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The Wingham Times, 1901-03-15, Page 2
9 THE WINGRAN TIN138, NAR011 15,1 1901, Wethavehearda farmer SAY that lie Iort linday, It lust., violmesville, the A-4 was so teaderl warted that vll�t a a 'Via last., Kilitail, the Ub, and St., IlQinglish zuarl;et will take all kinds of less than seventeou elephants and it puz- fowl, chicks front "Jur N six lbs. -••-must %i(%a thesa three beir 1t,%t31,1tE,S were Hc1ens, the 5th. While all the meetings 1how to divide the spell came on before his .1 w, t ro largely attende4t the Kintail. ineet- be well fatted, Pri'Verty according tat time torms Of the FAC -SIMILE dug lie kept li'muke, all ulg!a thirsting , record-d-bi �aker in polut of will without chopping up seventeen ele. that they were crying with the Cold. , I vousness, Pyspepala, Indl. phauts and thereby s lonsly impairing :i4p was increas:,d, Alore, largely than geStion, (Ind kindrW a I fablePreparationforAs- SIGNATUME' Yet wo have known mon. to lcvp cattle Themember- NOr ailments, take wings their vain ay applied to a ti "at in cold all day in. cold vardt; and tit alit before the healing quatitics of $ouzh American SElae, ing UW- dod and Reg ula - duritig any preylous sqritcs of Meetings, Nervine, Thunias HOEVIIS, of Vulhatu, Out, wise neighbor, Snen-11ink, for adijop. I I barits, where they cc-rtithily were shiver, 0 Suen piwk bad an elep 1 he S t6machs anid, B owe Is- of 0 P— in indication of the growing recognition took his preacher's advice, followed dircetions. Iftar of his Own, III,,, if ilm cryin-4 w.th tine vold. Perxtuur Ly h r (I.*..I tit). for of Z!w, us 3ralauss of C'11AIi Farmers' Ia$tI_ and vvas cured perrannetilly of the xwrst fimit of He drove it into the yard with tho Seven - Ile has teell haps evou this sattle far. -It X"'. In cacti f the idaces where ineet- lNervous Prostritixi ar�ji Dyspepsia. Said: it in Iii; (1my, 318 it Was to reconnuencled it to oEhvrAKwihSra0yin.Prs nits. -sNow you'll supposel I .4. wou i,vld a t,;:-kQ1I Of the your fattier left I "It. ailts, F tien-huen, Promotes DigestionClizetiful- .�gil'g Until t' 'I' anizc Vo:tl'�Y A 'h-) Ito 0 L)t)t astitate wus arg �A. The delega- Pat of %Volliallis It's a great nerve bL these eighteen elepli f anew at)(% gmu7t.1 Wngni t) friezv. Now good L. Manilto cess andRest.Contains neither !, ufAValkerville, -,ud take your hal I d farniort; haiv-sr t!;11111, 04.;. qopnen-Ilueutookilill* elephautsand OpiudMorphino nor Mineral, IS ON? THE, NOTNAMCOTIC. of Ctui�lljh, handled their stock better, and keep th-m in Illt- went Ins way. stables in cold and stormy days. They subjevts Ill a tuhrough auamuer and drew It- IN vor w-irth whi rr,"V., f,mu I-. el� distnissiou:: k, , ") )ta� t es "N ow, Nu -pin, said t 0 wise Man, may not be Lis hardy as those that stir• lv�i zhvv ean lit, litul I -take your third and go." 3?-CV2C 01-04zz-"1MP1nWR Uar.%pavo. wiII only Perin . ic I-$ •givlag- it trit-dolls 'I,..I - �'i WRAPPYZ� vived, undor the other method, but; they - oza`y amt ., illllNilli4l. crop produced. To Na-pw Look his six elephants and 2��Px;" X"'l- ux,,)re proftablo._ repirt of the St. lleleiis meeting;- Wf&.'Senfla - live longor and are upuldug(10 + the Rej C rb SI1711 OF EVE RY -s Ploughman. -4litis niast It,.% us -,%d! Ding -bat,", said the wise man Ardis secif a on he Idog 1111 N�ill I, - an I VIKII rt?d 11 -1 r1eh, hqrky h vo sail, and �a'ze your ninth ftA be gone. C Farm Water Supply. It is about time thorough Cultivation giVen till thtgraund So Ding -bat took rt elephants and DOTT=0 OUP pitordonalcJnddr E11R 03 111 A E N that; Nvu b.uald sitivitic 4of the quality ofimehed S. is Covered with vill, and it is also. vamoosed. T1 I&V11-puak took his ia,trryrot.Ltra,w .. the supply of water. We blame Provi- neez.sSary to have the fbotatmrs sprouted own elephant lull 0 hant and drove him home der-ce for carrying uff*our friends when Aperfect i1cmedy for Constipa- before plantbig. To sprtiut p I . otatx-zesplace again. U'E.2'.1-5 E ►IT itisulirowniguoraude or in o, the required quantity off round, niediran- namans property t Sour Stoma-C11,Diarrhoea V wat6r supply. I I Query: Was the 00, y VVGrmsConiutsions,Feverisft- llkull. Two I si--,rd t ulvers on end in it -warni, light Z'dlvUed according to :;ho terms of the hies s and L© s,,,j Or SLEEP. cau,,.v., vi iti.ptaitieb III wuwr-vegetable room for from four to six weeks, atidly! will; GAS R I ru,; , `�,, jatr, .9 U �,aw ter, awl niiatral. The that time strong vigorous shoots will Fac Signature of lonner I., ininrions'uu licalth. The U V IV L f6 Llk�lo'!VIELD OZONE have started, and a day before plaating,� R..Munro, of I lgiu, has, we un Chit Xwurces of pure, water are springs 46 'is of the cut the potatoes so there wiUbe one 'laenitaud, been appolifed census com- NIEWYORH. CaVtOTIM 23 put up in ono -sin bottles, only. It Is E.aftgi -d by Illzral.,ers of the and .:eep wells, but 'I nine -tent. or two, ,hoots in ear �hlAt. The ground, j�� missioner for West Br e. gg: �lis not sold in ball:. Don't n1low al"Yono to cell population get wate; from wells we will d you Pnything oh3 on the ploa or proviso that I. h .1 have beell d*eplS dug, au�!, killer's Drink Care + N'Vells, wbi - shou $1 per box. For is "just as groall and will answer o7ory rr.r- - - . 1 .2 dm %:It upon the well�prlucipally. heavily manured the p�,evious aniumuJi sale by all druggists. Sold by A L. T-fletko0l.st Con- rence even deep, situated in it depression are 31 pose." AIL -0 BCD that you gget 0 -1 -S. -T -0 -L -1-A. - should again be carefuIV duft over. No I Hamilton. fao- liable to contamination. Put it, whereI Tho earthing -up is uecessar3� only carefully Anson Dnlmng ias been CXACT COP- OF WRAPPEF.I. CIM110 .bf I of 0?0:7 It will not get drainage of cesspool or e, I alcelot, I 6ele_ .-k!4_ . with cultivntp the ground b4twee'll. the two appointed a Justice of the Peace for the barnyard. Build the top six feesrows and frequently rale . p the ,-oil I iW;,.,:/,i of brick laid in cement and arch over top .0 Pre- county of Huron. vent it crustila- and kee t entirely free P. ar 11 11., ,Ife,p gqi,,n with 22 inch sewerl?ipe for miwhole. It 111111t-, -v, RtI. '0 UL UJO 1, Thos. H. Young, chief of the Ontario A A. will keep, both watf� and many insects ft .1 weees is Wl that is necessitry to. produce a full crop of I d 11 p3lize force on the NIA.-ara frontier for out of the well. Tests to tell if -water is 3 smooth sound - Tt is not a matter of everyday occurrence Potatoes--FurillLr's Advocate. thirteen years, died IA4 week. for drinking: Take a fruit jar 'well. t41 e.,-;gymen talk ahout or permit V=ir Miller's P Grip owde# Cure. Sold by I re' mea t.+ be u,,erl in Connection with a p7epara- cleaned, fill over half fall for forty- A. L. Hamilton. tion. It but gwt; to show that they deem their eight hours; if it smells slightly it is not, Take One of gnew's 1: Dr. A2 obligati.na Indeed heavy to have their endorse-, n There were 1 44 irths in Bruce tion published. Vnwleyls Liquiaed Ozone i, fit for use; if discolored it is not good. after dinner. It will promote digestion and in 1900, and 711 deaths. The County nota patent medicine tmd that whyso many of The many advantages of soft water for overcome any evil effects of too I number of marriages were 374. the Canadian past irs give ft their recommend- many purposes make it at -most impern- • eating. Safe, prompt,, active, painless and Then it is marvellous in its power to pleasant This effective little pill is sup - 0 tions. tive to have a cistern'. A good oisteru hil ren Cry for cure disease. Re-— Dr. Parker, formerly presi- dent of the Confer-mce of the Idelhodist Chure, is made of concrete arched same as well planting all the old school nauseous purgIL- in Cana, 'a soom, 11 T. have tested your Ozone nnd with inlet and outlet; inlet, should have tives- 40 doses. to cents. -t,3 have CAS 0 R' I A. . pleture in be wring testimony to Ra excel. filter made of box Nvith layer of gravel Sold by A. 1- Myrnitten lent curative properties." tigne : a. and charcoal. Don't think it more im- -Mr. T. J. Polley, of Goderioh, died re - Re v. W. R. PA R V. t- R, D. D. portant to have a supply of -water at the 11OWICK. cently. He was a native of Kingston, a. Powlev's Litiumea Ozone Lsst.00nlorge Itottle, barn than at the house. Fit the house The home of Mr. and 31rs. Louis Thi- 31,tbodist and an Orangeman. For sn-. qn-.,Ill s4z.-. All drug !i:t .. r .. .1 11. ..". I bideau of Queen street in ELIrrigtou was many years prior to iping to Goderich or i e (1r. ui jrQau,, then the barn. Have water supp, y in 48 Colborne St.. ro- tu. the stables, before the cows all the time, the scene ofa ha ippy event on Wedues- he farmed near Dungannon. Also by A. L. Hamilton, Wingliam. in troughs or iron cups. Itpvys to leave when their eldest, For Cuts, Wounds; Chilblains, Chap - a supply before them . all the time, es-' danght,-r, Violet, was ufiited in marriage ped Hands, ltheumat%m, Stiff Joints, 0 peclsUy for dairy. It is better to have I to Mr. Win. L. MAson. Redgrave, son Burns, Sealds, Bites 4k Insects, Croup, of 31r. L. A- Mason. The ceremony Boughs, Colds. Hag ard' ; Yellow Oil i x it before them than to water threel will be found an e_ cilent'remedy. Price I P1.1nter_,s times a day. Bettef not leave troughs was performed at 5.80 faclock in the af- T7"o I open; have a cover that the cattle can ternoon by Rev. U. a- Cameron, B. D., 25 cents all dealers. open tbemselvs. Trees are good t pastor of Elarriston. Knox: Church, in the Knox church congregation in Walker- = 'i to a group of relatives and + ton have leased the residence of the late purify water if not close enough to reach IM P. O'Connor for a manse for a period friends of the ectuft-ac,,mg parties. Alis -a The worst thin. water. Grass or any vegetable matter Of three years. The, rent will be2b0 painter has to con. helps to take vegetable matter. To Birdie Walls, of Maitland was bm--b-les- tend with is the tur- ;per year- pruify water of organic matter force air maid and 31r- R014ert ThackeraY of qq pontine. that ruri- Minto, supporte4 the oom. The Be young! It is only Thelead, ofcourse, through, which is the reason t y nt�cessary to take is bad too. Ding streams are pure. Miss -Haddock and bridesmaid were dr-,ssed alike, and'Miller's Compound lion Pills to retain But the turpentine � Youthful appeararaudie and vigor. Sold cuts tho kidneys in -lookedvery pretty �a -white organdie, ' spoke on Bacteriology and the Woman! trimmed, with Tel !t . � by A. L. Hamilton. ki eiteemnes hoe. The, flames and weakens Institute. f. 9 then, makes the 11-AMtakes in Sheep Breeding" was the bride", travelling suit was a neat -fitting; Atthe regular med#ngofthe Aletho- paintc s life a dan- gerous and trouble. subject of an address by President Snell; COst"" Of blue-gyeli' ClOih. tri-Nme-A"Jist Quarterly Offibial Board, Mount was extend- " with Mae bromded kill After tbeoelre- 11,Ybre-st. Rev W. Ket6ewell, Borne olio. licn a painter's backaches, its who gave a practical talk instancing, Li -r-3 r"hl to begin treating the kidneys. some grave mistakes, the- sheep -breeders mony a *iumptuou�, repast -was sgrrgd: ed a unanimous inlitation to remain MY have been guilty of: 1. Frequently and a most plessanek�veilb!g was s.- pastor of the church It third year, which D T changing the breed of the sire. 21iingl 'Ps Ld The kris vras taheaccepted, I 0AP*TS pu - Q— - ; d 1 —1 *..-+ V Using immature stock for breeders. V V 131-11.l, TIS -010i and X-r9fly will f= them u-p--tal ;a outthe inflammation selling off the best of the flock and Prl�-�FL- The yonig emple vd;j r,,g:dl 3ames Edge. of Edge, Hill, Out., 4. T!:Iy- alt 3r" '-`032�6 farm at, �of Wkache and izianey trouble. He ard congestion, give case to the aching breeding from inferior stock writes that, Doan's' Pills cured him back. I nv--.I.-Ont thdt Well-known pair to Ing to save money by buying an fide rior, drnalv took one box and they cured hi ford St., Toronto, Fill= and c:ccorafor, So 0.4 animal to use as a sire -a gweatmistake. Tri them if you. have backache. Kidneyy 0 is the partl=lzr It Ont.,raid : About cl,411tweeks ago I"vas 5, 1 in. T I M Aing pain in my back Buying a fat or overfed lamb to Us-, fignxd= d the ter a taken v. i,h..n excruciating over On I.Idneys. It vas so bad that my as sire. 0, Paying more attention to •t Dirlo-4 Peer 8c�laps for Hens. mrh=t;t�e "A - Thpre, has been much of what we call .wif i had to apply hot Moths till the doctor fancy points than to strength and vApn ;: do tbeL- %ts;6 =d 5?-,, re came and gave n,, rnqrphine. - 'P 2ald poultry columns 7, Feeding pregnant ewes too hea.7� t% nonsenf, talk in the poult 11a sr.id the troub*vas due to a stone 11 In azy A ioff v,�rtzin Papers about dry green bone pas,,.Ingr from the hiZ!nhv to the L' addcr. with too little exercise, =using P=.-,, YLA-- _ =de CLUB ING Nywator was loadkd with a bricic dust weak lambs. Do not feed ewes =Vze U&nv ;row animal matter with meat and dcno.qit and scalded od passing. than feed of roots per day, lyu� L4 fizp,!) br.=Z,-2# 'g4vt!�e being readily digested and there- i".--hile in th'-s cond4on I heard ofDoan3 lambs have all they cain. eat. It is 99%2, 1ommuchbetter, This maybe valuable Ridney Pills and stardbd taking them. to sow rye and when the lambs aaz it &1 irpAdh�,gforthose interested in the gale It was not long befitre I got relief from F P"ER.b' 1 0 pa!a andlixtre beenimproving inhealthavet plowand.sow rape; good tolst titem=-"11 .,04�.o Wne-catting machine, but 4t is sinnt% li�'y urine is now cleax and does not into 6rchaxd during the day. I "AN-Waawl"i Un ;)f w2tv ttk-A-Z 3=*w =Ulew%zig I keepers who have Vin=.:ire, and L feel better to Pon try ope s NY h a Discussion -Pea straw good for VY,.tw, VVY, -,V* 10'Wexpeprillaum enough to, know better THE TIMES annou'nce's -the fol- 'ing. I, Must .give care and attma-= Mlu vbg AMM to bel; eve them, We care not homr I lowing clubbing offers for These little the Book. Mr. G u an t always f6d 1�* fCwA XQMVVI,'� 014k, -O! aWlw, zv, I JWJ r_14 ani elry g n !in al b o no may b e, th a L.E.K.1-LIVER PILLU I black fellows sheep whole t arnips on the gw=4 =`a 049 1,111t; %gar�w f I;= Aviv iU%Wx.KVt, -PK, t) vAeblis �,47,zard will grind it , ap if she act emsily and nattirally on the system, 1900-1901 clw.r.og nemy f0l, bile slid effete material. lambs, then pulp theroots. �sing,,Mbjmlth, and once ground up Ct.-Ittliation, bilinu4nPos, dyspepsia, efok water. Better in Raw meat and gristle Times till end of igoi, hat ILL-a-tourti, wmarlortiall-all als- Sheep are good weed datm7en.; ae) trnlrolll.- WV 1*II ,null`le $1.00 -It Vilma; wlmey 49 ret grind up as easily, and if fed app I uirrwhen they are used. Price X50. will eat from'twenty to thirty v 1W,1h111Ve,1,1,b0Lr 411-itrv; 4W fvw., rqflvri)wti , iiurxxa' 44.pxable. quantities they pus into Times and We4kly Globe, with picture, "The Can - that cattle will not touch. INP and through them without adians at tNBattle of Paardeberg," till Jan. ist, In the Clutch right after shearing sheep. Littte 6:p iiv �;*d Awrf �%Viliiltl f"fliq �,Wftl:o Ovor 1� 1A,*,, -;.X 4�W,,f ttA, and are it frequent cause ;j 902j i.60 good. If you have a warm pam e' .�ip MIWOM10 lbk'%011 ft'01`41 ftbOX-V Vrx:tlw 14 "!,*W*101MV]afnto and diseases of the Times and WeePy Witness, 1.6o .1 !Ov, 'falil ftv_u�iwml t9lum 4wp ,W yl�w, Orv� pound of the dried Of Consumption. earlier. The better you, feed tk-- Wwx� W beef Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star with the wool. Mr. Snell had cgilts, if they have 11111100" of lambs in the sprirg and wh6u oxit'.4 fitf;j frlittw• 1-510, yi,rud IrcAVA With naphtha, is worth premium 75 mot plv 14* xA 0 lbs of raw boas and anent Times anal 'NeeLly Mail and Empire, 1 '7$ Guelph learned that old putures -wm;CWt%-r a, gg !1A probably the cause. Xwp rax 'pleat which has been Times and VVe4tern Advertiser, 1.50. pasture in the spring. If lo:wy ae; 0,40,y "w"r9lY., "mw ov,,,t;:fc;r'�V4" f'> 0"1"0 Or ammonite, Times and Weekly Sun, 1,75 lambs will bite and get wool In ter, 4;tlq '1/0 r."XI* fnest' ts"JiJ P�y *10hVer manufacturers as ' Times anti Daily Globe, 4-35 stomachanddio. 11sirethatis s 14"d IN valuable for 111 t "at -C -X0,WfAN-_�JV ft'24, Ov,'At VVX",,, brit We have wou it d to Times and Ton)nto Daily Star, will ret lambs the owes of whk* jy�UAr 2,5P generally proauce tv"In. lambq. W its (well, beef scraps, it Times and Farmere Advocate, Mr. Gatint gave a few mintit& td;k, 11:7400,9,9 iVk* gi,-, 4ighb look and greasy feeling We could extend the list, but it is not i ecessary. We ire sah1that Institute orpeakersserap, but as it costs - 11 Asforthe can give you ctubbing rates for any newspa r or magazine times were not explie"it elwagh, wkli� 009 Don't neglect that pereirtent backing gave as an instaneo where. a nftker,1AV't*W 'hilles thoro Is 01117 one published. Every subscriber will receive a c of the hand- t6ulrb till you find yourself in the clutch of advised' his hearers togive; alwp& good 11ahArefW1 86214fA h4V&.,=XM*, the labor some, illustrated. TIMES CHRISTMAS S 11 B LEMENT. Consumption, It'i an easy Matter to 1111top . ran; the next day. ons .fartner oet his irtifr 4111g, the Ix"16 is finch that we The advgnce in the orice of rianer. havitirr to v i3ostaveand It slow PY MICIng OR* WOOD'S NOF This plegintrit rosy the tongs and brut lingering and chroh rem ritill Mr. W. P. caftn' Out., Aftys S ",I he 1WVd died of cony Wood's Morwity Pit It kv yftr,4.knd C& Aw WAW O a" ,t RhovmMlo dolnts,—Mrs. Geor Smith, 62 Charrou street, Point St. Chaxlega s, FARMWERT INSTITUTE WET- 4 saw, U V. X 11overfri Arithmetic. t e 090 tll�l"` Quo,, says: -Rheumatism in my joints INGS. 12 "Poultry was diwassed by A. McNeill. A Chinaman dioO, leftiring his prop. caused me sufferings that words cannot In order to devilop our forelga trado in orty by will to his threo soils, as fol. I took four bottles d"Criba, American dressedpon1try wo mnst send it nuirorm lows-, - of South American 11heumatic Cure andam, $6 well woman, I have recommended it to -,t 310"t StIveessfut Forlet-7,arge Attonil, ;%tire antl Got oil e.ddrem quality, Mayo abralld. Itisuotadvis-, 4'ToVaea-huen, the oldest, one-half nc:nuwwuuunu!nuumnun�Uli,llun!n!uW, mu, r,,,. IT 4 a--4 N 1, , others tvith as good results. Think the held by able for a farmer to dress. hit; owit tolyl; thereof; to Nu-piu, his swond sop, one. ■ trositniqlat nothing short of a wonder. --10 Sold I)Y.". I,. Ilmnaton. t1w West Harou Farmers" Institute was zost suemssful. the Institute has yet and pact,: his own there. will bo A lack third theroof ; and to Ding' bat, his of uniformity. In the Government feed.;,youngest, one -moth theroor." 1vann Stable*. Ith.. hiold. The meetings were held atBly I th, inn station, the feed alid shipping is: When the property was inventoried it guaranteed, also cold storngo. Thokyas found to consist of nothing more or PrT4 Wethavehearda farmer SAY that lie Iort linday, It lust., violmesville, the A-4 was so teaderl warted that vll�t a a 'Via last., Kilitail, the Ub, and St., IlQinglish zuarl;et will take all kinds of less than seventeou elephants and it puz- fowl, chicks front "Jur N six lbs. -••-must %i(%a thesa three beir 1t,%t31,1tE,S were Hc1ens, the 5th. While all the meetings 1how to divide the spell came on before his .1 w, t ro largely attende4t the Kintail. ineet- be well fatted, Pri'Verty according tat time torms Of the FAC -SIMILE dug lie kept li'muke, all ulg!a thirsting , record-d-bi �aker in polut of will without chopping up seventeen ele. that they were crying with the Cold. , I vousness, Pyspepala, Indl. phauts and thereby s lonsly impairing :i4p was increas:,d, Alore, largely than geStion, (Ind kindrW a I fablePreparationforAs- SIGNATUME' Yet wo have known mon. to lcvp cattle Themember- NOr ailments, take wings their vain ay applied to a ti "at in cold all day in. cold vardt; and tit alit before the healing quatitics of $ouzh American SElae, ing UW- dod and Reg ula - duritig any preylous sqritcs of Meetings, Nervine, Thunias HOEVIIS, of Vulhatu, Out, wise neighbor, Snen-11ink, for adijop. I I barits, where they cc-rtithily were shiver, 0 Suen piwk bad an elep 1 he S t6machs anid, B owe Is- of 0 P— in indication of the growing recognition took his preacher's advice, followed dircetions. Iftar of his Own, III,,, if ilm cryin-4 w.th tine vold. Perxtuur Ly h r (I.*..I tit). for of Z!w, us 3ralauss of C'11AIi Farmers' Ia$tI_ and vvas cured perrannetilly of the xwrst fimit of He drove it into the yard with tho Seven - Ile has teell haps evou this sattle far. -It X"'. In cacti f the idaces where ineet- lNervous Prostritixi ar�ji Dyspepsia. Said: it in Iii; (1my, 318 it Was to reconnuencled it to oEhvrAKwihSra0yin.Prs nits. -sNow you'll supposel I .4. wou i,vld a t,;:-kQ1I Of the your fattier left I "It. ailts, F tien-huen, Promotes DigestionClizetiful- .�gil'g Until t' 'I' anizc Vo:tl'�Y A 'h-) Ito 0 L)t)t astitate wus arg �A. The delega- Pat of %Volliallis It's a great nerve bL these eighteen elepli f anew at)(% gmu7t.1 Wngni t) friezv. Now good L. Manilto cess andRest.Contains neither !, ufAValkerville, -,ud take your hal I d farniort; haiv-sr t!;11111, 04.;. qopnen-Ilueutookilill* elephautsand OpiudMorphino nor Mineral, IS ON? THE, NOTNAMCOTIC. of Ctui�lljh, handled their stock better, and keep th-m in Illt- went Ins way. stables in cold and stormy days. They subjevts Ill a tuhrough auamuer and drew It- IN vor w-irth whi rr,"V., f,mu I-. el� distnissiou:: k, , ") )ta� t es "N ow, Nu -pin, said t 0 wise Man, may not be Lis hardy as those that stir• lv�i zhvv ean lit, litul I -take your third and go." 3?-CV2C 01-04zz-"1MP1nWR Uar.%pavo. wiII only Perin . ic I-$ •givlag- it trit-dolls 'I,..I - �'i WRAPPYZ� vived, undor the other method, but; they - oza`y amt ., illllNilli4l. crop produced. To Na-pw Look his six elephants and 2��Px;" X"'l- ux,,)re proftablo._ repirt of the St. lleleiis meeting;- Wf&.'Senfla - live longor and are upuldug(10 + the Rej C rb SI1711 OF EVE RY -s Ploughman. -4litis niast It,.% us -,%d! Ding -bat,", said the wise man Ardis secif a on he Idog 1111 N�ill I, - an I VIKII rt?d 11 -1 r1eh, hqrky h vo sail, and �a'ze your ninth ftA be gone. C Farm Water Supply. It is about time thorough Cultivation giVen till thtgraund So Ding -bat took rt elephants and DOTT=0 OUP pitordonalcJnddr E11R 03 111 A E N that; Nvu b.uald sitivitic 4of the quality ofimehed S. is Covered with vill, and it is also. vamoosed. T1 I&V11-puak took his ia,trryrot.Ltra,w .. the supply of water. We blame Provi- neez.sSary to have the fbotatmrs sprouted own elephant lull 0 hant and drove him home der-ce for carrying uff*our friends when Aperfect i1cmedy for Constipa- before plantbig. To sprtiut p I . otatx-zesplace again. U'E.2'.1-5 E ►IT itisulirowniguoraude or in o, the required quantity off round, niediran- namans property t Sour Stoma-C11,Diarrhoea V wat6r supply. I I Query: Was the 00, y VVGrmsConiutsions,Feverisft- llkull. Two I si--,rd t ulvers on end in it -warni, light Z'dlvUed according to :;ho terms of the hies s and L© s,,,j Or SLEEP. cau,,.v., vi iti.ptaitieb III wuwr-vegetable room for from four to six weeks, atidly! will; GAS R I ru,; , `�,, jatr, .9 U �,aw ter, awl niiatral. The that time strong vigorous shoots will Fac Signature of lonner I., ininrions'uu licalth. The U V IV L f6 Llk�lo'!VIELD OZONE have started, and a day before plaating,� R..Munro, of I lgiu, has, we un Chit Xwurces of pure, water are springs 46 'is of the cut the potatoes so there wiUbe one 'laenitaud, been appolifed census com- NIEWYORH. CaVtOTIM 23 put up in ono -sin bottles, only. It Is E.aftgi -d by Illzral.,ers of the and .:eep wells, but 'I nine -tent. or two, ,hoots in ear �hlAt. The ground, j�� missioner for West Br e. gg: �lis not sold in ball:. Don't n1low al"Yono to cell population get wate; from wells we will d you Pnything oh3 on the ploa or proviso that I. h .1 have beell d*eplS dug, au�!, killer's Drink Care + N'Vells, wbi - shou $1 per box. For is "just as groall and will answer o7ory rr.r- - - . 1 .2 dm %:It upon the well�prlucipally. heavily manured the p�,evious aniumuJi sale by all druggists. Sold by A L. T-fletko0l.st Con- rence even deep, situated in it depression are 31 pose." AIL -0 BCD that you gget 0 -1 -S. -T -0 -L -1-A. - should again be carefuIV duft over. No I Hamilton. fao- liable to contamination. Put it, whereI Tho earthing -up is uecessar3� only carefully Anson Dnlmng ias been CXACT COP- OF WRAPPEF.I. CIM110 .bf I of 0?0:7 It will not get drainage of cesspool or e, I alcelot, I 6ele_ .-k!4_ . with cultivntp the ground b4twee'll. the two appointed a Justice of the Peace for the barnyard. Build the top six feesrows and frequently rale . p the ,-oil I iW;,.,:/,i of brick laid in cement and arch over top .0 Pre- county of Huron. vent it crustila- and kee t entirely free P. ar 11 11., ,Ife,p gqi,,n with 22 inch sewerl?ipe for miwhole. It 111111t-, -v, RtI. '0 UL UJO 1, Thos. H. Young, chief of the Ontario A A. will keep, both watf� and many insects ft .1 weees is Wl that is necessitry to. produce a full crop of I d 11 p3lize force on the NIA.-ara frontier for out of the well. Tests to tell if -water is 3 smooth sound - Tt is not a matter of everyday occurrence Potatoes--FurillLr's Advocate. thirteen years, died IA4 week. for drinking: Take a fruit jar 'well. t41 e.,-;gymen talk ahout or permit V=ir Miller's P Grip owde# Cure. Sold by I re' mea t.+ be u,,erl in Connection with a p7epara- cleaned, fill over half fall for forty- A. L. Hamilton. tion. It but gwt; to show that they deem their eight hours; if it smells slightly it is not, Take One of gnew's 1: Dr. A2 obligati.na Indeed heavy to have their endorse-, n There were 1 44 irths in Bruce tion published. Vnwleyls Liquiaed Ozone i, fit for use; if discolored it is not good. after dinner. It will promote digestion and in 1900, and 711 deaths. The County nota patent medicine tmd that whyso many of The many advantages of soft water for overcome any evil effects of too I number of marriages were 374. the Canadian past irs give ft their recommend- many purposes make it at -most impern- • eating. Safe, prompt,, active, painless and Then it is marvellous in its power to pleasant This effective little pill is sup - 0 tions. tive to have a cistern'. A good oisteru hil ren Cry for cure disease. Re-— Dr. Parker, formerly presi- dent of the Confer-mce of the Idelhodist Chure, is made of concrete arched same as well planting all the old school nauseous purgIL- in Cana, 'a soom, 11 T. have tested your Ozone nnd with inlet and outlet; inlet, should have tives- 40 doses. to cents. -t,3 have CAS 0 R' I A. . pleture in be wring testimony to Ra excel. filter made of box Nvith layer of gravel Sold by A. 1- Myrnitten lent curative properties." tigne : a. and charcoal. Don't think it more im- -Mr. T. J. Polley, of Goderioh, died re - Re v. W. R. PA R V. t- R, D. D. portant to have a supply of -water at the 11OWICK. cently. He was a native of Kingston, a. Powlev's Litiumea Ozone Lsst.00nlorge Itottle, barn than at the house. Fit the house The home of Mr. and 31rs. Louis Thi- 31,tbodist and an Orangeman. For sn-. qn-.,Ill s4z.-. All drug !i:t .. r .. .1 11. ..". I bideau of Queen street in ELIrrigtou was many years prior to iping to Goderich or i e (1r. ui jrQau,, then the barn. Have water supp, y in 48 Colborne St.. ro- tu. the stables, before the cows all the time, the scene ofa ha ippy event on Wedues- he farmed near Dungannon. Also by A. L. Hamilton, Wingliam. in troughs or iron cups. Itpvys to leave when their eldest, For Cuts, Wounds; Chilblains, Chap - a supply before them . all the time, es-' danght,-r, Violet, was ufiited in marriage ped Hands, ltheumat%m, Stiff Joints, 0 peclsUy for dairy. It is better to have I to Mr. Win. L. MAson. Redgrave, son Burns, Sealds, Bites 4k Insects, Croup, of 31r. L. A- Mason. The ceremony Boughs, Colds. Hag ard' ; Yellow Oil i x it before them than to water threel will be found an e_ cilent'remedy. Price I P1.1nter_,s times a day. Bettef not leave troughs was performed at 5.80 faclock in the af- T7"o I open; have a cover that the cattle can ternoon by Rev. U. a- Cameron, B. D., 25 cents all dealers. open tbemselvs. Trees are good t pastor of Elarriston. Knox: Church, in the Knox church congregation in Walker- = 'i to a group of relatives and + ton have leased the residence of the late purify water if not close enough to reach IM P. O'Connor for a manse for a period friends of the ectuft-ac,,mg parties. Alis -a The worst thin. water. Grass or any vegetable matter Of three years. The, rent will be2b0 painter has to con. helps to take vegetable matter. To Birdie Walls, of Maitland was bm--b-les- tend with is the tur- ;per year- pruify water of organic matter force air maid and 31r- R014ert ThackeraY of qq pontine. that ruri- Minto, supporte4 the oom. The Be young! It is only Thelead, ofcourse, through, which is the reason t y nt�cessary to take is bad too. Ding streams are pure. Miss -Haddock and bridesmaid were dr-,ssed alike, and'Miller's Compound lion Pills to retain But the turpentine � Youthful appeararaudie and vigor. Sold cuts tho kidneys in -lookedvery pretty �a -white organdie, ' spoke on Bacteriology and the Woman! trimmed, with Tel !t . � by A. L. Hamilton. ki eiteemnes hoe. The, flames and weakens Institute. f. 9 then, makes the 11-AMtakes in Sheep Breeding" was the bride", travelling suit was a neat -fitting; Atthe regular med#ngofthe Aletho- paintc s life a dan- gerous and trouble. subject of an address by President Snell; COst"" Of blue-gyeli' ClOih. tri-Nme-A"Jist Quarterly Offibial Board, Mount was extend- " with Mae bromded kill After tbeoelre- 11,Ybre-st. Rev W. Ket6ewell, Borne olio. licn a painter's backaches, its who gave a practical talk instancing, Li -r-3 r"hl to begin treating the kidneys. some grave mistakes, the- sheep -breeders mony a *iumptuou�, repast -was sgrrgd: ed a unanimous inlitation to remain MY have been guilty of: 1. Frequently and a most plessanek�veilb!g was s.- pastor of the church It third year, which D T changing the breed of the sire. 21iingl 'Ps Ld The kris vras taheaccepted, I 0AP*TS pu - Q— - ; d 1 —1 *..-+ V Using immature stock for breeders. V V 131-11.l, TIS -010i and X-r9fly will f= them u-p--tal ;a outthe inflammation selling off the best of the flock and Prl�-�FL- The yonig emple vd;j r,,g:dl 3ames Edge. of Edge, Hill, Out., 4. T!:Iy- alt 3r" '-`032�6 farm at, �of Wkache and izianey trouble. He ard congestion, give case to the aching breeding from inferior stock writes that, Doan's' Pills cured him back. I nv--.I.-Ont thdt Well-known pair to Ing to save money by buying an fide rior, drnalv took one box and they cured hi ford St., Toronto, Fill= and c:ccorafor, So 0.4 animal to use as a sire -a gweatmistake. Tri them if you. have backache. Kidneyy 0 is the partl=lzr It Ont.,raid : About cl,411tweeks ago I"vas 5, 1 in. T I M Aing pain in my back Buying a fat or overfed lamb to Us-, fignxd= d the ter a taken v. i,h..n excruciating over On I.Idneys. It vas so bad that my as sire. 0, Paying more attention to •t Dirlo-4 Peer 8c�laps for Hens. mrh=t;t�e "A - Thpre, has been much of what we call .wif i had to apply hot Moths till the doctor fancy points than to strength and vApn ;: do tbeL- %ts;6 =d 5?-,, re came and gave n,, rnqrphine. - 'P 2ald poultry columns 7, Feeding pregnant ewes too hea.7� t% nonsenf, talk in the poult 11a sr.id the troub*vas due to a stone 11 In azy A ioff v,�rtzin Papers about dry green bone pas,,.Ingr from the hiZ!nhv to the L' addcr. with too little exercise, =using P=.-,, YLA-- _ =de CLUB ING Nywator was loadkd with a bricic dust weak lambs. Do not feed ewes =Vze U&nv ;row animal matter with meat and dcno.qit and scalded od passing. than feed of roots per day, lyu� L4 fizp,!) br.=Z,-2# 'g4vt!�e being readily digested and there- i".--hile in th'-s cond4on I heard ofDoan3 lambs have all they cain. eat. It is 99%2, 1ommuchbetter, This maybe valuable Ridney Pills and stardbd taking them. to sow rye and when the lambs aaz it &1 irpAdh�,gforthose interested in the gale It was not long befitre I got relief from F P"ER.b' 1 0 pa!a andlixtre beenimproving inhealthavet plowand.sow rape; good tolst titem=-"11 .,04�.o Wne-catting machine, but 4t is sinnt% li�'y urine is now cleax and does not into 6rchaxd during the day. I "AN-Waawl"i Un ;)f w2tv ttk-A-Z 3=*w =Ulew%zig I keepers who have Vin=.:ire, and L feel better to Pon try ope s NY h a Discussion -Pea straw good for VY,.tw, VVY, -,V* 10'Wexpeprillaum enough to, know better THE TIMES annou'nce's -the fol- 'ing. I, Must .give care and attma-= Mlu vbg AMM to bel; eve them, We care not homr I lowing clubbing offers for These little the Book. Mr. G u an t always f6d 1�* fCwA XQMVVI,'� 014k, -O! aWlw, zv, I JWJ r_14 ani elry g n !in al b o no may b e, th a L.E.K.1-LIVER PILLU I black fellows sheep whole t arnips on the gw=4 =`a 049 1,111t; %gar�w f I;= Aviv iU%Wx.KVt, -PK, t) vAeblis �,47,zard will grind it , ap if she act emsily and nattirally on the system, 1900-1901 clw.r.og nemy f0l, bile slid effete material. lambs, then pulp theroots. �sing,,Mbjmlth, and once ground up Ct.-Ittliation, bilinu4nPos, dyspepsia, efok water. Better in Raw meat and gristle Times till end of igoi, hat ILL-a-tourti, wmarlortiall-all als- Sheep are good weed datm7en.; ae) trnlrolll.- WV 1*II ,null`le $1.00 -It Vilma; wlmey 49 ret grind up as easily, and if fed app I uirrwhen they are used. Price X50. will eat from'twenty to thirty v 1W,1h111Ve,1,1,b0Lr 411-itrv; 4W fvw., rqflvri)wti , iiurxxa' 44.pxable. quantities they pus into Times and We4kly Globe, with picture, "The Can - that cattle will not touch. INP and through them without adians at tNBattle of Paardeberg," till Jan. ist, In the Clutch right after shearing sheep. Littte 6:p iiv �;*d Awrf �%Viliiltl f"fliq �,Wftl:o Ovor 1� 1A,*,, -;.X 4�W,,f ttA, and are it frequent cause ;j 902j i.60 good. If you have a warm pam e' .�ip MIWOM10 lbk'%011 ft'01`41 ftbOX-V Vrx:tlw 14 "!,*W*101MV]afnto and diseases of the Times and WeePy Witness, 1.6o .1 !Ov, 'falil ftv_u�iwml t9lum 4wp ,W yl�w, Orv� pound of the dried Of Consumption. earlier. The better you, feed tk-- Wwx� W beef Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star with the wool. Mr. Snell had cgilts, if they have 11111100" of lambs in the sprirg and wh6u oxit'.4 fitf;j frlittw• 1-510, yi,rud IrcAVA With naphtha, is worth premium 75 mot plv 14* xA 0 lbs of raw boas and anent Times anal 'NeeLly Mail and Empire, 1 '7$ Guelph learned that old putures -wm;CWt%-r a, gg !1A probably the cause. Xwp rax 'pleat which has been Times and VVe4tern Advertiser, 1.50. pasture in the spring. If lo:wy ae; 0,40,y "w"r9lY., "mw ov,,,t;:fc;r'�V4" f'> 0"1"0 Or ammonite, Times and Weekly Sun, 1,75 lambs will bite and get wool In ter, 4;tlq '1/0 r."XI* fnest' ts"JiJ P�y *10hVer manufacturers as ' Times anti Daily Globe, 4-35 stomachanddio. 11sirethatis s 14"d IN valuable for 111 t "at -C -X0,WfAN-_�JV ft'24, Ov,'At VVX",,, brit We have wou it d to Times and Ton)nto Daily Star, will ret lambs the owes of whk* jy�UAr 2,5P generally proauce tv"In. lambq. W its (well, beef scraps, it Times and Farmere Advocate, Mr. Gatint gave a few mintit& td;k, 11:7400,9,9 iVk* gi,-, 4ighb look and greasy feeling We could extend the list, but it is not i ecessary. We ire sah1that Institute orpeakersserap, but as it costs - 11 Asforthe can give you ctubbing rates for any newspa r or magazine times were not explie"it elwagh, wkli� 009 Don't neglect that pereirtent backing gave as an instaneo where. a nftker,1AV't*W 'hilles thoro Is 01117 one published. Every subscriber will receive a c of the hand- t6ulrb till you find yourself in the clutch of advised' his hearers togive; alwp& good 11ahArefW1 86214fA h4V&.,=XM*, the labor some, illustrated. TIMES CHRISTMAS S 11 B LEMENT. Consumption, It'i an easy Matter to 1111top . ran; the next day. ons .fartner oet his irtifr 4111g, the Ix"16 is finch that we The advgnce in the orice of rianer. havitirr to v i3ostaveand It slow PY MICIng OR* WOOD'S NOF This plegintrit rosy the tongs and brut lingering and chroh rem ritill Mr. W. P. caftn' Out., Aftys S ",I he 1WVd died of cony Wood's Morwity Pit It kv yftr,4.knd C& Aw WAW O a" ,t