The Wingham Times, 1901-03-29, Page 3W
THE WING11-01 TIN0N MAR Mi -49� It 01# 771171�
Jwwii of rarNii% 14me,OAs V"APOO YWWf4
"Tho less you axtict of your flinu(Is 'Tiales of Forgais wants to talk to1he ThA" are W Jollill klawyors DbAw"ift
loval 1�ditor. Tho suinnions canio from Made to Look as Good rnlna for living 100 Youm:
r than tile more they will givo you," writea MOTHER, WIFE AND
Helen Watterisoll * oly of "T'lle First 4 010 loll—distalleo 1pllollr�, and I. Right'lWnrs, sloop.
Moo as New By uso� Of
Tragedy in , DAUGHTER, ri vlams %vnqtptl w) time its proliminarl(IS. 3, E;Isep an your right side.
a Girl's IiUo," in the April
one Lgilietil 1101110 journal, youm:lf I'my", hn Cup(], ta%dilg for 4. Keep your b(AwOut Iriatlinr opm
aVout forty travollera who have give rv, rldily ail(!. asnoblyas you walit, DIAMOND 1:1111W.t.
snoiwd up in Wia-baut for the past lowo 4, Inat to,, r.r lwdro= dGOr,
WoMall t0 --of yotur low and your confilt,%co 0
tt "I Pal' o U S Celery (lays. Couldiiit get out, .4eeplag,' tbvw:� 5. D-1 lifit have yiu )w 1,tva,t olimimt,
and your loyalty. Livo up I Y U -d, all sc.,Mj of tr uble, and our 'the %mll.
v4ho has beep cured, of backache and kidney higlicst ideal of what a friciall siloulhotio in a bc
trouble by the use of Donn's Villa has written I people at the wamhouseq probalily non- eitl;l v.-jtwr ja jlv? morning, but
(auft the higher Y(;u initho thot i(l, 12.1 NIP ,0 1
us as follows: filter wonina you will be QILd the snore dor what Y, ron- IlaTo lint seen any it buth at the tPlaptn.atiml Of the body.
'Mrs. Win, BIS120p, Palm yra, Out., write$-. I u), but never OL'oumund thing !u. the froill Toronto about Mrs, William Surgoint, 1,1-AroUn, O:!t., 7. 1) 1
friolul.-I will flock to yo
XavouecdDoauls Pillsfor lame back and know exact of your friendri that, they (hall give tb,.) weatli:'r up her,-. I Sell -0shing says; "Your Diamond Dye,; are the IN'St ].;it littlo ln' ar *alul f -,,v that it is
they are an excellent pill, as two boxes com. I haye fv(,r usqd, aii(,l thor hwo tloilo
v wt 11 vof 1;*d.
pletely cured III*, you 711ore thall they choose easily to Thl, Grom Spr!4; 1'ileflichia That tackle; pretty bad tot"' k "8111 '9 splendid work for 111A. In'll, Sh
give. If some ono you love disiq!pluts i J 10$10rLS [ I ort tum, 9, ("��)r ndlalltai 4-Aak w) inilk.
qljll� -e, *Iobv's reai!ws Diamond, Dyes saved im, to, doilas. So I
lack You t(131 the 0
you, and its many, wairy inore Nvi,11 do that tile 'Tevinvater faid, DVrl arlit. that I think they doservo a 1:0041 V'Ortl. i 10. the ;:ills
Mrs, J. T. Dagenals, Montro'd, buc.,wrltes, illnuirstocuilie, do not hold up your branches ive swwca up gu(I 1,h,lt My friends, towliont 1,11ava ho" Ii 111�, ivlii At dpttroy 44. p-rals.
ono year ago I suffered terribly with kidney Perfect 110011, dyed goods, Say that Dialuoild D've-41
trouble, I consulted several physicians and ideal of what they should be and d lo as, a On the P. P., (;Ia lit mako old things loolo, ljpr(� n' -W, Thk!
.411" villo and ANloyt 11. 41To; w4it-h destroy
used their prescriptions without success. I mirrow in which to count their iniper. Forc.4 branch there tire Sixteen locoing- ry!hpst womall ill our towv, aft -.r si.."111p *110,ze
ia,ik MR)
saw Doan Pills advertised, so procured A box fectloins, lizt it pavii, if you can, will, a a5glis. lost lit lily work, has becoi
and they made st complete cure, S. ADAMSON S, A Y S tive% =d thr,�Ll snowi), It(% a lis, r of y4 D dly lit 0-o ol;en, ilii',
').*,as. I thank you for suvit vah6l P! I u.) paw- it). ".Jur liv.
little sulilo that may bu sad, but unea tll(3 snow. And. by the way, you 110"Ilt I A -J
1 u-nuey-savers a,
n Mrs. Thos. Hyndina�ll, BJa...h!j1n,
• not be at tal satirical. And never be Qan Never Say T001 rv, to(), that it's olowl ig ot-119:1 le still i Diamond Dyes
to livat; the band.
Mrs. J. V. Griffith, Arontague Bridge, P.F,.x,, jealous of a friend it you want to keep Fays: 111 have been usinIg I. livro in tit: i Country !.I' you cal'.
,writes: About six months ago I suffered one, Ifauybody you are found ci� Torms Much, i-� Favor O_ 'Who, are crux oil, well, I can't for Inally years and Ilad thein III( H! I 15. vv':tttfll 01'., tl,r. o D%ic;nukiug
terribly with weak and lam o back. Itook nc other frlf+rfthips, or swans to be engross- you therm all offlitilid, brit there's Erank 'm tisfaqory in rpnowing the ','('VrA 0" ata. dituip, i1radird,
boxcif Donn's Pills and am thankful to ot-ay Paim;.-.'s ti lily childrell's clotil.:%,
thattheycured me and I have not had any ad with other frion ds, da not lot it make Alelizie, R. Christie, Will ThQmpson, and fastness, Diatmon.l. Dyi?s It). I [live oballgo of (cuu...xidou.
sign of my +vouble since, you unhappy, and above all nover offer Compound.11 W. Jack Crofton, J. Switti, Goo. 17_ Ttzljw trz!q%1(-A,alId .iilort holitlAys-
comment upon her ail to evident neglect Jones and about thirty niore. It's still 1:,3. Limit yova. wlibit4ori.
of lies old friends for her new oned. One of tho oldest and test edited snowing, I P, tva.per,
monthly magazines publis
-lied in Ailleri- Just then tbo 'phouo went, "click" S'Oine men growl about 11,1-1 riilit s:
i Vor Cur.;, Wounds, Chilblains, Chap -
ca, in a recent loading article, doclares and Mr. Jones was switched oV. Bat when they have a pocket fall of bill
Flonie won't Believe It that more than lialf tlio revenue of unpaid ones. Wanimailatri, Stiff Joints,
I pwl
why the northern drum.
Many people -who have suffered the yt4ciaus is derivea front the treatment this S will eN laia al!ls, 3�lres raid's
fainales, and that about 1110-rs are not (10ing bmineso. just now Miller's Kidney and D'af1der Fills I 11agyard's Yellow Oil
the system and purilty the Uluoil. f w: I I
acute misery of itching or bleeding piles
'4 Al. I
V for years in spite of mediellies and opoir- one case ill every hundred is correctly and why jinaDy o44 theln will Dot'j-'O; cleanse ';f� Touild zi ii txcillent rc inedy, Price
t � 1*: 1 �, ., .. , . uP
diagnosod, showing that cures aro ox- houl
ationsdon't believe that Dr. Chassis
Sold by, A. L. He i ton.
as ato Glebe. - --------
Ointment is an actual cure. There h,
trenuel rar�q, . 0 to -inorrow night. I I—F rida) lq 25 oLnifs all dealer.-,.
The iniportant knowlodget gained b
T never yet been it Person to doubt the
women of every ape about Paine's Celery
efficacy of this great preparation after 110
acts like magic in special and peculiar SaM
using one bol;. It ad
b wlits it bestows oil females suffering
Compound and the
Iteiiiiii- and is
—These distressing sL-in d
stopping the pain fuid I d' Cases relieved i e.
from ailments peculiar to their sox, as by one application. Dr. gnevr a Ointment G4-6,ylon , a,:& I � 12 1 L 4 a
positively guaranteed to cure any case well as common ills of lifti, is a potent cure for alveruption3 of the
C', of bleeding or protruding piles. Ask
--title's CL.lety Compound
have made P. skin. Jas. Gastong
your neighbors about it. Your dealer .010'Wilkesbarre, says;
has it. ;Host ost popitlaraud trusted home medi. I- For nine years was disfigured with
(line Of tile day. Tatter on in gnews Olut.
z cents. -31 A0 GR El' 1: ?U R LACK -2
Man and the Ape. In spring, time, when wonian's nar- ment cured c —31
vows strength is overtaxed by home worL-
A aecond Darwin has, says the Chi. and duties end the constant deniands of r
0 Fold by/ ?. I
Ingo'Times-Herald, sprung tip in the social functions, it is then that Paine's ::a"", I's TIC
0 ki9
ELI 31 t -Sa person of Dr. McNamara, who, in lee- Celery Compound shows its invigorating
and.vitalizing, effects, as the precious Shc railed the String. Its great" stren-iii eort-.1iincd Mth lt.i absolute purity make it Vie
taring before the Royal College of Sar- medicine is usqd from day to (14. It A very funny thing happened to a best tea on the trarl."
gootis, making the Hiluterian oration, qui*ly banishes nervousness, prostra- et.
11 - s a nci young lady in one of the churches ill a If your grocer does noi. keep it !w wlil gL-t it ra'
said it bad been proved that nian and the Dion, weakness, debility, lariguor, des Lber that) lo�-e your trade.
pondency, and the many nameless neighboring town one Sunday recently.
anthropoid ape were derived from the that come to women of all ages,SS ilL' I She was at church, and Sitting just in 'Ill) R I T. •
Over same stock, but thit the nerve center Mrs. R. Adamson, Head of Millstream, I front of her she say; a, tall, han6omely ASK
which controlled man's faculty of Kings Co., IT. B., says:
Of the very latest material articulate utterance did not excist. in "I feel ita duty to briefly testify ro- dressed stranger with a pleco of white
and cut can be had at apes, and couseriuentky they coald not garding the value of Paine's Celery Com- lint hang over his collar. Being a lady A free scample of delic-lous SALIkDA Tea sent
pound. Since childhood I suffered from of an acoommodatlug disposition one of on receipt c1' postall 3-mentionia _
Robt. Maxwell's at JOW6- u 1,g art you
ac ire Ilia power of speech. It appear- idek headaches. neuralgirk and constipa- the warmhearted, whole-soul6d 7
ad, he added, that the defective anterior tion: Hail attoolis once a week which girls drinlk—Black, lAtzed, or C -4 -re -en 'I"ea. Address
possible prices. lobes in the brain of the ape wt,;re due to kept me confined to bed. Have been who grow to be motherly cld ladies, a cc CA
Fancy Worsted Suit- the smell capacity of thwereatnre's skull treated by a number of physicians with. friend to everyone in town—she thought &j.C.LLADA.5" Toronto or
I out beneficial results. I procured six how glad she would be ?f. some good,
Ings are taking the lead caused by ossification during the -first bottles of Paine's Celery Compound kind-hearted girl would do as much for
this season• year of life' into a rigid, closed case, which was strongly recommended to me, her father if no were to come to church
within which the brain could not ex-' and after a short time I fou.Lid Lid that new PF
See our new goods. pand, whereas the brain of man QI(L not life and health coming that I so long with a, raveling hanging down his back. ire 7 R aW�p- R E E
wished for. Two years have passed and Besides, the thing worried her and ruin -
consolidate until adult ago, and SO I have not had a return of my old ed the otherwise immaculate appearanceanc6
6 6
t.we. atiteriot lobes of his brain, including the troubles. I call never say to muoib in presented by the broad neck and well -
High Art Tailor, lViDgham. nerve area controlling speech, naight favor of Paine's Celery Compound." built sl�oulders go is the. the c'oiigrega- willbecent
continue to develop till he attained his Would Prohibit' spitting. tion rose for prayer she concluded tAo
twentieth year. But this, he said, was
ALnot always the case, for the human "One out of every five deaths which Pick it off. Carefully raising her hand MANAGS skull found in the tertiary formation of Occur in the world is caused by tuber. she gave it a twich, but there,%yas more
the Java was clearly on the border line culosis, I I was the statement made by Dr. 9f it than she supposed, and 'a foot
between man and ape. J. E. Elliott at a meeting held in St. more appeared. , Setting her teeth, Sh'Q Tot1le Eye
F George's hall, Toronto. The meeting 'gave another lbing pull and a yard or
1,901 ittt was called to discuss a resolution moved more of that thread hung down his back.
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple by Dr. Elliott, urging the enactment of This was embrassing, but was a grim and the Iffind
Tab lots.— Medical science by accident dis- laws to prevent the spread of consump- determination to do or die, slid gave an-
ALMANAGS covered the potency of the pineapple as a •tion. Dr. Elliott, who is president of the other yank and found that she was un -
q, panacea for stomach troubles, The immense
Those desiring a Burdock percentage of vegetable pepsin contained in the club, presided, and the audience, though raveling his undershirt.* It is needless at the Same T ii e
fruit makes it an almost indispensable remedy in not large, included about forty well. to say that her embrassment was then so
Blood Bitters Almanac for the cases of dyspepsia and indigestion. One tablet known medical men. In the course of painful that chlbrform could not allevi-
after each meal will cure most chronic cases•
year igoi will be supplied by 6o in a box, 35 cents —30 his address the president pointed out ate her suffering, nor a pint of powder
Sold by A. L. Hamilton. that a tuberculosis patient, by spitting, have hidden her blushes, when the
their druggist or general mer- Florida has far surpass circulated in a single� day three billion gentleman turned, with an inquiring is the art in advertising. This Ad. Mustrates bow true this
Z�l ad all her saying is, especially to those wisillng pleasant and profitable
former records in the shipment of bacilli germs. He dwelt on the serious look, to see what was tickling his back. employment. "Canada's Sons on Kopje and Veldt," the only
y . Last year there were 700,000 d Beware of Olutinento for Catarrh that
�chant free of cost bcalling Or' orange.,anger to the public health by allowing
. boxes, but this year the total will reach this state of affairs to continue. Dr. Contain Mercury
sending to their place of bustbook dealing exclusively with the Canadian Contingents, is the
- 1,250,000 boxes. Sheard, the local Medical Health officer, as mercury will surely destroy the sense book to handle. Official, Authentic, Cheap, sells on sight to
ness for same, or will be sent Milliners clean soiled wings that ac-
c- pointed out .the necessity of educating of smell and completely derange the everybody, and anybody nan sell it. Capital or experience not
cumulate in their Stock by shaking them the public to see the dangers of tuber- whole system when entering it through necessary. Send for Free Outfit and make money.
culosis. 'The municipality could not the couscous surfaces. Such articles
by mail free onreceipt of a gently in a box of white cornmeal, act unless supported by pupil; opinion, should never be used except on presc rl 1P_
brushing all the mealout carefully with ii It was a cryiiig shame, he declured, that tion from reputable physicians, as the
s damage they will do is ten fold to the The BRADLEY-GARRETSON CO;, LiMiled,
two -cent stamp- for pci'iage, line brush. White aigrettes are cleaned the only result *of the consumption agita- good you can possibly derive from thqm.
Address THE T.' MILBURN CO., by washing them gently in warm soap- tion in Toronto had been to close the Hall's Catarrh Care, manufactured by 13RANTFORD, ONT.
Limited, TORONTO suds made ' from good Soap, rinsing in, doors of every public institution its the F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains
cold water and shaking them dry over ano mercury, and is taken internally, act -
city to the unfortunate sufferers from ing directly upon the blood and muscous
fire.—April Ladies' Home Journal. the disease. Toronto should immediate- surfaces of the system. In buying
lyhave an institution for the care of Hall's Catarrh Oure be sure you gab the
A TAL-ailor's consumptives, irrespective of race and genuine. It ib taken internally, and
made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J: Olieney
creed. Indiscriminate expectoration & Co.. Testimonials free.
should, he thought, be made a criminal Sold by Druggisti. 75c. per bol.tle.
:r1 61 SOLUTE offence, as it is in New York. Hall's Family Pills are the best.
ly Anyone troubled with Boils, Pimples, A venturlan.
would be useless unless or Malignant Skin Disease, should use TABU4118
I Burdock Blood and nagh, Ireland, on the 28th of February, IRS
Bitters externally There died in the County of ri irma- 2'KA
SECURIT Rashes, Festering Sores, or any Chronic
the fit, style and quality take internally. It will cure where James Graham at the remarkable a4ze of
others fail. 108 years. The old, gentleman had led a
were apparent to back up The women and Her blothes christian and amiable life from boyhood,
every statement. we "When a woman devotes one-half of and, -was highly respected by all that
her life to thoughts of dress she abso- knew him. His last words were: "I Doctors find
don't talk volumes, but %,Sparter's lutely taires the whole question out of trust only in Jesus." He possessed all
its proper relation to her life, and be, his natural faculty of mind to the last
our. suits talk for us, and
as the talents which God gave her moment of his life and knew and spoke
our pLi
rices will suit you, S for far greater things," writes Edward to all around intelligently until his eyes
ttleD Liever Pills
Bok, in reply to a woman correspondent, I closed in death. His remains were
Leave your order for Must Boar Signaturo of intho April Ladies' Home Journal, ,It borne off the shoulders of sorrowing A Good
that new is, indeed, a grave question whether she.- friends to its last resting place in Tempo
does not debase herself. Nor will she Cemetery; where the English Church.
be 'well dressed-: the chances are far clorgyman and a number of town's
FALL SUIT OR Zoo Fac4linito Wrapper Below. womangreater that, she will be'over-(tressed.' people mot the procession and a very
Nwomanwho baq nny regard for what impressive service was delivered by tile RX Ic iption
OVERCOAT Tory aimall ovid co oacy Is worth While in this world, and for able divine in regard to the good quality
0 tato W 0--f;w7. what will bring her the surest and fullest and Christian bearing of the deceased
I n I "I I . , * FOR 119ADA, happiness in the long rim, will so dissi, gentloman. Air, Graham was the father
WIRS ran mzzinEss pate her allergies and vitality. The of Itobt. Graham, of Callendor, Lake
right to dress prettily and becomingly Nipissing, and uncle of Robert Graham,
Stand next *Griffin's Grocery. ITTLF F00 BILIGUSI&S. belong$ to every Nvoinall. It is her of LitekitiOw, Formavinklacl.,
Ll V E' R FOR TORPID LIVER, birthright and her oltiby. A distagard irok Over Itea
P1 L of dress, or the affectation of queer or
FOR $ALLOW SKIN. in old wid, Well -Tried Remedy—MI's
THE MILK FOR 1ft COMPLEXION freakish dressing, does not belong to i% WllnslowlsSoothingS . ) has boenused
oxaNVArM MUST!1AVe. MAW normal WOniftu. Bht to mako drpss one for peer fifty years by -0 ionsof mothers Ven for five cents, it braggl!% Grocers, RestaurAnts,
Motu I IV V-Ptab 'On iyllilO tc0thire, with
OF THE-,.:�� of the vital things of life is carrying it fOI! their d1ildl saloons, News,stanat, General Stotts and B
perrect, success, - It Soothes the chilct, banish pale, induce steep, knil prolong life.
beyond the r0dic',11bus point and close to One gives rel efl No matter what'd the matter, one will
Ile: SICK HEADACHE, Softens the gums, allays all pitill, cures I d� �iiu good. Ten samples suid one thousand testi-
the criminal. And it Is just this right- wind colic, and is the best reinedy for mentals Wit b
bytheR , Z Ymll to any address on receipt of price,
MUTEIN.DAIRY 'ou fill tojilstinellb of the things ill life dital-haelt. it is pleasant to tho taste. 1pull hem1w C6.1 Tespruft St., New York cicty.
EN It, gives it Sold by druggists ill evory patt of the
is inure atid cold and to P T Dodd Ideal Which sit'""e'ty 11008 for us -
way be soctired by riglitful place and a riglItful Value t) Nvotld. Twenty-five cents is bottle, IN
our aid. Address, value is mealealablo., 136 sure yon ask
YHE PAUNT MCOND, slow's 800thing, $Yrtip, and
costs.... onch. It doesn't belittle the one nor dil;,- Por Mrs. Win.
T11=9 GENT A, QUAIM. Mi. tort the other." tftkol no other kind.