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The Wingham Times, 1901-03-08, Page 7
M u,. AVINNGUAM TIMES, MARP111 8. 1901. Not want' pcoplo lith to sr'e their 80th � largo number of the friends of lar. EIS gel;r Arial tri .:,t= w11c1 atttallh to• `Jt) hero few and 1rlxs. R st.C"tittle, sr., spoilt a very •:NEWS ��eev/ OUR alld far be t�� t+c'n. At ,junshille, flow• pleasant tizno at their home all, Friday i6 i reticSalp _ ....____ _.- _ • ever', them is an. alrl uhltlelilan �vllu is t1vAl �asrs,aWn1. antd Jolla LosonlwaAll 1 y • - ' 8, Jo1111 1'1117; by lllllale, the f?atller to ' {C' V A T S O F INTEREST IT ALL 'OUR R EA D E, l� S. Joint Clark, a well known rei3tSlalht all(l J411h3 alh[l Robert Maine, Of �lQl�, � 1 �r V I� UUYY 9 t]' 4I It Ihlall of Ills ycars "Ar. Clallt. is [111110 11(bSe bf!ell visiting -%vitll Robt, Corrie, or. i . �,....,. smart Anil last wout13 Inane it tri,, With �� l for a few [tags,. , Ills moll, to 11amiltoll. (lea. Currie, who Inas bee11 visiting hat Wideawaleo Times Correspondents Ctymmunicato -•- Other Jame, IIill leas Leon awariled the con• under the parortalroof for 4few nlallths, Items Clipped From Our IQ, xc hnages, tract for the erection of l6 briek school returned to D+rniveroil Monday morning. Ready-to-wear Clothtag. house fur U.S.S. No. U, 1Iu110tt and Mrs. Bennington, of Llovoland, Ohio, - --•-T1.�rrix. Tlzo cuntxa ,t Dxiets is %'411310, 1 , i3 visiting With 1307 parents, rile, and. clltY:I, ATtiYOO D. Du110an t'alnpll,il, of the ist lino, held Mrs. Richard, Jrnlos, of the gravel road. Mrs. William Nogg hod a boo, Wed- A terrible aecidont occurracl Friday aa, vary succ:ssf:tl wolA boo one clay last Mr. and Mrs, James Currie are visit' ?' ,] , offer uamatella:ble values in our CLOTHING s nesday, drawing greed corilwood to clfternoon on the Grand Truulz Railway, wr.. ing with friends in Ingersoll and vicinity, Wroxeter. Thero were nixie teams between Atwood and Listowel. Three t- ver Trott wedding was celebrated I department for 1 more week. Our :stock y 1 y I �Vo aro sorry to learzl that will Jamas � p present, men 1,wero pushing a hand car ill tho- at resipo loo of We bride's parents ( is not improving as v:ell tis his Many �. e must be reduced in order to make room for Miss Nettie Ricbaxson, 4th concession, midst of a blinding snow storm which all Wednesday evellin<.;, Fob. Vill, when friends would wish. is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John Richard- arose sa suldouly Friday, At about ane 12, J, M(,Noll of Oakville, Man., was, Miss Laura Ctirrie is visiting; at the spring clothing, which will cone to hand in a few weeks. son, of Sea'forth. She intends attending o'er ick an engine anal ,snow plow cane united ill marriage with Miss Annie, � lho.=4, of her uncle, Audrey Linklater, + dau;;htex [,): lrlr, �lnd�Irs. Th:DlnasDIann» of Cliil'ord. Our stock 1S all new and comprises the latest styles the public school there. along the same trach, and neither the Mrs. J, G. Turnbull, 4th concession, engineer nor the moil o11 the hand car dors Tho bri,lo loulced Inandsanm in. a A number of young people spout .a made by expert tailors ----ever garment Well sl3tivn and leas been quite poorly lately, detected the danger. The hand car was dre; i' wllito cashwere, trimmed with very pleasant evening at tiro home of R. t.' ,� The grippe is paying a friendly visit demolished, and William Wilson, section net and cream satin, veil of net a boqu t . 'u, on `1'hu sday last, thoroughly up-to-date in every reSpC:Ct, 1., tothe 3rd and 4th lines this week. foreman, and Samuel Cutltbortsoll, troth of ruses and ivy. as did the bridosraai U11 Wednesday the spirit of Susannah is YOUR. Please read, every line of the following Go, Coombs is still under the of Atwood, wore horribly mangled in Miss Ida M. Davey, of 'Toronto, in71 Johnston, relict of the lata Wm- Wilson, doctor's care, the collision, and instantly killed, The dress of wllito izlusliu. ;the groom Was passed to the beyond. Slee was 8`0 years list, and bring it with you for reference, third loan, though hurt, was not serious- assisted by Ales Lamont, anti the cero- of age, and has been a respected resident ; Working 201 Hours a Day.� ly injured. Both men Were married, molly Nvas performod by Rev. John of Clinton for many years. Demise There's no rest: for those tireless little and leave families. Dr, Kidd, coroner, Ilollnes, of Brussels• Miss Annie Smith was duo to a break -down. of health, and 330Ys' 2 -PIECE SUITC, Sizv''s 22 TU 30• workers—Dr, King's New Life Pills. of Atwood, has decided that an inquest playing tho weddim march, 1,00%rga old age. Of English birth, her native REGULAR PRICE $1.75...... SALE PRICD x„1.25 Millions aro always busy, curing Torpid is necessary, and leas summoned a jury number of relatives and frie"SIS of the place being Yorkshire, sire came with �t s' 2.OU.., ... " " I.W Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever and 1.30 Ague. They banish Sick Headache, gULUO55, contracting p.11'ties were present, and her parents to Canada, settling in Tor- " " 8.0J • ' • ' , . „ " 2-Z drive out Malaria. Never gripe or tetter the ceremony incl su per had been " " 8.00...... gr p p onto, where slid married, her folks re- „ cs0...... {4 ++ N.75 weaken. Small, taste nice, work won- The directors of the Culross Mut. Fire di; posed of a very pleareut evening was moving to Hamilton, wheru her father dens, Try them. 25c at Colin A. Ills. Co, met in the town hall, Tees c Ent, Tho Iesentb, Nshich were more died. B leer first husband, til honzo 30 28 Campbells. Seater, oil I�'eb. 23rd 1901, Members all p I• , Allen were born sin children—Mrs, I30YS' 3 PIaaCE SUITS, 13Y.,LS 2� 'TGi 2. } than usually handsome and numl.lous REGULAR PRICE $3.2.5 . , ... SALE PI111011 $1-50 TURN.191:1itM present. The President in the chair. testified to the esteem in- which the Mark Cassles, Wingham; Goo. Allen, ,, it 3,50. , , , •, ,4 49 r 2,175 Report of S. S. No. 3, Turnberry, for Minutes of previous meeting were read young coupla are held. They left on town; Mrs. Ross, Idaho; Will. Allen, cc ' • st 4.00...... cc " 3 25 the month of February, based on oon- and adopted. Tuesday for their halve ill Oakville, Sel- East Gaiilsbury; Mrs, Patterson, Tor- is 4 50 , • , , , 14 t4 3.50 duet ,attendance and general proficiency. Scott—Donald—That all applications kirk Co., Man., kind tile best wishes of a onto, and Mrs. FOrden, New York state, " " 5'09' " 4.00 Names in order or merit. for insurance taken by the agents of the largo circle of friends will ,o with them. f" She leas lnaxa`ieit to her seconc'f husband, -,.-..—• ---•--• -_ - - .-•------•- -. -._�_ ..:... •r Sr. IV.—George Muir,Pcter Muir,Jno. company since last meeting be laid be- Wnl. Wilson iteitr Toxonia; no uhfldxeu YOUTHS' SUETS (Long Panl:s) SIZES 321 TO 35. Hutton, Ida Elliott, Bessie, Aitken, fore the Board for examination.— children Cry for were born by this marriage; they cams � REGULAR PRICE X5.00...... SALE PRIG.. X1.00 � Hartley' Aitken, Chester Dunkin, James Carried. / to Clinton o�tet 30 years ago, Mr. Wildon <i V .. 6.60...... « << 4 75 ' J)unkiu Omar Stokes. Donaldson— Scott— That having ex- predeceasing, her by about 12 years. She � •60 U.00 - Sr. III.—Roy Rutherford,Bert Elliott, amined all applications and find them W •R,. • was & consistent member of Ontario MEN'�3 SUITS. _ MEN'S SUITS, — Maggio Muir; Percy Coupland, Charlie satisfactory the President and Secretary tr _ yTgtiSLaD. street Mothodist church, and was a 1c' Aitken, Addie Dunkin, Annie McGue, are hereby instructed to prepare and Miss L, Brigham, of Londesboro, is �� REGULAR PRICE .x.00..... , SALE PRIDE „iS.00 ' issue policies for the same.—Carried. visiting at the Home of her cousin Mi&G friend and syutpathetia iuotbar. in- „ „ 6.00 • , , , , , 4,' 4t 4:Ot> Mabel Elliott. P g ' ton New Era, Mrs. Cassell;, itind Thos, 44 " 6.00...... 4.75 Jr. III.—Mary Aitken, Etta Elliott, Reid—Donaldson—That the account Hannah Stackhunse. ,Clinton,4 " r Cassels attended the fullerlil a� 7.00...... 0.00 r Qmalloy McGue, Harold Hutton. of A. Butchart for calendars, auditors W. J. "6Vi;btmaii is laid up with an on turclay last. '' " 9.00• . • • • 6.00 II Class.—Walter Rutherford, Willie reports and other printing amouuting to attack of sciatica. " " 0.00...... " 7.00 on sad death obourlecl on . Friday 77 << 10.00...... `< „ 8.00 t Casemore, Roy Elliott, Ella Elliott. $;50.75 be paid.—Carried. Miss E. Wallace, of Londesboo, spent _ —, Feb. 16th, tivhon Laurette 14larie, third, ' Sr. Part II.—James Aitken, Robbie McDonald—Ballagh—That this Board a few days this week with Mrs. A. lion- daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James Armou MEN'S, OVERALLS, with or without opron, strong, well Aitken. do now adjourn to meet again on the iuson. passed away. She had been ill but a made, and ri•ritad scams. 3i j Jr. Paxt II.—Leo Bolt, Peter McGue. last Saturday of March, in the` town ® A. load from Blyth attended the con- couple of days, death be n;; caused by ;f REGULAR PRICE .00.60...... SALE PR ICE «,0. i0 Part L—George Casemore, Ethel Case- hall,.Teeswater, at 2 p. m, or at the call cart given by the Westfield' Methodist convulsions She wait a bright atria 74 " 0.7a" • • • • 49 0.60 more. of the President. -Carried. choir lass Tut s3ay. " " 0'86 ... " 0.195 t B. P> .rsoN, Teacher. D. MoINTosx, Secty-Treas. Dr. Turnbitll, of Goderich, assisted by lovable child , o y two and a, half yeses s' « 1.00 " 0.75 diel and will gr..atly missed by her ' CJ Dr. Turnbull, of Auburn, performed MIEN'S PANTS—&LL KINDS. parents. �e'+0',R/QsL^,P+9+A�1vf��o6�m40v� ���Gr�ds� two successFui operations on Weclnesclay Mr. a Mrs. Charlie RintoiiP a,ceom= ;�. REGULAR PRICE $1.00...... SALE PRICE 50.7j, s fs59®dei®®®®®�®®® .��®®�c� of last week, on Harvey McDowell aacl ` ,I 4{ 1.25...... i4 1.00 Q , GA®t��®meD��®@��®®®�,3®®��® lamed b Xr. and Mrs. James Jamlesun 1,`20 z y n EVERY .HOUS WIFE � ®���®®®�®®A�@D�S�ts®®aa®®���� nliWill Henry. The boys are getting left onTuesclayftjrDakota. <, 4i 1.�"r�5...... „ " 135 a along as `veil as can b7� espocted' Mrs. William Janles is ill at present. , � " 2.00...... " " 1.54) < ��01�9�® E�A�'� A e Westfield Epworth League attended 14 t4 2.50...... „ 1-00 c �� j� Ko y Mrs. Alex. Robinson, of Wiugliam, ® Jewellery lit A �1' ® au ` At Koine given by the Blyth sent last week at Will Robinson'sand " " 3'00' " ' ' ' " Z z l Y c �' Lea�uo on Weclnesclay of last week. A p " " 3.60• • • • • • " ?s 7, gp Chas Campbell's. UNIVERSAL c �' 0 very enjoyable time was spent by all. (9 Mr. and Mrs James Ferguson, of Bay - The Westfield Methodist choir, under Reefers < c ® the leadership of W. Clan Campbell, of `•field' spent &few days this week with 'Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Ulsters, , etc., g c the latter's parents, Mr. land Mrs. Porter - G o h e c Goderich, gave a grana concert in the field, of Marnoch. < ch church last Tuesday. Mr. Campbell has _ ........E?i C®5.....$D��.,...,_.._— c Be present at the wedding to be sol- d 0 been traiuin- the choir for some time , , o' Laving purchased the � a emuized in the Presbyterian church in � MEN'S WINTEYi, UNDERWEAR—Shirts and Y3raw9 ,� c ' and their concert Tuesday evening was Bol rave nest weep. ` g XiegulsrPliea50e...........Sale Price Sbcsl IRegulor Price $1.00. ....... Salo F.+c•tf 0io" c It will chop all kinds of 2 business of . R, Mun- ® a decided success. They vera assisted „ q ... . .• -gc 135.5 ., 0.96 � J ® We are sorry to say that Samuel 13:c- 0�� �• 160 ,. 1.20 � • by Miss M. Goodwin, elocutionist, of meat, raw or cooked, and shave, I will keep a con- o Burney, of Wingham is ill. a «.. eoc .. tt6 c all kinds of fruit and veg- c Cliutan anal bliss Brown, soprano, of We believe that James McGee has . v plete line of Watches; �, rr y Your move back if c GDdericb. O,viu to the storm even- you want it, etables into clean-cut uni- Q Clods, Diamond Rin s, n bought the farm of Wm. Beecroft, who Y S form pieces, fine or coarse, C ® g 0 ing the attendance was not ats large as it has purchased Andrew Fox's, which as wanted, without mash• r em Rings, Pendants 0 should have been. ® 1 g , g borders his present place. We �o not - ®IS 71W jai) d� ,(� o • c 9ng and great rapidity. It c � Stick fins, Sterling w know what, Mr. Fos intends doing. does away with the ebop- Silver Goods, Optical w �p�==� Jackson Wightman is, we are sorry to { ping knife and bowl en- ® Goods. ® say, ill at the present time. The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. tirelq, doing its work in A - Miss Mabel Naylor is spending a num- 1 �1 ,rr , 'x" ,f"•r, , one-tenth the time and m 0 t - '. ' ber of weeks at Ed. irlcDoweli s. producing an absolute gni- sa Eyes tested by the latest ecien- 0 ��� _ James Stein and family of the 9th, in- form product. ti Repairing l ne&tly and prompt a '` t r tend moving to Manitoba in the near 7.ISTutvEL, Mr. W. H lucking; 'Listowel's ven- c p g e e For cutting meat it can- a , ly done. A future. , erable ostmas'Cer who' is in tiro 11'st not be surpassed. A The old stand in Mason block. A - Mrs. George Wright, died an Satur- p r ® Mrs. Hoover left Marnoch on Monday day, Feb. 28 in her 79th year. Born in year, has come through his receut t' a Sold by ® for good. ' of the gripsuccessfully, •in - C s a� .' ®� B Tuesday was not a very favorable even. England, where also they were married. abl • improved in health, c1 is cc .' , c ing for the choir concert at Westfield. 112r. and Mrs. Wright came to Canada in 3 P D i BURNS K 1856 and moved into Wallace in 1873. e Jeweller Anel Optician. A lkl a J, Seven years later they removed to Strikes A Rich Find. Night Was Her Terror. e oseoseimdte+ s®�®ase®��®OO�O� I '4I waned cough nearly all nightlong," Listowel, where they since resided. On "I was troubled tor st+vt ral years ivitii (successor to 7. Clegg, Co.) pf00000AB����ir9A®m!�®111®00� _rs.as. , the thirtieth of October last, that being chronic iudig,r5ti",ii tragi l.ervons de- ®eeveeeeeoe®ooeeseaeeemo©m ;dr l Zn Ind., co) d hardly get any the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding, bility, ," .writes I . J Gl c4, u, of Lltucas- tidVVvVo/VVVVWVrv6v/�IVi�Wti/VVWV ifIplvalled ao bio 1cttlntvouldl courrh that aufo li itpa ontsbyho golden vecl- tilIbe9.gau sada ,l otrX13 ttthe which i n Q a gatheringat ,. ��� VALUE JW A all frightfully and spit blood, but., when ' w S��! � ,j,1�E all other medicines failed, three $1.00 home in. Listowel. of a family of nine clues I over us -A. , `t.hoy htiva also kept _ bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery children born to her three died in infancy lily wife 1n etc nilent 117 all h for years. wholly cured me and I gained 58 and five survive her. The oldest is Mr, She suy, L4+lecrl is Dirt ra are, just spleu- pounds." It's absolutely guaranteed to cll:l for temalc rroan ••s; that they are t cure Coughs, Calcis, La Grippe, err to R. G. Wright, Toronto, then Mrs. Yeo, a gl llul tollic ,girl iuviguxaror for weak, 7i chitin and all Throat and Lung troubles. deceased, Mrs. Armstrong, Grey tuwu• cal take a splace No usher medicine House furni Price 50o and '$1.00. Trial bottles free ship, Miss C. A. Wright, at home, W. eau telco its plaice i.li our family, Try` a� � 1 � at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. Wright, Toronto and Mr. M. W. eedtileb Only a0c. S Campbell. guaraut A 1 g A. W. W g , , eed by Cohn A. Cn,mpbell. A This picture is the trade mark of Wright, Listowel. WRO\ETJOR. SCOTT'S �MUI,SIOiaT, and i5 on Mr, and Mrs. Crocicer have the syll,- Gavin Struthers, one of the oldest. rosi• R. Ratliburn, of Duluth, spent some patily of Many friends in the, loss of d mrs of Goderich, died an Feb 23, As our new Spring goods have arrived we are prepared every bottle of SCOTT'S I;NIUI.- clays this weer: with John Knutson. their daughter, Annie Louise, who, died Miss Edith 1VIcLaughlin, of L'russels, &gad 78 years. to offer special inducements to our customers and the public in SIGN in the World, which now Saturday morning last from the effects y Y is the guest of Miss Tona Smith. Mt'. James Wilson, sr„ proprietor of general in Carpets, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Chenille and Lace amounts to pian millions yearly, pneumonia. g town to William and John Bretlteour A hockey match was played bora last 1Ylonklaud Oct ist•11 b1ills, I`eraus, pass - Curtains, Art Draperies, Chenille, Damask and Linen Table This great business has g attended the Robinsonbinson'ae meeting th the ed away lit the age of 4it) yel:rs on Thurs• Such vast proportions, Friday between Listowel and Mount day of last �t a l• Covers, and all goods offered by an up to -date store to make a p p Mutual Life Assurance Company of ' Forest, resulting in the very much one- complete House Furnishing. Fi'rst,-Because the proprietors Canada in Waterloo this, week. have always been most careful in C. Cook, of Hensall, is this week the sided score of 17 to i in favor of the wilful Waste • former. Referee David Roy gave good � selecting. the various ingredients guest of Thomas Hemphill, sr. satisfaction. � used ill its Composition.., naively;. Miss Amnio Muir left fir Toronto on in newest and latest colors and patterns. Saturday where she has seemed Work. Mr, H, Abraham has purch:tscd from Makes woe fut '�artt4l" • Ta entry, special value at 9Oe, up. the finest Cod Liver Oil, and the Miss Cassie Harris is On the sick list. Mr. Dennis, of Simcoe, one of Alvin's Brussels, special value at 85c lip. ii „ 27.1 a up purest Hypopliosphites, The meeting of the Presbytery t hielh hue stocic of colts. A is as avasfefuf 1101 fo secure IWAA1 Wool, 600 up. Union, Vr, William Armstrong returned you need and m1, 1d have as d is fo s Sart-• . Hemp, special value at 1`?'fe• Secondr-Because they have so was held Bore on Tuesday was lu every 1 y q s at half rice, Skillfully combined the various way a success, Large numbers of dole• home front Toronto last Fiiday evening det Our`haf ya, atready possess. Heatfh is Also a few ends from 5 to 10 yard P b ' x pricetess. passessian. You can secwre K • trent widths at 25c and and up. Also 1t complete ingredients that the best possible sates from a distance attending. i i d care, and feeling tiny- and kee ff by fA,king good's SarsauArrlfx Ci101otbs In all diff y Miss J=lantila of Win llaut, v s to p y stook of Linoleums to choose from. See our Chenille Curtains, special at results are obtained'by its use. Mrs. George Tdii'21 this veep. proved. 'Wrileh,purifiesfhebbDod, tares disease, jttirf y \84,50. Also Lace Curtains, best in the trade in patterns and quality from ,hlyd.,B attse it has made so A. Robinson and L. Laolcner, of A large crowd was in town an Priday, 1,vig rates alae auhote sysfern. 250 upwards. Ask to. see our Chenille Table Covers for GOc, Man sickly, delicate children Hawlcesville, visited the formetYpaxents it being :fair dray, » .. ° baniaslt Covers for 850 each. y 13bi(5-- Eaves grAatty Iroubfed al>t'ffi strop and healthy, given health Moro last Saturday, Dr, Brice, of Toronto, formerly c.f boils and bAd ,bt0a and'was Adtbed IEA i Also goods by the yard for 35e and rip, and rosy chcei`s to so fruity pair, ° Listowel, is spendin;; a few clogs in fry Hood's SarsAparltG . Y t>f1114wed this 'Special value in White Linen Table goods and Xapklrns, far surpass . A Horribid Outbreak . f � nnaeniic irls, and healed the lungs town. Adwed artd Me ;benefit I teethed bean $0 ink` anytbitig shown in the town. and restored to full health, so many "()f Barge sorts oil Ivy little daughtor s A nuinber of our young folks attended Bead doveloparlillta a case of scald head Vrraf OW I` i0ok a st0ftd bolitt attd'�t Call and see diene goods before purchasing elsewhere, thousands in the first stages of ,vritt4s O. I). Isbtll, of Morganton, Tenn., the debate in Sautlt pPatilace �'rid:Gy ' twrcd•'r trf. i. Puff, � , (iih>f« Consumption. but Bliekleu's Arnica Salve complett+ly night. w, it i -nu have teat tirita it, setia tot free rsont,te, c ured leer• It`s a, guaranteed cure fur JIr. C Oorgo Stevenson lind ]lig I fteo 1�-LLSM its agreeable Uste Will putprlie ,sal. l4,ezema, Tatter, Salt Rhelim. Pimples, K' &cora' & riawN2t, Relntsta, Sores '()'leers and Tilos. Only 85 cents lciiocized oast of ,point on Tuesday Inst t'oroute, Am pe, third $t,WJ; all drostlaw tit CAW A. Campboll's. `{silo hattliilg ice, • i J s 4 9