The Wingham Times, 1901-04-19, Page 57.7 ' ITH WINVIIIAN TIMES, ABI z9, 19011 _ _ _ .., NMI NEW8oroaltruth lettiex��aME FROM OUBIJ0 S a, cm, et, Godcnu THE NEW STORE, THE CHEAP 8TH s than Angling," said Izaak Walton over � two centuries ago, and. of a truth we 1i L L I b. �7,T Y , -•• s'loulcl Fay rheic are many' who skill say s ;�E� 1 S ® INTEREST TO ALL CEACECS, so. "Thoso diseiplcis of, the "father of ISAID __�.T__,r..all anglers" who hover annually upon STOREl the bridge, and dam and river banks aria n EnWhat Widpawako Times CorrespondentsCommunicate -r Other just beginniiig te, tanto their clearest'�' A, Items Clipped From Our Exchanges, pleaeure, Remembor, boys, "When the IN THE BUTTON BLC CIC � wind is south it blows your bait into A fish's month. " "A southerly wind and a cloudly sky proolaim a hunting morn-sped �� ® ��"I I IMrs, W, F. Aby, of De- ' House cleaining time. Cleg chi Armstrong shipped a car of ing," so both fish and fog, deed to , tn; oit, will open a new mil- 1 i Miss Mary Simpson spent Sunday at cattle to. Toronto on Monday and a car "watch out" when they ',hear the soft li.nery store with a full line mine, of hogs on Tuesday, south wind ablowing, Mr, Earl fo Wright,who was engaged with Wm, Phillip's wont to Toxouto on Miss Agnes Smillie, of Morris, cons•. �y p �p 'gyp m CURTAINS, of first-class goods and up- John V l d,.�LP.11'JI .F. R7 V V RTAI.�`! to-date styles direct from r the summer has left and Tuesday on busruesa. mencea toaching on Monday in a school ! ' taken another situation at Mr, George Miss Jessie McKellar in going to To. near Grand'''alley. the city of Detroit. Iiislap's. ionto this week, where she has got sit, Messrs, Will Bailey and 'will puff OILCLOTHS, HS, L1NOLIEUI,IS, The most seasonable line : Miss Peacock, from Michigan, who Nation as a olork in a restaurant, finished the census enumerating' of their /� 1�'��'1 ,�^���e of goods ever shown in this. was visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Pea000k's 1 Robert Gallagher has started the stone respeotive districts in Morris and Turii< JAPAN M.8�„4 1 INGS. on the 1st con„ left last Saturday for • wall of the new shad, Goo. Proctor has berry on Saturda Prada at the lowest possible-, � o erich, where she has a brother re-' the frame � work. has started on the road n good paylug but last. unpleasant bus Ourpiste 'in all the above lines g stock is now con , embracing acro Opening on Friday and ; Mrs, Wallace, of Fordwich is visiting . again with the wagon ; look out for bar- Mr, Peter Wheeler and family have NEW DESIGNS by .the best makers. Large. variety and good bar friends on the 1st con. of Morris, ;gams, as their is opposition this year, Y values. The house•elt=ing season is now at hand and we are Saturday April 19 and 20. pp y moved from Tnrnberry into one of Mr. Mr. Goo, Coombes has purchased an- : Mrs. R. Coultas intends starting a William Stewart's houses, ready for it. See our stock before you buy. Our PRICES will dressmaking shop here in the near interest you, other horse, Wesley Denman has a sitnation in , Mr. and Mrs. David Breckenridge f o. John gorr"s:store Win,gliam. " WASHABLE MATERIALS. MP& o ' Ab were visiting the farmer's brotlier,Wm„ 'hursday of last week Thomas C, Hartley Patterson of this viilago. has on the boundary last Sunday. Wilkinson left Belgrave for Escanaba, been proruotedmanagerof the north end i aPrints,' Miss Lizzie Wright has returned home Mich, i'vhore he will assist his brother, ri G ri h ms,, '114usiins, bang ays, Piques, Sateens, Sill�a- k gC r g grocery, Wingham, by Hanna Co. lines, etc., etc. See our special line of Prints, wide, fast colors, reg- ' - "• " - "" fro sewing in Howiok, last Saturday. James who has it, flourishing furniture b Y• � g Miss Bremnior, of Luckno+v, is visit- alar p1•ice 12:e for 10e. ANOTHER LINE of Prints, regular and undertaking business in that city. i,= at John Rab 's. Latest Despatch from Slytl+, Ont. The many young friends of Mr. Wilkin- Y value 8v and i0c--fast colors they go at 6e, •, ,.,:J; mom. ,y,'t : Wo are pleased to say that Thomas ... _ ....... _ P Y ... Y P' Y Y P Y l0 Coultas was able to be out on Monday.Another Shipment of Boots and Shoes Just Bl th April 18th.—Z:ver body is re son wish him a pleasant; std in Uncle -� stl,, marking how well Mr.. Pollock is look- Sam's land and hope oaaasiouall t ee Miss Pentland, accompanied by Miss e��llJd i' ing since his recovery from Bronchitis. hint back to vidt his old � home. He was sick for quite a long time, but Grace Nesvtou, of Ailsa Craig, is visit- Special values in all lines Ladies. Dongola Oxfords, regular ! Catarrhozone cured him perfectly. What ing her nice, Mrs. West. at the manse, $1.25 for $1.00. Ladies' Dougola. Buttoned or Laced Louts, ro ular Mr. Pollock says in favor of Catarrh- 111euretic r'ahu it Danger signal• hiss; Bails has been eery ill with la price $1.50 for °,1.25. Y ozone is backed up by many other resid- Prom t treatment is essential. Bathe grippe and ver man others are suffer- 4 _ cuts of Blyth who have experienced the the region of pain immediately with iug Y Y '������ NEAR. . • - " "1 greatest benefit from its use. Catarrh- ing with bail calls. Poison's Nervilino and quickly bind on ozone is really a sure cure for Bronchitis, Miss Alice Duff returned to her school F Lung and Throat troubles, and as such Never knownatofail. ladCuresalmo bei ae- near Molesworth on Monday after spend- MEN'S REGATTA SHIRTS in the vera latest styles and hest --- r /�— receives a rank among the scientific dis- coverios of the age b We know of ito• antly, Neuralgia, toothache, rheum- ing Easter holidays at home. + makes, bought direct from the manufacturer for spat Cash. You remedy that can boast of so in per- atism and lumbago are cured by Nerv- Miss Mary Thornton, of Wingham, is get the benefit of our close buying. Prices range thus: 50e, `10e, rp' manent cures as Catarrhozore, and trust dine just a readily. Poison's o Behold vlsitina at John Gardiner's. 75e, 1.00, $1.25. cines all pain, and is the Bost household e ° t, , that those who need such a remedy will liniment known. Large bottle 2Gc. Robert G. Casemore is in Dlanistiquo, :�"t r MEN'S FELT HATS in black and colored. Hard Hats, Fedoras, , try it. " Druggists sell it iu'two sizes,25o utrathconas, stitched soft and woel hats, prices are 50c, 00c, cGo, x,1.00, and $1.00. Mich. $x1.25, $1,50, $1.75, „;2.00, ' ron_Dwren. An edict has gone forth from the NEW TIES—Just received a nice range of patterns, all new ' Judge ® Style GLENANNAN. The Building Committee of the Presby- south, the east, the north, that all the colorings. Prices to snit all buyers. school children in Turuberr shall be CLOTHING—A visit to our bright Clothing Department in the Ti�eport of Gleuannan school for the toriau church have not yet let the con- Y g g p will at once detect the super- month of March, based on conduct, at- tract for the. now church. They have v:tecinated. BASEMENT will convince you that the stock is large and complete p tendanee and class work. Names in taken great pains in the selection of a Messrs. Will and John Haney had a and prices the LOWEST. iority of our made-to-order t wood bee on Tuesday afternoon of last Boys' Suits at $1.50 $1.75, $2,00, 082.50 q3, order of merit: plan and are showing equal cera in lei- y Y , • • , � 00, $3.50. garments. 4th class—Geo. Muir, Ida Elliott, ting the work. We understand that a week, and'in the evening gave a dance f Men's Suits at $3 50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $6,00, X7.00, $7.60, s . i Bessie Aitken, Chester Dunhin, John fine plan has been chosen and hope to to their friends. $8.00, $10.00, $12.00. A HIGH ART TAILOl�1��� Hnttou, Peter Muir, Hartley Aitken, see a church worthy of so strong a It. is reported that Mrs. Moss, wife of Cash and one price. Alf goods marked in plain figures. is our specialty. We $t the James Dunkin, Omar Stokes. congregation. `It is to be hoped that as Rev. W. H. Moss, a Methodist minister ABUTTER AND EGGS taken as cash. man of abnormal as well as he Sr. III—Roy Rutherford, Bort Elliott, much of the work as possible may be stationed here a few years ago, is one of _-__�_ •� _ _-. —� Charlie Aitken. Maggie Muir, Percy given to our home mechanics. t of normal shape, and OUT he heirs to the immense fortune of Coupland, Addie Dunkin, Annie Me- The vestry meeting of Trinity Church which the Messrs. Cline of Wingham; prices suit all, Gue; Mabel Elliott. was holey in sire church on Easter Mon- are said to peva a share in. © e V � R Come along, and get-one of Jr, III—Etta Elliott, Mary Aitken, clay, Rev. A. B. Farney presiding.. The George Haney,•eontraetorand builder, the newest novelties in Suits, .O'Malley McG"rue, Harold Hutton. meeting was opened with devotional ex- commenced a very ;busy season's work The -Cheap Cash Store., Opp. Batik; of Hamilton, Overcoats and Pants.. Jr. 11—Roy Elliott, Walker Ruther- orcites, after which the various reports this week. Mr. Haney will be assisted Yours trulyford, Willie Casemore, Ella Elliott. were preseuted,whichshowed .the church by his son, William, of Toronto, and ' Sr. Pt. II—James Aitken Robbie to bo iu a prosperous condition. The several apprentices. F'tKob' o Aitken. `following officers •were elected for the., Mr. William Sellars has built a neat WEST wAtvANIOSH. a who was food of reading said had been Jr. Pt. II—Leo Bok, Peter McGuo. ensuing year:—Mauister's Warclau,Wrn.., w shed. ' o old settlers of a township are a regular subscriber to the T13mis ane Pt. I—Ada Elliott, Geo. Casemore Watters; People's Warden, Adam A largo amount of building will be one by one. passing. a to the great 'Toronto Globe since the first issue of Ethel Casemore. Spence; Vestry Clerk, Wm. Wallace; done rut moils atlris summer. Mr. beyond. This .week *e have to ch this Jas. A. Macpherson, ex-mayor of gin- E. PEARSON, Teacher. Sidesmen D.Armstrori andA.Douglass; George 'e mall will split and enlarge Y '- Paper was pnblishecl He is snrviv- P Y , g b isle the death of Isabella King, relici oil ed by a widow and two sons, John W., cardine has set dne of the best examples Auditors T. Go and I. Wade; Dele- his baro; Dir. Henry Dfinent will build p ggiu the late MichaolZaonneily, ho diad on at home and Wm. wife lives on the ad- of church going we have yet heard of. s� m gate to Synod, Alex Graham, sr. After a shad and enlarge barn; John ging will Sunday last, ages,-o years.. " funeral joining farrn.to the homestead, and one h i l d re n Cry for build a barn 00x70 feet with stone stab- During the last fifty years Ni:r, McPher- the vestry meeting George Driver was took place to the St. Angus a cemetery daughter, Mrs. Wm. Mills, of Pittsfield son has only missed 38 Sundays from engaged as sexton for this year by the ling beneath; John Messer, new kitchen; err Wednesday morning. Ohio. The bereaved will have have the church, Mr. Macpherson is a lawyer. %O R I A. wardens. Robort Shaw intends raising and improv- sympathy of the community in their fug his barn and buil:ling a steno stable E&ST WANVA"S.SX, affliction. The funeral to the CTi ingham beneath; Mr, George Peacock, of Morris, ; The following from the Clifford Ex- cemetery on Weduosdtiy afternoon was r . ° lr, % T r ",,'i: ig d*�yi+i,ptf l"e ::r:•� ra `i' L S�' ws31'� r. tis «r will improve bis burn property; •Sainual; _� ° s refers to A: M. Perdue, V. S., a largely attended. Vanstono, of Turnberry, a honse, and Pres Messrs. Shedden and McCutchoon, of former resident of this township:—The �y Morris, have barna to build. John Me- community on Thursday afternoon re- { Naughturt of Tamil snow busy on- carved a surprise, when it became lnto�vii •fir; d��•� • / , ?�� �' V �'hoopino 4 lensing the Baru or lie old Gillespie that during the last half of the day, a sumated wliereh This Signature is on every deal had been couo- ia3 farm, Turubecry. o. Haney has the Y, sn ors boa of the . _ contrast. '1'hd+re era other improve- Mr. A. M. Perdue, Veterinary Surgeon, Laxative Bt'41kd��=QdAi?ine T-bi-ts meats andherebuilding too numerous improve- e- became the owner of Mr. Frank Ren- tho remedy thab.,e nres 11h Bald tZ 6= azy mention. nie's livery stable, and contents and the Cou t` residental and business block in conned- ! There cried in Mothertiell, Pertly Co., Fay ® As Sure as yon are noru. tion therewith, the price paid for the I on Sunday last, Mrs. J. J. Caven, Putnam's Corn Extractor' cures nil whole concern being 82,G00. Mr. Perdue mother of Principal Cavoa, of Knox kinds of corns and warts,in a short time. has intimated by tarda that he intends college, 'Toronto, at the ad-,ancei :•go of MDon't you dread it? There's not a sensible, well-read person in Cures painlessly as well as promptly, to practice his profession and also con- 91 Sears. the world who isn't afraid of whooping-cough. It, cures radically as, well as quickly. The S a most dis- greatest corn raiser on the North traria ill is of together His vet ere, fressing disease and a very dangerous one, too. The child is so' American Continent, ;iustask your drng- dry skill is not altogetherunluowuhere, • hist if this isn't so. Drnxgists al l sell it. he having at one period assisted Nlr, $ �' d� Y`y 'u icy° l: ihl to h. ve, cnnvn1Pi�r,5;. nneumonla or Bron- ,O,, ., ,,