HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-03-29, Page 6t 11 3 TIN, WINGRAN TIMES. MARCH 2% 1901, TOWN PIREGUORYI Upportcra have, thus far attelluptca tot WOMEN Con total III thb I"Illions and Dow with 10, n to allswer. an inewilsed And ellicit-ut sttw, III t1ija , I FS wumnuir. Duirrumit'L is. pioneuxuatenal cail, be wit"] tell. umlsm ouritelf—Sabb, A fil 4 ath services 4 IN fu �n V17 I's �i t aw SURBING Pir Wilfrid Laurier, however, to* Ing re'sults. 11 it III and 7 1) In. "luilday t4vllool tit, AF 114 P111TA, m) occatkiviltor-bowtu wIlp't respect there The Ontario Liberal Association as 11 in. (Atneral prayer weeflug -1 It WeilnesdIlY Ov011ings. Roy- 'NY - EVERY FRIDtY is a difrevelick) betwvou til' tWO Policies, A 1414SWE Or, HOPE TO TH4 WEAK Avervollo Nybo llaq taken a proper lutgrest (, MORNIN 0 Freed, litor. W. J. ellaplufln's,$. azul itotonly a dif.'erenro., but gllflto by the .14uperill elident. AND MUSSED. t1l in tho world. The Libmal Premier of the lllroviaw and. Sir U'uhard The Thnes O.Meo, Becivelt B1901-, ka-Ur isvAnvenuotariff. rovelaue is need. Z Cartwriglit calling representative, Liberal lit 11 it m and 7 1) in. $iluday 1�ehool tit NVINOINATI. O.NATA11410. I , 2t.80pin. 01711 OTLWA. 11"TTE,111, to carry on the government A. (M4TrAVr. WOUAX TBLLS 01" III",P. lit;- from to nxt�ot in To. CIIW ovelling, U*elleral prayer 111coti27g oftht, LUA,&r. rron Till: AGOlOrs IVRAT rollto. The, gathorin,, Was CompoSed of oil Wednesday evollings, llcv.Wellard Ill';- annum In Is derived ;10111, cus- -&vFL%C5r IlExt I= - -momA; T-111trM tboso who worn the Provincial find Do. Hobbs, pmtor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup- 1:31mvil 11 .Vram our on n ( all UN't-m-1 al,v paid, 'rwng imports principally, if taortjj`jj DOCTORS UAD, VAILLD T,; REW 111411- uliutoxx caadidates in the proceeding crintondout. option )fthop1ljjI',Aj:­N Ott.� wa, Mart -4 �131, 11,44. 1thatrvyenvar0,15vj' duty I,, impoi;e(jol Cliumix—Sabbatli. rer. Alivrawm'(so IM ­vs. — fm,! other 0 -MMI! It I r( ing vit-cs at 11 a in aud 7 pul., Sliuday ru.11sviluent `a lits !� has Tho amount of sutrerlug borne by ol,,�..ctions, t1lo chief oilleorb at tile "I' :r. - lirt-for ­)st entirelyi,any ard(,le thin luminfacturer of Iliat _wOnion tilroughout tile coalltry call Aiicociatioua and deltsgatcs ej(otetl by 4Q,11001 tit 2,20 1) m. General prfiyor 111fviltwit. 121; lo�-cjv�wtl Nvith t1r, CZA oto A1111,41 tInk bud. - .1 1 st each iidin­ Association, ineiflug on Wednesday evenings. Rey AtIVITUIM Inents lit loral vc.%!jjm, aj,, 'Trtit-lc, ig I protcoftd. never be estimated, Silently, fdalo 91 1 ge t 10 (-,n. 1wr lillf, fol, finq inset lion, 1�-".d Cie( iibi; get, or ratlur urou tl!v aniel"dwent pro- t1l tll,.,t t�xtejjt but that protecition 16 hopelesqly, t1joy endure froul day to da Tile central O'Moe is maintained by D. Porrie, pastor and S. S. Sup oln: ,cu- par illut for vaeli. hubim-ilitt nt deat" 'M on b0' illicidintally of rourso proteett d t eub.scriptloua owaiuoa frou, friends of Advvvinerith a,' Lwit, Vaural, r ­i ed, c that aftlictio4s. that call only fall to the lot of ST. P.Mjr,% ClIVRCIL, RPVA(1OP.tr,-811b- F arin% fol- title ov to I Italf "em,ard A -fl-, c for of the comsorv-.tclvo 1),.rty, Nillioll extent 1,ut that protection is 4-mPlY nu wouivu. The following story of the tile party throughout the I?ro,;IucG- 'b4th services at 41 a lit laid 7 p in. Bull- 11"llt 140A-th and BO QC'uttl uw' vwh t1ul aeol nebulent ot iacht0litAild no' the purpose of the duty, sugetinfj and rolegso of Mrs. - Charles T410ir chief idea is to intautaiu. a ny School at ,mo, pin. G lic I rayer arestlie ultaltor.4ble 111t. central & 0 ra 1) VoNnt it, I tablo Riows, tho Torle% 0 an-roteerive jwli4W INIT-) 1 -tin' Undor the, X. 13, tbe Protection was the Hoog, of Sputhamptoll, 11z's., ought to office well stored with information so t-4 it)" rh­.h.,gurt'lon itz itav* rtisiquputs Meeting on Wedno%day Rev. eimple, protection for protootion'tt priuciplo and the rovoune was tile illei Win. Lowe, Incumbent. F. Show, S. S. for t4l,tvifiva jnfrim�:;:- -bring#ope,audhealthaxid happiness to that no matter whotlx,= success abides or 911porintondent. F.I.A4111. I ovia if its o.n.,iratioll l'W=3 thtt repeal of deist. ,,'A reyeatio tariff," I saia. the 1,14:0- other sufferers. Mrs. failure overtakes the Paill4mentry con- I 0oNenrGATxo.N.m Clixurton.-Slabbath 0 --lo Colunin ... ...... lfra,w 0-),00 151M film W-ioprefereut,alland thore-meetion0f a miert "puts the molley ill the Public nine out of the thirty-two years of my tifigent, there will L -o aplace here Lib. f3ervices at 11 a = and 7 p in. Sunday 11111r0olvinn x1ml T).CA 4,00 I . I ("vartervolz !11 ..... nirst England with treasury; a protective tari 0=18111 every riding lijay be supplied School at 1.1v) in, Midweek xneedug.on hi..gh taritf wall, ag, f? Puts tile- life I have soffered as jw womall, umlekis Tip, iAlwel1v direr •i the rest o" the wvrM. Of course t4o oil ly a tile Prix ate pocket.,, That is Elie has been sitailarly a0ioted, call Wit]' infOrInW4011 to enable th0m. to Coll, Wecluesdiy evenings at$ o'clock, Gavin will))" till fill-bld and OlRa-Ard ,(-(Zd- P 's Wilson, B.S. Supt.., A. B. Prior, pastor. paid re'.6111tioll does not voliturvas far as this, thtj dlrjcrsuct�. iulagilae, I.could suffer sand ,set have liv, tinue the work in the Liberal cauee. RoW.X CATjjoT1O 011unall - Evory in so many wor-ts. brt, as the Premier As usual, the old chestnut was rLg�jj weeks of four I would be 8 a in, mr- print_ ed, Three do E out Members of the Local Legislaturo and fourth Sunday. Mass at 10: 0, wit -Ill, an very clearly pointed out, it either meanvs rooted, that tho Lib�!rals had promised unable to movo vkh common$ are raprest�ut- mon and benediction fit 7 p in. Rov, D. hir, affordim; T1w!jjjjjv,l nut eckwilled In the • about and, indeed, at no Of the House Of P. McMenamin, P. P. 6nrgo this or it meausuothing at, all. The re- to give "free trade as they have it, in time was really t to ttoud to ray ho, so- ed on thu Council ot tile Association, I t.�*T)V MICI palproprNto vut,4 foi-viln"ylve o' ft a I and SAIXX-rlox Alulnz-&-rvice at 7 find I t Post- seltidoa declaws. 1. Twit a hold duties. I consulted physiaiiijig-, Premier Ross the members of his Cab- a m and 8 and 8 p ni on Sunday, and 141403 Of '" fuAvY typo for tho 11mr clasic-H of prhit� mutual ,prelterence within the Emllix`0 self cullorsed that promise. The Pro- three of the Most skillful doctors in the lust, 41141 the Ontario members of the every evening dtiring the week at L4 ilfg,(' Nvoul& b 3 of groat beneilt, to all parts t Mier's reply was as follows --"Of those ell of Sir Wilfrid Laurier Arb O'clock at the barracks. t1wreef, and that nwv tithe time "to - conutyof Cumberland at different times 0OWTAM t ORRISTIA11 AND IMSSIONARY ALIJANCE, PTOPAROr and X'ulalWier take pri3flipt and enazgetic, Stops, I to se- h01lGrAb10 gentlemen, 141011' thOY quote . had charge of my case. These all agreed also members of the Council ' Though -Mcotings as follows : S. S. at 211.80 p. my words, would iii ,,heir dhignosis, but the treatment the central Association furnishes . the in. Fellowship at 4 p� M., and eTP11- A hl Pf f HO hufl, 11, 71A cure the same. That Canada should I DO =, TIlr S=VLr, TLTSTIC2 varied; and while at times I would ex. necessary information, the work is now gelistio at 8 •p. in., eirery Sunday in adopt a "pound -of -flesh" policy, against I of quoting thein. in their entirety, and perioneea slome relief, I 10vitollie's Hall, Victoria St. , t no tilij� Was and will be as in the past, done by the i not elip out a parCof any utterance of there any hope given me of a permanent good men in each riding. The Asso ' the wc-,d. Equi -valent, or adequate POST Orrimi-in Macdonald Pilo -It. Oflice hours from 8 a m, to 0:20 p in. W I N G F1 A W., Andes should be atolice clapped on mine, they would fiiid that at no time cure, Many a night when I went to tion however desires to give all assist- Peter Fisher, postinastor. Capital. $2,000,0C.0, Itest, $1,213-1,120 against every country that puts up 06 have the Liberal Party ever Pretended bed Would have been glad if death alicopossible to the ridiig Association Mrmonumosl IXsTiTTjTj,-Libra17 and duty against us, But, and here is the &so readiag room in the Tovnx H P11vAd(-nt---TOnN f4,rvAnw. that, if they came into Power, they had come before Morning. Inover bad and local workers, and oudeavors to do all, ("-. Mms.&Y' gist of the whole business, there is no would adopt immediately free trade as much faith in proprietary medicines this through its Secretary, Alexander will be open every aftornoon. from 2 to DIRE-cTons 0.45 o'clock and every eveniiig from 7 to .proposal that Canada out down her it is in England. But what we have but at one time I took 'a, halt dowl", Smith, 84 Victoria street, 'Toronto, and 9, 30 o'clock. Aliss Millie Robertson, John Proctor, peo, po�jej, MIm. Gibson, MX, said I we s f a blood -making compound James Vance,Toronto,Duncau Marshall, br an. A. T. Wood, X. P,, 'X. h. Lt. a (Toronto). duties whelo other countries will cut : id again and again is that while bottle o I aZi down theits, or in other words, that. believe in free trade as a, theory, we that Was Yglily reeoinmendell. This Thornbury, and W. A. Stewart, Martin- TOY"' 1001111011-WIn- Clegg, Mayor; Cashi,,r-,T. TURNBULL. CANADA 911OVLD ADOPT TREE TIZZADE I know that we ire bound to raise a rev- like everyking else, failed to hell) me' town, Deputy Liberal organizers. Win, Holmes, Thos. Dell, Robt, Me- Tudo6, G. A, Newton, John A. McLean, ttalvInts BBIlk-RO-4 10 to q, Faturday, io $1 and upivards reeeiTC4 aid with England beenwao England has free eLU3 by a customs tariff and it will take There seemed to be not a particle ,of In addition to the work above alluded Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B, Fer- ifitt:re"t it Ival trade: with Canada. 'Turn about is fair many years liciforc wo could have free blood in my body. My face was ab- to, if either Government or the Farlia- 9118011, Clork and Treasurer; 'I' ainuol SPOO10. DoPoelts abo received ab current Play, and 'fair play is a J43wel,' it is trade as it is in England, But aPaM solutely colorless, and my appetite all -mentary contingent, of either house de- Youllill, Assessor; Win. Robertson, col- rates of interest. Moreover a poor rule that doesn't work from this thmost is this consideration to ost eatirelyfiesertod me. I often saw sires anf activity, they in y special line 0 lootor. Board meets first Monday even- Draft" oil Great Britain, and ho United g in each month at 8 o'clock. Sint' :s Bought ands� old. I both ways'; all these universally accept- be borne in mind. There has never been in the newpapers letters testifying to can havo the same attended to by secur- SCHOOL BOAP.D.-C. X. Griffill, Travellej-,; are notiflud that tl­DPnlqif Ram ed traisms are, Ignored by the Tories, a period of time in the history of Canada the merits of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, Ing the men to do it and providing the Man), Thos. Abraham, J. S. Bilititt, J. J. '""On "I'd its Brallellos isfqln olreulnr Rutos a National 13"Ovineiall Dnnlc of AnOsind, LimtM who also versist in utterly disregarding wholl our manufacturing industries were but nine years, of suffering and dis- neo0.-ary funds. The Ontario Liberal HODrath, Win- Moore, X. Kerr, Thos- which can be enshud without chargo or trou- tho fact that Engglaud's Commercial Bell Wm. Button. Secretary, Win: bit in ainy part ofti-je Irol,l(j, as safe and secure as they are at present. couragement had made me too sceptical Association does not undertake to do Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. W. conBOLIZD, Agent policy of free trade with the world If y more than its means enable, it. ar Ferguson. 30, L. You had a tariff based as in the years to see any hope of relief, when. doctors Meetings second Tuesday evening in each SON. Solicitor. affects trade worth thousands of millions from jrj) to 18 '96, nPon a protection had failed to effect a cure. But at last I month. 81,000,000'a Year Salary. Puj3Lxc SanooT, Trbcurms.-A. EL Of dollars annually, whereas the amount basis, you would havo the duties (,,on- came across the story of % cure near J P. KDXNBDY, TA. i).. U. C. P. S, 0 that she does with Canada is infinitesimal Bettor fox -tune still has come to Charlie Musgrove, Priucippl, Iliss Robertson, .• (br(-inbvr of the British'Nedical ARsocia- tinually changed from one year to an- home -that of Mr. Moses Boss, of Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss tionO Gold Moattult4b in Medicine. Special in proportion, audtho yet more import- " M. Schwab, Who is to receive a salary of Corllyn, Miss Vaustone, Miss M�$6heson attention paid to dif;msL,,9 Of Women an Child other as vas the case in those days- You Rodney. I knew that at one time lie ran, dC id ant find insurmountable fact that Imper- would have, as we had under the 'Late had been regarded as a hopeless con- $800,000 a year as president cf the Bil- and MisgReid. . OiRce hutirs-1 to 4 p. to ill p, M, lion -Dollar Steel Trust, The steel BoAnD or, Hr-ALTn-MftyOr Clegg, W statesmen of the first rack -Lord government, an incessant procession of sumptive, and' his cure through Dr. (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg- DR- MACD Salisbury, Mr. Chamberlain, the Duke tariff tinkerers from the different cities Williams' Pink Pills, determined me to magnates first fixed this sum, but latter cry, Dr. Ilennedy, J. B. Ferguson, See- " worth retary,; -Dr. Towler, Medical Health Greg - of Devonshire, and others, -have absolu. of Canada to the office of the Finance try them. I had not taken two boxes concluded that Mr. Schwab Iva, . Qmtre Street tel unequivocally and finally declared Minister. There never was a year from before Ibegan to feel better, and grew more, and raised it $POO,000. His salary Officbr. Ontario. that it is the height of absurdity and 1879 to 1800 -or at least there never was confident of a cure. I kept on taking is therefore $1,000,000 per year. u sheer waste of time to even discuss the a. period of three years -when there was tile pills, all the time feeling' new blood 1. The figures were given authoritatively, 4 VAnTown, question. not some tinkering with the tariff." in my vein by one of the members of the steel corn- BARRISTil, SOLICITOR, ETC. The new Opposition leader did the - best s, activity returning to my bice who helped effect the settlement Private and Company funds to loan at la.,vast 'be could under the circumstances with NOTHINO TO FEAR NOW. limbs, and. the feeling of - depression between the riy6l companies. "WANTY.D. i rate of Interest. No commission charged Xort{ "Bfit when the public at large under- To many Hardly stand they have nothing to fear, gradually wearing away. gaily$, to*tvn find fa operty bought and this his first really important political women it may seem incredible that the less exi;raordinary than the salary, the OfAce, Beaver whigham, 2110ve since assuming the leadership. when they know that the basis of the largest .paid to any man in the business more making of now blood iu my veins world to -day, is the unanimity of ap- 31e presented his care with all the ability tariff is not to please this one or that AT 0 A. MORTON, of a trained mind, -bat it was the argn, one but to raise a revenue, they axe could restore to a healthy condition proval' with which the officers and jo• BARRISTE R, &a., insucial con- directors In the different companies in ment, of a special pleader, whorealizes aware that so long as the f misplaced internal organs, but this has, , that he has a weal-, case, which needs all ditions remains as they are, there is to been my happy experience. My pains the steel combine regard it. Wingham, Ont the ingenuity and finesse he Possesses be no change in the tariff whatever, and have all left me, and I am now as L. DICEMNSOA,, to make at all presentable. healthy� a woman as there is in this 4, arly Plowing. Two Coat E. T, instead of looking forward with dread place. This health I owe to Dr. BARRISTni R, ETC, LrOID, COGBXT AND CONM"CING, to the deliverance of the budget speceh,, Williams, Pink Pills, Are you Nervous and Sleepless? Solicitor toBankof Hamilton. Monoytoloan, The Premier's reply was as usual, which have Jucid, cogent an(I couvinding� - It is true as used to be the case in former Years, rescued me from a life of suffering, if Have you Faint and Dizzy Spells? Office -Meyer Block, Wijigham, they know that there will be no change, Are you Short of Breath? Makers. ke had a comparatively easy- task, for and no reason to fear. They know that Dot from the grave." Is your System Run Down? the Liberal policy has been so Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are especi- If so, use Milburn's Heart and Norve ARTHUR J. IRWDT, A D. S., L. D, S. defined and so cons; clearly there will be no change in the tariff ex- all -v valuable to women. ' They build. Pius. Doctor of Dental SuWery Of thoPpfinsylvan' consistently followedand cept when a general revision of it be- Also Dental College and Licentiate of the R las been, moreover, so emphatically en- comes up the blood, restore the nerves, and An Irishman, having gone out in his necessary. - This is the Policy College Of Dental SUrgeons of Ontario. Po at dorsed by the country, that all that was nightshirt on a bitter cold night to oto Over Post 013lee, Win ham, eradicate those troubles which make the which we propose to and upon lived of so many women, old and young, the howling of a dog, was found by his W. T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.b.s. required was a simple re -affirmation, of we take issue With honorable Two Pant the underlying principles of that policywhich , gontlemon opposite."a burden. Palpitation Of the heart, wife, almost paralyzed with cold, hold- NONY method for painless extraction. nervous headache and nervous prostra. ing the struggling dog by the tail. NO cocaine. 8pecial attention to the care and regulation =d a reiteration of the intention of the Continuing. the Premier d�velt briefly tion speedily yield to this wonderful "Gracious, Pat I says she, I'what would of children's ttieth. Moderate prices Government to continue faithfully, con- upon. the proposal of the Opposition to Makers. ;a axfd all sistently and energetically along the medicine. These pills are sold only in ye be afther doirll?" "Hush?" said )vory carefullY and skilfully performed. 011100 some lines in the future. persistintheir efforts to enforce are- boxes, the trade mark and wrapper Pat- *'Don't ye see Oi'm tryla' to fraze In Beaver Blook, Win Maui. He Showed ciprical preference with England. "If printed in red ink, at 50 cents a box, or the baste"' JOHN RITCHIE, -that the Conservative argument ons- these gentlemen," said he, "believe that six boxes for $2.50, and may be had of GENERAL IXSURAXcLp AGE -wered itself, --':Our policy," they say, protection is the best policy for Canada druggists, or direct by mail . E-11 WMEMS-TER & 00 ,WTI "'is the old X. P. we stand by it to-dav they are quite right in applyIngit against from Dr. winshuyn, Ont. T1s in the past; you Liberals have gone Great Britain. But in the name of com- Williams' Medicine Company, Brock- e0m rp^ 1, ve� a, W h o Queen's Block, DEANS, a -R, back on all your principles and have mon sense I ask them if they believe In Ville, Out, P. stolen our policy, and that is why the a. policy of protection against Great LICENSEDAUCTIONItign country is prosperous." If the country ONTARIOMIDERAL ASSOCI.tTIOX. for the county of Iluron, j attended in Britain what can they say if the people Have Used it any Part of the county. Ohrgej moderate, is prosperous, and even the Tories admit of Great Britain believe that a policy of Shortly after the Liberal ' victory of Say that Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed J0 . HN . CURRIE, . W IN that it is, and that prosperty is the result free trade with all the world is the best 1896 the Liberals with the view Of less' and Turpentine affords wonderfully GUAM, ONT. *f continuing the old X. P. as they protection they can have. As has been suing the work of their central Organ. prompt relief for coughs and colft LICENSED AUOTIONE, DR.• vftim, and they still stick to that same repeatedly contended before by the Lib- izStion office for the Province in Toronto, Everybody Nag confidence In Dr. Chase, Sales of Farm Stock and Parm Implement$ a ilAd X P., what in the name of common in his great recipe book and famous a oral party, as has been Most definitely, divided the Province into sections with family remedies. They have learned by left t Trull Tn&Eq ()file sense are they kicking about? whore is declared time and time again by Imper- an Eastern Association having an office experience that It pays to Insist on hav- caveats and Trademarki obtained, and all patent attended to. Terms reasonable. a promptly the ground for, opposition? Why, as ing Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and business conducted for 110I)ERATF, FREN. bly cal statesmen as was now re -asserted by and headquarters in Ottawa for the East. Turpentine Instead of accepting the office is in the Immediate vicinity orthe patentod SOCIETY XESTIN(k$6 patriotic Canadians, are theynot willing and subsequently a Western. Association various unscientific "mix -tips'' which roY facilities forsoturingpatents, are unsurpa..Icted the Premier, the proposition is too ah, Send model, skskeh or Photograph ofinvention wit'. alIg Caledonia, No, 40 meets to lend it hand in carrying out the policy some druggists offer as "Just as good," & 6 1 tile Fit and t1drd Xo� f in sured to be discussed by sensible men. with a bureau in London was establish. description odstatement as toadvantafe:; claimed. 8 0 8 0 dat * 1 la they believe in, and which they adroit tt spite of its Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Aqrx6ehaigoj8jnc,ddjoran0P ftioltasto eve month, in the Oddfellows HnII. vj$j I brer manifest absurdity how- ed. The division of labor for ordinary Turpentine contains many of the most patentabilik,ft and mv fee for tZronweldome. D.S%,j;WAxfT,ChjOf. I oTecuting the IS benefitting the country? These are ever it appeared to be the only definite iutereiection purposes has been dispens. valuable and most effective -remedial aPPllcalf1Rn :tall glop, 66 called , unfil the Elliott, Rea.- See. H. 33 #questions which neither Mr. Borden nor agents for throat And hung troubles Z`fOut I C110i'll"UF "I"VENTORA, Culf)VI con. � . 0 plank in the Tory platform, ell with and the work for all the pro. that science has discovered. rt acts taining tuft intormat) � dent free. All commilnI. JOB PRINTING, vines is directed from the central and go directly and promptly as to be of Off"Clis CUVGideft4 AS 8010117 r)9nI1dcll1lAl* includinj Books, Pamphlets, Posters, jBill The way to VorcO Plftlltd to Ar-anblj, head body, the Ontstrio Libiral iiitalculAble worth in all cases of erouly, FRANKUN H. HOUGH Heads, 0 rculars, &a,, &a., e1ecuted In the best There's only one WELY'DwhichaPlatt tion. Of t is As o io A99DOia- bronchitis find whooping cough, It Is Vr� 1� Sk �100t- IYAW1774GTOSt� 211. 0. style of the art, at moderate Prices, and on It 8 dint a Alexander so tar -reaching In its effects .19 to short notice. can be forded to branch, and that is by Smith, 34 'Victoria street, Tcrdnto, is loosen the tightest chest cough find BO0X11TN1)TNQ.—W0 are pleased to announcet. cutting off the stalk. The P1 cold of long standing. 215a a that any Books or Ungazi B111d,lif, nes left with us for Plaut thus Secretary, and he has at his direction a cure the three times as Will have our pro ill make an effort to I prompt attention interfered With will bottle I, faintly olze, Prices OM L xmixiborof assistants who attend to much, 00C. at all deat?rsl, or ndman- applies or Binding In any style be given 0,* AMN grow, and either R, now shoot Will be organiztffion in the ri n Big the ion, Hates & Co., Toronto. tion to WK, E 0Z (11 9 as iied to THE T=s or, non, "' $out UP to take the place Of the lost top, them. At a rAcent meeting of the Ved. Windham. I Urs, R, Stoddard, Deihl, or several shoots Will be sent out along orated Liberals Dr. U Nat LOP 40ounty Out., writes as foaoa,s: Xorf oil-- Clubs it Was felt that the RAILWAY TIME MUM. 111 -.,-as the stalk, If but one stalk out it baelt,SOLII} troubled with L-Iczerna, or gait Rheum Xeop 1-_1 RAND TUVNX UAILWAy SySTE1,1 Work of the Ontario Liberal Assooiation welf Lhuo- onq UMBER for over twelve Years, and during that up this cutting-baelt process until could be largely Aagmenttidbyencourag, I — & !r9A MI rXIAV9 Pion time doctored with four dlf&rent phy. you have obliged as malty branclhOs a# big youtig Liberitla, to otgfiniZo Clubs, toll ......... 16,FA a.m.. vicians, but found that they Could only yon aind kii5a.m. London .................. 6.60 .8.25p.hl, Five temporary relief. X think are needed.; Persistency and and as a result of this feeling the Fed CARRIAGE TIRE "Pabuor" 8,88D.m. saw Dr. or 8,25 P. chase's 01titmeftt advertised, decided patiotloo will oblige the, punt. to (10 as ated Olubs were gIV611 representation on AtAttl" 167t6m Xinenrillne .... 5.40 t* try it and before I had. used half a you w6jild like to bave it do. -April the COMMA Of the Ontario Liberal As. V, together I have used three boxes and 130 VCAnS' London .......... ....... 11.1.0 Ano carriage tire that makes riding Palmerston .............. 1.45 p.m.... 8.88 pjn bdx found great relief and change. At. Ladies, Home Journal. sociation, and Duncan, Marshall, Thorn� 1:XPEMEMOC now completely cured. I have re. On till Toads a pleasure-economictil, too, J. 11. GOUDOX, Agent, Wingliftin, "mmended It -to My neighbors, and can 'What Would Tikoy Glv6t littty, Gray Co., and W. A. Stewart, lot it does away with the vibration that -CANADIAN PAM]= UATLWAVr say it is the best r ever used, aua in It seems a waste Of timerta Warn Mattfiltown, Glengarry Co., will Organ• shakos and breaks the carriages. %qlAllqs I&AV14 Pon My �tgtjmAtjOn Worth Its Weight in people against negleeting Coughs and ize Liberal Clubs throughout tile Pro. Toronto and East-. 6-58 han.... 111.00 p.m. 9*1 Teaswator .... I ..... 1.82 Pan .... 10.48 P.Mi The keen D1196ty Which many endure jumption and pnonmonja gj,�e V-Sharod space betwooWthe AURI" ...an 'she colds, but what "Would vietirag Of Coll. Vince, rubber ji-ft and tile steel flange Teeswater­ 1. 8.68aan ..... ap.m. from the tortures of skin disoago ill if theft, Buena Liberal who deafrog to aid Ila reventfif the creating and ant- Torouto, fiu4 Last .. .. ­ 182 p.in .... disease were Only In Its begilinhip it it TAADIC MARKS rift9which Other lr(lq rfresilb. J. H. 1AZEMER, Agent, .Vobt aprAlling, And so much the w6rso Were only a cough or Cold, Dead helping along the good cause whether as Pet to. 'See tho exhibit at tits b"Ause it is unnecessary. Dr. (,,hago,j, �Y 1,611K 0010NO (lintment gtaftala alone 0, diseases begin with colds that could set,. a speaker, otganite lub , 0 io &C, x the one ull. r a rgan I r taAling reme( Polling likefolif end deseMption thav ly for salt rheum, tczoma, 11111111' bl, curol by Dr. Ohasslg Syrup 6 0 Biding, Mu 141pality tit onfoid-P mcormin bi Send at biles for Free Tire Itt4jogn tftt fr opinion 00 wileth6r bA invention f6pt6lifibir fr I T PAYS &t tab a. Cbm tin of itching Linseed allft Turp6ndne pre* Division or ohgagdd in tile vory es8ential U611811trietYr giving prices of till sizes. sx,ald head and eyfry form fho A .0, ldc1n, disease, 00 dellts % IyOxt at All deal- adliption which not merely Teft6ves, ba COUildeint al, laudbOOkOn a sent free. 1446t g6bey foriecuringp *tr, or Edmailgon, BIOS & Co.. Iror- thoroughly dftres c 64 t . cough lInd dol tO. workotrovisiag the Votors' Lists can Patents taken rough if d receive iDardetitills, dit0tiOtIA, ftfidilt- toollat f0ticep "itbout, in &0 TO ADVERMI.T18p, or. Chas ChIldret) efttUraftom the -office of the Ontario $*011fic Affitrita"o J)Unjop fr.: - fOlP Liberal Aswiation. The utlthWr of A foiddo5jolt figgpo 6d *,.ki Co,, I X T -1-1 P11 t. I'Afgatt de. I 60litlOWO AnyoMll tilidj'Minat, T"M9 "a — ^A ST Guides, liampblets, bookA atul othek`11380- ext t toor Months, 91. said b?J111 "4wsda, om 01nit !a "n t ORM6 ful 001up"tious, issued by this Associa. MUNN � co"aafewidw,61. New rk TORONTO, I I I -Vofttnxm, T1 Mr� I I 9