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The Wingham Times, 1901-03-22, Page 8
THE WINGITAX TINES, MARCH 22), 1,901. MINOR 40 AI„S. lair. and Mrs. D. D, Wilson ofSeaforth 0R• AGNEW, a H% T, , , are h9wo front the Old country. rhystelan, Surgeon, etc. _lial-n I a t• E.,c ace tehe Wafers gutuall- _ q an Ileadacile. The trust'eesof scitool section No. 7, uli;rttorMi• etZiTiglit czilxtn u iliidisttlit+iAlii.1 ` n NUnk'e-:lt an131,a, will sods be iu iTsborne bays) passe the, .j;atlgniviit ub- __ orEler. 1P att tamed nAvinst them by lair. McPherson, WALKER a u e O S, & BUTTON ~ w . ?yesterday was the first defy Of their. former teacher. Italnoullted with UNDLRTnt Ens, tivGttAM. spring. cost!, to between $30and T400. ` :t a Fancy -•-A sprints show will be heltl in Gorrit, _ _ Night rolls at Button Ifloek, or Fifth On April loth, halo ltiei;txtor. floor soot h rP Pehool llotlLo. Shop op. -Dead 1'liday .1p:iT Gtll stud EttsKr posits ,tiJaodunald blooli. • + ,eu iday d1'rid th, 'et,l3esfitly^, April lira.--1,1,nreserved ' =+ auotion sale of fartn stock iln lenicuts tp —gg ts,!- Fit y R x r 1 :" r- Bewick township council met tet and ltous0iold furniture on lot 8(1, cols, V +i Gv r. A bel, consi nnlent of Mattresses died 't' 'ire Springs Corrie on Wednesday. 12, East Z' "waltosl)at 1 o'c•leck. Pro. MISS CARRIZ MOORE y --W, G. Pat.t+rsolt, tl:a watcltck,ctc> prietorllasso:d hisfarni; ever •thing to (if London Comervatory of Music will be pre- bought fix less than the regular kash price;. Drop in and see, his. it arivt, ill this issue. Read it, )3xrrt4 after O"t. 1A, to reecivo it limited num- ba etd:l. 12 inouths credit. Andl•ely lxn; of pupils for instruction on violin and , r llo LTnioli fut'ltltur:i factor;] ` er t (atutar. what they are like, Won't ase: you to buy, Fox, Proprietor; John Currie', auetione^r. ReAdence•-o•1 asito R. C. Church 1S in •ham, V nevi ti.a: c .-:signet to teens an:itl raft i -i c•p'1:•stied oil Z o-anesdal sl_ ..__ s = t Thurslair, April 4--Unreservo(I arte-M19` AND t t Yt, hardt} l:naty lu Tn;npr. ,ry , F i tion milt) of farm stcek at Rt 8G et 11. 12 PI 90 AND THEORY. Nvllurr. t•) li,%:ii Vivre: is so :Gi l II.7U tilllvar_ )r n(i •al of the 'D I,;(, Wawiluosll, tit l o'clu;it. Pro- MISS , 'Si l t,lltult ..,u>iut 3 C,dtt ,t. is tllail:il.;, + L1I,,S SJ,RA 1;+(3ilISE f>+100R1:, L.C.fix. tY1t1C1't ter \i'tttasti noVt It}= and ,, lriEtc*r relttctl farm, e{'crytlllu^ solBALL, o ui t prn!n it s; nest at Illoge, t\v. I I g and nlelnhcr of the o Associated limited c f '4tE"av1 :1-c' t' orti; of S.1EClti1 withviLt reservo. Hoven utnutllsciedit. QAtario,itipprepalulto ineniveahmitulinun•• }' ( ;+•_';boat two car loads of salt were t, , berofpupili sur instruction on. Piano and in t, •, i ;' , though « h , ,c , Jas. 51.101, prc prietor. J. 'currico, RTIC- Theory. . elite' .• ;- . 1, ,-nis a4 though s,l;i,r'n,,sleighs front Wingham to Siecta)attcnaion t t Queer given to pupils preparing we ti.11 (: Il()t u:4:rlaalieil I'ar1n i;,, w. i IMi1 ma,s ell Mond y. forira iinutians. _ ...._, } i': c• itaulual ai ect:llg nF tilts Cat a i1t:11 "'" `"°`- '• "" '°""`" " `'°-"-'' Rest once-opposito R. C. Church, Wingham. trill r' 111tit Wtl gaud, and such - --- ----- -- -- - — r an- i+ ,;n<'t at; varies t0 Clluc?se Pres A%s•uii:tion was htIl eat Wronto Insolvent pp l y on , •:ura'a^ un+l Friday of t.tis heck. a flee .Insolvent Act. TJ XDRRTA.Xi',i.Tr- i I years practical experience en frlilll• ; a wonder e are fav cpzCi:tl ln:C't1r1 of < Ut'.rt BF:tlt• ll / r,, a,, y, et'h" :+9artive11 for me tomakonnas- abler US t.? guarantee satisfaction. ars (t \;'isle sea ttlan buyers of 'land, C. O P. was 11t Til tul:4lr nal ly t'vr,„- sin. rnent for the hetieftt of myself. 'filo Paving y } tu.nles lay only thrt:n per cent., whllo I ant pro- DrCSS rsUf.)Cly. iiS t0 \'slue our Ing,SvheilOtlC:iC11P1ltetltlir\casiuiti:i:l'r'. P+'ro:inpaylOtol3cents uK teen dvllartnolt+ ca' them o lt+,•s are doin„ twice it year to all _ LUTHER Funeral •i -- A slot t ,r t ut wvct t claims thra apple _ pt:rties ren•niring boots nntl :list -s ti e 1. All R BALL, Funeral Director S- pt lces are emsy, Silks, Trim Ci ler v!<.tt;t;r, t;:ke;l 11t rett Un:tole are nindo welcome to call r.,nd find what can be T lnin s and txluves to nlltch all ---- se,vetlatthe oldest established shop in town. , r., gaanti:!, , i.3 a sura prat;'ilt'ur,+ cif hatenabtesmetorepnirboot.4andshonsneat Residence—1 atricl St., 11 r. Gracey s late residence, ,1 lTaving leas d tho ingbam Flax andoheapesli in the county isIliverentfree Dress Goods. s ut•, , : X. and have no dread of the bailiff. All parties Tut tor IeKt y. ha3 completed the )till, I It u] pre tat . t o furnish seod owing will please call and settle their accounts NEW LINENS ;;, , • to tell parties )o are desirous cif at once, and all prelates in Wingham or in the cos l..ct of cl li'a ei'. r, 3.'0 fou, of leo I Dominion, Having claims against me will obisgo ^_- _•. .- ' +-irrowi[ fax. A Su iV of seed has by presenting their accounts as theireashis - ' w fx.l:u i it.i;l a:n to t,te crealurry at g PP ready. A few steps west of Stuarts' Hotel. Ne are careful linen buyers and Wil:r caurch. let=cn left itG T. A. iliilis' fitUt'e, lYllerO Victoria St. 7'H014iAS ABRAHA1lr. -1 O4rl0404®040®®®9O®®Om®64403♦Q®®O®®600400®Ads44440003d4 we know good linens when we see --„ q n. Campbell, Divibiun Court Clerk tate ,4unte will b- delivered. . them, tier a eau 1 eeummend these at Dl:t:l lits resigned. 'mho uanie of N.H. 1 will pay =„ 10 per ton for first- $ linens. c?fess iiax delivered tit the mill. BUS,! FOR -SERVICE $ Young is mcutioued as the likely man to 0 DOURIJ 72 inch half bleached Pure Linenfill the vacancy. Parties having goose sod land to , 45c t,nd 50c. rl lvu ctmeetin will be hold in the rent will please communicate with $ Q F , g The undersigned will keep for service on Lot 7_> inch fine beached Table Lineal the undersigned. , Cou.12,Enst Wttwnnosh,il,ntliorotlghbred f t)5G A71d i 51;. council chamber, Glt Friday evellhtg to g Shorthorn bull, "LordRoboras.” x + 9_ arrango for a local concert to be given ,S .li !I yl Terms -$1.G0. 4 , Wine bleached au'ch Towels, _oc, 111 aid of the band. A sG , JOHN REID. $ v 35c and 50e per pair. Win h#tal. _-$ -T. cI. i•.oss, local agent for the -""' t+m3 E 4 Irish crash roller Towelling. g P r Linen Napkins 50c, 75e, $1,00, Massey.ua1•iis Co. 8111 have his Reponse FARMERS + spring delivery of farm implements, K $2.00 and X3.00. s and an one having live stock or other $ e etc., on Thursday of next `reek. articles the wish to di4pass of shoal advor• p J ,plc , S tsetheaaineforsalain thaTxni>rs' Ourlar e 4 ur bui l t —7'ho Grand Council of the Ct:ntldiauArlesian g Aty c cu]ation tells and it will bo strapga indeed if 4Urderof Chosen)+rteuc.s Rill meet at you do noMetacustomer. We cant guarantee <>4 New Spring Hate Ties Shirts and Hamilton next week. T. Hall is the — that you t Met sell because you may ask more+ O - p g , , for the article or stock them it is worth. Send + i. Collars. SuiLings and Partings, delegate from Wingham Council. Y your advertisement to the Tninsandtrythis v r p . The undersigned have purchased all" plan of disposing of your stock and other 4- Last week we advertised a ease of' Ready-to-wear Salts and Spring -McDonald & Louttit shipp3d fl car the necessary machinery for drilling articles. $ Overcoats. First clioice. load of cattle to Toronto 'on Monday. Artesiau Cells and are prepared to do -- - - - — -- -- choice heavy '.Bacon. We dis- Burchill & Robertson shipped a car load. all hinds of work in that line, 1 s ', SHERIFFS Self OF LANDS posed of the whole of it. This Saturday Snaps in Shoes of cattle to the stme place on the same Any person wanting work done in our O o 2 ' day. line -will leave word at W. Gannet's Im- COUNTY OF HURON, e♦. wee we have secured another $ A clearance of all odd lines of plementshop. Byyvirtueof awrit o case but the price is a true high- $ E: -Weare please.1 to See Alex Ritchie To WIT: of rieri faeias issued 4 Boots and Shoes. again at his old plane in H. E. Lard & W. A. CURRIE. out of Her Maiesty's High Court of Justice in 4 g t. We will sell on Saturday 125 pairs the matter or arbitration and award and to ♦ er.Ov.%G7i'Vf'r, we are going to Of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes, J. D. Cos store. Alex's many friends in Thi, DAVIDSON.' and ten inept°sn E Jeri`m°es Leesai nt the°shit oP ♦ (51Ter it at the price of carload lots tawii will be pleased to l ear of his Joseph Leech., ursuant to submission dated .1 ing s make; less y. June 25th 1890 have seized and taken sit ex- . reeovely. ' i $ i ® I 7 . JE'®gi 1. . 50 pair shoes, regular „2.00 for ecntionaitthertght,.title, interest, —Messrs. Krauter & Ritclii3 have r of red e mpption of the above named .lames $184. Cooks Cotton Root ComPonad Leech, i *,to an out Off the following lands and $ x 50 pairs Fine Shoes, re alar X2.50 about 70,000 feet of logs at Brussels Is, successfully used monthly by over premises viz., lots 59, s,0 and the easter- ♦ Another shipment of Cooking g 1 tivo thirds of lot No. 149, rennin station yard a large proportion of it 1o,000Ladies. Safe, Ladies ask y g s • for $1.67. r P P I your druggist for Cools s Cotton Root Com- numbers, all in the 'Pillage of form in the Figs, % lbs. for 25c. , 25 pairs. Fine Shoes, regular $1.25 being maple. The logs are to be shipped as8. Take no other, as all Mixtures, pills and County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, as 1 oo laid down in a re stored plan of said villa im2tatfoas a e dangerous. Prise, No. ><, $1 per gf p village ' %T 840. to Wingham• box; No. 3,1 degrees stroager,$s per box.. IQQ• by Wm. Bolt, P. L. S. Which lands and tone- , 1 ag 2; mailed os, reset t of rice and two a•eaal men'ts I shall offer f9r sale, at my office,, in the 114 BE The above f11" Saturday only, —The road grader done some work on st6-mpg The Cook pQompany Windsor Oatl Count House, in the Town of Godelich, on m shop ea + I v Josephine street on Mo. ])Zan of 'xos. l and 2 sold aria recommandt d by;al Tuesday, rho Sixteenth day of April„ 1901,:at + . p , P y' y responsible Druggists Su Canada. the Hour of twelve of rho clock, noon. + JJJ ("r I 'Ru I F 1 2 3 1 10 S N"! 3 the merchants were not pleased with R. G. REYNOLD'S t N o. l and No. 2 are sold in Wingham by A.L Sheriff, Duron. d I $ s the furrows made in frout of heir Hamilton, J. E. Davis, A. A. Morrow, CoL"n A Sheriff's Office, Goderich, 1RIB. ifA J plaecs of business Campbell, Druggists. Jan. 5, 1901. 04♦00♦4000♦l PP.♦04E*OP04444 ick OOb04OOP.....0o-44404t044. -L. W. Hausou is making soat3 ex- ' tenSIve rep4rs to the Central Hotel. The butel}\or shop and ladies sittitig bs .• ^' i. TALxr • G ABOUT i:oums.-The follow- room aro being fitted up Race will ing is taken front too Toronto Daily be need as a dining room. J,• rf• j . '. News: -"Mr. J. E. a • the genial , cS a Nil arta, .._The bld?ckina of the trains and the -'- Boniface and owner of prize trotting and o i__.5 P g storms have this week ra>71er interfered light harness racing stock at Wingbam, • ' with our usual budget of news. News ,,t !fr; • Ont., t:i col.•, spends+pct: with the writer h. ` front sevl;ral of our corre oudents has _ q this rve ,r, : ays:-I am sti11 the owner of failed to reach us this hack. k ' - - - g - t the pa.. er, Harold H., 2.11x , the Salons ^,Y i .y son of r )::cl cId Roadznastor. He lysis-rSubscril:ers a wile have paid in v: y y , r yreceived in on first mons ever tlli:o t started advance and have not et rest ivecl the ,. ; ` `` I' i _ , L ],• him last season through TLutcs Canadian Annual for 1901, are re- Western. - Ontario, New York, Pennsylvania, `Vest q y - _ nested to call or notify the office and a Virgina, and Ohio. Harold H. is un- copy will be given or mailed. _ ` - i - doubtedl ca a')le of showing ° - y P g you and I-LAIrs. A. Webster and W. Web as food as 2.CG. Declaratkws in stakes - ster have been very, sick for tho past amounting,to $10,000 already assure apleased . wcelc. We are to learn. that W. busy o-earo:i for the horse. The 2.12 r Webster is now hpproving'hud that Mrs, claps wEl c tell biiu., To beat him, Webster is also doing as well as could- comp •titol s n)ust hang up 2.05, so that: be expected.- , :9 warranted In making - -',-•••- •• mal ln' - - Hare) t Ii. „the , Wo also informed that Wm. R. `-_' ._ F• _ _ ,, .:----' _ '-•== . . trip t4ronxil tha ..r Ci✓ `• -- - moi-_- - -- = - _ - P ,a C.a11d Circuit this Drummond of this town, and -his .3;t - - -;i=^' 'n'' •' ' "_' - - --" _ - "=- -- =' = r"' _ t seas :n. Th:l gelding Walter S., 2.14,1 , ' -- ^te l - _ • "` •. brother, lately returned from the United _ _ - , ` _ .- _ r i . " .r.:;_. : •'-.' ¢ . -- ,,, _ has be. n sold to Mr. W. Camp, the good Statcs, have leased the fax milli at r - -" p ,-- °' 7 _. = fello,v hi the S:crotary s box at t1le ' ` - Blyth and will operate elle mill during" .- suultn r all -1 ice meetings of the Belle- , coming season. -................... Ville, Ont., Trotting Association. He Went in very, cheap at $525. The Wing. -The Winghatu delegates to the L. O. L Grand Lode at Stratford last week, Lodge ham summer nlee:ing this year will be , _ _ _ ,- , ,,,;. ...,moi' -,.r " -• •rY••-4••.,.. • on un and 27th, when voraed hard to have the next meeting of held June 26th purses aggregating $2,500 will be bungGrand Lodge hold here. They were not successful as the next meeting will be - up. We have eaven successful meetings - •- ---.-•_-- •-_ _ _ ---- ` ' „ _ _ - -•- - - . h ilei in Petrolia, topttr credit,. so that when I say that the Wi!) haw Turf Club will run through -L Campbell, who for the past nine its far ora.It on those dates, despite the years, has run a hotel in Teeswater, has fv A WO act t'z it T,4ato`y3l it is claimed the same sold out to Jos. Olheiser, who has taken date:+ Z •.;I C.Wl Le Su: e the 1901 event Possession- Mr. Campbell intends go- v N&'w A I AS •,wi , t tai p t!t) eighth sneeessfnl racing leg to the county of Simcce, north of term cre6itrcl to our Association,„ Barrie, where he has some 475 acres of land. grey cure a cold is a night -use Vapo-Cresu- Z=M=T13 D lone. 1t has been used extensively during more than twenty-four years, All Druggists. (INCORPORATED UNDER ONTAR10 COMPANIES ACT,) *.7 y -Wm. Robertson, of town attended ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS, FOUNDERS A,1V!) MACCtIIVIT5. v..t. Door,, the wedding of his oousus, Miss Sato Perhaps. its diphtheria, or, Murdoch at Lucknow oil Wednesday. Sole Canadian 111anufdotaring Agents for The Glenfield -Kennedy Co'y, Ltd., Kilmarnock, Scotland. t ea l l fever. lne , Xeep your The groom, James Strachan,of Toronto, scarlet ever free from the arrived in Witfgllam on Tuesday even- - r:. erms of these diseases.int= and could get no farther by rail and BANKe as. Aunl toRS, .or icl efts. re vetit your ebildren from. '' he avid lir. Robertson had to drive from CANADIAN BAXX oV CoAmrROP''. OLARXSO t at CROSS ROWAN, & ROSS. having there, YOU can t,v here to Ltieknow. it with our 'V'apo•Cresolene. put ,TONIN' GAL,T•, Gr E. M. E., WILLIAM C. BULLOCK; sorrtq Cresoltme in our Vaporizer, ontvetcoif Nor :s. i'Itl+sxYVI:N';1. i„tAxAOYxa 1h1CiL1;CTbIt. light the Tamp beneath, sod' Iet the Rev. J. I. Manthorne, pastor of the Mintorous ron WINGUAne A, E Smith, Esq., Banicer ;; John. A. McLean, Esq., Lumber Merchant. vapor fill the sleeping room. 1-19VO Parkhill 13aplist church %Vill rraach its the children sleep ifs the room every the Wingham Baptist church on Sunday Might, for it's perfectly safe, S•et not next, morning and evening. The Company invite application from residents of Wit:ghatn'i and vicinity far a portion of the present issue Of 7 per a S "° 1'.''' at -c germ can live in th-s , T r Rev.Rural Dean Itodgii)sisaWnding cent. preference stock, The preferenres given ,Ire exceptional, and being embodied n the cla r ter tnal;e it an unusual oppor oar ....,, }C.Q hactor about it. 3 a meeting of tho executive oommittea of ninety to fat triers, merchants and ©thers of the district to secure a portion of the profits accruing from the humense'trade Tri t • : •• • t; is a,id Av drog>tteta r•verv,• t, ra. . v' itatlf'ati'{ stlelifeinmc ndt+a(`rin' f thedioceso ibt• Londotl this week. Tie iran, now o ening' up in Canada and sty selilom in the reach of ordinary lilvestorS. The shares are placed on tb market'at rvs,!« i ,. curl ,tete, stns— exira as pliers of r,t.,n. also formed a chapter of tho brotherlloocl ppb l0, p c a 4iM trrinnt.,telfi Lr "u}'A n,eqUtcst o+Vxrtl: of lit Andrew in. St. gulf choral,, $roo-.00 par in payments' of 1 o per cent, putting. it within easy reach of everyone. . z:. r eo, rb rut,oa st.,NcW oter, U.:: A, Winghalii, on Wadut ynightitn*1 W_ Infaremation and prospecturs sail die obtained by addressing the Company at Vtnghaltsy, or Calling upon lVir, bullock F1C ,nnwndM erns W014 by' A. L. Hathiltt n 1•t,Winorbaw, stallntltheofftoem-4-aaforth.Sum the 14atel 13runswi k, Wingham, a _ U. ,n .4a A».r_.. .t,.,,. .....-