HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-03-01, Page 6"� I - - - - __ -"-7-,— , I a - e a+ � T ES. l`� MARCH A ('torr *hA r i" , R` lryl l `r i�l}1 f4Rk�7rti��44 19 - w,t. )_' 1. _ _ __i,,., _ .... . T� tD7i` t1 (1t) Gare of 1 lauts iu Sprius, 'i!.R 1'•S,S �lll�ll 18710.: lite of t:;lg 1r. In the state of Michigan l resoles: ><3taua t►u(1.the i ror(Sblttatliat#. rrt�!N lIJ 4L1a1� l�V 14�5'tl'13T+ [C1iD J 117;1 , *^� . r k•5Q t4 tnii:vas pail floe avhttt is kuowti Guelph hferouryl The prohibitionists --- ----Y i1C�' `'Ill tree springtime tivinoa plants arses >: jTp: Jt� ( �{ •tr: •1'',} p+: ,Ve.,tt. stattdl4rd boet,' and Mi will attain the end they tutu at unless I;AI'TIST C [�110ir� S«�ilbatll services at ° 11Ynkxin,; strong ttllcl z'ltltitl growth, ,rllAy 1, ,1k1t1fIMs, li a nr and i P ra, SYnlclay Nchaol at I& PUJJLTSIIED particular ttttcntioir rntlst bO given t t4 oents for every clue per O•-n,t above the thtair leaders show a little snore common 2;$0 1P zni• ©neral pray9i< eleetl at ht,ld.L,i,ttac)TS,l'u"Llsur-1c ArtiePz:arttlrrou s�nndard. Tile ullitedStatesC'ut )tow- sense, training'. them," Writes T'ibonka Rexford, y Granted, if need ileo tllttt porn on, Wednesday, evenings. Itov, W. VERY FRIDAY MORNING, R N i N G. ».,,,«.�,.�„­.,,-,., . —Aa— in the MaroliLadies' Ilaulo Jatlrnal, ,cif � ever aiuounted to S0 touts a toil and the ticiaus aro tricky and governments sire Freed,: pastor. W. J. Chapman, S. 6, •Yt -t ',�1� FIN11D.1-,Y, MARCH 1, 1901. freight' rates to: GO cents which not anxious to unduly Offend the liquor Superintendent. T Who Times Ofllce, Beaver Block n inletted in this respect they soon got* f; would reduce the price obtained by the interest, these considerations gave no Iter,lllonlsrCatmolx--Sabbathservices vINGILA',;1, ONTARIO. beyond control, and tiie only way to I T ,,, rt -- • ,. at 11 a m nerd 7 p xn. Sunday School at bring titeln elite. snbjeccil thele is bar Lambtons for their beets to $3,20 cents a warrant either for a demand upon the I2:30pm. EpworthLeagueeveryMon- OUR v ,AIVA r ten. Itwasuecessary therefore tofind Donfinion Govornmelit for total proltibi- day ovi rung', General prayer mcotilfg Tsnus or sultsciur:rio�v-0,00 per annum in sacrificing tt 900() d'!41 of the t owth a market at htaute„ aril this tonlcl be tion olY the, basis of the uusatkdfackory on VVodtlesday evenings. Rev. Richard advance 1til if not Lie pard. i d, paper diseon• the have ilracle. This tkitlrx is ii' treed --- I done if the Government `lvould grant a plebiscite vote,. or for a domancl upon Hobbs, paster. Dr: Towler, ,4. , S. $up- option or the parrears blish i• are paid, except at the of doing it the training; is bogtiii in the I Froin ,liar own Currespondeltt, i • erirnt8ndent. ,A,•pyNiz2isuva RA't'lss. - Legal and nther r ., bounty, Tile views of the deputation tine Ontario Government for Provincial P1tESBYTEPIAN C1IUitt)IT-Sabbath ser- casual ad. tattisenu,ntw•Sopct'Nont nr1. 1,uapnr right way And at the right tulle, It a. ;r y ' y prohibition, vices at it a in earl 7 p nn, Sunday nac:rtlon, pet lien for ettcltsubsectuent branch is fnclilled to outgrow others Ottawa, February 23. wore attellti r1; tests:tzNd t0 it Messrs, rollibktfoit wkYen,the Alanftaba Prollibi. firati session to be- , `A ding' It alock nasi Patterson„ the tion Act is before the courts in order to School'at 2:30 in. General Prayer Insertion. c Itis pretty early in the I'r l b, 1 Y Attvc+ltisemettts mloealeolumnsaroohnrged Pincsh Off Ilio end of it, aucl I:eep till snob _ t P -c �•l remised to des• test klu legality of its revisions, b talc- Meeting, on Wednesday evonfugs, Rev, 10 ots. per line for fust enarirtion,, and 0. coats branches from growing' by ,pitlelling 'r i gist to fortTast the (Into of prorogation, rogation, � Minister b I r, a nt, N lop g � p Y D. PerriO aster a11t1 S, S. Superiuten• per line for tach subsequent insertion. , ]alitif atl.one desires to indulve in that ; ensa the hatter with their colleagues ing it to the Privy Council, It is the dent ' p Advertisements cat Lost, J,o)ttad, Stra ed, until other branches have had a chance, �_ I S y c , timb 11 for reale or to liens, and arch 811 seq for exllfliaratinn occupation Ile must begin ,and seg wltl,a could be dents thereto, slow movement of the great body of ST, PAUL'S CltUltclz, EPISCOPA Tr -dab- tirxb mortth and 50 oorita for ¢esti suseciuvnt t0 catch up. If a plant is slot bushy and ° i 1. soon, for there is t ecueensucd of (Pillion i TIIT 'iU .I;l1GULXX TEST• moderate opinion that gives force tJ any bath services Li 1 a in ands p lir, Buil- month, compact make it so by pinching t if the I �`” • Sion till be exee tionailY' good cause. It is useless t1 expaot that day Sohool at. N,30pm, General prayer CONTRACT RATIls-The followin g table shows end of all its bxtinclies. Kee a this 1 • that tile nes : P I A nuiiiiWr• of cattle men Froin till over meeting on, Wednesday evening. Rev. our rates for the insertion of advertisements P A short, At first it was the 24th of May I the country have been discusaiug the this modorate body will co Wm, the Wm Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S, for apeciiied periods:-- treatment until as many bra aches leave est with the Miclister of Ontario Government for not passing a Superintendent. One Column .........$00 0 q oo $15,00 slim stharted as ycu think the plant ought tp that was itaniad its the probable limit, j tuberculu..ln t. �F i but the new working COmnination,-plus ; „ .. � f l rene9 Uf u Pin- Prohibitory law to be hung up for a. GoXGuuGATIONAL CiIGk:Cu.•�-Sabbath Half Column..... ,. 05,00 18,00 10.00 4.ui1 have. If you eloAru a plant to WOW . , --h started off AttludYltut'tl. C,ted� d e 1 con le of ears until the Courts decide services at 11 a m need "c p nr. Sunday Quarter column 19.00 10,00 0.00 2.00 a business Opposition, as i iu eai5ts even atut.n:; the host potted P years, School tit 12 m. Midweek moetulg;oxl �idvi+rtisementg withollb s ecifio directions tree Toren train it to One stalks until t at such a clip, there �4iii be nothing • a of this weans of on the Manitoba act. This moderate WOdnt:sdr evenin sat 3 a'cloBlc. Gavin wlil be inserted till feebler unci charged accord- reaches, the height 1r011 desire, ':sled slice A ea'alls tit; tit 3 Y tea Y g ingly, Transient advertisements ,nitst be pard to keep parliament in session that lung, detectingc is, atsti in suspected stock and body would rightly condemn the Gov- wil mmr, S.S. Supt.; A. E, Prior, pastor. for in advance. nip off its top atld force it to branch, .4 - Easter Takla ua April i th this year, t lid g rJ the Mfi - ernment di l it pass alaw upsetting the Ro u:AN CATixowo CuuRon -- Every Tx Jon D.t)PAnman(r T is stocked with an S,i.ve the branches at the tot) to form the • *' p both views :'.d r, played lye o r fourth Sltucla Mass at 10:30 a m, ser- extenyivo assortment of all requisites for pril,t there is everj= ivaicatiou that a concert -inter, Mr. W. Cl. Edwards M,1'. sllplaart- present conditions, and leaving thing's in y, ing, affording facilities not equalled ill tae head of the tree.. If you want a shrubby . there re is very be made to wind upon p mon and beuedletion at 7 p m. Rev, D. countyfor ttu•nin . out first class ivork, Largo - a mess until the Privy Council ro- rug the present regulations. requiring a P. McMenamin, P. P, type and approprla.to cuts for allstyles of Post• Plant begin 1118 pinching process when it the previous Thursday, the day before r w urine Of ale imported uounced on the powers of the Provinces SALVATIox ArurY-Service at 7 and 11 crs, Hand, Bills, lite., and tide latest styles of is small, thus forcing it to branch close - p rigid tt st in quarantine i choice fancy type for 'tile flner classes of print• Good Friday. ')hat will l=ive about six cattle, while Col, AlaeCrae, of Guelph in this respect. Premier Ross was very a in and J and i3 p in on Sunday, and ing, to the pot, The old saying of 'as the . weeks more, --and that ought to be lots contended for the abolition of the test `vise in refusing. to take any radical every evothe during the week at S Propri;tor ELLIOTTilisher twig is bent the tree inclines' applies of tame for what there is in Sight at pres- action until the power. of the Provinces o'clock at the barracks. - . E, not u:.ly in q:t(dr,rxltiue, lint till OVt'r tela Cr3RISTLANAIVAMISSIONAl1YALLIANCE. pertinently to the training of plants eat. The leaders on either sicie,it is said cuall,ry. I..toit. her• Fisher is not iu hall been defined by the highest author- Meetings as follows: S. S. at 2.30 p. I when in their early stages of develop- • 11 - 11 have come to all understanding that fty, :Then a sister Province had passed trey Fellowship tit 4 p, m., au<1 even-�� meet, avvr ,•t AIJ, It$kliti the test, lint a eJln- a �- elistie tit $ in., BVeT t7tl11dtL in �, Easter shall see tyle. session ended; it re- prunt,ra \v:,a a[rircdZ z:t whereby slitter es prohibitory legislation with tae express i p j' 3r II y g Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St. mains tote seen whether Mr. Bordeu :were urad9 Ili the ntrtilad of admkuistex_ view of Laving those powers defined, POST OFFIOE-Tn Macdonald Block, I N G H A M , $aware of Ututmoutw for Q utarrh t;,a,t, will b8 al le to couteol his followers, and and wlleu ft8 law:vas ou the:Yay through Office hours from 8 a m to G:30 p ul. Capital. y2;Ov^^0,000. Rest, X1,231,120 Contain Drorenry lug the test: It wa; ug:reed that Ie„isltt- the courts for such decision. Peter Fisher, postmaster, as mercury will surly destroy the sense especially, the estlberauc members for i tion 5huuhi b9 introttnt ad abolishing 1119 Presidelltr To1x.t SruAnm. East nd We:t Tork,-•'Billy" Iacleau 1%Jr0nAN1CS' INSTITUTE -Library and Vice•President-A. G, RAa2aas. of smell and completely derange' the, law 1,rohib.ting the sale of hides of tub- free reading room fn the To:vn Hall, whole system when entering it tllrougli for over Lrift Pears T33kTEC7 ORS and Clarke NYtlllace,--:vho are begin- 9raulus(1 stock. Experts are now agreed y will be open every afternoon from 2 to 4 this monsoon surfaces. Such reticles , nig to evi4ence a desire to pick up the • An Old and Well -Tiled Remerly-Mrs 5:45 o'clock and every evenin(;• from 7 to John Proctor, Geo. Roach, Wm. Gibson, MY, should never b0 used 01c8pt on• prescrip11 - g that there is no danger of infection from 4Viuslu�v'sSootiiiugNyrup )las been used 0: 3Q o'cloelt. Miss DTillfe Robertson, A. T. Wood, ltiC,P„ A, B. Lee (Toronto). tion from reputable physicians, its the 11 mantle of the depltrteti ':nut}y wonder, the h tie j* from Regina; -it will take tater connbiu- for over fifty years byiniWonad mothers librarian. Cashier -J.. TURNBULL. damage they will do is ten fold to the: :'vE WANT GOOD ROADS."1 for their ohiliuen whue teething, with ToWN COUNCIL -Wm. Clegg, Mayor; _ gooct you can possibly derive from them, ed efforts to come uta w the recOrn of perfect success. It soothes the chile, Wm. Holmes, Thos. Bell,egg' 112c_ Savingpbsits of tHi an 1 ups otrfla Sreceivoii and Hall's Catarrh Care, manufactured by •, i Bro. Davin.- l Tho familiar cry of We 'want good softens the gums, allays all paid, cures Indoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, interest allowed. F. J. Cheney w Co., Toledo, O., contains , roads," appears to be havixg the desired It wiled colic, and is the best remedy for Geo. McKenzie, Councillors, J. B. Fer- Sppcw Deposits also received at current no mercury, and is taken internally, act- ' TIIE G?LESTIO\ OF STATE OW\EIISIIIP. effect, for the Provincial Government I diarrhoea. It }is pleasant t0 the taste. gi on, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel rates of interest. ing directly upon the blood and musuous , � WhatzTer the final outcome be, there Sold by druggists in every part of the Youllill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- Drafts on Great .Britain and the United surfaces of the system. In buying. , has aunouncod its -readiness to assist world. rlweut• five cents a bottle. Its lector. Board meets first Monday even- States Bought and sold. can be little question that the proposal r , ' y' , Traveller.,; arra notified that thei3snkof Ham Hall's Catarrh Oure b9 sure yon get the lrtce�ally in systematic and concerted ef- value is incalculable. Be. sure you aFIc ing in each month at 8 o clock, genuine. It is taken internally, and, . for state owutrailip of all get ut public imton and its Branches issue Circular hates o _ 1 fort to improve the existing order of for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and So11ooL BOARD. -C. N. Griffin, (chair- Nationcil Provilloial Bank of Enr•land, Linlitod made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. ' Clieney franchises is rapidly gaining strength. 1 tllitl�s. A cod roads convention was take uO other kind. -man), Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. which can be cashed without charge or trou. w Co. 'Cestimonials free. In a country that tilts had t tP lunch ex- b g Homuth, Wm. Moore, H. Derr, ThOS. ble iii any part ofthe world. Sold by Druggists. 75c. per bottle. � � erience in poli icer croukeduaos as uu- held here the other day, at which Hon. B1. ell, SaVm. Button. Secretary, Wmi- v*T. CORSOUC;D, Agent Hall's Family Pills are the best. p r Statute Labor Gone. Robertson; Treasurer, J, B. Ferguson. E. L. DTCRINSON.. Solicitor, happily Canada has, it is nese to be ex- iti'r. Latchford, Commissioner of Public eared that the people ill hesitate be- Works, stated that the Ontario Govern- Brant township has trio commutation Meetings second Tuesday evening in each .- __ Not a Dad Idea. i p 1 A snout hada million dollars cf actual system in good working shape now •and month. P. IaENNEDY M. i7.. ns. O. P. S.O. fore placing so much more power and PUBLIC S 1IOOL TEAoimns.-A. H. e . (Mernber of Elie British Medical Ass ocia• A commissioner was once visiting A. ,,� cash in the bank, and was prepared to statute labor is done away with in that Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine, Snecial lunatic asylum, and on going into the ; patronage lu the hands of the Govern- o , P attention paid to diseases of Women and Cllild meat, or iu other worths in the hands of grant financial aid to that amount to- township. The rate of commutation is Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 0 p mn-' yard he saw an Irishman who was; the politicians, as :vat1;1 acture to thea. wards the construction of good roads as G0c per day. '.Cele township has been Coruyn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson placed in the asylum suffering from, . Soo"' the municipalities had decided divided into fourteeeu road divisions aucl Miss Reid. R. MACDONALD, if the railwtty5, the telegraphs, the tel- BOARD Or IiEnLT13-DZayOr Clegg, soiteuing of the brain. His idea was to whether the county ccu icils or the corresponding as ueariy as possible with (chairman); C. J. Readinir, Thos Greg- be continually wheeling a wheel -barrow ephoues and uLuer great public franchis Centre Street , 1 towllSIAD councils should expend the thele school sections. Commissioners cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Fergrson, Sec upside-down. Upon approaching hint es were owned by the country, and op moue The assistance to be granted have been appailited for the respective rtary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health Wingham, , Ontario. P A Pp _ crated by the tx tverntueut of the day. y Officer. the commissioner said: At tae same tithe it is recognized that by the Government would be of no divisions. `Their duties have been clear Pat, why, you are wheeling that - ' . practical good until this point was sat- ly defined and they hold office during, VANSTONE, , the p:t. tut ccututl,,zl of affairs is fast tied and the municipalities had decided the pleasure of the council. They are � BARRISTER, SOLICITOR ETC. barrow the wrong way! becutuiui; uuuearaolt; the big corl.Ora- Oh, no, your honor, it's the right way � • telcos aretfu ycurly getting wore autocratic upon a policy as to clow the money to be remunerated at the rate of 15 cents 71:4-31D Private and Company funds to loan at lowest g g 1• • .��A� rate ofinterest. No commission charged. Mort- t0 wheel the barrOwl and iutulereuc, and the attueliug manner i could b9 expended. Whether the muni- per hour. A day's work for all other F/ Q7 1 gaees, town and farm proilertyk. Wingl bought and Oh, no, it is not 1 said the commission- . cipalities should contribute a consider- parsons engaged shall consist of ten sold. office; Beaver Block, Wingilnm. in which_a handful of multi -millionaires er. I will, show you the right way. plutocrats are Saouriuo abbolate control able sem themselves, in addition to the hours and 12 cents ax1 hong is the A. MORTON Turning the barrow over to its proper of all the great interests and industries amount to be granted by the Govern- amount fixed for payment of these. The �� % J. ' meat, :vas a question for that eanv9u- operators of the grading machines and position, the Irishman exclaimed: BAFRISTER•, Rc., in tha re i tali- to tale south is waking • Arrahl.. Now sure your hongr,. that's lib: c ra,r.,,i,ali n) :u a hm in this tion to consider. The Minister added team are to receive thirty-five cents an Wengham, Ont. not the way, for when I wheels it like ouurrc•. ',ion ill) n the fact is being aurid applause: -"I am in entire sym- hour. No doubt other municipalities of L. DICSENSON, that they puts bricks in it. { �, mm, a - ,:ed er t the song Ut �i n pathy with the movement in favor of Bruce and Huron will watch with inter- . pl' `' P good roads, and as long as I am connect- est the working out of the scheme. �'`8 BARRISTER, ETC. Almost vonts liption. cal umraal 1n Canada is improving, the T�+� o Coat at L ed with the Public Works department of Solicitor toBankofHamilton. Moneytoloan. Mr._ J. J. Dodds, of Pleasant Ave.; . 1 public sentiment in favor of clean teen r Office -Meyer Block, Wingham. Deer Park, Ont., writes:- I have suffer- ;. the Province, every legimitate plan for �, ed in my head. mud throat and all over } and clean methods is growing rapidly, tb'Dy 8tmtn3cBe gave out En - the improvement of our roads will have �irel and I suffered untold agonies." This Makers. ,a RTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. my be y,5ince last summer from a very and the hoorllinl- Operations which lis- : P " my :varm sympathy Stijl every enCour- was the experience of Iver. D. G. �Vhidden, graer'd Cho ;stir name and fame of this p Doctor of Dental Surpcry ofthe Pennsylvania heavy tree sever I could not get rid er . agement I can give ft. Postmaster, )cast Wentworth, N.S., after three Dental College and Licentiate of the Roval 11 I have triad several of what are consider - Dor it li i, 4r.-Anr', this last ten years Jf attacks of La Grippe. Doctors and closes gave College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. of$ce ed good remedies, but none seemed to be , WUO WILL SHOW US ANY GCOD? him no permanent relief, but Dr. Von Stan's Also . over Post Office, Wingham. of an avail. I began to think that m the ,rnr t r n�txvst} c� reiala cOrtld x1(.t be re•} • .:,1) i,1 Jl-,,a,i%y-to.da;', i While the Provincial Government is Pineapple Tablets had the permanent virtue that Cold was developing into consumption t won hint back to perfect health -pleasant and ? T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S. as very many have to my knowledge. 1f I'M -T R-. 0Y ::t'(ta1t. i ,hns going forward with its definite and harmless but powerful and quick. 35 cents.-i6c p517,�• �'i' -" _ Neer method for painless extraction. Stn thankful now to say that Dr. Chase'B rr ,•,., rte•• u etitnt fr•r to Western "•ell matured plans for aiding any and told by A. L. Hamilton. -��' 'INo Cocaine. Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine hast " every project that malces for the develop- ,,, Special attention to the earn and regulation worked a complete cure, as I am now ; OD-., : it h I of 11 :: ening oil the Govern- Travelers say the hotels of Cairo, n o o children's and al Moderate »rices, and nil entirely free of the cold." recut of elle Province they have served�g �., y performed. Office ' meat to ut go the 41ai us of beet root Egypt, are the best in the world. They . en Beaver Block, Wingham.. G so well these thirty years, the Opposition 6ngtt(" itast'1:,:a::it:•era to t: t11.-irlaratiOa, aro At JUU(1 as the best, CUlltintl(ltal At Corrie every Monday. Grave Excuse of a Slu,avnan: Last sesk-1 Sonic' r, m };lntiull was 9"Yell• is casting about for a policy upon hotels, better than the best American i A showman recently advertised a which it tau hope t0. make some impres- rOHN RITCHIE,thei;i t y t}ata a rice of the Minister of hotels and extremely better than Iiia [� 'piano playing elephant' and drew a. 10x1 011 the country when the now rapid- GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Finer r•r, in i.larila:; rl:ou the free list all � ; fasbionanle London hostelries. crowd for 1119 first performance.. After . , . . i . tl:r 1 a: ell:x;ely u,:etl in the ivarafacture `y aPproachink general election comes ..�M�-r-Y- -- MED ay :Fingham, Ont. 7 the 1?r c•t seta serer that the ni of if made on. Most everything has been tried in -- „- ®•9 some preliminary remarks describing the 3 i '• • DEANS, art. , talents of the beast and his education, - turn during those three long and weary � Ini , gP � 1d "'lam d I (queen's Block. �. ' in C. uaf'at. Now the request is fora a the elephant was led into the ring.. iii f decades of :i-audering in the wlderness, LICENSED AUCTIONEER i bct:l y to encourage the industry yet, ,•i{,:r ,_:; 9i� stopped up to the piano, ran the scale,. 1 but without success, and at the present ��f vi: if,i: � 01�6'�88 for the County of Huron. Sa1cs attended in . fort i lir. The atuouut asked for is lc. ' moment tiler would appear less pros- o ,��� : tinypart.ofthe denary. 011arges moderate• stopped, lifted his troll] and ran bellow- per }1) for the first two ears c lir , , �+�;�,,� lug from the tent The showman stop- i p r r P pests of victory than ever, for not only One of the most common symp.oms J,. a c .1. k, � ,t';o �i 1 G OHN CtIRItIE, rzlvasAnc, O rr. Ib. fur ti e. third: star, ,2o. per lb. for of kidney disease is the smarting, scald- 2?,, ���y {? � r ti ed for:vard not a wh%tembarrased, and 1s the Opposition without a clic but i 3 I LICENSED AUCTIONEER. P ' ' the fd•urt1Y year, AA policy, ing sensation when pissing wale:, ; f t t x „ c. ,ler lb. for the fifth , .�a. I �ai,r, C -� �`i , , � , Q. _ I the Government has a very clearly de- which is likely to come very frequently : ( I iy , `? ,Sales of Farm Stock and Form'Implements a said: Ladies nett gentlemen, an on - year , an„ af,rr that no farther assist-, and at inconvenient times: Shen there .• ,. ,- rez • (..i ,� specialty. fortunate occurrence prevents the intelli- anc'a. Osie t pcfke r, a practical man, j fiuecl one; -the policy which has benefit- is the dull, heavy aching in the small il 7 "' , l,;a> ; ," wAli. rsrclerw loft at Txiti TIaIF9 office promptly lint animal fIOm continuity the lir- - I ed the Province so speedily for the life= 'of the bads and e'nwn the limbs. ° attended to. Terms reasonable. g g p press t1t0d a long array of facts and fig l time Of a generation, to which is nd:v When these pains are accompanied by t„' r,.� 4'�o+,dt ei . %' �r ks ` t>'a'n°8 .A, �n pstGnl -- --- - formauce. I am sure that you will all ureic with a view to showing that a' g ' deposits in the urine after it has stood yJ titycrtir !1•ent m. SOCIETY 16IEFTING.S.- . ,(ficetsin;haimrneri .• v:rinitycflher'atentAffiC;, respect lila rOaaOri for this abrupt COII- g i added a policy of active energetic de- for twenty -Pour hours, you may be sure ,,,d n, ftrattics i0rivn;.,appatcnte are m,sur aSsed Camp Caledonia, No. 40, meets clusfon. H9 has 'est ecce lied his bounty W1lS' necessary to the successful : vele mens of the vast resources Of New that you are a victim of kidney dis- :sand n odea, skereh or i ,etc ra h 4f indantlon wit:, ® — j Sn inauguration if the manufacturers Of P ' ease, and should not lose a single day '! cr,l,tir,u a,,,i stnleric,•r ae .n acorinoges claimed, ever month, in theOdfollo� gilHall. Visiting dead motherlss teeth in the piano keys: , Ontario, a goodly heritage of untold In securing the world's greatest kidney .Ar, cha rm,w uz,. •r r fm, tr,:,,yyi,th,n al; to brethren welcome. D. SruwART, 011iof; Hit beet sugar. He pointed out that the I V,tulth which under the enlightened ad- Jultoldfdoth"'. �tid r v tae tr.r m%ecutina thy. . tarmers of Lambton< County could raise g cure -Dr, Chase's Ir -Liver expo appiicarion sr'"4 non :ri .'"" ' I)ip'"'tid ""' Elliott, Ret.- Sec. Loss of Appetite. I u,iliistration of the resent rulers must Doiet imagine that yAtl are esperi- ` ,, M1106 ,r,.tf,,,rJtJd.. "INV,! ro. i (I:t m"t con - A 1 S OB PRINTING, A person that has lost appetite has lost beets containing the neecessary percent- • meeting when you use Dr. Chase's I�id- tainh, • toll ink,rtnattd^ •:e„t f ,,•. /.t• L�tvxltriunb ` and will attract new settlers into the ney-Liver Tiles. They Are almost as cations 0.1103lctor(.tt - cites fly f.,rwdrianctal. t'� something besides-vitalftay, vigor, tone. I , r 5 " r.t includin€f Doolts, Pamphlets, 1'owtera, Bill The way to recover appetite and till = � -- - ---- f country fn their thousands and tons o£ tiveil known as hip t;xeat Recipe Bonk, K, �R $r, 1, Ii E *1 k i r"'•: f � _ Heads, Cjrculors, &c., Sic., oxoeutedinthe best pp , { have made soin0 of the most surprising „ r d „9Ili 7 , thousands. With such a Government q U^' i rUrswn "*_; ••: a t ,;•,, y,, 1 wtyle of the art, at moderato priers, and on that goes with ft is to take Hood's Sorsa- Il cures of kidney discuss on reseed, and short notice. _ parilla-that strengthens the stomach„ I Iml Wi 13 i of experienced, tried and trusted nY9n in have bsolute eure�fore kidney crcid the disease. Ask that nyiB 1 s0or Magaz esaleft Nvith u for perfects digestion altd snakes eating a, . �i P r J control, there is shall likelihood of an a intelligent electorate desiring a change. your neighbors about theta. Nearly Binding, will have our prom ot attention pleasure. J, ci rr> i g g 13 • everybody can tell of some remarkableI I & I L^ p Prriic� forrB inning in any -stria will be given on Thousands take it for searing 1os5Af �y` r„.,,*,�,t If ,s cure by their use. One pill a dose ; 25 appetite mid every body says there's: m cents. a hos, at all deniers', or Edman- THE TIMES, Orr, Wing 'Ain. nothing else s0 good as Hood's. . Sick 1Vitli tiVor,ns, In this an of l,rvous c:l cases, wlien I gon, J3ates & Co.,, Toronto. peop.e: ail all elr.r. s are fall(nt, vic•t;ms ItIrs. J. D. Mayo,. South Stukley, P.Q0UN RAILWAY TIME 'TABLES. (l %Ret ,Many ludicrous inisuudorstanding;s: k to rntirvOu: prostration, paralysis, loco- wrote the following: ,,One of m o SOLID tr o.' x t w 1 t a- i c her dreadful mala- y Iy.RAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. t /w children took sick �vith:vOrma and after ■ R17BBER l Jf occurred 1n the taking of the U. S. i dile it iw a terraces to know that you Kid n -Lod' lir trnAxxs Lr�Atrlr molt densutt. One question was indicated by can turn to Dr. ("rinse's Nerve }•cod trying et etythinb without getting relief �1it I t! k7 i?nlnlerston .............. 6.523 a.m S.65a.m, tr , k (pias) with absuluLe assurance that it Loittlon ...... 1...... 6.50 a,m .. 9.25p.m. the remark, length of residence, P11X's S. C RI , PR w9 procured Dr. Low's Worm Syrup t° which was expected to show how long vain 21arOuttlllY build up and revitalize pSiilcarafno,.11.10 alai. , 8.25 p•nt .. 8.89p.m. t1Yr. Y• able, wasted nerve Celts, which acted promptly #End etfeettlally, tt Axlnxv>h nelsons kr. Joseph Geroux, 22 Metcalf street, I}noardino ....0,49-a.m., 9.55 a.m .. 8.25 p.nl the people living in various localities at Ottawa, Cnt., writes. I was nervous, Professional cyclists made over ....... 11.10 a,m,I.. 7.55 p.m Londcrit . ... ^. Palmerston .. .... . 2,45 p.m .. 8.89 p.lri the limo Of the census )lad been there. - r Yldd headache and brain frg. I wadi $100,000 in priza money during the past tva +•j f 60 "1E.ARS A now carriage tire that makes riding T. ii. GORDON, Agent, Wingham. +. ,L ��! When the report oa•rne in it v<ag fennel = t: iestle's,3 as night and couli not sleep. ExpF :F_w•.0 1Ay Appetit,, wt(s poor. and 1 ; u-1.1: ed f y(ar. I t f. - oil till roads ft pl ,with thecvib r tion, fico, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY, _ for it rices atYay with the vibration tllttt xnAr vs IMAY14 NOIi tllttt many of these queries wer0 atyswor- ; from aervOUs (I;slu•psia. I.,t,lc .r...ne9s ares worried acid lrritate,l nae. utter Mari and Wifb I" Dis'trQao.�-- t ' R shatces and breaks the carriages. Toronto and East........ tlt.i;a a.ra 9.00 p.m' ed in figures in this way: 20X40, 16x30, • b Teeswater .............. 1,8.. p.ni....10.48 pan. leaving ut(ea Dr. Chase's Terve Food for Rev. 1)r, J3aclYror; of Buffalo, says " 1vly 1 I etc, The enumorators had gone mroufid about tno rnoxrths, I Can .frankly Gay Y•vlla:-led sn:ten between the Aitnivru ... 3 t r with tL foot rule and mea'Sured the length; - fe and I: were both troubled with•dlst.oss- Teea(vntpr,., 6.63 a,n1.... 8p.m 1. - th:r�t I fr�'el Tike a new man. lri Catarrh, but WIr have o •"o ed freedom rubber tern slid flu steel Ratite xorauto and I;Aat ....,, 102 p.m',,...'"I p.in. . .,qty appl'tit9 fs food, I fest and 51eep g ,, y J Y, a da' 1weventrs the (lrrtaf lg and cut. .T. H. Aninardn' Attantr Wingham. �f the residences of the people they 1t14CT : 4ve11, and refs treatment Iles stxengt n� from this a,, ravatltlg ural,-dy utnCc they tin wllielt nthr , brew ntr. sub- �_�-. s� _, - • -- 1 +ifCAbt tAtiXt#K>5 _--- _ woilrstusedI7r,/ktrn%w'sCasarrhalx'owder. DKSIONS lAdfuii*wSeo tree exhibit at the F f' pried me wonderfully. Dr. Chase's )verve ooltilto , ]+"cod i+S c0rtcixlly the begs treatment Z Tts action was f tantana ' t;iviti); the ` �,►CpyKItiNY"d dcc,s i (' i r _ - ver Ilse 3, and i s,.y so, because I wan. most grateful retia. within ten minutes after All ,One sendia A lrk¢tr8 And Acderi sten Ina. uerici nt tPtieO ice 7! leo Tile Catala;;uo, b ,.' e to give full eredie Where it 18 tike:' ftr$i ap�ltCatlLln." ;jJ Cline's.-� x j� Atltekl!r alalrertrtin nvul optninn treo N7icthtr sd giving . ariCe 3 Of all Si7.. y #�%hini f 8nJh1 CMf3@�1i11�',R i .. ." ,; N., t ( ood nlaly ti, the l „ tnvnnttnn to probnbty att¢ntabtr,. (*(?in nnirn• g �, 1 "• . �+ relieved in a fCJY ��ff CrslWlrn ;altin i5iseases r¢li - ,, , • }c E. ,;.. .' v r, n, '" i+r,.re l,r' ,, Iianlfli„i,, , tinn6ntri(itlyC[hiad¢I,t1R1, IICnd iftrlt filth tats "' `+ . '' , r._-` • r 1111nt1tCsbyl7rr Ag11CW sOintiadut- I)nAg+new's at: n u..4 rr!- ! s T i AD V F � 1.�U � ' Tilt.' s ,¢+, ti , sent free. '010 t 0 ¢nc> Toren R rt,,,,.. ..:. ' is 'i• ' • ^(1 rr,. f Patents tsrcrla t rnttali stern (o. reco>" TWI* b Ointment relieves instantly, and cures 1'ett¢r, P3 .',•.,,.,..;: , or ]; lrtansan, i -ie t..a:lrl)_'r rt i an ice tl:t3 hit:•der it is ipeculf to tee, "tr'Ithot't;Ch"tx¢, Inth w ' ; : Very r Salt kheunl, Scald Head, I:ezcmn, Ulcers, 11 i, laud t,c:.. ::i, lorontn• to IliLI:B t4 tune Of hint.- (Jhir;tt ili i uws. �� r !i � r{ y C�'� • +� �j"�7 s r i r lllotobr�, and ell l:ruptioas of thA Skin. It M ,f a tr t ;'� .C6 - •7, `ka0 X 1'V .A A . , ,t n,r�� �ss,�i1�� }.Children.i� A I,andlnr,trly silat d tifrct wortrl ,. i : t r.r "� { aaethtnq And r;ruttiest earl eery lrl:e dna io in 811 . ( �' VGA+i.% t rallrtton r f sero it••{rat, to 1 u:•t. 1. ' n ! e �., rr, 11aby Ihimors, Irritation of the kcal aor Rash r ! rAr: VAI r:.J-114 � °I .i I ,'t 41 .'� i r o th S' ), rmtvpm , ,K - 4 during tac:thing tltau, 33 c at; Et b ie. -t59 P K1 e t 1 'Sold A. L. Inc hl.tt Nerve �'+ ' ®i 0 tX h, w' tw F . P. v. r . t );T..J0It% VtY.t'(tlCr4. \J *t;)::TRVAti. M by r 'i I t , C,r, _! U 1•