HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-03-22, Page 1VOL. XXIN, NQ, 1508,WI�� (�+� ' GII���, CNi:��II(), �I��II)A�, .�IAI�CI� .�.�, l9.0l, V A HUR IN AIiAT11NfiF ya , >'a. ;✓`04x1' � s � �, ; . F v� w5o �y,:�iil .1M�/rr 3 •,S ` •, +•w, oZ.4•",E,ti;,A,r,To; rl=•,t aw 54,}p. Now has conte the harvest time for Bargains. Irl order to reduce our stock to male room for sprint; arrivals, we Will place on sale for the next 6o da s our large and well ns- -1) ANZT Mr (] ;v.--l;efOra bTlyio %'q1t SAi.r.- Tha beautiful resitic Itrc, +tiorxtz.. Ctix n9-13 t cicpartwvnt is Sour sprint; Ilat , 'rts t,r flee, We Ours. 'of Air. T, I,, Bowles, oil Diagonal romd• eolliplete. Our ai, Nocv gooils, now I� Natty and up.t 1 ate. 11AAxa & Co. - Apply to D2r, Will Houiuth• hurt a#IIs, good value, good satisfuctioil• +f A,.xi,x,z�lltx Ozz,. •T11e millinery I'ovrz.L'hI'oLres; TbafiouthAtriran HANN.,L zCo. Now is the sew• on for stoles in Wiaghan „aro vary busy placer constabulary, in la ll .h Wingliamis Ivel! Ll;r ;' St'l'Snti$ tt"t)til,le; tft l3C:CLir !r r these clays, as t o milliners are novti represanted, left Ott�wa on Wednesday i h HAVi: T11 . Ni:�vo.--A hundred iYltll kilt: lliIl�'s. l;tlllcl lip g = things Happen ( qty sveck that elle c' getting reacts I the usual tpripF, Tnil• (• this week for 11-difax. Tho Wing- t11E', 5j'StC ll] atl(t sti'c�rilrtll- livery Opening14011 will tAIM Cilaco, :'Alit 17oys, Julltl moi. ,`telFArt, ,'a, l,. Irt nt, uc+s-spape..r mall z: ver sa<>s. Ile (lots oil Friday and urday, AIareh29tli tanl P. Lang, F. Dfelv.n 'rtcl Sandy McGri' . tdla hest ha earl, k tpshis eyes all(1 est ys d tell the hings with 30th. cr will noir be ell :heir way to 5luutll open but he 3s ;-nly tW 11TIInaIT bean=., . F , , j s�fllt'n, ileitliel• OIni11S(le it 1Fer OIInIi17rGSellt, ou as I( Mz itiTi,xrrrT 11(1 TO.�.-Auclr(iw J . j Cruickshank,o was c: illlnitted to Any orders for sales left tit the Tvku:., Yo: often wolid( 'why tbis thins or that �,����•s_ �� otiicu will receive prompt titin = lure not ,u lisped allcl ul(t l o f ,�r Godericll to t:trial on the charge c f 1 ro lit attention. J. ' I (1' ncWoting with stent to do bodily harm, J. Currie. auctioneer. ay the nelvspap 4 has its favc:rites, and � , . a17 ,etired b:+fol Judge Masson, , bearing this have. Thc. -Are rile p(�at+la �! leo are �':C� uLc -on �' 9 1 g m, oil Illi 'NOTUL Ll Trl:lt . A •,,1 bill „ clay last for sol tenco. Lie w. s sentenced 1 only a i;tamp arlci n wrltpper, `vas re- thoughtful enol, lr to t: till what volts of o"'' to three years a Kingston onitentiar ,.1 colrtiy sent (prong' tile mails from Chi. they have to tl 3 new: paper office or • g a 0 h p y I ra;;o. 'Cho kill s(I ('cl As (i �srapper for itirito the rvpor er to come where tits ��.0 ��s�.��i �,� 4, ` 1Zis sr =R -That nearly all Owes Till l a written comm......1, lou Ln a card, a»(1 news is. ' i'u � more Or less, Buy, our shoes at W. J. j ` X1ypos �D�:�� � )18 I Career's and have thoni sp�re(1 freo-(ina sewed to the e�rd. Oa the out•sido TO-,Thoin. it may concern; -On and y of change. of the bill was J=wted a bit of white atter f char the l rips ill We will bought It is fresh ant tlio best on th(, e� I free of ellnrne all rips in spots boup;ltt paper bearing a tw i rent stamp and the a , market. TO CAxtz=orta;Li �u• Tuesday morn- , of us. W. J. Gltrrl,. ing Cf this week, J 0 For --sin, town aciclress. Qnestiol was raised as to the clerk, left for Su ( Jose, California, right of sending m flet' ilI this manner, INALt=uraTzov. The inauguration The old Williams stunt. . but the bill in the Ind waij allowed to o meeting of the Win :ham Yount; Men's L A5 � tier re at v , ergn.ul is llply visftil:g ; g Liberal-CouservatiN, + Association held n AQ her xglatives. �Ye rust tits uhAuge of r ou its way, , DOUG climate inay be bu -aficial to Dir. Ver- FOR SALn.---A good three -Sear -old m the town hall, on Wednesday Th evening was not very wall at ended, Tllolveath- + colt'a small driving mare in foal to. Prop, gttson s health and :hat he ratty have a; King Eagle • a good cutter buggv,hainecs er was very disagrr_able and a rumor pleasant trip, He expects to be away.; and riding ' G. N, W. office, b saddle. Apply to II. Davis. was current Wedilei lay afternoon to the about two Inalltll Miss Lou Fergnsoti ! , effect that the sneak rs could not arrive 3 Also left Kara on aedclay matt will spolld r SLUcrssr•ULAi7p ox SALT. --J, Corrie, • iauctioneer, conduc eda.very successful >n• Wingham. Th .speakers, A. Mis- a couple of ,,loafs with relatives and 4 „tele of farm stet and implemauts on j campbell, M. P. P. i t East Simcoe, and ' r • ,. friends in Dakota. Friday last for Jol-a Fyfe, of Turnberry. I,.B. Lucas, M. P, P ; for Centre Grey, t • sorted steels, at - ' p r,� Fresh oysters always on Maud; do;viit 112ilch cows sold a , prices ranging from. arrived from Toror to on the 8 p. m, f �'+ri�IIENZIE'S SURVEY. to old price; served in•all styles at X610 to $53, and sh-•ep f'roul $iii to $10,50 Loudon train and de ivorod ad.lrosses ou I .Absolute Cost JAS, M `•LVzr's. per pair, The otl= stock and the imple- � the provincial questi ins of the day. III D(Milm Brrz'rA ' assn rs. Win. ments were sold a i good prices. 112x- RreisTRAn's RrP•RT,-Tho latest re- sale in a few Guys. Price ranging from $30 to Armour ant, Aar fu Bonne -t, of this .Fyfe had his sto. li in priwe condition port of the Provinei Rogistrar (1809) is ,and �,a a many lines �v IM each, No money required if built on this town were at Blytl last week attending and he now has tl a reward for his labor. at hand, It places the population O£ • 1` (A,nd �'•,.0 i 9 s spring, Apply to the funerals of the �r father and mother. It amply repays itrmers to have their GEORGE Mc13UNZM, Winghaln. Ontario at 2,302, 7011: '1'horo were dnr- John Bennett died in Saturday, March stock fit their best and especially Nihon �_ r- ,- iu the year, 34,705 rtha, 15,51�t ma_ 9th of bronchitis and on Wednestla they are to be O&red for sale. Mr. -Below cost. , y , triages and MAP de hs. The illeglmate i morning of last we k Mrs. Bennett died f'3arrie conducted mother very success- fel sale Ou Wedge :da Of this week for I births numberd'd 008 there were report - of GENEZIAL LOCAL NEWS. pneumonia. B IT had been sick only y e 1293 pairs of tt4ins. The lowest dgath No matter what our needs - a fogy days stud t eir f Al illness was W B. Sutton, of %tie 6th concession of ` y rates prevailed ill ti 3 high tinct Turaber ( See Hakov Park a ordsement. caused by la gri The sorroNiug 1' -maybe in our line, sept Call t i drained Lake Huron r3unties. In Bruce j RROavpr, ST F. •Paustone relatives and £ries ds w have the sym- FOR SPRiNtI.-Waist sit ,dress mus• And also in. Huron th +deaths were 10r� ! I r buy them during this sale at ath of the com unity tins, silk onadin s �- has rented D. St wa s, store, lately P y ty in their sad and )arc's ercerised Fol- per thousand; in Port i, 91 . Bruco,with reduced rices. black dres Oda, a s eclair J & •-greatly P Hoed as a shoe st e. Mr. Vanstone double bereavelxi nt. p y' 70 021 p ulation re ed. 1 24•� births ?. These have jlist come to ha • ': We can , P P p , ^ , intends opening a oneral produce store FOR R&M. -Six and. One.quarter acres please yOn• H A & CO. ( 394t marriages and 71 deaths.. Huroa, [ �t fl, ��11 •� �+$A Goodstall tllecOnrse of a ew weeks. of land,. with house, baro and a nice A - Pioz rrR's rATn. auy were f population 72,$30, re tied 1,253 births; EF -CT O1f1� CORSET. House or, Rnr E. -All the Inmates orchard On tlTq place. Situated oil surprised on Tuescl morning to hear k 1430 marriages, ,and G2 deaths. Perth, i TO Iuake a final clearing out of our g grip and W ng11Am road. Apply to J. J. oamOT> , of the death of Wi tams 11. Wheelens, P p ea, h d 1 3 births, 223 The many evils of the old style corset who have been a 1£erin from I a ulation 56 0' $ have long been, recognized, but have Dry Goods, we will offer thein at 50c on severe colds are bout recovered. Two one of the pioneers of the township of mars iages and rile aths. long been patiently b y the dollar; for eve lift cents you es- new inmates ere admftl;ed recent! , DrATS.OI War, Asxir os. is our, p y erne b the wearer i y y y cad duty this week o eiironiele death Turnberry. D11 T•9heeleus first tcok -Unreserved auction of D. W. Straight -front the introduction, the Erect Form, 'pend in this lino, tive are actually giving in the' persons 'of Mr,. anz rsaaa sick about the 9t inst. n'ith a heavy Gemmill's entire ho se d of and Straight -front Corset, Tvilen the dif&- you a. dollar: so come along with the of William Hastin s, which took pla'Oo culties with which ladies are so familiar, crowd acid take advantage of thi@great Wilson from x'rie.. at his home on Mi vie street, Ou Satin_ cold, which clele oiled into inflamma- {good milltilig t ow,o a market square, have beenxemeclied. This T:ety snot de- tipn of the lungs a d he died on Mon- ` iViugham on Saturday, DZarch 80th. T y £0 clay Sala. Five. espell�nt buil r, sale,. day moxuilig Ills Deceased had beeTr g Stile at 2 o'clock m, J. Carrie ,no: slrable Corset, with all the other makes on c(iruec of Pattie d + ra7lcia streets. clay (ivelzilrp of neck, Aged G3 yeaiS tioneer. p• ' ' that we have-hAndlecl for ,arra, and that con - This is a CASH air Apply to R. yanst e, Wi sham: a resident of Win Tam for a few sears, have . and 1p mouths. ecaased came to this given. such general satisfaction, to coming to town rom. the township of '�'Errnnixo BrLLIZ, ver pretty ant our numerous customers aro kept coup aPzxglLinm FLAY M L Amos Tipling,. Turuberry, where his country About tl a year ISGO from y p y p Farm Produce taken as cash. parents brothers Viet weddiu- took ace in Win hale straits in stock.• of the Bluevale rod as leased the and sisters still r -,side. He had always Jedvvater, RmbuL®r hslTiro, S otland, and few wetiIts.ago wYich when it became b. Ms. GoRnoxs. Wingliaan flax mill for the coming season eujoyed good hes. 'h until a little over a had lived on the f m on which he died; ago, direct Importer• and is now prepared to sit l•- farmers Bear the Wnghtl r brickyard for up• known to gippenite , seemed rather a th p p lip,a yearAgo,whpnhe ntrapte<t c2ild,lvhicll "he - 1 wllo wish to rout flax with the wards of tkixty-fiv years. He was a surprise to many. two prominent UUAMUOl�� g dgvalopodintp c0 t(rnption and fpr sour persons who tools pa t in this event were necessary seed. has also Left a . man of many septi dualities and want' � oral we past , e was confined to his Miss Jennie Saunde only daughter of supply of seed at T. A. Mills store, a Home. 'Deceased. 'was only in. his 35th friends in this dist ct who will he of �� y g 1 are pleased to hear teat the Bas in is his death with pro mud refire Mr. Mr. John Saunders. of Stanley, and Dir. - � 0 year. he bore ed Tviclow and Tela- Walter Osborne, z promising pun c going to run and •tee triist Mr, Tlpirng fives an friends 1 have the sympathyWheolens was a g eAt reader as the p g y d 3marrmago Licenses may meet with suemss. Rear] an1T(iii:iGe- editor of the Tnmrs ill miss hila in his marl and well-to-do farmer of Bowman- Why is spr•:ng the be.:t time to have your Issued i t' }tit:! t*K Pa1TF1T180N, No. '.8 Victoria o£ the co' "uu' ,y in their afflieti0n. frequent acture taken? Bee.lutie till+ pl.o.ograpiuc meat in. another co mn. dent visits to Ills office when he vide. After some taree weeks of honey- li1qht (aatinie rays) is then frceLt oto ac•h. street, Wingllam, Ont. No witnessesrequired. The funeral tote Wingllam eentetery moon Mr, and Mrs= Osborne have now file arrangement f +r rite l,dmiesio l and reg- IiOAr LOST. -Lost on Saturday last on on Monday aft noon was largely At was in search of something new in the ulation of the light et tho Star Phow't tudio Irl y y way of reading mat er, In politics he returned' to the home of her father, th3 best. We invite public inrr,eetiun. Josephine street, near Peter Deans a tended and Nas ndueted by the mem- TT our work has recelv(d many ima high com- 't t 'r"i' ''`'1 ' ''.; ,.;.' •1 , ''`�"�� `'� p berg oP rho Can tau Order of i+'olestors was a Liberal and i religion lie adhered w- eu the great seer .t was made known mendations from our pati ons. grey goat robe. Flutter will lease leave , F, i same at G. E. gag's sto to rho Presbytexiau hutch. Ho is sur- tp their Iuauy friquc s who all unite in. Orrlors fol enliircb;�nien lnc;oradvii ecutell 4 Sprim,Torm OpensAp ii ���, of which society taccused/waember. iJ t �' 112ANITOBA S>;TT • R . Tnesda last vfvecl b a lvidc�v A d family e£ seven wishing Air. au(1 M s. Osborne all the in tjrat-rhlss style. y y Copies from old neeativea at red:accil ratess- y NOTipr, ox RruovAL, I to in- happiness and prose city this world can o was one of the alt sten a s to Maui- children, five drug? tors and tive sous, gp (� c� +I, Y festa the pub!#c that I haved my aII of whom area u The bc'reav- afford them, and t st that it will be d" 3 G C.� F3 e- k € n toba and the West. Amon those • who stook of tinware tc., Shaw g p' bothliberal allcl ki 1. Dir. OsLorne :•meg. TH - 't+ left Wingham by . P. R. were Jas. black•and will be p1 to have a call ed will be deeply s;_ lupa thized with in Deaver 210ek, Win. -Lam, from parties in. nee auything in illy their affliction, -The funeral to the Tvho is in possession . ood farm and .j{ Gilmore and wife ' of. Turnberry; J. J. M GitAHAsm, Artist. 41 Business Training can Uo had .Stein and wife, Pattersrn and line. Repairing o all kinds in my line Wingham cemetwy on Wednesday home at Bowmanvi e, intends for the - will receive prompt attention, R In the marry Paddle, of E st Wawanosh, and oITT. MOONrY. afternoon was lareezy attended, notwith- present renting it, a d purposes becom- •g, Central Business College - •t• Ales Moir, of emir s. The first three standing the storm; .'weather, Daceascd tug a citizen of faze icinity, lie having -Wedding iuv atioTli§ sail visiting 4• Pmoxrrrs DrA ince the 9th. of taken tail charge of he otersi ht of the cards are printed eat! and at lotirast: ( 't' stratford, Ont. e� named crop tools a ar load of settler's was a member o£ C. •mp Caledonia, Sons g g p y A school that has stood the test effects with tlloin. The party left dere February, 1990, s In fourteen of the pf Scotland and tl 3 funeral was eon- fine fllrm. of his riper -in -Law, Mr. possible prices at a Tmnms office. 'g• of time, and is to -day one o£ the +g. old pioneers of ill township of Turn- ducted nutter tilt auspices of that Sauncicr3 who nr ores s pending the . y +g• last Tuesday mor ng and Up to Thurs- p ' p 1 b MOVINI G TO Wmt tToh. T. F. Higgins,, " most reliable in the Dominion. + da mernin d berry have past a y to the great be- remainder of his da s IIs age and leisure, o ged with M. E Zur- Pre are now for the situations y g got no further sooiety. who has been egg . is p yollcl. This veil 'shave that those who ,Freres Times. • i hotogra Lr for some time has op that will be en in the fait for .g. than Gerrie, o�vin .to the . snowblock- worked hard to onvert the to%mgbip Stops tins cough ' those �vho are properly, prepared' ado. TRAznTs DrLAY t'week we had purchased the T• iotoglapll gallery at to fill them. The large attendance Y from dense veil erns ss to fine farms nand rvorks ods the Colal. to record thatt�iet had been badly Wiarton. Mr, H ;gins leaves here this that our college enjoys shows LOST - 2,490n. Josephine t., o huraday are fast passing a! ay. Dtany of those v Yg. of last week a ge tlo an, a black L restive Bromo•Quinino Tablets cora a cold ill delayed, bt(t this lretl matters have morning to take 17ssession and we wish plainly that the young people o£ •g• pgrscian lamb ailntl Finder re• whose names ar given. below were oneday, No Caro, no pay. PCic3 '>) cents. 4 g• this country know that o"r school �+ " been much worse. The stor,n or Men- him every snccasiin.his undertaking. >€• warded by leaving amo at D. M, among the Origins 'settlers of the town, l is a first-class one. We assist g. Gordon's store. ship. The follo. in four lived On the day night and T esday suit also 'God , :g. many of our students to good •'+ p g nestlay evening h ve made thing very •g• situations. Write for our Special ' Amrar A Swm Lu, -A despatch from same line and ha been neighbors for �r Z�N bad for the rtlilw ys- Tuesday 5 C.P,I3. Wingham S Leading Shoe Store..Spring• CirculAr. � 'V�oodatock says: -''A lot of farmers many years and li within tUree miles � I{ ��� j � � �+� W. J. ELL)iO'rT, Prineitlal. ,g, around here aro iI distress. Four or five of Wingllam:-P ter Deans sr., died���SSS�6 iiilll+++��� tt! train from Toroi to clue here about 1.20 .g. Al P. m. had not r ched Etarriston up to -_• �� years ago a ,,tau �.iine around, who said Juno gill, 1940, in is 81st year; Hueston G �„t,•g 3 g„� .. , ,� i •'Y••¢•,t+a'•+f++'o+g•3•m•II> �..F.{ Next door to Po3t Gftice. the trains going D Toronto are at Gone he was the agent �r rho Caugdian Farm Gibson, died Otto er 23th, 1900, rtl Itis -� -- Advertiser of Gne pli, Etc got the farm- 08th year; Mrs, -Janot Woods, died FOR SAt,n.'-x o er for sale my ]louse err to tet him advt-i'tise their farms for September 20th, 1.00, in her 80th year; The Manitoba s floss, Nr r thele effects ,and tive lots on innie street, Wing- sale. If sold l is coueo,°a was to get William H, Whee sus, died March 10th, Y ®�� being no further Ilan Clorlie. The W. three per cent. of Ire sloes. A lot of 1901, in his G tt : year. The other ■ U^ CI' `� B, lino oft G. T. l3. has been Ilam. For par calsis apply on the p p c J promises, or a .dres W. Halliday, farmers signed ec-utracts. Soule farms pioneers who I• vq died: -John W. .�ti - badly blocked, au no mail from Pal= ; l Dobbinton, Ont, fr merston up had re oiled Wiughaan fro vvero sold; most w irA not. No1v another Walker, died Feb nary 9t11, 19()0, in his ! 1 t Pztox'rRTYCfrA stir xopertychang- agent is around iisplaying - to the as- 63rd year; Ates,-iameron, died March �� 1 DH�OD Tuesday Itftornoon np to Thursday no es in Wingham a be ng quite num• touiehed Section men have eon taken fro to Brous. This we t Jas, Walker has sold yeomen a paper tvitlf• their 12th, 1900, ill 1 is 00th year; John has blighted 1 g + Brophy, sections on the lice o assist in o yorun signatures attache in.which they agree, p y, cliecl Aft -all t th, -1900, in his g the toads And Wedll eclat' evening a let ., . his llottso and IO on corner df travois if their farm,, we not sole! iu three 70th year; Benj, olmos, tiled Jltiy2()t11, P1204tA1/ATIon many lives number of the urea pre in Win Ii. in. land Diagonal ate qts to Mrs. Scott, who years, to pay the advertiser one pot 1900, in his 7 h Year; Mrs". Robt, EA � lately moved t town from 11Owick, - because "rhe different hotels n tclwll have been, cent, of rite price p oil them, One Jeukills, cliecl Au -list 5th, 1900, in her F G, Gray has old Ilia house and one farmer has a claim f 210 against him, 01st year; Robt. Liutou, cliecl Spptem� �1lI�1VlINE crolvded with travoli .rs. T11q L1.Tc]cing !1 g y �rt 'Fie !Jain caused of the trains has made ` lot, on Francis s .Bet to John Hamilton. Others are lower, They all say they her 19th, 1000, i, his 85th .year; James. L.(� I business good for tII livery Mair tis The other lot he as sold to John Nit• .never made any ag egmerlt to pay one b•1:cl�ay, died ovember list, 1900, tri. thereby , Cracltetl, of flip 131uovalq ro Lq, „ many travellers have ilten to driritTg."�� per celit., ancl: cl ' n it is a swindle. his 85th year; rs. , 11 Wilson, died produces The L., H. � B. llne file Cx. `r. 11u, hits F1 understand that r. 11icC tilt` 'ntOnde ,this same busings was clone in the Jttuuary 7t11, iflDl, in her 70th year; ueverbeen blocked opt this winter and rm orf to tv. trecrrs for m flew pair or building' a brick Aug, ins dui- Winghgm i+iciTlity ale three years ago Areliie Clordo , diet! January 12th, 19013 an aversion to boots. 'C':utt'st the+place t0 heft' yetis shoes, % iriA' ilio eofnin{f mnxgr. Y and we believe a n bor of the farmers Tn his , 0th ,.rear, tend Mrs. Samu(d l study. Winghalriitea have far cl bettor than the It they rill n nearly at1 shops du, he =ewe q y citizens of other places as we ]lave had them free olrhat STORr, To limit.• -••That large brick bavq had to pay th one poll adnt. of the Wakor, Wrh diet! Vebrilary 11th, im, Our AtWIC P,ahor;ainiteiy`s, Wnmen'H,rti se:~' store IIT the Single block, l3russols, to • `I"hb bt(ckWard child too oftetl two mgrls each day fr tn, London. GO- Boys', Ybutlts' Chilal(tt a and !!Yams is comt- rent, tive doors from t]io past office, and price they put on t air farms. In her 81t, ear. 'rho aggregate age of Ing Without the 'sero daily papers for pleta and nt prices that tan•t bn NNAt. opposite d. Zilli(),x's hotel, has just been Xont r To LOAN.•--llionay to loan on the four would be 1047 years, Which b6dahl6a thb uw Udoet sful MA". two or three dfas is re anted asquite a Ttuttka anti Valise%cheap. thoroughly overhauled --painted, paper- notes, find notes t?iscountgd at reason- would ma au, average i,,go t)f nearly � � ��� � � hardship. y � p Cd, &c- Sultablo for dry goods, groper• able rates, M0110y advanced on niort- 75 years. Wq do not know as we have f (��,, ies, hour and feed, boots and shoes or ga es, with privilege of paying at the J. G R general store. All Al Stand. 'Rent qn1 of any year. Notes and accounts over ltgar whgrq a0 Illatly pioneers of l�l�Udditt AN* OPTIWAN, TO r vxtiv n CC1itfi z� ovi� 1JAY freasonable. Apply to S. R. Smale, collected. O fico ---beaver Plock, Wing. any •ono t vas",Tip bavo died within a Take tn'tative aroma Quinine 'tablets. All SOM LOCAL AG NTS Vont Liat0lvel. iinln� ltolli'.14K+OIN»no. little over sass. 1i ]�j H. , GroV044 s nu`t'u r°t its It bot to carte c' 11 X JW OF