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The Wingham Times, 1901-03-15, Page 4
1,'S, MARCH 11, 1901. p �. x's ��• r ,a r .; r c w ,rt gt !?05`mfl®®"IQQ� gS6mQt(logQQBtIP�iOv"AQP!$*JSP'C(�Gp4TCvo91wiv"�1`'Jv3?w"�G?blw�3`1?`�LAr:3v'!i? �1 l , in othc•1' pec les but�inri;4. tixtit.ltl�,al 1♦x �.nl��.lri` ltz,r�ortxt4, ,. � ' Tho lies a �y tilt cls purports to give Wingliam, Ma.ch,141001. 4') • ,. �z? �oQ�rQ�o l+Civ'iF,+`Pg-`IPaY.'OY"si.tlb'o�I'uVXQtPvC�o\ _• a ^t}lE" 1��a�tir.atitL'r•�xelt:'rill ti aI1SSYer tQ lila t � F; 4, ,• ,� _ - •y i 'i ` '� .Clatlr er 100 lbs , . , , ...... 1 25 to 3 ,a 3. (lumt}alts put on the, floor of the House Vial Wheat .... o (13 to 0 64 0 � •» THE PEOPLE'S o - �.` by 1ti . 11. 1'rE,ck X. 1' Caul which Na -s SPAN Ii Ileat ....... , .... 0 00 to 0 Co eAh that I rmotumenCe:1 :!in 1.1enders;air`i3 (Jill, ' ,,, 0 21i to Et ,9 © + { POPULAR a., /t, ! �y ;�^ ' - .- diHlnisraI. Ph,� f�'11:, 13i'r ey 0 3a to 0 :;,i c3 r�flu„j! �^,� U L A R S 9 O R 60 l iii{; s taken frnitr PL°as ,. , . ... , 0 t.0. to () W q ® �-' �� LI k�,q tllt3Ciria'tl tl.i'<�c`t , tiro Itevi(:�y of r,?cirE, U,� }r ,th, 1901: Tuxl r+ drawn,w.... ... )' , e : •. 0 4J to. 0 10 gam+ AQP vs� �����WG� Ea from 1't'al]G('.4 �°tS' �S �J r% tle` '' ' y •r, Mr. W. n, � c, r 4 cx.. vs-ucc:r_:.xtivrnaa..--- _ •t)tt T11tlrHdll, lug• s It.1;rQE:1., (a. c !+: .......... o as to 0 0r � � _=a.aw .,may---'•'_-;.•a®n.; _.s+r+n.a,:.•ac+a•, tic:s•.:o.ara:,a,�.rv:..cq.nova� �'s•'nana�•.�r�um N T11e fine. -t line". Per'tlnles in M I'. for C antro Toronto, islets the Ducks, I)v p -dr ..... 040 to 0 00 � u - '� 0 V) 11#011t wliw ;lir. 11. 1.). Iieuder err, I,LlttEr .., ..,,..,. 0 lt} to 0 lu et YOU 1r1.11.Cderstal' d Ot' C'�DT�rse that rev^ • ' • s � g- ay '-%t thi tr ''8t1CV l�C)Ul!.'•S :1 i)tll I C1C lip, , Rgg� 1wr dcz ............. 0 14 to 0 14 c"! �.,. ' every Ei C I.� �c`tlt r411� Day (+ pry tl► I �L•ho f(r : i y*earx,rlari uveal I csiniaster t1C• _ ' iTfihiteehurch, bad l,r•on (iismissM. Tho Wood 1pr cord ........... 2 00 to 2 1'5 C) Y7;,Cl a, but th s V-V'�eek Vve t2,lk abon•l; some §poei-lal Bargains !`, lit we are e9 B�.,i.r .�i v1<`1�.5.�:.` Z Mail and Empire of the loth tilt. ;;iyL% Ally toll.,.. .... .... 7 00 to 8 00 0 f�"•00ring in new goods tq�,at �F e b0ng�,l.b` ` t Slcati hi -e ° � give. 0 -, , tiro I3atrttallSCEr Generale ausSSer as Putlatues per bushel ,,.. 0 20 to 0 2:r c1 S T �� -� 1�+�u• '� bad ' 0 Tooth s,a3"�. sft� iulloxs: Tallow per lb ............ 0 05 to 0 t,u I �, YOVI thO benefit Of Out,' 2,00 -o� - ^ . -e,' „PTr. Bro:•lc ryas tole by Mr. 1'lulock Lard ........ 0 13 to 0 X3 0 0 1A5T3fl2 �'. CJ •sus 1 i'l a "� .„, that Mr. IL I1. Henderson %%-lie for 25 Dried Apples per lb ....... 0 4.} to 0 03 .. _ iG��r'' 1 •its y 'G�', s year:, Sva:s tostwaster at Whitechurch, Wool ......... 0 17 to 0 ill ag �,.a�vl'• y +.1�.:,heu 1 E� hadbeen rrinoved for taking- art active Live Hogs, per cwt... , , .. 5 Tri to 5 15 6) rc ay �,i(Bt'� �1sbu.iy GoodS, partite the lust el,`etiori ITis remm;tl Chickens 0 30 to 0 40 0 SPECIAL a a� �sr� 6a Marl been recomtnonded by the intim ers ��1 r I Cal -I mid i:, lr r t Rt ;,•^:� b!lyiain alae. for West Brae:', Wcst Huron and Bast �,�•y� �'� £a Flannelettes, reg, i C for 5c and GC, � b33t as � wlra:•o at, i3luon, and 12r. A;exaud*r Beaton had ...16 .�°. �Vo have withoElG•cioitbG the largest air (2 F1,1m)elettes wide reg ioe for f,c, , been appointed in his place on the ro- �) sorted stocit of grocories in t1ii3 section, r'�lvs ay s °i commendation of lir. Trinlle. During a ")"� alb 0 Heav • dark Shirting Flannelettes 10(;. 9 € ® �� � L9 ri cs , fresh and elaan. Our prices tare ri-lit. the catup:tign 1% Henderson had been Bsh t o Ilat]C1SOt]1e ��Tra 0ert:lteS re I„ C, IOC �� �g� warned by Mr, Tolntio of the cone. ! (h) , pl , ' I" m Mens Tweed Pants, solendicl Salic Ioo Our veru obligill- Pdr. 13urges3 will ace to it � c neticas of his conduct, but hod replied Farrar loans at very lowest rates, 1 , tyiat Ire }rail as much right to sit oil the g- 4a A few airs men's Blue Denini Ove ally that your orders are promptly delis ire'l, but Elo 4D Political platform as the candidate had. Satisfaction guaranteed. at p ILCTG :�TOI�L t t 1' t 'e ^t '� , •, no expee ani to tie iu more hr.n one plat; .. . eo (hoar, helu•.t' I+,o valuation fees. 0 were' 5oc, reduced to 35c- Mula. There Inny be two dozen people V) -t. aro ill The above is not the f)osttnaster-(jen-cr ,� �A few pairs youths' Blue Denim Overalls, just as big it hurry art you lire. Xturily leave TO ADVERTISERS,. eral;'sanswer, but is a guibled statement B�R � ����) �� were 40c, reduced to 3oc. your orders as early as possible. Notice of elialklms -,rust lx> loft at this Made no doubt for political ends. � o, office not lit':r tl'nrl Satrlydav noon. Thu ediwr of the R4view should be Loan and Insurance Agent, The copy for char) ., -rust be left It:cre easeful in regard to the correct Corner Xhiiiie and Patrick Sts. 0!) arcs 1lrtc. thl��r Lu srl:Iy avenin;, ness of his inforiulLtiari before lie Syauld Atliomo Friday Afternoon and Saturday. t) T ° .j �� ` ` o C=Cpect Casual adirc:rtisc_mi•uts, accepted -tip t) , ^ , d , „_ allow his paper to become a medium of o _ Clothes if you use a oar brand 0 to noon Thursday of each week. c� ,��, , � � g t �� ,,,r�'°"'�` y p rrri6rt'prl'BeIItatiVar• - (>}, O O costs 1 t0 .. Ho cannot justify himself upon the aV tali alfl, e T I e� � $ Soap. It cot no more ` If. , y ti ESTriE,LTEIFiL'D 137'. pled that it was the best information to 0) '�� get a first -Class article, at from 4 to 5 per cent. on good C3 t j��j �j�yr which ho had recourse. mortgages. 0 t'1 T� ���L'9�11ll1=it.�� '�������e Ile ilia the ITansarrl ttt Iris disrosal 0 IT and there he could End the very words ' � i -r p , 0 (' , (� $.R.ELLIOTT,Punrasi--rnt.ANDP110FRIETOR used in answpring-ct}re FIRE AND LIFE INSUR.AWCE � � 2 g , questions as to 03 r s --_ -- - Mr. Henderson's dismissal. Had the placed at the lowest. pc vible ra tes. ® 0 editor of the Review clone this all m --- Mi-':'tfii FRIDAY, AL.RCH iv, 1901. y 0 It is a pure Soap, 0 trouble to a:lsSver Nvould be saved and 1 0 am saxe he world be tetter leased FACTION SALES o)� i; 0 It is unequalled for Send us "Eclipse" wrappers or 6G. 0 with himself than he can be under the nttcndcd to. O 'S p pr IroT� .i�I> coi_iarwas, m flannels and white fabrics, \ in stamps with coupon and we will mail ' euvircnmer:ts winch lie has created for t'( c) r Premier loss had a straight majority himself. �'�io�, It is the large 5 Cerit you a popular novel. A coupon in every 0 bar of ” E " aOf ten in a test vote i:r the t.)ntario Legis- Times O lice. Wingiram, Ont. a clip e. CD In Hansard, No. 15, Feb.27, 1'001, and -.wq E4t bar on the market, � , 1 c9 9ature on Tuesday. on page 551, wiA be found the questions a, , The full court of appeal. gave Iidg- cII�>scxa xaaa.5. ��T pP " �,� j a- and answers referred to and aro as fol- Q e have it. ` , �i � went Tuesday moruin in the 'West lows:— Rev. Messrs. Crossley umd Hunter, G9 J O L,7 TQ iY � O R & C O � 9 m Huron election case, dismissing the ap- DIS.'09SAL of :CR. II. D.1113N ARSON. evangelists, are lrolcliug revival services � r '" --� � 0 ' _ i Capes, Manufacturers, Toronto, Ont. Hon. M Garrow is thereforl, from electlon court e -unseat d. 1.th costs. Brock asked. '- mRev Chatham. Daniels, of Sarnia, has re- .0 We have on hand yet some Fur C,aeS � EI,e a' _ 1. Has Mr. H. D. Henderson, who for r Washing Compound, only a f� � a twenty-five years ,.as postmaster of ceived an invitation from the North � r p ra 1 ' y few 0 DR. Horsy, AI. P. for North Grey Whiteeburch, been dismissed. 0 alta maps, Overcoats, Underclothing and dozen left, lea, c now ^c. ca 3ras introduced n bill in the House of 2. Were charges made against him? Street Church; Goderich, to become their m P linkers that you may Have for a trifle. It Royal Salad 7�ressin Jat half rice, M Commons to make the 24th of May a If so, by whom? pastor. Mr, Daniels accepted, subject as Y p ® will a you to bur these goods nolo for S. At �vh:•se request was he dismissed to the ruling of the stationing tom- pay y j g Flaked Peas and Beans reg. l: 5c for Ioc. a perpetual holiday in Canada. The bill and on whatgroands: a ' 0 mitre. es next winter. We are always s doin a big business in eta received its second reading on Wednes- }, Was any inquiry made as to the e] }'; zy clay- wishes of those using the office, and The Salvation Army "Soul Saving 0 We handle the Arm & Hammer Brand Boots and Shoes. 0 North Bruce bye -election will take what was the result? Troupe" are in Wingliam until Monday 0 of Overalls, male pants and smocks in An intelligent people .art not log- in 0 b. Hasa successor been a>apointed. If next, Meetin s are being held in tho ® 1 g p p g 3alaceonWednesday next. OnWedneS- so, on whose recommendation was he g' g 0 black, blue, stripe or white. bone are so findingout where the Call buy to the 6 day of this week, nominations were held appointed? barracks every evening. Special meet- a well made as the Arm & Hammer y y 0 The POSTMASTER p GED,'S;RAL rng-s wall be held on Slmda afternoon Brand. best advantage. 0 at Wiarton. J. E. Capipbell, of Hep- y 0 (Hon. Win. Mulock) : and avenin worth', was nominated by the Liberals g. er .. _ ....... .. _... ..,._ ..� .. �.. . �.......... _ ...... ._ . - _ Mr. H. D. Henderson, postmaster at 0 -and James Halliday, of Chesley by the 'Whitechurch, was removed from office Last Sunday and Monday the weather. "'� - 3"`" � Macdonald Block �,j �"�" Conservatives. because, during the last Dominion alae- �vae very disagreeable for the auniver- - � � Wingham. tion, he took an active politicalart in sary services which were held in the u1, p � Mr. Bourassa, Al. P., moved his pro- the election of West Bruce, West Huron Wing ham Presbyterian church, There®6sC3�cS61�&)®�8�8m®>tire®�®�®©®�9�t9t�®eta®®®4;®�O�®a®®®fie®Ofl®tome�e6Egcy Bi�r���d m¢s6t��®�®LS�ataO, 33oer resolution in the House of Com- and East Huron. During the campaign, ono of the Liberal candidates, the lti re- were, however, large congregations on _ — - — - - -- -- - :mous, Tuesday. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, P ._._._.__ _ �..--••--.�..•.•-,............_.,.•._...:.. •...., :,:,....,-,�,-_,,,,,.�__.__. ,..•..,......_.__ .. __�.;--� 3g- a brilliant and loyal speech, asked sent member for West Bruce, warned Sunday and Rev. Alex McMillan, of St Flood's Sarsaparilla removes them POSITIVELY y $ him of the consequences of such conduct Enoch's church, Toronto, preached two and cures all the painful and disfiguringthe House to vote down the resolution. and notwithstanding which he still per- troubles thev cause, Nothing elseclean-The vote stood: For Sir Wilfrid's view, sisted in it, taking the view that he had practical sermons. The atteudauce at ses the system and clears the complex- 144; for Mr.Boui'assa's view, 3. as much right to appear on the public the lecture on Monday evening was not ion like Hood's. neral onanters say that it was Indeed a treat, of . the United St tes, former dent Indian - platform, as had the candidate himself. very large, but all who heard Mr. Mc- _ The truth of the charges appeared. fully Millian s lecture on The Scottish Cov- established, and no further investigation. „ , COMMIJ�iICAZION. It will be seen by the perusal of theapolis on Wednesday. a Mr. McMillan spent Monday in Clinton Postmaster -Generals' answer that no Admiral Dewey receives $9,570 in Tditor Times, Winghanr. and was a passenger on the 8 p. m. train reference is made to myself or the mem- that was delayed at the Junction. He prize money for the destruction of the mtig Out Ottawa, March 11th, 1901. ber of 'West Huron having recommend- � had to walk from the Junetion to town :Spanish fleet in Manilla harbor. DEAR SIR,—My attention has been ed the dismissal of Mr. Henderson nor through the storm. drawn to an article in the Kincardine of having any connection with the case. U�• -/ Review, 'charging me with having re- I am just as much responsible for the Commended;the dismissal of H. D. Hen- South African war as I am for the ills-TREA�CIIEFiY derson, postmaster of Whitechurch. missal of my old friend, H. D. Header- ` I may say that Mr. Henderson was son. -dismissed from his position before I Yours truly, This signature is on every box of the genuine ®��� 'ii vrSiS- b I✓' heard anything about the case, and Iwas SwN SSI P. MACDQNALD. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets tent coughis the remedy that cures a cold to one day therefore quite innocent of the whole f4 U A f.irst'a : affair. Live 3tQck Alarkets. li friend, for it ++"44+44 ..............*+.i$ � am always willing to assume the PERSONALS. gives War 11- responsibility of my own acts, but I am - Toronto, March 12.-�-There yvas a gives s the rn- We shall be glad to have contributions to light run at' -the Toronto cattle ,market ing 3}ot willing to assume the responsibility this column from any of our readers. If you :prOaCh Of a � • of the acts of an other casco: te,r have visitors or purpose going away yourself to -day, and business was brisk while the - y p drop in and tell ns, ox send us a note to that deadly ene- h 1: am not, aware from any know- effect. better lots were beingsold. Receipts were my. Hee d ledge that has come to me that Mr. 321oads, including 940 cattle, 452 sheep � Great y - $enderson was canvassing against me M. H, Mclndoo was in Toronto on and lambs, 14 calves and 800 hogs. Ex- : •the Wa4'n,ng Anring last election and therefore I had ' Wednessday. port cattle -The highest 'sale reported I before. it 15 no basis of actioli against him even if I E Wm. Murr has gone' to Wingham to was at. $4.75, but one dealer sa9 id that he too late, .be - wanted one, which I did not, and there- work. -Brussels Herald. would paq$ti for several loads of export- fare y. O: u be, Cl Closes March �n h 16• fore could not Teeommend his dismissal ers if he could get weight and, quality. .:1; AD g S •- n 19 �1 s Jas. A. Cliffe was in Toronto for A I]] tr in— week for an action of his against me and Medium exporters lnduding' ,the light- :, r y , • few days this week on business. g- , , ;,flame;. be - for any know enough not to interfere weights, are unchanged at. $4 to $4.50, �,___. ,_ �044f�fo4t•............ Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Town, of •Wroxeter f` 6 e-'. t h e and cows are steady at $ti.29 to $3.7b. ct were vasitis friends m town Saturday. doCtbr'Sa S the,daim I I LAST g y' Butchers' cattle—Tho volume of business boil," 1's, the,danger ' Mass Nellie Ross has returned home vas limited owing to the small offering, Signal 'first .alipearS, help Clearafter several weeks visit with friends in Prices ruled steady and unchanged; the nature With Toronto. range was $2 to $4.40. Export bulls - F. H. Heath, of London, goueral Market quiet, with small offerings; quo-;' Golden Opportunity of getting agent for the Confederation Life Insur• tations are unchanged at $3.75 to $4.25 i, •.may: J a Sale encs Co., was in town for a few days for heavy and $3 to$3.76forlight. Food. r13 goods at s tremendous cut, this week. ers and stockers—Prices are unchanged. Mrs. Ross, wbo has been visiting with The demand was steady, but the marliet �n price. daughter, Mrs. M. H. M01ndoo for a wag quiet, with small receipts. Quota- Japanese China few weeks, returned to her home in tions --11 eeilers; short keep, $3.75 to $4; , Port Pe tneetivro,$3.00 to $8.76; light ' �i♦4044�i4�-0�04�40♦�Oi♦O�i4� Perry on 1Wednesday, , $3.26 to Cups and Saucers $8.50; stockers 500 to 800 pounds, r2.7o" D011't dell s John Jobb, who has been visititag y !until your �� g to,$a.25; off colors and heifers, $1.76 to, lull are sore and _ Everything' y Nothing will be reserved. c' with relatives in 'Win ham and Tom- your a a ,vsTlll I�Je s01(9. a to $2,25, Milch cows• -'-Good milkers cold settled down deep,..,,,.. •�,,� berry for some weeks, retur.rsd, to his � � WELL .. BOIL-0.�onS, lite. h me in Brandon on Saturday litst. sold, dt high as M ss R. Came oil lattiiore bn Wednes- steady' demand for2th cho there quaallrities enemy b fore the dela the ! U11 V0 � MAY AS v �' ,E �.,.��.;.� - Sheep and lalubs Sheep were unchange h1oW kills vont Cure I `,J day for Toronto to visit with �ffiends ed and iambs aelvauoed; grain feel are your Cough today. 000018 for to ew cls s. Vrom Toronto she oes MUSICAL y g at$3.75 t $4.25b $4.75; and id $5 rd fe d oseg makeheesave money as your neighbor. ru to Oslla�vato talcs chai?$+e of V. E. Ellis at $3.75 to $4.25; one buyer paid $;, to A �etau' d6sCs tnailte the y & Co's dress -making^ departnYent :for $5.25 for six hundred extra choice lambs, 'cure• complete. hte Season. violins blit the range of the ordinary market Is ehfo ..%. 36c.fetaA oliila�rq col 4'il� i+«i♦.♦04♦..44.O.P♦tt .. - -- - not above $4.75. Calves- Thero is nb ter. lot tea it leer volar; tt.00 tbo .V Guitars. �aeodomicalforotAerteYoe. r� The Goderich organ Co. will have an ohiwg6 in quotations, rind the demand r(t cohsidor your Cherry iseatora� , , COME WITH THE C�"1r✓�"�i� D� and gel �h® ! Etc. exhibit at the Glasgow exhibition, for choice veals continues. Hogs- isle Net, remed for colds an � Sheet Music..Citc. , , � ceughe and all �hroat aifeeyione. -. ,, Places easy at yesterday s decline of 25c, 1 have used it for" do yearn and it. Wl est bargains of a lifetime. e. ir V17e are bound tb close out these is little (Unger of moths and t certalwy heats them all.,, gg 8'e select 'tVoiuhts at 100 tt, 200 pounds, , D.11. Lvmrri� - Thereis col(1 �veelther natural weight, are quoted at $6.W,'and' ]boc.2o, lasts, trtiton % "7'. . will dell tllenl very, wary cheeps worms i , t � ' _ �1i.i.4...i+i♦d+44ii...ii. lights alid fats at $5.75; roeeipts where ' ons fhoo b6ofoo" 7 anhsvai .adm tatntwhntawat PARK!WAiQ7'iG1).••-C Nontr,rrdilltAoinpy o A(�• IIOt large and It Wkab is steady. rad esYrnthrod61cma icd the ' rrnxnty in�r�•rirtcwis� c,<mrpan �� soAit .. .. as►�oRefbigxoaaiva,grtta the sector . abinP*pomm s !+rrdiKht, ixmrt•r , , c1n11nitr salary -aro nq will leo a n myt r& fines, mol r shoat rfn d t q a»liy Wer+ltly:i8±yrriday a»!maratalg ar tea tC Vhi d t Vry for . ��K�rr.,r.o.a`�R, +r�atdu►e. it no carnet{:rsimt t acini r l etisrh ON "all Work- • trRatctryy �XtS�t�DRDfSir.,�(81ocd3xIC7l?Cti, YVtl,G]1�q,4A S 0 R I A`� � pporioa H amilot, s brus Store, y, St' ti itlrllLii , r x x :,, ..!Y