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The Wingham Times, 1901-03-01, Page 5
• - I WW T 111'.1.NGRAN hj9#��R%. MARCH 1. ,l _F1. ia / A r ..mer—x-+-•--- •Y -•,---d r�-• ., .... .. _... .. lox _ u J Ry S"" I f John 11. llfim vell., (if 11rautluji, was I B 0 R SJo'ln C%uttl1v t,hil,lron a tall lottcl of delete d Clast-milastor'11r. llituba Odd. a hQ„N trlld t'ttttlt to `t'ur+ultn all A1t)ttd:ly. ft'11u�t t, last zee:c'k. ��fr. �Itls�+u'1 is a F 'Ek 0 M UK R Mr. Mitchel was Ime shipping, vollors t-vit of Dir. and ."L -s. Ruben Maxwt•11, tt @ ;.•r >~ ” otz`I'nesduy.I:lue alt road. a%« tic � q•� William '' atsuu rerlgved into Arthur 'Miss .imlo llobprtson, of '�'yitlgdi it �%eta EVEU '8 of ui,rEREST 0 PIL CU, CY..,'.L'p�tBE28• Brook's hq::sgtluMouClay visitviihero thig,%rec.. t jaules Will:iltt)on lnoved pito the' ar7:rt. Jilin !t'u.'rler, 4r.14o', is bolll(i+ boutio purc:lam,1 treat Dir. ''1'1Famo n Oil irO.11 G. ltelph hQtij)ital, t.lhire site SvttH ill Writ �» draawalztl Txtnco Corret:, andents Communipato -- Gtaor Weduesday. We welvorlo ,Xr. Wilkilx• :t• ;ural munths with tyl,hold frvor. I W, still anal fatally to thq villago. Yarnest Jewitt visilvd his sistt r, �'.'li` I'%. Rea / ►I"13, a{r'C>ttemR CJlijapetl From Qur I'xellanf;rt�. Joha 4au.+lartn:ta hats bo.tg1:t the lrtr:u;arc;n, s.r 1)ulag;rultlnli. I;ill �Rossc,,�.,),, j l) tCruuk's property from R. J. '!.'efts, the J":,a pll Iingtg;, of Me butludary, villit, i:, 6 6,'1 i � U4c tg �y�.1,k .�,,,'�0 rice aid l-aH )'::(;0. rl in le g 'll r reemei' P, •r' c „9 . ' c f ' ) ! h•'• l l:i. _ �t'ItOXE:�l+:It; I.ltit,iStl:I.ti, p P .� Q 1 ft ar,Al f0 1! ,., ..tt r 1 S .11j, x11) dj)j C3 (t, t O u:3ljoc l -.tat Friday. Mrs, lvog,ers Nati resigned 115•;• l.osltloll r$ �'•�'��'taw�'nr+.ur':��s:+u:•.rau •4��sar-••iw5r+,v:_ a .cw.;:aw..wrRs.+rrkw:v,r...:. �x: ac. w+x. Dr. Sixlalo,�t lg uxa glad to rel ort,iat lin- OilWodtldi;(1ay of last tiv:'c 1. Cleo. Bost ,Mitis D )Ilio Rt,t;.�, of Blyth, is sewing; as ux t:tllil>t let the :1iethQdi.,t church. �Pt it �; c)fic..r l+till ; tt s 1) t: - i` t�:; c l tr f r : C.1 ' t l ch t l .t tl . in , l . t l ,. proving, though slowly. of Brnewils and LtiTisla Dlagegita, young,esi in tau vi;hig o this n•(:+•k, Mrs. William atuae:s Johast-out �nuiur, Robt. Elack, William lie—Xorebie,I.Ars. daughter of Jautoa 'ztritl.rrpit (if Gann X;tjt:.;ixrl:crl llld q +sniietl the pulpit talziug; her p!•:lco. At the clam or Mrs. I 'r dt.p�:i"in:t3iiC i�1r Clic: ii' n� .;',:t:f•:ti. Our tc3f'1+ i were imirrie(1 at `Senforth, Roo :4Ix. .,.. „ •, , , John Robertson; and A'[xes Jessie Robert in the, a , t :iayta;ri;ar, church last Ounday 11ogerc, terse tae cl:+rir ireate ,11or to tux �; ,• scan attended the funeral of the late Xro. Larkin perforadugx• tho ceremony. Rov. Mr. Roxbo.) will r Nero the next o,-� later snpper, r<' must be r(. lucM(k in ord(:r to Inial♦"te: room for Dotlalci Scott, of I3rnssels. The 'Woollen hill luxes now definitely two 'i:uldaxys, � P,Tis; Iaua','l:otuAS retarn(ld t,. Toronto, r''' r r , hand , •?• Rov, Mr. Durwash, of obauged lum0w. l3, C:Gvrry Lind George r t ,. t l a sprint, cicJlhinl,, w11:Ch 4x111 c a1,lt: t() in a fi.w t �"e ., 7, 'Wingha.u, oa �ti zal. 1:iilii•)•, wild his ctriv(+r to T,exl t.,i,> �t;c:ul:, oft, r a )It•aAa;lt -isle Y:gztt(, }i� Bowe eouting, to teras by which the Whitluura+ fu:::*:; a " Il �, I Our stock iS all ct. Icomprises Llic: �'2«(..' a, °:a iupiedtl)upulpitintlioliothadistcll.irch ��t tile the County r. o , 11 ii:.illatest ),'l Fist Sabbath ovening, former guts pussessiou of the mill. He Clegtg, & Arznstron, ahi!)pod a car of ' Grewl illus t> Cllt:l)ter of 11uron :tact � ,.. .. , ,, .t •7 t ,. t t ' bats not yet decided as to what he will , ., mads. � expert tilil•:)1'S .3 t,r*' Ir t .11itilt Well ll 5 - n lilac. r 3' ixogs t0'Torouto on Iaasday. ° porta I)latk :,:shit l:ts of Iteland, lie"Id at i 1 _ Tito Bible study clays lit connection do with it, but will .sell if possible or Mim itobortson, of Flullett, was the Blytb, 11-ts. .iorn us,ltowvrt and R. � thoroughly1din :i"'c«. l ylu isM: �c 61 - with the Presbyterian church eujoyecj, rent to a grood tonaut, !lir. Howo will guest of Mrs. , +' a1 -to -ate n ev,.-r1'k.:�1'' ' Bruce on Sunday. �' themselves very much, last Friday even. xenlahxl in town and will open store for Win. Wtatsun spent last Sunday in ,,,1nu:nLic•ld wcr.• c•1+•a•toct to the G (:Qin i'fta' YOURS. Ple-ist: t't.ad evQry fide of the 1,01101ving ing at an at houlo given by the young the hale of woollen g 4ods,aud will mann• Toronto. i?r 1 t- , , , people of the Presbyterian church in faeturu knit graads of aiff3rant kinds, n rr 11SC, anti 1Jr117'Y it �Vil'�l UU for rt t{:1'(:;.c_�.' W. R. '�3'lxalcy !a huiug, into the �" llq._ilxia Outbreak g. a Y Gorrio. •s. Donald Scott, assed away oil. blcyele butiluess this spring. 110f lar;m rort•s on my little (laughter's rr + n , band dovelop lin'oawtsgoff :aldheads' The Animal xneetii.,, of the Womou's • xday inurrirtg. hi: was iilher ,7th Aar Diei,ctejohn intends moving into wait, s G D. Isbill, of 14orgsintoll, Tenn., BOYS, 2-PIUCE SUVA -0, .asee i F.2 Tu 30. > q Foreign Missionary Society of the Pres- year. With her late husband and family the village about the middle of March. but Bucklou'a Arnica Salva completely ItLC1ULAIi P:ETC1; l,;>,...... ;_.,.:. � W bytery of Maitland will be held in the she moved to Brussels about 25 years cur:+d her. It's a g tiaranteed care for a .t :: , t. Presbyterian church here on Tuesday, ago from the Sth con of Morris, where c r Em')nin., Totter, Stilt Rhcn.u, Pixn les, f. a•t ()' • • ' ' 1..,1 Night Was Terror. t, P ) t+ t) '"•5:)...... " March 5th. The Presbytery will also the famil • had previously resided. Her t, t nearly'all g " otos, T?).,+ors land Piles. Quit' 2u" cents $.UO...... •• a.3 ) ) p T would cough nHarl alxni htlon ai Cutin A. Campball'n, �;�' '. tt +< :S.:iU....., t• °' '?.i i t meet the same clay, husband Donald Scott, died here about writes Mr.i. Glias. Applegate, of Alux- _ •Alex. Stewart moved his family and 17 years ago and two suns John and sl�iirla, ! �haci cozlsttm tioso hardly ,�idt that' .ahs. i cSTo�� N. ? V k3pYS a"aud could P l , n PIECi_3 SUIT.3, Sl ZEIi f$ 'I0 v2. household effects to the farm he has pur- Donald, and two daughter., Blizabot;h "' r if I walked as blocle I would con ll 'La rr! ne is having p" PRICE ' �.. S chased about one mile and a Half out of auzl Margaret, have ctie.l sii.c5i tho fatxiil t; 1 to P, g ata busy Limo at REGULATE I'TC,E ti:3.�•) ..... AT,1, _ TEIu ✓ >$2.51 ;, g Y fri htfully and s pit blood but, wbeu F „ ,. S JO _ ) Harriston. James Stewart has also came to Brussels, Four sons are yet all salter utedicin(As failed, three $1 Oil proselit. A great uumber are ver, sick tt „ « 25 moved E moved onto a farm about three miles out living,three of thein in Brussels. The ' l s at , resent. + 'i'•(i0• • • • • . '3 5 7 ) �. ybutt ea of 7r. • Tiintr' New Discovery :i ;�) 4..;0..... • .. of Clifford. are Fiulay S., Peter anti Walter F., hero wholly >cur �(l lust and I grained 51 La,:t week was vers stormy. It was t •' 5.0o...... •° • + 4.oi) ci ` poutxas. Its absolutely g;naranteea to th:� roughoq. of the sjaloqu. Miss Elda Hazlewood has gone •to To- and Archie at Sarnia. uuru Coughs, Colds, Lit Grippe, Brou- ronto to spend several weeks. chitis and all Throat and Lung; troubles. Y D Davidson was calling qu his old YOUTIIS' SUITS (Long Pazi•te) 124 ER 32 TO gill. , 4 The Wroxoter hockey boys. • la ed a The Only Fto)tx Cttro for L Ont),liq 7!037. Price We and $1.00. Trial battles fro(! friends last Saiiday L•efore, leaving tho , „ , Y Y played x . / t REGULAR PRICE $5.0;).. , ... , ALL PRICE ,+1.00 ? at Colin A. Cana bell's drug store. bornidar * tt i gams with the boys from Brussels last Royan, Cleo.,—ttI havo tried a great p " )' , (;. U.... 1.7:; % {, Wo o aro pleased to h(rar t' bat George " 7..0.. ... „ Tuesday evening. The home boys prov- many remedies for Catarrh, but nolle V.The �iLitx:i _1L 1..„ �:d to be more than a match for the Brus• them ever helped ale. In my opiniConmbes is improving, Catarrhq'rone is the o:.ly real cure f infant on of Mr. and bits, , I • •� • s ;•, eels lads as the game resulted in a score „ t 'NI.. cbrW and Freddy Lurch with MEN'S tiUI S. M__ 11 s :a1*91TS. Catarrh F. G. k:.r.deal. Christian Brinko was buried on Wed- tl:cir sister, Diary, of Paln.r_ratou, �vero I" REGULAR PRICE P-`.0')...... SALE Iii U.:L of seventeen 'to one iii, ftly er of Wroxeter. Minden, Out.,—`;I am delighted with nesda afternoon of last week. t• 5.00 • . , . , • Y vi.,itlu .bolt friends at Molesworth. Land l t]}o results front the use of Catarhazouo. , +t tt ,: I think it is the bestrewed lu the world Ueur„e Haney has been suffering; Brusssels. Thoc returned home on Mon- ! tt t: 7.00...... << t 1 Working; 24, He urs a Da " ,1,_ ,�.. 7.00...... ,7 p r tl Y• for Catarrh. Thomas Lo.,. severely, of -lata, with an affection of the (lay, , ; t, t. r tt •• �; There's no resat for those tireless little Brief extracts only, but convincin eyes. n ' +t `'S0• • • . • ++ �30) ` Not claims but proof. g• Y Geo. Times has Cilgaag;�tt with George 9.OU• ..... i U) ' workers—Dr. Fling's New Life Pills. 1 of. That s what the We have now a great depth of show. t` 10.00...... 't b.J') pec to tvaut before t endin theirmone S p DlcDcnalcl for the summer months. He a Millions aro always busy, curing Torpid p p g y' This winter has been unusual! free from ,. 1, Liver, Jaundice, Biliousness, Fever and We can supply over two thousand sial- Y • intoblads s,a_tmg, on or gout the 10t. of A2I;na'S UVERAL3�1t, with or without aprgn, srrapx ;, rv.a;l rye Ague. They banish Sick Headache, liar testimolliltils pact your xngnov back falling moisture, and, as a consequence March. drive out Malaria. Never grips or if you are not benefited, We will sena cisterna and some wells are dry. . Some tomo tal]s of a town hall being built . i made, and rivitu l sOIM3. „ �- Vit, weaken. Small, tasto nice, work. won- you a stamws or th I've e cent loutfitfor 10 cents faruaershave had to water their stock at in Jamestown. We hope it may be car- RI;CxL'LAR PRICE w0055....:, SALE I',,Iuu �0 Ul P dors. Try them. ` ec at Colic A. P Pete treatment far the river or neighboring creeks, but riccl out as it would improve Jamestown " 0.35...... " AGS P , g' n, Ont., Hart Polson we'll have lots of the "older than Adam , r t ,t •' 1.00...... " 0.7.5 �. : Conn. greatly. (, 1. t n drag • et young its tho morning dove" when._.....,. _...•..... MENS PANTS—ALL t S—ALL &ITN _y - X Cam bells, „g,ist•s. N. cti; Co. Kir rte ford, Y Y g • g :lir. alld Dlrs. . Wallaceidwere n'u P,o�0'uAAGer'o�ap�6osgiad�d�A0�saAd:�t�etR�.,�,�tr, old Sol smiles down on our snow banks. visiting ' � I'�'. their friend. , Mr. and Mrs. Shino's on PIRIOE X3.75 REGULAR PRICE 1.CA...... Sr,LL+ + ,a The auction sale of Edward }3osmwu, Sunday last. t, ,. � .t fti,,t _ •� �.€+ttg�1®®®�0t8®f3®®®(P+®dD�D®a®f9�®G9Go 1.25...... •° 1.L'J EVERY HOUSEWIFE � ®elea®a®cr®�®its®�°�®®®®a®Oo�atSs Morris, on Wednedsay of last week, was Christ and Freddie Lurch, of Palmer- tt °° 1.50...... " 41 1.21.) very large! attended and things sold ++ ++ 75 + ++ ` o Y o Y atrnt spent Sunday with their old friend, 1. ra... ; :. 1.55 11 c SHOULD i4�ti� C� a ''x well. .t t, 2.00.. t. 1.:)U ► g 6 ® dy }'gill Wright. tt tt ,+ c �y7��% 0 Joseph Warder has bought roller Will Stewart of and „ tt 2.50.... :, 4. JJ � V �i' tn,� � ii Y I a machinery for his grist mill. 01 lis, oil CD) d 5' EP SAL t9 g am+ �± M account of low water, Mr. Warderes had tltiYllliisses Simpson.idary were visiting � _ __.._49 " .... _. � 50_._ ... _..•.._........ � raehalx s Sabbath School will hold .••___ ( a Tyr s: - '03-1 to run his mill with Alexander Sg: Men's and Boys' Overcoats, L lstt.rs, Le: fe �.. •• .., 0 threshing engine, last week -.y < QO 0 a M their monthly social neat Wednesday 00 �/ (> Alpert Denman, son of J. J. Denman, March (,th � Q fD � • eS _ , evening;,, at.-am..ol Snell s. E1►T COST PRICE. 4 0 a eommorcxal traveller, took his fathers lar sP iagg;ie Walsh is in the grasp of Q) a place on the road last week, oil account o d. e)Having purchased the '00 of his father's illness., While Ed. South was making roads in MSN S WINTER UNDI;T.blEAR—Shirts and Drawers It will chop all kinds of btlsiness of T R. Mun- Mr, Thompson, ofFlowick, visited at his swamp his horse Licked him on the Regular Price Me..;.......Sale Price s5c Regular Price (S1.00 ........ sKtePrtroso,r5 c p ra J ® Phili Thomas' this week: t5c.......... ore I I • 1.a3 0 ,, ` meat, raw or cooked, and 8 shaw, I will keep a com- ® P log. It is well that lie came oft= as safe roe.•.• •..... o3c " " xro i �o t, <t , p Mrs. Burns and daughter, of Michigan, as he did as he had no bones broken. e all kinds of fruit and vee•• c ea r, " a plete line of • Watches, 0 are visiting the former's sister,, Mrs. c etables into clean-cut nni- 0 tae a ( Your money back if you want it. Q form pieces, fine or coarse, 0' Clocks, Diamond Rings, a Robb, senior, of Morris, who is ilY very s as wanted, without mash- < 2 Jem Rings, Pendants, poor health. . Got Corm? c• 4 Foolish to keep them if you have? No e ing' and great rapidity. It g � Stich: Pins, Sterling � He Go. a ,a fan ill corns, but lots of pain. Putnam s Q does away with the ebop- Silver Goods, Optical 3 Painless Corn Extractor raises corns in ` to knife and bowl en- ® o twenty-four hours. Geta quick crop ping a Goods. by raising it—, druggists sell it p ' The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank. of Hamilton tirely, doing its work in C01181111pooll L one-tenth the time and c roducin an absolute uni- as Eyes tested by the latest scion- w p g, xrzoxclsls. e 4 is tifie principles, A ---- �-• ..' ..—.. _._� form product. a Re axrmg neat! alld tom t o is destruction of -lung by a An unusual! large number have been is !) a Y P P ey Y g EAST WA1WANOSH. Howlex. ex. Per cutting ;neat it can. 0 ly dolls. A prostrated with la grippe in this vicinity @ The old stand !u Mason bloc!.. t9 growing germ, precisely as P !; pp y Its Fowler and Mrs. Richardson, of . ''A very happy evert look place at the not be surpassed. @ 0 for the past few weeks. A. F. Cole hask ' Sold by e ® a mould cheese is destruction been laid u for some time but is' about. Edmonton, N. W. T„ who have been residence of Mrs. James Gamble, of the 2 ' H. H. ® y y growing b p vision their mother Mrs. Hoover, of Fifth Coucessiouou^ February q a9 CHISHOLM ®alright again. Archibald Mcttinnes is g ' ' y 20L1i' Of cheese b ao'erm. Marnoch returned to their home on when her younge au•=liter Anuie .vas BURNS 104 very low with la grippe at pretput• Monde last. MrsHoover intends' united in marriage to Mr. Albe •t E. Jeweller and Optician. e If you kill the germ, you JohuMcGillnes, jr. is also ill with la yDae ee grippe. following them in the course of a Toner. The ceremony was performed i ©eb®®om0aaaeses�txeaoeesaau®rix® stop the consumption. You g O`vlug to the severe and stormy few weeks with her daught and son- by the Rev, Mr, Dub.,un of F ordwich, (Successor to J. Clegg & Co.) ©@O@ed®OsBe�DA®6®OSilS9®Alas®@©sa®m in-laws of Newbridge. and Miss Flora Jtaults of G.,r1ie played 1ot+VV�VVWVWVVVVVVVWVVVVN �'@@@e@@i000®t�O�@r9@®@OP9®A®m can or can't, according t0 weather, wort. was almost suspended Rev. Sutherland, B. A., of Toronto, : the wedding; march. last week. . tet .ride looked when you begin. John Wallace, who has traded farms preached an excellent sermon in Calvin charming in a dress c realm brocaded 1��3�i�1.�1.11 �•.��e�'i Take Scott's Emulsion of with Craig brothers, intends ]caving an on Sunday. His text was in Genesis. ]nstre, trimmed with creaua spilus lace - auction sale about March 15th, • to dis- the seventh chapter and part of the first and pearls and carried a boq.iet of carna- Cod Liver Oil: take a little verse, "Come thou • and all thy tions. There was a large gathering pose of Fergusonurplus stock. house into the ark." He said that as present, the preset)ts being uumorous .--• ".••�- Win. Felost a valuable ,cow Fairnishinos c ,, at first. .Y• y last week from heart trouble. jeo people of that generation em re- and coati c of it .i.: etuous u was House tic n It acts as a Donald Meiklejohn, who recently sold jected the ark of God to save them from ever all cart pal. of La s.l,:ll,tn+,us repast. ® �C_ -' destruction flew to the hill -tops to escape The rest of the oveuittg; was •peat with food ; it is the his farm will have a largo sale in a Yew His wrath so shall we, not fly to them, games and other ant is starts. The ` a easiest f O O d . wS. Cole, of Ethel, has taken the eon- but call upon them to fall upon us and happy couple left by G 1:', R for it trip Seems not to ,be troll of 'moving Win. Armstrongs cover us from Fila face. to Torouto, Bintivill,, N_Lp:tut•e and . � W. Love has bought Mrs. A. Hoover's other ga:steru cities. As our new Spring goods have arrived we are prepared •. . barn, in the spring. - • , uti:il food; makes you house and lot At Marnoch. Jolla Nethery is busily engaged get - to offer special inducements to our customers and the public in Mira Ida suet Dave Henry, who have —There is sola) till; ,tt Fi .•ll:lt,n of ,general in Carpets Oilcloths Linoleums 'C,henille 'and Lace hungry; eating ting out logs which lie intends having ' ' ' cut into lumber and shingles. He in- beau visiting their sister, of Guelph, ac= . a combine auxoug(• th,a grr•. packers, the Curtainsg Art Draperies, Chenille, Dam, and Linen Table is comfortable. g companied by their father, who went to competition havim; b,r,•., i, s•) keen and - tends putting a new addition to his barn too sa t of covers, and all cods offered b an up-to-date store to make a , Yougrow strong- the hospital with Mrtt• Henry a few PP Y port. s) 111111 d that the neat summer. •variuuK pork o,; ablishmeragitre not run- g Y P 'fhc senuine has weeks ago. roturued, Homo on Saturday. g p this picture cu it, er. Take more; We note with pleasure the promotion ninq at more than hair t , in- capacity. complete House Furnishing. take no other, p p Miss Mande Robertson is visiting of the worthy member for East Iituou ---••-- �•—• not too much; enough is a8;,i tho bomiiliqu Parliament. May the friends in Ashfiold at present. �r mug as you like and agrees Dr, long be spared to 1111 the office is tile; John Dow, wo aro pleases to see, is "Deride 1Y�t ��iy • g able to be out again. gg�� t , , , rf in newest and latest colors and patterns, wish of your correspondent. It has beets said that in la aohcrul in .LN1CZ3'� s a�ii f�t�nit aes. with you. Satisf hurl hunger Brussels, special value at 85c tt Tapes special •vale© at XOc u y y g Jas. Kelly, of Teeawater was visiting p p p y, p one of our cities of Ontario any quo of Zei7 him, rather, how io get rid o f th¢)n. )t " �?7?:C up with usual food - whatever whatever lvitlx Jas, G. Fyfe, 1st lice, daring the children tau h pinoti,ze the whole 'W'ool, G0c up. Union, Hemp, special value at 12?;c. Ilio week. y Most infirmifi¢s come from bad blood' and you fit e and agrees With OU. school. Does this belong to the present are cured by mood's Sarsaparilla. F-vety Also a few ends from 5 to 10 yards at half price, g y The contract of the brick veneering of qualification of an education: When you are strop the school hoose roar the Morris 'ibtl'n_ pirrson puha has scrofula, Batt rh¢arm, Oileloths in all different widths at 25e yard and up. Also a complete y g ship 11611, putting a stone basemen i' humors, catarrh, dyspepsia or nccumatt'sm stock of Linoleums to choose from, Sec our Chenille Cnrtattls, speelal at Strikes A 111eh Find, should al onee begin takln flus medicine x;4.50. Also Lace Curtains beat in the trade in patterns and quality from again, leave recovered your under it. ctcc., ryas lot to Dr A, Lowr3,is g I was indigestion for several years with that the Infirmity may be remo-ved. 2r � of Brussels, at .�58G. Building will be chronic iudi eatioli Hutt nervous chs- ,. p. t p y germ$ ara g Weakness- I have &M Ywc rs 50 D nipple Covers tfor 35c each. enille Table Caters for GOe. strength—the.moved rt, short c;istauces Southward ill bility," writes r.."1, Green, of Lances. dead • you have killed them, the same lot, ter, N, H, "No reme:ty helped sue tin- SarsapanItA fo my boy whose blood was Also goods by the yard for 8: c and up. ' - til I began rising 'Electric Bitters, wllit•t. poor. Re was -very'Meals, eoulditot keep Special value in 'White Linen Table Goods and Napkins, far surpass• if you have 'not tried It, send t,ive igtollt�tralltbil- did mtl-molwgo-il tbau all the 1nctli warm, and suffered .tram pains bt his ing anything Shown n the town. for free sample, its agroaabld chines I quer use(1 iTLey 1 avo also kept sfomaell. Hood's Sahsaparllta ntade him taste Will surprise you. Man or woman—lady preferred. "�Ve my wife in oicellent health for years. „ Calf and see these goods before purchasing; elsewhere, have pleasant and profitable employment She says Electric Bitters are just splen- sironq and , Pc nf6,s. t. C. Sfr:flan, SCOTT & EOWNE, for guy. nian or woman $it every post diel for fonlalo troubles; that they ars 7;riomas $t„ lyes¢ronto, Grief. C:hemist$, office address in Canada orUhited9tates, A grant tonic atiainvig,orator for wcnk,M t `i'iororito. for bill article of ft merit, whichsills i�tln down women. X6 other medicine l f�o� and 1..70; all druggist6 at tight. Exclusive territory given to call talto its place ill our family." Thy competent a' encs. Address X. C. Polson thein. Only 50c. Satisfaction gettraut• L' r w ■ Si Co.,, Xiugs dn, oat. eed by Coliui A. Campbell. • � , i, i y + l ' '�—.n+d.wAr•.__a,@�... __.... a.Jt�' ,-..JY..GI,iw:.fL.:....,.,;. �tiL:..tatl '� 4 _�