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The Wingham Times, 1901-03-22, Page 5
111R, 1111INGRAM TINESt MARC31 2, 1901. c"! ' ILdsLI;dL,I'I'I:• I.:#t,'i' iYAii'J1:Sr():3dI. ti `.I� I Mr. Dau hle•ik1- john has tnoveil #uta l)##'Cu(rday atftt rnaoii tL yntini; than r y 'FROMNEIGHBORS tl:o n1Pit3);e, lt)t(1y vttrat(+cl by Mr. Plltli• wont into hTr. T. W. kicott's ate r(+ and �' � `1 P)e Tall givett by th') bays ill the p;urhnsc+l a piiir of lE g;g;inE;s, sA}int; l#e ", r R XR 1''Orestcrs' Mall IAL G T+`3'#:}sly t»k,llt wal8 a, lKarl f' g G �g ell Fueeves. t SS•iift ktI)i).OgE'(1 with Mr. Tree(+rt �`, ,,,•ry..as?Ilag.�w.+r mhw.. .r. • .. ld ENI' l-3 OF INIfEREST ` O ALL OUa READERS. hi)'. an(1hTt:i, .r. C. Miss, Of x1.011, t;l!(`11, u£1':A�;t l.iawiLna:ih, at#;lsvoutla bn t` 11# Haturday .fright to pay fur tbo n. hlr, � �k wero tale t *ttc'sto of Mrs. Watson oil t',nn asked him8Cvvral (Im—stionH v. -hit l# � �9 �if �� Bar ""MHIS recKv-1:l satl.4.wtor fleadqualanswers. T.e Lei W1#t)t wideawakoRimes Corrospolldents Con11n,4,uicat4 Otbor hTr, anal IMrs, 111hillip,,; spent Sanatay is# young Elan was given t:(e log gings and AshlPeld, twAr his departure. ;Oma after Mr. And i _Tp� _ � . T �• Itome Clipped From Otir ExollPtages. Air. hlcOreig;ht, of Myth has, seenred ' a situation as lhreluat# in the will. h?rt;, hZctrsl)al1 arrived at tlto store and . -_ .- -.�.. being a s}ted if they hacl a new hired F :� "• + - antul;4rt)iv:;, TM Strl%es A R1eh Find. Chits. Il:t,li#u�^ int(+gds lux Tia) � for than answtr.A in tho negative?. Mr r x �� t f ,' Dal;otaltext�vtu,., .,, f, �,rr r '�Ah. ort thou kil+iw thnt ltd Ilasl Tres+lt vin• 1 B ofr � dci c" l • ass I first robhtt was seen last Monday, "I was trau esti for ret+vocal yearn with � g, 1136 1':avi11m fur (, � .� �� y Jaill# Budg.) ittte '� w4ioll. indicates all early spring. chronio indigtestioll Jand nervous do- titl)iz(.ci, alt•I -sit company with Li#P( sT" bility, writes F. J. Gruen, of Laucas. Haitliltoll next iv: ole. Mr, and Mr. Gtb Stovclw, of Wing= ter, N. II. ,No romody helped me nib- EXtivatia.utl s('rwous were) praaelt()d `c}tu( 1, set out lit pLoud. b the tlw f, i :z ham, SYerC visiting ill .7Lts. W itllaCa'&; ill 11)^. all iltiin„ ltileCtl'iC Fittt('1'R, wll)l'(1 ,r . « G+ , 4 la t 1^y f011ll(I iLt �+:)1#d 'NI)i3T0 1'a111Pay ,� : , 6 g oil the 13301, ave circuit las Sunday Stutiol). Ile wa6 arr,).,ted and it«ort ;lit r . • ' ; ,x • c r l l Z l: also Mr. and Mrs. `T, Harkness. dict me morn good than all the medi b 1tOv.17, ]tO'rers of Bluovctic+ Chair- I ' tib• er ort, snoti'.tl, d larrc 1.oC1 Ltd r �, . . Cities I ever used. They have also kept y ' ' b aek to Blyth. The 1:•g Klug`) SSLro re• iMen's, t r rl Toys, , Awoodbee was held. at Goo. hZc- In Hifc+inesc('lleitt 1)oaltlt for tarn. tl)atl of tlio I>iktrict. :, and BEST ,�1t`�"1>`}*«S in l�' en s, Women Toys Girls Y y turned to 51r. Scott and after le.ceivilify , ponaWs Oil Irrriday afternoon, whou She st(ys RlectricsBitters are Aust Rpleti- —� _.____ _- , and Children's Boots and Shoes ,Tarty hands sawed and split between slid for fon.ale troubles; that they P)ro a gOa(1, ao)u)(1 lecttu/e the tau£ was thirty -live and forty curds. Fie enter- it grand tonic alit. invigorator for 'weal,, Niglit ��a9 Her Terror. allowed to go. `felt years in Kingmtun ;- rats down wanner], No other medicine "I Svallld C'lllhll Tteilt'15' (l?1 iti,zht lung;," would have been the roper punishment tamed the boys its the oveuing by giving Cart take its plaee in our family." Try ti'rites Met;. Chits. �1ppleg Lao, Of Akx- fur this Flitk yuan};pinna, who was a z. � rdy. •�, pt-an- ���them a so ial liaP them. Only 50c. Sattsfactlau g,*narattt• anotia, Ind., 'Aral could hardly get ally t',, ul 6 b 4.,,,. •,,"; What young lady lost her artificial eed by Colin A. Cabnpbell, sleep, I had cousutuption so bac] that Stranger in thi., tteii;liL•orliootl.—B}ytlt • teeth last Friday evening when roturn- if I tvalited :i block I SS•etlld cough tit, lar].. ____ _. r s �,�_� r� ��, ,,...•. _ ... ,_ ... k frightfully a(id spit ];loo:} but when his wcok wo have to chronielo the ,. is hama feom th) party? 'Watch out NORRIS, all otter medicines fails+d.� three w1.00 (1, 1r. ALDIl3F,�i 1.`ua3OTM .�N21i «4191?. f -P. Alex next time, rohibald Melnne�lto died onAlarclt bottles of Dr. King'e, Now Discovery (1( )th of ons of the carliei,t settlers of z rWright `spoil gained 5 this tawnsltip its tlto p2rsou of Joil)i " Lac:iea' Leatl;er Slippers ........ ......re„;, price 2 ,r,), our ; rlvo � .40 s' Miss Tate Wight was indisposed last is and whose death was reported in our y cured me tint. I e' ].acliNs' L"tither Slippers ......... ..... week with that terrible disaaso known ' last issue was one of the pioneers of the uuro1Cougbs,It's COlds,Absolutely Grippe, r tt' O liTartiu, aged CO years and it months, T,;tcl es' Fine Dongola Oxfords....._., f° i,�:,, +' 1.t.0 ' who flied at the home of his brother, Ladies' Vhie Kid Oxi'ards .............. °' i.1:{l, /i I,•: as la grippe. town. hip, coming here and how ing out a cliitis ]alto. all Throat uttdl Lung tronLlc s, Miss Mary Bennet, of Gorrie is visit- hoine for himself and family when Mor- Price Goo and 1.1.00. 'Trial bottles free=LrcltiLald. Ueccasda was takon ill with Ladies' Dongola Button Boots.......... " 1.50, ' 4 LIZ, lug her boundray friends; also Mrs. B. its was a howling wilderness. Ho was at Colin A, Cau)pboll's drug store. lit grippe eome: seven weeks ago while in ladies' stroim laced Boats ............:: " 1, Z.;, °' 100 Kitteardino and died from tl)a Of of l ; Ladies' laced Kid Boots .............. " 1.:,fl, " 1,2;1 McLeod, of Wroxeter. born in Obon, Argyleshire, Scotland, in Ladies' Button Kill Boats .............. '° 2.9:T, " ' 1.75 , Geo. Linton was visiting.at das, Simp- 1830 and in 1851 he married .hiss Mary this disc.xse and heart failure, Deceased � ��„ 11$QAQb,B`+ . son's. Fiarrowor, of Sterling, ,r - 'tvIN vt A�t'A:voyli. came to East Wawanosh , in 1853, ill �< ` 8, Sootl'and, sailing l s Mens Heavy solid leatber plow boots...reg. price $l w5,, on: price 1,11,0 Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Smith and Me, and the same day for Canada.. The oun" he residence of Air. and Mrs. Alex, company with Itis brother, Archibald, "� Men's strong riveted Boots..... ....... •' 1,50 1.':•i Mrs. J. McEtvan alto son, Gordon Allen, couple first settle,. in Puslinch townshf Aar, Belfast, on March 5th, presonted a front the county of Durham ane. settled '' Men's grained plow Boots . . ......... . .. " 1.75, °' I. -Y) p' brilliant appearance when .hiss Bertha ort the farm on which he died. Deceae-` Men's line laced Boots ... . ............. " 1.75 1.5 ) ` of Grey, were attending; a wood bee last Wellington county, where they remain- Louisa Selby,youngest daughter a the . te Alen's dongola laced Boots......... (' 1.75, 1111)) 'Thursday at Joe McIntosh's, south of ed two years. Its 1853 they removed to late Mr. and firs. Selby, of the township with) hiis brotliecrs tbluc. isisters�ts ]31111]6 � Mim's box calf Boots. • ........... .. • .. z Men's box calf $cots ....... , . • .... • ... " 3.50, 11 2.75 Molesworth. Morris; settling on lot t, con. 7, and of ESSa, its the county of Simcoe, was survived•by five brothers and two sisters. CURLS, r , r a• Last Monday, a number of farmers in wirers they continued to reside until united in the hol • bonds of matrimonyer Y7C�Yd' i[J� a➢il) l3`ry• Gro caput out to Salem to tear down claimed b death. Mrs. McInnes died S The bents is aro Archibald Tatues,Wil- y y to Mr. J. M. Reed all suer otio and ��^ Clirls' strong school Boots..............reg, pricy ;1.00> our pri! t::"�, ,` •; the church • Svhtch was bought 1t ears ane. To Mr. and Mrs. McInnes ' h Ilam and Charles, of this township and )'i Girls' laced buff Boots .......... . ...... " 1,15, " ;.i o y prosperous young; farmer of the town- Daniel who resides in Eligland. His r Girls' cion ola laced Boots............ " 1.25, 1.CU ' to bo used iii building tt hall at James- were born nine children, four of whom ship of `Post Wawallo8h, in tits C tasty two sisters are Mrs. Julm Barber and Girls' clouola button Hoots .......... " 1.45, town. aro dead. .'peso living are John, Mary of Huron, by Rev. F. J. Oaten. �auy t Miss Maggie, of this township. The � A largo stock of all styles of Rubbers at CUT PRICBS. Frank Smith is moving his household and Jane on the homestead, Mrs, R. R. coupratulations and well wishes ara ex- funeral took place to the Will goods from A. Simpsou n to his farm Douglas cud Maggie in Blyth. Deceas- •• endod to the happy couple and we trust cemetery yesterday afternoon _ t -13 ' near Wroxeter, their lives may be prosperous attcl ltiL y y Y i 2 5 1 4, - v ed sick for three weeks with 1 '� ( ---. pairs Flannelette o cl,.! r' i. Y P p happy. Mrs, Hoover, of biaT110C11 ai:tl her grippe, which was tiro canto of dant . l Grey or White fine quality, to CI(aar ai ,rand -clan titer Truss Nellie Auld of Y � � S' c A Horrible Outbreak Mr. McInucs was a Presbyterian in re- 6 g ' ' e + 11 DRUM LS, Westfield, left Wingbaun on Tuesday t Of largo soros on my little daughters ligion and a Liberal in politics, and a, �r, • � ,,., , A head developedinto acase of scald Ileac." gentleman highly respoettd and revered John, Leckie, of Toronto, an old and morning last; the former ror Edmonton, 1i GROU�')1? Y 1a�.5'[$1i1; a:RIE!-'J`ll'. writes 0, D. �Isbill, of Morganton, Tenn., by everybody. well known former Brusselite:, has boon where slip will reside with her son,Cla k, 18 lbs. best granulated sugar. •$1.00 Bala ug pow:lu:, per III..... , ..:3 A , but Bucklou s Arnica Salve completely the latter who will visit lies aunt ill • 20 lbs. coffee sugar for ....... 1.00 Fine Japan tea ............... cured her. 'It's a guaranteed cure for A• joyous company comprising about interesting himself during the past wecl: Olothes tins, per doz.......... 1 1tippered herring,, per tin Eczema, Totter, Salt Rheum, Pimples, 80 guests, assembled at the cointnodious iu working up a faint stock company to Winnipeg. L}zun8ry soap, 2 burs for ...... 5 I'nu)s �ricl. Fiirdili( (, 1. , .• i Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only 25 cents and comfortable residence of John and, ran a furniture factory in tae woollen A large crowd attended the funeral of Laundry starch, per lb . , ...... 5 Rolledl oats, 10 Ills for ... at Colin A. Campbell's. 1, 1, mill buildiu which is now owned b Mrs. McClinton, sr., on Sunda last the Gillett's lye,per Lin......:..... 10 Caused ton 'uti vs, eorn,pe;( ,3 Airs. Mooney— Cedar Lawn, 5th lino, g+• y y ' Household ammonia, per bottle 10 Bee brand Ryri)i), 2 pal. p.ila N.1) ; Every inhabitant of the United King- Morris, on Wednesday evening of last B, Ga ry. Quiito a canvass of the town service of which ryas held in Westfield Rice, sago, tapioca, per 1b... , , 5 Swiss breakfast, fo�c. 1 y figuratively d ha,. been made stud about ."'10 500 of tlie�ch• swa over 130 acres abroad. week to witness the tying of the matri- ` Corn starch, per pkge .......... 5 Choice salmon ......... . ..... 1O t menial bow between Peter Blur, a well- desired X15,000 is in sight. u Wednesday, March 20th, Harry` Cooking figs, per lb ........... 4 r om may a said urativo 0 0 to-do young gentleman of the same line, It seldom falls to the lot of the chron- McGee was united in the holy bonds of and Miss Atelia Cliambers, adopted ]clot of haws to record a sadder vaso wedlock to Miss Aggio Robertson, at the Ai so daughter of the ]lost and hostess.. The than that which occured in the familyhome of the bride, , Pld-!K N0, eaof AbsolemBawtinheimer on Saturda Miss Jessie McKenii% of BFucefieicl isD• � eeremouy was performed by Rov. John y'' 'S A Me - 49 ® Holmes, at 6 o'cleclr, W. R. Mooney klatch 9. His son, William A., and spending a few weeks with Willie Me- ® J � W%I ler 0 • playing the Wedding March. Mr. Moon- daughter, ,Bella A., were both suffering Burney, of Marnoch. The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of 1 1,ctnIlton • a ey gave the bride away, The bridesmaid from consumption, and no one expected Mr's. George Henry, of the Gth is very @•J �-t� ® a ,, r .P.-..�.a... .t_"54 -.t+.` Y#'k,•r`St",,�'� a'�,. :`,�,,,�e 5/ .-a-�•t71 T ® ED S .a 1a � S 5 p was Miss Annie Chambers, sister of the that their lives would be prolonged lint ill at present..". ";� ,(� �xr '3 bride, while John Rarr; brother- to the the nows came as a shock ou Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wm. • Love, of Morris, .......__ 0 e ® groom, filled the important post of night when it was learned that both ]tall have moved into the house lately vadat- Bronchitic Ast)iiva vure`l in hills. � has fi . p groomsman. Gowned in a costume of died within two hours, the sou passing eel by Mrs. Hoover. ]Kingston, Ont.,—ror ten ears I have , 6' Y 28. Plautinn" Potatoes, the same day 0 Amazon cloth, satin finish, trimmed ayvay about 8 o'clock lit the evening and W. J. Scott, of Blyth, former school been a terrible sufferer' from Bronchitic and live days after being out. ti n the daughter about 10. The double teacher of S. S. No. 8, attended the wed- Asthma, oftentimes fie bad that for • ® with white satin, and carrying an eleg nights at a time I could not rest. 23. Planting Cut Potatoes which have ® Having purchased the 6 ant boquet of flowers, the bride looked funeral tesla place on Tuesday afternoon ding of the 13t1x lust. I spent hundreds of dollars on doctors and which have not been coated over ® business of J. R. M un- o g ' to Brussels cemetery. The'father, the A number of the young people of the and ' -quacks," but one dollar's worth of with land plaste. chartnin indeed. The bridesmaid was • ® most becomingly attired in a costume only remaining member of the family 9th, spent an enjoyable everting tit Robt. Catarrhozone cured me." Capt. Mo - 40 30. Planting cora m xusys null in Shaw, I will keep atom- © here who is in poor health and reduced Scott's on Friday last: Donald. 8 G� of fawn with pink satin and applique. + Four months later Capt. McDonald squares (an excellent variety (:f Early plate line *of Watches, W circumstances has the sincere sympathy There will be another wedding on the 1/ • After very hearty congratulations the ' , wrote saying: I am still perfectly well Corn will be used). d Clocks, •D1aniond Rings, to company sat down to a most sumptuous of the community. tJGh in the near future. and have no more bother from my old f; p y p Material for either number twenty - 0 Shiell was "at home" to a trouble." Jem Rings, Pendants, dinner, arranged in Mrs. Moouey's best -- " - =' Few marine men are better known five Or number twenty-six exp ritn(ant dJ) e n ober of his friends on Friday evening. on the great lakes than Capt. McDonald 3' express, Stick Pins, Sterling style, to which ample justice was clone. ® l happy event took place at the home b P will Le sent b ex ress and fur each of Wedding gifts, elegant, useful and valu- of Kingston, and his testimony will be the others it will be forwarded b mail. • Silver Goods, Optical ® t ® of +inlay Anderson, on Wednesday of convincing to all who know him. Ask y O ® able were made bespeaking the popular- g Each person in Ontario who rt is]tes to Goods. ® last week, when pi's daughter, Miss Jon- your druggists to show you Catarrh- • • ity of the contracting parties. An en- exons or we will send it to you post conduct an experiment and is wildug to uio was married to James Ta for of this e joyable time was spent by all, a program ® y paid on receipt of 61.00 or a trial out. use great care and accuracy in the E township. The ter mouy `vas perform- A yes tested by the latest scion- ® of vocal and instrumental music, con- ' • � fit for SO cent in stamps. N. C. Poison, world and report the results of thu test tific principles. a gratulatory speeches. by Rev. John ed by Rev. W. T. 11, of Arthur, form- Kingston, Out., Hartfotd, Conn. as soon as possible after harvest should j lyRopeiring neatly and prompt- Q Holmes and W. Hartry, and a good sup- erly of Belgrav(a. The puppy wedded select the exact experiment eebired and couple commence cried life with the • The old stand in Mason block, ® ply of social games, filling in the. happy � Experimental Union 7L ield Tests for 1901. apply for the same at an early date. The ISHOLM i y p is all ri fi if OU are too fat; best wishes of many friends. The members of the Ontario Agrioul• d hones. The newt wedded couple will g y material will be forwarded i . tips of der o (� a have the heart congratulations of their and all wrong, if too thin already. in which the a heatiotls are r(•• 1 ,; ( d ' - ® (� ® y g g' rrest,ytery of Maitland. Lural and Experimental Union are pleas- Pp • H. H. e many friends. Fat encu h for our habit is ed to state that for 1001 the are again until the limited supply is exha It s ® g Y The Presbytery met at Wroxeter, on y g might be well for each a) . to ' r Jeweller and Optician. , healthy; a little m_Ore, Or• less, is Tuesday, March 5th, Rev. A. Stewart, piropareti to distribute into Query town- make a second choice for fes+! ,.., wst e ® Children Cry Tdi moderator, presiding. On request of the ship in Ontario material for experiments ••os•�•�•••®••�••®e•am�•®® no great harm. 'Too fat, consult could not be granted. • Ota•!•OAi•••fil•>a��®(t+(9efleO8A g clerk all assistant was appointed, Rev. with fertilizers, fodder crops, roots, fl•..®..r...®••••`0..��m.�m CA STS 9 a a doctor; too thin, persistently R. S. G. Anderson being the unanimous' grains, grasses. and clovers. Upwards C. A. ZAVITz, Agricultural College, of three thousand Ontario farmers con- Guelph, Ont. thin, no matter what cause, take choice. Rev. Jas, ]5louzie, M. D., re- Guelph, March loith,.1901. turnedmissionary from Honan and Rev. ducted the co-operative experiments upon _ Scotts Emulsion of Cod Liver F. D. Rasborongh, of Toronto, being their own farms last year. Oil. present were invited toa:ct as correspond., LIST OF RXPRRIHIRNTS FOR 1901. t'Vorklag 2i' Hour s a Day. ® � tt � 1 tug coag era. Leave was granted to 1. Three varieties of Oats. There's D ensue' those tireless ilius. There are man causes -of et- workers—Dr, isiu 5 Y g 2. Three varieties of sin -rowed Barley, 1* I�}t w Life Pills. the congregations of Belgrave and Millions are alwa uua ,arum Torpid we ting too thin; they all cone Wawauosh, also Walton to moderate in 3 Two varieties of Hulless Barley. Liver, J'aulidtee,• .billonsu s8, fever and fender these two heads: over- a call when ready: 4. Spelt and two varities Of Spring Ague. They bauisli Sick Headache, T N E WATCH C "u gK Rev. A. Miller presented an able and Wheat* drive out 11id:1ariac Never gripe or work and under -digestion. exhaustive report on the Sunday Schools Try e n ti g 5. Two varieties of Buckwheat, weaken. Small: taste nine, worn �von- 0 is headquarte s for Stop over -work, if you call; within the bounds. His report showed G. Three yaribties of Field Peds for Campb them. ,.56 at Colin A. that interest was dee Northern Ontario. t• •- but, whether You can or not peeing as evinced Two varieties of bug -proof I'La' .. _.:.: , . ......... .. _ .. ... , by the larger attendance and coutribn_ Field 7 T' take Scotts Emulsion of Cod Peas. Jcseph MKcay, late of the Brue-Held d• 9 tions, also by the increased numbers ies Gold 'W at e h e s � Liver Oil, to balance yourself memorizing verses and catechists. 8. Cow Peas and two varieties of Soja hotel, has gone to Holyrood, county of Rev. Dusn of Whitecherch and Rev. or Ja aueese Beans. Bruce, near Lucknbw, whsra he has With your work. You can't live e ' 9, Three varieties of husking Corn. le (sed a hotel and fartit and will run d W. J. OPest,of 131uevale,presonted highly g Gents' Watches, Ladies' Gold and Silver Bracelets. on it--true—but, b it, you 10. Three varieties of Mangolds. 1*h,, two together, _ Y Y satisfactory reports on church life and We have the latest designs. can. There's a limit, however; work, and Y. P, Societies, respectively. 11. Two varieties of Sugar Beets for • A hearty vote of thanks was tendered stock feeding. CLOCKS Off' ALL KIN'DiS you'll pay for it. .� the trustees of the Methodist church, 12. Three varieties of Swedish Turnips Brevity is tete Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver who kindly allowed the Presbytery the 13. Kohl R�,bi and two varieties of fall `turnips. CSiI is the readiest cure for use of their church. � Soul. of Wit. Spectacles to suit all eyes. A full and complete 11,10 Of silverware. cr " J•QI)N MACNAn, Clarlc. 14, Parsnips and two, varieties of Car - Can t eat, L1n1eS3 It Comes of LtieknaN March iG 1QC1 rots. Wi! is gyisdom. Blood is life. Impure We have a clock That will call you several times, and if you don't get dour doing no work --you Caft t � � 15, Three varieties of fodder or silage blood is living death. rleatih depends up then it will walk right to your bed and pull you out. Come said ex- How to Cure a Corti. Corn. oil d blood. Disease Is due io bad amino them for yoursolf. long be well and strong, tvxthout g b f Some Sort of activity. It is one of the easiest thins in the 1G, Three varieties of Millet, blood. - Vie blood can be pari led. GENTLEMEN,—J'uitio the month for weddingsis coating. Hunt your world to cure it Corte. Do not use acids 17. Three varieties of Sorghum. lregiorts say Hood's Sarsaparilla, ,Amer- irl tip slid come to 'W, G. fiatterson's and buy your engagement ring; We The genuine has or other caustic preparations and don't lg, Grass Peas all(! two varieties of ka s Greatesi $food Medicine, purifies It. „V have it full assortment of rings suitable for your young lady. And give us this picture on it, cut n hole in your boot. It is simply to Vetches,. � d brief story t3 pall when you want your wedding ring. Wa will give you flue boat value take no other. apply Putinati s Painless Corn and Wart f for but #faits the tale. If you have not Extractor and in three days the corn can M, Dwarf Rssex ]tape and two vane- Nervous. Weakness—"r suf fttea for your money.tried It, send for be removed without pain. Sure, safe, ties of Dale: IN REPAIRING •All. SHINlt:. Thero is no use of advertising, Our free sEirnplO, its taw ` painless. Take 0tt]y Putmatt's Corn rxn from nervous gUeakness andlossof apps• Extractor, ,, w0, Three varieties of glover, tlt(±. fitly blood' quay Impure, my ston)ach rPpatxhug is un,ndvertiseulent lit itself. g�r rise y6u. eoable taste WIII 21, Sainroin, Luc(rne, aill nurLet, disordered and I Could trot steep. „]rood's A' SCOTT & i3t7'4"VNE 1 ,. One huudred years ago otie-sixth of 22. Vivo varieties of grasses, $A)'SAparttla. W Curer] me crtlireiy." •NO • �� RSO 1 � Chemists, ,rs i '` the people of the United States wero 23. Three varieties of Field Beath. af-s. B". Lockquood, Bellerntut, grit. � 7_11VToronto. tjlaves. Today thorn Is perfect; freedom 21. Three varieties of sweet Ctrit. 1. Stone Block,. Witlghalll, in every corner of Uncle Sams posses- 25 I("ortilizers with Corn. Soo. and $1.00 all druggists. Kions, with the , probable exrteptio)) of 20. Fortilizers with Marigolds. _ Sulu, + 27. Growing Potatoes on the level laud , t