HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-03-22, Page 7n
THE WINGHAR TIX I{aS, MARC 22 , t7Q e r x
.G.o»e% ..q q, .. ,r»r, . ^• r»e .. r««!y.` e»q ^. �.°«r, ow C j °.,q,�l� °»r•h� q••q, y r.•o•�j(t :q»r. • q»q. »° a 1t, w"e q»q`. ^; •q»e , q»°• Keeper was pouring the tea,. but Ulail r vjAvu r.....a!
,,,. �„ G.. Off' � � 0'�• 40• ta?Q'q 'P4`' '4?0• •',� my express t:otnmand:' u1�1t;t®(( (� i41ut1+'
YY 4? - 44 , .ii4 +� 04 00 00 • e :e' a 4C . 00 iia Ori • *;� • • 4O . „' o • O, .. �'O . ®Oh e Q e "Rut look at iter attitude." It strati page had,." t �"t colli' down, 1 think. Ill tbH o� 1,at :tlzel:tr / arriF:(1(,ut itt Uhf,
i }��W °I,�YV''o»o✓YV'g1,q yY'vo q Q,' q o QJ iG Op p0 a QC•o»°, . •-• 00 o,.q.wQ S v rq v0 w vG q w ✓Q + v ♦ .t(4'. Fenton 3'110 spoke. Sloe p 4t A41t'L��� t
than Philemon, It seems tome."
She, has be(1� putting on great airs of it yeas f=44 t.lat; the t;e-m!rslbupe�riiAtty
i late, of t,ntte'r flavor W 111.3 summm
I here eras same reason for tiffs re- "Can It b0
possible that he .does poli
. num.. Guarded by the high feaco from know that his son 1•'t that It wants oQ ScASOtl is mainly 4110 to the greater tutu-
M step ofAgathaWebb,�?\it1t?�T the gozp of the pushing crowd Witboutx tnat'1•y this girl?" muttered the clergcr< her of bacteria of Ilia ar,hl slam foultlt 14
'' YY d e/ oliv, i tool upright and Immovable in tUe � tho 3141k during tele ovaholt. 7:i;•: ri mit-' ! �+ man into file con.,tntfi(. s ear, J
r a > t:ilddle aP .tile yard, lilts one on wAtch,
• File constable Shook his head. h14,, ing of a goon quality of ll.wrrt.t ( r ant, is
1'he hood Which she had !dropped from
�� > "'—'° '"-" Gr'
was one of :those debonair mostly ii, development of w!itl battens,.
By Anna. Ratharin,e Green. �� a> her bead when slip thought 1101* eyes men whose eery mlldre.:s ivakes them SVllczi tet41•rd ne(1 cr(11� 1 i:t ?rack' for
Y ltntho? pP cTlae i,o,'vQgwortll Gate" "Lost LT%Ws Lan.@" "Eartd 4nd Bring l 7ZtQ, Eta, And smile In1,r,llt 1)t, aP t1sQ to iter Ln th@ �
° x , 1. , .... C tin cnetraill0. churning, ,
p chuxtltil tilt. tlltznh: r c,i t+(+(tc..c11
. ^,° �•' ? turthertuiea Of Ilcr plans hod Veen rrho corotier on leaving the bouse, was ""
p t r
drawn over it again, so that she looked cubic centitveter varies from
followed by Air. Sutherland. As the ,
Capyriu3t, 1000, by Enna Zathaxine Green• c�,�yt.1 more Bite a statue in gray than a lir- One figures of the tttp: men appeared
to <10,CO3,000. Of this t:T, 111',: Y talo uoicl
4:, il;.. breathing wc:man. I'Rt tilers was protlaciu l vwteria canetitutc;i, from ift
. �•e»r + ^. e, e. o . s»a• a •, a.ro . e o. e, • e ,e»e . ,e °•4` ` q o.f. ° ,o•( f: ° a • ! •o• ° ...r»o ...r»c .,. a r••a : ltiq»q a q»e .. •°.•u^. • e (;• : On the r1U01:5tep A faint Cllpel' 1ra4 �"
C C �0 GC OC CC u v • �G+ ' •' 0 , QCT 00 ^Q •�Q .�• ' 4 , tut intoe in tier attitude and tl purpose heard from tite tato or three favored to x 1 per colt, As tha la cel:i of r',+
44tH? Oa 04 00 04 04 44 �O+L' 00 04 44 O4 GC+ nQ 44 r�.�• � � 4,t, hl the Solitary stolid
She tools to that 1 1•u-
q.•e'�Q q»q Q�g •q•w,(,l�.n,•q ..q o .q»q, .. o.,q • . q.,° .`(�. a«q o»q JQ o.,q �Q e•,o C�•e»e•�Y r•,e. eQ(; o e (.w. o•,q QQ(•;,.r»q /w J persons who Nvcre allotted to took in advances the rOutivo 11,•remitago Ai
pen ?tabic clpAply, Ilett lite lattPl' flllart'• UNI'"— lint the wol'(1S !Melted Into thin `U.11 gi1)1; to tier ovek, then, by a Ord(, QP board girded grass which throng the gate. flat to tills token oP
• , ('iiiltit'tl a thrift In tile breast QY t11UF4 g bold bacteria tgrcatly hivrctuel. As Hilt%
ed no dieconl 1ustlr:, nit• ao. lie reached the (loot,. The young string,' welcome neither gentleman responded
1 , , , , teho laakrd at tier from that chamber proceeds some'species, C4.,appear, ei11E+iFt
I "I ctlun.lt i:t:a:�:tt:' it da*;;t'r tleltll; ' girl I;RcI'disappeartd. and auty a Paint "der; thtrc' is Il locket here, but no by so much as n look, all theft ntten-
au1 nil;; its elYectl:;" La pursued. •'1i'here perfulue relnatued in the place Where keys A rc•ry handsome locket, All. at'thl til• � tion being .ellgrpssed by the sight of the oto prevented frau! iacrc;te]n; numbers,
As Clic lady of 321':. 11`allb lying when 'she hurl stead. F;tttticl'IRud, trltb -- ".1 ntysterfous young woman, mut- solitary figure of miss Pane. who still A good natural Manx null^ Starter in
it cattle (n:" i ":' n1Qat CYtI'aar(11nA1'y per40tl,rr "\t'et+r 3111;1, 1 1+ 11111 cep that later; teI'ell ills 1111t11atpr: Velli her stand upon the town, glotloll• practically it pure ctlltnr3 of, acLdpro-
i^'1�'here you see it nosy, Nuthinl, has ' grumbled the sou::table, turnlim back, It hi tilt, kvY Wo wish Jilut now. ,And one that I notthpr eountenanC't' less. as it Statue. but with ilei' eyes fixed r1Rei1?j; bftr3,('r;a• T11a �tti't+3'-111'( fl(1Citlj�
been inured or ('ilari ed.1, but slopping a,,^^ain its a faint Murmur "Quod beavell:T!" nor understand," Interpolated Sir. upon their faces. she awafted their till- poster of fo tr s1:ocies of acid pr,:dreiur,
"She was fouml. here. on this louime !came up t'rolu hel(Sr:. 11'hat is lire" tirtherlaud. I have Just shoran her proaeh. When they Were near her, she baetrarhi.Was Iriedbylisil thetrltazilien
r "'I'llo geutleu,au In making, called It lit in her hand; the one that Iles tilt- dlsldt'asure+ 1 Peel at tier netions by
In •tile salt -e position Ln which we. Sea thrust atie hand from under her elook Pasteurized creartl. fitly one of these
her nuts?" i ftp .1 valet, mhos(' lark of music was vacterue. " d:renitsslag her Pram Ill} hal;sc:" mid, potuting, to the, gl'asA at kpr feet, a
Siv, I quite pereeptiLle tit a distance. "Ah! A point, Fenton." The, coroner gave l,im tt (]Melt look, sllid.r]utctlyl avatlta butter talo typical il.tvtixan(1;
■ WIth tl bound is». Denton dd%'cended "•1 treat point." walled nbotut to spealt. hitt .etlailged. ,,, aroma produced i:l natural zi];etiinl?,
"I3ut that is Incredible. Loofa: any the � ; � "See this:
a -ata = silo ileal dIa.ids trussed, eyes elle stairs, followed by 31t', 5rthprland. "l`+told by her, Penton. Don't let AaY his 31114 and turned toward the dead 't'Uey Irlstcrtt,d tt: ar(i her and beth 'T'llp z'13U t C.Qll11t10n mills -sot ring organ,
closed, its thought, made ready for her miss !rugs stand before the clear of 'oar tab her of that key till the coroner werutau• down to examine the Spot she Ind]- ism ("bacterium la;.tnrli"1, allthings
g the roots In whtc'h sat Philemon Webb. ' vottles and ire art, at liberty to take -'- , ,
- burial. Only loving Lauds could Lata As they reached tier olds itis made a ' It." .•� ,� C'I3APTI'R �', catt cl. �� aonsiticre•d; 1avQ i'•ToRmost satisfactory
done tills. What sloes it mcan2 "'ti hot do you fila] there? cried Mr. results of any of tLe sot tics tried as cnl-
"It means Philemon; that is what it (:tilt' hon tb•at was half ilmt•king, half I Rut not !port her fvr all insttult r,t.00u a� t.t.. r.nAss, Sutherland, whose t'+•eslgbt was not buxeibr
ox -
means, Philemon:' ticl%i-vaiory, and 1.11]"]x'4 ft,am the, `•3leanwhIle, i will put back these Thp inquiries which foilowed elteit- good. � rlpt3uinare .ill, PracticillL,
' " eel one or two tit 1V A xr , porienco and cxper mental evidence
Mr. Sutherland shuddered, but said ' I:.::'` • :111 ainl(:st tulbe;trah,e so11s1t- books• facts. 1"h'st. that "I31oot1, responded the (aranel'. , both itidiC:atE+ that the 3t- a:,t Important
nothtug. Ile was duatfounded by these e'('tl elf lil('aarr'lllty t':rnli:hetl re'ltll 1101', Ile had SPAI'eply delle s0 wtlell a All lilt, docs of the house h'el'p found pluekin«., lip a blade of gross and sur:
L evidences of a car7Y man's work. i'r.>l 3ir..'uthorizmtl, trot` Ono, breathed fresh arrival occurred. It was one of tn,lorked. nut]. secondly, that the con- vcying it closely. factors in cream ripening, are the dovel-
Philemon Webb always seemed so tit:+ a,wan rt•!a'vet], the village tier„�t.len, simile had been anion;; the first to "mood.” echoed Miss Page, v,,ith So'al#n0ntoftllatypicalacidformentati'ons,
hai'ulless, though he had been Palling "I wan
the doctor would come," "-' , tom(• in, so that he could conch that sugnt,stive n glance that Mr, ,other• and the elimination or suppression of
Teuton r:(hl, t,.5 they watched the slow CIIAPTT:R IS. laud stared at her In amazement, not
in mind for the last ten years, n nn•A•rr•.aiclt�li rwaatan•, no c1¢arrutl;;vuic+tit bad been made in other and injurious typos of ferments,
'but." cried nit•. Sutherland suddenly lifting t A (hllemou Ct'ebb's aetrd. "Our understanding his own emotion. tion• --Prices for Canadian Cattle in
4 rousing, "there Is another victim. I rgstest Offer has gotie for blin, but lie's This gentlewan has some inPgr- the rooms with ' the exception of "How are you able to discern a stain
> motion to give. As lie waa returning Mii�y's reinoval to the bed. Britain.
saw pfd woman Iin£sS' hanging from a a1Tt I au'c'ht'stl I' qtly, olid It mAy be all g Aa Ile'ilt'1y imperceptible?" .Allied the
hone from the bedsitle of a Sick parish• Then, hitt attention bvIng drnwn to
. � hattr yet before he can get Mara. eot•attcr,
i window ]edge, dead." Loner some little time before lie lilt() the dead woman. lit, dheovered the , ,. Dr. G. 11. Gibb. V. S. o° Slafo.th,
n "Yes; she is in tills other room; but "Phitetuoti!" been run agahist on tills Very corner , "Lnptreciit(b[e. 'It (s the only thin„ , ,
x, Mr. Sutherland bad advanced and ' key in her ti„Utly rl:,st,cl hand. I 'see In the who•e yard,” she r(.orted, has sol,l his practice in that town, andt
tilers is no wound filled,il he ,,, was standing by his old friend's side. by a mnu rushing out of the vitt-way "Where does this es belong?" lie and with a Slight bow which .twos not Will open an office in St.. Marys.
Haw was sh1 killed, then. In a state rf great agitation. This Ilan' salcpa.
"That the doctors must tell us." "1'hilcnlon, what has become of your heli! something jt- hLfi hand fila „11: , without its element of mockery she The punting bill of St. lr arys for
lair. Sutherland, guided by ;+ r -Fon- t.tlests't You've waited for them here � I They showed h.m the drawers T'.1 the ,. „
C, eupboae d. (u -led toward 1110 gat �.
ton's gesture, entered a small room till Morning." tered, and, thou h the encounter near- ";k most unaccountable girl," cora-
reached :o1 32.'J:3, and the lots costs
C opening into the out? iu witch they T'he old man with a dazed look sur- ly upset them both, he had not stopp:d "One Is empty" said Mr. Sutherland. , , , �307.GI.
stead. His attention was at once at- veyed the two plates set on either side, to utter an apology, but stutullfed "If the other is. found to be In the melted the doctor. Abel," he
a ri„1it
away into the darkness In a dazed and same condition, thou her money has about these stains. +'1 C1, he colied to ands
Drinhk-oC��se huold 1 b e otA. �
P tiacted by the body of the woman he of him and shook his head. facile Way, showing that be was .• the man at the gra..., "brim, a box or happy y
hdd seen from below, lyinghalf in and .',James and John are getting proud, 3 g been taken. That key she holds should barrel here and cover up this spot. I Hamilton.
half out of the open window. That she sald'he, "or they forget, they forget." neither young nor active. • The minister open both these drawers."trampling rListowel,
James ant] John, lie Must mean the hat] not been able to see his face, blit "Then let it be made use of at once. (lois t want it dfstul'bed bq cl sall Joan Gof $1 , d cotgwas given:
1,was dead was evident; but, as lir. noticed the ends of a long beard blow- feet till the jury I shall soon call shall a verdict of 5:1 and casts against A. P.
Fenton had said, no wound was to be Zables, yet there Were many others it is important that we should know have had an opportunity to look at It.". 1 aIlahan, of London, Out., for slander,
' seen upon her, nor Were there any atisn erin; to these acmes in toe u, lir, `s �� over his shoulder as he hurried ill�lellr sllmuldct t has �'�e committed
trtiughtlte `!bel started to obey just' as tiro
marks of blood on or about the place Sutherland made another efifoit. young girl laid her band on the. gate to a'. 1130 Stratford assizes.
where she lay.
"Philemon, Where is your wife? I do Philemon Was a clean shaved man, key out lie handed it to lir. Penton. open it.
hexes is a dreadful business;' groan. not see any pines set here for hccr?" Asked if he could give the time of his The constable hunlediately unlocked +en it.'t you lisle Cue?" she asked. o -^
-ed nit. Sutherland, "the worst I have "Agatha's Sick, Agatha's cross; she encout`ter,-he replied that It Was after the drawer and brought it and its con- +Tile ct'owd is t-0 great they won't let
-ever had anything to do with. help don't care�for poor old man like me." �� 11 and before 12, for he was in his own tents to tlla triUle. me through."
1 =tie to lift the woman in; she has been Agatha s dead and you know it, house by 1_ "No money here, said he.. "Won't they?" The words came from
;.long enough a show for the people out- thundered back the constable with ill- "Did you look up at these windows "But papers as „good as money," an- without. "Just s1Ip out as I slip in, ani! rt,' �y'a `u �'i:]i1 i°p;i.
T'Q:C TS_.a...
side." judged severity. "Who killed her? Tell before leaving?" asked lir. Fenton, nounced tow doctor. "See., here are you'll Gad a place made for you." lzbo a�
1'. me that. Who killed her?" for this Interview had taken place in deeds and more than one valuable Not recognizing the voice, she hest- cL>,ile
There was a bed In this room; Indeed, � -•��
A sudden quenching of the last spark the presence of the dead. bond. I judge that she was a richer T t cisaature4�:>�'.C;r(/(fgpPpg,
it was nits. Wcbb'S bedroom, and toted for a moment, but seeing he gate
upon this poor Batsy was latcl. As the of intelligence in the old man's eye "I must have. for I snow remember woman than any of us knew." swaying, she pushed against it just as of
face came uppermost troth gentlemen suns the dreadful effect of these words. they were both Balite(]. �� Mr. Sutherland meantime Was look- a young mnu stepped gainsth ice gap.
C �startcd and looked at, each other .in I•aughing with that strange gurgle WereIChithe t, or Is lou i with an air of disappointment into Necessarily they came Pace to face.
amazement. The expression of terror Which proclaims an utterly LrrespousL- t think not, or I should have noticed t' a now empty drawer. . "Ah, It is you,' lie muttered, giving The C. P. R. will spend alarge sum of
anti alarm which it showed was in ble mind, Lie cried: the calling of the room. I remember "Just as I feared." said Ile. "She her a sharp glance. money in improvements on its Oataria
.striking O.ntrast to the loot. of Oral. "The pussy cat! It was the pussy seeing nothlilg:' has been robbed of Iter ready money. "I do not know you," she haughtily lines this summer.
taticn to be scan -on the ,face of her cat. Who's killed? I'm not killed. "IIaw were the shades when declared. and slipping by him with � �
Let's go to Jericho." broke into the house this morning?" "Ilow crime she by the key then?" such dexterityshe was out of the ate millers Compoaud iron Pills, only 25
dead mfstres „� , . g t eents for 50 doses. Sold by AL. L. IHamLl-
lir. Sutherland took him by the arm Inquired lir. Sutherland of the sou- illnt Is one of the mysteries of the before he could respond.
i CHAPTER III. and led him upstairs. Prjrhaps the stable. affair. Tills murder Is by no nwans a But he only snapped his finger and I ton.
I A MENTAL WRECK. sight of his dead wife would restore '•Just as they are now; we have mov- simple one. I begin to think we shall thumb mockingly at her and smiled Great Britain's yearly gain inpopula-
As they re-enter0d the larger room him. But he looked at her with the.. ed nothing. The shades were both 8tid it full of mysteries." knowingly tit Abel Who had lingered
same indifference be showed to every- down—one of them over an open twin- •'Bats s death, for iustancer, " tion at present is only 12.3 per 1;030,
they were astonished to come upon P y' to watch the end of this encounter.
Miss Page standing in the doolwa thing else. dow." "Olt, yes, Batsy! 1 had forgotten •'Supple as a willow twig, eh," he compared with 14.E twenty years ago.
y' "I don't like her calico dresses." said "Well. we may find this encounter that she gr0t fouilii dead too." laugbed• "Well, I have made wItlea It is supposed to be date to a falling off
�. She was gazing at the recumbent figure lie. "She might have worn silk, but of dirt Crane's of decided importance." •'Without n wound, doctor." � r '>
out of �vL11aWs before now and—halloo. in the birth rate. Might not the fact
of the dead Woman, and for a moment alta wouldn't. Agatha, will you wear "! wish 1 bad seen the man's face," "She btui heart disease. 1 doctored wllero did you get that?" thatCauacla curl the other colonial are
seamed unconscious of their presence. silk to my funeral?" remarked the latter. her for it. The fright has killed her." He was pointing to a rare flower that holding ont brighter indueaments for
"How did you get Ln? Which of my The experiment was too painful, and -What did the object look like you "'!he look of her fact, confirmed „ +
men were weak enough to let YOU pass tou„ limp and Pacled from Abel's eminralion from the mother opnutly
�„ they draw him :away, But the cousta- saw glittering to his hand?" that." �• torihole. "
against my express instructions. ble's curiosity had been' roused, and "I should not like to venture an "Let me see. So it does. But we "This? Oh,I found It in the house also have something to do with the de-
1•asled the constable, who was of an APtcr they had found some one to take Op1111011. l SAty It but an Instant" roust have nn autopsy to prows it" (It crease l ycally Gain
Irritable and suspicious•unture. care of him he drew Mr. Sutherland yonder. It Was lying on the floor of the '.'
J -She tet the hood drop from her Bead "Could it have been a 1;ntPe or An old "I would like to esLllaiti before any inapt. .room, almost tinder Batsy's _.-,___ _- _ __.•-,-_��_,
aside aa said: fashioned clanger?" further measures are taken how I Skirts. Curious sort of flower. I won -
and, turning, surveyed him-with'a slow "What (lid the old man mean by say- "it might have been." came to know that Agatha Webb had der Where sLe not Lt?" ®� ® c
smile. There was witchery Ln that In:; She might have worn silk? Are •':Utis, poor Agatha! That money, money in her house." said Mr. Slither- '•Phe Intruder betrayed at once an un -
smile sufficient to affect a much more they better -off than they seen!?" something she so drsp(sed, should laud as they stelilwd back Into the otll- accountable emotion. There was a If your liver is out of order, C2IIai11(
cultivated and callous nature than his, lir. Sutherland closed the door before cause the death of a Creature so grand er room. "Two (lays ago I Was sitting strange glitter In his light green eyes Biliousness, Sick Headache, Heart -
and tbough he bad been proof against replying, and simple! Unlippy life, unhappy with my family at dinner. Old gossip ,
It once he could not quite resist the "They are rich," be -declared to the ! ti tint made Abel shift rather uneasily burn, or Constipation, take a dose of
.Effect of its repetition. ,, death I�ultou, 1 shall airways mourn Judy came In. Had lira. Sutherland on his Peet. R'as that before the pret-
p utter amazement of the other. "That for Agatha Webb." ty minx you have just let out came In �n 012:7
insisted upas entering," said she. is, they were, but they may have been .,yc, ace c � :7 �
Y t She seems to have Pound p( ; here with you
'Do not blame the men. They did not robbed; 1P so, FhLlemou was not the at last," said the minister. "i haveio . "Oh, yes; before any one had started On retiring, and tomorrow
Want to use force against a woman." wretch Who killed her. I bare been never seen her loot[ so contented." �'� for tic' hill tit oil. Why, what has this g' your di-
She lint] not a good voice and she knew told that she kept Uer money to An old 1'hc'n leading 111 r. Sutherland Aside he r " i t geative organa will be regulated
%7 young Iridr got to c o with a flower
It, but she covered all this defect by a fashioned cupboard. Do you suppose whispered; "What is It you say about 'sP drop;)(,(] by Patsy?" you will be bright, active and ready
choice of intonations that carried her they alluded s °, * r, ifor any kind of -work. This hast
to that one? money'? Had she any considerable 1i ' y �R• ••She? \othing. Ouly—and I Lace been the experience of others; it
lightest speech to the heart.. Hard He pointed to a door set in the Wall !rrir �} ' r /> �b;. never given rail bad advice, Abel.— will be ours. HOOD'S PILLS are
p Amount of It? I ask because in spite � ..�. 3,
visaged Amos Fenton gore a grunt, over the fireplace, and lir. Fenton, per- of their humble n)oaus of living she al- i;r�'?+�'� 9on't let that thio„ hung any longer Bald by all medicine dealers. 25 ctsr
which Was as near all expression
cel•ing 4 key sticking in the lock, step- ways put a generous donation on the �� P' g ' l �p rjr from your I)Ilttoll1wie. Put it into an
-approval as lie ever gave to any ped quickly across the floor and open- plate, and i have received more than ;r t\ r �( (. ) it.::s:d if ou non t -- -- -- — -- -- - --
"Well, !cell]" Lie growled, but not ill ed It. A rote of books met his eyes, once daring my piistorate an unexpect• 1 Y .+,K5;1 1 i encckalc ttad L• . i gY
naturedly. "It's a tnorUld curiosity . 1 b " hear from Inc+ nnttitl lit rt ltd to it �
hitt on tasting theta down a couple of wily large and anonymous contribution w y
IL, t e n •'1 . write me out a fool and forget we were B fore. flet• rWoodrS pho-a, "n all1@
that brings you here. [fetter drop It, drawers were seen at their back. fol, certain charities. As it was always � � rb � ii ever chums wheu little shavers." p c
gill. It won't do you any good in the •'Are they locked?" asked 1tSr. Sutber far siclt^or suPPet'tu� children 1"— ~h t ¢'°r ° � l �l Vie arras English delay.
eyes of Sensible people, 1�` + IF,�ilt The lean call(,(] Abel Smiled took out druggists in Ca ail on breli-
„ „ lane]. Tei, Yes: I have no doubt it r .me (`' ) i� r ' pl' �', the (lower and went to cover up the able mEsdicine discovered. Sia
r . Thank you. was her denture reply, +`One is curl ore is not" from her. She Was by no means, n, �p� ��}�' x . ; I,r\�ii; r requested. The 9ckages guaranteed to cure all
pot , �, Ilt,l�,t,p, mass As D.r. Talbot had te( tic .
her tips dimpling at the corners in a „ +� g Y •► r rw �J It��i1s, Y stranger tool; h!s Pince at the bate to• `orezc ssforms of SMentaiexua v�Vorry9T+zeesffveus�o Tw
Open the one that is unlocked• though I myself Weser knew the e..tent �� I I, til:)
TO -
way to shock the sensitive Mr. Sather- Mr. Ironton did so. of her means till lately. Philemon was ! � *ard which the corutier and Nil'. tinth- bacco, Opium p or SUmuiants. Mailed. on .ecelplA
. hall i t, "It is empty," said 110. n good business man once, but they ev- _ r, r erlancl were now advauc!ng with all air sd.
°atxivaiicu e� Pamphlets fro$ 5. one lit*—.
Cl ane ug Prom hi.t re the still out- life. Sutherland cast a look toward idpntly preferred to lire simply, having "+ �' e
lines of the noble figure on the cocci, per. �„` +' •w '�+tii which short•cd his great anxiety to Tho �iVooei t4ompany, Windsor, Onp
he rcmat4;ed with as cit Of mild te- the dead woman, and again the per no children Iivin„ '1 ' Speak with them. Ile was that one of Nvood'sPlimphidino is sold inWin hamby-
ti feet sereulty' of her countenance Struck "They have lost six, I bare been tile five musleians whom we saw se- Colin A. Campbell, A. A. Morrow, J, E. Davis,
n proof:blur. told.” Sho, potinting to the grass at tier feet, scud cretly entering the last mentioned gen- • A*" 1 do not understand •you, niiss Page. '•hD•Hn.iu:ItUTI, Druggists.
quietly, "Sec Lino
Ile IP this solemn sight has no power to 1 (lo not know whether to regard her •'So the I+orchester folks sat. They been living she Would not have era• tlemnn's (rouse after lite departure of _
as the victim of her husband's Lmbeell- probably had no heart for display or the last servant. ri estop your coquetries nothing can. As its or of setup rile robber`s etlpiclity. ger prett the situptest luYtirics. At a]L stimad to Inttuda upon us at wealtilue, els the cotcner pauspit before him he
for roue curiosity, it is both ill timed but as we have tto one note to uphold iC'rn roil find the key to the other evcats they dill not Indulge In thein." sIof:r. "Dr. Ta111At?-said he, dropping Whiyvl
' anti una•onlAuly. 1,et me sea you leave our dignity tits woman rustled into our I
c' tills honite at once, Miss Page, nrid if drawer?" "I'htlemon has long been past indula presetice panting with news and told his eyes, which were apt to betray his
"I will try.' Ing ih anything" us all In one breath how she had just thoughts too plainly, "you have often
In tilt%. few hours which must elapse ''SupLlose you begin, then, by loolcin ; "Oil, he lutes Itts comfort, And he has promised that you would give me a job
- #
before biealtfAst you can :1114 time to on her person. It should be In her g come from nits. Webb, trio hada title ate
.flack your trunks, you will still further had it too. A athti never stinted A .n ' of money in her house; that she hod :f � 4- matter came up where nice }e de- _
+obligo 1ne.1
a. "Oil. dot
1. son•,r
It was t
',in which she
nn instantly t
'sty It abos
the head n
Mr. ..I+'en tol
+ to hear ill
4kttentiou I
r•m• serious tilt
The dr
'11+ea1'a• ;aha
before eetl
,erland, of
Mrs, Weill
i Ca "Excuse
'Ibat tile 3
what you
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bad bei,u', I
"Nbp tat
tl @itarply, h
Itting stra