HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-04-19, Page 1VOL, XXIX.—NO, 15 13. WINGRAM, 9WARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 1,91 101. $1 A. YEAR. IN ADVANCE ^^^^^O%AO6.oAtMAMAAAOA%ONAAO^AAA D. SteWArt, OfTeTs or 00, 95 acres Of TazftsTri BrAsoN. MINOR LQCALS. land South of Vic. a street, suitable 41 tdstorlc —Town A. Nowtou, < for building purposes, cheap. Also 82 of Wilighilin, %N,14 Is spending a few Campbell's Headache Waters gumll� A few acres north of the railroad, at a bargain, ason for Dimp = GOD4Rroir;—There (lied it] (lays with Ill: 'he", Horace and teed_ to cure, headache. Now is the se, Jo to occur o bi o4te the lake oil -L Charles, inad 1, at ook out for the. ',a GOdPriob, oil Suf;lay Mr. W. F. Klely Monday. lie nD4 pinsters," Date sersous trouble more yet orace Newton were linalied later, with the lungs. Buildup at the age of 7ij. years, He and his fir'll'"R for perch 0 the end Of the North The oulersof1imAnow had a gawe the systeni and strep brother, the I te leo. hely no one 4; 1 When the co, illor landed a black during wnev of the Toronto street pier You can still buy time sole 0 roil thefirst week, if April. ent the lungs wid Baas of large pro rtions. It was found —The Oeat tai lig cart is being i doz. each railway. to measure 17,1J Oies and tipped the treated to cif esh coal of paint, Two good working horses and a good scale at 8�y4. poen —Goderfoh Signal, DouglassIgg land roller for sale cheap. Apply I at —One week from u -t Thursday will IG -t McLean a Son's mill ofiW, MANY DZUT —'The grim reaper, Colored Oups, iPl a- I be the first day for tro b fishing. ralatable A LATtoE ANXiAL60,00no of the largest death, has been my in •Whigham and Owen Sound ma follow Wood - Saucers and Plates animals that h.s been delivered in 'vicinity during 0 Past NVEek, Six — E,Mulsdon '60 DAY U I stooh'a lead and becoat a city, > Winglinin. for sane time, was delivered deaths have oc.".. r od, in this locality ver '> during, t-lieweek, being—Mrs. U. Shark —Miss Houghton wil bo14 one of her of Cod L' > by Fred Hardiii, of Culross, on Monday fog- I �o and3ohnWatch in Wilignam; john Popular concerts early) ext mouth. Oil. W115- h 3 Of this We0k. b was a fat bull that Salter and Wil H, James in East —Thos, Armstrong 'J, weighed 1980 p - I and Was only 2 8 a supply of ""a it years and 10 moil"s old .0. Wawanosh; h1r.- . Michael Donnelly in lime at his store -house Hyposph B. Me �t tile C. P. R. ites Donald was the b yQr. Hubbard Cornell, (;Iear*n Or i doz. each b West Wawanosh and —It is expected th 20,00() feet of White Cups, Saticers and a former resident of led grallolithlo walk will it is fresh and the best on the, Bluevalo, who died A few. t4onsand dollars of prIvAte at Guelph. e 'Ald in Tees, market. Plates for $1,40. fands to., loau on good security at 5 per water this summer, cont Tom or large Wn�hApply to J. A. Morton, Barrister, I WEST HUf ON LICENSES. •- —Robt. Maxwell, - is having his The old Williams stand. ",Dlub" am. $ bottle, Can't house on Job" street re-rhinglod and THr, ' NEW iai-r ScAms.-The The West Hur License Commission- otherwise improved, Executive Comm I tee of thb Town ars met at Clintio on Tuesday to con- -John Campbell h a sold his house $ R., A. DOUGLASS > Council inet on T esday evening and alder application, There were 33 for Prop. Ki' A. Far: harson accepted the tender If the Gurney Scale hot and lots oil Catlierin street to Aukon $ $ Now has come the harvest I > Co., of Hamilton, f, -r the supplying of els and 2 for I ps. Three werii left Dulmage, of Lakelot G. W. W. Office. time for Bargains. In order to HOUSID 0 over for farther c itsideration. That of $ $ > two weigh scales. -11io scales have been S, Pike, Wavel.ly 0 se -Principal Musgrt ve was sick for A I House Clinton, was few (lays this week c jad unable to take I redlice our stoct: to make room < Opp. Bank of ganii1ton. ordered and will be -iut in the yards of not granted owing o insufficient popula• I. I the G.T.R. and OX -R. without f is place at the scho,)l. for spring arrivals, we will Or tion. his deputations wereprosent For Photographs delay. The shower of XaIn. this wee place oft S -,.de' f0r, the next .6o .-W. Prondfoot in %�ho futerests of the, w=eir was that please -days, our lame and well as- WAXTi�D.-One ton of utter *vVeel;:- Martin estate for a icense for out, of the welcomed by the rmers and pthers. 9 1Y. Eggs 120, We , 500 bushels of SaItford hotels; a deputation from Gode- Many cisterns were fry. home grown timothy nd clover seed for sorted stock, at sale. G. E. WiNa. 310h protesting agai est license for Salt- -Two special tr a left Toronto on f-ro to GROUG9 Me=, NZIE, Wingliam. HOTET, Biunlirm V hotel at Liticelpt ford hotels'aud that of B. Saults and M. Tuesday with ab t 800 colonists for J. Milton Graham, e Fair; also a Whit, church deputation and the St. cc, to t�_ on was burn nd early Tues- tion Manitoba and the with a petition of 21' names, asking that t -J. M Swarts tl is week sold a fine StUdio. Absolu'e 'ost day =Oraing of th' week. IkU,. and Star Pboto Mrs. Alex. MoGrog r, formerly of Wing- no license be grantei: to John McDonald. toam of driving �craes and buggy to 33eaver Block, Wingliam. andmany lines ham, were occupy' g the hotel and had Ali these matters wi .1 be considered at. Win. Bishop, of K-qcgrcline . . not much time t ape from the bur all adjourned meetin I, to be hold on the J. W. Snell an 1 family have moved Orders invited for enlargements and. GENERAL IUAL NEWS. ing building. y all of the contents, 24th last. The licen as granted were:- to town and �VR1 =1 copy Jas. Slemiu,a duplicates. were destroy I he many friends'of Wiagbam.-Alfred Hoe, Mrs. M. Dins- building on Joseph ne street. See Halsov.Park's advertisement. Mr. e regor 0 ley, J, Carr, J. F. awaTts, L. W. Belowu'dst.., wil- � sorry to hear of -Nearly all the census enumerators -No l.Wv cases o smallpox have de, Farinters and others needing good his I sas. Th a all insurance of Hanson. mthisvicinityliavt returned their lists veloped at Clinton, dthe young lady, seed potatoes •�ctzii be supplied by Hanna, $700. G oderich-J. Mill c r, Thos: Tilt, GOO. to the census cam . as . Miss McRoberts, is suffering froix. & Co at 25o a bushel or 85c per bag. Buxton, Wm. oraig, B. Swarts, Michael On Pat McDevitt, of tbe disease is recove n - No matter what your needs Five excellent building lots for sale, Farr. -It is said thaIr. Zer' -i our line, you can A LAnGr, EGG. a Saturday last, a on corner of Patrick and Francis streets. know, has ref d an offer of as beem' Barred Plymouth Clinton -Jos. Rat;enbury, Jas. Uc- Luc know be it ,00 -A new baraw oi�' floor h buy oak hen belonging to Apply to R. Vaustone, Wingliam. for his fast trotti ware, Amelia. laid in the hallway 'the Queen's hotel. them' during this sale at Gavin Davidson, f the Jun Gnire, John McCaT hey, R. Grahara, I Junction laid 'rho verandah to th south of the house, greatly reduced prices. MALITi& CHAwzars.-Tho following Chas. Milne. -John A. 110L n has purchased the one of the larges eggs that *6�; have appeared under he head of "malitia Blyth -Henry Jam -,s and Mrs. Francis property next t the National Iron is also being repair= heard of this Sousa The egg measur- changes" in the Laily papers on 'Mon- Mason, WOACS PrOperty,", om.T. J. Kerr. -We are sorry t, 'reporb that Al . ax. 33/4 inch= ed I" x IX/ 1 1, dry: -4 The follo-Wrig badge and motto 'Ashfield -W. J. 31 iuntain and Mrs. J. -A t Ill Ritchie is tanin oil e sicir, list. He has &,p oods l t"flv in troupe presented LiuE FOR SALE, On and or 22nd of to be adopted by4�2e 88rd Huron Regi- Mallough, of Dung muon: A., Young ­Peckls-13,.4�30y ill the Opera House bean ill for-tli past week with i1x- April -1 will have'lime o sale at the -Ment arm author zed: A triangular and James McDonalL. of Kintail; Rich. on flilinmation of the wels. P. at kiln, lot '33, con. 8" Th t'Wawaliosh. Itk vveel;, To make. a final clearing out of our 0 shield bearing tli(. insol4pti6n, Huxou,,Delong, Port Albert. 4160 A*?B 14, '-W. J. Little, o Luch-naw, has'teeu, QA*?Br Mry, Goods, w0*111 offer them at '50 W Regiment. e -A snowstorm i i Manitoba on Mon - 00 86d: , Jbis shield surround- Colborne—Wm. rGT ier, Dunlop; N. appointed clork of 120 Eleventh vivisiolk To Ti= DnAF.-,d rich lady', oured ofday interfered ver� much with seeding, the clollar; for every fifty cents you ex- ed, -except oil lop, Ze% wreath of ma le G. Bo83�,Ow. we are act;oally giving her Deafness and Noises in the Head by lea l I vCourt of the Coun y of Bruce succeed- rucceea- �pend in this line, r t stopping it entirely*in many places. loaves and 'U'la, d by a man's arm Hullett-Thos. Hi Londesboro; Alex you a dollar: so come along with the Dr. Nicholsons Artificial, Bar Drums, Ing David B. For er, res ihied. 1crowd and take advantage of this grout gave 25000 dollars to his Institute, so that grasping an axe, f to crest of the county Robertson, Auburn' -The mo be th town band m Z L :the were 60 day Sale. of Huron. Be tcath the shield and entertained by MrJud, Mrs, Chas. W. -The . "Peck" Ba.AL Boy" rompany., deaf' people unable to procure the Ear Shop Licenses—BIOS, Boll, Clinton serol 1, with motto 'Sp=in Itigles, at their he on Tuesday even- , that was in WiL, last last week has dis- Drums may have them free. Address, wreath a a I . and W. Saults, Gor--arich. This is a CASH S8113, The Nicholson Institute, 780 M I sitecessus alit. The whoIe above t' he —_ . i 1) gy. banded. The lnst place they played'. work 'Canada' uneriieath scroll." TOWN C3UNCIL. -D. M. Gordon is the sole agent in was in Stratford on Saturday inight. Farm Fr6daeo taken as cash. Avenud, New York. - I r 25 pieces of now black dress goods just A special meeting- of the Town Coun- Wingliam. for the .'iUionll brand boys? Owing toth#' crowded condition or See our window of hi el . Sailors. opened. Nicest over seen intown. Did oil was held on Met day evening. -Iqe - clothing. Read mno,nucoment else- our advertising I Us e have beem w Styles numerous; most sive, in compelled 'o Out part of the Blue - yon see our embroderies, and insertions pel�s., to le,, v cm B. KhTG. 0 hers all present , except Councillor where. ,4,at 6o a yard. H, 'N & Co,ale nice audgither matter. Dirsr) nq GunLpn ubbarA Cornell, Newton. The in :sting was called by -The Holstein Dairy has aOded a DnLTn or Mus. OK!tr anoill. the Mayor to cons der the proposal of separator to their plant and can now -BIr. Duhnn e, Lakelet, has sold cart=e JEpOJ u0mu, �py_.. I an old resident of vicinity of, Blue - vale, dlqd at Guelph,on Wednesday of nes of several me the C),ation, Janet Jas, A. Cline 4r . )o. to pay off the offer clarified nai to the people Of I his general sto business at that, place this week, Mr, Co=ell, Was in the 74th Caldwell, belOve wife of U. Sherk, mortgage, held by t me town on the plant Wingl�am. and will move ingliant. He was in_ town on Wed �s ay looking for a house. year- of his age. Th� funeral takes place passed peacefully ay' at on of tiae Union farnitAria factory. - �The Ladies' id Society of the Issued by Victoria street, Friday evening , yr.Axx p_k,1,Bnsox,Xo. from the Bluevole )kation this (Friday) J. A. Morton war, )resent and spoke in Baptist church wil hold n, social lie%t J. J. Elllmt; V. S., shipped a, car trest,Winahain,Ont. Nowitnessasrequired. afternoon to the Bl-iavale cemetery,."` f last week, d 37 years and behalf of the Union Furniture Co. Tuesday evening in tho church. of horses to Xi i-ston las', week. Thoy- I _4018 days, tile Ad-, t: T. H. Ross is the )3iolasive dealer Sr A commuuicacion-vas read front, mission, loc. will be used b, the moniNErs of D. bat-, '1"1"t''`..... .......i•'§...... 4.414 the good diambnd, iompered-in-oil. plow ffi*90�d%hd Canada Furnitur- Manufacturers, -Geo. Allin and fai ily, of London, eery. 11s alsm' received a car lead of points, They ar 3 the same price as di She had been.a: Limited, expressing hair willingness to horses 1^om 0-i evilleon Irldaynight. W I are t of Win I and Vicinity all take over the mortgage on the same moving to Win ham. Mr. Allen -We 1, last week when, "e. , _tng cheap ones. resident -1 array I has accepted it sitr*Ation as enginee" at r ell and "Overlast- 14 ing Fus9ll win BUMDING O1`X4A.T1ON$,,,VBnilding her life and 'was 13 respected by a. terms as the Union *wilituifoo. we said it Maso, to "'At Home" 'would be 4. 11 Bu4neaki Xnowled + i I Boll's factory. + aerations are botmad to lo; biisk in. largo circle of Erie a. ' A husband and L. Dickinson, Ilb-wh solicitor, in a held oil Friday venbt-, April 26th. W& + -In the last Do-millioll general rlec- n Wingliam this summer. The workmen five young clan . ght are left to mourn. communication, gai)' his opinion that now undorstaiic t1inttho entertainment + are now busy layiu,%, the cement founda- the 1089 Of a IOV!h ther Council could not le 'ally discharge the - tion 952,406 votes ivere polled In the r.+ tionstor the National Ron Worksbtffld- and -will have the a mpa Is Win- mortgage. general election of 11,06 the total vote I bits been postpo .ed uutil a laver ante, polled was 835,000. ,-Burchill & Robertson and D.'R, lugs. F. Gu a, of Seaforth, -who inanity in their tio., 'he funeral d thbri it was moved by ancillor Moil, oo, McDovalld oan, �h;ppod it car 10ad of It has paid oth&ri; to attonEl the is doing the'stone d brick work on �the took place to the Win gla cemetery seconded by Council :)r Holmes, that th& -Goo. Day, NvLn was working at cattle I to Toron, on 'Monday, W. F., Methodist church as commenced this on Tuesday aftern 'n. Canada Furnitur! Manufacturers, Beattie Bros. livery, fell through a hole VaaStono ship d *­Jladble-ock car + r' the Union In, I load of hogs to T oi� , , yl . , + Central Business College, Week to got thiligs readiness for the .1-1. Davis has $8,000 or 84,000 of private Limited, be substitt -,ed . for the bay left. last Saturday morning ilk; b stone work. SO Ritchie intends to funds to loan on good farm security at Furniture Co., of ' Augham, provided and broke his' arm. Stpatford, Ont. + build a dwelling ouse on his lot on lowest rates. No inspector's fees, + I they enter into an greement satisfao- -R, N. Thnrtell, who for.twenty-five + + Centre street, north of the Presbyterian IV= Assrsson's Rom. 4. a tory to this Coun�cil.: -Carried. years conducted a -!.rug store at Toes. Ind It Will PUY 7011- 0111' StudentS Urn + ft or Will hafil's Leadillb- ;eMftrlu,1)1y iMcec,4,&,Ll in securing and + church property. he stone work has 1�oubill has about co apleted _z a Council then ad; of tined. water has sold his usineaq to Mr. Do b 13 Store., holding (,xcellent 14ituationS. Be careful his rot — in -Liseleetioll Of a school. Ex -stud. + been=commenced pi the new dwellings the year 1901 and w"Elve been able to Long, Of Tilsouburg + 4 of other b_ €+ colleges nve 110'W --- to be built by J. G. Stewart, Win. Eli In attendance at Our 1,01001. Colheto + secure the following - formation. Moro Rich Clegg, Nvb ) had a very severe YJ this OolloqO and NVO %Vill lanvantee to t � I - `1V -­-..I.A ­O..J I adness 0 t hand in the E illness is nosy t) be around again C11"fe horonahly prepare you or business I will be a busy seas afgy Nicholson and *W. 1. Rintoul. This 'n R lon ,Vill b near I THE: N Eu'r life, We (Jeal in fronnine, business oda- .06or the masons and future. The total a sessment for 1001 is and able to attend Fo business. His SH I � F11 Anilz� catiou, wo have nothing to (10 with the carpenters. •1,#Wr DE .sham, article. $605,037 as compar with $667,614 for many frionds are eased to see him AM T les 1900. Aswill be a, this makes an in- around again. btudOnts admitted at any tiln.0. AMY W!e hava given lad' Nyoxt door to .most GfIlica. t kid gloves our best attention, We crease of *38,8U in a total assessment 0,6 handle the gloves from the celebrated -10. MoLagau,, �ditor and proprietor + W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. of .the town. TI large inovease'in + French maker, Emil Powny & Co. All 4 - ­— .— . © OR of the V�ncotivor AV )rid, died on �Ved- sizes from 5ya to 7VA, HANes,raoul X�e! Ill be Welcome news for ........ 44++ UEN nesday of last wcoK Mr. MaLagan. Co,00' y ratepayers its It sho*d be the means of W ,J OLD REqzDr,,VT IDUI 8 it n da was at one tinio eonneoted with the lowering the rate of 5axation, The in - Wit. dont 0: Guelph Moremy �we Olititor Now Bra. Ittat, John ) kd Dirm 11.1 BRAIDOX.-Mr. A. De '%f" ,ares 0' Wing" crease is accounted -or in many Ways. IL V tcbL ora•barrister of ham for a number - years, died at his A number of impro !ements have been Roy Smyth" tho :1 nior in the T Nms Brandon, Manitob,, died in that . lat city oil home on aosophill street, aged 81 years made during the pami year and we hope CHILDHOOD office has boon ill for the past two Weeks r. Watehei? had been and 0 months. with quinsoy. We tiro pleased to learn Swiday of heart h9litri), Mr, CamOrOn that in another your we will again Soo A, has blighted Ill NO th an attack f Is, grippe, but, had ho is on the mend art -1 will resume his ,was born in Stahl -9' township and was a large increase. Th , population is given apparently recove , when pleursey, got many lives duties at this office =6 Monday morn - law student In aha office Of Messrs. its 2192, an increase )f only 0. This is in. He was one orthe older settlers in ing, Godorielt, in the not as large all increase as we would like EYE5 because N Camorou& Garrc!v, of the township of Tir,nborry and lived in �.YAMINED A depatation trot t Iluton and Brneo earlysoventies. , Its went to London to have seen. One ;Food reason that can that township a =Abor of. ars 'before- the pain caused Waitedapon Mt. Me :�oaj� general pas. Iroln Goderich all 11. completed the study moving to Winglia, it. is wife pro- be advanced in this --lirection Is that we i FREE Of law ill the OMC3 of Messrs. Croup & have not snilloieA dwellings in the thereby sengor agent of G. T. R., at Toronto last. Martin. After his call to the bar, lie 41peoued him i �0 a ago. He \Vag town to a0comiodat � those Who 'would week, to klitilm arrangmionta with him vraoticed in Han)"Ition. Hon, Clifford agethodist in rel�gioil and 0, Conser• like to reside in tosyl. We know of Praduoes for the J-ulio e-murail to the 'Ontario 019ton was one 6f Mr. Caraoroll 'is law Vaiva in politics. 'Te was a man highly, 'f6milles Who are I �Aiding In Eltievalo an aver3lon to Agricultural. College !A 'Guolph. Will, TAdiest Favorite Shoo. respected by a larg� circle of friends, And Bals., But -toil, 01forda, in patont l4artnevs fir That dolls Mr, Cameron leaves agrowu up Talnily of sons and and BolgraveI wh is the 110aid of the study. Robertson Was prosen.; from Wingham, leather, vice kid, and Dongola. Beet W" very papula, � and was it diligent , daughters to mour t his domise. The families are worl'ng in Wiligham., rt his Kerr, had Lie misfortune to thein. Special value. 'r 'Ve How rive, all 1*11wtu show ad lawyer. !"Ab Student and a ;elikre This summer short d see this diflioulty The backweed ehllcttott aft= rLhis Itneo very se;erOly Oil VridftY bought of le". funeral took J)Iato b the 131tievale came, OP AM TIMES r r m License o Oil Tile, a a p - C ,aide, .3y H�w 'thou' f ng 0 L'Is, utter we of a 500 b �'.bel' "lover seed -ile thl 'OCea _ r ocupy e t E )r w e 0 Cher W�el) 's 0, Blo-o"V To rJo4kX.-Iloney to loan On tato' on Tuesday af,-ornooki, serviee being removed as ti, 1mr-L'O number Of 110W hp on the uhsocoettftl ffigin, aftoTnOon'"' `0 'ng a 1-ticit Tt-raiks ana Vallaus thmp,. Rethodist church. r uO_ fit *hic Mita, lete-,) When goteg, alitl notes Oiseounted at reason, held in tho:aluoval houses are now wid, way of coustr & to vi�ee Hai as lnultl Able rater, AT011ey' advanced oli'mort- tion. J, E,, DAVI S"', the bammot ram=, dhwn oil the knee. 94;08, With pri'vilego of paybig at, the Romembor the of reliable spot for the we J* U R E E R fl. vad 'a and accounta good plow rop4lra. Tompored in oil band; d6wil Ile Was colifine(I to Its roma for aeveriii Of any year, 1400 ORUOMST ANtY OPTICIANo tlays is now ab collected. , office-41mver Block, Wing- plow k0pairs Milan prices, to, old lwiea; served in all sty with. styles at Id to be about ISOM LOCAL AGENTS POR 'ROUT. maxi'moo. T. 11, Ross. JAS. U6,Kramuls. WINtINAM, tho niaof 'CrIU0110414le sk" wr�w, W . ..1