HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-04-26, Page 3FU P. -WIN yr 01. TU7Z I,4urX's T#,#!cY (- ;II(AUNtDliultl I[itAtN+ "j rCe t bright, ht l3 asQaUs. ?u�rraii' A Toronto lett a s�IG was a bad da The atitWfffl (p gran w �?�°', '! We offer Ono Huuilio;l Dollars It When a room lifts a low coiling, Put AND � 1 � flu any ui rig , j y x r cera y y pMIS[01�0 ,r. ward for w tLso of 0a.tarrh that call* the curtail% poles as high up as possible in April or May,aiiyivhkre user st sobool for Mr, Whitney,Whitno : when lin. went camp- annual vi rt of theBur"i"t of Iwslust 4, not be curytiylin11's Catarrh ours. arid 14t the curtains lifter sGraiglat dawn ane way sea now txoilsered little hays azgning with Sir f7hstrios Tripper. The an iituiiicigal atatiatics, issued. Por 78, Props. R laclo, O. to the hoar. If tele pales extend a toot: A, S?i'UR7f QP nEIaP 1NTl~lilr.ST xtl ALT/ and clean-piniod little girls starting for Opposition leader in the Ontario I'a(agisla- contains axiiicli iiitoxmzttiaig inPriurrs,a44214 We the undorsigaed, have known r. on either side of the window, the aur- WOlV1EN the. "Academy, of learuzng" to get their tore caught At that time the choler and ,elle total population"return:41 by tba J. Cheney for the last 45 years, an('1 tains will draw right back by clay and: --�--- first taste of the real ,vorld, Dear little adjectives of the War Horso of Caiubvi- munic,'palitles waa 2,010,746, Compared him ,m pelf©Qtly honorable in all zir.LA7rINc1 T#IN SUFFERINGS ot+ A TtAPX souls! ho�v bigand important and ex- land, Mr. Whitney liar. put thin War with 2,001,3 a0 it,180 . `l•'hetot* l - business transactions, wand financially need no looping. able to carryout any obligation wade Flimsy silk that lifts $ono into a multi• w#zU HAS E�i3z; 14NCED THR, AGON1 S pectaut they feel! "Pheir social pasftign ilaxse's choler an and has iicv4r cal;,;tt it an.czir w s $81G,7G5,47;3, on which *13- 11 by the firm tuc14 of age wrinkles may be smoothed': THAT Ai z r zcx sq AIAirY or iiIilt »>,a.— is Quo Of eminen4o, the whole school off, Ha has the Grand Old Charger's 034,384 taxes was imposed for ail pur- RTrsr 'l.'~ UAX, Wh0le9a10 drugcosts, outand restored to .something like its rAssLn'r#iitou(tIl roust oi"zItAr#azss seeking them Porseatmates. Once there, knaok�•-what was Sir Charles' bill of poses, compare(1with An ussessluent; of Toledo, 0. WALDIN(#, Kr,, AN & MAut- r wi l #iolix zsrNl rzr. the are allowad,fgr the first da or two, • Wholesale Draggi:ita, Toledo, O. original freshness by sponging it with � ' ` y y Canadian High Comm)ssiauer? - of fling- : 0800,184,833• and taxation of $12,22a,i180 LIN, Hall's Catarrh euro is taken internal. guns arabic water. Sponge the right Throughout Canada there 'axe thou- to dq almost anything they please, stud, out. behind and lciol;iti; n(tthiu, bur, .the the previous year. '2'1Le tilts of taxation ly, acting direotly upon the blood and side of the sills and when it Almost dry sands and thousands of womeu who can. scribble away at letters or sums atmosphere. Also, lie champs his bit per head was $6.23, and the rata 1ls.sl► mucous surface of the system, Price, iron the wrong side. undergo daily pains -some times border. which are always hedged about on their. and shorts grandly .it the Government, milts on the dollar: ' The total debenture 7�0. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Mahoi,'aiiy furiiftuiei which has b4- fug an agony --such as only women OUR slates by queer little penoil-made fences, 'When wo hear Mr. Whitney trtlkt(,g cf debt was $54,506,372, or $'27.1:1 per head leStlmOiiial9 ireQ. , „ !„f „ n• Hall,$ Family Pills are the best, come oil litly clouded may have its polish endure in uncgmplainiug silence, ca and on their way home the neighbara public rgbbery, barefaced knavery, and the floating debt $0,883, 4.sG, The restored by the use of a dressing made such the story of Mrs, Frank Evans, of are ready to amile at or pat the '"nosy and so on, we just close our eyes. and re. drift of population citywardis shown by What, He wonted. by mixing four tablespowifals of tureen" 33 Froutenae street, Montreal, will scholar," Ohl they have a high old call the "monstrous outrages" And other the iucrease in the city population from, "Now,'" said'tlie celebrated designer tine with four of sweet oil, adding one bring hope and joy, as it points the, way time, But soon,, too soon, the teacher, superlatives in which Sit' Olinxlct; revol• 310,631 in 1806 to 448,870 in 1809, and who had been called in by the new bil, teaspoonful of lemon jui;c4 and ten drops to renewed health and certain release old spider, after luring the poor little fly ed. What has Mr. Whitney gained by the doureaso of township 1"opulation lignaire to talk over plans for a $500,000 of ammonia. Shake thoroughly before from pain. Mrs. Evans says; -"I feel by many gracious Praiser, to "walk into .all this bluster? It must be a now phase from 1,143,850 ill 1880 to 1,101),800 in lyacht, tf we have conie•to an understand* applying, that T ought to say a good word for Dr. his parlor," demands obedience and real of leis nature, At tiny rate, his coulpan. 184.--Torouto Globe, ] ing concerning the size of the craft, but Williams' Pink Pills, in the hope effort. The ,little, tender student no ions. seem to be getttng alarlued. Xr, what about the bulwarks and hatch- Bad -ridden 15 years.— If any- that my* experience may be of benefit to longer finds the school a lovely redploce, Marter has shied off. Air. Carscaileu is Kidne+j Cxperlrnanii.--There"a iia ways?" body wants a written guarantee from me some other suffering woman. I am now but a dull workshop. He or she does not. restive, There were two divisions last time for experimenting when you've ,dis- ''Bull works t" exclaimed Mr. Wad• personally as to. my wonderfgl cure from twenty-three years of age, and since my sit on a green knoll to receive the volun. week in which the Government ina'orit covered that you are a victim of some one rheumatism by South American Rheumatic ?' form or another of kidney disease. Lay hold. liams. "I don't want no bull works. Cure I will be the gladdest woman in the eleventh, year I have suffered far more tary homage of the "big scholars,'' but was twelve, and one the week before in of the treatment that thousands have pinned This ain't a-goin to be u0 cattlesl p, and world to give it," says Mrs. John Beau. than my share of agony from the ail, instead are the trembling tools of these which it was fifteen. Call it be that Mr. their faith to and has cured quickly and per­ .9 for hatchways, gol dura it, I don't mont, of Elora. I bad. despaired of re. ments that afflict my sex. At the age "bosses," riud going home at night the Whitney's adjectives are clubbing his manently. South American Kidney Curs covery up to the time of taking this wonder. stands pre-eminent in the world of medicine` want any of em aboard. Just you see ful remedy. It cured completely." --58 of sixteen the trouble had grown so bad old woman, who before. had taken such people to the other, side.? as the kidney sufferer's truest friend. -62 about a place fer a good big icebox and that I had to undergo ail operation in• a special interest in them, as if the boy Bold by A. L. Hamilton. Sold by A. L,1;amilton. don't pay uq 'tendon to incubators or the Montreal general hospital. This or girl was her very own,no longer takes pr, /lgnew►'s Ointment Gr�rc3 Anything of the kind, No chickens on Nome Ambiguous Advortiseiuonts• did not cure me and a little later I under- time to ask them, "`)low they got along Pi Ies.-Itching, Bleeding and Blind Piles. The finished performance of iattn actor this boat I T want you to understand Advertisements should be carefully went another operation, From this I to -da ?" and if they got a "wliippiu.' " is often a great relief to an Audience. y , P y Comfort in one application. It cures in io'gosh, that I don't eat nothin, cheaper'n revised before they are thrown on the received some benefit, but was not The new "broom swept clean for just three to six nights. It cures all skin Miller's Grip .Powders Cure, Sold by i quail with feathers on now'days." world. Here arcs a few- which might be wholly cured, andi continued to suffer a little while; the novelty soon wore off diseases in young and old. A remedy A, L. Hamilton. very much misinterpreted from the from pains in the abdomen and bilious and the downy Tittle chicken, Having beyond compare, and it never fails. 35 W01neu don't mean it when they 'kiss sanse of the advertiser: "Lost by the headache. A few years later, having often to defend itself; either goes under cents, -63 each other; they civ it for the purpose of Rev. -- a sermon preaohed at — last with my husband removed to Halifax, I ani becomes a baekbonless bird, or being Sold by A. L. Hamitzon. showing inen what they are missing, ARE A Sunday on—. Of no possible use to was again suffering terribly and was a girl grows into a snappy hen, or if a There is no Poria of kidney trouble, anyone but the owner." Hero are tee taken to the hospital were r. `PANTED -TRUSTWORTHY BT -1.•.N XYD t general hos boy, then a bold little rooster. lhPir women to travel and advortise for old t-taa• from a baeksu•be down to Bright's front "`The Times": "Lost, on Satur- another operation was •performed- This mothers often say that before Jonnie lisped hoose of solid financial standing. rtAlsix y disease, that Duaa's Kidney Pills will not SURA CRR ,+780 a year and expenses, all payable in cora, relieve or cure. day evening, in the Haymarket, a wal- gave me relief for t`vo or three months, and Mary started to school they were o oxo ae f n T r Naaidstamped Give refo in ;est i If you are troubled with any hind of l let belonging to a gentleman niade of and again the old trouble came oil, and such good. children, but now little dress bSanager, i�, Caxton. Bldg., Cliicti�o, kidney complaint, give Dean's Pills a FOR calfskin," and "Lost, supposed to be I would suifer''for clays at a time and plants taken from their warm flower trial, f left in a carriage oil the S. W. R., a nothing seemed to relieve the pain, Iii bete, where it was so easy to be. good and = - - - = ------- - - - = :Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Nei"- large, blue, Spanisli gentleman's cloak." February, 1899, I was again obliged to pretty, anct set out in this rough, windy � s Nous Prostration, Loss of Energy, Here again, "A lady,, highly* educated go to , the hospital and underwent a stony, weedy field. "Just wait till we [Antamia, rain Fag, Faint and Dizzy Spe Spells, and intelligent, wishes for a post as a fourth operation. Even thig did not are through with the ugly, misunder- Geylon 5� &1 India Tud­ta oss of Memory, Melancholia, companion." Here is a doctor who is a help me and as the chloroform admii,is- standing old school' say they "au' git istlessness, After Effects of La little hard on himself. �Re says he has tered during the operation affected my growed up,theu-we'll have agood Line." rippe, Palpitation of the Heart, changed his residence to the neighbor- heart, I would not permit a further They have not yet learned that the school t'� „ •: TN fi�rr°°� General Debility, and hood of 'the churchyard, "which 110 operation, and was taken home still $, is ""but the world in miniature." Eaclx �Ae .fl��;- �!�� � ll troubles arising froma run- hopes may prove a convenience to his great sufferer. In 18991 was advised to one must draw aside the beautiful OWli system. numerous patients." A Calcutta trades- •y Dr. Williams' Pini. Pills, and do- illusion. May there always by enough TI'c`ide IS COi fedf'3'atia g, the Empire. They will build you up, make rich man offers for sale f'a solid iron child's tided to do so. I have used the pills for of lit left to least the little feet the , , red blood and give you vim and bedstead." A similar one roads: t`A several mouths and have found more.ru- journeythrough.-Bluevale Correspond- B. 131 L`�iI? IS is 7t liC?1 ' ' �'iC' • customer. mahogany child's chair." A worthy lief from thein than from the four opera- ent. F � l• buy � y = f s7 n cs � 'energy. P .�dII]L-".,F f't...�I"Al`lOe, �:_,y' 1� ...f3.•� (�Q�qS I�t�t ,�e_l. _ housereeper advertises to let "an airy tions which I passed through, and I Price, 5oc. per bedroom for a gentleman twenty-two�. box or three boxes warmly recommend them to all women The breath of the pines is the breath Use TEA Grown in a British Colony b} British Capital. feet long and fourteen feet wide. And suffering from the ailments which afflict of life to the consumptive. Norway for $1.25, at drug- a house agent has f "a house for a family» p gists, or will be " so many of my sex. .fine Syrup contains. the pine virtues andgists, t on receipt a in good repair, with immediate posses- Writing under a later date Mrs, Evans cures coughs, cold, bronchitis, hoarse- „ ness, and all throat and lung troubles, A free sa,rnple Of delicious SA,L.ADA Tea sent price by The T. Mil sion. says: "I Lim glad to be able to tell you which, if not attended to, lead to sou-, i 'burn Co., Limited, that not only has the greatimprovernent gumption. on' receipt o postal. Yi? CI3.1t.ion-I ig which you Toronto, Ont. A Casket of Pearls. -Dr, Von which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills effected ' drink --Black, Mixed, ©r ire' en Tea. Address Stan's Pineapple Tablets would prove. a in my condition eontil,aed, but I am. DO YOU DOUBT IT? ct 'D great solace to the disheartened dyspeptic now perfectly well. I bad given up all S• LAD �D Toronto Ice OP ®�31,Y'tal. y�[q A T ]I �y afy v it would but test their potency. They're (London Advertiser.) ci 1`p`(�1 t pdJ; C�.�e veritable gems in preventing the seating of Hope when I began the use of the pills, A dollar bill has a square area of 28 -1-ALMstomach disorders, by aiding and stimulat- but they L have restored me to such inches. A single thought is all that is ing digestion -6o of these health " pearls " health as I have not before known for ��- 1 � ® 1 in a box, and they cost 35 cents. Recom- necessary comprehend its size,. but it �® Catch � � Imo the @ p t mended b most eminent h sicians.-4 years. I feel so grateful for what your r �', .i E E-4 FREE, y p y ' 4 world require a severe stretch of Llie im- '1"✓ Sold by A. L. Hamilton• medicine has done for me that I gladly agination to conceive the area covered give you permission to publish my letters ��,, ��pp f by the dollars that capitalize the new and t�e Mind i d� �, � 0 s� � 93eauty Sleep. in the Hope that other women will United' States steel combination. .A (�, . p d 3l �� V Nfollow my example and find health and Nearly all of the great beauties of the billion dollars means 28,750,000,000 Those desirili a Burdock strength and new happiness through the square inches, or, to inset the re wire- g world have testified to the value of sleep. q q use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." , 3 {. the saes Time Under its influence every muscle is re- Dents of an ordinary brain, 4,5S3 acres. �l Blood. Bitters Almanac for the laxed and all care dispelled. The heart No discovery in medicine in modern The number of acres within the city i beats slower, gaining new vigor for the times has proved such a blessing to limits is only .1,478, so that if a quilt year I OI Will be supplied b waking hours. A midday nap, if'only were made of the trusts capital and y. g pp y women as Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. t of a few minutes' duration, is wonder- They act directly an the blood and spread over the city, it would be notes• is the art in advertisip This Ad. illustrates how true this ''their druggist or costal mer- �'• -J gg, g' fully refreshing, and it is generally con- Nerves, invigorate the body, regulate the sary to tuck in a little matter of 105 functions and restore health d strength saying is, especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable eaan - chant free of cost by calling or coded that sleep daring the earlier hours � acres of dollars to keep it from spreading of the night is far more beneficial than to the exhausted patient when every into the adjoining townships. Victoria employment. " Canada's Sons on Ropje and Veldt," the only effort of the.physicianproves-unavailing. park could be covered quite comfortaL-1 book dealing exclusively with the Canadian Contingents, is the to their place of busi- that obtained atter midniglft. q y zi Other so-called tonics are niers iniita- by such a quilt, even if it were made 'book to handle. Official, Autbentic, Cheap, sells on sight to ness'for same, or will be sent Used internally Yellow Oil tions of the pills and should be refused. 327 dollars piled one oil top of the other; , i cures Sore Throat, Hoarseness, Quinsy, The rennins hoax the full name "Dr, everybody-, find anybody uan sell it. Capital or experience not by mail tree on receipt of a Pain in the Chest, Croup, etc. Used b m they were all strung together, iU the • externally cures Rheumatism, Stiff Williams' rink Pills for Pale People" on manner of Sir Hopkins' memorable necessary. Send for 1++'tee Qutilt and make money. two -cent stem for postage. the wrapper around each box. 'hey externa Contracted Cords, Sprains, pP beans, 94 different strings of dollars p p g Strains, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Bites of are sold by all dealers in medicine or could be stretched on every inch of city The B ADLEY-GARRETSON CO,, LiMited, Address THE T. MILBURN CO., Insects. can be had post paid at 50 cents a box or streets, and 1,360 dollars would be un - Limited, .TORONTO. Klondike gold output for 1901 is ex- six boxas for $2.50, by addressing the Dr used.. Their total length would be 65,- BRANTFORD, ONT. petted to reach $26,000,000. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. 625,000 feet, or 12,428 3-5 miles. The The sap of the sugar cane produces. London and Port Stanley track is a frac- from 15 to 20 per cent of sugar. Canada's 8ailways. tion over 23 miles long, and both rails ailor A T's The Now York World says: -One could be covered with different bills 270 I r consul -general at Montreal has just made days of the year. At 5 cents a -loaf you •` a report on Canadian railroads which you could buy 20,000,000,000 loaves of 1 6� coi}tributes Interestingly to the stook of bread, which wouhi require 142,S67,142OSOLUTE t ftp popular information. Of the 17,657 barrels of Sour. To carry such ail miles of railroad now in operation in amount 955,381 freight cars would be re- _ b"ECURITY8 aired, . and they would stretch over • • • • • TABUwould be useless unless the Dominion all but 66 miles have been q�G t33 miles of tracks. For Pear you arebuilt. since 1850. Even its late as 1560, A :the fit, style and quality after the Grand Trunk was built, the not satisfiedwith the informationalready �_ o total mileage was but 2005 miles. With. given, we might tell you that at the rate Were apparent to back up 9 �a in 40 years, therefore, Canada,, whose Police Magistrate Love filled transgress - every statement. We total population is only 5,500,000, has ors of the law last year, he would need ' constructod 15,600 miles of new rail- to sit on the bench for at least 63,897 Do,ctors don't talk volumes, but rends, years, to enrich the city treasury by a find Proportionately the population of Can- Brim equal to the, trust's capital. our suits talk for us, and 1 o arta has more miles of railroad and a + our prices will suit you. Littl p �� I eF 11 larger investment of ,sap%tal in railroads 'Weak, nervous or aelieato mon and than any other country i n the world, If -women, whether overworked mentally i the United States had 205 000 miles of or pphysically, will find nothing to equal Goo Leave your order for Must Boar Signature of ' Milburu'sHeArt andNor" Pills for re- ; railroad. it would have the equivalent of that new ��s Canada's 17,657 miles relatively' to its storing their health+ and buillin3 up � , y' their system. • population, `Pilch is about 15 times as - - -•-'.Che following official ftmiounce- lar •o But the total railway mileage of • k ALL SUIT OR 6 ' moue etas boon maces: as nt. Co. stud pYe&CT�Ption See FaaSimf�o wrapper GetocP. tele Union is iS7,781 miles. With only Brnco Loan alit. Investment. of OVERCOAT4000 utiles less than the Vniteditingdom 'Rely °a1°n Dna an caey gild two thirds of the total collage of the Godericli, after an honorttblo career of to tnuo a s road=-, some 16 y oars, is about to retire from the ('� h -1'OF3 NI Ab�GEIE� colossal Russian Empire, including Vin- field, stud its affairs are to ba t6ken over. A E. ('°"s . O p A R K E r A D"r �� lunch, enc. more than half its mush ie the and wou'ad lip by, the Clanada, Trust Co. ' Formai&iad i.. `�.s r-!• C F®R ®BZEIftSS, eon,bxnedmilengo of all theeouutriesin- Stand next Griffin's Grocery, e�°�°�.E FOR BILIOUSNESS, eluded in the Gorman Empire, Canada, of e Laut.on. Tho slrarebaldors V. re- FOR TORPID LIVER'. stands pro"enlitient in railroad construo terve about 9S cents oft the dollar. I V E R Fossil 011116, -The dema(id is proof of P6 LLS. tion. their worth. Dr. Agnew's Liver` Fills are � ran SALLOW SKIN. Of the total c;tpital invested, ill the beating, out many fossil formulas at a guar, i THE MILX FOR "ECOMPLEXIOIi •.. Dominion railway system, which is close � ter a box. They're better 3tteditiitre, easier �''ets for 5oe eenta,dt Draggiste Gro[�rs, Itcataurants, N t1C! .0=ntt%�N0 )Auert+Av! aA4AN.,_ . ._ ��. 1i �b1e; j��°, to X1,000,000,000, over X200,000,000, or dnses, and xs tests tt vial. A tlLousAt" saloons, News-sta,ids, Gene stores a+ta itarbtrt OF'�� oeab l ittol /"� . - . gilmEnts mayarise from a disordered liven. Shops, They haaiah pale, include tittp, and Urclous life. a w one-fifth, represents public Idd in the I ACoc the liner trait and you'll tot ll$VA Ona gives relieft .. No rtiattet what's the matter, one will y do you goad. Ten eampiet and Dna thou& -*'it tend- CURE SIGN HEAD,t►CF)E. form ofsubsic.ies. `,`lib fiat earnings on Sickplleaclache,i3iNonsness,�Nausea, Conte mor„at6aenthy r+allttl.t,nr hddtesa en reer,ptoflxice, ®�..T DAIRY this •vast investment last year, wore less I stipathoti crud Sallow Skin.-& Rtpanr Cf(eeilcal co„ rospraoe st.,NcvYortc. clay. than 2"g, poi. cent Sold by A. L.14atn3iten. is purr: and cold and � ' � to PAVENT Good lileos The looldng-glass revo.i s oar" def cots malt be aecuted by AfteY' Che grip, or other soriousi illness, ., costs .......... tH Mir aaid ld.Nf rlAddr dr, 'flood's sarsaparilla id tho Inodicifie to to ouisolvty, but the wine glass reveals ... , . "Af)llef T%JU'V9 OrNTS A Q1 ART. take to restore the appetite and strength, tlloin tel otho:s. 9attitnara,1r4: ply 1® ..