And CICAP.001 motif, euro fik;.TN.
save life,. &VAy ban, It Ill' purreot. F.mj,fantion. 11.1 -
week, After spending a month xvith liv%11V1 's 9 ., pl,�.slbunt and colivowou",
Overco . ats and Pants. 11 you hA116 nob tried 0 St., CAIMA"It &I.
friends anct relativog !a the township. f,,, ample, its agroo JbIt. da"d f tineentsual
Yours truly, From Toronto she will go to Various sur trIS OU a le taste 211 As npvloars to,).w
W &* WWN9, 10h6tAlstse This slgaktuM is on overy.bo-% of the ow mit 11ilily reconlinended te-lo I.,:
points to give lecturos of her work in 8 OTT genufn6
I i cr Cot.s.; iria, Bronchitis, o�. - ,
Laxative Bromo-Quinine 'toblad
RO bt. Maxwell China: boo. .., "ro"10"t Im,,al6to. t1lo totzady AM &W66 A told In *" ddy N&(, titer rcnderg to try ,t.