The Wingham Times, 1901-04-19, Page 7,I I � I )_ i � 0 0 K J � I , IL 40'7'7W;TAPP , 19, IL ot, I . 7 THE WNGRAN TIMES, APRIL .. ; � , , ,,,,, , — I . I I , . l ,%�_%4 ­­', ­ I .... ... ......­­ .­­ ­ I . 1- 11 I I �. �— . ­ ­ I . ­ I I tl­',�, . I I , V I .. I I � -11 I -,--. , - .....- I . �bad gig— . �•. ­ �L�.-,-:,'�l'tt-�-�-,-If.*i'll�-, __ _�, ,,,, ' 1 1130, 4AJ, pia n � . !� I , . iq.o�,*, Q,lvo. ��,.9-44,�-�,4-0."O.*."O.o."O,.*."O.$,($;+Ip..I,.t - a'" *.*,14,","O".*,-V.P9-0�1<9(,-'-*--4 -'�' S,0.4-�$-�.Op,.,#, (j 0XV0 to, the 4040t4ble, Who rm-am,bor-44 11 , fj,"O�R,",4.�," , , - t!-s,�,N-i4*o.Ai,,$*,O�4-1�0-,i-*-�>0"�"ioi"44w�i-��+0,"4,p.",O,fo.4+4-0,<P'�).i.@.O*o.fk.<$�'^$�!1.0.y., ��--o -s0-,'- "�,*-O­V' , '. ­ -, L., I _+Ik 0. K'*10 +* , 4" ++ 00 040 *0 ** +* 44 ** v4p .Vl;P ,.,kp 'W140 Q. , - wowaa ,Who understand$ herself and the, brotbera In thou, palmy 44", whe-4 G1QQ1 I I 11 I . 43�4U �- �� you and all the secret perflo of the 0107 WOM the life and pride at the I 11 ­� I I . 4" " galue we are both, playing? It I Am a tOW4, a by 40 me4n RelAuve vw," or,rwitwms Xlig& $4, 1 1 I I t I , child, treat we as. A c4114* bu � * . , _t; At I am t1ola 4f; lie advance agreeable semea- 44d 044" . , h ��, 0, wolilawl- I toward thQ 4q- Ain Uliao,js 4*pm" I ", "I s; � . . . tectlyo and asked him ,What ala, I 1 66.. - 115tanol out of nay WAYI" he cried, � � I . , y0=11 , I e Myste'ry of Agatha Webb. j.,';! obould 40 I'Low. ,. tion.. I itj oateblag Up III$. Y41184 and. striding 'ojBrQAU down the dcor", was the U'A. .milk r , and 041i � . . Ation, from corn , ��, bar. 111V.owan ot., child, , I v I I ,q *_ J�.-."; �-> furiously by � cQmpromlidug reply. "Or wattl Tile � melia I I . P . , � you $hall know that I will not It I, br4u, oat 114y On-red.1,4 Aw ., I . ,.> ,.� , a ,.your jjjUdQwj$ of.,country housesnpo seldox - � 4. By Anna Katharine Green, It I �, plaything to be damned In this World , f . mixed, timotb,y and ao,var jt4w,, , , , A ;Tile UAV .#to, X L, tv Astened. Tiet, we see It * term , 0 � � I c4upot e4 . - , . �, �41K De_f0urth of the utisow, as intuov oi! Q'AWOZth QA$01" 1%Qat X4W4,T�MUO," "Xip'lad, A4a XjAjW,",r A to. 01 , antl tile nQxtl ter by some one of them.'* - , * I * . . .1 . Vt "Are you boquol, I W, J. VrAwr of t1ae llunolse"X X - _ dor. V the City of 4 F . 1. l- 4;� (-, , , a- "Better net,' said, the oQroaer, w,itA 1, . 10. . . TIP1. strootlon?" obe laughed, not moving, con "Lot us a , ilia Station. . *& � siderable feeling. exhaust , - . . Copyright, 1900, by Anna Katharine Gzeen#, .0 but showing such confidence Ia. her An ' While corn is too cevbonaceoins to b%A . , all other means first,$# And b r'. U �'�� - poliver to hold ,'him back that b do . Ito stop- 11014 of the knob Q# ton lx ,$� .11'.0.1 *.0olq-0. * 6. . , th 1 ,"0"-j**-,#44�,,0"-<"� .0-0, OND. 0 4.0- "...1t. 0-0 ­ . 0 or to shake F4, good 'f psi for dalry w,ws, yet in -O-fl-oo."4*,0.044t).O.I!",O.,R."*.Nt,$4,�� _4'$� . I ped In spite of himself, "It so, you ,, W* , 040 ** *0 0* 44 10* 4�0 *$. " •*+ ** 00 *+ 0 ** 0 40# 0 ; It, wbpa to ,his su*prlse It turned, and sectional! the countri,y, whereltoAgbo '. ! 4 -0il 0!.&,"I.04*�-O'".O"q4*4-("I)-�l.;94010-i.e,$.v-q448�-o-q."*-�.i*.i,.p4 -.*0-11-4.114_�4 010 .. all 0.0 .. 44,.,.O. are taking tile (IlNct road there and V It bad not been grown s 'ast depend'apow . . . �*e 4 ul, �4 0 . .01, ,. . .... the door opened. , o obeaply, w.e M , , _�_­ , cannot,. but-Watties, wait, him was more inquiring thatt symp* glylllg little bpeil to this in tits egolle- have Only to hasten. But,you - I ck 4 1 . . t4etl(" , , . bad bet 0 a , iter the basis of our ration. aToatow.", '* stop: Where are .You going?" ! ., I ult'jit be, opelit,4 It with caution Ana, ter remain In your fathets house, even Uather taken aback by 0% lie liesi, dAirycows. With thegrttins � 1-1 '* I "To see ,your falber� I want to tell 'And .yon need this money for A Ivith a I)at,tlllg sigh for the sh.It It you are something of 0, wellti�00044 , , e erIng prisoner latest. .. But X<napp showed no MU T g jopltl 4dVISO feeding , out to leave. forever, there In, comp4l], - sl ding six poundsoor^ , him that his Sol) Owes ine a debt, that - stat'[," said !)a. : tottle Ile- was all" V W0.1J) My very Ili- scruples. Without Waiting for any " UIR debt was incurred In a way that ! Frederick bowed, Ile seemed �to be , ,,tt,pped filoll, ,r,,jt, Douse he no longer significant self. The Outcome will be maills pormission be glided In and atep. And cob iotcaJ, three Pound$ Oatmeal Adak, .1 I ays, him liable for arrest for forgery; � losing till' faculty Of StIeV0. T110 I felt worthy to Inhabit. more satisfactory,, even, If you have to. pea Cautiously, 1) 0aTee PouZids. bran per clay, NY t I. t 1 , .Ut Without pipy delay, Anlhal he Share - . that., bad as he thtllt,,s you, there, are QIO(-k over the Matitel had told off five i Ills Intolut!on was to Aake the train Share ItWith 'lie.,' I , into A roam blob stood . 004 ! mixed, hay Ana oat bay, equal Parts. : . ,or.q the (loop of w facts which can be picked tip. In Bait- of the precious moments. � .at Porchester, and that lie might "A,nd what course will you take," ,ha. wide open . before him. The constable that the, cows will cat, Each quinial . 'tOn which Would 111940 Frederick Sutb- "I will give It to you," said tits Ca. 1 rpac asked, phusing with Ills hand '014 the _ , , 4111 n , i . 11 that place without inconvenient was about to. follow when he saw will probably consum. , , ' I . a IG to. 20 poulaoin I -orland's continued .1,0§4101100 Under, the ther, And lit, drew out tits vb0c4hOOk- I encounters lie had decided to make fence. "if I choose destruction without Knapp come stumbling back with A •�: per day, ,depending upon the judivi pa"mital roof Impossible; that lit fact But be (lid not hasten to t,Z)eil It, His � 11,;t. A$— -dA- ' i far as possible of the path YOU rather than perdltio 11 I .a with you?" face whiter than his own. .Tot] .tpe 11 scamp of tile first water And eYPS still 111sttl(I on his son, , through the fields, This led It "What course? - I)y, I sball tell Dr. lility of the oozy and also upon, WAQ •O0A- I I , a Im north IV ,,Devilish work," he muttered AUO that Only my friendoblp for you has "Now," murmured the young man. I and along the ridge that overlooks the Talbot just enough of what 1 know to ditlan of. the hay. .., , , draw the others ,In to sep. I kept you out of prison so long. W6n1t '"There is a train leaving soon. I wish :-road running around the base of the prove Fen to be as desirable awltness Oat hay if cut I grDolt I . Never will any of tbi'lli forget that ­wbile it is Stu a. . I . - . It nin4o a nice story for the old gentle- to get It t1w1lY ()it that truill." I I bill-,. - lit the Impending Inquest as myself, Eight, They bad not n-4 yet recovered , and if -properly curea maiesan excelient, , i wait's calls?" 121s, father ,frowne.d. with iaxtural djS- I But he did not thInI;- of this 2or Indeed The result I leave to your judgment, any more-tban the mass of their towns- feed for dairy cows, The oats doinot 1. , , , F "W.Ittlos-l-ob, my God, W;Lttles, trust. 1 of anything but to stop oil quickly, But you will not drive me to til e Mica Of seeing, Agatha pass through , *stop a minute a 111 wish, you would conode In me.11 * whole -when. , fed in this ` I ; And listen to me. I have Tau . , for It Was too desirable for him to trowlty. You will come back and"- NVebb lying Ili her blood on the Old meatier, but are remasticated with that ; i not got the money. I bad enou.-h flils sald fill. � 1 Ivive oil the early morning train for "'VQman- I 'Vill ,never come back,' I horsehair sofa, But t1lis--this was so 11 ' i Morning to pay YOU, ba(l it legItImate- Fecoeriek did not answer. The hands 1 film to forfeit this chance of doing this $ball have to (]are your worst In two Unei.pected and so deplorable that, My and nearly all ground )�ith thel - i ly, Wattles, but it has been stolen from of the clock were moviag on. I by any unnecessary Ia--ID-, But he weeks, and 1"will, begin by daring you teeth, which is not the case when ... I , , an whojet " I 1' , I bardy Inen tbougl� they were, they suc- . o me, and"- . "I will give it, but I should like to I was not destined to 0'Re that or any now. I"- . I cumbed without being able to resist tliraphadolAts are fed. TbissavesbotU .. . , "I will also tell him," the other broke know what for." . I other train out of Porcliester at pees- But lie did not leap the fence, tbongh the orerpowerill- Imprpsslon made u the tbreashing.and grinding bills.- � . 1 . m � . _ P_ . I In- as gulOtly all(] calmly as If Freder, uipossible!" groaned the young I ent, for when , be reached the fence be made a move to do so. for at that on them. Clover hay is one of the'best Days we ' � , . 7 Ick had,not uttered .a word, that In a man, startin.- as he board a step on the I dividing I . - wall[ without. ' I . Iding Ur. , Sutherland's 0 grounds Moment a party4of mer.k came hurrying On the deep near the entrance lay have foil cows, because it is rioh in . ,certain visit to Boston ,you lost $jioo on w, - I front those of his adjoining nelghtior by on the lower road, one of whom one brother In a streak of moonlight � albuildpoidsil - . and this is the class of sub- ,quie hand; that .Von lost it unfairly, `Your need has become strangely be saw drawn up in the moonlight just was botird to say: which showed every feature of his, stances almost invariably lacking, in trite"..- . not having a dollar to Fay with; that parative," proceeded the other. 1*11as 1 at the point where be bad intended to "I )Vill bet my Ilead that we Will Put worn and Iffeles9 face. and at a table dairy rations Of till corn belt, Timp0r, -1 'to prevent a scandal I became your Milt Page"- , jeop the fence the form of a woman Our hand on Agatha '"'ebb's murderer drawn up in center of the room sat . I ,security, with tlip understanding that Frederick took a step forward and I Gay is one of the poorest hays, for QoW& I with one hand held out to stop him. ton! -ht. The clan who sboves $200 bills the other, rigid In death.' with a book ,r , . Twas to be paid at the end of ten days laid his hand oil his father's ann. i It was Amabel. . around so heedlessly should not Wear it Clutched in tit, ban(]. I t:honld advise replacing a pound or twov . 11 Tram that night: that XoU'tIlVrVupOn It Is pot foil her," he whispered. bear -11 so ton- It lea(Is to detection." Both bad been dead some t1i'lle, and of the corn and cob meal 'Nvith g1titem I Flayed ,'gain and lost $400 and ,add "hoes Into other hand)." i CHAPTER XIV. . It was the coroner, the constable, on tit(! flees and In tbp aspect of either Meal or oil meal, us this adds to thea 11 � I Mr. Stitherlan(l, who had turned o.ove I)AGGER TirnT KILLED AGATUA ' Knapp and Abel an route to the forest was visible a misery that added Its variety and also mai a much better I Clip docut-hent its tits son apl)roa bed, e ,ir I THE wgull, ton(] on which lived John and James own gloom to the plti ble rind gr'Nv' bal ed ration. . . . I . . . . breathed e;isler, S Taking tip tits pen tic I Confounded by till$ check and filled Zabel. . a a k RnO Ta 0 . . I Ili I'll, I some scene and made the sbInJng of the I I 1� I... . I dipped it in the Ink. Frederick watch- ,with an anger that was nigh to' Frederick, and Amabel -confronted great white moon. which filled every c -a -Dh ' I I ... . . (1;FLn Vfaf 111flF, MIL1011 J= OQJU,431314.� ed filln with Over W1111,011ill- cheek. ' gerous. he fell ill ck d then imine- � I I ?P an e each other and after a moment's si- Cornet, of the bare room, seem ot mock- The New York Sun Says;-OaliadiarA I I 1) � � � /, q The step on the xvalk had mounted to ointely sprang forward. lence turned as It by a common tin- ery well nigh unendurable. to those five-coint silver pieces are in great de- i . _�_ "I "M � . N, the front door. ­Whatare you doing beroT' be -cried• pulse toward the house. who contemplated It. John dead In his nave ai , k , ,I. . I , Al tea,trade, andpeople-whot j / ,31 " ",Nine Inindivol and fifty?" Inquired '"Don't you know that it Is 11 o'clock' "W hat bav*e they got In their heads?" eltairl James ologdontbefloor! Wbp.t havesome of th . I � \1 I I � '. I• I , /Y - qnerled she. "What ever It is it may could be sadder and what more pIte- . ose cows can, if 1:11py I , ,., T 4N - I , the ratb'er. and that my fattier requires the house I \ j I - 11 I 11 -1, , I ) � wish to, easily disp=, pf them. alt an ev, I . . - " ;R, 1. r "Nine hundred and fifty." answered to be closed at that hour?" serve to Occupy tbeln till the two weeks Ong? . yl; I i " ­­ 1 - t_, the I twn.' broker's offl,!o. . v -1 ­ I "And you," was bar sole retort. of your probationlinse passed." Knapp, who of them all would natu - I . . . Tlip judge, with a last look, stooped "What are you doing here'? Are you Ila did not answer. A new difficulty ally, 601 this least, was of course the A Saaroj)o,llbar who v1situd the o , . 4M. ,,-I . / -1. I _., over the book. The hands of the clock searching for flowers in the woods, had entered his already overcrowded person to speak first. of a tea merchant reeently-wassurprisell . 1, ! � I 1: .,444 �� ... I .e I I pointed to a quarter to 10. till(] js that valise you carry the re- life, "Both wear long boards," said be, tosecoaeof these coins lying in, one of I . ; I ­ "Father, I ,have my whole future Ili coptacle In which .you hope to put your Let us, follow the party now winding "but this o doubt- the scales ia which tea is weighed whem r-, � '] ' ! which to thank .veil," cried Frederick, tiotqnlcal specimens'?" up the billside. less Loton's customer. ,ab!" lie cried. a.,sajnpleiisto be taste41 11epioltadthe I 1, seizing the check his, fattier field out With a savage gesture be dropped � I I , , . . In a deeply wooded spot on a,side painting at the table. As lie Carefully coin up and examined it. The manager 1R." to him and tnakin., rapidly for the the -allse and tool. bar flergely by each r ad Stood it little bous(,, to which John crossed the floor, "11pre the bread, 0 I It \ Is I I I � �q I doot. "I will be back before wid- shoulder. j quietly remarked. , , '10 � 7111d James Zabel had removed wheii -and"- Bven he had Ills niodents o * I ,! .: I ��, * And be fluu�, himself down My U3011- ou. won't take that for I I � I ni.-lit.1' , .1� ,;'Where ,)have you bidden their business on the docks had tormi. feeling. The appearance of that loaf -cil hope y . 4L � I I stairs just as flip front door opeued and 'I" Lie hissed. "Tell me or"-' � -i nated. There was no other dwelling had stunned him-, one earlier of it had Po*Ot` -piece. We have quite a lot at � I . I % t W,attlw stepped In. "Or what*?" she asked, smiling Into of greater oil lesser Pretension on that been gnawefl off.. d1iffloulty in getting those coins ,anoi i � � 11, 11 "Ali!" exclaimed the latter as Ills eye his face in a way that made film lose road, which may account for the fact "A light! Let us have a 11 -lit!" cried keeping them." � t I I 'I• I fell on the paper fluttering Ili the oth- his grill, that none of the persons now approach- 'Mr. Fenton. speaking for the time "What are they used for?" asked the. I ,� . jer's hand, "I expected money,, not pa- -Or-or. I cannot answer for myself," Ing It had hippli lit that neighborhood Since his entrance. "These moonbeams reporter-. . I . "Itcaut to tell hirnthat; hisson is a scarAp Per." ' I he went' on. stammering. "Do you for Years. though It %vas by`Do IDelijim are horrible. See how they cling to the .1 � I ,j) theji.rst tvaw." "The paper Is good,11 answered Fred- e , from ,is ,think, I can endure, eyerytIling a to walk from the village In which bodies If they delighted In lighting "A Canadian, Five -cent silver piece Ji .11 " more, so that Your debt amounted to erick, drawing bill) swiftly out of the you because you are a woman? No; I they .,d s ,. I yes. muken forrn the standard weight in the tea trade in . . 1111 le stub Ll I up these wasted and sin s.'� .. . ,c 1jus. ;055: that the tell days passed without I bouseL, "It has my father's signature will have those bills, every one of The heavy shadows cast by the "Could it have been hunger?" be this country for -weighing tea , ,, 11 I I ga I paymeilt;,tbat williting Illolley I press. upon It." them, or show myself your master. wood,- throimh which the road mplu. Abel. tremblingly following RnapVs , ., to: make one cup. Where the custonx . . -ad you and even resorted to a threat "Your father's signature?" 111bere are they, you Incarnate fiend?" '"not without tbeir effect every movement as he struck a match Orl" nated. I don't know, but When -vve, .1 I "Yes." I d(,ppd wt.,,(, ,,,1 , -or two .in(] that seeing me Ili earnest es. It was an unwise word to use, but upon thtl .pmts (I Men puss- and lit a lantern which he had brought snake on,) of tea wejustitake y . ,,p,,,,It. of the thrp - you Swart. that till- dollars should be Wattles gave it a look, then slowly she did not seem to heed it. - Ili;,, through them. so that loug before In his pocket. � enough to balauce this coin in thescales. I mine witlAn live days; that Instead of sbook his head at Frederick, "Ali," she said softly and with a tin- 1:11(ly rem-hp(l the opelling. lit WhIch the "God help M all If It was," said Fen- 44VY'e have lots of trouble in koapi:Dg- . rens it it Boston to get them you "Is it its -well done," said he, "n% the gering accent, as it his grasp of bar ,7 , ,111liq cottage p q came here and that this morning at one, you tried to piss off on Brady?" . steed s!Ienci, hied fallen ton In a secret remorse no one but Dr. thein. Evtfryoue -who comes in looks at � a very early bour You telegraphed that Frederick Cringed anti for a mouleut had been a caress to which she was not opon thol wholv party. I)n Talbot es- Talbot understood. "But who could the coins, and probably not realizing I I I I entirely averse, "I did not think you - pecially looked as 11? hp little relished have believed It of men who were once .. ; -the fund,; were to hand all(] that yon looked as If the struggle wits too much would discover its toss; so Soon. When this late visit to Ills old friends and prosperous. Are you sure that one of what we use tkelli for, ltilkes:bue.uwsy, . I 4 tot- lifin. Theln he rallied and eying did you go to the woods, Frederick, and not till they caught a glimpse of the them has gnawed this ,,Some of the brokers use a piece or � ,would bring them down to me tomor- , Is bread? Could It I raw. He may draw conclusions from Wattles firmly said: was Miss Halliday with you?" jong. Sloping roof and heavy chimney not have been"-- lead of just that weight instead, but the this, 'Sutherland, which may make his "You have it right to your distrust, , I -le had a disposition to strike bar, Or the ,va .1,,, "These are the marks of human weight of A, pluco of lead ,u,.iy be qjnes- . . , bpi Cott. ge did not shake off i position as your tattler anything but but yon,areoil, file wrong track. %Vat- but Controlled himself. Blows would tit(,* gloom Incident to the nature of teeth," observed Knapp, who was ex- tioned when the bas, is ircighod. Others. , �lgrflteful to lihn. ne may even- All, ties. What I did, Once It would be im- . Ili.,; errand. . amining the loaf carefully. "I declare, k tick a pisco of pft'pP* r on each side of the; I I you would try that ganio. would You?'* possible foil me to do again. and I hope 11 � I "Gentlemen," said be, conning to a It makes me very uncomfortable, not- coin to disgaise it. . . I The young man had flung himself at I linly live to prove It. As for that I . . -, .1 ., 4, I I sudden halt. "let us, undorstand each withstanding It's In the line of regular It is one of the old tra,CQ�cnstolns, : the older man's threat as if he would ellock, I will ,,con prove its value In , ­ ... 11, I other. We are about to ulaj�e a call experiences." -And he laid the h7reaq " . ,choke oft the words lie sn%v trem1bing your oyes. Follow tile up stairs to my . 11 . oil two 6f our oldest and most r0specta- down hurriedly, . and I �nppos© -.Vill last as lon,x.a's tva is " I I . ,on Ills lips, But the stru" to thus be. father." . . M9 We townsfolk. It In the course of that Meantime Up, Fenton, who had been bought and sold. I � , gun was short. lit a tnoment both His energy -the energy of despair . ­ _�l �,� call I choose to make mention of the bending over another portion of the 1 stood apart, panting and Frederick, no doubt -seemed to mAke"an Impres- I __ . $11) 1)[11 left with I,oton, well and good, table, turned and walked away to the Row Thley .rlrolze ITp. �' . I , bead. was saying hum- Mon on the other. I -­ An amusing story is related ill ­Ca- ,vvItb lowered �, "j',� -1. . I but if not you .tile to take my reticence ' window. MY: "You might as wall proclaim your- I ,:1 �0,i W ill � •,Is proof of my ;-%yn belief that they "I am glad they are dead," he mut- nadiall $a' . . . , I .. vage Folk" of the maunor in, . "I beg pardop,. Wattles, but you drive self a for; Outright as to force your 1P , I � 04.1 had nothing* to do with It." tered. "They have at least shared the which an adjoarnniout was taken. by v. t� ' I'll, 1. ­ . tne mad with yonr'suggostions .and -father to cipelare this to be Ills sigua- .Two of the Party bowed. Knapp fate of their victims. , Take a look ma$s_meet�jng., A missionary Who Ila& . I -e.oncluslous. I have not got the money, lure," lip observed. *, � . (- � i 'rr.,:;', j, only made Do sign. under that old handkerchief lying be - 1 � , / , , ,started a school amiong the Indians =et .-. ,7app.pp "I know it salo Frederick. P/Y - I I but I � ill try and get It. Wait here.,, 1, ","there Is no light Jn the window," side the newspaper, Kn NO lon- - . Al , , "Tell luillUt0g, Stitherland. "Yet you will run that rJsl;?19 I I with opposition, allid the =acting ha& ! I I .... I F, / I . observed Abel. "What It we find them The detective did so. A three ,edged : * - incon . 911f you oblige file," 1. Y7, 11, dagger, with a curiously wrought han- been called in, .support of the rival ger! '�`Iiq , ls,brIght, and Vean. see 1, ,,, gone to bed'? I 1". . - did, met his eye. It bad the halide of Iny watch distinctly, At . - Wattles shrugged tits shoulders. He '.. y , "We will wake them," said the con blood dried sch"'10- . wris'a magnificent looking 'man and . "I batik wffboift on Its point rind was, as no one could There were several speakers who de- S quarter to 10 I will receive the mon- n , . .I . stable. cannot go brick 46Y from you bore or Reek it in yonr towered In that old colonial hall Ilite 4 .111, . . . . being myself assured that no morc, doubt, the weapon with whiell Age,ha nounced. the school in existence. we father's study." - . youthful giant. I , /" -.1 money like tbdt given to Loton re- Webb had been killed. I -replied vigorously, showing the effl- I . , &CI bear you no Ill will," said he. "If , e - ,,,, ". . 10 ,;7 ��, . til, mains in this house." cioncy of the school, and denouncing In. � Frederick made a hurried gesture this represeuts money. I am sati§fitd, I , ,•U . "Very well," remarked Knapii. and [TO Mr CONTMITIRD. I I and vanished till the Ti0k. The next V k � N P � ., 'and I begin to think It does. But H.- I i -­­­ / turn the methods ado rod by the opposi- . �momcnt he was at his fattier's study " -.'I ,____ ­ 10P, -.1 ­ � I going up to the door before film he Odor -Proof Paper. tion. An Indian chief produced sonie, .1 1, . � , , 11 1, struck a resounding knock that was I -door. I ten. Sutherland. Something has hap- ifj - -: 'I 1, 1 -oil. -we _,". 4 - ­ I I . 61v ,ou we , I- -1 stat1ling In, that place of silence. . pened to S A -ek , go y Did ,�I` -, . . - -.-- I I . The Swedes, ns well as the Germans, specimens of work done at the school, I . CHAPTER XIII. have put a bullet through my head be- . I . I -1 some remarkable appliance.for ulid several speakers supported the Work . - - ."4 lint loud as the sunimons was it 111vontc, . . A 'WOMA.1 IN nIS P,�TJT. Core you would have been willing to ­ IZ7 - - I SIL I.., " � brought no answer, Not only the niOOD- paper which is superior to any other so as it Was being (lone, The climax W" ! - busily ongaged have so cotuprotillsed yourself. I think , �, _ , , I v -e - - . Ali% Sutherland was bus . , lighted door, but the little windows on far prodi . ,d, but which will soon be was reached NvIten it gentleman roses anct I know what that something Is. To -=- ca%,'. .,.,.,�__ .Z_ ., . shut, and in . atched by an equally -good, it not bet- said: With a law paper -when tits Kon enter- I o - ,_ . 'l . each side of It remained . UV yourself from beta.- thought � - there was no evidence that the knock ter article, made in this country. Ot e "I move the whole thing bust?" l ad his presence, but tit sight of that , el.. .-.. - - .. .- . � had been heard. . ' -son's face lie dropped the paper with guilty of A. big crime you are willing to . ,, TF -here Italia you 1ljc?(7c7l, mU inoliell?" he ""Zabel! John Zabel!" shouted the of the uses of this grease -proof papor The chairman pia the motion. i an alacrity which Frederick was too Incur suspicion Of a small one. It's A hissed. ' abroad is for the wrappLug of butter for "It is mowed and see I I constable, stepping around the side of onded that tha . I ; much eng.1ged with Ills own thoughts wise, move, my boy, but loot, out! No riot avall against the Softness of this he house. "Gel up, my good friends shipmen.b. Whole thing bust!" . I I to notice. tricks with me or my friendship may suave yet merciless being. Only a will It friends, i I "Vather," -be began -without pream, not hold. Ileantline I cash this check as strong as her own could hope to and let all old crony In. James! John' While there is plonly of merely gre,ase- The audience sprang to their feet, and. . ., rrow.11 And lie swung' away Cape with it smiling fury, whom he tAtetts It Is we'linve business with proof paper now made here, that is nied waving hats, yelled, 1-Bustooll" azict ble or excuse, "I am In serious and tomo You. Open, the deep. Don't stop to extensively fot, tho-wrAppingof Trains, mads for the door. Thus ended the first, Immediate need of $050. 1 want It so through the night with a grand opera was more than ever determined never dress." . I . bacon, and similar food products, it, has and last . opposition in that lilatter, inuell that I ask you to make Me a I selection 0)2 Ills lips. to infirry. lint tbl6, appeal received no more not the werit; of being odor -proof lir; I . I - l0redorick looked like A man thor- . "A man does not need to waft long to . I check tot- that amount tonight, con- 0. , -all the first, And After well as grease -proof, aud batter is so The Datch spoken by the Nam of 'j_ "Illy exhausted When the final echo tiflsq tits own," said h(.% "And If YOU raCOgUltIOU th . zelous as I am that YOU, have every. -way oil the linvo taken tills money, which you (10. rapping on the window against wbich sensitive to o L rig)�, to dolly me this request and that lf this hateful Vale(, (lied d dors that this Paper wotild. Sent h Africa, rica, does not differ groltly frolix . hillside, ast 20 hours he had ' hot doily. you have ,41own yourself he lead the WO101 he came back - . P or the 1, front of . not serve lit packing it for shipment. 1, the same language spoken 200 years ng& my debt to you Already passes the and -looked up and,down the � AsUmption on my part and bpea the Prey of one harrowing a Z, bound of PrL me- very shortsighted, tot, danger ties clos. - The Swedish grease -proof paper, of) Miller's Worm Powders After nuother, and human nature ev to the person bottling the money tile house. o()rroot alt indulgence on yours. I eannot tell you till' thnn to the one ,roll inny vilify by sent It had a solit(teiv n9pect and was 'the other hand, It; absolutely odor - proof such troubles its lack of appot!M bilious- Ll why I want It oil for what. 'That bo� coil Id. endure ,ne, more, but demanded threats, Tills you will find. Amabol, Imuch less comfortable looking than 110 as -well, and nearly all of the Vast quan- i liess, droNvvilless, sallow complexion, I longs to my Vast life, •the constquenees post, were : ti of butter shipped train Denialn i ete � nice to take. Bold by A, L. Ram- niat rest Woult;j not eottia. The post. ,vben xon come to wake use ,Of the bad expected. Indeed, there . 1,jr to ilto) ,of which I have not yet escaped, but signs of poverty 0 at least of neglect •- 10h9land 11 wrapped in- it. The battcr it. that roti )rill not be the loser by this tion, in which he found himseU be- capon with -which you have though A company with a capital or 41,014,�,i, , NY � t about the place that astonished Ill'170ftches GkOU -Witiaill in. pound packag, es, ratiterial proof of coundebee 10, me I tween Amabol And the man Who had to arm yoursolLI, . I 'Not only had the weeds been allowed -'alogelyalivelepe In thepeasonUct-odur. 000,hag been organized lit Vineland, X. I tool bound to state, 9S I shall soon be Just left was of too threatening it na- "Tnt tutIll Was tier contemptuous vol, � I ti 1, for the inaking of flour ftoin sweet I - In a vositloft to tobay All my debts; tUV6 for him to dwell upon any thought ply. "Do you coiisider we it child? Do to gtow, over the d6otstep, but froul proof paper-paeltages that atia in It idmong- which this Will necessarily 'AAVe )low to Avoid t)10 (100111 mOlnicing I look like a babbling Int6lat, Vreaor- the unpainted front Itself bits of board - sense hermetically sealed. -Now York potatoes' � ,had rotted away, leaving great 6 stand foremost." him, 111dilli; himself 14 his room, lie ick?" r - Still, . The old gentleman looked startled sought 0t way of egelipa. But One pro- - about the window ledges and 4t the . OhIldren Cry for dly one, ner face, Which the had lifted to his base Of the StInkeg and wvcl � 1 619'11 tel)' , The WOak, flattOring lipatt begonias C , . . A frill. "Wily CIO YOU Say YOU but anything was better than to Stand t� moon floc tind nervously Angered the papor he 801lied Itself It was A 0OW1tr In saying this, was so, illumined, both PIlug chimney. The IdIlig the strong ftnd repular w1tola Miller'14 - had IL by her SM116, Which wits strangely on- roof showed tip all these Imperfec. 1 (IDdIroin Pills are used, sola ,,,, ­ AST%jRIA, , will soon be In a position to repay me? Ills ground against two $'tell ate"11088 chanting for one i�o evil, And by 016 'Istahce' and the , K x1tanitton. . ,What do. YOU mean by that?" auttigonists as had. tirlsoll In Ills Path, Moonlight pati If go etborealives W It A talons �Vlth pitiless In's Moro t1lan, 2,50 references to Shake- , .The flush- which lid not yet subold. 80 Ile 1-0801VOd 11DOU flight- tollellos, that lit had to think of that torn. edges of the green paper shades ev . � ta from the young mitalla face ebbed , Packing tip it few IleCOSS, rics lid S OVAI (leutists'%verO included lit the spearo bj his ontol-Apoettrios hava nctiv ' - I it a that halt 40ficealed the 1-001113 within od ' . Other puror, truer face he had left at a he � "A i0fil corps 'whid,11 f6IlOW#(1 the 00k� boon vollected, iglowly Away as hoollcolfultered his fa. 'WrItIng it letter, which lie loft oil Ills the honeysuckle porch to keep down it I "re' P)alnly to be $act' " Well a t nyto alibil, I - I> , 4• �- 1 Th � xtl I. � ql$ 1*0 W." n4 !4 � , I - - I . -ba dismantiod, ktiodkOr Which hung by 1 eau hrl WA14TjM0_TRvATW0RTtM A Wes eye. ttible to be given to Tits fattier in t � last w114 impulse toward bai,, Whichd -adve njorning, 110 raft(ILS 1118 Way 'LloWn the no tialt t6 Liteold Moked. (A of "Id Anna (( I I . *,I Itleati tov Woltz" ho murm , 400r. The':. wotnon to travel A r .. 0 tired. Would h1*6 been his undoing, both ft 0 , ChIldron 'Ory for 11itthed lloxt4e I— - *1 now darkened honio to it , " ,� I VISO a ymr a e.,tPr,nR(­A, $11 moan to Make 61 WAri Of Iftly0elf As rit"Irs Of the vision of XIIAPP, with bit ,oAr laid I , this World And the next, do he kne-W. . ft I I t thIA 'door. a4ded to Lite fol.101,11, ' ' I I I reqJ111 - ld� 11 - 0 1*x!1= :.0 .. ­ . , "itt,01311111121011t ka totuld it unlocked, but, n C I I'll - I A . a d ft� - 1. . I 1, I I , ,4 "! , I I , I I .1 V, 1 1. , . . 1. !�,:Ol* V-�­4,..,4!�,,A, - , '-Ili.. :. �, JV A,0-'-'-' � ., , . I I . . � � � , ". , 44 1, I I , ."I l�­ %,". . , � - f � v ,,�.,� �-I&-,�L�,,,, _ _a—, - 1 � ". I I � '� 7*&,1, I I Tha 100jr -which Arr, Sutherland gave htoot of the atm CASSo T " � on't & RIA. 1,"'An , tooll as povoible." dooropofflng upon the garden. To, htl "Of, do I look timply like a Womatil" 9� IC I 0110 wont on. seeing the Itainealou 4* I !Jrt0f us , i, .&_ l,'�li�" KNAAAW—Mt,,,L� I . —, I ,,�_,L_ot�"A­9.)­a'�%