HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-03-08, Page 100
1 t Oi 1j1tl1, �
1p ♦ TIMES.'
7 h '
{ (1 (j A j ( (�
��lll I��3\Ulaxl,ta�a6. �A�l�tl3.'� MARCH -
Ho Tuesday of this. Weep. for tllair 2ieW', Wasson,
-...,_ .-.. ..- _... _ _ .. ....
. lir. -%U4 Mrs.. 1'e,, V. P4111llt lett 021.! The b�lder•Danlpctar's Deaver LWer DR. A,GxNEW,
n, wViol: sailed f10211 Liverpool 021 Physician, Surgeon, ate,"Er
houhe i,n' Dashwood. 'l:hey leave beldud F%' b. n(I with 211RUr, for Canada, has put Oillev--Dlactlonald Biotic, over J. L. Daviel (;Maqe 041dx"
mealy friends wbo will Nvish, thow pros- beck. The Lake Chat Drug. store.vity in their liew home, Ntgltt call tnn�:ar t+led attllr+fltliPC4 t�
MOIND00 peMissa Henderson, of Goderich, licks ac- uestlay �ritl212er pt>ibe2:(; xs andn1n11s,;: 1� . . ROS. ,p BUTTON
aoat)tlt'1lpa'ltionaf hea.tl milliner in UT AY 0fol L ' UNOFRTAnRRS,WINGHAM. OU moynths.
Mrs. f rreeit E, millinery store. Miss Night utills at Button wovtc, oi. li irtb
C'c)nui on to t} . l tntises o undersigned,
Hcndersonwith her apprentices are now lgths,.nn.1,G� to�t,,gnc» flea ebxnarylttth, doorNlouth ofhohool llouw- tsirup o!1„
busy proptlringfor tklt+ 2nill2ltry cocci• n1)bttkc4)lt, 1 ng tit Carso t)u•nercart petiteMaudonald block, -
_ - b 1 wrty audpry^
halt the ennui by cyto • n
4 EW 0 UM 0 MU Sill in c x tt ui t s g' y'y•�•�,( �p
�. b 1 D DicC`•Ol2•MICK,5Vit3gham. �'®���' ��� GUITAR., f'19X.. 1'f:l). has UtMeil our l;)lttlller Illontl] III I'`urniture.
Miss Mary:Ritalli t, of town, loft hero _ M. _. a+
o, Fritla 'tin tour to .— t' MISS CARIE MOORS 13u 'in4 ntu reads for Gash and taking all dis-
I�rrl><ed and Arrlvinn y of last xveelt: 021 a visiting "(,l,�i'.�NTDI)--•ACTI�'F �i�.x ol; c�at)1� � � � �
Philadelpl+ia,. Pa, and• othor points Lount�hlizcrtilitt cataUlislieil collect
Yiictiriup Of London Conservatory of Musle, will bo pre count, C9n�tl)les Ws t(1 give 11F;tttMl' 1)ar;;at114 th.11l Call
�;,xcl vslve novelties and r 3 tared after Oct. ish to reeeivo 11 limited num-
i21t11e1'2l teclStttkcs. Her211an frio2l(ls whfllesnktltgttse, SliXlayeiu, suretlay, ITou• ] be obtaint,'c.l elsewhere. We don't quote prices
y i atit3' mora ti3nit clot+rienco rctltEirrd, Oarre, 13or of pupils for instruetion oil 'Violin and
Cotllp44te assurtments Of latest 'Will. wish l:era pleasant trip, and safe sitrenre, ansbtlnk in any city. Enclose self Uuitar. with o per cent, off as special values, but give
t addct;=sed s anEptcl unvelq )e, Manufactut er$, Resiaenee+opposito R. C. Church, S"i ingliam, 5 l l
° ing weal: r011i2SaCs �13•'idrdl.�loor,D3#Aeallve' t.,Ci3icug4 ---- -- - a
sty es In spring �YGg gg�� py rock l)ottonl value on all goods.
Ft rqubars n Pu -1 Ro tole :r•, of - ' �i9iANO AND THEORY. Good Common Chairs from -,3c til). Over 00
Wing)ickut, spent Sillidity e xt t ° :rS.:inc,. Notice to Creditors MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C,M. Solcl during the last" few months.
a�3 r) +.:; <6i �.�u k'arcluh arson, lliiss ��da ITaWou, of _
Poplin Re .) s, Satin Cloth, '1Vinrhan"I spent Sraid ty at tho 11,)11 a of If�pCap.1hereby
0, see. z q, thaaull per4ons haR. ving �Uixta iimsezropared to�receivo o, limited utun °
1 l 1 r her grandfather, Mr, George Colvin.-- : c�lailai; ai.,Viiu,,i ,tile estate of Edworti hfQ uo, ber of pupita for instruction on Pinno and in
BroadOoths, �� orsteds, Sergres, t- I late of abtvnshtp of Tnrubexry, in the Cotmty Theory. .
Tees�vater Int+yrs. of Huron, Yeoman deceased, wltq died o33 qr Speewl attention given to puptiv preparing
Crepons, :silk Grenadine!, I about the 5th dry of October,. A,D. V00 are r - for vxalninatiow. B RO 45
MINOR LOCALS. 0uived to sond by post prepaid or to deliver . l2usidenco-opposito It. C. Church, Wingltam, La
Uvery 1ady should. see. our � 73icliwrd Vans,ono of the town of NWV, hant,1 13 A' L
- -^ the County of lint on Solicitor for the F:CceP.-
speci,lt dress ends. First choice. Campbell's Ileaditche Wafers (,uarall• tors, on ur befoz'e the '1-st day of Match A. D. BOAR
FOR B E�;ggg� 99 ��'tE�;'
teed to cure headiache. ! leol,their nuntes, addresses and desexiptions, gJ� ti ii�6R m3N dd 11i0:
, and a full statement of particulars ulars of their And Pigs for Stile,
l 4 •s:) it,' • C` - qf. Patrwk's dtl One we( --k froltl ' elaitns, and tho nature of the Mtc nrity (if any)
' g a� �:. DREGS Q D . y i l:eld by them, duly eertifled and that otter tnu
Sanckeyr, rind day the Psec•utors -,vill proceed to dick- The unclatsigtterl twill keep for su3•vlco on Ills
New Sl11dCs'--t�ZOdC'S l�ITe14 i tt•ibute the ass+•ts of the deveatsed among the lvl• l tisca, lot i;'1, von. 10, E•1st Wmvanosh, a � � �j A —I I years practical experience en
' -^Four weeks from to -day wi.l b0 ! partitti entitled thri c+1o, leaving regard only to a) o„ imPl'ov:♦l 13erlistlit a iia.,r witix tt9thigrut, y p 1
Blues, Rose, Castor., )"Iclic, Good I4'sada •• i t13+• ch:ims qY which thty sit t21 thenhavenotace• and I Ilei e tt xtttlaber of y,�nng Betlis�tfre sows
j Doted this 10th ably qt I t brurry, �1. D, I001. for stun. Also two yuan•• )ierlcshira Boars, ables us to guarantee satisfaction.
Browns Greys and Hoene —Wo have had it cold enough thus R.'VA14 LOi-TE,WinghanrP.O., Will be told on.muronableterms. !
' (.oiiciiuri'ortiltF,secutors. P, GIBBUIV"`,
Reds. Remember, first choice. far in March. — - XarnorltF, o. IX�'HEi R BALL, Funeral .Director.
All immense di^•play cif new -A, H. Carr 11a; d i, week received _ E
�°�a'<�av lo Credi'dors. �ae�°� lnsa�vt;�� f�c�. c ,
Dress Trimmings and Silks, alx(c tIipr car of corn, I Residence—Patrick-St., Mr. Gracey s late residence.
and Kid Gloves�to mate I tllc -- i` i, saiti that there. are lC0 cases of , 1sGpCapiilh,�lxbCyO give, ti ull jae sea s hn tong The time lues arrived for me to make an as -
i smttll;)os in Oatarlo. e4pim•t against text+ estate of Archibald Gordon, signore a for the benefit c myself. The saving _ _ -
new dress goods. Etta of tho Tott nslxip of Turnberry, in too limes 0 p only three, per tint., while, I nm pro-
{ -Rc nittr uteetittr C:c3ttrt _lIaitlait;l, C; County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died paredoof pay a e 15 rents wi the dollar more#
_ ! on or about the t, Yeah day ,cen. xxuaxy, A. D. ton others are doing, she i vent to all + 0
�,EtyfE� • • tom; n � 61'� til is (Friday) evohin,,. IW1, art- ret 1,red to send by post prepaid or to Parties requiring boots and shoes repaired. All
0 �,'A i �,.E M a X14 S { ! driivet• to �ichard Van,tone of the Town of era aacto � 0 oldest
to call and find what can be �
New -Look for the opening chapters (A Wingham in the County' of Heron,, Solicitor meed at the oldest established shop in town.
x' t , fol, the Ac ministratris, on or before the dist What enables me to repair boots ane shoes neat +y
lti'ew Spr,n r Suiting, New i
Qui' new story 111 next. week's 1SSlt0. clay qi �ru,•ch A. D• 1902 thoh• names, udaeesses noel cheapest in ilia county is I Ilei: rent free
Hats, Ne�v I'�ulcy �;t)lt)recl
I { and have no dread of the bailiff. All partiesFew
r , and descriptions, and it full atuteuient of tr- Dryingwill nieaso call and settle their accountst.
--Pel alar monthly tncctlti} of t•ita I titulars of their claims, and the nitute of ed !l1666LLL ( Si uShIris, eYV 111+1 Crloves, NC 1V Sc12ou1 13u3uc1 o:i 'Cttecdav evening 21i 2:t. security (ff tote) hold by tlteui, dtt y certified, ntonce,aneall parties in Ppingl3amorinrho 8. 0
` nock that after ilia said clay thu Adminiwtt oris Dominion, having claims against me will Obligo
Ties, New Shoes and Spring-S13,tvfolliu I�illoardiue evt+ry clay a'illprocetdto dlI rxhutc rho rssetsgYFthecle- 1?y resenting their accounts as tlieircashis d,
ceased among tilt, )artier entitled thet t ;o, hay- t Cady. A few steps west of Swarts' Hotel.
Sults and Overcoats, ready -to- ! duiiwt February, so says the Rrlsorter. in i r arrl only 10 the clah ns of whichslie ' Victoria St. THOMAS ABRAHAM. d
shall then have notice,. `
wear in good quality. - A falso fire, alarm gave the ftreilien Doted'this 19th clay of Vubluat•y, A. D 1-1001. VVTe have a case of choice heavy $'
tt� q5 a run at 8.130 o'cloclt oil Thursday moria_ R. VANSTONI,, SVinghum P O , FARMERS +
STAKE AKA L6 6V EK S ing. - -- So2tcitor for the Admini )txutis.
and anyone having live stock or other 8*
articles the wish to dispose ° of, should adver-
Grea.t display of new Linen —rhe late Win. A. Dafllold, of Lou m tisethesameforsalein theTmEs. Ourlarge P O
Damask and Napkins. Ever don. loft/ an estate valued m,, nearly +fid (Nt QQQ���ri circulation tells and it will be strange indeed if •Yy Wellg,
you do not get a customer. We can't guarantoo +hlady should See t)UC fide d1S that you will sell because you may aslcmore .}
-Our stock of Ctit2adiau Annuals for, for the article or stook than it is worth. Send 4 O'
play of Linens just opened, -, your advertisement to the Tr iEsandtrythis w +
Subscribers wlio )a 1u advance is get'- plan of disposing of your stock and other @
pay axtioles. ♦ While it lasts we will sell at the low price of �
SASATURDAY •�-� g p� ting pretty low. Thu nude r,ikuc cl have 1)urc11 ed all ---- - -- -- - ---
1 �1t"iDAY the necessary machin 2y fo drilling I R g� . ♦ p
Apprentice wautOd at once. Two l Artesian, aa,cl e,1 iii nred to do 5HIFFo`tLE �.AOy Q � 4 y 1.Q,�j, FOR �' 1 ®®. @
o Remnants of Dress , „ ♦ i .
Jr I young Ia,clics to learn tailoriun. all kinds of �vorlt in : t ' 1t,.
Goods from 112 to 3 4. yards, I tf WEBST1;