HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-04-26, Page 1H11A­ NV. VOL, XXIX.. NQ, 151.4. WINGRAN, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1901, $1 A YEAR IN AMU 636 u 'A' Y 6 0% e a 4 i n.6. Now has come the harvest time for Bargains, In order to reduce our stock t0 make room for s tin arrivals we will . i r See our window of high class Sailors. Two good Working horses and a 9004 • -ca to dor to rer7 htuctta, w gyp, y ,y y hpr Styles numerous; most exclusive, . land roller for salla cheap. Apply at Dont be•a follows, be a leader. G. E. I zNc , k[cl+ean Son's Mill oilice. Don't have any Lill times Around your Now is the sear -on for TIM BAND CO=ER,T,—The concert mise PAINTING.-A04s. W. H, iiele store. sFrSOlsS trouble .Co occur given under the a spices of the town has justreturne+cl hot a from, Toxanto, at Doi1'G fail to adv rrtisa most in the dell band, oil Thurscl y evening last was which place she hac%been taking further season, with the lungs. Build up ver well. attended The programme lessorsitl olrina ail titag, oil and Colors.Don't skit'. system anci 5tre#lth- y 1' p stake fame statements, book was a vbry good o1 ; and the boys are Mrs. Hole has a ver handsoina display ays- ad, with th%woods. IF e11 the lla#tg ; WICh some dollars ahead .with which they can of painted china, i1 o window of Ball Don't let an ad. ;tang a nlonth,0hango purchase new iustr-meats and music. Bros' store. Mrs Hale intends carr- a W. R. Dads AND FAuILT.--The monoing classes in aiming. See hos every two weeps. Douglas, s Toronto Globo of S tarda, last contains card in another coli oLn, Don't cut your rlvartising at the least , .ortabl an excellout pictur• of Mr., and Mrs. W, .,The North End .'roe , t•Iz. Hanna sign of dull tunes. R. Davis and fami G, of Mitchell, Also Cc's branch sto as been stocked Don't stop, lteoi .on making yo ads. , $ with new grocers and ie now doing a bright and talky, It's d Z ars you, a picture of ML Davis dwelling in r Q o(', , ° flourishing business.. Mitoliell, "Poplar Lia ." Mr. Davis' - . se , it Bros. f carpet paper. , , ^ family is comprise t o eleven sons and PRICE OF RrN FR',rr.—Merchants and it 'moi ih two daughters, on , of the sons is dead, egg' dealers are o the opinion -that WED:61 V6 BLLLs.. ti "Thursday even - Mr. Davis has beep editor of the Mitchell prices .for lien fruit .sill not likely be s0 Lewis,last week, La. nu e T oaWill. yposp '& A ue l y 43 years and is a . high this summer a , they have been for Les, Brooklyn veunr' Toronto, l ])rather for sea formerly of Wingdlai;, was Lire scene of It is fresh and the best on the brother of our 11 -known tosvnhman, two years past. 7-tIe old cottutry deal- q - eggs y a happy event, when_his daughter, Miss market, R. Davis. ars intro had c utractad for large Fine excellent building lots for sa1,e, quantities of Canac-.n a lost Leone ossie M., was ani ed in ma a to The old Williams stand. on corner of Patrick and Francis=streots, in 1900, and arego.-rg to begin the new Edward Phillips, Mss 'Jas ell, of Apply to R. Vaustoile, Wingitlim. century by encdeavw-ing to get the busi- own, vvas the brill mafrl. he 'Pt s '9 ness on a profitable stasis again, and are Dios with the ratan Win am friends m A . Boxes HIINTING.' Our readers will sat offering such g od iiguxes at the out- of the bride in w skiing her a happy note that a London _ rni lies-rsires to wedded life. Prop. establish a foundry r the manufacture set this season, About nine cents a I of stoves, furnaces, c., and wishes to dozen will probabl= be the ruling price N$wSEAPBrt C1 Ntira, —Walter M. G. IT. W. Of';I.ce, know what inducem rite Clinton is pro- tax the early sumirir. back has sold the liiucardine Reporter 7'a/ 7 Df1l. thrchi 4 bti 7 v Sbr ,3 to Joseph S. Godd.-)f Eimvale,Ont., who pared.. to give so they. may locate sucks ata A few thousand dollars of private 1 establishment here. From several ex- funds to loan ongood security at G per takes possession of Kay 1st. Mr. Dark Por Photograph-, t g r changes wo notice gat this same firm cent' Apply to J. A. Morton, Barrister, has been for 21 gars ihora n charge of the p lace on sale for the next 6o haswritten Goderi..i and Stratford in: FPfnghani. Reporter office. Mr. Dark will leave t,t ,3jL pfle 5 days, our large and well as- similar teams and 802n0 time ago the ODDFELLows' AN avERWty. - The early next )vont for Walkerton to as- clays, e council: It looks very o theuch members of N aitland bodge, slime his duties s Registrar of Bruce go to sorted stock, at 1. O. O. F. will -old their annual county. GEORGE r4crDNZIE, Gingham, as if this firm is wring to see who bids _ anniversary services iAis (Friday) even- A UmQun B xQuLT,—On ,Thursday J. Milton Graham, highest and only, c.:iat may be Od, Ing' The member_ of the lodge, to- night of last w k, E. F. R. Zoellner, Absolute , bonus-hunting.—C-11ton New a. - S' • •k " Photo Studio. Cost gather with visiting Lethern,will attend formerly of Forest, tendered his Don't forget our spa a na of add the Presbyterian chalch in a body at '8 frineds and ere tors a banquet at the Beavor Block, Wiugliam, size Oxfords and Slippe s .or 600, dust O'clocl-. p. m., vvlien ev. D. Perris will Arlington hotel n Toronto. Five years the thing for school girl HANNA 13t Co, reach to them a ser- ton appropriate to rL j Pago Mr. Zoelln failed in the furniture Orders invited for enlargements. anrI, 'ny • '" ' 'es I CoMMITTED For TriaL.—Frank Reed, the occassion. T e Oddfellow's of bugineas for 430 00; and settled for 85 duplicates. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS the man who was ecently committed Ontario last year pt l over $87,900 in cents on the dol x, but promised that lbs Seo Halsey Park's advertisement. from Wingham tot a county jail for 30 sick benefits; there, ere admitted into would pay ever, cent he 'owed. The ma t Selo Cost. TnREE VnLvEs. ne day last week, a days for currying a revolver, 'was the order during the roar 2105 members, banquet was gi An by Mr. Zoellner to i l ` ' 'i'„ ' ytoc ` cow belonging to atrick Gibbous, of brought before the P. M. on Monday suspended and with*awn, 1190 making marts the falfiiligent of his promise,. East Wawanosh 'gave birth to three charged ,with burgle nsly entering and a net increase of 900 There were 240 ADJoURNED i LEETixG-Tho License „ No matter what your needs calves. The t eo were living at. the stealing from, the div illin of J, H.. and more admitted in = 900 than in 1899 „. g ' Commissioners: [or West Huron held _ may be in our line, you can time of birth, bu two have since died. W. F, 'Dulmage, 'of Gorrie, to which 100 lesswith,?rawals and 24 less deaths their acdjourne(- meeting at Inspector 1 T(=tdoor toAdvanc trice. buy them during this sale at We have often h .ard of twin.cglves, but charge he pleaded gutty. He was then than in the previous year. The mem- paisley's office I. Clinton, on Wednes Con'feetione Y all kinds. triplets are something out of the charged with a se .ond burglary, to bership on the Sis of December was dayafternoon the members of the greatly reduced, prices. ,, Biscuits. rrttit in season. ordinary. which be also pleadec*uilty. A third_24,499- board being all Wsent. The licenses to Ap q q fl a Annoit DAY.—Arbor Day, which was charge was assaulti •g Chief Vassar ; W.&NTED.—Ono ton- of Butter_ week:-- B. Sanits, ll'ioitla-td House and W. Babb, LUNCHES AT ALL R OUR& r OICSds established by 00 :Ontario Government man, of Wingham, d as he declared ; ly. Eggs 12c. We laaso 5001)1181 els . Ct Oceaai. iioas0 b ith of Goderich, were i st 7sricos to suit. in 1885will be crllebrated b the public his innocence of the rime he was re- home grown timothy and c ver seed fox ice cream in Sanson y p E, Rua granted. That c, ' a license to Jobs Mc- Bread for sal . To Leake a .final clearing out of our school children -in the first Friday in manded till nest Tne ay.fortrial. The sale. Donald., of Whit lrnrcli,_svas also Con- et0.tsolicitcd. Dr Goods, we will offer, them. at 500 on May'- : `Che.objec ; is to, clbvslop.tlie love county attorney p .scouted, but the DEa,TR of a, PIONS The angel of _ sidered: A; 1k** was presented by J. W.', SNEILL. y the dollar; for every fifty cents you ex- for trees, the mprovemeiLt of school prisoner was un efended.—Goderioh death has once mare rsited our neigh- Barrister Vauston , of Wuigham, Con- pend in this li ue, we aro actually giving grouneds by the 1 ranting of flower beds, Star. borhood and has dar ened a home by teining,a majorit of the ratepayers in yon a dollar-. so come along with the earl to otherwi o interest children in . d on Monday afte noon of Margaret To TILE DYs1^ rich lady, of crowd and take advantage of this great LIaLE FOR SnLE. On and after 22u t of p y g the polling division in which the hoose y, 60 day Sale. nature study. t April 1 will have fine for sale at the 'kson, beloved wif of Chas. Hander- is situated praying for such. Oar the her Deafness and Noises in the LToad by H. Davis has d,000 or $ 0of private kiln, lot 83, con 8, East Wawanosh. on, of the Bluevale and, at the age of understanding th the law be liv d up -Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, ' Grins. CAMP .ELL, Marnoch P. O. n articularl it referencr+-- Iners g This is a ChSH Sale, funds to loan on good fa security at 75 years. Deceased aloe„ with her to, p y ave 25000 dollars to his Institute so that: lowest rates. No iusp 's fees, WOMAN'$ . IN TITUTE MEETING A husband, settled in Morris township which seas the of complaint, the deaf people unable to Pxor;ui , the Ear Farm Produce taken as cash. DIED AT CLINT , , James McGill; meeting ryas he '1 at D2rs. Jno, Link- many years ago ane were >zmong the license was granto ! Drums may havo tho friee, Address, . cried at his home in Olinton, oar Sunday later's, Bast Wa-, •anosh, on Friday 19th first settlers and had sided on the farm I The Nicholson ir)stir` Lte, 7880 Ei hth: D. Stewart offer's for sale, 2$ acres of III g morning last in Lis 74th year, On inst., when the 'allowing ofilcers were on which she died ssace she first came land south of Victoria street, suitable Avenue, York.. Saturday, 15th last Mr. TdleGill vyas appointed:—Prerdent, Mrs. Wn1.. Lintz- into the township. She had been ,for building purposes, cheap, Also 82 I Tiau ftle; XJ AU 1TION, ••-•-S Ome twenty - 0 t Sons' assisting in some w rk, and fell froml a later; Sec.—Tres.., Mrg. J. J. Elliott; healthy, despite her oZ age, up to about acres north of the railroad, at a btirgain, two furitittlre creel is met at Berlin ou { wagon and broke is back. The re- Directors, Mrs..: no. Liuklater, Mrs. Jno. five weeks ago, wher she had an attacle A b*E r RESmEIc ,—The Tiaiaistou I Wednesday, says, ro i O)Ii3on Free l res , mains were cone ed to iugham oil Ouriie, Mrs. T m.. J. Currie. lairs, of la grippe from ash .ch sho was appar- Tribune's Lakelet c espoadeut thus re- I to discuss matters artaining to their in- etc.. n- Marriage Licenses Tuesday and from beta thq Corrie Elford, of Holmtsville, vas present and ently rocoverissg al taken worse on Pers to a gentleman aha is abrins to take te.ests. It was le fined that those prem issued, by FUAIM PATEnsoN', No. 23. Victoria cemetery for interl lent obs. '.T.:Me- gave some new i least on general house- ,.Saturday last.. . s - Henderson WAS a! up hi$ residence in rlviogham "After sent belong tothe aueda' , urititato As- .treat, `Ffin0lam, Ont. ;!7o witnesses required. Gill, of Chicago, and Watch, of Beeping,. Mrs. `n ' 'J, Carrie also read svoinau who ha a la ge circle of friends running a ;,Dori ge t0t z1 Stora glare for SaCiatlCn, in w12i 'L l'i"ga*t trios thatch Clinton, son and sc m -in-law of d asecl, a very iatcrestir paper on systematic and «:as held in higl esteem. The be- over twenty Fears, I r. A. Da.lmage has } seems to be soma :lisss tisfiteriou, Midit; .l„ #,.,... ,,,g..••i• ...............IN attended the faner housekeeping, Several other subjects reaved husband, sons nd daughters and sold III .stock to lir. Bashtlelrl of f was vvi; h the oUj t C^ Having ))inners ? .x4. FoR Sax x,—I offfr f sa my house w ere brought fore the meeting and other relatives will lir vie the symyathy Mitchell, Daring h long stay hese ad justerl so as to nsuro more harmony "BudilesBellowledtie" and'-Rverlast- .1. and five acres of I , situate On dis,eusted. subjects fair the next of the community in this, their time of Mr. Dulmage proved 'iinself a thorough that f1iC uuYetir_r was Called. Sarna 'r my Push win Josephine street. 1 " p r eating aro an Blit and fresh air and bereavement. The tt betel to the Wing- business man and enj ed the confidence svexe in Pavex c .: reorganizing, but if; •II• :l. CFins. GILLESPIis, neatness around he home. There were ham cemetery on % dutsday afternoon of the people of Hosni , Ho seas nue of {wag flaally acau.-red thut S. R. Iiiioch► -e• CLYDESDnLE 11 LION. --T. H. Hits- about twenty la °as present and several was largely attende , many of the old the township aouncilio. S f01 a number of sal, of Hanoi a'1' eft empowered t0 Cam- Bard, of Millbrook, as loft his pure bred new membors re added to the roll. time friends Of I a d ceased being in At pears and was reeve to .a year, Ile tgoes 1 muidoatro v:ith t a ; eceetatry OI ttao as + imported elydesdal stallion, Prince of Refreshments we a served, after which tendauee. Rev. f). errieconducted the + i r; to Wingtitiin to reside and c ujoy a rest t . ociat%nu svit.i vitas to uiCetd;i, the s. Kelton, with D. McPherson for this the meeting adj rned to meet in six I religious service, an' Messrs. Peter Mc- which he will approci c after sc many , situation before Alwt measures abould season. Prince o Melton, VOL28, NO. It has paid others to attend the ' w weeks, Notice ti ' be given through Laron, John bY.iclzci , n,,. Robt. Massveil, years bundling goods f r the public." • ;be adopted, '?i Lf' licntr(+al, ` orantai •1• 11, 148, .a boy her was foaled in 1897 the papers as to d to of text meeting. John Hardief. The ,7enkins and Jqs. WEDDED 1.T ING 11SOLL. W. J. Gue'.ph, Chrtxlc T:auover, 6Vingham, C ni al llsiness Celle a +. ' and was bred by mes'Long, of ,Kelton I Casomore were the all bearers.' E1li tt, brother of t o editor of tlao Waterloo and --lin factories ,yore re- ,1. Fresh oysters a ,ion Band; down St atYord, Ont. ` Grange, Dumfrie, He is a grand thick to old price; sery dull styles at I TIMES and a young ma vvoil-ituosvn in presented. 1 .#, horse of firstrata duality and splendid . As. Mollrmvinls. "Viops tito Cough Wingham was masLie on Wednesday, •.••-- _ and it swill, pay you. Our students are •+ breeding, Ho i a great grandson of IN ME 2oRIa ' tis our sad duty t0 g of this week. Th sday's Ingersoll I , p r. +3 remarkably successful in securingand 7itt1[ ea'(Dr&it5 m 1✓ iE% Cal< • „ I lll P. ' l7lll 1# 1 JiQI• u, holding excellent situations. Be careful + . both ° CPriueo of ales" No. 673 and chronicle the do th of Miss. Catherine Laxative Bromo-Qluinino Tablets cure a cold in daily Chronicle says -- A very pretty o In oniseleation of a school. Mt •g• "Mae a or' No, 1 87. This horse will g to mer -Wing-=Its wedding ryas consum ated ori Vodnea- 'f in Attendance iatl our chool.es Come w T make the season in he vicinity of Wing- Eliza v aims which tool,, placeat oneday, No Cure, no pay. Price eo oe day at. 12.80 at the lir me of the bride, on this college and we will unrantee to •1• t ' ' horotx hly ]>reparo you or bag Ddu ,g, ham, WroxEtbr, Biu vale, and Belgravia tl)O roSidence f John Coutts, her i Mpl Catharine street; w on 1liiss Edith M.' > ;iilife, We deal in genuine busine,. + wit11headquarters at Swarts hotel brother-in-law, i the town of Neepawa, Cairns wasunited i the holy ;catimt;wehavo uothino toclotvitlitke •1. T sham article, stables every Satnrd y. IIs will beat iVit uitoba, ou T rsday, 28th of March, : jj$ y 11 matrimony to Air. J. Elliott, second write for our catalo,quo. i btudents admitted at •any time. Swarts' stables all ext . week. 11 in the 34th year f her age, of ter a long son of.,cllr. R. Ellie , and city editor of I f. U ', particulars on route ills. and lingering ill less, liar reiiaaiils were Next door to Post Cflict , the Chronicle. Th - bride was supper W. J. ELLTOT'C, Prinelpal. L DEATH of A ,F.lt.. WEIssTEli There followed to the r, last resting place at by nils Luella L4liott, sister of the • • •t,. i,• „;•, ,#, „ ,#•: , ,. eo+ died.in Sanborn, Nb h Dakota, on the Riverside came ry by a large nuiilbor groom, rv15110 Mr. Mas. L. Hislop per- 9 i`aFL 7th inst., Alex,, son f Mr. and Mrs. Jas. of sympathizi g friends and as the formed the duties ,f groomsman. The r _ _ EYE SSI P. P. A. REc 1LLED.--Margaret ;,%, Webster, con, 13, lI 11et, at the early mournful pro salon wended its way i ' bride looked ch a*uing in a handsome F i and who orae years ago in the g y ' g r "- c ' Sheph age of 32 years. a was only all one through the town the church boil and becomin CcAume of Nvhite silk days when the F I'. A. flourished in, this week, being suddo y taken off by plaral solomnly tot as if joining with those n with Chiffoir trn aninn and carried a part of the counirv, Created a great deal pneumonia; which esulted from a cold. in sorrow. he late Miss Green was a C H LDH 00 D bouquet. of Crean rases. The brides. - Of i11 Pealing bet t on `people of different Contracted. He s only married four faithful an a ststeut member of Knox maid was gosvnei in a dainty dress of p i u faiths though for some time months Arad had j t settled flown to a church, Neopa.via, and was beloved by' has blighted white organdie qa Carried a bouquet of relig o s r ha life, bein' a prosperous your p T* interesting past last to pa iC view, is still Contin- happy gall who lied star pleasure of, ticgiiaiiit- raottaNittioe rt'fany lives Lnl1: roses, g ceremony ping ill fox o1 course, Ts still oklyn,. farmer, the bein of a whole section of ance and h momory will long be 1(ES was performed b . Rev. James .Chomp- y Y. E. le, f April 1st, referring to land in Northern Dakota; entirely floe herisbou 0 crowing friouds, nor bOCat SC sea, B.A., rector of St, James Church, N• r 'f1 Mrs, Margaret L. Shop. from debt. In lis relikiOus convictions illness wag bo i with christiaa fortitude the pain eausee d and was witne .sed by aril, 'rho lin : hex, says, g he was a Prosby inn, following` those and complato esignation, to the will of mediate relativ s of the Contracting i hard, who call herself 'Sister Magdelene 8 Adelaide, is n.t arrested for' circulating of his parents. The remains were her heaven l_ Father, whow sho. y parties. After t knot lead been secure- ° 4 r ;axe it will not be lies• . interred in Saab ia. His death snakes served and lov +d so well. And Although prrrOcl $ ly tied ttnd co gratidations extended, ., obsCeno giro , the first break u the family circle, sadly inigsed ii the church ana f'amly the cOmpaiay rep iced to the dining tools i E: 41IiJtil:S -*ills Ladies' 'avarite Whoa, fault,. nor that of thb Raman Catholic Deceased was ! nephew of A, of Brmkl n. In the course of • owelo here bele v, there is grant comfort an a'Ve'!1'tICn t0 wllero;i reCherc da je use was witted. _ leak„ Batton, ,oxfords, ill pateYtti< clergy, y Webstor of this town and as wit bo and Consolatio i in the assurance that- Many bandsOan acid useful presents lelitllr+ , vice kid, earl T)ougola, Sera ' her travels thr, ugh the country ant pity, • study. them ;special value. is he circulates noticed, the decoded died on fhb nig she has gong -o join the Chuxelr and I were Peaeivac aetnonstratin#t t11b lntila,,1 , v a kc w tree tttl ~ tlw xri slit,t Lecturing on hot Old topic, s is a sin hlot Con. day as Mrs. Wob or of this town, choir of the to enied in glory, singing TM bstckward cchild tack off' 611 . popularity cif tl1_. goring Ooupl0 who ilio bou!lltt or its, for saga n the public, p p g . , starting life's yr y a together under the x`a•unks and Valttl a .iii incidai of ii grossly immoral :tVYrlv ' To LcsArt,,•r•1kLoiioy to loan Cil the anthems of deemiu lo`c o lir#ass• baaame si the urti uacotsful t1l inr ' _ g rain g dotes and notes discounted at reason- ed era the Dead who Die in the Lord." most favorable i Uspicos, l► r. and :Mrs. naturt., and to prevent this the law has Io afternoon train to ' been invokcal'., g es, with privilege of paying at the -Oum. n r end a few d et t` Able rates. Money advanced accounon ts b" DAVIS, Alliott left on sin nortlibilt towns, ,r Any orders for sales left in the Timms entl, Of y year. - This WMIC wb ragai 6 piaCes of noire b'i ti Gi$ " •d11 b CSiaTIC21 1i11„ ti3EM!'" S it` R .. '' office will receive proinlit attention. J, collected. Office Beaver Blook, Wing Dolaiitos in red u ua, in, stripes and r ;' .+Gurria,anCtionear. ham, ItoliT.111nlrtiiao. polka dots. Watt goods. H&NNA&CO, „>i r uptheirresidan on will return .,YiltLsdtiuiL. Y „.. yi} •P F' i, _4. f.tati