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The Wingham Times, 1901-03-29, Page 8
W[�TGIIAM TiAIES MARCH 99, 1901, TH-E • rAll p'ool's day neurit Monday, A parsonage to cost fr2,000 is being DR., AG FF Wt ' M* H% ^-Good Friday a Nveek from. to -day. erected in connection. with St. 'Josepwa Physician, Surgeon, etc, - RQguIer monthly anebtiuit o£ rows .'church at Clinton cines•-1lsc lonald knock, ovem� 4, i1, nR9iet I?START rut*Store, iitlhtcalfisanstvcreda►tkhgs�ill!,. MCIND00 CoRmicil4m# i4ioncltLy eve3#1mig11eXt.WANTRD,-Capabl0rellablepersontaeverQt, Tho spring xnillimloiy opo##linings Aro 'rattitYy to ret,rewtztt '!merge company of Boli WALKER BROS, & BUTTON housekeepill��,. We •earl help you furnish your house hand - WWI; field today and to -morrow. auancialreps aper $y osalnrY or year, naY• '" ctbloweekly $0 per day aiaFalutc:�yaure.anc3rtil sorrel u.t little cost rxpemtsc'A straight, haus ado, deAniYesairory, uHt?RTAKER, WINGHAM. y " NEW -- ibis v eeb tl . H. luras gees#ted a o eanzu sOii�� dv`aneCpal44 &cit �vPek tt8T N .I�iaht calls at BtAttoa Block, or Fifth ear load of oats and a oar load of barley. a'`l�D 110 S1f.�i>3i Dm Anvmmmr tiT., CxTcnao. door acttth of aobcol klouae. S4#opo . k k Dress Goods _Ou llarch 2i, Bili8, wheat sold on posite Macdonald block'. E R Ar !. %e Loudon Market at $1.60 to 41.05 per • btrslZel,WATE . VIOLIN AND GUITAR. small amount of money will buy a large amount of handsome Goods. —The regular meeting of Court Unit- , >�Iss CARR1R >�oortza and well -made furniture. What you save on furniture ur-. QQ laud, C, O. F. will be held this (><riday) of Loudon, Canservatory of Music, will be pre- .tll}d a51 g 1 W ! # aacAAftet•Oct. Ist to receive alimitednttm• chases from Lis would start a fair-sized eceimmnr.�,Q 1�aui� ��r QQt �Zer of pupils for instruction ext Yiolizm and If you are undecided what -W, G. Gray lists valuable aces on GResi . t4 get for your new Easter and Friday last. The Cause of death was Now is your tin o arrange the coxa- Residence--oppositeR,C, plturch, Ningltara. �1 �e ��ff �� ACCOUN ria Outft conic and et a mill: fever, pletinu of your 'ells. I`T0corixuptiou����������+E��Y. B�y1 cat# colae iu contact with the water d-7, .11 faint from our stock of Dress -Samuel, Walker, of the Gth line of supply. Can drill and case in old wells... --^ { Goods. `Yell are sure to See Morris had 8b little chickens hatched Guarantee water and first-class wort., UISS SARA LOUISR MOORS, L.C.N. For further information apply to X. G, and member of the .Associated Musicians of , sonaf'tllln� liege t0 suit your cut last week. STI�W &W, Winglaamn, or Ont�trzo, is prepared to receiver limited wim- Parlor S(iiteS-- Sorl'le t�.l2tcl�lzln� �?riceS ytTill l7e CitiQ�ed Ili ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in fancy. �'Sre 1111Irt: the variety '-Henry Tolton, one of the pioneers Theor . R week or so. of t11, Guelph district, died at Wedker. $, STRO ME, spe&latteution given to pupils preparing of cloth that fashion leaders foreacaminatiana, ton on Saturday. FOrdiriCil P. O., Out. D�slaence--vpnoattp l�. O,Clzuroh, kyingham. i are dttnliitldtiTg, All the latest -The members of C.ttnp Ct}I©dosis, BALL T5 0 and desirable colors and quali- S, U, S. will held their regular meeting New Insolvent Act. ties in Homespuns, Camel on Monday evouinn rvxt, i t The time has arrived fox- we to slake an as - Hair, E n a tsh Cavert S Llitin s, —,Tames NeXurchie, of Blyth, has been Hignment for tits benefit of myself. The saving banks ray only three per cont., while I am pre 'a T L� p T Ar! , appointed cleric 4i tl#q twelfth division aged to a 10 to to cents on the dollar more 4J N1J.Lt.r TA 14a gyp �Tv•-- I Z ears radtical experience en a ,French Broadcloth, Black Silk pP1aK pp pay Y P l court of the county of Huron. liras others aro doing, twice a year i, all Brocades. parties requiring boots and shoes re }aaroct. All allies us to guarantee satisfaction. —Wedding invitations and visiting Lire made welcome to call and find what can be saved at the oldest established shop in town. BALL, EASTERCLOVES cards are printed neatly and at lout*ost 'What enables me torepair boots and shoes neat LUTHER BALL Funoral Director. possible rices at the Txs office, Ravin leased the QPin hairs T'lax and cheapest in the county is I live rent free i p p g audhave no dread of the baililf. All parties Residence ---Patrick St„ BuyBu our Easter loves at -,Toseph Churchill of Harlook has Mill, I am prepamed to furnish seed owingivtllplensecallandsettletheiraccounts 112r. (aracey S late residence. y p at once, anc all parties in Wingliam or in the this. store and you are Sure rented a fares. near Wingham, and is to all parties w110 are. desirous of Demi:tion, havini,>c laia,sagatnsttne ~viii ablt�o J'— T s � -� �^ - _ ___ —__.. _ _ — _-- �.-.,....._ rowin flax. A su i v of seed has )my n'esenit R their accounts as their cash s that the Styles and colors are moving Lis family thereto this week. g PP' ready. A fety steps west of Swarts' $otel. been left at T. A. Mills store, where 'victoria fit. THOMAS ABRAHAM. +®p0�0OOQ+�00+0�000OmO�mD r00*Ag4�`ONO��+��OfA009�0+�® correct Gild up-to-date. `�!e -J• J. Homutli has said his Eli and a + p the same villi b' delivered. + ♦ never had a. better collection quarter acres of land ou the Bluevale + road to Win.. J'olinston of Turnberr I will ply X10 lief ton •fol first- road il'st of gloves. ''' class flax delivered at the mill. BULL FOR SERVICE, � �� ' • ; �' --T. Hall, of the Advance attended Parties having good sod land to SPRINSPRING p� �n �j•�• the meeting of the Grand Council of rent will tease eouimntxnicate with G MAN 4 LES P The undersigned will keep for service on Lot the C. O. G. P. at Hamilton this week. the undersigned. of, Con, i?, East Wawtmnoali, the thototghbred $ Ir Somethingver' choice in t3hortins—bull,"LOrdRoberta." }' -tiv. G. Gray has decided to go into r-•;, Tezuts F1.50, .A.MOS �. IPT1+1.NG, JOHN REIla. + �e nt;1v' Srrin� Ilan[les dust open- the teaming business and is now par- _ _ . _ .,•,� a asin the necessary horses: wagons l�iinghiltn. - ed this week. h g y , - — �' •—.. _ __ _. ....._ .._ _-__.�' qp I� p �p q WAISTS •� etc. FAR I �O NEW SHIRT 4� AIS i S --Lett & sturdy have purchased a : SARDINE, prepared. with ins Salad Oil Z e and anyone having live stock or other O new 'bus and, in the near future will / articles they wish to dlspose of, should adver• + a You are sure to see the very have _t running to and from the Wiling- Am tise the same for sale in the Tufts. Our lar e 4 5(, each. latest stvles in our stock Of a �, Wells eiiettiRtiontells and itwillbestrangeindeed if + imam stations. ou do not Ret acustomer. We can't gtutrantee r} Shirt '�+TalSt$. First choice. _ hat you will sell because you may ask more i* e� -W, F. Vanstone shipped a car load for the article or stook than it is worth. Send ¢ CANNED BEETS in ¢7` 1b, tins, 10C .such. + your advertisement to the Tions and try this �I illr✓S �� �Bl�� of ho,s to Toronto on Monday. Burchill The undersigned have purchased all . plan of disposing of your stock and other P > Sped& Robertson shipped a car load of cattle the necessary machinery for drilling articles. ' New Carpets and Curtains. to the city the &`,Line day. Artesian Wells and are. prepared to do s - + �T®�` Ci�Sr�` r'�',���� s' S jl� �J �E l"®g• roast,,meats all kinds of work in that Lino, SHE -RIFF S SALE OF IAN®u New Laces and Embroid- W H. Kerr, of file Brussels Post + cries. has written a column of neSvsy notes on Any person wanting work done in our -- Canadian Forestry, which will be found line will leave word at W, Gannet's Ln- co'UNTY or, HURON,) + cho- S cutlets and steaks, 1.OL' per bottle. Tetiv Suits and Spring plement shop. Byvirtnoof a writ e �• f> p a on another page of this issue, To WIT: S of nori facias issued + y� out of Her Majesty's Hish Court of Sustice in ! Overcoats. y W. A. CURRIE. b' on and award and to � TOMATO C&TS''�Pqt. tittles 20c each. -The man friends of Postmaster the matter of ar ztrati ''$ New Hats, Shirts Collars Fisher will be sorry to learn that he illDAVIDSON.n dmreme and delivered against the lands � � ry WM. DAS and tenements of lamas' Leech at the suit of $ ` I confined to his home with imtfiamLmatien .Toseph Leech putsuant to submission dated + s and Ties. Sune25tdi,lit95t, (have seized and taken in es d New in h `iKnee. We ho a he may be able station alltho right, title, interest, and equity 4 �+� �j SATURDAY GARCAINS p of redemption, of the above named Tames + � Maple Syrup O te about again at an early date. �pplt�8 CQir0a1 �Q©i; �Q111pCQ?3Cl Lemli, into and out of. the following lands and + Embroider Bargains. Thimises viz•, cots 50, 60 Nand. the easter- + _ }T gOn Feb. iG HenryAl"H. Ansley diad at Is, successfully used monthly by over two-thirds of lot No. 149, running + S'+ n �a -�•+�a /,� 0.000Ladies. Safe,efteetual. Ladiesask ntunbers, all in the 'village of Gorric, in the ♦��"��•1'P'•�-t•T�•� •�•�•is one of tilt; embroidery snaprtier, near Kingston, aged 82 years. your druggist for cook's Cotton Root Com- C 01-11 of Huron, and Province of Ontario, as + e for Saturday. 2000 ds. Em- He was a brother to Jno. Ansley, a -pound. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and laid down in a registered plan of said village + e i y imitations are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 per by Wm. bolt, P. L. fi. Which lands and tone broider worth Sc and z 0c. Wmgham, and this is time first break, z box; No. x,10 degrees stronger, 0 par box, o. meats I shall offer for sale, at my office, in the a }� r n L or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two.8•ceat Court House in the Town of Goderich, on Very choice designs. Saturday a family of r sons and daughters, sta�mpps. The Cook mompany �L'indsor, Ont. `l'tiesday , the'3i .teeutl-x day of Apzil, 1901, at a y g�Nos, i and 2 sold Ana recommended by all tjio holo of twelve of the clack, noon. t�✓Pa) �d' i l m., ru�is e u+L'Saa + C Profs the Toledo Bee of Sunday last, rsspbazsibie Druggists Lu Canada. R. G. REYNOLD'fi, + r Ze at Fye learn that A. J. Snell, forixterly of shoriii, Huron. + {' „ t amvbell, Druggists. by A L S store in that C opened i ynew millinery ga:nsiton, T• L. Davis, A -A. bforrow, Qt,44q p+¢¢ 4444+044+4+b4if 4,x C•*41.'►+++4040+44>d+0+b0++a r a a u h Colin A Sheriff's Office, (oderteh, � Tan. 5, I£Ol. N o.1 and No. 2 aro sol in Wing m ed Mme. Jennette, of ]'Tete T ork as his head finer.' r MINOR LOCALS. � On Wednesday, W. Pattison was10 MINOR delivering stone from the G.T.R, station Campbell's headache Wafers guaran to the Wingham. Marble Works, when teed to sure headache. ! one of the stone fell on his foot, Beverly �r�m ('� �':�� L��_ .�.• ' --Several of our merchants have put ,;,h;.., ;'- °� ^•�• ,i{ I — . �.,.�.�. �--•-�--Il--^" 1-. - Crushing the foot. TIr. Pat •},,son will. be s� r - c ..: F y .=i,l ' "•1 , fi _�'`; u their awtlin s -a assn of Spring. �: mm/^ �u 9• ` c �., up.their s laid up for some days. -- x? . _'G(t;F> !� 7i -Mildmay spring show is to be hole. ft. 4i f•r�, l - - _) (t K�!r a -We have received the minutes of - -"= t" on April Iith, N®R �Lfmst WalyanoAh council bnL forlael; of'XTho Brussels Post sa s that Jas. Iy aceare coma, elled to hold them over Williamson and family talk of remov- until P Weis issue. This township council _ ' �""' i ; • _ - Ni .Je,�.-„+F n,•c. a;- i, �{, .�....T, =;r """"•' •,�T' r . 'v""= r iii yl lug to Wini,ham. has purchased a road grader from the ` -w r �ti[leJt °�• I „ �, �ix 1'� c( r '',"'"j•r.. I�I11,�a Tho Young, Laalies fortnightly Sawyer -Massey Co., of Hamilton. - „ni.-' l , •] r?' r , , T Y• w•_. I - Club will mimet '11unda evening* Aril '. a ` ��I p,; iy.•_ a ' s T - t ,rh,� (' jl• ! - f ' y �� p -•-The season for horse bills is naw at � s �`+�` W- _ '�' �`-�-����-` - ist, at the honto of Miss Sparling. ," =� ,. I _ hand. Horsemen in need of work in v *, �� ;•:�. `,..� - _ -:,,� �^ �%�., ��••- -'�- �-��- 1. It is said that the powers of either this line will do well to leave their orders -Wim, man or woman are developed five -fold at the TniEs office. We have a largolif by working with a life -companion `rho stock of the necessary outs, etc, and our •� �• `" is iu entire lmarnnony. The ideal wife as price will be found as low as the lowest.. `-� � -,�.,- ;. �'3, - � �--- -_ --- -- i .:,,.- _vffi§___ Y a rule has it in her power to make the -_ ideal husband. What constitutes the For over fifty Years• .____• _ I��,•„, c _ d' o ami estremel An Old and Well-Tilod. omedy-ltlrs ' �� - m `r ideal trife 1.4 15 ussed iu y _ --�- -_- -'- table ;mrticls I} Lavinia Hart in the A ri1 Wanslotv's Soot hinguTrap fins beennsed i _;�r =' Y p fox over fifty yyears bi*i}aillioiaAoi mothers - x - Cosmopolitatl, far tlieir chi area tivhiloteothivrt, v:ith "'' perfect success. It soothes the chilu - `; g� $" Pe, twanty-fom years vapo-Cresoletze Lias p , ' --- -�-_ �`, - _ �_ - w --- - - _ seftefas the gains, allays all pain, cares ,. ' ��. �,b. _ � - - _ been cetens"Mly used for all forms of throat and c _ - wind colic, asci is the best remedy for �- btonchial troublm All Druggists. - bg dfiunc�ea. It is pleasant to the tasted-" ���r '�-=_ ""--� _ _ -x� -•" � "�"�.. A meeting of tha young people of the Sold b r dri:ggists in Ove ry part of the �-- �-- worlcl. Tlvquty-five centsabottie. Its " - �- = '�'�`t v V`{�` 7 �"� >F'resbyteizaT# church was held in time Rwr value is incalculable. 730 sure you ask lecture roots of time church on Monday for kits. Winslow s Soothing Syrup, and '•`•tea=�-`• - evening, for the purpose of discussing take no other kind. the question of purch*ina a pipe organ. It wits unanimously decided to begin •• at Children Cry for conic y galas funds for that purpose. e I u scoter was formed of which all the young people of the col}gregation are � . DOWN. considered members. The first meetin 111.1 X. In Ports -v la i'rairle, Man., on Will be held on the evening of Thuisclay, tareh 10th, tine wifo oK3c1 n Car myti, formerly N-A'"I"TONAL .April 4th. Au interesting am Sviil of Wingham; a daughter. _,,• Hiro»smt�.vFS.—Ia Morris, o•z March xKth to be presents 7 unci refresilmeitts served. ASr. and Mia, Brnd�hnw, twin lana. Both cited IrX, __ ri . t fallawingaay. ttm:T.T.t pmt -oncon. C TutnbPrry, on Priday, PV ,the wife of�a4r, Ale= l rellick of a (MCORPORATED VNDM O'�TTARIO • COMPAI�TIBS ACT.) Mar O - QC op sen ovimT,•-.1a Win,4haid, o 22nd, the ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS; VO[,YNDeIRS AND. MACH I1�lI5TS- f,, w *.bf Robt. Worth t to Dc iTciA tb, �ho ifo f C)}ia(Bluerale tt Bodin) ti De* I o- � Sale CanArlian Manufacturing Agents for The Glenflold-1%tmody Cloy, Ltd., itilmarnock, Scotland. M MAit1lti7l:,11' .._.. _1_..._."__...._,____. ...-•___. - -.-V_ ._...�.__. _..__ • 7'Asf rs Me >7rrrsiian fast concerns t�utry �A>,�-t!Cc7bGVAm:»,••••On March 14th, at ilio , mortal. whether it is better to be AAl f illy ret , - oe of Mr. Joseph Talipes-, brothet••in•laty SANK81;5. AiIYfITOt25, SON,iCI1ORS, netvovs, Worn otJty or td be avelt, strong, Oft bride, by iter, it 8, cF. Anderson, Mn 'chtrtrfuf Arid rr. efar. ix Ran to Miss Annie af(1Doxm d, all of CAXADYAX BAlrtt OV CO,.VXr1tCla, G"i,AltitsOlri bR(IS ?'he ixtttr oohditr"o oscter, S `'13'O'ivA•N `� itdss- ' lGr P I •1i on M rel "Citi 'W. tube yours Ir you oke ifo0d' 4 �"Anap Att••• ORTtt .T.-- n , ori ms. , a i t, by Rev D. Rogers, Mr. Fla ry ear to Miss, JOHN GALT, G. E, (%M. E., WILLIAM C. BULLOCK, A s, Atnerfcx s a e0etsf.I Wd 7i�ealfCiitC, .&aporw t,n110Y Morris fA a •i81tC#Airtg 2gCr8i fn' if.. >IATXTOX--ToTTrrr —At the• rcaidcmeo of thn i<'ttLSY>13Rbt7i'. ]YXII l+r;sGITNGF l7titlCLCTOXl. "a 1,•� '�bride's parents, on *ednmdn , Mareh 20tht by I)Xn 'CT0nS roll '(ViN(117(G1i. � .1'".',, Smith, Esq., Bo,,nkor +l'd11n 1i.. McTAai1, L' aq., Lt111�ber Vercbunt. yg After a Cold °"`• � comptttel�} Rrrv. a, c. lticC,t'aclrPn, Mr. Al nn B. BntntGn, o ji tart down' by A cord. ivy sen persu td d . Blyth, to Mins A}naTids D. Totten, l t:(iATi-I3TmtiC 'Y. -•At thr, rmfdonen of the ' SAasApert7Gs and afar' bridn'sparrmtrr,OnMnralt 20th, b� lznv. win. The Company ala invite application from residents of WinghaM and 'vicinity for a portion of the presets issue 4f 7 per t' a fn We Hood's pan 'tltd}, C. McCall, of h Ibi v. idin. � y 1�1? Me fist of faun botttas found 3 a�tts tlA}*4110rofOeo, Birkby, erMerrig. cent. preference stock. The preferenres riven nre'exceptional, and being embodied in the charter make it an unusual oppor-• ofto sn Appetite. i�`lten 1 AAd tAktn mtTtt} -• WINAT}m.--At tho re4filonee of flit - to , fridr`spnrPnto o1iMareli Wth,byRPv. 1)• B. tl.1nity til ft)nlers, inerchallt$ and Other" C1 tl:e tl'strict to secure a portion of tyle prOflt5,. act;ruillg frOlxl file ilxttnense trade in f1I76t bDttrt5 izrvss arrtat, r..etftdty Mr12ar.nseri+trill,SRew,Iy,I'ertfc,,ntWitmxhnm, 10 C AAMP&1n Sten, Afd tAC, Can. ',T,a ur`"nPc};nhYelrordMMavm-Temle;} iaujW of ass. iron, now openin.,, till in Canilda and so seldom in the reach of ordinary investors. The shares are placed on the market at years. 0 $rioo.00 par in payrnents of io per tent, putting it withi' . easy reach cif every -one. at, 11113 Information thiel prospectus, can 1,)e obtained by addressing the Company at Wingham, or calling upon Mr.' B ullack at. aim"I the #-lotel BSrunswick, Winghara. ",,. _.�.. _..�, :d•�;-moi rt