The Wingham Times, 1901-02-22, Page 5a t; ' HE 1' ING11AM TliffEiS, F EBRITAU 224 190I,X]RAIWROOUR t� } '+�n g �9 14'Att):i,J�1I:It• 1ti:I.(..tCA.�'J.. •�t�� _ 1 1 r 1 �1 U..1. ,4a,:: ll Walken, relict of thv pato i ICF+ 13ztunal x'� pial t of P.,1 rf 1 � � �� saiii11;•1 Nvuiw r, dicta on I'ebruary 11th, rrcrlt]It olturo:i sha,vs (;i ftilrtl' t ;; In ` Ris 1"t�:trEl. �)('.t!:'aLS('d witfl ()It(9 Qf tilt] ('(]ill!('( til)Ix 1]:lk1S tits! C<)+:,°:'.';;ftti0,l. `� ls(+ • o'x• ly jittar!•'rs of this r, wt:on. Urs. in^,Ilii+rrsltil) itl(lrt+:lr c�tl darivg 1, C) 1 y W. anal now unni1;•ro, 113. The x c (pp.s EMgr �q Y i�c� g (��±/j f� 1� Y.ilkr'r canto to this country who,, the , V Ei�,�r�J OF V"JEi`TST �tl 0 ALL C-, URI �li �i("110EMw� gr lvi itoad wio in vor-mo of, vullste"le. It'r Il oiolis alit'atiml t(:vti::1. :1 1 a i"it•:i t tion. d.t r faulilJ• c:t il;hr:illy con`iskeri cf l; ip�•'tiJ nte(ived by thii Woman's Ir orel.um l twelve el;iicla-11, four of sthopi,havepaq• T,tiyaiouatl t3 oicty. Tho T•a+ii+t;' A:tl! sed tth o e; gtavc. 'Thoso roinamug aro 'pa)rt res flits id tF.".310J. ll What '�Vxdgawalto Times C,orxeBpnndents Goxiiz:'ltul�lir?;tto ^-� other iirpart, cif whir Thos., of Tarnberry; (;kris, of Idowiek; IYaa 07;pc11(1ed oil the clt;;:ch, vvorlc, :Ind F. 4 Items Clipped From Our 21xchanges. Willlttnl, of I'urt .Darw('ll;"' Joitn. of Vic, balance re.unims ort hnrtcl. 1.]o fit+- aacial n- port shows; zi total of '^"l, 3111," Ulllairi, Nc,); li(lury., of Midland, Uttt; l 4 '^ Mrs. A. Wolls, of Wroxeter; Mrs. And. and file session fund xe ct(;irpts of :; ") M. Vioods {� :diTS•"xH:7.AD. row -Thompson, of Carltoriy, l4iatl.,,alt(1-----, On Wednesday of lay!, week cleatlr 'ho lilts Jamos Boll, who iliedo'f heart , J W. Y. sorsa A Hs:4a c:4'if3 (Yrt)c:stn:t: ,1, i;. aryain visited a 1loruo in township, , Mrs. Ttvicl(ly, of Brooklyn, failure on February 0th, was born in All - The the au)luld Ilicetim'; of the Ilowiclt ' 11]:tett t::,eii,; . ani, after a brief illness ie (sway Mrs, trim county, Ireland, in Novowbor 181`3, , °X St. Thom s, ()1st,,— .r t w Mutual Vivo Iusurauce Co., was held tit Catarrlwzonc for impttred hearing, and , Wan. Grainger, who resided with her and was marrlei. to Miss Mary McKeever, Gurria, on t+': b. 8th, whou everything,have boort mulch bouefxtc d by its son, Jo1m Grainger, of the C lino, also of Antrim county, 53 years ago, , use, so 1.11101 thar I The deceased vvns d arli it England passed WT vary satisfactory. The two , �. T a do 1 Ln„ an 1 cn After spending about 4 years of married can IIOvv 11('ar quite well. I ain i ecnzlt• ; retiring directors, Messrs. Jas, Edgar Invildilig it, to Illy friends.11 Tha,s. Itiddlo. Feb. 27th, 1820, oriel had thus reached r 1fPe In the land (it their birth they l ami- and James Wylio vera ro-olected. ':Cite Fully nide teatin; of Case', of imp:.rcc1, ¢� t.. � r" ► . '.•,�y the advanced ago of i1(ttrly 81 years. �( gr.ptcd to gnnadli it11S4pi and s tit. li 11� boar,1 will now be Pres., John R. Miller; hearing arise front Catarrhal Irritt'violp, iZ, � �(� � �� TO Nelson township, Halton c unty, w ere � There is no (uestivll as to tits (+ills ate ow � �' �— '� °ki Working Overtime, leo Pros., Intl, I,r3ons; W. S. 11icKcr- i yLA 8 they lived 10 yeani., 'They then moved cher, Iso Ticas; directors Messrs Catarrim.,nne fit case+s of inipate(1 hear. ! i y- • ' ' , ill tireless little workcrs� ignored King's Now ose to East tiVavvauosh and settled on put 37, . Edgar, Wyliv, Scott, Win, McKercher many t�estimouLilsetdruilar to tl enaboti o ll;;: z Life Pill.. Millions are always at work, sou. G, vvlliall at that time was a complete all[i the Fresideut au(i Vice President, emphatically proves. Any ora snfi'ering .,? All. De Dartme i,a 1,.: e I@Gw �::C ,Ili v i '� a e night and day, curing Indigestion, Bil- wilderness, and where they continued to in this way call test Catarrhozone by iousuess, CoustipatO), Sfelc Headache reside until the clay of Mr. Dell's (loath. — sending us 10 cants in stamps for which additions of th;; latest nov eltie a far .sa .- in and all Stotpach, liver and 13owe11 Tho xiln,g of Corn Carei we will promptly mail them trial outfit troubles. I+:asy,ple]sant•, safe, sure. Only The deceased was a man of sterling Ts Vatinau's Painless Corti. Extractor, sufficient to demonstrate its great of- �' :T►7ear. we are, del;eY°nai ed to keep this �Yusi- 25c at C:v1iu A. Campbell's drug store, quality, upright sail hottest in till l>rs crowned by years of succer.s, regal ficae.y. N. C. Polson cls Co., Kingston, dealings with his fellow mon; a man bet- because 1lmapproachecl and unapproach- Out., Hartford, Conn. +` ?�G?SS abreast of the UMO S, and show only , loved by all his neighbors and many able, holding sway in this continent ow- nT(Dliiraa. tv lila snpc,riorft Putman's Pailtiess �� ASb,3,onab tc', Up-to-date ,(t,';Oodo t MONEY - friends; quiet and humble ill his voca- _� y, John Mooney, tax collector for Morris, horn and Wart Extractor, Sold by al IIAS. Jv AWA:io,tHi'• a , tion and loved and cherished by Itis f n has returned the roll to the township druggists, or seat by mail by N. C. 3.'o xl. Corley is visiting relatives and "�"� pl°lC£'�, family and partner in life. In polities sou & Co" Kingston, Ont, oil receipt friends in Victoria count The chief called f r, having collected all the ironies he was a Conservative. In religion. he 25 cents. k y' called fon except $x.80, which was re. I was afaithful and consistent member of point of interest to him is the old home- r , . t turned against the property, S;� lot 20, stead, whore his parents have rasideclfor New Dress Goods ;\e4v (tuts i the Presbyterian church, His widow, r , con, 7, thoreby liberating his bondsman. a' iat.ua,t ALU. 63 pears, His father was born in the New Liningre New Gingbiunq �! The total ainotlut called for by the roll ono sou ands en daughters mourn ills ' as Tuesday afternoon was excoee,- reign of Goorge III, and consequently New Trimmings -1\'ew Shirtings w vas w3,G12.]5. n loss of a ki ndindnIg nt husaandand .ingly stormy and on that account only has lived under five sovereigns. Mr. ;view Iivsiery i�'vTew RiusltttG i The council met pursuant to adjourn- father. about fifteen attended the Partners' Corley, who is noted for his flue lierd of New Gloves New Cuttonades b ment on Feb. IItit, 1001; members all Had To Conquer Or Die. Institute meeting here. In the ovening thorou.,h-bred cattle, will bring back New Corsets New Curpers present; the Reeve in the chair; mfil-I vvAthe attendance was of a respectable size some now stock with hint if lie sees what New Belts New Curtain•i a rtes of last meetiiig read and conRosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, firmed• just about gone, writes Mrs• and were well repaid for going. D, C. will suit him. New Ribbons New Table Covers ti t The auditors report, was handed in N. 0., "I had Consumption so bad that Anderson, who spoko on the care of Miss Maggie and Willie McMurray, of New Silks New Table Linen ' and examined by the Council. The the best doctors said I could not live poultry, was a good speaker aindafordbd Morris, spent Sunday with their cousins, �� New Laces New Window Aiusiins J auditors reported that the accounts were more than It )month, but I began to use considerable pleasure. The following Miss Annie and Alex. King, a} New Embroideries New Cretonres correct and the finances of the muniei- wholllying-'s Now cixrecl by seven bottles sand vain are the programmes which, we believe, Mr. clad Mrs. Joseph Stalker, White- "'' New Sateens NTew Flannelettes pality in a satisfactory condition. now stout and well." It's an unrivaled were not strictly adhered to. Afternoon church, attended Calvin on Sunday last, New Clothing New B+i(tts o nd 9hoe4 Codo—Shaw—That the said report be lire -savor of Consumption, Pneumonia, Session: Chairman's address; A. Smith, Mrs. Paton, who has been visiting her Now Gents' Furnishings Fresh (,rceerics La Grippe and Bronchitis; infailiblo for li N ' adopted. -.Carried. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Trowbridge, "Care of Manure and hove slaughter in Manitoba is again keeping New Oilclat s New Lznolenms Taylor---Jackson—Mr. Shaw was in• to apply it. , S. Ronnie, The cultiva- kouse for Mr. Adam Robertson. The • _Croup or Whooping Cough, Guaranteed +�. `( strutted to meet a deputation front the bottles 50c and $1,00. Trial bottles free tion required fox. Corn, Field Roots, old reliable is certainly the best, Turnberry council with a view to mak- at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. and Potatoes,"; D. C. Anderson, ('Judi- A number of the young people of Cal- We will erintinue our GREAT IZEDL'i:TIUN S:iLE elf all win - lug arrangements for the erection of a , sloes,. careful selection as a basis in viii spent all enjoyable evening at Robt. storm fence on the boundary line east ! WEST WAvrrArrosir. Plant and Animal Life."; Evening I Shiell's on Thursday; ter goods AT COST PRICE. of Bluevale. Report to be made at next Council met according to adjournment Session: Chairman's address; S. Rennie, Miss Lottie McBurney intends spend - meeting. on Feb. 14th, 1901; minutes of last meet- "Our country, past and present," D. ing the winter at Rev. Duun's, 'White- It will he to your advantage to inspect our, -tock andfirtd oto Tenders for the township printing for iug read and adopted. C. Anderson, i'How to pay off a mart -church. church. our prices before buying. No trouble to show you the goods. the current year were opened and the Treasurers statement showed a balance gage," Rev. D. Rodgers also gave an Mrs. John Reid is still in town attend- 1 +tender of the Brussels Post found to be on hand of $100.57. address. T. McMillan is President andling her mothes-in-law, who has been ill. the lawest. The auditors report was adopted on George hood, of Sunshine, Morris, is Mr. and Mrs. Will Paton gave all up- x Farm produce taken to exchange at highest market prices, t Shaw—Code—That the tender of the motion of Mallough and Taylor. Secretary of the East Huron Farmers' to -date Glance to a large number of the Brussels Post for tho work- outlined by Cameron—Taylor — That this board Institute,under whose auspices the meet- young people of the vicinity. E the clerk for the sum of $27 be accepted. procure a road grader from The Good ings were held. Misses Annie and Aggie, Speir's, of ISARD —Carried. Roads. MachineryCo., of Hamilton. Rev. W. J. West had John Coultes Morris, spent a clay or two this week ®© t The question of the advisability of . It being satisfactory after a fair trial. assisting him cutting ice this week, with friends on the 9th and tenth. , The Cheap Cash Store. ()pp. Bank of 1-lnnliltori purchasing n road machine was taken John H. Taylor was appointed collector Turnberry council will hold its nest We are pleased to hear that James • into consideration and after being dis- on motion of Mallough and Cameron. meeting on Monday, April 1st. in the Shiell is improving slowly. was The clerk was ordered to call for ten- office of the clerk:, Burgess, John Bur ess Blue- We believe that the concert which cussed it was moved Mr. Taylor, second- +ed by Mr. Shaw that said matter be laid ders-for. the painting ot-the township-- vale, - to have been held in Westfield on• Tues- hall on motion of Taylor and Cameron. Mrs. William Patton is in ver over until neat meeting,—Carried. y y poor day evening, the 12th of February, has aAsiESTo�v1.r-. ton. Accounts were ordered to be paid' as The following checks were issued:— health. been postponed till 'Tuesday, the 5th of Miss Lizzie Hall, of Ethel, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Gaorge Bryce ovate at follows:— Richard Anderson, auditor, $7; James ke Archibald, who presided over March. Mrs, Geo. Ethel, Galt last week attending the funeral of McLean & Son, plank $2.25; R. D: Young, auditor, $7; Municipal World a famous Delpit marriage case, .fn One or two of the 9th line boys -said- her sister, ' y Miss Jennie Simpson has returned Mr. Bryce's mother. Mrs. Bryce, sr., Warwick, repairing bridge, $2; Corpora- supplies,$7; Mrs. James Campbell,gravel Montreal, last week, has visited ing not farther wet+t than the eastern ex- had out been ill for a few days and was boil of'Tnrnberr settlement in full for account, $4.30; Ashfield township, work ,,and is married to Miss E en. tremit of West Wawauosh have beets home after visiting some time vt•ith her y y y, v� y , in her 85th year. One week previous to her B line expenditure, $14.48; Auditors on boundary, $7.88. Hutchinson of Bluevale whom man made come under the lave for wilfully brother, Tom, of Elma. ' y y Miss Eliza Peacock is in the grasp of death she had walked a distance of three each, $8; T. S. Brandon, expenses gain; Council adjourned to meet on Wed- of this neighborhood, both. , eine and detainin the Wiughttm choir on the miles. She was a high] respected iesi- to Goderich with county rate, $3; T. S. nesday 20th day of March, 1901, at ten abroad, will remember. � road while on their way to the tea- la grippe at present. highly P Golds are not welcome *Visitors these dent of Galt district and lived with one Brandon, Treasurer's salary, $100;James o'clock. W_ r. and Mrs. David Burgess, of Bois- meeting in Calvin. of her sons. Mrs. Bryce's mother was -7xvvin, balance printing contract, $13.20; W S. MoCRosTr>L, CLERS. sevaln, Manitoba, aro visiting the days' Miss Rebecca Wright is visiting Mrs. also quite ill at Galt and she remained Municipal World, blanks and subs crip_ former's uncle, John Burgess Mr. Bur- Pepper on the 3rd hue of Morris. there to take care of her mother for a tion, $9.35; Joseph Grasbp, gravelling, crnn4ps, Like Burglars, gess is an old'Turuberxy bay, son of Thomas Simpson, of Fiorindale and few days. $2.50; John Roe, assistance on survey of come just when they are not expected Jatues Burgess, formerly of the B. lin '`PRY John Hardy, was at G41t last week and are least welcome. One minute John Mitchell inspected maple blocks his daughter, Mrs. Shoemaker with herCraruias drain, $1.60. P P attending the funeral of 1�•frs. Bryce, sr. cure for cramps is what you want. Here this week. two children, of Berlin, are visiting the Mr. Hard Code=Jackson—Council adjourned to y was an old friend of the meet again on the 18th da of March Nerviline simply acts instantaneously. it Mrs. Helm and son, Arthur, of Wing- farmer's brothers, Messrs. Andrew and Bryce family when he resided near Galt. g Y Its anodyne power is unique—for its Jas. Simpson. next. composition expresses the highest medi= ham, visited Mrs. Rutherford, last week,and Miss Lizzie Wright has gone to Mrs. W. CL&Rr,Clerk. cal progress of the age. Nerviline is a • Misses Eliza Messer. and. Aggie Her- Haig Friee for Fancy'gorses. ' true comfort in the family, for in all Bailey's shop for a week or so. bort visited in Brussels last week One sale made at Grand's to -day, says derangements of the stomach and bowels r Mr. George Coombes has taken blood it is an absolute specific. Five times Thomas Coultes is not recovering as the Weekly Sun, illustrates in a striking Children Cry for P poisoning in his right hand by taking a greater medical valve than any other rapidly as expected. manner the importances attache,l to CA ��®� i7eality thistle out of his finger with a pin. M.preparation sold, is Nerviline. Your J. J. Denman was confined to the quality in all lines of produce of ered foi druggist sells it or call get it. house with erysipelas,last week. sale. A particular) handsome deliver Thomas Jewett ad Mr. and Mrs. The most beautiful thing in a� stuck to d every nerve wasracked. horse, of an exceptionally mite pattern A Fireman's Close Call. my Joseph Pugh attended the funeral, on the world is the baby, 'all j and in good cunditiari, acid fur $135. AIR RIFLE E E Saturday last of the late Mrs. Helen with pain," writes 0. W. Bellamy, a lo- What counted even more than the, gmonrera u. - - Bervin Graniger, of Molesworth. dimples and joy. The most comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa., pattern and condition. were the -peculiar Ing only 21 doz. packages Sweet Pea sped i Magnus Spence, of 'the first line' of "1 was weals and pale, without any ap- markings of the animal. He was a ' each. Ea�bPacl;n>:ocattatnsaspiendldml ootthomoatlFag• g p pitiful thing is that same baby, petite and all run down. As I wits about rant varieties ofa Icolors. The Mloisof bestmakoandmot ; Morris lids been unable throughillness :'paxticular dun color, with a darker stripe ol, with polished nickel barrel, triggergnardand siddplates. IthnatmprovcdGloM ' + ' . to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Sit- sights,plstolgrlpandwalni;tstock,and§hootawithterrifleforceandgrcatacenrary to leave his room for several week. thim and in p pain. And the in it, felt as well as down the back, with black points and d after taking I tors an g , it Ior+m , i tathlsadverttscmentandwowl rd theS�eds.8ollthom retnrnthomono andRidewlllbasen yu ircobyExpross. The season for Selling seeds Is short$ so order atone. &sod6LD)p1y�1/., Toronto; The Misses Plenty, of Wmgham, I ever did in my life." Wealt,sickly, run black mane. This horse wits bought visited at Philip Thomas' this week. mother does not know that a down people always gain now life, for delivery by a firm which spends Mr. and Mrs. George Pocock, of East F� - strength and vigor from their use. Try fabulous sums in a,ivt rti,iu•* An ® little fat makes all, ilio differ- diem. Satisfaction g1]uranteecl by Colin, ]D Wawauosli, visited Mrs. Rutherford, A. Campbell. Price 00 cents, equally good horse, but uY less striking this week. ence. appearance, would probably not have John McIntosh, of Molesworth, visit- Dimples and -o have one, LzsroWEL• brougut ]Wore than $100, A mete ;coaoh �� w ed Thomas Coultes, the first the week. y g' The town council at its regular meet- or delivery horse, but fairly up in years, de - Stock ��, {`.v Mr. Snell formerly of Win liam, one and left hollows and fear, the ing on Monday last accepted and applied sold Tor $105. A brown mare for de- + y g t livery purposes br,)aghr. $98. Two fair- of Dr. Sloan's party who went to the l fat that Was comfort and the official seal of the corporation to the ly good general purpose Horses sold for Yukon by the unspeakable Edmonton ' I agreement to lcau $10,000 to the Boss "$G7 and $01 respectively. A chestnut route, which left hero three years ago, Color and curve -all but pity Bros., 13ent Chair Co., Limited. They mare, fair driver, I rou rht $00, although was in the village on Saturday. Mr. also finally passed a by-law forthe same, the seller tai lu-,ht she shuzud have :tone ! and love --is one, to $110 or $t 15. A c'tu..n)ut gelding • The whole of m mammoth stock 'to be slaughtered at a William N. (fray, formerly of Wingham � which is to submitted for the approval brou;h, $ ; 5). S) u, s • pond -hinds y g and Listowel, is still in Dawson and is The little One gets no fat of the ratepayers on March 11, but good, usefal workat:., rain about $ZJ price to clear in the next 3o days, consisting of General and likely to do well. Last summer he pur. Mr. R. A. Seaman and Mr. Thomas to $G5• from her food. There is solve- 165. - Fancy Dress breSs Goods, chased hay at Seattle, Washington Ter- halo are attending the Grand Council rftory, wbioh he will sell at Dawson this Chino' wrong' itis either her food oP the Royal Tomplars of Temperance in ,, , 'j �"j� /'`M®� spring for 60 cents �' Toronto this week.�st the .tr vale+ a,�I p g per. pound. Mr. 7 Snell says a nice Northern spy apple or food -mill. She has had no Rev. Henry Irvine, pastor of t)lo t r, �-v costs fifty cents in the old region. Methodist church, and Rev. Me, Forbes Q11 the LADEE��..l9 •� g � fat for weeks; 1s living on what S eJ ACKIEEjTS, Miss Diluent, -of Wilmot, Waterloo ) of the Congregational church, preached county, .is visiting the Coultes and Dim- she had stored in that plump preparatory sermons in the Presbyterian If yft have eruptions, pales in the ent families in. Bluevale. 0 church Vr•iday afternoon and evening . head or kidneys, stomach trouble and O ERCC).ATM and CARPETS little bodyof hers' and that is te7m s -weariness, "Alit the nark on 0 Mrs. Jowitt, formerly Matilda Pug'), respectively. 9 f a sister of Messrs. Joseph rind James gone. She is Starving for fat, The Rov. A, H. Croing, of Stratfol d, the head." H'ood's Sarsap3rrlla is the S II� �° and DR .�T Pua11, of this village, died at liar home wt)l;preach educatiolnil sermons in the hammer to Erse. it wiff ptrlfy your blood. it is death, be uick t in Manitoba a few flays ago, leaving it , Mathodist church here on Sunday next, rhe masses praise it for doing this and family of nine children. Scotts Emulsion of Cod R3v. Mr, Irving tatting Mr. Going's making tit twh& body healthy. Everything has to go at cut prices this month. Call and Liver Oil is the fat she can pulpit in Stratford. Sick Headache-=y"I -was troubl'td examine the stock and get prices. ' -` take' 1t will save Tier. ;, ¢with sick headaches, I 'look.l3'ood"s 5ar- '9Ct;YiVA3S•ztt.lti', saparilli, my husband heaping herr cured Winter Boots and Shoes Rubbers Sox and all heavy13tteklensArnica $$dve 'rllegenublehg3'ttriepictuteott ' t Ilan world-wide fame for marvellous it, take no outer. Gavin ll,;viclsoi), of the Jttuetio)1 last of sa11 rheum by if, and soon it »Sade me goods. Cures. It surpasses tiny other salve, lb- fo'f lrtt sample t tried gieeablc i w'ek (le'fvr'ta:1 i4 fat 1)Itll to 1`w,)iortson fest 1r71e a n¢av aUoman. Mrs. Ii'obi`rt tion, ointment or baltu for Cuts, •Corns, taste will sarPse you, & 13rrehill at Wingliam. TNi wilint.l McAfee, 'i'OMbrltO• lyetriirtrSl, hitt. ' Barns, B:]ils, Soreq, i"alone, 'Ulcers, Tot- SCOTT & lrtbW*115, �+elnaect'»i10 pounds,. vcdtic}i t t •lr� otl(a �. AO tar, Salt Rheunt, Fever Sores, Chapped tChetntast3, ,y Hands Skin Bruptiona Infallible for ponn', brought $0.3.9). This wouk 11Tr. Piles. Hands, guaranteed. only 2,icat 560.11 4 u�Ct�trte O ',bavilscn pur•l)nsed a t:)oroughtiod 00 As Colin A. Caitlpbell s. I Durham , u:i from Ww. .:511011, of Clil - t 1 ._ • ._. _... _11-i.'174'1 t .ill