HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-03-01, Page 34 J T1 I v WIV-1 9 AV Ill X V, 1`i ?' . '� , "' I "Ww7r,14"Im , •I- - . ­ - L, ­1�� I .�-... . - -.--... -I......'' -1 --1 --.."....1. ­ I..'�...�--..�.I.ill'......,.��I -1 ­ ...­ 11F. 11�.. .. .� 1_---.,;. - -;-__ _­;is_�_1­__,_,_ _� . IrIA _410 I "All, -1 ­,,..­.­ _._ - ,�; 11 .. - ­,,...'.­ , , ­ " _ _ -1-1�1r,&­ - - , I 01 e - - --401--- _­ itait It was marlw4 with my nAm,� to -mve Ulm, - WX04 WIN rasom ,M* , .1 . I I �;,w plurize found Burrows gliax4t of us. &=s Aa onow, *V IM -W U210. .. - , Wid Plipping this Ain him madt- It up- 4 -tum I 1 ­ lie fOrratted out all that I -wish- .4 Go With Y % I " , I , locar Mai I bad boon aroused after go. cat ? Wboro ?" * ; �, ed to be discovered. I .con 11 To Now Haanfightrw Listen ! Your I %--�,", I . 1.q, to F,Jw-n 1,6-3 I arranzvd tl,�.- .1 --V ­,`► , I .., � 1. . i ililrt no that It tnuehed the wuun(l and itlyself that all would, yet be well, when husband, as you call him, went up tbero I - � I . ... . ;171r� I �, I Mr, PArnes at once clem.onatartod, the to commit a crivie which he had ,� ,;,�. 1, .. .. . 0 , .. ,., - . ll,,%vod .nollif! A,f the blood I , ­. to rock " " I .. , , " .. . . I/ - 14 "% - I 0-00 x -red an a mil,ric, antl fact That'Marvel could prove an alibi, threa . 11 .." �! 1'1�1' I .. .9 ./ , , i'lwl� , terled many years ago -namely. . . ,/.. - , , , through. flits sc, C i .'It - '. %". .!, � "��j "&? ., or else that Virgle must be onsl4ered to kill this man Lewis. He reached 11 .,.;.;.:. , , , 'I I f , il . . - 11 . I fireti at it Ili oriUr that there be it . 1�1 I . I 4 "",* I ... . . an accomplice, .the house and m(,t Lewis, I)vt the tat- A BRILPF STORY OF IN" �� 4 x", .�. Ie. %N � . I-allet Wile tbrovxla the gwarracrit And . , - fi,.,• f! I [ , I - -1 * I war crioualt to the Other for botla Md long awaited bla coming 4ild i ,,'�, ,�Jll -�� __1 I I "Thus I have no recourse but to ter lie W � f .... ! I Ole, The, truth must be known that Was prepared for his arrival. Before , ,I, , 21- ,Q� I o shots to have entered the Soma opot. 'ALL YOUX I OXON. �. .. -, ,!, .,4: 1 1 and the Innocent may not Suffer. It 113 your husband could carry out his de- _4_, , �.. . �_IL." I suppoFO that illy Ili trembled" -l-, .�. , II - n -cl his career." ,* . " ...*A :1 ,romewhat, atici that Is why, As the dov- bard that what I have so long and Sig a bullet .ended __ IV � � , "This Is terrible. Why did be, pro ? Pikl,011, 11f,14DA.01'.As, D=INXAS AND A, ".. -1.;.,1 , I . '. 11 11 ; . . ., ,I � '. carnestly guarded should at last be . -14, ., , 1 V4 ".Q-0M�00-".0-P-64rQ.0-0-Q` . - I - � . . � I I., - tor testifle(l, this wits but a sligtit - . d * I'l .,jl?�, - J. . wc,und and t1lo bullet paEsot:4 out revealed. I have been a victim of I warned him that the man would not irUDXXQ OF aolisuxT LANUDOX . � circumstances, rather than a Allow himself to be harmed," , 'I! "% lutill. It can be found In the floor, , criminal, ,, I , S ". I ; 1. .. - .�� ji , q" .,�_� I a P d It seems up -Just. I suppose I All I Then, as 1 supposed, you 0VRU(X)XF4—ll0VP1 r03 414111A* bor- .4 , n."'_ Z RMNUES OTT�LENGU 1, 1 of course, it It be deemed n 'elisary anti �. *,,,: " , lbl., . " knew his Intentions before he went, VASERS. � AUIliQR OF "AN ARTIST IN CRIMV,CTc. I to substautivLte my statement -in till I - � &Q-Q-04-P-004-D-O-*.-0.0-0-O-Qli:.w0.04�.0.0.04 �Q at should not have raised my hand However, afs he did not succeed you , I Iva;,. rq,ainst illy fellow man., And. though �- - ... I , .4" % " � cannot be held on that charge. To There are tlioustwds of 'youllt g*19 fry - . "Next, to nialce tile Identification It was, an I thought, In self-defense, COPYRI;N7.1297, BY G,P. PUTNAII� SONS. complete, I placed upon the finger. of SIM It Is true that I had long preirledl. continue, Lewis, as I have ,said, Killed throughout Canada,iii It.) owe tluiir gocd. � - Z ,,- mmlala the corpse the large diamond ring toted the killing, And so I bow illy Marvel, lie then Succeeded in making one ror berseir ane citle w,. -1.-n one in i = ._J::t'C Ire nr.13 ,.7XA7CVrtC`U, licad to the Stroke of fate. The one everyone believe that It Was his wv"n boliltll, if 110t; life itFelf, to the timely tended to send to 1)(11' IlUband on her . 1-011 him,: dress him In my clothing, and which I h-4 alveavo worn, and body which Was found, while bep4ss- use of Dr. Williams' Pinli: Pills for Vale, let it seem that I was the murdered NvIllch Is well. known. This was again Pong that I suffer Is that, after all arrival In Parls. This last was 'the fatailty, for this Is a ring- which he tbeme seara, my niece must learn wliat ed air for his son, Just returned from People. Amoug ,those id Mise Uau�d. Counterpart of tilt, other, save that mile wan, But as I must further be able a villain her father was, and that Uer vea, This m4ght have been a. success- ' had Ill.-, name, or rather Ills Initials, ert. i to account for my Own presence, I gave to my sister when lie engage,j uncle Is a murderer artil. a suicide. ful ruse had not a Strange Chain of - PAtt0XVon,w1_W!E0h0M0 is in Vito 3110illity graved on the tnjd 01180plotted to reappear As my own sell. her aVectiors. it was. with, some diffi. " I --in confident that Mr. 11arueo circumstances Implicated his niece In of StintlAroy, Ont. To a reporter who " To shorten my narrative as much I To this end I visited an academy on culty that I got the ring on,, fall leis suspects the truth, and that his Skill the affair, And despairing of proving, . �. . vwxhinzt9n Heights, and finger was much larger than minn.,,, her innocense in ally other way, lie Qd her, Xiiis , PA as possible, that 1 may surely finish it ' snokc, of (Again Mr. Barnes uttered an , ejacu� 1"I'll place him in a position to unrav,:�l Interview , ttersou saidt b I placing my son there, though I after- committed suicide, leaving 4 full con- 09evernlyearsago I btgwa to sufreir efore I all] (PSe9vored lic-re in lily re- v.-tard informed the schoolmaster � Aster that lation. ,%lid thought to himself :--1 L,,X. the mystery, Should he be the one, fer n,,# . treat, I will tit or.vr.� luOrne to our ar.; ) bad sent him elsewhere. However, Uctly, and it was so small a thing as as I think likely, to, discover my dead 100 . to do with from headfiolies,wita easily tired ent, 'rival in Parlo, It was with little dif- I interested myself In his Institution, that which led mo finally to suspect lx -Cy and this writing, it Is the last "I don't See what I have ficulty that I Warned at Arlarvel's y pic-yrr of a doomed man that It his all tilts." . And couldsee that my health was not -wheroabouts, for Ills ofilcial (1,utics rn,ide and offered to inalte ."me needed re- the truth, If the finger could not " You will In p-, moment. Then I Spent some time at the Swell after death, As the doctor claims fortile brain can Invent a tale where" It the what 6 had bi-- -it. At Ars'. I (lift nct truth is exposed, the knowledge must,. him a man of some note, Aly sister =1, and while there I wrote to to be the fact, then the ring should by Vlrgta could be kept In Ignorance COM(A to tills girl of .who and ,what think their -was anything serious the wrote a most affectionate letter tell-' parties out of town, enclosing self -ad- not have been so tight,") "I then of my sin )Is will exert himself to her father was, besides the fact that matter, and thou lit the trouble wouK Ing him all that had pased since he dressed envelopes for their replies, built un a roaring fire and held the that end. If not, I humbly pray her uncle ,killed him, This I.bave 4e - had left her and of this birth Of the These Were In due time returned to brad of the dead roan In It long enough tl',,Zt Tirpda will rardon me for the termined shall not be,, justice makes pass- awq.y. In this, ,however, I wap, Child. With It slin enclosed the lack- ' ,,Is properly postmarked, and It ,was t) Scorch. and disfigure him beyond mirery Nylitell I bo:vo caused her, that no such demand, and I choose to give mi-Stakeli, fc).- us tirm- went stn .i livoume et and portrait. This was forwarded, an easy matter for me to Write fIcti- recognition. I then laid him down she aye ]ong, years of happInc$s%, till 1. ' and she waited Impatiently for him to tious letters, as though to my son, and near the hearth so that it w ul(I ard that In tirne she may come to s. girl a future unclouded by Such A weaker, Tho lieadaQlies Attacked me. ') ap- past." . hasten to her ,!do. place them In these covers. These, p�-ar that be had dropned there and think oZ me as one who loved bAr .. _. - ­ . ... __ ­ � more frequently, my appetite failed; CHAPTER XVII. -Continued. , 0. when the time should come, would be had bslen burned afterward.. Ne -.t I clearly, and wbo now cheerfully Sac- (CONCLUDED N=T WEEK,) If I stooped I would grow dizzy tha& N .. But the clays passed and no word proof enough of my Identity, and as hurriedly Wrote the slitis of papse rificas his life to Insure her safety. . - &me. She matte every excuse for him, , I knew that years would pass before found by Vir-ple and the detectives, Arid now, God'a will 1,,e done, and may . I I would almost fall over. I became urrdnq that Ws new duties must detain 1 1 could use them I concluded that no through which I meant to point to ' IT have mercy on my soul," I 'e The oldest known sxterditu well w, s very pale, atilt alivitys felt tired and him, awl making other Amilar pleas In i one would doubt that they were genu- )..-Oung blarvel as the murde " Amen !" exclaimed Mr. Barnes. A . rer, fr -- slink at Lillers, France, in the twelfth his behalf. Meanwhile I Instinctively Ills, getting that science would prove that worn out. I was advised to try Dr, 'Wil - knew that he was but a heartless vil. l' Next I allowed my beard to grow death - had been Instantaneous, and . CHAPTER XVTIT. century. liams' Pink Pils, and I have reason to lain, and I never expected hint to lie- ,to Its full length, that being the style therefore that the victim bad not had There are ten railway lines in Rugland rejoice that I followed the advice, and have toward his wife as a tifan should. In which Marvel SIWAYS were his. I tune to make such an accusation. I;ETECTIVE BAV,NES SURPRISES At length, even Matilda commenced to I knew that his would be shaved as long " When I first bought this house, ,_PE TECT1VB BLIRROWS. 'and Walls, Ave in Scotland wad six in as I coutinuadtbeir uso. it soemea as. ; Ireland. tbougli day by day they were imparting doubt, until the thought entkred her ." he reinalned In prison, but r thought foreseeing the necessity for this crime, "A r able man destroyed by a cruel . brain that perhaps her letter bald,never that he would allw his heard tog I caused r m to be con- , chain of circumstances," thought Mr. The Abyssidian warriors alwaT reached hini. Then she determined to I again as soon allot e should regain his strutted, to do which it was only Barnes, as he concluded the perusal , s houcr new life Co me. My appetite improved, 'sef* him Ili person, 1 endeavoured to I liberty, as It hid a sear from EL wound necessary to close u.) the closets which of thL tale. He than leaned lits ,I- their king by a, band escort of 45 trum. the headaches disappeared, the palloi� dissuade her from thiff project, but It I that Would otherwise greatly disfigure originally opened Into the adjoining , was impossible' to detain her Find so I him. Then I dyed my whiskers, eye- Dow on the table. and, with his mouth pets wherever he goes. laft my face, the dim-iness, that bothered wont with her to his hotel. We ask- brows and hair black, in imitation of r"als, Here I had everything that I partly orien, beat a tattoo upon his ra,, so ml,ch also distippenred, slid I felt ed to see him, and were aho,wn into 11 would need In this emergency, and teeth with hts -finger ends, tt, habit of Petroleum occurs in. 41-erls, and -it, .a priyate rarlour connected with his Ills, my own being quite red, I had there -fore came to this room and quick- his when lost in thougbt and Intent Oran there is a tract 120 r. 4 th altogether liho a ii,,w person. I feel : no relatives, And absolutely lie friends . niflel; in jell suite. There we were allowed to wait or acclimintances in the North, and I ly shaved off my beard. Thera I wash- ul on some knotty' Problem. but a few moments and then we were determined not to revisit Richman ed cut my hair and eyebrows, using thus Tle S -'It tbatis said. to be exceedingly rich*in tbatlowentyrenevved health entirely, - 4. us fc r more than it quarter of 2n , . Joined by a tall, handsome woman, , Conseque�ARY I had all my 'Southern a liquid which I kept specially for this hour, and then muttered :- petroleum. toDr.Williatus',PU7, Pills, and as I who enquired wbY we bad called Mrs property' converted Into cash and for- purpose. Thus they Were restored to "I have It. That man's secret I know that, thlere are wally girls who. Said we wished to see Marvel I;, per- Nvarded to me. I then looked About tI,efr natural red colour. and would be preserved," 511a 1 It is doubtful if any other fruit could , -son, to which she replied : for a suitable place to live and select- eerily prevent my identification. Any Carefully placing the document in b3 found itt once so common, obetip vild suffer as I (lid I would urge them to lose " 'He is engaged at present, but I am ed Lee. . resemblance In face or voice I hoped 'his Locket, he then gathered up all delicious its dates. They are inost health- no tune in giving tbis me(licillo a fair big wife.' I "I did nothing more In furtherance would be accepted as 9. natural in- the writing materials that lay onAbe trial. " What !'exclaimed my sister. 'His of my plans except to speak to all of herltarce of a ,,on from his father. I table, his idea bell),- to prevent arty- fel and excellent for children, wife ? Won: an, you are mad ! I am my new friends of the son who had left my own clothing in illy sleeping one from. entertaining the suspicion ThecaseofMisq Patterson certainly his wife,, left me and had run away. I was room to give colour to the theory that that its dead man had left any telltale 01-hHdren Cry Ir -r curies with it a lesson to othexo who, , . "Plc o' *her (lid riot so mach as start. quite Young at this time, but 19 in fact. I bad retired. The dead man's effects writing behind him. Sati-ifted that i U may be pale, languid, easily, tiTeil, or but coolh', repile'l : although I WAS fully, matured and look- I packed in a satchel, except his over- this .Was accomplished, he descended ' " ' Ob, i � d much older. coat, which I slipped on over the - soil est to headache-, or the other dis- *f � ,, to the room below and awaited the - .., L . I ,ee ! You nittr,,: ba that I , tle K�_hel th.at h? Illat r%IV.11..1n rwu, Tile years rolled by and nothing sailor's suit which I had adopted. I arrival of the squire, who, fit due time, CAE'r;570, R ItAn ti-es'sing symptoms that mark the on - occurred to disturb the serenity Or our erally caught the train which passes came with Virginia, accompanied also have v"e* *W out that home in this little New England town by Burrows and Dr. Snow. mond. I heard li* ab' Lee Deziot at 10.419, and thus it will be In southern ni-ance, where Veer costs ward progress of anaemia. In cases of -affair. !-is told It to me before we were except that the Marvel family came Seca that the crime occurred while Vir- 11 Ah ! Mr.' Barnes," said the squire, * Viis kind Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ,viilt I married.' (T -Here Mr. Barnes uttered a here to reside. .This I considered an- gle and Young Marvel were together " Virgie tells me that you have solved 20c and milk 10c a quart, new Nviue. has . .3 more cerlaiii and speedv results ,particularly loud grunt of satisfaction.) other fatality, and for that reason I across the river. I left the train at the mystery of this murder." Well. lately on isle in uillinnited quant -L 9LV . 'So You have come to ciaim, him, now did not move away. . Epping. Here fate favoured me, for "Yes, Sir. Chance has favoured rie,Ces at 2c a quart. . than any other medicine. They act; that he Is somebody of consequence. 11 At last earn* the birthday which a hotel man gave me a lift In his wag- and I am glad that I have Succeeded In ' promptly and direo0y, making new,, Quite romantic, I,declare, but It won't would make It necessary for me to ex- gap, and clairsed that he recognized saving the accused ,without the necessi- "Better but than in"-tbat bumor that -do, you know. He will never acknow- plain more to Virgid, than I had ever me as young Marvel. So I admitted ty of a trial." ynu notice. To be sure it's out and all rich red blood, and strengthen the ledge you. . . S;pt done. After dinner I was listen- that be had guesped my name. Leay- "Are you sure you can do that?" out, take Hood's Sarsaparilla. nerves, and ocirrAot till the irregularities " You forget yourself, madam,' said Ing to Squire Olney, but at the same Ing him, I went to the old house be- asked Burrows. incideritto this critical period. ' L 'By your own words You have ad- time f was moodily thinking over the longing to Marvel, and here I burned 11 Oh, yes. I could demand lKarve,l's Six lannOred thousand persons are em- 'mitted my sister's claim as this man's past,, with its terrible memories, when the articles that I had In the satchel, discharge, even though I hail not dis-ayed in the electrical industries of the Sold by all dealers or sent post paid pl wife, and therefore must see that you young Marvel asked to speak to me. among which there must have been covered the real murderer. for T have at 50 cents 1;, b*x, or six boxes for $2.50. -are not his wife it all., I was then startled to hear him, an- some wire, which Burrows afterward, the disguise 'which he threw Into the United Staten and about •0,4,000,CC0,C00 ressing the Dr. Williams' Xvdi- ' "' Oh, Indeed ! How pleasant of You other Walter Marvel, declare that be; to strengthen his theory, erroneously giver, &lid In the vocket of the vest -. W 'inve, by ade, . C., Sted ill fl, to come and tell me I But I tell You had won the heart of my little girl. claimed was 'a Dart of a set of false I .0m. eine Co., Brockville, Ont. It will not do. He will not be bound Was it surprising that I should act as whiskers. Next I hid -the pistol,., found the locket which he said 'wolv!; I tau such a rnarris�ge -As your sister trick- I did and deny his suit, or that fir my * 90. be there.,, I Tit 1600 there wero in till the world - - ed him into when lie was a, Prisoner.' anter I should blurt out the Piece of plate which had my name. Burrows was astounded, but -,vas un- less than - shipbuilding yards. To -day "I thought it best to take my Ste- %irr.. 11 a part of engraved on it, and which I broke frpm willing' to give up his pet theory with- fliore Are more than 700 sbipbuild.ing ,Eggs In Wintor. . 'ter Away, but she 'would not stir thetruth ? The events which follo:w7 the satchel. 'Ell rearranging the stones out a struggle. . . . . The whole problem of -wiutur feeding "' J will not go.' said she, 'until I ad are too well known to need iteiia- I -did so In such a cltmsv %vkty that " .1 -low ,do you,account. for the Initials yards, turning out a tot.il of 1,000 vessels have seen him I' . tion here. ,So I Will come at once to anyone would discover what was hld-� of the accused being on the lock-Ot fir eggs can be expressed in one short I "' Oh ! Very ,well, if you insist'. the night of the murder. den beneath. found In the dead man's hands?" yearly, sentence—tutu winter into suinifier. " I was sitting In the parlolir., Pon- ' Though it Is useless, I assure You.,. It was now but half -past elever4k '. "'The also appea Public schools in Tennessee were opcu This is easy to 'say bull, vLry hard to,ac- dering bitterly Over my position. I had t t , ' " .,r on the one which e$ Sy woman turned and left the room and; thinking there was sufliclell Ime t found Ili the vest and which I havO 93 3 days last year, and the average. cost A moment later Marvel entered. '. begun, to realize the fast that If I before me, I threw myself on the bed here. You may examine it, and you � complish, and t1io best we can dd is to should Pursue the course which I had . "'Well, madam,' be began addres- I and tried to sleep. I had not been will observe that it is the facsimile of of tuitiou per pupil per mouth was $1.07. supply some of the conditions 'which ex- , begun and should prosecute Marvel, it there more than two or three ligurs, the other. Thus It Is plain that there I ,sing my sister, 'what can I do for, YO,119' 111USt be at the cost to myself of Vir- however, when L heard someone enter From the first of December to the 15th ist ill summer. "' Walter-' AV spare . gle's love. I was debating as to the the house, I started up and sprang were originally two, slid I presUma "' Excuse me, but You may most sensible course to adopt When, U -It li� a coincidence these are the of February., a period of about 75 da�s, The fast essential is wArmth, but it Yourself. I have heard from my -,vlf*e to the wIndow. The boughs of a huge initials also of Miss Lewis' mother, Mrs. Jas. Coulter, of Brant, sold 100 most not be supplied by artificial Neat, suddenly, I heard a pistol shot and a elm -were quite near, and I easily step- She is not certain, as She only knoWit - . "the object of. Your call, and, besides, bullet broke through the pane. I Ped Into the tree. Here I remained one of thb names, 'Matilda.' The dozen of eggs from 89 bans. E.-gs during as this makes the fowls tender and sus - 31 received Your letter, and so am Jumped up, hurried to the window, and hidden by' the dense foliage, for despite Other must have begun with ""r., " all. this time have been selling at about coptible to colds, but by warm houses,tot aware of all the circumstances. I distinctly saw a man grappling wind the danger, I could not resl&t the curt- 211r. Barnes know better than this, regret the whole affair, I assure you. my dog. The snow had ceased to . w Qslty to know who it was' -that was 111 but he tat] decided to suppress the 20 cents a d ozen, or in other words 39 heep oat the wind ll and frost and Ca- . and since there Is a child, which You fall, and there was light from -the the house. .In a very few moments. truth, and therefore he accounted for hens earned $20 in 75 days. This serve the natural heat of the birds. say Is mine, why of course Anything• moon, which was* Visible through the light appeared, and clearly slay ld w this point as best he coup. He then. 'that 3; can do In a pecuniary WAY to clouds as they broke away. I thought , athat it , tAMarvel him- related the me. seems to ba making money reaswitably Drynes.§ is next to bo con,idered, and relieve Your wants I would be. most tills was yours Marvel, and that he .. 1:1 - means by which he had Millin:-'. had deliberately fired through my win- self. Everyluting. seemed- to favour recovered the bundle, -and BurrOWS, at fast. I thisL9 best brought about by keeping . " 'You villain V I befran, and was daw,'in pursuance of the threat made. my plot.. Avalt'.Ing until his light was the conclusion of his tale, exclaimed : All official of the Toronto Board of the house clean and the floor well, liter- -about to grasp him by the throat'to on the day of the party. I had seen extinguished . amin and until I could Well, Mr. Sarnes, you have entire - .,strangle him, when my sister caught Virgle Pass through the parlour and 811P out of the tree without Attracting ly overturned my theory, and the Only Trade gives the following figures as the ed with straw and some Absorbent ina- me by the arm and,, -with more calm- leave her pistol on the mantel; so his attentloft .T afele - silently away. I ' satisfaction left to me Is that the inno- value of the output of grain in Ontario serial likechair. a chair. Also ventilate little ncss than I could have expected, quickly possessing myself of It, I fired 'wallked to New Mark6t'Junction, Where cent through . by the vAnd we overy mild day by open. � l. th early morning train for ent will not be made to suffer thr _ during 1900: Fall wheat, $23,000,000; 1 q Said :- at the retreating figure. At the Sam_ me." I 1. INIV• P "You in- them it little, according to tile weath- "' No, not�that 'wav I Re must suf- moment asecond shot was fired, this New Market, for, though I could nas- . : Barnes," said the squire, spring wheat, $7,000,003; Ifarley, - fer as I shall. T must be &'venged, time ato-im fly have continued .an to that Place have not told us yet who the murder- er. This wU1 catryout niolistrile, purify . e, for It strUbk me on the . $17,000,000; oats, $D,000,000,1 peas, ir y but death is too tame for my 'Wishes I' head, though it inflicted but t a slight. oil foot, I wished to give cOlour to the er Is and how you discovered him." Tot, 'With these Words she hasteried from wound. story.' which 'I - intended to tell, of hav- "It Is very simple. By An unac- $14,000,000; rye, $2,250,000. ,l Vile air and keep tho fowls acotistomecl the room. Hardly knowing what to " I learned at the inquest that these Ing• conte from Portsmouth, by being_ countable prejudice I suspected that $I52,0()0,0f',0, to the outdoor temperature, so they will. -do, I followed. We entered the car- shots were fired respectively by Lucas seen to leave the firoper train. Dur- this man was not what he claimed to . not be effected so much by the extreme - 'ride . riage which awaited us, and were and Miss Marvel -the first accidentally Ing this snort r * Ide the condiletur point- be. You recall his Story of having A Torouto firm advertis.'d that on re- ly cold spell.—H. J. rUnnobard. borne to our hotel, Matilda keeping and the second deliberately, thouzh at ed ont to me two men and told me been at school In New York, I re- ceiptof$1 they would send, "securely - Silent during the trip. As soon, how- the time I did not see whence the lat- that they were detectives. it was paired thither and learned that no such I -ever, as we were In our parlour, she - ter came and -supposed that 'It. was these ,same two that X.afterward re- bay had ever been there. Mr. Lewis, scaled, a beautiful bound book of 400 -said :- - from the man's weanon. cognized at the saloon, when the It -seems, made a present to the acad- pages full of good things; every sport It is alleged that Mr. Carnegie 'will11 ' John, go. at once for a, lawyer I' " A. very few minutes after this I squire informed me that hryas as taking' emy years ago, and this man must should have one; , the most wonderful have an income *15,000000 ayear now. I immediately divined her Intention heard the knocker at my front door. detectives to my house. I was start- have found some of the letters which ;and went out, onIv too .-)ad that at Th; king that It might be young Mar- led, ndt unnaturally, to learn that e,.,- Mr. Lewis received while stepping book ever wrixten, French acid English fie purposes r0flerving $3,000,000 a year last this fiend Was to have his deserts. verienced men would be on the scene there, and, using the envelopes to get tratiblation; prohibited in some for his porsoual expenses or privito exp 11 It Will suffice here.,• to state that . vel still desirous of injuring me, I of the crime so early, and in my agi . - the dates right, forged the encloged concluded to go 'prepared and took a tation T almost bet4jayed myself, as I. letters 'Which he showed to You." countries. "A usually wide awake citizen ( penditure, And the remaining t,velva we readily had Marvffl arrested and my hand. I did not again -tried, for, howc:Ver lax the Parisians , 'i've"Pon "' e's, fat I had time to think )enow, Isi,cause Burrows questioned me " Then you 'Came back here, I sup- of Mitchell sent $1 and received a 15 millions he means to have Spent for the . tat Vir I may be In metals. bigatn.v Is & crime• 15,6H 6,gtifng, and as I was possibly afterward. pose, to arrest him ?" I there, as elsewhere, and with but little " Another unexpected event was " Exactly, and I find him dead. That cent Bible in return. If she gives the benefit of the publie. The mail who About to take a life it occurred to me. when my (!a.- recognized me at the i: careful study it may turn out that (loss this ha.t; the pleasure of seeing dur- trouble we secured his conviction. His that it would not do to use VirzboUse and Platnl showed his friend Would seem to provq that he feared w0r) •appolrltment to his foreign mission had Y - discovery and took his life to evade the money wm woll invosterl. ing'bis lifetime that his,morley is being - .pistol, because ft hag her name on it. ship. 'Strange ns it may seem, this, arrest. Howeveri that Is not sufficient . hastened h1i 'Odiiig s,firoad, but the, At the same moment it flashed across passibility, obvious as it Should haVd for me. I must find out the exact ob- -!= . - Nvisely expended, of oball-Ing, the form, newspaper had made a mistake in say- my mind that young Marvel's also been, had not even occurred to me. A —_ - _­__­._­_ ­_ .) I � Irg that lie would take a, wife with - bore his !lame and that It was In my Jett of this crime and will do so. I ; f 11IR bOnsiloellefl, Should he find it a. him. He had been engaged to marry man who commits a crime always over- Promise you that it you will del" the Inis! ako, and d1rPrtiog it to other all&, . possession. I took It from the draw- looks something. I -,yes .so taken by Inquest till Tuesday, so as to give the 'this woman. but she And her Parents er where I kept it, and -,vent to the, 1A.Tarible C ol, U � a h inn -O riseful ffirections. had been arerdirg -some months In surprise ,.!lat I scr.reely knew what to a rhance to 'follow up EL clue, which I , Paris, and their weddirg had taken frcnt door, where the man outside was do" for the animal' Is So savage that have, I will endeavour to clear up the - I . . place there only a, short time prior to &90n knocking. T onened it and a It would, of course, look strange to whole matter." I I t 11 � . - _ -our arrival. Thus the crime had been boarded mail entered, When I sau, the Squire to 'see him fawn upon a The squire willingly Acquiesced. Mr. 6". . tbat-It was not young Marvel, I led � " - W I - , N punishable there. - t1i6 "way back to the parlour. Re- tempt at explanation, but, poor as It speedily as posSible and learned from I �t, A c'3'00 ""'zc (01""I � A Committed French -soil, and was stranger: However. I made EL lame at- Barnes hastened to NOW York as - Mv sister nlalntafn� big there. I faced the man and ell- . � I i - �, lrk-o ;� -ed her strength, and Appeared at the . . Was, it served to lull suspicion, the spy 'that the ,livorrian had made no / � I . 11 I � - - clufred his name. "That night, As fate would have it, effort to change her place of rest- , I trial to testify against Marvel, A cir "Walter Marvell' be renlied, `and "' Vor InTwats and CIAlak,on, .4curristance which greatly assisted In I I was assigned to niy own'rob"i, arid, dence, perhaps realizing the useless- - . your day at reckont arrived.' affair; it laud ....... 11 I - Securing his conviction but Im- n' , thinking over the whole aff - eels of so doing after What had taken . . 11L nt I was _I , ._1 - For & Marne. "" ll"� denly occurred to me that it post- 1) -iont. at I , � became quite there A I did �, V. h In - nedlately after Shor not h r. were lace In her aDartn He went in remember that e two 51111M �� _ '.1 fra Americo, � 0 inortem. would reveal the fact that one once to the hotel, and, Sending his I I ), .L I and died before X returned to Am, . Who bore this name. . I 410.1411,yo I owry � 'Thus,cads. the sad hlatollY Of illy Silh, 4. That is litilicissible 11 I exclaimed, wound bad caused Instantaneous name up, was shown into her Presence. _. of ae �,-V�l � .W./. wn,ppoil ter and herwronas. Now about my- 'I do not recognize You., I death, And, for all that I could tell atsoon as lie entered she began : V . �Self, that thee, this other. inight, be of the 11 I do not know why I ba,Ve allowed - I I I . I 11 At the trial, when Marvel wag sort- "' You 'will in a :moment,' he An' ,iarne ch&r&etp�. -However, I saw ata you to Come up to, see me !" I I'll , I . iwored, And put his )land to his hip '-'I' a n Way to explain 11 I do 11" replied Mr. Barnes, ter" I I tented to the full penalty Of the law- mcktt. Immediately I understood. � 117. I , I . ,w,)re- ,Lo-- woon phos,phonve, lie started up and uttered the inosi, the Presence of the paper which I had "Then tell me." I berrib)e InVeCtIVes Against Illy Slater. This was the older Marvel, and the Written Would be by supposing one 11 Curiosity-" If people would only tretti coughs Ancl k The Great English lumay. .. I -2 Sold And recommended by alt 'Then, turning to me, lid said:-- time had Come for him to take Iny life I�Otind. to have been inade by either -you are clever. NOW, satisfy my colds in time with Dr. Woorl't Nohvay , druggists in Canada. Only rell- I J -1v.- 11 ' As for you, who have hounded or for me to U11116 his, of the shots which had been fired. curiosity." Mod Syrup, bhord would be fewer homes , � able medlethe dise6ydred, fift ire down, I Warn you that when I got "I wan certain that Ito was at that from the lawn, In thftt event the Do- "I came here to tell you a.11 that I desolttob. . - eka. 03 guamutted to dur6 91 out of this trouble, wherever You may moment getting out it ueapon, though, sition of the wound on the body would . have discovered." . Tho severeritcotit,,;�so6lIcloolat4,broneliitia fir is of k - Coss, all effects Of ablift bide away, :1 ,will find you, and I will as it proved IateP,It must have been that Iclail the detectives to search for thil •- I' NVell T' Arid orooF, taiatiio first stages of or excess, MentAl. Worry, 9iteessive 119" Of TO* as ovitlence of his identity hi. i CONMIAV- bh000, Opium or Stimulants, Mailed ot XcefPfli .kill you, so beln me God V It Was ' meant corresponding hole through I" 010- ,11 was engaged to find Your hUr.- tion. yio a readily to this powortill, lung. 8,ck&gefit, sig, $r,. 0ngwjUpUa*0 terrible to hear :him, and its be spoke to show me the locket which my Sister thirg. 1, therefore, determined to se- b,aud.,, � heallingrobmelly. %A11111AVOM110 Vanifiblets free to any addiegs. I knew that If ever he Should have had sent to him. I think that he trete these garmento In this Apart- -Yes. Go oil." Read what �116 Thng. Cttrtat, VorthT.tort-, The Wood Cowpakxy, Windsor, Ont,w tilt, clance lie would execute 'hip wished to know where his daught,V moat, and to -lot their, disappearance ,dl hAv(%. found lllq t1cl;4 was before going to axtrorMittes. Be be a part of the mystery, . .1.6, ont,aays., III tatught a, severe told, villich Wood's 13hosthidbto 1,; $.-old In winglinin bye thi-c"at. � wh 11 'Where ?11 . Ottled oil tny throt"t fill(l lulto, so that 't Colin A.- C.Airip ell, A. A. Ty,, orrow, .T. E. Davis, . that as It inay, I thought that he ,was "141verythilig went 'as I had planned, txe 11 &- L.Hauillton,Druggimts. 11 It was the certainty Of this 11 Where I told YOU that I Would- ,could o6trooly upeak r.bove, a wbislipt, Ir - I, E,tigmted me In my subsequent course, about to raise Ills hand srallist rev o:tcopt that the paper fell Into the left this City with ;I murderous intent, . .. I concluded 1:1 At when we should life, and so, having a, pistol Already In hands of Virgle, And led her to be, , , also bad a terrible cough whiphilly frii'llaa . I and I looked for hill, In the vicinity Of . �: , 12 f 5 - it eat one of tis Must (lie, and X felt lily hand, I shot him, and he died al- lieve, 11, young. Marvels guilt. Tit thought; worild send Inn to my gravo. I .- sOUD ,;-,,, most without a strugale. U4, the orhile," '* I .11 , , made it but right in her efforts to r,,tve him. ,she herself' 4e RC Ila$ not killed anyone. I , erellb towlediet; but 0 fili e(I to do I """, . '�,�,rs- 8 OLD► ' thAt ('0111111611 Justice will tried div -1. I i., v tll,..t lie should bit the one, Nlot flat- 11 I at once nroueeded to carry Out became 'entang-lod. 31% the affair and ,lot believe it,,, bid all y gtotul until I to, A Dr. Y" .,Autla IN or- W d�l't.'auttAl . , ,. , 0, , ,�, illy lon- prepared plan- . 411 Ing the death of MY' 0 - I Strilil)ed the even accused IlLmelf of the crhaie. To fity plans. Veit . I . - vwq! 11 T., , , , �� %8,l,A1a-,l(:,.11, � fX Istled With lift"itetl 11 No. Ills An cted On way 1:3ine Svolvl� b1i'l %!.n ,�Zr,w�,�:a C! 01-.6 I �,11 " -, ret p "juter, hr. Must also , 11W.I.N't euttfug tile 14.1olle"As away, With provent the consequenc-es of this. I lo.d i -.L,-,N With PrqAf!. %, '1111 I pal"I .,# or o, . iatl, Or And Illy lilmsill?", 40.litlocor,.,21.,!!,Ac.kve.,�--:� ­-, " 11 IF I- , I go I made m) mean ?" .----- ...__.._._­ I --k. .", 11.1111, KIbIA-111, ,., illrfaten Illy life. .r the excel3tlon of th(j long coat, WhICIT, MT. I'larites to Wherc, lie would find tbe 11 114,11at do YOU I Pat'l�,l�!,Itl.c,n,."1-11�l-titl*,,Iiki,x. ,,o. - _­_ - . . _ . . - ft.".-trm., .. l(1­cli:i,h,- . L mug- t with much difficulty, I succeeded In evklerloe. which I Ittid manilfactured ,, I -It, is dend.1- ­ tillo,,Itllol�l,,stha-;r.iliov?zly�!- 1. 11% )I,,. If lie Should conte with , . . NV.%,.,q,f"t,,I%.-,tletT)�llp...,I�"!.i�II)IC'Iwt.r.,;K)Ilint,;,I�.Z.� 1. I 11". , - - , 1.1,,11-vril. I NJj,,1ht,(I to 11 ldf:rolful 004 !" I , fliltht-CAU4,11111ra, 1,1ft0v;tll!A 1� , . ly 1-fil-ous Intbiat, I NvOuld be rcadv, and I rcill(ivilit, wil,hout &�,;troyllig, as I` (Is dgkilust yciting . , eo, - -• ­!- �1; 111-1141QO-Ilt ..�,-t,,,�t-,,Tltl%i,iz�l?o.lt.fl(�it - 0l1,1i3Orl.A­. . I - (Ild nt,t, ,'.l:;";.-.i� - - -!,k)f"4.V. ,it,. 1-1,1.. tvi 10 thtemolit 0,11.1 %vou-mll for. — f foremw thilt U . ' ' ' , '11l� A 1 ,�6 U;1,11 th It N no burnt could averull. elded to w,lar it a,%m; from the houqe. mmAin bohind to wai-ch for tho bundle ,, yoq, the Alrnlr,dity Ims boeri Mflr- y Pv-' l','. I Stu -il,.A' " , &tec. Irlit!rp Ava:.4 not a 1114yalent's d0ay, Por which lie clatr*ed to have thrown Into ,t!fi,.,l to blot It WO C61191dor t1w WlAnt, nl+ ,,--;-:�l"-Ik.tll..,,11-';--;,'.�.-�I)IIII�,i,-�ili�e.l,!�l";i! . '111le d I ,iinitlio"Lnttol"lldtlifs1mrin- , shrew � . 12h, •.�. : .4­:�Iglli, !it , A.1-flIv. Eli .111,11(. Egliary ,ovor that till,4 man I hall lulm I.. � V. , bxm roady fo" this 011011- i ths, rivtv, ouiil wbItill I ,kroytId have do- fl,qt lie had don "nil litill tiliAltatod. tinti,ii,�lid(;t)f,i,iloml-IN,-bltin.q I i i'vo woulil dw( .11" ­,Ihll*­ 11�A. 1,1-7r9v IT.,d v,0l:11Ztur1Im-:­.,d ,I ill ),:!I,( nt1I.,.l^m1-l.l �­lk. Ila,j (.l -o,,!4, "lit , it IL01CY and w att..,d proniptly. I Rot ZI 4troved If I bred fountl it, Mit tho I Ills vietil-as bays. V,1.1r-*f!r(,(1 far more 0--i - ", , ,%w'f. V!.",N'.1*..';. 'i,,liD4',V�IVS�ill.',,Itti,l�lilt?,ILkit _(I the o(qlan to voini " ­. 'I"A 2,11JVIUW,-�ill;31lt - i,l1!rtp. Tl-,akIn!r 13un,, i.rbrtmd '(1f.teeUvo woul:1 tjit I ll,,N,r me I %­.! 114ow, lilallw-% lot In toille to .... netxa t*.rIl&!,-ialt1 I O(Aul-lillilwd to I"t It ap- •­*�_ L.f. -.'- Iwv.,, A . I'll..- " 7,1� OV , ... . . . �-.� - I 1, �, I I ' 11'. " I DUA 03h.,.'k-',V., V. i;VAG4 0. - k._tc,il�!�.chl,t'.*Db,le�114*�,;��plyc, .. - 0 .