HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-04-19, Page 8: oIKURCTa vaxixs, DR, AGNEW, WALKER BROS. & BUTTON There �t Itev. D, Perrie, of town and Rev. R. Pllysiclan, Surgeon, etc. are Bu do, Ho UN"ATAKERS,WINCrHAM.. 1at1 Business # s S. G. Auderoon, of Wrozeter, exchanged oiHce- l+;nc(lanald'link, Over d, T: Mavis' mid -zags Stlii e �k laulllitil oil tituulttft last. AruK 13taro. rTiglit' rallsaltswcrcd akt>}eoillce, Night ca,110 at Ilutton':look, or Fifth to aur busiiloss. BALL 1 ____._ door aouth of School Home. Shop oft, fL The annual.eouventiou of tho Provill- poalte Xacdonaid .blook" .�.. TvIGINDu tial G. la. Uznou will be held at Igoe%• EWELLE GRIFFIN R . r « «( _,,•�,••��••W Ville, on October 1, 2 and k. WINQ AU VIOLIN GUITAR, t `.Che itnted' evangelists, R'oY, 11Tessrs, * �®�*� ��'�� �U�TAIt" � e rU17 Our c?Wla business atl4l matte tint QWL] honest prices. QI` VOICE CUtTi1RaM. Crossley and 1-Iiilltt�r are conducting 114xS$ CAItRIE 1V10013L , of London Conservatory of btusle, will bo pre- Dt. services in Mt.'forest. Pugils r(•pared far Conservatory of 9tusio _1� erco after,90. r s receive a lilnitea'into• E. " �r esalninatlCrns. uar of pups a for instruction au Violin and . i , THE SAME ra„i, T,,,fn Inca of the Salvation Guitar. grams tinny 'sere 'ills beet' tralisf(I red to " es once+-oppos a iur. , g t11. " i o Listowel :incl. Capt', R llalel�, of Listowel, , taRes dlaf„e of the Avuly here. J, J. E ttr V■ $. Hen tixy crna>tate nr ']�, PIANO AND THEORCY, � ��s a result our business is ii�cre acing. Zip next eittertainilaeut. to be given ltv t11e cuss People's Society of Ilio rlo V'ete1'inttry ege. oiiice and Infirmary --^ MISS. SARA LOUISL NODRE, L,G.Td. Musicians 4 5(i s- -OUr GUSton7eXS are satisfied, and send their ., r, „ . , '.^•� Pill" A d 4,G 9'• fi l b'�T& '�rPsbYteriait uhurUh will be held on Fri- t lxalley's odd ntau(1, T'i�torin t t., liringllnut• Asx nil(' Il:�ht calfs and member; of the Associated of 'Ontario, is )trepared to receive It limited zlnm for instruction oil Pit= all(' in 7 friends to. Lis. Stock unexcellQd for quality and variety. - .. R Iday HVP1tiitg, lvIay 3rd. 1?:trCiculars � I 1n•n„ +,_ 1T 1\ AtteD$ea t0, Teleplzonaaonitoction, br•1. Of pupils rthc-or Y spec-alattention given to pupils preparing .. .: . tient weep. «T. J, ilTCl&y, J; 1� , E.D. 7? tStOr • esi l nti a.t)7 U ons, 1iE!Ni(lenee-"Opl)OSft(l R.'C. CiIUI'Ch, yiriI)gllaln, P _.,, ^ ^ i� �¢-� `Qt JI/A�1' 6Fi ky � � $10 `Yl� FL..A+' fd it ffi Suite n..IiE+V A big j.'ts1) Cl11se in high-class `of the I; s `ist olltirch at Stratford, has p' t IwM�,'fol t1a Ya'�'+F O �+ Dress Goods at our own pricC. Ibeen called to the M2cPllail Memorial i+J'ow, ave xk ill let you share the' Cilm-Th nt Ottawa, 14Tr, MQl�tiy 11as de- and anyone having live stm-1c or other Use t (e they \,or to in. t e or, hhuuld to r+r• Use the canto for sn]e in the TrnrL;. our lsr;re Teaming 1S Eat for a flalace. See it, fruilt of cv-ir hitr �L1rchase. It is of the 'lest Dress. Goods eliued to accept the call Rev. Fit+ltardlFObbspreaclted Ed1lCa- circulation tells and it \will Itostrancte inderd if onctottnrrot+t<t+stnlner, We can't guarantee tort you sell bacatth you luny nslcmcl(+ fel•thet+1rtl( (), r.t,nto thanittosand1, IJNDI✓RT'AIi ING—Our extensive exper ece warrants one rf B.lrs,rii,;s' e� e t�� ; r offered you. tionalsormoas4t,tile Harristoll Wotilo- dist church On Suizda.y last, Rev, R. H. -this your advi"rtivenl(mt to trio T1ur!:s Alla t'ry this phut or (llspostug of year stock: and 0iher rhe unclerai(;uocl is uo�v prepared to way �, do ltliads of �vorii i11 the Baa of tn- � ' us 111 calling special attention to this Branch of our business, 1 �' in:t i )t put out tl'n Saturday burns, I'll. B., .of Uarriston tU.,lt MTX. articles. all ("Al teanlin;r. You will find us prompt, reliable, attentive and efficient, n at 50c, rer. 65c and 75c; new Spr. :;hadt:S. Hobbs' work here, The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian tS1I 1 •tit?t �Efl,VIG4• w" a �">n(,1 �w a u, GardellPlowing and other worksvill receive prompt attention. Shop early Saturday ; first church held 0` social on Tnesday even- All orders€ left at Lott &. Sturdy's sUHAL unErl Director. • choice. ing, The attendance was not large, but a spi:'nd1(1 programule was rendered and The undersigned will keep for serviee on Lot C hal Pili "Lord oshittiho thoroughbred BE livery stable, or at my llouse will receive prompt attention. : Residence—Patrick St., Mr. Gracey s late residence. all 'recent rpent rb very enjoyable TNlho ball JCEIi*7 Itkll W Gr C'�,,L� � New Spring Overcoats evepiu„ . � — and Sov,rel,l Spring Suits.. The ifiittghant Distri;-t .".Tt'oting and Woir)azl's Missionary Society will be ° cocoa®m4�S®4mOOm®ma®DO®OtP�o�o�0�®4®O�o0000o®oG®40®mv�4♦ ' Any kind of ` fide new suit bind of a man t 0uld in Brussels on Tuesday and Wednesda.), May Z1st and 22nc1. • 1S circuits -will beA Rev. David Rogers, ofi � � �� %�,�6 1_4 0that dustAo any We for xepresented. Eluevale, is the Chairman of u iyd%u, wish for. are ready painstaking o Saturday Shoppers with the the District. the • finest clothing varlet r and S A meeting of the members of the county S. S. and C. E. WE HAVE A FEW DINNER 5ETS • closest prices you have ever Executive of Association was held ill Clinton recently. Alak (h(: bo;r i�:el like �L mail then lie will act manly.Put j, �� 411 seen. Pro were arranged for the annual him into C IQ,'ies that make hire look lik elan then lie will �P .meeting, which is to be bald in Clinton, feel like one. OL1rC�aj �'pI'lgi(� �t"�ts, on Jt.ne 13 and I9. A>;oocl and profit- 's ,�,�� asl..t;31�9 >�ii"�>�t o1i�� and.to move them quick before the new cines arrive, will o able Qonventiou is looked for. i l and `Ties. Aprivate letter from r'ormosa, states r' ;�! ��1� ++, � r � sell at the following rices Boys' Clothing, : r1�'- `,� �,�5�-� � .� 1; p „ Alen's up-to-date spring that. Rev. Dr. G. L. MO Xav, a mission- i �' �jti shapes Stiff and Soft Hats, m'y wbil-known co our readers, has re- will jtTst do this because i4 )l 1 �, � � �. i-� ) �F i' ���r,'1�'� tel rt '� �• {. °' � r $ �:.95 � a t :�, Printed Dinner Sets, 97 pieces, turned to Formosa from Hon„ bong, there is a ytylt; . and make. abolit l'',,,,, ), � Christy s, Batt'ersbys, and ,I; ''``' ��t ., + _ e- o where he has been for some timi, in the, them thclt cannot l7(> seen In lin i1 u L� . 5.90 $ other leading makes ; new Hospital. His throat is still giving hirn y "'" Y Printed LIYl1e " Sets,'100 piece, colors, Pearl Greys Slate other i.ne. t serious trouble, stud with his family he is A� ' . t Print* ii111 OId $ippled, 7 r�p;LeCes, 7, 7 O + Brown resting at a health resort on one of the F' good thing cannot De tiV'•�l. o Drab, Manse, Fawn,- _ __ _� -= - 8.7 5 o Inde out of poor material. ' Tust �� -- � �l`�.�giie,ll.e�- �,Y?l�. Bold �irli.('�, '�7 pieces, o rivers o£ the Island. 1 J and Black. �, : getting y'' ., Enamellecl and Gold Lines, 112 p•+eces,10.75 - A pro re rata meeting. of Maitland here i5 rl1:, secret of rettil� the boys' trade. Our clot BiT r t�i'1'OC Presbytery was hold in Melville church, Sold under tilt; `'LION" brand is all 'Wool, manufactured ex- � ��1�1�elJeci �21d ,1�01� Te3�1?S, � �'� pieces, 11.�� v Brussels, Oti Thursday, April 11th, to pressl)r for boN s u: e, and vise are safe in saying cannot be � o consider a call from the eongre�atlou of T ,be- in y , e in Cill pets,. .Lace Curtains, beaten. If .1u call .irld e:cali1111e our line you will at once Ue- ` Walton Presbyterian church in favor of .y � �, • � a?"d�'.$I.1C.r ems, `i , 8, 9 c`l,Ifld 10 a�lcllel�. �c�i]Q.e Table Linens and Shirt. Rev. Andrew MacNab, M. A. - The call come ?. CLIS�r1t11CN. f. �, i o WaiStS, was very unanimous and hearty and OI t�➢OS�. f'e�,L�l°lgT S®lei uli c�p�.®®, SJ®b4r vas sustained. Mr. MacY,Tab asked for aT6S rwole atgentts for the ghna ons "Mor -11 Tiyzta: d. � 'l;.i' oic-- for 5O'0. � SAT17'RD tt`Y NIGHT" time to consider it before giving his Iiia- sale of o doz. Ladies'� 5 decision, and this was granted, In C)lse '��^"• ,4 �`°` °'�'°°"��and Children's Cashmere PIose of acceptance, it was agreed that the or 11t 'S induction should take place Un Tncndv_y:-;.�T%; pa ,Q�%, 'tlful' ado 4i9 at 25c. at 9 May 7th, at 2 p. nz. staanu) the Q:reit€gh aRid works Off f110 C014L :1ayative Bromo-QuiniueTablets cure a cold in meaay. I -To Cure, no i'ay. Price :3i ceuw- Direct lmloC6rter- ........... 4-44 v�46 0 ��4 �4<940 Y�OOd�+3ad+Se x401 ..^ r..xwamam..a, .:. .J1Kwr'�n'.�wmo'�.,•u.rr - ... yin PERSONALS. '4* / . . r ° It is proposed to sgencl �1Q 000 on a �- ° r <= •. We shall be glad to have contributions to p P ? , , cS f h. this column from any of our readers. If you30WQr system for Seaforea. MY, - _" have visitors or purpose going away, gourself, � __ dropi.nand tell us, orsend us a not to gnat Tile Provincial Government has de- ect�},,. -�`• , i .r e— ffeci3erl to allow the veterans to tel Mt _ Lou. Ireland is in town calling on his their land grants from any p.a t of ncty - _ _�_ / _ _ _ - - �� • - - _ s1, Ii I old friends. Ontario.4TN- Geo, Thomson, of Goderich, was in town on Saturday last. John Galbraith was in Loudon for a I a, , ��^�J yY 1 u f L 1r I I ' ,' „ ° ` / rr y h ' L ; . •. 1 I I t _ - _ couple of days this week. ( ,e:; lei ---�_� . Ica "` ¢ ;' i ��t•• I' J. C. Currie has returned home from ®R �fat his business trip to Manitoba. We live by our blood, and on Andy Gray, who has been visiting at his ho:tio in tov,*n for a few weeps, re- it. We thrive Or starve, s — l4. I al WIN mw U turn to Toronto this weep. our blood is rich or Poor. _-� =�,^r _ live — --. tel r'^ - Mrs. Sherk; of Dorchester, attended There is nothingelse to .lve I s _ the funeral of Mfrs. U. Sherk and is uo\v Oil or by. - � f .iAr - :P spending a few days with her soil. T �- p -� 3" When strenf;th is full and - c' Dr. T.TcFadzen of Orangeville isl now ire- residing - - - e •. .,. Orangeville, spirits High, �.`e are being re- xesu"xta ni'�7mnham noel will practice with J. J. Elliott, 4t.S., for the neer fevz* freslied, bone ratiscle and brain, i _ E n body and mind, with con- tinual ow c _ - - til flf rich blood. Josoph S. Gadd, editor of the Blinvale 1 Chronicle, accompanied by his ,vice were This is hcalt.l. in'toWit t11ys week. 5h . Gadd gave the 1N-"hcn 7.1c. -J-, i t low spirits, 'T!iafrielldly call. , ri0 cheer, no spring ti'llen rest �� Miss EIsio Hardie, of Culross, has re- i3 not rest F.11Cli sleep is lief turned )tome from ITolland Man., at ' ' slcc , the arc ; arved ; our blood which place she had spent the past is poor; there is little ntttri:- � .— � - thirteen months visiting with her brot"•aer.� ment in it. ""IONA 11" Jos, l3eck, of Goderieli, was in town Back of the blood, is food,iON W 0 this week, slinking Bands with his to keep the blood rich, Wen11 N A`r'l � P frient'( Mr. Beek is likely to again be it fails, talke Scott's Emulsion the Conct;rvative calldidate in west of Cod ,Liver Oil, It sets the Uttro".1 for the Legislature, 'Whole body going again—Mian Jas. Ritchie, of 1301111M, well-knOWn woman and child. (lv2v'C0RP0RA.=D UNDER ONTARIO COMPANIES' ACT.) to m,,ny of our readers has not been Ti you llavcnottried it, milafor e freeaulplc, e0joyiv,ggood health for mmotime, jielitsagrecablefastewillsurpriseyou, ENGINEERS,CONTRACTORS, FOUNDERS AND I�Ei��`11II XSTS: left on Monday morning, accompanied j SCOTT Sa IlowNI♦ ChmuTeto by his datifhter, for Glen Haven, N. Y., I �,nua�>oToronto; all:drtrgsisw Sole C;tiltXrlian 7'Iauttfnctt•�ring, Agents"for The Glenfield-itentiedy Cory, Ltd,, Rilmarnoolt, Scotland ,Where lie will spend a few weepy at a gaiittaritxizl, in the hope that his hcxltli FIAIVKEI2S. AUDIT61tS. St�L1Ci CUfis. ;may be benefitted, 6 Gookr al Conon Boot Compou td The friends of Tei'. Macdonald, IT. P., Ia stlodes9fully Used monthly b over—OrAXAI:'SiAIT BANIi O COU111:t1CLT. MAMMON � CI 09p izOSVAN & 1tosS 10,000 Ladies. Safe,efPeotutil, Ladies ask 1gi1I regret to learn that Ile is confuted t0 our druggist for Cdek's Cotten ROOt Coin-, po99d. Talkenoother,at)hlil4itlttures,p111sXl'pnd JOHN GALT, 'C. E, & M. s., WILLIAM C. I3ULL.00K, hisroom at tho Mussell Bence.• Otto, imtt8tioa9 aro dangOroutl:.1Peiae, Ma. X, �1 }NN�er t"[if.ST l: t 3ifANAt I�i(1 bT S CrO1Tt, a lafne, ankle, The genial doctor littd bioof 2_iilla led oti%deipt of pgrle Md pot box. 8.00111 the misfortune td get his toot struck by starts�s9�. The Caelc Oomptlny Wi'(1811 Ont.: Drl:Tsc xor.:; Von "Wrhaxrla s, -- �. i;. Smith, Esc' , Eanl;or ; �ohT1 A.1l2cLean,..Esq., Lumber lvterchatlt. �Nos,1 and i sold alta recommended lsy all the hotel elevator, and. it do eloper' into tispoutibleDruggiatsY ,,Ln Canoda. Aninjurysclpaitlfula4 to iffy hien out Ne.lnxsrlNo.xn'te+selelin�PirXgTlatttivA,r� ',)``he C.;01111.ially invite, application from residents Of Wingham. and vicinity for a portion of the present issue Off per i;otr Aeveral curq. HA'andniput,?$ that tt flaniiitolt,,T, I , Il),vis, A. A. Morrow, Colin A Caripbell, l7iugglate. cent. prererence stock. `lt'he .preferences given ,ire exceptional, anti being embodied in the charter nyake it an unusual oppor- it'etrs't bring 'ilii ttronnd r(lt Tia! :tt, in a . •.t. •tl tunity #c, f,lrmr�r:;, nYerch�lX`t'+ :ii1d ilti,er;; of the dlt1'lct to secure a portion of tyle profits, accruing from the immense trade 1n t"hanji..alttinie.tQbeizxtenfoW4Ai leilesblt,npsble.relisl),eterrruninigsrrry, , county to rr rosent latgo (,6mTtntrr oC F)liti iron', lit')Vt% opening, ti ill Canada a d so Seldom ill the reach of ordinary investors. The shares are ph cecf on the market at tvlth tko phil: zophy of a mall used to it. Snnncial rt!lnt anon: ttNC+a(irlry mr-u,nr, t+rirr• y i , n p , v :ri3�r.'1'h l labPoltatArv*utrazlazll $ioo.00 par* lie payTY eats of YO per cent, potting it withi'l easy reach of everyone. " K \ti'E•ekiy: any 'Fte•crmrt ulnint< ?lrsdy,10s. All retraitrlt, LoXA•fi(e, salary INA Bullock at To �r.1c :A C,01,in i. 0 eXpeltleit s1e'eammiirrtonit+nlnry gid treehAlltltril"Vn•+tcl. illfcti"fli;if.itiTl fltiCl Y)T•{lsliE'ettis can l5<", t�lStslTneC lIV aCltlressTT1 the Company Eft 't�'i11 hc'T1Tl, Ot calling u1i41C' z r. t.t ronitA v at vsuac meli wtok. iSrl?,04D• , , tfi r l„f talo lnon#7 if it foils to CIO" � A D•i3(J r tTsl i�tn neiirt s ., CPiicat�o. t%e CC•T1i rill 's tLri% orar r off3L`C', `outil ;iti/t C lit MC er 1310 k, Win ham. *s 1 trach box. xae. l " 1" y g cr :,K �,rzt' 'x➢i{, •. c ...�:;mow �.,� .w,t: r .4klL...'. �3".R'� 1 ar f,�i, r .'( �, pp, ' �g, {'I "y�,P' �, p '1"'+r, �� L',Li/WYii�T•�YG3' �'� �P� 'gy