HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-03-01, Page 8THE C1I1, GTHAN TI����il:1i, •likt#R011 11 1901, w 1'2c• is , ,. -.-.-..-,.,..,.,,.,.... _- _........ .. PRRSONAAI-S, Tlie ftwiners 14 the vicinity of Code- DR# AGNAW1 ::r � rich fire thinking of erecting a, pork Physician, fur•, it, rte., f ' al dl ha glad to have contributions to P 3'' a 6 'Elis rolutuii trona nuy v£ our l raders, Ii ,ren packing factory. Ot3cc--lilnedonalcl Isln,•1r, over J. 1`:. xl,sv;:.' ! I havevisito:;torpurpost+goitti, awt►g you self. , prugftore. Vightenits,w:awert,(latthowiic•c•. dron in and tell us, or send ug a note to that _.. MCINDOO ei�tet. MAY COQ.. WAL E�� of 08. &. F� B. Fi..C'noli, of rtlrllvielt, tvHs itl town Comeontotlla gr(IV-bout 'esleundersigneli, UN 0ER7AItEA, , WtD:0RAM on Monday. loG�U,rori•i,(`ixlrass,o ebrunryl9th, to cluc�d the e}'e and d6ude the pocket, ll% ablackcolt rising to19 s)wlie+r can Nit;lll. Salle at Buttvii li'orlc.or Firth blissTotlLalobt'risoll i8 visiting lvltli drays+ thennfntalbgltrgirftg prepertyarlcldlry- doortouth cf Btihool floilk-o. W'op op SUIiCI, SLiI)Stfiliti211, C()Ck�l�OttUlll VallUf:S at Ing txpeasrs, f• relatives and friends in Lueknow. -1), MaCtOUXION, Winghetm, positu Ninedlintild bloc-Ig. ^ 1 � J filir living prices, (a Arrivals �. M. days th Scar in n bugi for a - - ! ryp r ! q Q y Don't be iiiisle d l))' quotations of low prices. It all de- ColhpietltfC1lLysCI11R�vet'1;, OId 1111y1nC8F. p lice a Tran • t VIOLIGV AND G, I ARd l I * tt `' as<e 3 jleq(1S Ull.tilt: f,�goils. ►� Mr. rind 'Mrs. ,% Jgoultctn, of Ini;ersoll, The undersi me•cl +reb • iotifies tim pnblit Riss CARIII„ U001i1~', � e �a!QO�. Se( our lines of Furniture, compare )rices and the trade 11tH vit+iCiiir with ;iZr. ailid lists, li. 1+• 1) a ens t lir i ie i of 1) ii it hotel I inir ilii of n of London Vo servatorg of Xhr�! •, -will be pre. l , , 1 ' prices, „ l:Iliott, ey11141V•ntral iI lv -tam, andthctttlzts parrdufterUat. lrst to rcecivc•sllin,lteclnum. la Silrt, tO conic our 'Pay. liecnlao Mill bo isferrccd r $11), t the, 1st liar of gupfis foe ill,'o rut-tion oa V aui;ia and `173: . » „. John Law, of S In ia, is C:Lllil4, oil of marell, li Guitar. S 8 • relatiyt'6 t111t1 friehltfN ill ��'111g11tL111 this l L. ` , IANSON. o,lposite,l' C ("tn"nh,Ivin;h;lm. ( ,173:1l"DD ,7 dF.V.3. .3, mo I �'♦rlciC IMportatiolls--High � elti _ . � . �''_. � �.�p .. ..?� •� �; s�� ' � _ _ _ _ f, g �We sl+ tp�p �+lr PIANO AND l tclr�G��'e "1•.c.o' � .9jo Class lr0o(I i find exclusive nov•• t .'Pars. t:. 11. Dvavrns, of Ingersoll, is h.:0AR FOR SERVICE Visiting witli lit•l• ettiul;llt©:•, Mrs. D!(- i, Andl'IgsforSale. MISS SABA LOVISE, PAW) E. L.C.P,r.% cll('cll?Gr than ever. A large variety to choose frorn, elti('S Coining forward every , ,a, and member of tho A•, tx atedl LEuslelnns of s (. It ci~s• The unaorsig?leel will d=eep for set vita ou his Untallo, is ilropnrtsl to rtK dive a ltiuite d nsanr d' v. Miss E.lit11I :iot1 e n ersoll, is visit- lreiniseV lot tis, con. 10, Cavi Wal ana+sh, a bet on plapils fey itisttuct:tun ort Piano crud in 1 '� fi ¢ t�T r , • ,, , 1` f I y las„o inlprove(Ilin-itshiro Hear witlll,eaigret+, Theory. I FJ -'I ��E Iw� -f'tt��.3..I.�l C receives -special attention. T (;(lloretl land Black Dress hal; at the home of her brother, 1:1.13. an lit of youngHerksltiresows Special attention give- to Inrplapre,aling 1Jra11C11 iS Utldc`.1' Ills; Sllp rVi:doll of I.ut11Gr l>�ill Vi'12a 12$5 had JJ far sale. Also two young 13er$shire Boars. for examinations, j , Goi d,i, 1- o me-Splens, Fre:izes,ll'lliott. 'iyillbelsoldonreaso'ableterms, Residoneel—oilpoaiteli.(7.<;Intrc11,1Vlattllam. I eletven yvar`i practical experience In the work, and who for 1Vew Tweeds, Novelties, .j( Saru'l Gracoy, of Blyth, Was shaking i,. GIBBONS, t ? l' lllellds with old \� ilt;;lhatn friends Ori Marnoch P, 0, �w �+� i c •»gl. _ I SOt11e time was ill the: Clll�loy of 1-1. Stone & Son, Elle leading Plain. and Figured Crepelines 4 � _ _ HOT �sF. TO era• �ui � GR . , , A � uncle.rtllkcrs ,of "Toronto, Custolne.rs luny rely on car Ful and Cheviots, Serges. L ! P+ridaylast, Ladies r �TANTEI)—ACTIVE MAN OF GOOD Ing ivtn t:�ti,Ylliilpllltoroivi+, I efficient SerVIC('.. Our S1UC Will bar fOltlItl to 1)e the mOSt Mrs. Gltdbraith, another t0 Xr.. charactertodeliverandeollectinHttroil g laimsatsclilwt + Spring Colored Suitings. „ , County for old estaulished manufuatixring Sr„ late of the Tose i win.ham, Laborer, , Suitings. o,. theGael.,h Mercury, is a whole. I”' Ilse. $tt90aycatr, euro gay. Fton- aecc:a•cxl,arertc;ui ,at fid the tv,me, clul5 Co►12j)let( ill this f+Cetiull of Elle eountr�. c�tgmorethanexpelienta requireU. purrs- vet7fitK1, to It, ,msttrnu, •oheltor ion tae Night CFtll.� receive CO[11 )C attention. guest at the home of Postmaster Fisher. Terence, nn bandy in an city. IJilclob self Pxeeutria of t' act will oC Ll deet*a: e•ti on jp ''i+rql�eTc� addresrtc d stamped eaveloi1l�e. Manufaatttl ers, or before the nth slag oP Msu rh, 11 U1. �,b, ' 3 ��ai it ��a7 i a7 Fred BradNin, tvhO has been visiting Thirtl Floor, 884 Dearborn k3t., Chitagp. Decrees th' 4t11 day of February, Q?,ry P��jj cy'1,—,�r^'ti�; � ,. �". -r former With his parents here for Some Weeks, HANNAH IIOGBRfi, Executrix.f ����� + � We are proud of these new $ills:$. left Oil Tuesday morning for bis. home + --" ^ ^^^^• - —-.---^-- residence. sd All shades in plain and Fancy Silk in Kamloops, B. C. r. hotico to Creditors. �n ,h Taiialas. Mr. G:e�* atttl Mrs. Petlthlrid Of Notice Is hereby given~d�u suanttoR,S.0,, New InsolveriAl ct. We think we have the best stock f,� � lsu7, Uap.lOsr, fire. as, that an orsons•having - ' claims a Tlui time, lust a bon i for yF to r ho . a v ng Ptterbero lttivt been 1st tOtv1 for several gaiust the, estate of Lrc ward McCue, '. Of i)CeSs Goods and Silks this spring late, of Township of Tu nberry, in the County bultlmspi Ivit fOn;voil 1t11rr otpeT lt 1111„ tiZl�ilrlcam jineg ., �.. �. _ — , ,, ., � that we ever had the pleasure of days, owin„ to the serious illness of their of Huron, Yeoman, dcceased, who died on or <...., p about the nth da of October A. D. 19W, are re area to pap 10 to to c•,•nLFs oM the dollar more, T bxotlier Rich, Clear y p fo _..-.. _� &llOwino, cltli' CtdSGCtillers, iV 0 One ' ("'' 10chard Var tong post f tl prepaid of Vingham, in I artiess r quiring,b000tss ani Phoesart } aired.. All y� ®"v 0000�i44+i00cD00®Q40400900ci 00®00000®®®00®O04®Q44®OQid should buy before, looking at our Maurice Ross leaves here to-day for the County of Huron, Solicitor for the I+rxeen tie made-welcclmo to eall and :incl Nfliat enn bo 4. O fine assorted stuck of Dress Goods Guelph, where lie will take a situation tors, on or before the, 21st day of March, A. D. saved at the oldest establish(al shop in town. ap P ' 1801, their names, addresses and deseri tions, What enables me to repair boors incl shoes neat s Silks, Triminin.s, nhw ` a,3h, Goods, in the tuning department of the Bell and a full statement of particulars o� their and cheapest in the county iK I llvorc+ut free Laces piano fA: tar Wt, Kish Maurice ever claims, and the nature of the security of att) owing will no o call and the the, rtic ounty --'� � Prints, itis uslin3, Umghams, y Y held by them, duly cc ruffed, quad that atter the � � ,1 r c }Days O Embroideries, Cottons Sl1eeL1D s success 1n iiia undertakiu . said clay the Executors will proceed to dis- at once, and all parties. in Winehnm or in the, O , + °►+ , tributo the assets of the deceased among the j�4lTresen'tltxhtxeiranceogints�iHntliairnlyiiiis Table Linens, Napkins, Towels, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen returned parties entitled thereto, havinfi regard only to � t � the claims of which theysllall then have notice. ready. 4 few steps Erect• of Fss ori:4' Hotel. 0 Shirtin s tllnd Lrttonades. last Elliott sof from n ha friends. neo withsAlla. Dated t ?VAN b'ToONE, Whifor uheiEa ors. Victoria St. T OlttAf ABRAHAM. $ ire have a case of choice s and Teeswator friends. Miss Alla o SATURDAY SPECIALS ' FARM E � S heavy o for a short stay.-Wroxeter Star. O P Ladies' ,jackets.r, Notice to Creditors. anaanyono having live stoticorother T. . E, Bowles, of Orangeville, is articles they wish to dispose, of, should adver- A Ladies Underwear. Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. O„ tine the same for sale in the Tr:dF4. Our lame O Fine .spelidiilnr a few days in town at the 1887, Cap, 139, See. 88, that all persons having circulation tells and it will bestrange indeed 1f Lldies Line Shoes. home of J. J. Honiuth, Weare pleased claims against the estate of ArelitbaidGorI ) oudonotgetaeustomer. Tisecan'tgunranteo v 0 Ladies' and Gents' Furs. hate of the Township of Tarnberry, in the he you will sell because you luny ash moreB a O o n to learn that Mr. Bowles has been hold- County of Huron, Yeoman, deceased, who died for the, article of stock than it is yro th, trend Qr Ladles' lid kf3„ t* loves, Hosiery. on or about the twelfth day of January A. D. pour advortisement to •the T.rarRs and t-, this lug his own fairly Welland he is in fair- 1901, are reri red to send by peat prepafc� or to plan of disposing of your stock a11c1 other `r ¢ 20 doz, -Linen Towels, reg'. lye, deliver to Richard Vanstont of the 7'osvri of articles. �ly.goodhealth. �� While it Lasts we will sell at the low )rice of 5aturdav 10c. Win ham in the County of Huron, Solicitor 1 4 Mr, 11McLeahi formerly Clerk in A. L. forte Aaministratrix on or before the 21st i n $ p 50 ptiirs Ladies' and. Gents' Uned day ofMarch,A.D.1901,their names, addresses g� �� Hamilton's drugstore was calling On and descriptions, and a full statement of par ' + ► `II �' FOR Told Gloves, less . g titulars oftheirclaims, and the nature oY the DS O h • • ®�.• Wingham friends this week. He Was security if an held b them dui certified + . )~Men's and Boys' Suits and Over- y l g� y g . 1 6ummoned to Wroxeter last week, and that after t e said day the Adimnistratrix COUNTY OF HURON', p 0 coats, less s, will proceed to distribute the assets of the B virtue of a writ O Owing t0 the serious illness of his father- ceased among the parties entitled thereto hav^ 3 20 wis : of fieri facial issued ¢ 50 remnants of Dress Goods from in re ata onl to tilt claims of whiaitalie . d i 171-law, Dr, Smale. g g y ou,. of Her Ma jestpp s High Oonrt of Justico mi {• �3 � iIn 2x to 5 yds. at price. shalithenhavenotico. the matter of nrbitrlttion and award snare, O•pS Ir-7 �� 0 . 1 Mrs. James. A. Cline of Win ham Dated this 19th day of February, A. D. 1901. me directed and delivered against the lands A 4ti a are Still paying 20 cents for g R. VANSTOI-T W!ri( ham P. O., and tenements of James Leech at the shit of O 0 Butter at spent Sunday last with friends in town. iiolicizor for the, Administratis, Toseph Loecia•, pursuant to submission dated + O June'-oh, 18W, s have seized and taken in ex- 6 2 dozen for 45c. 0 L Mrs. Cline was on her way to Stratford ecution all the right, title, interest, and equity 0 t° attend the funeral of her neico, Mrs. , of redemption. of fire above, named Tames 4 INA x'00 S Cpt$0$ ROOM COffi OAYi� Leech, in,to and out of the following lands and M. C James Pringle, jr., on Monday.— p remises, viz., lots e,9, M and the ea:ltet- Another shipment of Syrup arrived, 2-gallon. s � a I la " Is successfully used monthly by over premises, two thirds of lot No. 149, running Seaforth Expositor. 10.000 Ladies, Safe,eifeetual. Ladies ask numbers, all in the Villa a of G•orrio in the our druggist Cottsa dicot Cots- ' pail for$1.15 O . ... y g County of Huron, and Province of, Ontario as Rev. Geo. J. Abey hand Mrs. Bartliff iroaad, Take no other, as all mixtures, pills and laid down in a reglatert cl plan of Bald village, im4ts tions are dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 pper by Wm. Bolt, P. L. 8. Whio11 lands and tone- 0 CHURCH NOTES. �ver0 at Wingham On Monday t0 688 boa, No. 2,10 degrees stronger,$8 per box.• Nq meats I shall offer for sale, at my office, in the eF0 Misses Olivo and Norma VanStone 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8•cena Court house, in the Town of Godericla on $ 4, The Howick Sunday school convention who stain s, Zile Cools Company Windsor out O _ p P Tnewdag, alto Sixteenth day of April, 1901, at ii a I 0 was held in the Methodist church, Ford- have been ill. The young ladies are Nog. 1 and 2 sold ana recommended sig ail rho hour of twelve of the clock, boon. }„4 ., + responsible Druggists is Canada. wish, on Wetlnosday. snaking favorable progress, the former R. G,1 l;YNOLD'S, rarticularly.—Brussels Post. N o, l and No. 2 are sold in Wingh am by A:I; `Sheriff, IIauori. 4 p Dr. G. L. McKay, the Formosa anis- Bamilton, J. E. Davis, A. A. Morrow, Colin A sheriffs Office, Goderich, tr R.A. Kerr, who has been spending Campbell, Druggists. Jan. 5, 1901. .FC4904�i>4b�00dYC.....4d•tOC��cbbdbd0♦`+a4p4•>OOOdO�,ytv040* aionary has •been six the hospital at , P g , Hong Bong for throat treatment since the past few months with his. family in Dec. 19th.town, left this week for Seattle, Wash. Next Sunday Will be communion San-3Tr' Kerr has purchased a stamp mill', in the Yukon and after spending a day in the Wingham Presby terian , � _ •�' , , ,.: . a tr iter rvices will be short time in Seattle, purchasing supplies, church. P - P y gswill leave there for the Yukon. s� -' � t' y.�=•� � �� held this (Friday) afternoon. Rt-.% R. Nobbs will preaeh its thea Nora li ,vreet Methodist church, Gode- i —The new branch oP the Bathl: of A. ���_' � '- .,4j rich, on then oceasien of the Sabbath ! Hamilton at Gorrie was opened for busi- - - ,,, _ s` 4 day. cess on Mon school n.ntlirersary, Sunray cost, -Ca tious persons who ars inclined -� Rev. D. r„o;;ers,of Bluevale has receiv- P P : p - -- _ - _ to think that r,3 a clay is over pay for the = -- �"'-' - ed an i•zvittttion from the i12�thodists of � , : .. � a. 1. , • 1 , .- _ •_ . r census enumerator, ought to pause and " Forctw:ch to become t.icir pastor at the � f[f l•, „ �, '" �' , r '� :, ,••. � I _ of tha nest couYerancthink of the risk thes3 leen run. Why, beginning of yea:. �:�•: - �-'-°� _ ,,, '-1 � I` - ' - among other things, they have. to ask The totctf memb3.ship of Knox church Paisley, is if 43. The amnutht rnised for every Woman in the house her tree age.. all purposes by th3 cosi,;rregation of than- church for the, ptsb year was $2705.02. _-_� CARR --In Wfngliam, on bruary 25th, the - " "kym� r F a a +ry of .1ai�l:.nr1 and womehl's wife of A. II. Carr ; a son .® ��• i`txTt 1tF-In Wingham, on Fe Mary 20th, Foreign Kissioirmy Society Of the Pres- alae wife of carry Fixture; a son, byte, ,, will meat itl the Presbyterianat r,GRUGolt—In Wingham Town; Plot, on �� � ,+li Wroxeter On Tuesdabru:try :14th wi a of R. McGregor; a Chur Y next. edaughter. c.�• Clinton has hand- rlFDfcF T'n HOwlc1f, on Februnry loth, the jir'`'. E. --� ,.s:lith, of ,.wife of Goturiea Uedlte; a daughter. eel his formal r .sitinatioa to the Wardens- (if his Several non`rre;gatious. itlr. Smith o TnrnR--c�•AxRnu—At the residence of the leaver,abortt the end Of March to Secap t' bride, on rob. 21, by the Rev. Mr, Dobson, Mr, ADswt Toacr to kiss Annie Gamble, all of the lectoribip of the parish of Carberry, Howlek Ww,,& frxv- C1Aatianorr—At the residence of �--. --`---� Ta Mail.bride's parents, Lowes; Win„ham on Feb- rixary 10th, by Rev. D. Perrie, Wm. �wamley, Rev. A. Cr. Ilarris, lhns received' aunan- of Ashfield to Miss Mary, slaughter of John iwor,d invitation to remain paster of the V.11110r0t. 10, Lu&tto`v Methodist church for another DIED. year. Rev. Jahti Holmes has received a, osa.--In Morris on February 20ti1 S — _�` �'r T-- - • ____. —-- -='-� yeChrbstina Hunter, wife ° my Robby aged «• , t r,i }resits and 2months. .� hko iuvita,lot_ from the Methodists of MbCMATtt,-1n Godertdh, on Feb, 14th, -- Brussels. Samuel MacMath, aged 87 years and Il months. Rev. Ales McMillan, of St. Enoch's Mar ti 1 tin iSouthampton not daughter on alFii inri(1M17•' .churelh, Toronto,Will preach anniversary W , • I� leuty. PP�IONAL t sermons in the Wingham Presbyteria oDougali relict of he 1 teDoaald8 Elizabeth sermons I N A Charcli, on Sunday, March 10th. On 70 years and one month. Fv ON'WO R'1<45 Monday evening in the same church, Xr. McMillan will deliver his popular. TrZ1133�» 4 lecture, "Tile Scottish Covenanters.” � Get �$d fir. M-Millian is highly spoken of as a t ` '' yr (INCORPORAMED UNDER OYTARxJ C014TP�1NIES. ACT.) rer. Of IL It you Marro catarrh, whir l�NGINPIRS, CONTRACTORS, FOUNI)ERS AND MACMN15TS. preacher and. sale u . zteg•Iater. don't you try' to get rid of . Solo Canacliau Mtltlufactt�riug ,Agents for The Glonfseld-Rennady Co'y, Ltd,, Kilmaraoth, Scotland. Friday, lilarch 15. •-••Unreserved it? The first tiling your auction sale of farAl stock alld imple• know it will go down into _ 13CLents at lot 16, con. 7, Tnrllherry, at ; Your lungs or stomach and rsaNl<tiR5. 1 o'clock. Proprietor gdviatz up storm- c.i .. cans- serious trouble. You /+t)151T1S1t5 301,1 1 f Olt5. jug. Joi111 Fyfe, proprietor. ,r, Currie, Should use VApo••'Crosolene,at once. CAN•ADIA'X BANX OF CO'.VlIMMOM CI. MrsoN fie C110195 110WAX .C; BOSS. auctioneer. Thr; cure is so easy anti so pleasant. JOHN (`, AL iy G. E. � M. , WILLIAM G. BUI:LC�CtZ, You put some Cresolenein tllevapor- iit1: tuli;:t�C. VALVAGING >( 11t1:OTO.it. izer,rho lamp beneath and breathell-iti 4tie 'vapor ��vllile sleepingDrimoTons rola Wj:k ;•1:1:AM,• k. E. Smith, BSq , Batumi, f �'ohn A. McLean, Vsq., Lumtor ;Crorehallt. iri , 's to heating, sootbingvapor, that a all. `I'1 .. � -- "lr 111p rf;are is on ovary of she etlnlad gees all up 'through the se, ruicting The �Rwfr , ,.. � dliletr h:lflaimnation and rewtorin, hoparts to a T hE; Ctllllfiltily jilvjle application froth residents of Whighanl and vicinity for a pclrti(>n ofhe P'resollt issue of 7 per Lf ..:?rf , '`tt;,•..� �S�tl,tfliC� �� lie;.'.:Ilyconrliiinn. Docwrs press^iFscit.lCrCtTt, tt1"efel'G:12Ce `ftC)l:li, 7'hc preferel]res given nrt: e:tcC )ti0nr11, r3tlCf l,(»ineY ent?�cldled lid Elle charter filial t it an lalt>lsllal o or- `V the it.tll:a:,, t,::..• 4a:wa3 'a t.� ci in !'tt1+.r r,:'durst 1, x„lct by elrafg.tto t•varvv+-v,. 1' f a•, A J:,:t.rC:r i5lmv!oatrst, inrlydinc'tisov:.por1: rend t;tInity to f'ilriners, merchants and others of tl:e "district to :secure ll .)(7rtfon of tire, profits, ilCcruill from the iron, now opening srb:ell ah,n11 hat a 1Jfe•tGn. anti a i,,,ttlerf • The ' ' t•Vnielit in abtlllt re;t I•,so,csrarlrte., ry ,arta:,l,nll.arfcre<n. Ljp in Canada and so seldoin in the Peach of ordinary investors. The shares are placed oil, the market lit $iooloo par in pay- On i:'•: r hn gt•nt;an:ig,eom Uttler ,te.l.n•1a.•c tr•ta, , try pl;tnc:, i,r;;lielhigati. °c,:ss: tcw Ir1P t l,£e<rU'n �r a r rt•• tlle'nt5 of i o p(-r ccnt, ptitt+ing it wlthing easyreachof everyone. ev . Cn,r S }n IL:111T ,;t„ iQr• t Y, t, t :, �, '1hailatttiuf diNC'otilltOf 1110 Bat* Of gtv:ointnoncicKlandBoldby A. Y,. Mrrrllten, Information and prospectus can be obtained by addressintr, the Company at Witt ha.lrl or callingupon Mr. Bullock at 4 Iptlancl hfte be redneed fww 414 to arnitgilt,ViDgham, ` +1 P" dant, the hotel Brunswick, Winglinlll. aifill�.r� , A I i i