HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-03-29, Page 5rr,v�,gw THE WINGTIAN TTMES, MAT1 291 19,01. r �rr+trossi. a�m�aisw•io��ipiassa#�rps��� f � . Tlzere passocl away at the old home• NEWS F R M. OUrA. I G Ud% ®gyp o � �,� a.�a �«►s. ► � R stead, lots tits anti fits, annenssion 1, NEW `r � STORE, ' 1 � . .'. ! ` i , ' � ib j�,c Niulgss, on Nonday,blarch 18, Mr.Iiugll. Er I �� 3'H� 01EAP McKay. Mr. Ri;ali*ny was carp of the Jewellery oldest residents In this section, and for -� l �Y���V �� ��T�R��� �� A�� ��� R�A����J. znanyyearacaxriedon file `blacksmith• � ° I ' til 11, -CO ' lug business in 1`.,ucknow+ He was .a a .� _ P man widely known and highly esteem - hat Wxdeawalse Times Correspondents Clommun>oate-,othflr ed by all. He had, been suffering for Change,m A s ` N Items Cli about two. years, and his domise was a !3 therefore not unexpooted, He had a FPe ., From Our Exchanges, a reached the rfpe ago of 7G yea ,and 0' Having purchased the ARRIVALS �, amisTo�vlr-, rv>«ox>eT>It, leaves a grown up family oY ns and a `� Mr. and Mrs. Tom Simpson, of Grey, Intended for last week. daughters to mourn Ills loss. & business of J. R. Man- � Fri ` A L warO4visitiugtheir parents atMorrlsbauk John Ritchie and Miss Mary Ritchie, Strikes A Rich TlndShaw, I will beep a co;m- e rand Grey. of Wingbam, called on Mr. and Mrs. . plete lino of Watches, or An error was made in last week's news John Bretheaur, on Monday, cbro Qtts ndigestion several d nervous ears de . 0 Clocks, Diamond Rings ti concerning the lady' losing llor artificial Jennie Montgomery has returned bilxtyt" writes I'. J. Gnocn, of Lances- a Jet]l Rings, S, Pwlld3ntS, teeth as she. had none to lose, home after visiting friends around ter, X. H. "No remedy helped me tan- � �' �° � Goods til 1 :"tick Pins, Sterling = i John Davidson has left the boundary Linwood, gen using Electric Bitters, which �; a to visit Yriends down south, before tai- D. Myles has sold his business to Jno, diel mo more good than all the nledi Silver Goods, Optical s cines I ever used, They have also kept e 0 in g 3�is situation in Turnberry, Douglas, Mr, Myles has not deoided my wife in excellent health for years. � Goods., � ,...... - .• time he will sell binder twine. (lid for female troubles; that tiro are to Yov are cordially inviMed to ins eet our NEW STOCK of spring A wood bee was held at Wm, Brook- where lie will locate yet, In the mean- She says Eleotrio Bitters are just splen- r 40 oor es' last Friday afternoon. About a grand ton}.o and invigorator for they al, Eyes tested by the latest sewn- �i r goods, t verythiug new and thoroughly UP-TO-DATE, instyle. The d0 cords of woad was out. A party was Mr. MuI{exehor has moved into the g ' (a tifzo principles, lield at night. All would have went well � can tat srun ite olaco�in ourNo o£aluilmedic,rirne 0 Repairing neatly and prompt- � stock has been carefully selected and is complete with the latest house 'on Jelin Gibson's Yarm and p y,+ y only some unruly boy's who got the Henry Allan has moved into the house them. Only 50o. Satisfaction guarant- 40 ly alone, ,o novelties fc;r Spring and Summer wear. Come in and leak around, late] vacated b Mr. McI�erohor. sad U Colin A. Campbell. 0 The old stand in Mason block. �r no matter ',whether you buy or not, No trouble to show you goods. worse of liquor did not know how to y Y y 0 ® ; take care of themselves. Miss Davidson, from near Wingliam isIft� UnISH®� NE,V 1RESS G _...... Mrs, John Miller, on the B line was visiting her uncle, John Davidson, $LvritvAL;E, � u visiting her daughter, Mrs. William Allan Rae and Miss Lena, are visiting A snow plow was derailed and broken ' °' ' '" ODDS in Ladies' Costume Suitings. Broad Breckenridge. in Listowel. at the station here on Thursday of 'last Jeweller and Optician, 0 cloths, Camel's Hair Effects, Serges, Sollels, Lustres, Poplins, Cash. Warts vrrsus moles. Mr. and Mrs. R, Rain, attended the week. It was attached to two engines ct cs _ip meres. Henriettas, Figured Mohnirs, etc. .Are either amark of beauty? This would funeral of Mrs. Rq,nn's brother, William and accompanied by a shovelllug gang NEW DRESS TRIMMINGS in Black and Colored Gimps, Gold be a suggestive topic for debating socie Hastings, in Wiugham, on Tuesday. of fifteen men, wlio swooped down on Braids, Fancy Braids, A1.klitary Braids and "velvet Ribbons, till ties. For the information of such, let tho village for dinner like a standing widths. Sequin and Jet .Trimmings, Gold and SIlver Buttons all it be known that Putman's Painless sir James Watson says army. The broken snow plow was `- - "-`�� - sizes. Corn Extractor removes painlessly warts Catarrh is the commonest of all disorders, taken away on Monday, Joseph Yoe Night Was Her Terror. MINBROIDE RIES in all widths and prices with insertion:, to in a very short time. Druggists who :patch, all naev patterns. sell the best always sell Putnam's fain- and not one person in ten thousand was with a snow plow gang from Tues- "I would cough nearly all nightlong," ,rk , p , , less Corn Extractor. tp",atalrhalasses eattackt o£ soer me'usorta Itd ns clay, till Saturday. At Durham he and writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex_ LADIES BLOUSES in great variety in Gingham, Pink Dluslin dangerous owing to its tendency to de- the other workmen shovelled snow for andria, Incl., °lapel could hardly get any and Silkaline, ranging in price thus: 606, 60e, 75c, X1.00, S1.25, ' 1;AST ZVA WANOBH. velop•consumptioi. Can be oured and over twenty four -hours without any food, sleep. I had consumption so bad that $1,50, 51,75, 82 00, $2.50. Mr. John Bennett, who cineol of completely orradicatacl from the system, The railroad eonipaiAios aro trying to if I walked a block. I would cough PRINTS, GINGBAMS ANDcMUSLINS all kinds and riecis as bronchitis at his residence in Blyth on if proper methods are employed. Beiu frightfully and spit blood . but, tvlien , y g make up for lost time by running extra all other medicines failed, three 1 00 °' follows :-5c, 7e, 8c, 10c, 12- 24 proper l..rc. Seo our Prints a't 10c, regular March 0th, was born in Cornwall generally established in remota parts of trains to gather up the scattered freight bottles of Dr, Bin„ s New Discovery . 3 the nasal passages, bronchial tubes and g �'Dr1etT 1' ,c. , T county, near Truro, England, on March lungs, to caro it, a remedy must Ue em- So iii the dant there aro ominoits �vhoo, wholly cured me and I gained 5S l NEW LACE CURTAINS, Choice patterns at 26c, 500, 755, 18th, X824, and emigrated to America in ployed that can be carried direct to whoo, whooings and rumblings, and in pounds."n Its absolutely guaranteed to •!A 81.00, 8,1,50, $1,75, 52.00, 42,50, $2.75, $8,50, 54.00, 8ri.00. We these parts. Catarrhozono euro Cou bs, Colds, La Grippe, Brt�u- have the new Battenburg Curtains 1818. His wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Cunning- ever the air breathed will goes andofs the day there are long specials and now shins:Incl all Throat and Lung troubles. , '' ham Bennett, who oiled of pneumonia g ' enol again a lone engine, shrieks wicked- Prise 50o and X1,00. Trial bottles free ' NEW CARPETS in Hemp, Tapestry, Union, Wools, etc,, all sure to reach the trouble. It is inhaled 3:. on March 13th, surviving her husband into every air cell of the lungs, the ly along the rails. A lone eiigino is a at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. ; nice new patterns, all prices, also new patterns in Linoleums, oil - only four days, was born in Down throat, nasal passages and bronchial ' thousanditimes more develish looking j; cloth and China Mattings at close prices. county, Ireland, in October, 1837, and tubes. IC kills the germs, heals the than a trail a roil© lone The former is aTozlnfs. Pq, NEW GIi;NTS' [+'iTIt1YIS1II:�,'Gr5 New '.Yiep New CGII airs, . membranes, and cures the disease, , t'' , n r New Regatta Shirts, Sweaters UUmbrellas,�e � it. amkgatod to .America in 1858. Mr, enol ' like a crazy thin- that will run naked/-,.0he resirietict or Ausoti :chew on nciereveat, 13rac s, etc, Doctors recommend it as the mostNEW HATS AND CAPS -We have just 't r y MI,0. Bennett were united in marriage successful remedy. Catarrhozone never but the latter waits to pin, its "tail" on the second 'concessionhon Wednesday 1 ] + p peri up ;1. large y` on September 15th, 1,855, and settled in fails; never harms; always cures as th 11i1dren say and so gains majesty evening, March 20th, a ^ o'clock, Ret stack of tile+ LATEST STYLES in P.1en'e, and Boys' I.l,a.ts and Cape,, Durham county near Port Hope,. In permanently. Price ",51,00; small size 15 au iguity atxl our respect. D. Rogers fieri the knot which made . all prices, T + X865 they removed to. Huron county, cents. Druggists or N. G. Polson cRz Co., eorgo W. Turva of Morris lost a..Harr Fear and Miss Addie Forrest man si NOW CLOTHING -Our stock of clothing• i 3 vel complete t` I�ing,¢ton, Unt.. y y , ,� with the ]steer styles for enol Boys' weal . Z a .earl ;g rile .settling oil lot 31, sou. 7, East Wawa- � driving, horse a few days ago i:roui �tucl -wife. .�.io ,yctwg couple � 'll make 3'' nosh, and in 1867 they removed to lot �I WE1%TZ'II1E;L1>. paralysis. This is the accond drive their home iii Morris, and st ` t in the ��largest stock In town. Boys' Saito from $1,25 to 65 4x0, den's 37, whero they resided until last Octo or rhe people of lliy,;,,�,pj>aan 41$ity were, Mr. Turvcy has lost in a fow weeks. now rclatiouship with the b ' ,visiles of �l Suits from $3:50 to' $12.00. Zen's and Boys' Panta all,priCws. when they removed to Blyth, w re surprised to hes of iiia sad t't,nth of George Elliot, son of - James Elliot, a 1; - o circle, of friends. theydived until called by death "To Mrs, John McClinton, 'sr., which ovont of Turaborry, has gone to Lake Tem� t is- tho residence of the bride's parents,' Mr. and Mrs. Bennett wore b u 11 took place at her home on Friday, camingne, New Ontario, to push his on Wochnesday, Match 30th, at 7 o'clock children, 10 of whom are left to mourn March 15th, after a week's illness, from 140rtuno. Thomas C. McCall was tinted in man -the loss of kind and loving parents. One pneumonia. Deceased leaves a devot2ofOlay tou Davi, who has been at home riago with bliss Lizzie, daughter of Geo. Y o s 18A RD & GOO ` son, James C., died on December 7th husband, olne son and nine daughters, several weeks with a strainsd instep re- Kirkby. The ceremony teas perforated last. Those living -are Mrs. E. Living- John H, McClinton, hlrs. Win. Mo- turned to Wiugham on Monday. by Rev. Mr. Penball, of Blyth, in theg The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank'of Hamiltoil- ston and John E. Bennett, Blyth; Mrs, Dowell, of Dakota, Mrs. J. Helps, of MissKato Martin, of Wroxeter, spent i presence of a number of the friends Wm. Armour, Wiugham; Mrs. George Colorado, Mrs. Henry Morrish, of Gode- last week at Mrs. Robert Black's. , relatives of the contracting pasties. a Steen, Now Westminster, B.C.; Joseph rich, and Airs. Robert Henry, Mrs, A. McEwen was ill this week and had bride looked very protty in a gray suit `"" "^ ^^•-�• •-^^- •-^ A. Bennett, Dawson City, N. W. T.; Jacksou Wightman, Mrs. John Mc- John King teaching in his stead. truarned with white satin and lace,while West Boundary -J Golley, W McCrea, 110MRATIO. Mrs. N. Strople, New, Westminster, B. Dowell, Mrs: Robt. McDowell, Mrs. Jas. Messrs, Matthew Richardson, James the bridesmaid, Miss Bella McCall,sister C McClelland, C Granby and N Cnm- Miss Charlotte Iiaslaan left Fiera on C.; Wm. C. Bennett, on the homestead; Armour and -Mrs. John Armour; the Burgess and Fred. McCracken, of Brus- of the groom, was prettily attired in a � ming, Tuesday, 26th, for Devil's Lake Dakota. .Aaron" C. Bennett, Wingham; Gilbert E, latter all living in this .vicinity, The sols, visited in the village this week. strawberry -colored dress 'trimmed with j East Bouvdax -A Br au A McLaugh- We are pleased to see . Adam Geddes funeral services were held in th6 church John Collin Grand Trunk agent at y 1 y y ' Bennett, New Westminster, B.C., and here, which was crowded to its utmost pink satin and lata. Herbert Birkby, tan, W Dark, J Banger, and E Mc- able to be around again. Alma has been ordered to return to , Maggie at home. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnett capacity, Rev. J. Kennedy preaching a , brother of the bride, supported the Lanbhlan. David Sproat spout Sunday in Ethel. were kind and highly respected neigh- very appropriate sermon, after which Bluevale. We have not yet heard where groom. After the ceremony those pre- Geo. Peacock was paid $1.50 for gravel. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips spent Sunda at bore and citizens. They were adherents the remains were laid to rest in West- Mr. Maguire, the former agent, will r y field cometary. The relatives and g ' cont, enjoyed a very fine musical pro- Taylor -Shaw -Council adjourned to Mrs. Phillips' father, near Goderich. of the Presbyterian church and in friends have the sincere sympathy of remove. gram. The presents,consisting of silver- meet again on May 27th, for Court of Rev. Mr. Roxboro will occupy the politics Mr. Bennett was ii. staunch the community in their sad bereave- John Mitchell was here shipping' ware,furniture, etc., -were very pretty as Revision enol other business. pulpit in the Presbyterian church next Conservative. went, rollers on Wednesday, well as useful. The y couple con le start i W. OLARr" Clerk. Sunday. - housekeeping near Blyth with the best ! 1.Mr. William VJ atsaz tivas :in the Blyth wishes of a largo circle of friends. Got Lane Back? ou Monday shippilla;Yoliers. The Council met according to acjjourn- T01108d of that now. That sort of Owing to the that* tUii3: week the mill meat, on March 18th, 101, members all nor Pols ne knocked out in short order, has been smut down , there being too o s Norvaline which is five 4 present; the reeve in the chair: minutes much water for comfort, r times stronger than any other, penetrates Mrs. Haugh of Win ham is visiting Tq§, of last meeting read and passed. at once through the tissues reaches the � g , f g } •` `�•� '••C'.T'�••Y"� ' � 10�'"' '°`"•' '` •.. '•'"t'L'" `'-� I• '' y ~T .'_�' ��}f� ^ '"x Taylor -Jackson- That this council source of suffering, o e b drives it out and her mother and father iri,tlie village this purchase a road grader for the use of the the s gives but strep th th t instantly. y. Not week. municipality. -Carried. g ' Dan Fraser intends moving into his. Nerviline this power, you will tltiuk it house in the village nest week, e, 1 Code -Shaw -The Clerk was instruct- magic however if you try it, pain goes Sugar making is in full swung around :a, ` ed to to receive sealed tenders until five so quickly. Sold b dealers eve • e y Y r3'- here vast nosy. lie o'clock p. m. on May 27th, respecting where, in large 25 cent bottles. I the price of road grader. The first trial of Dr. Wood's Norway ' i - - - -� A communication was received from Barrio tui1cis will erect a new $3,000 Pine Syrup will satisfy anyone that the the clerk of East Wawanosh respecting rink. lung healing virtuo of the pine tree has e advisability of .ges over ono now been refined into an effective and l u b the bridBetter results follow the use of Mil- convenient cough medicine. Sold by hundred feet in length being assumed by ler's Compound Iron Pills than from all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. A_•r• of t:,c childmi ever have it ? Then g � ,!' _ the County 'Council. On motion of any others. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Price 25 cents. r youill never forget it, will you ? Don't let it w Shaw and Jackson, the clerk was in - v. _ strutted to reply to the questions asked go until lnldnlglkt again, t -,t ..;•l.i Lreatlnetlt 1 , rr the rr, t t Cllr hollow, Pathmasters were appointed as fol- durinry �e cwcninto, ivhcn that , , lows`- ' Barkin. cough first begins. North Boundary --C Henderson, W J Henderson, T 311 Henderson,T Jewitt, G O;:t cut your Fano-Crecolcne (for you a McDonald, W Robertson, -N Thornton, surely keep this in the house), put some i. R Messer and P Moffatt. Cr3solene in the vaporizer, light the lamp be- 1st line -D W Campbell, R Maguire, ! L Fraser, A Hughes, W H Fraser, John r death, and let the child breatiie-in thy; cluie:ting, '"apt {; , . Johnston and LRuttan. ,, soothing, healing vapor. There Nvill La no '`' �^� 2nd line -J H Brandon, J Casemore, ` croup that Might. If it's midnight, and -the T Scott, W Garnfss, J Ferraind, G 7'ur- I g s r Vey, S Caldbick, Chas Forrest and Wm 1' croup is on, inhaling the vapor will break the t �� Moses. ;' •4 3rd line -J Coultes, J Hopper, A Proem spasm and bring prompt relief. k7 tor, J Garuiss, F Brower, W J Souch, T For asthma, bronchitis,. sore throat, coughs and colds, it is � Done, and G Henderson. , z , + 4th line -ll McLean, C Proctor, R a rompt and pleasant cure, while for whooping -cough it is a Eroator, L Wheeler, R Youhill James' ry# perfect specific. Your doctor knows, ask him about it. W e 1 l �'• Kearney, W McCracken, N Blank, g 5 McKenzie, and Wm Bryans. ' Lith Bane -A Halliday, J Pickett, J I i Ce 1 gg, _ 4 Clark, W Miller, T Clark, W C Wilsou, Jas Sharp, ]SI Cardiff' and Jnc �® Mooney. ' 6th lice --J Granby, J 1' Itelly,J Ageu, ' I Russell, J Douglas, J Smith, D Me. ! Cutcheon, and W Thuell. ckines WHILC YOU 3LECP Cth flue --•R Nesbitt, M Healy, T Skel- t toil, G Pierce, W J Kell.) A Howlett, ' "Tho apparatus is shnplo, inespotsive,•and 1 believe. unegnalled In tbo treatment of whoopinn,•couph, " G Redman, A Button, J Bird, D Me - The vapor is not injurious to henithy persons, it has a beneficial effect in allaying the Irt!tation ants the desire Donald, and A Ashton. to cough in bronohitl,. i car icotiy recor mend It," 361IN MBRRITT, llf,l)„ of Brooklyn, in the N. Y. Medical Record. 8th lino, -D O'Connor, H Richmond, ° Scott, J Brown, 'VW P S 1• j s B , i ,.su ¢uu6.,r : .,r..G,J.WIWO n, P 0 , Bell, t,. Iie y l Ji re, ;<3A t Phelan, R to to Ja k n J ll 11 n cl A Carter, i Vspo-6resolone la sold by druggists evorytvhore. The Vaporizer and Lamp, Which abould last a life•timoa 3 J I'arott It and a bottle of Creaolene eomplete, st.5o; eztra supplies of Vapo-Creaolene 29 -cents idnd So eetim illustrate 9th lirle-� 0 A Howe, , booklet coniainingphysiciana teatitnonlali free upon rdquest. VAro-CnaeoLena CC,, lata n1t6A St,, New York, Drown, G :Armstrong, T w110rtrebd, N 1 U.S. A. 'McDonald, W Taylor, G Birkby, Geo l Grigg, and T holland. ' �v •+.f.iefh.;. --- - �. ,mss ,.. _. _ ..:_ .. . �.�_ '.. ,.... ..,.. . uli,u f.Jt,i:e •�.M �Y:il-�-S.-mow Yin, v 'M', st