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The Wingham Times, 1901-04-26, Page 2
r , THE W INGHAN TIMES, APRIT 20', 1901, _ , hS Li urlilwel I�tlrn1turf e ig UQW' Ad to Pmteot O'hoose ;hest . DAtter for hearing And decision beyond such 1VUONFITAI w, 1 furniture and i% y Rill ltneturIng Computes, thirty days, and in all respects not pro- t1-4tQA404 for last w Mt.i adding tet the itainber of Lances em- vided for in this Act the procedure under {evens.. a owlet or v saloof lk. +l. �riclz'T. J. ht , r pxoyesl. His Majesty, by consent of tliand witli q Setlat ta� advice And 9�' R�Applicable,� shry �l #tp�7yoBs Act,."rsR i'Ar town 1#tSt Sr0e1�. \ auuwnmw,uunnmwu,uunmmumuunlmni�nm �u����, „ It is asserted than a recent iuvestiga- L tion Of the swent•sliops of Chicago common$ of Canada, enacts as 1% fizzy porsou 4ccused of nn otfe eco Rev, Xr. Perrie, of Wingliam, ocou � 'brou:ht to light the fact that in some of follows; under this .tact and the husband or wife pied the pulpit in the Pre6b3 terlau t the aeons women work sixty hours per 1. No person shall sell, supply or send of such person shall be competent And clic. rale ou Sunday, compellable to testify.. ,A. ventriloquist stxuok town on Satur- eels for the ntuniiiceiyt suis of dQcouts, to an cheese or butter manufactory, or " — - _— y 1S. Any pequniary penalty Imposed day and gave free concerts qct the street ! -... Think of it, 40 cents per week, or not to the apt*rear, 414113 t=r or ilial;er thereof, ander this t<et shall when recovered, faa _- quite X21 a year, , in the afternoon and at night. to be manufactured, milk diluted with p4y4bl© one half to the iuforrntlut or water', or ill any way adulterated, or J€rmes Smith, of Galt,. is the guest of complainant, and the other to the Treas. FAC—SIMILE milk from which aaiy cxeaul has been his brother, : Oliver Smith. urea or President of the Factory to which „ ; THE NEW WAY taken, or milk c.tiutruauly known 4s lizss 1liinnie Staples of Teeswator, " SIGN ,, , sldmiued milli, with6,ut first having ngti- fuller was sealift, sold oi4, supplied for Any Mrs. T. Hemphill, jr,, this iveek. •&Negetable'Prepari3donfo,rAs- of the purposes of resaid in violation of t"1, fiQll in writiu3 the o�.ynei' or manager of any of the provisi+ a of this Act. , large number f new books have �linilatlp- A",hs?d dll3o a is of ° { � DISEASE quoli cheese or butter 'nmmlfactor7, cr been added to the p bliq library, ling the SiomuCis ntlsj �o`+ielS 41 "`�" Q the maker of such b,; tter or cheese, that _ . _ ' r a the milk so sold, seat, supplied or Arouse' at least J,lie ptttldlinl, Sva els are again on the � ti ' •",'",; 1 ' . war ath for the asoll having com- brought to. be nlanuf ctured has been so • To the terrible r ages. of gotisilm:ptiou p y d g In Ontario, the Go rumeut is petition- Ill au MOndAy s diluted with water o adulterated oxhas �rOAlOk6s�1 e�110R,CheeTful- �+ ����� � L� 1�>wfi�d ����� r ad to establish leo tale for colrsiimp- _ � � had the cream taken f . in it, or become tines. As if, proven tive to consumption � , ` , , 11eSS allcl�est COAtAll15 llt'Itttor - lnilk commonly ki FL Il as skrirzztsed fliers is no t, E two t to be compared to -r-r o fella. �A. WR y� lillCl, ornhlne nor�2 a1. " THE Tia IltCSt l 4iI1 L^ lJl�' milk, as. the case pia fiber and the proof lir. ChsFke's Syrup Linseed. and Tni- � - I -;-,T 4 ERE k .. 250. QW XAAV OTIC, - • • Of finch notice havi r, been givEin shall pontine w+lirali pro pelt' sled effectually ie set direot to the Aiseasea �,.,- �-� t Frcparation l :,:Ovva to Scienc cures every dough and cold, It has by arts tete Improved Mower, �� g -d tl + rest c.n the person as used. far the largest sale Of any reuredy' fax • "lit its its utaers, clears the air d �•'�a IvTO exSOtt wI10 IiaS, Sends, sells throat And lung troubles. 2b cent's a pasaise s, stops dropping in the �iiatanFlJld Drsi1MDF�I'!74' �p, p pp ( •.3 throat nd ermanaotly cures ]rr,. Seed - bottle. 1.+anlil size 64 cents, x..11 � PP �rrh:ria 7,tver since the remarkable cures of Mr. W, or brings to any laheese. or Metter wanu� 3' to Catarr and I•layFever, Blower AQP , •� q7 1�� dealers }i r free. All dei .ers, or Ar. A. W. Chase �,�E//aSoj/r- i OF FI y ,L',R G. Mcca,tav and Mr- Francis, attention has factory, or to the owner Or manager 1ladicine Cr-. Toronto pod Buti Sea jllest Sccr� + beendgawu to Powley's Irir•,uifled Ozone, The thereof, or to til maker Cf choeso.or Ho Uios. i °xf r�nu1P marvelruns nature of the recovery of. both these ,X pCar$ona@Jgdq.+ BOT �-g• A'1,`°i geittleraett stamped Ozoce as being a treatment butter, any milkiito be raamliactured Horace Greeley during the strain of The Poultr�tzdustry. � ? -k .6 d `�1'.z• which was fairly marvellous in its health giving into cheese Or blItter, shall hoop back great political crisi used to escape from The transatlantic t ade in poultry bids I dlcaiWyr cmz Flaiw: potter. Hundreds cf 'testimonials have been telly part of the lylilk,. known. as strijl- New York for a da ,and pa tO his i arm fair to become an ind stry of importance I received Since then; each testimonial can be pllit„ s, svitlinut ar* notifying in writing to wort{ like a low an. A friend found especiall to tale rt'1al >a er£ect Remedy E or Collsfipa-verified. Read what R. F„ Fleming says. i, p y population of jflon,sourstomacti,�liarrhoea, ii AST "Sonne fifteen months a o a friend spoke to me rliv i wjwr or wamiger of Stich choose t r him one da in $ ix -sleeves hot and On;lnda. The Outlook for its steady sed- fabout ozone and I havetrue thanked him, ever , Rutter 111:1I'llfact4 • Or the maker of y, ' I vaOTCirS,r,.Lossiol,LS,SLEEP. ty ty, perspir�iug, choppin down a liu�o tree.. vaucement is favorable, whoa it is con- .IaesS n1'ltll�m�a 0911• :y1I1)�Etfi? 11�A since. I have suffered all my life from indi. Pu, 11 t livese or burner, r.f his having so "I like it 1" lie cries , in his shrill �voieN.. sidered that the poultry enterprise can �,.�----- gootrothin week svatestomach, bload,bilious Souteheadaches, rea Sc aegs�and ke, inpt back such stiippfngs; and the proof °al+his is my hob A nilill''draw l in be carried oil' wit Taut affecting the cider` T'ac$ mile Signature oP - f fact when a young boy, I had bilious headaches of tiuch notice having been given shall vitalit Prow iris ho aby. If Ile has axone and moreestablisu d lines of agricultural v g . , y 1, once and twice a week, and later on in life rest on the party ae used. his art In the world -s ill be souit industry.. The h insignificant as it always lead two severe attacks twice a month. 3. No person sha knowl sell supply, part y ' " ��� �®�'��' {not c la is pnt,np in ono- .all %t neva only. It P y , PP y+ playedi- may' sooni, IIfiay o made a source cf .,• ,t, �; is not sold is Seek, Don'tSull;;,z aayo>;o to set I despaired of ever getting any relief or per- bring Or SCiIfid tone eE0 Or butter malitt- large routs with, sed returns t0 all ° M' ' ;' 1 you anything' elca on rho plea or promise that it. manent care.4e'°. Fifteen months ago I had is ,, Dr. Oliver Weu. ell Holiues h:tel the fti p P y -9 e, r,.G '� is ',just as good,, sial 14 will enswor overt' par- severe att+cl: of Kidney Trouble Bufferin tyit:t factory, or to the lownor or manager sauce theory., In ilii leisure moments who will rightly 1 terest themselves in + , k. 4 g f y.' •• 1� polo, Sco thzv yon got f1 - -13•T-0 It -I -A, pains in my bacfi, my blood Using fns miserable thereof, any milk t that is taintedor lie tool{ holo ra lis or rvorkgcl with A poultry raising. condition. I was weak, had a poor appetite P' .p Partly sour, witliot first 110ti£yilig iu turning lathe, The Canadian essod Poultry Com- simile ��,. ,�� and found it hard to get it good night's rest, I ExACT EOPY 0'P WftAPACr . writing the owner maieager o£ such ,f pan3 wlicse an ouncement appears 0e too I ,,! ; 0w�i. :C�2' On. � had tie pleasure in attending to my daily buss. The venerable ¢actor; Joseph Jefferson, nese, in fact, getting up in tiie inorafug tvns lie choose or butter ma ufactory, of such elsewhere in the dverf iser has leen lir of g lately pointed GO -. is Own pictures on the t �'Fi;;�,a,�?t.,�;} i�i�r ya '�'�i�;��'arir�t•�m�n:�l��c+��`•}+a'^A�""_`'��' pleasure; always wanted to lie in bed, so I milk being tainted of partly sour, formed in order to faciliato the trails - began taking Ozone four times and atter using 4.Noperson sbrtlltsell send Ox brig walls of his stud , "They may be good . ' a fesv bottles I found a decided improvement, p g or they may be bad," ho said. "Taut atlantic trade in po ltry. Yt isin a posi- but always thought that I would suffer Stith to a alieeso manufact y, or to the owner they have saved y reason and my life, tion to inform pro cess as to the re-. bilious headaches and weak stomach for the or manager thereof, ¢i r to the maker of when both wee threatened by the quireinents of the: ritish markets; to rest of my natural life, After using four bot- such butter or cheese,= ny milk taken or „ give instructions lit the proper care of l # : c ,, , N,, , *,s sr i �-, , '• c �}l n�i n,, ` �� � moliotollof m rofessional work. I n 4z s t.a-,_ • - ti� ties I found I was entirely cured of Kidney, drawn frOiII a (;Ow t "fit he knows to be y y 'fowls ineltldih advise on feeding, and Troubies, and after using a few more bottles I That wise , ad ser of women,Char- . +: g g' found m • stomach strop and that m bilious diseased at the time tie milk fs'taken or to practically ilritig the market to the a g y lone Yonge, so ewhere bids all hard- « f DY & K. ERfii- it headac:tes were leaving nee, and my blood was drawn from Iter. door of the po'tiltry raiser. It is hoped , p,; • f pure. I can fbAlifuliy say that at the present 5Every person who, by himself or by worked mothers llbe "keep good novel that the new company will succeed in moment I am permanently cured and gaining in their work -bas et—for repairs. . No oth r 14c 3icai s^! ora *n the world has the established reputation for curing solid flesh and muscles rapidly. I take the any other person t his knowledge, mitigating, to a Is �ge extent, the ineon- �,� Fan Another r �• w ecalPsitia m the K. X. s the Taber Now r etion forcuri g liberty of presenting to you this, my testi- violates any of the pr isions Of the pre- ser shred observer of human venienee experie led by Cauadiaus iii o of -tri ., .,coverer? end perfected by these Etnitent Specialists, has brought jcy, . g , r balsa ce cr, u o •t to thousands of homes. ]'Pith 30 years experlence in the montal, that others may see and profit thereby CeediIIg S@CtiOnS Olt 15 aCt, fibs]] upon nature declares t at it Bobby in a man s being shut otI from the Boston and New d , trenAt, it i c >: eaaen they cats guarantee to Cu e: or K 0� pt'—>Ftatis- if sufferisg as I was Believe ane, very truly conviction thereof be ore any jostles or life is like the led horse which OeS `pith 4 ^ elr�ra tb .' : J :;a n30AAR;Y, tayp,sillin, Varicocele, :stricture, Gleet, g Yorl: markets ley the United. States pec r, •, , l.ri fnrns;cacy, zscxnnaaI t1n d Azcnttal Q6'ealt nc%", acid - yours. s,lniea, justices of the peace, forfeit and pay a the cavalry Off' r into battle. "The tariff.. + r s1c; as+ .c; r�l� ;b2araar�ci. '.shelf guarantees are backed by Bank Bonds. 227 George St., Toronto fine riot exeediug flay dollars3 and not rider changes his mount now and then,. ts9 i, •„ e 5,, Powley's Liquified ozone is sr,00 a large bot' - less than five dollars together with the and gOes on with resh vigor to victory." Like fi � sa i^ i la _ t h e Heart tees ��^" �, Y�1 �� sq��� Lir �a 1���°�?'d l��¢��tle, Soc.small size, s3.1 druggists or from the , �' < , tl y b ,,t i'El Gle B � "e' ' costs of 1110 roseau on; and in default Stri» s-- It is not within the concep- laboratories of the Ozone Co., of Toronto, Unit. P r, y '- ' St. Toronto. I of payment of sno penal{ and costa txi ,9�Y� ®OC$ p` -t �o agree l—Phy tion of naso to measure m rest Bufferin rs j :t I ,• tea; 1.a t t ^ret r,., alp ti±ruuQlt the urine d,iev s ch reason lou feel Brett ' ted, 48 Colborne�" Y g � �r� Dere is:. tit,: 4a•r, � 'erose ora trot rested, your ltid,teys actio, you foci destionde t �Lialls no longer 'consider it catering to from, .heart disease• For years I endured f v red have r;,, t i n. Dnn't let your Life blood be drained away. Drs. lK. e; U. Also by A. L. Hamilton, Winglaam, shall be liable to im risonmeut with or quackery.' in recc mmendind in yractice almost constant Cuffln and tearin ains l 04 i 1 g g p r,l �uara rt;'45 to GL.c. cc,», ro . ay. without hard about time would PTin e ding ab: inonths,, Iiiuless the, aid pen- Dyspepsiarandd Nervous ess as South, Ameri• have welcomed death. Dr. Dr. Aztec v's Cure '�1 1 t can Nervine• 'The n:alize that it is a step for the Heart has worked a veritable mir- p �'!„ POISON, aIy'and costs of en orcing alto same b0 in advance in medical science rind a., t t ; acle."--Thos. Hicks, Perth, Ont, -5g vh �—� SOOrfier paid, and ermanent are for diseases cf a . 3 > sell a t z c i +z,r c s mam•i_s yt tttay tto2 roc crime to leave it, for it may P Sold by A. L. Mi'milton. 1 be f n t:fir ., buk i s a cr,+ to t•, allow it to remain in the nvstem. Labe father - 6. That the pe n on whose behalf stomach. It wi cure you, --60 like er ruetr s i of Hier; my ane Potazb treatment. Fars, K. Bt K. Positively care IS �tBot any milk is sol , sent, supplied or Sold by A. L. Hamilton. I —Brussels football club will this year dA r„� eC l brought to a cliees or butter mauufae 'travel in fast company. It is a merilber /”" surnc.-,i 661tory, for any 01 tee piwposes aforesaid, at Pays to ictvertise. i' •"U � 111 X ,URE , shall be prima fncl"a liable for the viola Waterloo Dally Telegraph: Three o� the Western Footb all association 1 � -> ell, ThR'ae,cv nto-aul etentimifrTreettloriptnt cures s. tetvi it safelyand snraIli 'dao � Neck, senior league, COIISi6titi Of Berlin, sea- >; ran t,3siEc raise nodatentin ifrontliy44ainess. Dori'triSitoperation adralnyou r -on tion Of any of tela ruSdsiotts Of this act. fair maidens, of a village in the north- i i 1 ca.ual orCan4. '£$est;ictnrotisss oi3iabeorbedandcannevcrreturn• Are. Zi.&Ii`. +", n ern art of Waterloo Colllit forth Galt, etc, , r r. I'or the purple Of establishing the P y, who lost a r guwrcnteo Cares. „-,lilt of ally perRoll charged with the father'aud mother some time ago, re. Narcisse Cant -in, founder of the village �� Anyone who has ever been of st. Joseph, an tiz� E3uron 6hoxe, lass p , y violation Of any of he provisions of sec cantly aclvertisetl fur situations as house- w f , .& Bladce troubled with boils can Sym- tions one. tufo and three of this Act it keepers. Their advertisements were just returned from bhioago, accompan-K� ��� t� 1 pathize with poor old Job. shall be sufficieut prima facia evidence ' answered and subsequent- developments ied by several capitalists who intend to l *fin It neg,cc yu;r 11del iyc. ycraaching chin gaff soutells the late. oad i et Doke ra. There was no Burdock Blood on which to found a conviction to show sh raved that for sue favored diem. The invest X50,000. sew r p y „rtarau a to Curr. or No Pay. that such milk be soot sold supplied Or p P'v7_",C-1 C 1r:12 AC�'.'1.T ,�, rac�i rw�t 2ti 1tIC3 ���e. Cottee s? t ct3oaa I ; t ' first went to keep house for a rich Wel- Bitters lri ell a days, SO job F , , $AA ;rr, c o, iltio m went ri ve v. isealed.l Write for Otaeation Elm=lr for l30.•-•. +o y J brought to a f' tory as aforesaid to be lesley farmer; tenet' are to be Inatriocl in had to suffer irsilence. NOW- f' � � � S'i-coi„meut, ®tiry�r-iai<aac G;oa3'AdacaattsaA. manufactured into butter Or cheese, it a Eery weeks. Tile secasfitt loliud em- r+ t , c, rrst99 148 SHEL B11 r,-. TRE T Tsui 9b DRR . RE. MEDY � 8x �����1�h1�fn DETROIT, ARID �T a -days no one reed endure the substantially inf riot iu quality to pure ployment as housekeeper for a Wealthy ct• , misery of boil Milk, provided tee testis made by iifieans Toroutonfan; they aro also t0 enter the If your liver is out of order, causing 1141311' "',;��'�,"lc+` �f;'�' dta!„�.'�aA�'�1`,' o s gauge realms of matrilzlou ' The third too Si 4.11 they Ila e to do Is tale of a lactometer oi• crellm Sal. o or some y , Biliousness, nick headache, Fleart- yfi.._,__ other prover or adequate test and is has fared well iii the natter of securing burn, or Constzpa ion, take a dose of B. B. B. wheTi heir Mood Will a position, and indications poi to rho'—w —^yY made by a Competent person. Provided p , s, be cleansed o all impurities same result as iii the two fortifier cases. always that a anviutiou maybe oracle nose, Pill ` and every boil ill quickly dis- or had on au other sufficient legal All this has happened within the Inst appear. evidence. few months. Hoke is a remarkable proof On retiring, and tomorrow your di - Miss Lydia MoodyI useom, Essex Co. g• Any infor'< ation or c:ompiaint laid of the wisdom' of advertising, and it gestive organs will be regulated and Ont., sees the follow g statement Of her or made under his Act may be laid or speaks w all for Waterloo county's young you will be brigb , active and ready vaso: "Some time a xu blood of so �Volneu. s for anyy kind o work. This has y g taken bard trf d before any justice or been tele experience of others; it Out of order that mal boils appeared ail •justices of the, eace for the country in will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS are L'U" B B I N my body and preven d vie having any which such kmilk is sent supplied, Ont Short �'u Clear3 ttca3 sold by all medicine dealers. 25 ctsa. rest. Iliad aline on y nook at different ' Pp ' Head.—,Goes+oancLadar.he? Have ou times, and quite a nu her of small ones brought or solil to be manufactured, is pains over your eyes 7 Is the breath Offen- ° sante an my slloalder and nems. F situate. more " Our next door n ghbor seem the sive? These are certain symptoms of 11;Ul e Condition I was in tol nye to take E.B.L'. `� It shall be sufficient to allege Or Catarrh. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder �� 11 will cure most st11bborn cases in a mat. for icy bland . and i d so,charge in any complaint, information or } a venously short time. If you've had Catarrh .• L��1� jHi Aftt'r I had finished the first bottle I conviction made under tho first three aweek it's asurecurey If it's of fifty years' , than THE TIMES anlltiund'$S �LiV Ulm found flint some of the boils had disap- sections of this Act that the person •1c- ! standing it's just as effective. 5o cents,.—S� L 4 ��; Roared and all the rest were getting much cured dirt sell, supply or send to be roan• I gold -hr A. L.11amilton. ri ' p 1a'(]�Ii clubbing offers �aT smaller. I then hot two more bottler,, ufactured into butter or choose, milk I 'k �•'' J � o�i.i � � ai'` and by the time I had these nearly all Toronto Star's Portrait or Icing Udwts A. - , erewasy or skinitned milk. or , ,� 190®-1901 , Betyuiestthis, % headache, from which I mi,icefxvinyi�lti�ih stiippinns lead lreeu Cho'IorontoStarhaspublished apor- ^��� � woman suffered greatIv, left me, and I improved trait of Sing Edward Yn., which roach- Times till so imiell in health that I am now a strop kept back-; and such iufOi ulatiari or eom- -' etid of I ego I, $ r.00 » g' plaint or couvictibn shall not be objet- es, we, believe, the highest standard of. Who has been cured of backache and kidney , Tabus{ Ixirl. p 3 lithography attainable on this continent. trouble by the Use of DOan's Pills has written Times and Weekly Globe, with picture, "The Can. --_ ,,�•,_,•_ _ tianable or hold tied for bolo �.ii the a1- ternative,'or for `containinggniorq titan That this statement is riot too strong us as follows' t adians't the Battle of Paardeberg," till Jan. Ist,. one charge or gffa nee, provided that in will be admitted, we think, by those Mrs. win. Bishop, Palmyra, Ont., writes; I 10902 - - t.60 who see the work, The picture shows haveusedDoan's PilisfOr lame back and know ' the Opinion of thtr�csonvicthig justice' or they tire an excellent pill, as two bones com Times and Weekly Witness, - � I.6o justices an One} of such offences has Ilis Majesty in ofllCial tinifOrm, with his letoly cured me. j y decorations iii. their proper colors. As 0, p Titnes and Family Herald and Weekly Star with been committed fly the person charged. No infarmat on, complaint,, charge piece of portraiture it is the best 'obtafli- prem um - - I 75 P s g hirA° J> T. Dagenais, I+ontreal, 2ue., writes r x \ or convictions shall..besquashed, held bad able a,rhotogrtaphasall ail One year ago Iimfieretl'terriblywith kidney �iineS rind Weekly, and Empire, � I+�/5 paititiues by competent artists iuuat be, trouble. I con several physicians and Times and v,V eStCTII Advertiser, r I,U /�, ,�;, or defective in appeal or be removed on r i certiorari for want of form or substsince, . Clib artistic value is heightened by rioh used their prescriptions without 'success. I x LL saw Doan's Pills advertf ted, so procured a bcR Tin1eS and Weekly dun # I.7 back ground, wiliOli increases in the ' . h , provided there is s3tfizoielrt avidenCe to and they mado a catuplete cure. Times and DbLil Globe, ,'' support the same under the provisions of pl'11t the offset Of an -oil painting. The ., �5 this Act. gold. of the uniform stands out upon. the Times and Toronto Daily* Star, y ,t 2.50 i Picture with strikingrichness. The ' l r ' t lI. �+io appeal s1ih11lie from au„� cote• l pio- Mr§, j', I�, Grifitttt, Mhn'iague BridKa, iy.B:I., �'imes and Farmers Advocate '•, - I,gO tureisISIn0aesby2iinClles,aconveniellt writo3r About alit ±uoAths ago 1 sufforecl , vieliou Under this least, except to is Judge paper terribly with weak sad ltsltno bask, I took one W e d'ould extend the list hilt it is not i7' ceS5ar Y. We 'i'lim:a who have used %sits -t ivCY laills „ size for framing,The a er is of the y y say they leave no equal for. relieving' avid of d, superior, COt�nty, Ciroltit or Dig- finest and heaviestduality. I+Io expense,' box of Douala Piita and "am thankful to say Can ave au �lubbtn rates for nti newspaper Ctf lilagazlrle cuelr,,• Coilati atf on Sl k Vaud triet Court, or to tllo Chairman or Jutlgb p thatthtty cured arse and 3 hove not had any ri p 1 l r ]tae been sptlrod in rho �vcrk. T116 only fide of env ftotible vain,*. ptlllllSlled. Every Sill�5criller Will. YeCCtVp a Copy of t11P.' hand- etch -s sil.liot gifteaiif, byapepsiat of the'Court Of the igesSiOUS,Of the Peace, ohettp thifig about it is the price, Aq. Coated Tongue, 06ul 8r�t3s�th leaving jnrlsdicti.OUS V1000 the cgnviC- . -�. i _._..._ �._.�._.... some illustrated TIMES' CHRISTMAS SCJ1rPLEME1�T cording to the price c}iargect for some � s He apt 13up1lio 'Wator 13> ash or ' tion was had; rind :Such 1106111 shall be The advance In the price of paper, havllyb to Tray poSttl e and tiny diseas� or disorder of the stornach, (brought, notice of appbal in ez•'riting `other pictures of Sing Edward dews 3 ere. illtier. Vboft `'� hosphbsi'I21bs having a hi hbr rate from publisher, the club4in • rates haver ltvatr or bowels, liavo boon displayed lit shots windows, . ;� r� given, recognizance en into or do. 7me at i npztth ncernra�. Mrs, George 'irtlltams, Psurfteld Platris, it made lvithin'.ten (lays after the t this one is easily lvcrtll 1, but �`lte Staff '� d 8o1d itsid reoommentlect by bel been 1tlCrease lel �ibnie 1t15tptnCes. The above are our FIXED pigs y' uggis in ilanada. Cent felt - Mrs, Ont., Yfritei as follows; i°Ay there arc so will send it in m strong tube upon receipt s►ble m loins dlaeovove $ rates Ix1aYl, ed ,down So as i £7 aClrllit of no rr'C7l etinn. Tllrvl`l'= nlanv other medidneif oftered for sale* in (late of COIIViet3011, vend shall lt3 lleftrd, OC lay cents. ill ss%l~r Or stallipy, a 08? f}tsarantrc r to cure all' nub tried, far iatxa-haver Pills I a,r°i pair- tiysecT, EidjucliCritetl upotx itltcl tlec:ded, � ....... terms o soxuawt,o�C ess til ofreets of abtittd -fore tilei'C: 15 no useasking for t;lleal)Cr 1"lSteS, ! WlTFlt1 we can or eldom, Mantas tarsi , hicoMM4 us of Toy t� • L dcular to get the, genuine, as they fate: aur- without the interventioli of a, jury', 0 Ill the spring the whole system �a +ion, Ofi tits or Seim lmittf, Railed bit fdef t afford to give cheaper rates to one we Cali , iv% thein to a 1. wlrre anything el"for regulatltrs th�lyacvei r such, ttupe and pla4fis the court or jaclgil eloggett up with impurities aeouu►ulatw't �p �°yn� �,�m I ' r� "e td n�t'D° ddra � r ,corrr.'ctin stomach thsardara. ll"Xiflg the sarin appoints, within thirty Batt r the opting fake Sil2'ilor i 13Tth flue to� 'tign,iTIA030, wivnVor, gniN TIMES O 1 flkrul'•i.iw'ear I'lil!t are ptrrely vegetable; � �itr,Pr# this r=pl�iiiq and it will 'purify the , i,• rahth-e�r gra n wvfakern nor sitsi id, Art aa,ny^ do," from the date of oouvietiou, udt+:s l lilooil, malting it Halt and red, take'] will trait; A Cnmji�� din � M rrr►t till WIn��VIT1 b t o take s prompt t0 Sot, aid oQtitt dr Judge eXtenda the ti�We t I., Iva y' it stroligth d energy,, A' L. Haltiiltort,Ditagl;tsyte,. MY .i.n,ghawy Ont. tik3 ter, i ��! :.hitt', 1,r: ,.p a ''='---Rs—„`-� �S'�lkLi�r t:het". . • s,:i `...:.''�lti...>'�., A ,..�E?a.^.. ti..r. ;i"dr„r. � i:«„', , > , t... r,. �� ,a — ---°a :++5'�r .., THE W INGHAN TIMES, APRIT 20', 1901, _ , hS Li urlilwel I�tlrn1turf e ig UQW' Ad to Pmteot O'hoose ;hest . DAtter for hearing And decision beyond such 1VUONFITAI w, 1 furniture and i% y Rill ltneturIng Computes, thirty days, and in all respects not pro- t1-4tQA404 for last w Mt.i adding tet the itainber of Lances em- vided for in this Act the procedure under {evens.. a owlet or v saloof lk. +l. �riclz'T. J. ht , r pxoyesl. His Majesty, by consent of tliand witli q Setlat ta� advice And 9�' R�Applicable,� shry �l #tp�7yoBs Act,."rsR i'Ar town 1#tSt Sr0e1�. \ auuwnmw,uunnmwu,uunmmumuunlmni�nm �u����, „ It is asserted than a recent iuvestiga- L tion Of the swent•sliops of Chicago common$ of Canada, enacts as 1% fizzy porsou 4ccused of nn otfe eco Rev, Xr. Perrie, of Wingliam, ocou � 'brou:ht to light the fact that in some of follows; under this .tact and the husband or wife pied the pulpit in the Pre6b3 terlau t the aeons women work sixty hours per 1. No person shall sell, supply or send of such person shall be competent And clic. rale ou Sunday, compellable to testify.. ,A. ventriloquist stxuok town on Satur- eels for the ntuniiiceiyt suis of dQcouts, to an cheese or butter manufactory, or " — - _— y 1S. Any pequniary penalty Imposed day and gave free concerts qct the street ! -... Think of it, 40 cents per week, or not to the apt*rear, 414113 t=r or ilial;er thereof, ander this t<et shall when recovered, faa _- quite X21 a year, , in the afternoon and at night. to be manufactured, milk diluted with p4y4bl© one half to the iuforrntlut or water', or ill any way adulterated, or J€rmes Smith, of Galt,. is the guest of complainant, and the other to the Treas. FAC—SIMILE milk from which aaiy cxeaul has been his brother, : Oliver Smith. urea or President of the Factory to which „ ; THE NEW WAY taken, or milk c.tiutruauly known 4s lizss 1liinnie Staples of Teeswator, " SIGN ,, , sldmiued milli, with6,ut first having ngti- fuller was sealift, sold oi4, supplied for Any Mrs. T. Hemphill, jr,, this iveek. •&Negetable'Prepari3donfo,rAs- of the purposes of resaid in violation of t"1, fiQll in writiu3 the o�.ynei' or manager of any of the provisi+ a of this Act. , large number f new books have �linilatlp- A",hs?d dll3o a is of ° { � DISEASE quoli cheese or butter 'nmmlfactor7, cr been added to the p bliq library, ling the SiomuCis ntlsj �o`+ielS 41 "`�" Q the maker of such b,; tter or cheese, that _ . _ ' r a the milk so sold, seat, supplied or Arouse' at least J,lie ptttldlinl, Sva els are again on the � ti ' •",'",; 1 ' . war ath for the asoll having com- brought to. be nlanuf ctured has been so • To the terrible r ages. of gotisilm:ptiou p y d g In Ontario, the Go rumeut is petition- Ill au MOndAy s diluted with water o adulterated oxhas �rOAlOk6s�1 e�110R,CheeTful- �+ ����� � L� 1�>wfi�d ����� r ad to establish leo tale for colrsiimp- _ � � had the cream taken f . in it, or become tines. As if, proven tive to consumption � , ` , , 11eSS allcl�est COAtAll15 llt'Itttor - lnilk commonly ki FL Il as skrirzztsed fliers is no t, E two t to be compared to -r-r o fella. �A. WR y� lillCl, ornhlne nor�2 a1. " THE Tia IltCSt l 4iI1 L^ lJl�' milk, as. the case pia fiber and the proof lir. ChsFke's Syrup Linseed. and Tni- � - I -;-,T 4 ERE k .. 250. QW XAAV OTIC, - • • Of finch notice havi r, been givEin shall pontine w+lirali pro pelt' sled effectually ie set direot to the Aiseasea �,.,- �-� t Frcparation l :,:Ovva to Scienc cures every dough and cold, It has by arts tete Improved Mower, �� g -d tl + rest c.n the person as used. far the largest sale Of any reuredy' fax • "lit its its utaers, clears the air d �•'�a IvTO exSOtt wI10 IiaS, Sends, sells throat And lung troubles. 2b cent's a pasaise s, stops dropping in the �iiatanFlJld Drsi1MDF�I'!74' �p, p pp ( •.3 throat nd ermanaotly cures ]rr,. Seed - bottle. 1.+anlil size 64 cents, x..11 � PP �rrh:ria 7,tver since the remarkable cures of Mr. W, or brings to any laheese. or Metter wanu� 3' to Catarr and I•layFever, Blower AQP , •� q7 1�� dealers }i r free. All dei .ers, or Ar. A. W. Chase �,�E//aSoj/r- i OF FI y ,L',R G. Mcca,tav and Mr- Francis, attention has factory, or to the owner Or manager 1ladicine Cr-. Toronto pod Buti Sea jllest Sccr� + beendgawu to Powley's Irir•,uifled Ozone, The thereof, or to til maker Cf choeso.or Ho Uios. i °xf r�nu1P marvelruns nature of the recovery of. both these ,X pCar$ona@Jgdq.+ BOT �-g• A'1,`°i geittleraett stamped Ozoce as being a treatment butter, any milkiito be raamliactured Horace Greeley during the strain of The Poultr�tzdustry. � ? -k .6 d `�1'.z• which was fairly marvellous in its health giving into cheese Or blItter, shall hoop back great political crisi used to escape from The transatlantic t ade in poultry bids I dlcaiWyr cmz Flaiw: potter. Hundreds cf 'testimonials have been telly part of the lylilk,. known. as strijl- New York for a da ,and pa tO his i arm fair to become an ind stry of importance I received Since then; each testimonial can be pllit„ s, svitlinut ar* notifying in writing to wort{ like a low an. A friend found especiall to tale rt'1al >a er£ect Remedy E or Collsfipa-verified. Read what R. F„ Fleming says. i, p y population of jflon,sourstomacti,�liarrhoea, ii AST "Sonne fifteen months a o a friend spoke to me rliv i wjwr or wamiger of Stich choose t r him one da in $ ix -sleeves hot and On;lnda. The Outlook for its steady sed- fabout ozone and I havetrue thanked him, ever , Rutter 111:1I'llfact4 • Or the maker of y, ' I vaOTCirS,r,.Lossiol,LS,SLEEP. ty ty, perspir�iug, choppin down a liu�o tree.. vaucement is favorable, whoa it is con- .IaesS n1'ltll�m�a 0911• :y1I1)�Etfi? 11�A since. I have suffered all my life from indi. Pu, 11 t livese or burner, r.f his having so "I like it 1" lie cries , in his shrill �voieN.. sidered that the poultry enterprise can �,.�----- gootrothin week svatestomach, bload,bilious Souteheadaches, rea Sc aegs�and ke, inpt back such stiippfngs; and the proof °al+his is my hob A nilill''draw l in be carried oil' wit Taut affecting the cider` T'ac$ mile Signature oP - f fact when a young boy, I had bilious headaches of tiuch notice having been given shall vitalit Prow iris ho aby. If Ile has axone and moreestablisu d lines of agricultural v g . , y 1, once and twice a week, and later on in life rest on the party ae used. his art In the world -s ill be souit industry.. The h insignificant as it always lead two severe attacks twice a month. 3. No person sha knowl sell supply, part y ' " ��� �®�'��' {not c la is pnt,np in ono- .all %t neva only. It P y , PP y+ playedi- may' sooni, IIfiay o made a source cf .,• ,t, �; is not sold is Seek, Don'tSull;;,z aayo>;o to set I despaired of ever getting any relief or per- bring Or SCiIfid tone eE0 Or butter malitt- large routs with, sed returns t0 all ° M' ' ;' 1 you anything' elca on rho plea or promise that it. manent care.4e'°. Fifteen months ago I had is ,, Dr. Oliver Weu. ell Holiues h:tel the fti p P y -9 e, r,.G '� is ',just as good,, sial 14 will enswor overt' par- severe att+cl: of Kidney Trouble Bufferin tyit:t factory, or to the lownor or manager sauce theory., In ilii leisure moments who will rightly 1 terest themselves in + , k. 4 g f y.' •• 1� polo, Sco thzv yon got f1 - -13•T-0 It -I -A, pains in my bacfi, my blood Using fns miserable thereof, any milk t that is taintedor lie tool{ holo ra lis or rvorkgcl with A poultry raising. condition. I was weak, had a poor appetite P' .p Partly sour, witliot first 110ti£yilig iu turning lathe, The Canadian essod Poultry Com- simile ��,. ,�� and found it hard to get it good night's rest, I ExACT EOPY 0'P WftAPACr . writing the owner maieager o£ such ,f pan3 wlicse an ouncement appears 0e too I ,,! ; 0w�i. :C�2' On. � had tie pleasure in attending to my daily buss. The venerable ¢actor; Joseph Jefferson, nese, in fact, getting up in tiie inorafug tvns lie choose or butter ma ufactory, of such elsewhere in the dverf iser has leen lir of g lately pointed GO -. is Own pictures on the t �'Fi;;�,a,�?t.,�;} i�i�r ya '�'�i�;��'arir�t•�m�n:�l��c+��`•}+a'^A�""_`'��' pleasure; always wanted to lie in bed, so I milk being tainted of partly sour, formed in order to faciliato the trails - began taking Ozone four times and atter using 4.Noperson sbrtlltsell send Ox brig walls of his stud , "They may be good . ' a fesv bottles I found a decided improvement, p g or they may be bad," ho said. "Taut atlantic trade in po ltry. Yt isin a posi- but always thought that I would suffer Stith to a alieeso manufact y, or to the owner they have saved y reason and my life, tion to inform pro cess as to the re-. bilious headaches and weak stomach for the or manager thereof, ¢i r to the maker of when both wee threatened by the quireinents of the: ritish markets; to rest of my natural life, After using four bot- such butter or cheese,= ny milk taken or „ give instructions lit the proper care of l # : c ,, , N,, , *,s sr i �-, , '• c �}l n�i n,, ` �� � moliotollof m rofessional work. I n 4z s t.a-,_ • - ti� ties I found I was entirely cured of Kidney, drawn frOiII a (;Ow t "fit he knows to be y y 'fowls ineltldih advise on feeding, and Troubies, and after using a few more bottles I That wise , ad ser of women,Char- . +: g g' found m • stomach strop and that m bilious diseased at the time tie milk fs'taken or to practically ilritig the market to the a g y lone Yonge, so ewhere bids all hard- « f DY & K. ERfii- it headac:tes were leaving nee, and my blood was drawn from Iter. door of the po'tiltry raiser. It is hoped , p,; • f pure. I can fbAlifuliy say that at the present 5Every person who, by himself or by worked mothers llbe "keep good novel that the new company will succeed in moment I am permanently cured and gaining in their work -bas et—for repairs. . No oth r 14c 3icai s^! ora *n the world has the established reputation for curing solid flesh and muscles rapidly. I take the any other person t his knowledge, mitigating, to a Is �ge extent, the ineon- �,� Fan Another r �• w ecalPsitia m the K. X. s the Taber Now r etion forcuri g liberty of presenting to you this, my testi- violates any of the pr isions Of the pre- ser shred observer of human venienee experie led by Cauadiaus iii o of -tri ., .,coverer? end perfected by these Etnitent Specialists, has brought jcy, . g , r balsa ce cr, u o •t to thousands of homes. ]'Pith 30 years experlence in the montal, that others may see and profit thereby CeediIIg S@CtiOnS Olt 15 aCt, fibs]] upon nature declares t at it Bobby in a man s being shut otI from the Boston and New d , trenAt, it i c >: eaaen they cats guarantee to Cu e: or K 0� pt'—>Ftatis- if sufferisg as I was Believe ane, very truly conviction thereof be ore any jostles or life is like the led horse which OeS `pith 4 ^ elr�ra tb .' : J :;a n30AAR;Y, tayp,sillin, Varicocele, :stricture, Gleet, g Yorl: markets ley the United. States pec r, •, , l.ri fnrns;cacy, zscxnnaaI t1n d Azcnttal Q6'ealt nc%", acid - yours. s,lniea, justices of the peace, forfeit and pay a the cavalry Off' r into battle. "The tariff.. + r s1c; as+ .c; r�l� ;b2araar�ci. '.shelf guarantees are backed by Bank Bonds. 227 George St., Toronto fine riot exeediug flay dollars3 and not rider changes his mount now and then,. ts9 i, •„ e 5,, Powley's Liquified ozone is sr,00 a large bot' - less than five dollars together with the and gOes on with resh vigor to victory." Like fi � sa i^ i la _ t h e Heart tees ��^" �, Y�1 �� sq��� Lir �a 1���°�?'d l��¢��tle, Soc.small size, s3.1 druggists or from the , �' < , tl y b ,,t i'El Gle B � "e' ' costs of 1110 roseau on; and in default Stri» s-- It is not within the concep- laboratories of the Ozone Co., of Toronto, Unit. P r, y '- ' St. Toronto. I of payment of sno penal{ and costa txi ,9�Y� ®OC$ p` -t �o agree l—Phy tion of naso to measure m rest Bufferin rs j :t I ,• tea; 1.a t t ^ret r,., alp ti±ruuQlt the urine d,iev s ch reason lou feel Brett ' ted, 48 Colborne�" Y g � �r� Dere is:. tit,: 4a•r, � 'erose ora trot rested, your ltid,teys actio, you foci destionde t �Lialls no longer 'consider it catering to from, .heart disease• For years I endured f v red have r;,, t i n. Dnn't let your Life blood be drained away. Drs. lK. e; U. Also by A. L. Hamilton, Winglaam, shall be liable to im risonmeut with or quackery.' in recc mmendind in yractice almost constant Cuffln and tearin ains l 04 i 1 g g p r,l �uara rt;'45 to GL.c. cc,», ro . ay. without hard about time would PTin e ding ab: inonths,, Iiiuless the, aid pen- Dyspepsiarandd Nervous ess as South, Ameri• have welcomed death. Dr. Dr. Aztec v's Cure '�1 1 t can Nervine• 'The n:alize that it is a step for the Heart has worked a veritable mir- p �'!„ POISON, aIy'and costs of en orcing alto same b0 in advance in medical science rind a., t t ; acle."--Thos. Hicks, Perth, Ont, -5g vh �—� SOOrfier paid, and ermanent are for diseases cf a . 3 > sell a t z c i +z,r c s mam•i_s yt tttay tto2 roc crime to leave it, for it may P Sold by A. L. Mi'milton. 1 be f n t:fir ., buk i s a cr,+ to t•, allow it to remain in the nvstem. Labe father - 6. That the pe n on whose behalf stomach. It wi cure you, --60 like er ruetr s i of Hier; my ane Potazb treatment. Fars, K. Bt K. Positively care IS �tBot any milk is sol , sent, supplied or Sold by A. L. Hamilton. I —Brussels football club will this year dA r„� eC l brought to a cliees or butter mauufae 'travel in fast company. It is a merilber /”" surnc.-,i 661tory, for any 01 tee piwposes aforesaid, at Pays to ictvertise. i' •"U � 111 X ,URE , shall be prima fncl"a liable for the viola Waterloo Dally Telegraph: Three o� the Western Footb all association 1 � -> ell, ThR'ae,cv nto-aul etentimifrTreettloriptnt cures s. tetvi it safelyand snraIli 'dao � Neck, senior league, COIISi6titi Of Berlin, sea- >; ran t,3siEc raise nodatentin ifrontliy44ainess. Dori'triSitoperation adralnyou r -on tion Of any of tela ruSdsiotts Of this act. fair maidens, of a village in the north- i i 1 ca.ual orCan4. '£$est;ictnrotisss oi3iabeorbedandcannevcrreturn• Are. Zi.&Ii`. +", n ern art of Waterloo Colllit forth Galt, etc, , r r. I'or the purple Of establishing the P y, who lost a r guwrcnteo Cares. „-,lilt of ally perRoll charged with the father'aud mother some time ago, re. Narcisse Cant -in, founder of the village �� Anyone who has ever been of st. Joseph, an tiz� E3uron 6hoxe, lass p , y violation Of any of he provisions of sec cantly aclvertisetl fur situations as house- w f , .& Bladce troubled with boils can Sym- tions one. tufo and three of this Act it keepers. Their advertisements were just returned from bhioago, accompan-K� ��� t� 1 pathize with poor old Job. shall be sufficieut prima facia evidence ' answered and subsequent- developments ied by several capitalists who intend to l *fin It neg,cc yu;r 11del iyc. ycraaching chin gaff soutells the late. oad i et Doke ra. There was no Burdock Blood on which to found a conviction to show sh raved that for sue favored diem. The invest X50,000. sew r p y „rtarau a to Curr. or No Pay. that such milk be soot sold supplied Or p P'v7_",C-1 C 1r:12 AC�'.'1.T ,�, rac�i rw�t 2ti 1tIC3 ���e. Cottee s? t ct3oaa I ; t ' first went to keep house for a rich Wel- Bitters lri ell a days, SO job F , , $AA ;rr, c o, iltio m went ri ve v. isealed.l Write for Otaeation Elm=lr for l30.•-•. +o y J brought to a f' tory as aforesaid to be lesley farmer; tenet' are to be Inatriocl in had to suffer irsilence. NOW- f' � � � S'i-coi„meut, ®tiry�r-iai<aac G;oa3'AdacaattsaA. manufactured into butter Or cheese, it a Eery weeks. Tile secasfitt loliud em- r+ t , c, rrst99 148 SHEL B11 r,-. TRE T Tsui 9b DRR . RE. MEDY � 8x �����1�h1�fn DETROIT, ARID �T a -days no one reed endure the substantially inf riot iu quality to pure ployment as housekeeper for a Wealthy ct• , misery of boil Milk, provided tee testis made by iifieans Toroutonfan; they aro also t0 enter the If your liver is out of order, causing 1141311' "',;��'�,"lc+` �f;'�' dta!„�.'�aA�'�1`,' o s gauge realms of matrilzlou ' The third too Si 4.11 they Ila e to do Is tale of a lactometer oi• crellm Sal. o or some y , Biliousness, nick headache, Fleart- yfi.._,__ other prover or adequate test and is has fared well iii the natter of securing burn, or Constzpa ion, take a dose of B. B. B. wheTi heir Mood Will a position, and indications poi to rho'—w —^yY made by a Competent person. Provided p , s, be cleansed o all impurities same result as iii the two fortifier cases. always that a anviutiou maybe oracle nose, Pill ` and every boil ill quickly dis- or had on au other sufficient legal All this has happened within the Inst appear. evidence. few months. Hoke is a remarkable proof On retiring, and tomorrow your di - Miss Lydia MoodyI useom, Essex Co. g• Any infor'< ation or c:ompiaint laid of the wisdom' of advertising, and it gestive organs will be regulated and Ont., sees the follow g statement Of her or made under his Act may be laid or speaks w all for Waterloo county's young you will be brigb , active and ready vaso: "Some time a xu blood of so �Volneu. s for anyy kind o work. This has y g taken bard trf d before any justice or been tele experience of others; it Out of order that mal boils appeared ail •justices of the, eace for the country in will be yours. HOOD'S PILLS are L'U" B B I N my body and preven d vie having any which such kmilk is sent supplied, Ont Short �'u Clear3 ttca3 sold by all medicine dealers. 25 ctsa. rest. Iliad aline on y nook at different ' Pp ' Head.—,Goes+oancLadar.he? Have ou times, and quite a nu her of small ones brought or solil to be manufactured, is pains over your eyes 7 Is the breath Offen- ° sante an my slloalder and nems. F situate. more " Our next door n ghbor seem the sive? These are certain symptoms of 11;Ul e Condition I was in tol nye to take E.B.L'. `� It shall be sufficient to allege Or Catarrh. Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder �� 11 will cure most st11bborn cases in a mat. for icy bland . and i d so,charge in any complaint, information or } a venously short time. If you've had Catarrh .• L��1� jHi Aftt'r I had finished the first bottle I conviction made under tho first three aweek it's asurecurey If it's of fifty years' , than THE TIMES anlltiund'$S �LiV Ulm found flint some of the boils had disap- sections of this Act that the person •1c- ! standing it's just as effective. 5o cents,.—S� L 4 ��; Roared and all the rest were getting much cured dirt sell, supply or send to be roan• I gold -hr A. L.11amilton. ri ' p 1a'(]�Ii clubbing offers �aT smaller. I then hot two more bottler,, ufactured into butter or choose, milk I 'k �•'' J � o�i.i � � ai'` and by the time I had these nearly all Toronto Star's Portrait or Icing Udwts A. - , erewasy or skinitned milk. or , ,� 190®-1901 , Betyuiestthis, % headache, from which I mi,icefxvinyi�lti�ih stiippinns lead lreeu Cho'IorontoStarhaspublished apor- ^��� � woman suffered greatIv, left me, and I improved trait of Sing Edward Yn., which roach- Times till so imiell in health that I am now a strop kept back-; and such iufOi ulatiari or eom- -' etid of I ego I, $ r.00 » g' plaint or couvictibn shall not be objet- es, we, believe, the highest standard of. Who has been cured of backache and kidney , Tabus{ Ixirl. p 3 lithography attainable on this continent. trouble by the Use of DOan's Pills has written Times and Weekly Globe, with picture, "The Can. --_ ,,�•,_,•_ _ tianable or hold tied for bolo �.ii the a1- ternative,'or for `containinggniorq titan That this statement is riot too strong us as follows' t adians't the Battle of Paardeberg," till Jan. Ist,. one charge or gffa nee, provided that in will be admitted, we think, by those Mrs. win. Bishop, Palmyra, Ont., writes; I 10902 - - t.60 who see the work, The picture shows haveusedDoan's PilisfOr lame back and know ' the Opinion of thtr�csonvicthig justice' or they tire an excellent pill, as two bones com Times and Weekly Witness, - � I.6o justices an One} of such offences has Ilis Majesty in ofllCial tinifOrm, with his letoly cured me. j y decorations iii. their proper colors. As 0, p Titnes and Family Herald and Weekly Star with been committed fly the person charged. No infarmat on, complaint,, charge piece of portraiture it is the best 'obtafli- prem um - - I 75 P s g hirA° J> T. Dagenais, I+ontreal, 2ue., writes r x \ or convictions shall..besquashed, held bad able a,rhotogrtaphasall ail One year ago Iimfieretl'terriblywith kidney �iineS rind Weekly, and Empire, � I+�/5 paititiues by competent artists iuuat be, trouble. I con several physicians and Times and v,V eStCTII Advertiser, r I,U /�, ,�;, or defective in appeal or be removed on r i certiorari for want of form or substsince, . Clib artistic value is heightened by rioh used their prescriptions without 'success. I x LL saw Doan's Pills advertf ted, so procured a bcR Tin1eS and Weekly dun # I.7 back ground, wiliOli increases in the ' . h , provided there is s3tfizoielrt avidenCe to and they mado a catuplete cure. Times and DbLil Globe, ,'' support the same under the provisions of pl'11t the offset Of an -oil painting. The ., �5 this Act. gold. of the uniform stands out upon. the Times and Toronto Daily* Star, y ,t 2.50 i Picture with strikingrichness. The ' l r ' t lI. �+io appeal s1ih11lie from au„� cote• l pio- Mr§, j', I�, Grifitttt, Mhn'iague BridKa, iy.B:I., �'imes and Farmers Advocate '•, - I,gO tureisISIn0aesby2iinClles,aconveniellt writo3r About alit ±uoAths ago 1 sufforecl , vieliou Under this least, except to is Judge paper terribly with weak sad ltsltno bask, I took one W e d'ould extend the list hilt it is not i7' ceS5ar Y. We 'i'lim:a who have used %sits -t ivCY laills „ size for framing,The a er is of the y y say they leave no equal for. relieving' avid of d, superior, COt�nty, Ciroltit or Dig- finest and heaviestduality. I+Io expense,' box of Douala Piita and "am thankful to say Can ave au �lubbtn rates for nti newspaper Ctf lilagazlrle cuelr,,• Coilati atf on Sl k Vaud triet Court, or to tllo Chairman or Jutlgb p thatthtty cured arse and 3 hove not had any ri p 1 l r ]tae been sptlrod in rho �vcrk. T116 only fide of env ftotible vain,*. ptlllllSlled. Every Sill�5criller Will. YeCCtVp a Copy of t11P.' hand- etch -s sil.liot gifteaiif, byapepsiat of the'Court Of the igesSiOUS,Of the Peace, ohettp thifig about it is the price, Aq. Coated Tongue, 06ul 8r�t3s�th leaving jnrlsdicti.OUS V1000 the cgnviC- . -�. i _._..._ �._.�._.... some illustrated TIMES' CHRISTMAS SCJ1rPLEME1�T cording to the price c}iargect for some � s He apt 13up1lio 'Wator 13> ash or ' tion was had; rind :Such 1106111 shall be The advance In the price of paper, havllyb to Tray poSttl e and tiny diseas� or disorder of the stornach, (brought, notice of appbal in ez•'riting `other pictures of Sing Edward dews 3 ere. illtier. Vboft `'� hosphbsi'I21bs having a hi hbr rate from publisher, the club4in • rates haver ltvatr or bowels, liavo boon displayed lit shots windows, . ;� r� given, recognizance en into or do. 7me at i npztth ncernra�. Mrs, George 'irtlltams, Psurfteld Platris, it made lvithin'.ten (lays after the t this one is easily lvcrtll 1, but �`lte Staff '� d 8o1d itsid reoommentlect by bel been 1tlCrease lel �ibnie 1t15tptnCes. The above are our FIXED pigs y' uggis in ilanada. Cent felt - Mrs, Ont., Yfritei as follows; i°Ay there arc so will send it in m strong tube upon receipt s►ble m loins dlaeovove $ rates Ix1aYl, ed ,down So as i £7 aClrllit of no rr'C7l etinn. Tllrvl`l'= nlanv other medidneif oftered for sale* in (late of COIIViet3011, vend shall lt3 lleftrd, OC lay cents. ill ss%l~r Or stallipy, a 08? f}tsarantrc r to cure all' nub tried, far iatxa-haver Pills I a,r°i pair- tiysecT, EidjucliCritetl upotx itltcl tlec:ded, � ....... terms o soxuawt,o�C ess til ofreets of abtittd -fore tilei'C: 15 no useasking for t;lleal)Cr 1"lSteS, ! WlTFlt1 we can or eldom, Mantas tarsi , hicoMM4 us of Toy t� • L dcular to get the, genuine, as they fate: aur- without the interventioli of a, jury', 0 Ill the spring the whole system �a +ion, Ofi tits or Seim lmittf, Railed bit fdef t afford to give cheaper rates to one we Cali , iv% thein to a 1. wlrre anything el"for regulatltrs th�lyacvei r such, ttupe and pla4fis the court or jaclgil eloggett up with impurities aeouu►ulatw't �p �°yn� �,�m I ' r� "e td n�t'D° ddra � r ,corrr.'ctin stomach thsardara. ll"Xiflg the sarin appoints, within thirty Batt r the opting fake Sil2'ilor i 13Tth flue to� 'tign,iTIA030, wivnVor, gniN TIMES O 1 flkrul'•i.iw'ear I'lil!t are ptrrely vegetable; � �itr,Pr# this r=pl�iiiq and it will 'purify the , i,• rahth-e�r gra n wvfakern nor sitsi id, Art aa,ny^ do," from the date of oouvietiou, udt+:s l lilooil, malting it Halt and red, take'] will trait; A Cnmji�� din � M rrr►t till WIn��VIT1 b t o take s prompt t0 Sot, aid oQtitt dr Judge eXtenda the ti�We t I., Iva y' it stroligth d energy,, A' L. Haltiiltort,Ditagl;tsyte,. MY .i.n,ghawy Ont. tik3 ter, i ��! :.hitt', 1,r: ,.p a ''='---Rs—„`-� �S'�lkLi�r t:het". . • s,:i `...:.''�lti...>'�., A ,..�E?a.^.. ti..r. ;i"dr„r. � i:«„', , > , t... r,. �� ,a — ---°a :++5'�r ..,