The Wingham Times, 1901-03-08, Page 8W
r.)(MIX0 ALT. ALOX(J .rJ1r, 1,1NE. TOWN PIKEUfoltf, W
-Chere never was a talme III t1w history Tho followitig articles from tile, To-
r, C11 f 1 1.1
4 1 0 it 11AIN-18T 0.TTTT1U1TT_.Ls1A+1 brus.
4.144ws;h 0 We country, say 'a Nyell jriforni(� 0 49.k WN., C REV INUr V
d uto gatlIrtAftyol'i.111) SomethillrUlettex Tlkl�n a in and 7 1) in. Sunday Irlellool at
writer of wide experlonce, "whelk the along the right lines and we are of the 19 1"IT13mvilla)
ft ti. I$ kr,rs Pwlpalj,,�,o)t �% 0 1) In Ueneral prayer nivothig
activity ill Various outerprisoa was as E.,tnio opinion Lis tho utlitor of Saturday The saving about the lion find the :i-' - v. EVERY FRIDAY
lalub in March often proves filla(N, but Oil Wednesday ovellingli. JIv. NV. MJRNING
general, as greatly exrousied over the Ni0lt tliosro is auothor and a b(,tt,sr one wlli(th lfivcd, pastor. W. a. (Al.-pilifill, S. S.
nised sallary s literally trac. Whtm maroli cottles in litondent.
Dominion andL tho results 1,Wit'41regard to tho ilivro: I The Times Office, Do"er BloaX
ti HODISTO JlITT11CIJ—,9Rbbatl1 11,C-rViC
as at present. The auuuzil statement.; of the vroinit-v and, provision for the and Multi you tuldug Howl's t3arsaparilla
10tw]. at 'IT ITAia
ol;t. to purify, earloll aild vitalize your blood tit 11 fico
rx aud'7 1) In. Sunday S WIN" KAH, ON
of Various hiduarial corporatiouli almost 1(kador o' tho Opposition, and an ad(lit. -
ay eupect, -who'll it goes out, t1lat
you In'
onorarlani for tho wenibers of the it will lou've yoq free f�Coln that - t1r(ql (,fly i'vellitig. 0entral prayer ineeting vat
1,11rTER,. dally boing-receivefl IV ro;:tullat,) siviro. 1 n Ill -4;1 Or k,XTL--;VItil1TI0X-$1.(0) lu'r 1121111t�
-0 ol Columoui will 010 801)00, 010 fwling alld NvIth Iloilo of the b`til:, pinip- t4vallwo, fl -lit) if in,t t -o reld, Nit piyt-r di eou
1101derii prove that fact, The Calling up ITons . H
,� C', tilluedull tit 11VIC1113 UA' paid, v�!vvpilttthos,
Vro.n IrArwynl tho now capital, tile O�.,;tesllsiou oj the peor.jks, of this country ans of othritled lea and eruptions which Inallifest thein- I Tol;hi, pastor. Dr. fowler, k,,, B, mip,
option of rho publiOwn
I, ttondoilt.
oing concerns to 1mvp )ace Opillioll. t:')�itjulouAly the ineilibers,of the solves because of impuro blood in tile e I AimpitTr;ixt; RATF.A. — Tof-pi, i-ris! othp.1,
)"viNva, "'Orill lall, 1931. - capacity of 9 .1 1 8prlug- U You havo jrt already begnu Cilurtou—ShLbIsath ror- TS111d
-a-lons, and the Sena to have 41volve" th! 3 1
with tile illeraw auds of hing 1h),own Barsap-ii-IlLa for You es tit 11 a ill aud 7 1) an. loutifty hii iilon,bv In r Ifni, for tilt It knijzeslueut
�otl (loin the Ow VW
le, e yolacy of o' ivmt i iettav,.i.,hin still UVA001 at �,::io 1) In. General prayor
- public for various nawnufnetares, and t 1110 W110IQ o u,"Stioll. -Ali 0, os Problem Of all q)-ing Illedicino, wit advise YOU to begrill I Ad,,-vnA!4cnivnt-; In lopal eolumv,i aro, esiargoa
11-� lu 01%) WIV, NOF,, nvr line for firmt inivition. vniijec-lits
pr�,Va 1 1, - oil W(,dIws(1x_y evollingot. I
all(' ti -O tile of prosecution of new eaterprisys all-rou;vl rani) of salaries. While I roay. We 'Issuro you it will inalto you invotbig
Lwl�n; 1+zL% o, so 1:;r, l"id about as in now and promising flulds o b(4iavo that the Promier ol Caunda, 4,'col bettor all through tha coming sum. D. Ferries pastor urid',0, S. Suporinte.n.
f Operationsneer. dolit. Adw-11-tvininits of lr:ost) Ftwzia, Htrtiyed,
should receives not less than fifteell or for liale or to l"vist,im, finillrr. ".q.0for
all. bboy.- how ea, -,(r our busimns men 'ST. PXUL'S CIIURCII, E'twoorAL-S"All 1�ar ... s
llot 13lonth 111's]. .10 vvutti fill! (aril m'1vF.(qlurnt
and ll ,):� tli�. p -,f as the VedcL�t t,,lousatia aolifres a year, affil bath sorvices tit 11 a ill and 7 1) ill, Sun: month.
01m.4a of N' pr Alay sellool. fit 3:20 11 ill. Golle-al and capitalists ares to talo advantage of t w('111-7 . .1od,
Th.� most im. V -of the OP,
ile apleudid On ortnultics. being offered whilo) I b0litivO that the 11adex . 1 prayer OoxTnAC'� I' ,1,TIv_Tlvv followingtpl?10 01trys
I 1 1) The human body Is ooristautly under, 111010t iilf,� on WoduusfLy. evvidug. Roy, 0"i-stps forth" InHor. dua of
ptrrhwt d1c!1t!;!0n �Ilnz., 'W" talkell -tip, for the invostment Of capital, The do• positioii.-,houldlia-vo.itlo.-ist five thoneand lor snevitled ix-riwalu-
d 1: llr. E'ast going tissue clringes� Water, has tile Lowe, incrunbont. F. Shore, 0, (S.
inand for skilled labor was novel, as it ;vets, ,saw; hitendent. F-PACM
I,, I do not bellovo that the mem power of inerensing- thoso chaugcis, which T Ono Voluilm.. Ta, 6,%10. 87101 IN(WI
. I .......... $15.0 to
'Yo L I., u..., ia th-v question. oft lit) Govern- in Canada aq it 4.8 at prest3nt. Good men b"rs Of the 0011111111's Or the sellate CONGREGATIONA-1, Cuuncm-Sabbath 1110C .... 10.(x 4
(2nialor lo.10
aneut owners10p o,',' rilsllways, was multiply the wasteproduets, but attlie Servic,08 at, 11 a m ami 7 Is in. Sunday (I.M 2:1
wercinever ill, greater doillaud, by the shouialinve a taut added to their already g"011 speeMe (IL'o,"101114
bw;iness concerns of tile country, and hiberalborlorarium. Itis likotheques,
innnag tl oa tho Tol�.,y tiiiltA by the Intl smao thno thoyaroromoveol. by its agincy Sehool at 12 ra. Midwook mectill
Clue, r,'l. Wall -w* awl. Col. Ilugffies; giving rise to incronsed, appetite, -V, hich Wodllesdry evenisigs at8 O'clock. G'avill will be bisf�ri v, i till for1)1d glici (alturg-t!,
rem- uncration in such casts was never as ti011 Of 61-1111rics In a large bugness Con.- lnll;i'- T1 ffll';( 11,� litIverdti.enivnts intiet be paid
noll h cr Lea dt1r.Bord-,,n nor Lmder Monk iutara provides frosh nutriment.. If I'Vilsoll, S.S. Supt.', A. B. Prior, pastor. 1*0i' VI V."IVU71VI, at present. EOa sudden ha� been coru -the moment one begins to discuss R0311N CATHOLIC CHURCII - Every Trip, Tell l)ivAVT,1114TNT IH otoelred NvIth an
having inuch to Arms beyond assuring you do not accustom yoaLself tO drink fourth Sunday. Riassatio:o0am, 0 .)rti
9 the expansion ol induFtry in many de. the question of what any one Individual Rev.
Mten ir"Ist; ot all retntisito�;for print.
i f9vilitilm not -equollva In the
lot prepared water regmlaily, you are liable moil. and benediction at 7 p In'. D. ff, It
the Bunie that they wor,. I. business In Canada That gets, every other employee clamors for 01121, o ill sin I out Ill"d 'It. Largo
partnients of b to have the waste pr&dauts form faster P. mclKollainin, P. 1". Ar.,t Nvoi
,Vl)( nlu )1) )p isto. it'atsi for all st)-h-4 of Post -
to suppurt th�dr colicague, and that they thoRo directly conceriwd have found it all illcrM83, Tile useful Individual may y obstruc- SALVATIoN Aiuuy-Siawice at 7 and 11 np .01S., i -t(", cJnol this Intest styles of
P pato with the needs of properly have his salary raised without a ni. and 3 and 8, p mon Sundaan
hadn't nuy pulloy -,Y(�rth mentioning at
difficult to kue p, than they are removed. Ail d i),� Akr the Allow clawea.of print-
presuat; upon the matter. the population of the country. In the admitting that the undeservin.- must tion to the free working of natural laws every evening during the wol, at 8ingR. B. ELLIOTT,
The p-mrasal to grant a beet sugar far east the demand for labor in colinec- havo a proportionate advance, Twenty at once produces diseaso, says the To- O'clock tit the barracks, Pilonrievor and 1hilAhdier
-Meetings as follows. S. S. at 2.30 p.
and tho snaps'division called thereon was instances greater than the supply, and Wilfrid Laurier. It would not have
Great weak-liess and laugour on rising in. Fellowship at 4 p Va7_I_
bounty wn s taken in hand by Dr. Sproule, tion with new industries is in some thousand dollars is not tOO much far tanto News. C:fnm;,rxAN.4,xD Mi.wsioxArty ALLrANcr.
. in., and c
Instigated b;r Clarho Wallace, without in the morning are generally due to a gelistio tit 8 p. In,, every Sunday in 0 A N K (I f H.; PAS" PTIVI!, � I III. T 0 N
even extraordinary offers of rellinnera- been too much for Sir John Thomps3n larger seerntion of these waste products, Ritchie's Hall, Viotoria. St.
,cousultativil wl*li M3 leader.; , cr any- tion fail to tempt workmen of/the right nor Sir John A. Macdonald. The leader orrul
of the Opposition has much work to do; Office 'hours from 8 a in to 6:,10 p m. Capital. $2,000,01 '-Rest,
body else for that inatter. After all, sort to move to now industrial centres. and the remedy is to drink- n tumbl POST OF710E-lu Macdonald Block. W I N G 1-1 A M
an hardly afford to spend any of his OfO16 Peter Fisher, postmaster.
the press"( rnethods are perhaps the In the far west the scarcity of logs pro, he m of water, either hot or cold, just b %10.
anost interesting and satisfactory to the retiring. This materially assists the pro- MECITANUCS' INSTITUTE -Library and Prcks1d,,nt-JoHw STUART.
vents the mills from being able to keep time in his business lest he overlook cess during the night and lef.wes the tis. free reading room in the Town Hall, G. Rlmsky.
Country', for the little comedy Of "Who's up with the demands for lumber, and some chance of being patriotically criti- sues fresh and strong, ready for the Will be open every afternoon from 2 to DIRECTOBS
vho?" being played by -the leader tile scarcity of freights have compelled cal of the expenditure made by those 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to Tolm Proctor, Geo. Roach, Wni, Gii).,cm, M.P.
aspirants on Mfr. Spowker's left, helps to some to turn down valuable contracts. who sit on the Speaker's right." active work if the next clay. 9: 80 O'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, A. T. Wood, M. P., A. B. Leo (Toronto)
relieve the inonotony of what would All these disadvantages will be romediod "The peculiar lo. -rolling and greedy Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that librarian. legg, Ma Crishiel-J. Turwmurm.
F resh capital will come to the hunker -sliding of these members of Win. Holmes, Thos. Savings Bank-Hrrar-q-10 to q; satur
otherwise bo a decidedly uninteresting ill time. 0 TOWN COUNCZ-Wm. 0
coutilln Mercury Bell, Robt. Mc- day. 10,
session. Moreover it is training for the rescue, and arrangements will be made Parliament and Senators is enough to Itidoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, to 1. DeposAts of $1 are. upwards received and
Oppositionists, and promises better for dead as mercury will surely destroy tile sense Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J, B. Fer-
Interest alloweti.
elipgi g in operations which frighten a buzzard away from a of smell and completely derange the Special Deposits also recejvc-a at current
guson, Clork, and Treasurer; Samuel rates of Interest,
prospects ill the future; for while Mr. promise handsome returns on moneys horso; they all warit some of tile carrion, whole system when entering it through Youlifil, Assessor; Win. Robert.
33Drdon has been clic.,:en pro tem. to fill invested." and it is to be feared that many of them this couscous . rurfaces. Such articles lector son, Col- Drafts 0A Grest Britain and tho Unites meets first Monday even, States Bought and sold.
the gap, he is by no means accepted by are agitating for an increase in the Pre- should never be used except on prescrip- Ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Travelrorsaro
LIVED AND DIED A SOLDIER. notified that tboBink of Ham
the Ontario men as their permanent iniorlssalary and.for something to be tion from raptitable physicians, as the SCHOOL BO,1RD0. N. Griffin, (chair- initon and its Branches Jfiqu(k Circular Mites 0
leader and chief, and the prize is still The war office despatch damage they will do is tell fold to the man), Thos. Abraham, J. J. -Itioual Provincial Rink of Ragland, Limited
'"'omcila-' given to the leader of the Opposition in good ,you can possibly derive from them, Elliott,Ott) J. J. which can bo en,;hod without eliarge or troit-
the death of Major "Gat" HoNfard, has m Honiuth, Win. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos. ble in any part offlieworld,
hanging up to be snatched by whoever order to further their own ends. The Halls Catarrh Cure,' manufactured Is
So far honors are easy caused more widespread sorrow in y Bell, Win. Batton. Secretary, Wm. W. CORBOULD, Agent
can ca taxa it. members or Senators want fifteen Win, 11. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. contains Robertson; Troasuror, J. B. Xci7guson. E. L. DtCK11TSON. Solicitor.
between East York and West York, for Canada possibly, than any news from died or two thousand a year each. They no mercury, and is taken internally, act- Meetings second Tuesday ovening in each
ca ill- directli upon the blood and Aeons
-$vhfle Maclean has initated the first i the front sin. the memorable cable to 0 month.
forget that the man against -whom. they 6uria_ces of the system. InbayingP. KENNEDY, M. P. S. 0
debate, Wallace has called the first the Toronto Globe *giving the terrible PUBLIC SCHOOL Tmkcums.-A. H. cis (Atelill)ol,oftlieBriti,�-hDt(,di(,.alAssocin.
or against -whom, they intrigued in Hall's Catarrh Oure be sure you get the Musgrove, Prinedpal, Bliss Robertson tion.) Gold Meciallist r
division. The balance of the aspirants but glorions story of Paardeburg. ran in Medicine. �Peoiar
order to obtain an appointment to the genuine. It is taken internally, find Miss Reynolds, Bliss Farquharson, Miss, attention paid to diseases of Women and Child
are lying low at present, -but theme may Though a Yankee by birth, Major made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Oornyri, Miss Iraustone, Miss Matheson ran. Office hears -1 to 4 p. mi.; 7 to 9 p. m.
be a dark horse among them. Howard was a true Britisher in all his Senate would have willingly taken the a CO. Testimonials free. and Miss Reid.
0 instincts and characteristics. A born amount -which they now get. If a man Sold,by Druggists, 75c. per bohle. Ba&rm wr 11=LTa-Mayor -Clegg, D R. MAC -DONALD,
,,I oNLy.&siEA QursTwx. fighter, he spent all his life soldiering, cannot afford to leave home and live in Hall's Family Pills are the best. (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg -
While much of the space on the Order first under the stars and stripes in the Ottawa at one thousand dollars per cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. r, erglison, See- Centre Street
:Paper devoted to "Questions to be put session and mileage, he should have Refreshing. retary,; Dr. Towler, Medical Health Wi,gbam, Ontario.
by Members," is taken up with un- civil war, and in expeditions against never been a candid4te. Most of the Agood soldier at Bloemfontein who Officer.
recalcitrato Indians, and then as a candidates areselected by 'thevll- was just recovering from an attach of VANSTONE,
necessary and frivolous inquiries, it not naturalized Britisher fighftg for the tions of their ability but
infrequently happens that interesting Union Jack in the Half-breed rebellion not on account entries says the Scottish American. One BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.
information is elicited from the Govern- of 1885, and finally under the same flag because of their popularity. The leader day he suggested to the doctor who cal- PrIvisto and Company funds to loan at lowest
went in this way. Take for example, of the Government is not selected On to see Will. that he would be grateful for rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort -
and for the Empire at large in South es, town and farm property bought and,
one afternoon this week, when among 4 frica. account of his popularity, but because a wee drappie. gages, Office, Beaver Block. Winghrm.
other things the House was informed he has sacrificed nearly all the years of 'No, no, said the doctor. Do you
Quick-witted, resourceful, fearless, he his life to , watching legislation at Ottawa know that your stomach is in such an AT 0N%1.yXJ. J0
that it was not the intention .of the was an ideal 'soldier, trusted by his
Government to appoint a Committee of and because he is able off -hand to esus- ulcorated condition that even a
superiors, beloved by his men, respected P to him by ful Ofr . spoon- BARRISTER, &c.,
the medical men of the two Houses, to and feared by the enemy. "Personally," wet all sorts of questions pu whiskey would kill you. Wingliam, Ont.
inquire into the prevention and cure of says Lieut. Morrison of the Second the Opposition, w-ldto telt without un- 'Aweel, sir, replied the patient, I must
tuberculosis, etc., nor was it their inten- Contingent, who saw much of him on reasonable delay whether certain 33iea- do without it, but doctor, just come up M E. L. DICKENSON,
tion to promote legislation to make the the battle -field, "he was a men of itrong sures will meet with the approbation of close to me. The doctor Obliged.' Xwo Coat 0 BARRISTER, ETC.
24th of May a statutory holiday, nor to ' individuality, quaint in manner and the electors or not. While he should be 'Ah, doctor, said the soldier, sighing Solicitor toBrinkofHaluiltou. Moneytoloan.
increase the salary of the General 02.13er thoroughly kindhearted, with •a, quick paid as an expert, the others should be contentedly. Yer breath's Yom refresh-. Office --Meyer Block, Winglums.
paid as ambitious .and, in many cases
Commanding the Forces in Canada to wit and a talent for piquant repartee P in'!' Makers. D. D. S., L. D. S.
$10,000. The House further learned untried men. There is no use opening ARTHUR
` 71WIN
that made him the life of the mess tent.
that no negogiations were in progress the door for extravagance or preparing Doctor the Horses. Doctor of Dental Surg!Bry ofthe Permsylvania
In the periods of enforced inaction dar- Dental College and ricentiate of the Royal
looking to the confederation of New- the way for . the public to become greedier Mrs. Thos. Thompson, Roland, Man., Also College of Dental Sturgeons of Ontario. office.
ing a campaign when there was no than they are now in soliciting subscrip- writes:, S,3lv husband would not be over Post Offlee, Winihims.
Toundlarid. with Canada, nor had any fighting on he would become impatient on Haiyard's Yellow Oil in the
-overtures been made to the Government tions from members of Parliament. A with
to the verge of irascibility and his house, as he uses it a good deal for T HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S.
Two Pant ITe%-v m' othod for painless extraction.
'by the Ancient Colony in that direction; member of Parliament should not have doctoring up the horses and considers it W
also that no communication had been pungent criticism of men and affairs at to thank his constituents for his election i Aplendid.,' Price 25c. No Cocaine.
such time invariable kept the mess table ftecial attention to the erre and regulation,
zeceived from the temperance people 'in but if; h proper selection is made the A deputation of Canadian importers on's teeth. Moderate prices and air
in a roar, for he was a great favorite hay- work carefully and Skilfully performed. Office
reference to any amendments to the constituents should thank him for h - of American coal oil waited upon Sir Makers, f children
with his brother officers. As soon as in Beaver Block, Wingham.
10anads Temperance Act; and so forth fighting was resumed Lieut. - Howard mg offered himself to serve at the capital Wilfrid Laurier, Mr. Tarte, Mr. Field- At Gorrie every Monday.
and so on. of the Dominion. Members may be in ing and Mr. Patterson and asked to have •
Nvas again in his element and as jolly as JOHN RITCHIE,
Innumerable inquiries are also made the House of Commons 'for only one coal oil placed on the free list.
from day to day, as to why John Smith a boy out for a holiday. Parliament. If they go t o the Senate GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT,
was dismissed from his office as pound- . It is just such ' men who have placed they have *no campaign expenses. The WEBSTER M` CO., Winglintin, Ont.
keeper at Cross Road Corners, whether the meteor flag of. Old England where fever of an ambitious life frequently so
she waves to -day, and while the breed surges through A man's system that he Queen's Block. pe DEANS, Ju.
any investigation was held and if yes, lasts there is no fear of her being lower- A. Minishoter s LICENSED AUCTIONEER
-whether the evidence will be printed for cannot let go, Whatever extra money
the information of the House. Also ed or disgraced. is •-paid him as an honorarium, he will bela for the County of Huron. SnIP5 attended in
any part of the County. Charges moderate.
whether Mrs. 'Jones is' not physically Now I Feel veli unable to cling to, so that no matter 0
HN OURRIE, WmarrAisr, Oxa%
incapable of running the post office at Mr. W. H. La Blance, Bonfield, Ont. what the' people, who are superior to
Salt Creek,upoia whoserecommendation writ from Parliament may says. the' member Will So far as is known there Is no other LICENSED AUCTIONEER.
writes: -"I once a sufferer treatment for piles so wonderfull3i
she got the job anyway, and whether catarrh, and while using Dr. Chase's be quite as poor hereafter as herkofore Sal6s of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a
9 prompt and effective as Dr. Chase's specialty,
the Government did not receive pati- Catarrh Cure I was recommended to use even if we acede to his demands. With Ointment. 'This prir--paration has never All orders left at Tnin TruEs office promptir
also Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to build up the Premier it is entirely different. He yet. been known to fall to cure piles. Caveats ansiTrade-MarA obtained, and all patent attended to. Terms reasonable.
tions and .deputations in favor of the the system, My nerves were exhausted it stops the once, and posh- business conducted for A10I)flH,lTP; FEES. My
xet6ntion of her predocesso'r etc., etc.,- and I was too weak to do a day's work must be an old timer must abandon his Lively and, thoroughly cures piles of 0iii"cisintheirnmediate vicinityofthaPatentoinco: SOCIETY NEETINGGS.
and my fachities for siccuringisatents arcunsurpassca
all of which is doubtless interesting to when I began using it, and -now I am business, must travel about and be sup. evers' form. Send model, sketch or P'iotograph of invention wit% 0 8 —Cam
IF Caledonia, X6.40, meets•
the friends of the aforesaid Mr. Smith strong and healthy, and feel real well. I erior to bribes of all sorts. However,the Rev. T. A. Baldwin, Baptist Minister, i1cstAtion and statement as to advantages claimed, so . a the rat and third Monda
Arkona, Ont., writes -"For over toren- Mi- Ochfsrgeistftadefor anorittionasto ever r month, In the Odolfellows Hall. Visifin1n.
am perfectly sure that anyone that uses result can only be arrived at one wily, tY years X, was a greal sufferer from ratentab i,
,avy, and nV fee for prosectlay the bret Iran welcome. D. STEwAnTo Chief; H
and Mrs. Jones, Istit scarcely up to the Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will. believe as I application tv I not u? o called for lcl&t B
standard of high politics, as our old do, that itis the best strengthener and and that is by the Parliament, including ROM* and protruding piles. I use4 Elliott, Rec.- Sec.
n the
Patem Itritowea. "INVENTORS'GislDn" Con•
many remedies and underwent thrte taining full information sent free. All Cow'Mulli. OB PRINTING,
triend George Rulas Foster would say restorative obtainable." both parties, resolving itself into a cau. very painful surgical operationso all tatione Considered as strictly r�snlldentlal, i
cos and deciding whether there shall be withcut obtaining any, permanent including Books, Paniphiestg, A B
benefit. When about to give up in FRAM KI 1-1. HoUpb�gH Poster , ' ill
Heads, Circulars, &a., &c., executed In the best-
111se for old Envelopes. an increase or not. Both sections are despair, I was told to bse Dr, Chase's r_ styloof the art, at moderate prices, and on
Rigid economy is the mother of ac- the representatives of the peoplo, and Ointment, and did so, finding relief at short notice.
once. cumulation, One of the busier business must cheerfully accept the e. I used three boxes, and Larn al- BoorcuiNDrNG.-We are pleased to announce,
that any Books or Magazines left with octet
blame of
u. r Aulp Most entirely cured. The Itching Is all
men of this city, with offices on Broad- everything that is done towards inCreaS- gone. I have advised others to use it. Bin In "'U have
11 11 L 0 P PrCo lo'g'Binding 11;nystyle,
-book in ing salaries. The members for o believing it would cure thems as It haE, 1% 13 applgat, I �0
ill bo given on
hway, never purchased a scratch 0 untry me." WL I W TIMES
his life and never wastes a Iresh piece'of constituencies who,in such a crisis,would Dr. Chase's Ointment, 60 centa a, box
paper on a memorandum or a column Of shamelessly vote an increase in their at all dealers', or 3idinanson Bates &I Dull
The cough that hurts, -the cough that figures. Every envelop that comes - - own indemnities would be brought to Company, Toronto, RAILWAY TIME TABLES.
gets tight in the cheat Is daily getting his man is sliced apart, back from front SOLID
deeper and deeper, Into the bronchial , account for it, but if, •. fortunately, an RUBBE It RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM.
tubes and is making directly for the and the front or address Aide, is preserv- agree�aont should • be arrived at, whereby %0.) h, a a S G TUAINS IXAVP Pon
lungs, to become pneumonia, Ihfiamma- ed for use. The inside forms a clean, the private members wouldnob profit by Palmerston .............. 0.53 ri.nss.;.. 8.55a.m.
tion of coughs
or consumption, London .................. 0.60 a.m.... 8.
Rineardine..11.10 n.m... 13,25 p.m..
Such coughs are sometimes referred sintsoth sheet 9S by OY4 inche.q. One of &Ii increase of galarY, that the Premier CARRIAGE TIRE'10 ARIUVE PnOX 88p.m.
to as "graveyard coughs," because- they the millionaires of Boston made his start and leader of the Opposition might be Xineardine .... 0,49 cian.. 8.5;-) a.m .... 9.2s p,ns,
usually bring their victim to that 'a't by saving empty naillrogs and selling placed 'superior to want, I feel sure that A new . carriage tire that makes riding London .......... .......11.10 a.1m .... 7.55 p.m
resting place. -.1 cvi YcARS1, Pallnerstim: 2.45 p.m.... 8.88 p.
tr, Chase's Syrup of Linseed a them back to the nallmakers for 10cents the public would judge justly and gom� r k:66" , " *
and on all roads a pleasure -economical, too,
Turpentine has long been khown.-Jas each lit trade. His clads were ae- erously. As it is now, We find the Op, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY,
mother's favorite remedy foir croup, onstomoa to kicking I,, the staves and pogijlg parties each trying to shift the for it does away with the vibration that TRAINS X.HAVA roXt
bronchitis, coughs and colds. It gains shapes and breaks the carriages, Toronto and East ........ 0.50 a.m .... 8.00 p.m.
in popularity every day hIld now has burning them in the stove. blame to the shoulders of the other. It Teeswater .............. 1.80. p.m .... 10.48 _p.m.
by far the largest siole of any slmlisr they are trying to do something blame. A ik- Y•sllftred space botwe0nitho AUAIVIO VA01c
preparation. rubber tiro and the steel fia Teeswater... % � 0.58 a.m.....0 p.m.
Tt loosens thL-tightness lit the chest,
For lisver Vifty tentg. worthy, let it be Abandoned; if they are events -the Crel)�ing and cur Toronto and East .. ... 1.82 pan....10.48,
firif which other ireg are shb- T. H. BEEM BRO Agent, Whighant.
Allays the inflammation, cured the (;old An Old and 'Well -Tried Iteme(ly-Mrs ambitious to do 80ftlothilig that is right, DrsIGNS Jecs to, seo the exhibit at the
and pro -vents Pneumonia, consumption 'Winslow's SoothiugSyTt , has been used lot them do it In unison, and there will 6613YFI14114TS &C. big fairs.
stud other itinir troubles. 25 cents, all for over fifty years bypig"lon8of moth"S bono. criticism. AtiYotle sonding it oilcett-h said deactirtlis may Send at once tar -'roe Tire Catalogue,
dealersT, or Vdiiiiinson, Battey Co., To. for their children while teothin9r, with qntold meattain out, opinion free w to IT PAYS
Invent, all 4 torobAbly?htentablO, COMm IM giving prices of 0.11 sives,
ronto. Perfect success. It soothes the child, tionmetvictlYn.0filldent al. IrandboOkon t
softolis the gnins, allays all phin, cares sent Irgo, Maoist agibey for securing stents.
,,its It Cp
Dr. Chase's Syrup o, South Stilkloy, P.Q. talmn t rouith Mums& 0,rdoelvd Tug
windtolic,and is the bestremedyfor MrS. M MAY spediat it ke, wIt1iiisut obst i,ln the TO ADVEIRITSE
diarrhoea.' It is pleasant to p taste. wrote the followilia: "One of my
solia by (inggists• in every part of tile children took al'ok with �wflrma and after
Y'A" Linseed world. Twenty-five cents a,bottle. Its
I Value ill l"oftletilable. 13o Afire you ask t*lng ev'ryti"lig V'tholut getting relief
and TurpentInOw fOr Mrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup, gn'd we prwared Dr. Low's Worm Syrup
; tAke no other kind, which notedpromptly and oiootuall, -
4SCIC41111C J"ImencanoDunlop Tire C6., IN TRIv.
Lisrodstsif.enlnttbn of 0
r ,• foyli'MOntlio, 31. (fla old byi,lf flawndflilG", TORONTO. LrulTIOD.
111-10 81 New York 60.:Oily. VXXXIfto.
mostnAt, TIMES