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The Wingham Times, 1901-04-19, Page 2
IM THE WINGRAM TIMES, A,PRIT 19, IN1. It you would be happy you must learn E TH E MORTALITY RATE. CARE OF THE EYES, zolelni.snozlo, to lite a cls at a tillio. As the ears fallow each otlheriu rapid : y —, .. ,7' p11dy t , r i"„A Itis not Air ilhdlCatiOhh that lilahi has . Who t t'111I'ax#*Yah oetwoon nicit feud Door !t s#tdtultt iiogin with tue :1 wnr.nc oC mo, iiu0cession one lluk fitter anotlher of the Vtusio iu his soul becawo lie blows his Unite by "The Mail#cul. A4000.11, 11110y,*uirt1►. chain that joins the present with the VV own lloril,. The National Provisioner, studying Nowhere is the colupanison between early And important history of this pro - In the Sprint: the `.t'hnle systexii iet tae health statisties of Now York city, ounce of prevention and a pound of cure vino is broken, Another of these liults P with tho view of assertninin whether more a ' lieable than Ili the care of the has • clogged up with impuritieq neeumulatedt g Pp been soh e1eli by 1110 death of l\Th•. during the Nvinter, Toke Burdock Mona i the sloh or poor sections of the American eyes,, for the neglect of seehningly trivial Walter Riddell, whirltopic l laco on Bitters this spring and, it will pnrify they wetroyolls are the most conducive toaffections, perfectly oureAblO in their be- Sunday morning, Apga 7, at his home , blood, making It rieli auil red, and Will ? ;;ocicl health And long life, takes first giuuings, may lean, in an rucredibly short in Londesborp, at the advanced age of give you strength and energy. Young ellildren-m•tbat is, those Under 5 time to Permatiout iuhpairowilt of vision over three-quarters of a century. He The oMciul report of emigration front years Of age—as a basis of opmiihent, or oven to total blindness, was bora ,hear the town of Perth, Lalh- Ireland Showa 47,107 linsous left that Tile figures are for the second quarter of The care of the ayes should begin with arlr .county, ill 1525, his parents (Mr. country Ili 1('00. ; luno. the moment of Birt' . The now baby's and Mfrs. James Riddell) having imi- .a; ; \\ Used haft?+hlally Hliuynril's YvIlow Oil '1'lle '1`cvc li`tli wart,, uptown, where a a es sltpnlcl be the 'first part to receive .grated from Perthshire, in Scotland, cures Sore Thro..at, Roorseness, Quiltsy.1 fair spri0ding of the very rich of the atteution. They should be wiped care• soine years previous, He came west Castoria is for !Infants. and Children. Castoria is a externally xter a the L'l rvs Group, ate. j t ire 1 city linvo their pied a torhe, and where fully with a piecepot absorbent cotton and•took lip lane, Ili .ullett township in „ extersialiy t•nrt•s Rh•+tunntrsat, . rii. P • . harmless siabstitttte. for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops Joints, Colace' -ter, Cr+rds, Codi' g, their prpsperpiis brethren •save tbeir wet with a warm s.ution of boric aoid 1551, and afterward returned to his and Soothing Syrups. It contains. neither Opium, Strains, rnri:s, Scalds, t7ats and Bites of nines abiding lhoiues, aitprds. the fplloty- of strength of abou 60 hn'huus iIt four hoine, wlhere lie was tiariied in 1855 to 11100,' llhine nos other Narcotic substance. It is. Pleasant. Insects, + n,g statistics With regard to the death ounces of distilled *ater, After the Miss Lhzaboth roste'i, slaughter of the 1 In the United States navy 5:3 per cert i nate of young children: This ward has lids have been thus carefully yashed on late Christopher F4ter, Lsq,, near Its guarantee is thirty years' use by 31illions of of the petty ofircers and 42 per eeut, of it Population of 864,412, has Only 61,0 the outside, they should be gently separ- Smith's Falls, and the same year lie es. 11lothers. Castoria destroys 'Worms and allays Feverish - the seamen are foreign born. pt ol:lu to the acre, but its death rate for ated and some of th solution droopud tablished his Hoche on lot 14, on the 13th ness. Castorin cures 7Diarrbgna and Wind Colic. Castoria - children under 4 years of age was 709, into the eyes, concession of Hallett where he lived rn - ' , ttt '• ' • relieves Teething Troubles, enres , Constipation and j, ,y „,I w4;le the ph-0eian Thirteenth ward, In washing the egos ,one Should be until sevon years ago, when lie retired, nn 1 r' careful never to di ' ani iu the sunt- from the more arduous vorlc of the 1^lathlllOitey. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates M1 i,+ t i Y ,,u i.6 r, ' I don ntowu, iii tlhe vicinity pf Grand, p rf g Division and Rivixigtoll street and tho tion it Piece .of cottoli which has once farmand removed tot Lpnciesboro. His the Stomach and Dowels of Infants and Children, giving illli $net River, with a population of 5G,80r3 been abed, A fresh F``ece must be taken beloved wife has go` a on before, nail, lhcaltlny alnd niatural sleep: Castoria is the Clhilclreu's r,• i and 589.5 to top aere.,had a death rate of each time the eyes ar$ wiped. has been awaiting IIIc . in the glory king'- Panacea—T he Mother's $4 riencl. Pow, y S aA AI'F ice Gzu°'e f 100 children under 5 years of age. The The baby's eyes ihiust be protected, dom for 27 years. O his journey west rodative percentages are in favor of the from the light. Its cjib must be Placed he had to. drive in a anon from Hamil- CiI,St,OI'ia. Castoria,. Cures Lewis Gleason, Esq. slums• where the eyes are 4ov exposed to the ton, the nearest poin of navigation, and "Castoria 1s an excellent medicine for 41 Castorfa Is so well adapted to children. Other compgrispns drawn between dis- full light from a win4Ow, and the- carni- the nearest market t wn was GOderich. children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre - .of CaStlei Qs: C r,t.r Qi this er- triers ru which plutocrats live and those age should have a 6Ohade raised only Those were the days wlhell early settlers of its good effect upon their children." scription known tome." i rnhubitt:ci l•y the so-called lower classes about a foot above tho Y literally baby's head. had to hew out a hoe as well DR, G. C, Os000v, Lowell, dmDN. fass. 11. A. Annum, M. . Brooklyn, V y nki rule D1sea.-C. bring lu light a Similar condition of 'at- Children often sufP r from inflarnma- as a destiny for themselves, and clear up p• q AS When the system becotites filled w;tlt uric huhs. The total deatlis of those of all tion i Of the edges of t e lids, which are the lahhd by constant and hard toil, and E FAC -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF Acid, the delicate meyibraues of the body are u,,vs Ili proportion- to population is then red and scaly, and th& lashes fall out and suffer the numerous privations insepar- jointted unct Inflamed. 'clic nat,:rat oils of the dealt with, and reveals tratihs equally as break oft. 'Phis may ,betoken a general ably connected with such life. Pursuing joints are eaten Ly tt:r aci,l and regular torture . g setsin. The onlvwaytotreat't':e di.ea•e is to Snhrostive. The, Twelfth ward, in Aar- serufulOus•coTuclitiun;Y or it may depend a life o1' upr gllttles's and strictest integ- remove the cause, Germs produce the poisau• n tome lem, shows a total death rate of 2,287 for ooe defect in thty Mght which causes rity he gained thl} highest respect and ous acid and Por ley's l.iquii:ed Ozone kills the its 304,412 people, living 61.6 to the acre, eye strain, or it mtiy be only a local esteem Of those With whom'he came in germs. Re id tl.is U. timorinl. "ror the last I hila the Thirteenth, down town with y , a contact • also pultigating a sanguine and . trouble. If it is onl'' a ,anal trouble, 20 years I have been t:ou.led with t;tat ws• ' ' *: cd treseng disease called C:i::ul Rbeamutism, 30,502 people, living 539.5 t0 the acre, few applications of boric acid Ointment Cheerful dispositio ', his presence was as For days and v'eeks I have beca conf,ned to nay hada death roll of only 196. at bedtime will gehlorally effect i1 cure. rays of sunshine. He was a conscien- APPEARS , y bed, my jcints stiff and swollen ; my hands so The above figures give rise to thought, Conjunctivitis, Or inflammation Of the tions aihd consist hit member o£ thQ l u t WRAPPER. bad I could not use them. I c"Id not sleep at It is probable, took that statistics taken membrane covering the globe of the eye, Presbyterian .ohurch, for many years an nights and had pal itatiott of the heart. I got THE OENT.Ury CO PR1NY. T7 ,.,V OFgV OTR P.CT. NEW YORK CITY. medicine from leading physicians and took iu a like manner the civilized world over may be due to a sold, to the action of elder of, Burn's church, Hallett, aihd a r `,-w,r&t s.-w, -TRW ; i" y ?fx •:,t=. ..4 .a ,, , r all kinds of patent medicinev, but got nothing would yield somewhat corresponding re- bright sunlight or reflection from water faithful Sunday school worker, and he that did me any good. I purchased two bottles Sults. No One, of course, -would even or from snow, or t0 eye strain from some has nOtiv gone t0 enjoy the reward prey of Powley's Liquified Ozone, believing from what I heard from others that this medicine attempt to argue from such records that visual iinperfeetiou. Usually the boric pared for those who love the Lord, and _ might take hold of my direase. it is more healthy to live in a tenement acid solution will give relief here even t0 Bear the 4well-gone" of the Blaster V `----- After T had 1•+ + taken the two bottles I began to find relief. r hoose swarming With human beings like when the trouble cannot be permanent- whom he served, During his illness, 6;h ds +1y . • a .D y w.:ste °R a ,f!• yt_gl• , Y; i;•3 W ,.b„-. purchased six more bottles. After tailing the bees in a hive, than in an airy, well- ly cured until proper glasses are worn. though 1)e suffered' inteusp 1)aln; apt a `' eight bottlesthe swelling left my joints, m painful consequence of eye murmer Or complaint passed his lips. A a hands now are as li;nber as they were twenty v0lltrlat0<l COi3im0i1rpuS marbleOr brOWII- AIIOther yearn ago, and Z feel like a new man. Rhea- SCOne structure. Tho writer iII the • StTarrl 1S a SuucesSiOn Of 8ti06. Alen a kind, indulgent and wise parent, he was"NeO Weak,Men," matisin, stiffness of the joints are all gone, and P . National Provisioner does. not argue child suffers frequently from sties, from muihlh beloved by;, the members of his A r!iousaiuls of ouu , tnc I consider myself cured, TG also cured we of z - . i*. 1 middle-aged men are annually swept to a premature the vror: r kind of kidney trouble. Anyone thus; indeed, he draws but few dedue- sore lids or from eonjunotivitis,•the sight family who sine rely mourn his de- sk; ,-- 7e •hc'ouCh IeAEiLY UNDISCRETiION, BXCESS E9, .AND 16SLOOD- a should b0 tested. , a y DISC -&S,, iS- If you have any of the following symptoms consult us before It Is suffering from the atove disease write or come tions. Nevertheless, he places his finger parture, and his 3 emory will long be t top .ate. Are you uervons and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the ° and sea what Ozonehasdone for me. In fact, noon One important point when he says Much harm is often done to the eyes, cherished by tion: 4 ,e, c•'s with dark circles under them, weak backocidneys Irritable, palpitation of the heart bashful, dreams and losses sediment in urine I cannot say too riitch towards the value of :• ' + , pimpleo on the face, sunken your medicine. Sig'ed pie Poorer classes, eating plainer and as Well as to the general health, by too 7• eyes, hollow cheeks, careworn expression, poor memoryry, lifeless, distrustful, lack more nutritious foods seem to prosper long a lrOtttion to books either school ;p .r „ rs ener y and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods) weak man • " LE VIS G:,I:ASO T, Castleton, Ont. ' P l PP n, ' The stoma, ahs a Weat,e orWoe I G hood.stunted e_gans, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc.? constitutionally better than the eater of or story books. Three hours of looking —The stomach is the centre from which, Our It car Cr3et] oi8 ercat>vzuet ern Cure you, Potviey'sLiquifie(iOzone is sr.00 a large bot- rich foods, who e -v acts to digest his at print by daylight and One hour Ili the from the standpoint of health, flows "weal 1 9 tie, Sec. email size. Pi ilea or woe." A healthy stomach means perfect v` g, of or from the diener by sucking i> fresh air in `a ride OVOuin€; should not be exceeded by any digestion—perfect di estion means strong di .ffi c BLOOD : laboratories of the Ctkone Co., of Toronto, Limi•$ g I t ted, 48 Colborne st.,.,Torouto. through the parks. child under 14, for that is as much its his and steady nerve centres—strong nerve ' t centres mean good circulation, rich bloody Nothing can bo;atore demoralizing to young and middle-aged men than emissions eyes, even if their viSx011 1S perfectly T p. ni rift or secret;dralus through the urine. The unfit a man for basiuess, mar- , Also by A. L. r-iamilton, Wingham. y and ood health. South American Nervine H s y " -- - ror Over ,ft Years. normal, Will Stand \h'it110ut Illj nry.— p j;, rigd life or social ha.ppluess. Die matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, Y maltes and keeps the stomach right. -52 tur,it weakness; or sexual ercesses our New PVtotliod Treeataaent will V11 post- Youth's Companion. ct r ly cu=e you. t:iJ.t' +S t1t1A2ANTl' 8D. NO CtJRE, Rte PAY. Cyt An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—,firssold by A. L. HandItou. t?,, W inslow's SoothingSTrnp has been used is .`: : "s %iva it a=cs Used W]ithovxt Written Consent. c i> JJJ P A for Over fifty years-bymillionsof mothers 'rhe President a Shave ® Aray act is merits ions that is not a „ %.S , ,,, , W. A. Muir, of Lima. O. says: -111 was one of for their children whirs toethirt;, with Cra$¢tYr99•--ll. 1', Sample, president: of misfit. a , y Sacn le' I stalritoitt Com an oo the countless victims of ear] vice at 15 ears of perfect success. It soothes the chilu, Sample's >h „ p y,Washington, Ever time an argument y t ' ° . ¢ age. The drains on my system were weakening y . Softens the ghxius, allays till pails, cures I a., writes : For years L was afflicted with y g meat gains you a :. q#4 Z` my br sin as well as m sexual and nervous sys- t t` r tI tc m. ror ten years j tried scores of doctors Permanently tae and all S wins colic, and is, the best remedy for Chronic Catarrh.. emedies and treatment- now friend it loses you two Old Ones, t f 4V electric et% electric bolts and patent medicines. I me helps by specialists only ave me temporary relief p dialrhwa. It is pleasant t0 the taste. pry a -ror o me, none cured. I was giving up itt despair, ii until I was induc d to use Dr. Agnew's Children N.., I I o ( l:, f' ,0 fact, contemplating suicide when a friend ad- 1f1l lt{pe ,} Said by druggists in every part Of they ;'`' ; 9I LLe ll 6 Catarrhal Powder, ' It gave almost instant t: , r wised me as a last resort to the the nTew world. Twenty-five ce Bes bottle. Its relief• go cents.— I Zr A 1 ¢ Btethocn Tretatiracnt of Drs Ii. & 8. a fair ` •s P. value 1s incalculable e Sure yeti aSi> ` (I ?B p r> _.. trial. Without confidence I consented and in ' ': ✓ w for Mrs. Winslow,;s Soothing Syrup, and Is i t three months I was a cured man. I was, cured 5 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. seven ears ago --am married and happy. I h ` ( R. take no other Mik . I One of the most destructive earth- 7 " R. heartily recommend Drs. K.& 8. to my affilcted Burdock Blocks Bitte & pper e,•f•,rn , t,vent fellow men." The Fashionabl' Game or "L'ridgo:' quakes iu file world's history was that J{ t, After Treatment "I'irirl e" is the atest and it1USt o )u- 'chichi OCCitsred in YeddO in the -`4 ' 3P *Ve treat and cure Varicocele, Fmisslots, Nervous Debility,Seminal Weakness, The Coming Beer Auhn,al, ia' P 1 , year L°'t i 9,'ra, es; aced ail diseases oUnnatural Men cal DYomer es, Self Abus ,Kidney and Bladder . e lar game of carpis, specially in socio ty, 1703, when 190,000 people were killed r?s ' We are becouiiug a cation of beef • , says the Penny illi*trated. It is similar I IR In TTAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT" PRIVATE. No aristocrats, and w0 are not Willing t0 .... • ._ . , , ,*r. sent CL O. D. No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything confident" If you've suffered from constipation to whist, only Iuo complicated elabor.....a.. ,.tea y :i,ie=t nit ;1rtanQ cost of treatment, FRP,E. for years, tried all the remedies you ever Put up with the quality of beef which + v" + aro scoring being accessary. But it q 1 ^r ^+ F heard or read of, without getting more was provided ten years ago by our local g gd' ;1 i x;21 ; { py A Sl IEf.F lf S'PREG"P'e than the relief the one 'dose of the medi- butchers. This change of tastes has seems that two ga 'es can be played at Liu tn tBE L' 9 g ) , S ®l=TfS®li HHiIIC@9. eine afforded—if you've been subject to the same time by&oung people fascinat- i i r l Yrs, Y }. y.... _, P, ° e Y } Y J been brought about large through the )r n A all the miseries associated with coustipa- ed with Fridge. .r After the cards are = '= ` i+h•` •- " tion, such as sick headache, nausea, bili- better methods ofeediug cattle as now 0 Tells the story: When your head oneness, pimples, eruptions, blood humors, Practiced in the great grain growing dealt, as in whist ilio dealer, instead Of aches, and you eel bilious, constf- N„ ,,,, _, • ,,, , , blotches ilex, etc. wouldn't you con- states. Not only is this true o£ our own turning u the est card for trumps, paled, turd out+'I tnne, with your p , y y "P P ' stomach sour nnoappetite, justaider it a blessing to be cured of our chooses trumps ! .chm his Own baud Or buy a package o b Y people, but also Ili the foreign markets + S T constipation so that it xt ould stay cured Y can, if h0 prefers' have no trumps at all, ® i1 Burdock Blood Bitters can cure you— where one beef products are sold. Like- Or, failrug this, c n pass the Option •Olt 51c Cf1 „ cure so that the cure will be permanent. ly there will always be a limited demand It ha4 done so in thousands of ases dur- for special purposes, for canned beef, to his p:Lrtner4_ Afterwards, . their . And take a dost:, from 1 to 4 pills. ing the past twenty years. , + adversaries may; double, and, if the You will be sur. ised at how easily which will consume a large part of the t . they will do the work, cure your Just one statement to prove what no FB B I N dealer and his pa trier •;fish, they may rpl headache nnct bi cusness, rouse the inferior grades of beef which finds its say is right. redouble anti t s reclotxblin ma bo litter and mince t u feel happy again. way to our principal markets, but the ' g y -) cents. Sold b call medicine dealers. 40 L %Mi Mrs. G. Gasby, Portage La Prairie, carried oil indeflt 'tely,, though the rules K Man., writes: "For over two years I general public, those who are beef, sou- I advisedly sug•g, It .1 hundred points was troubled with sick headache and con- sumers of today and those who buy , stipation. I tried many different pills small supplies from clay to clay, are be- should be the lin t, so that Bridge offers y 7ip and patent medieine but they only ;ave bomiug a• little more fastidious and there Feat opportunities fox' very bight play, CHILDR ' C®t1 I me slight, temporary relief. is a and honed, has th reputation of being a ° 0 F just discrimination between the ' `A lady friend of mine induced me to C gambling ante .lid lends color to a re- t4'_& Burdock Blood Bitters anal sent me good and the inferior sorts and the poor- g g ' rY marls in "Tip A vel#euro:; "' at the St. THE MIMES announces the fOI- half a bottle of it to start with, I de- ly fad and the Well fed animal. The ' t James's Theatres, "112. greatest j` rived so much benefit from that that ll• ideal animal of the future will not he Cor °Y ; eontitl,ted to use it and took in nllahree ambition in life h tteach a millionaire ''1 '1 fs ' lowing clubbing offers for , one with a preponderance •Of fat. It „ : c bottle=s, which completely cured me" to play Bridge. When play is com- - 1900-190 C®-1 ®i . must be one of rather matured beef, ` " Thitt ins ten months ngo, and as my ' menced, the dealer's partner lays his or nicely ;;ranted and of sufficient solidity health _las been splendid ever sineP I have her cards on table and becomes Y only lily kind fneird to thank who -advised to give f,ubstance to the carcass. 4i „ / Times till end of I oI „ Dummy, the dealer playing both ( , the to lake L.B.B. Prairie Farmer. g 9 I.00 ,hands, and "Dummy" laying down th© r Times and V eekly Globe, with picture, "The Can {cards the dealer directs, " I n I adians at' the Battle of Paardebern till- Jan. Ist ` FACF There is no form of lticinoy trouUirtr ' , . from a backache down to Bright.N A surlsrfso to Everybody. : /" 1902, - i. 6o pdtlp disease, that Doan's Xidney Pills will not The promptness with which Dr. I ` Times and Weekly Witness relieve or cure. • Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills regulate and % - - I.60 If yon aro troubled tvitli any kind of invigorate tlio action of tlio kidneys, Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star with kidney eonhplaillt, give Doan's Pills it, WITH FACTS11trial. live, and bowels, is a surprise t0 evOrte premium I s - ' `body. They are the people's favorers ' ' St. Mary's cemetery was the scene of cure for kidney disease, liver complaint, There's nothing so good for ellildrenss Times and Weekly Mail and Empire, - 1, 5 A LAME, A VJEAK, rather strange proceedings on Sunday indigestion estionis and rcpt prescription cn Tho sale co ghs and coonchitis assortotip, whoopiXbrng c ugs h TiMeS and Western Advertiser,of v 1,50 AN ACHING DACE{ evening of last week. The Chinese mous, Ono pill a dose, 25 cents a, box, syrup] J Times and Weekly Sun, 1-75 WDiCATES KIDNEY friends of the late Charlie Louie paid a all dealers. It's se 11106 to take that youngsters beg Times and Daily Globe, TROUBLES vrs%ttohis grave and performed some 1'Ci'lt,and'1tCu1'cASO n1Cli1 thatmOtiArs it 4"35 Rev. Jas, :Lfvili stone of Windsor, q y Times and Toronto Dail)' 2, Q V'JIiICH DOAIV'S ItIDI'dEY PILLS rites which to Canadians must Seem xiih-" g ' s aro delighted" S 5 ABSOLUTELY CURE. necessary, Afire was lighted near "tl)e seoopod in ,$000 in marriage feet; last 1frs, it, P. Leonard, Ii6rry'Sound, Ont., Times and Farmers' Advocate, - - 1,90 TE57'1+'fid1vV gra, ve, and an untelligible''tall£" to the yeah". Windsor mast be another Gretna tvay Pi "I have used Dr.coughs Wood's Nor- - " PILOT MOUND, Man., Oct. 4th, 1900, E rennhins of tho dead man was Rept up 0"011, tray Pine Syrup for coughs stud colds of W e could extend file list, but It isnot; We Doan Kidne Pill Co., Toronto, I TIhO breath Of the In myself: and baby. I find it cures a cold Can give you Clubhin rates for any newspaper or nlagazimm Y fpr a considerable time. Presumably in p es Is the breath quicker than any atlhor Bough mixture and Dear Sirs,' -•1 suli'ered for spree time ' the belief that Charlie might be cold, in life Syrup contains th p tl W;x Norway ,s nieo to talcs." published. Every stl Scriber will reCetVe a Copy of filo hand - De kidney troubles, My back was so y p p esand _ some illustrated TIMES CHRISTMAS SUPPLt1ViEN bad that to stoop twee or igtratighten up the fire was mad6 and that he ,night list cures ooughs, cold, bronchitis, hoarse. _ __ - - _ ._. - ._ _ -_ after stooping caused terrible pain, be hungry there, was left beside the ness, allrl all throat and lattg troubles, The advance: in the price of Raper, having to ay postage a 'd I had to get up several times during the grave by the visitors the follow,rug pro• which, if not attended to, lead to bon• a °re mer Vood's Phospioaiztd havin . a higher rate from publisher, the. clu bin rates hive night to urinate. My urine was highly visions:- -B1X baitana9, ttCb OrELIEt est slid snlnptioin. 7+7ee Onat X,aptlsh Rtway. ' r • . p colored, contained x thick s dtimtyrit, and 1t sa d and recommended by ail been increased In some instances. The above a1 e'our FIX IJ caused x burning sensation, two buns, also a package of cigarettes 14"Obruary of this year was the worst drn iata In Canada. Onlyrest• . I tried numerous remedies, but none did i sled, matClles, month for deaths 1zj' pnottilxonja And able medicine dlseovered, St. rates, marked down so as to admit of no reduction, T11elr . ,. aakd1b puarantted to curb till • When tele env a bo en, t 1 got Donny Pills, I ! consumption III the history' of Ontario, fofmso Soxnai W; knesu all eri'eetsofnbuw fire thele is no use asking for Cheaper ;rates, vv hen %ve Can took four barna, the 1)nitl in my back kithq at excess, ,,fonts, orry, aeessive us^ of To- " entirely disappeared, my urin6 is as vicar vAN 7:b-'rLtL7k R'Gvd)1tT11lt M AriTn ! Wesk, nervous or delicate hell 4ncl ood, Opium or 8timulnnta. Malled Oil Xeelpi afford to Id cheaper rates to pflE: We Cat1 1VG' them to all. e, fns water, does not barn, is without soli- ' hna tatrnort eruct adrertire for old mtab• Nvotnon, whether nverrv`orked mentally 60111212 yhl pptam hlefe frta to d acl ®t b . 51+ 8 Int •tMl i4+ .. r ifldint, and I can reo0rrrmend livan'w Vi b, 1- td nastrt,f xehdiirtemaiela#ending. Netery Or oily dlcally, twill find nbtlnll t0 equal The Woed Coni#Attiy, WVfiYtlreotyOil%. I •, • 1V, ,+4i n year and cxpen tae, all pnyAblo iii beah. 1 r AHI .a+ M1.7.u. to fill suf erers. j o er mt+ Mdnl ttgtdred, C}[vod rdr te or r these anfl Mi bttlll t¢ OarC allyl I elrve pl is for f tl- wooals lshoal yliiQina is rmid in 17s i ham b1+ ti0lths Pf.L rite, S'•, t r self -ft gr >a +tb i .,¢CJlrtae , Aft• s their heflltb 4intl blliitYilS ,til " oarapTt, , A. A. Morrow, Z. . Da'vis, y • t •,• y,, drem .» meg"''°- COBBL Ltsm fl I their lsytitazn. A• Itboti, ria Iets, MY J.i j , anly 02%,:. .'e'1 nin`. ':'.x.... ,-'""`AISLi::rdainL 'iti'.: ea . •,;.' i..,< y {{ • v ` y, t .. ;k'. ..,L _:sr.. •a1• w. ,, ..s ,- _ ? i._, 'ti r, :..rrr s:. ,, , ii,L't,L.[I'.1_ ;'x .'i :.•. '. .. a . ib' " - 6'1.>_. , - ,, -.- . ..." ,f .5.. ; i '.,u.ilr' :;irr ti.,H.i . 3 • Ik;:. _ 0,: 1®