The Wingham Times, 1901-02-22, Page 2THE WINGHARTINES, FEBRUARY2244 1901. A :a III lilvev r,lolzog how Aek he was WINGHAM DISTRICT. towasillp. ullti'� I'le %:61,% - m •... 0s in, Hit bill. 1 Council 11)(it in the town liall, Tees. I A partividarly pleasitim nVair was tliftri A.-v-:iAhtf- -.6b thq Anwrivan lawyer I I.V110r, 1.0 ribli. 11CL, 11�'01, its por niotion Vulross township dounell has purchas- of the double weddijig, wheroill. two tht r taro H 1! Atol :,rine'; uq fewer i,.If atij "urlilliolt of last xneoting. Thee;l a road grader from the Austin. Co., daughters of Mr. and MIS. Blit-bael lcel Vva , erimbit.1s. 'All'tub-re were all pre.sont; Ily MacKay,ley, tookpartiter6forl'-fo., '1w 3eervitiolly V UX TI1V1-7ort*, T:tslX Farillew ln6titute,,r(..Ivi%,itit!it•cliiiir. Minutes oftliolust 11I.J.Nnyant1fandly have returned wall celebrated ilk ft. 1141chnel's. 01111-01 ..... .. tuepting wero read and sustaint.d. Tlio eeuuAl thoil. proeeviled to the toListowelatter thrce years residence BlYtb, Oil 141011(lo'7, -V('b- 1101, fit 10-:.O 0- Dinniftitat I iovernment, to appoint a rafl- in Manitoba. Rov. D. P. or- businoks of forwing roizd beats andap. I "Inr. way and to admit corn liar- Ociatiur.-, MW Bridg(t. Relly 'eras mar- p(dultnig, pathuntt;ters. The bilats tire Sick hoadaches are cured by Antlers ried to, John Oliver, airl Miss Annie X-1. vesting, rine duory free of duty now, Granuirs. .1 -old by 1. L. Hainiltou. the sanit, its for Ll..() -,% ith, two pm-eptions. I'lact) it has adinitted free vorn. d eon. jr, It. 11. Kidd has sold his livery bnsluets joy, to XM.11110 Healy. For the forntor, ,I During the. present year between 35,- I. It 12' 1 In, this R -t-0114 and thil at List iwel to James Coutwings, of couple Joe. 12. McOangdh-y a-teil as, taken out of beat No. 11 ane: put. i22 Nn. Miss Nutt L40ail-lin n groollismall,, and 10 men will be sent by way 10. Ill T^ orlon Seli-onirtz cl�- Vedy's 1�'ol`lerstO as bridesmaid, while the IV. -ter Pair -wero ..... ..... OOD and 4070(l of ()desert to ri'crujt the Russian. army Druco County. Conn I is c(;wpoied of corwir lot N i i-kon awt, of beat Wo• ill ktalists,:� supported by Patrick J. X 4ly and A!68 Castoria -is 1:or llnf­=0 ckud QkIldron. Castoria. is a now quartered in tho far east, NN -Lich 111�d put T,:4 1, .1 ft -v,% 0farmers, 3 wer � 1 2 joul already numbers over 170,000. Its folltnvt.: Coll. 1, 1, 11. sawmillers, I mechani 1 doctor and, I Alay Bell, of Blyth. , lutul'.111.1tely after llnrr�licr,,j subs-t-Ituto ,'or Castor 011, Paregoric, Drops the ceramony the upwly-wed droveto ("ilylin P. 'XuLen 11; 3,. Xw,,. Smith; I. Lawyer. the home of the brldoi' rarmas in. U(,r-, anti, SoothIn- Syrn,-Lps, It contains neither OPIUM, And. MeXague; 5, D. XeCormactk; (1, 1 Miller's Granules are nlidl; ris Nvhero the Wedding dinner was par. 311orphino itor oflior Narcotic substance, Xt IF, Pleltsnut- lil "No. ", R. Bal- will taka moin. ruallily. .u,ld b17 111111111roll. taken of. Air, and urn, (.)liver left oil yL,,,S guarallteo is th� ty ye.,Ira? tl,�e by 311111ons of Ingh; 8. 11. 0.oauill: 1). i Vreviien.; I0. Wednesday for Micht,,au, -whero they W. Ou TT i to 0, u. a r t e ii, tii I I I o B 14 31otliers. Castork-4 destroys VVornis and alInys Feverisli- i Mr. D. C. Taylor, of Lucknow, has V of the Will reside in. futureg. Mr. and Mrs. noss. Castorla cures Diarrhma vaild'%TInd Colic. Castoria Ile'Xii'lli-11; V), 1M. IlVmgn Cotv:. 4 . -utd PurChU0.1 all the lituchiller., I place Healy v, ill make t1w, r 1P at o In. 131y tbl 5. No. It, J. Dolman; I.'), B. Tlatte"r, 110111100k City saw Wilts, awl Nvil" Congratulatiolis ara in 4rdor, relieve:; Tcetldug Troubles, cures Condipatiou and I It), R. F.wrf; 17, NV, Colvin; Di, j, it in a saw -mill near illougb. st V iv.1hileitcy. Castorla assIffillates the Food I , rC,-, lilates _)&U111J,D' r 'ID liarkne.,.�s; w, `l%% A. Mr. Falcougr, one of the V. 7=1 the Stomaell. tuid Do.%Vol$ ofillf.,tnts antil Childrou, f.-ftintr 1104,rut.son. Comm. 'No. -,n, W. settl,,•rs in the townsVip of Kbilo.", clied U1.1 C 0 A S, T' 0 UA hcaltliy aud natural sleep. Castoria, Is the Children's -tttAluch-vubt-rii ; .121, P. Milian, sr.: z.% W. at his home on the Afirst concession of i % ITWIIxlem of That.. Dtjnaze J. Kirkland; 24, Jim. Tlitwhor; 25, Jas. Kinloss Oil i; rday P, . 8th, at the rile r+r,7nfTnA-,-, and Children. P.an,.%cca-The XothcrIa Friend. McLauchlan; V, 1'7. RichardsZin; 27, old ago of 70 years a d nine ruoutlis. Ee. Alex. McKouzie. Cons. 8 and 0, No. was well known and greatly resp,.otod, V10 fa;- castorie. C a S t 0 rl a. titlilo r astorla is so well adapted to children 07cry 14 Castoria Is an exce'lent medicine for dic Cu Ws Thes. Alison of Bri-Ilt's 28, A. Dietrich; 1.10, •Thos. Arkell; 30, Miller's Oompoull 11 -on Pills, only 95 410DAtur a, uy re - W. MvEwer; 8!, inepowaa; 3%, cents for C-0 doses. Id by A. L. Hlxxat- cc children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it ns superior to a p Disanse of the Ki&eys P, Scivit; 3'.), IV. -I). Whytock. Cons'. 10 Of its good' effect upon their children." scription known to 2ne.11 DR, 0, C. OSGOOD, Lowell, Aras- if. A. Auclinit,11. D. Brooklyn, N, r tkutl 11, No. 84, M. Pit:eher; 83, D. Me. Mr. William Turloy* who ivas for abol: t naudwrItIng Cituuoti" challiged. To tell of the great good done hint by TavitJ,. Lo. J. Struss, 3T, A. Sharp; U.�, a, qnarter ofa, of Luck" The inexperienelad ou�s are blissfully -:'FAC-S1PVq1LrE, SIONA7 IJ7HE OF rowley,s IJquMed - Ozone, is the -otiv,- A. 0arb0i -, 3d Jo.tu Dvoking; 40, V, now, died ill the H(Juso of Refugo in unaware that haudwriing is really a THE which compelled Thos. Alison, Usti., the well kno,rm woolen importer of it Colborne St., &VuOlstw; 41. A. 11ainee. Cons. 1;3� and Walkerton oil Friday Feb. 8th, at tLe physical characteristis of the human Toronto, to give iris testimonial for that pre- IS, No. 42, J. D. Kuiitz: 43, Jilo. V aisiu; ripe old age of 80 year and 10 111011ths, body, says The Home •Yagazine, Ni,hich partztion. I.Ar. Alison I, rated in any com- -�4, Sul. Hardy ; 45, NV.-'PalAist: 46, J. Cot SL Constanl�, Headache?- is innate; y peculiar to its owner. You merdal agency at hundreds of thousands of z W McGI)nIA; 471, W. Hotlgim. Cons. 14 may indeed, after its geiieral form, like dollars. he had the very best treattuent and T,, chances to one the kecret of your suffer- iie Only obtained relief fr..;m tale awful tor- and 15), No. 48, A. Be4ninger; .49, R. ing is that "white man's burden," Catarrh. the man who writes 4onymous notos, P r t I Here's a sentence fro H mpne man's evidence tu-.c ol k;rlghtls 17,Eeare of the 1:1dueys t-hrough NVIlite; tO, Geo. Ralk; 41, John Sittler; for Dr. Agnew's Catar al Powder—one or cover it with make t'�p like the man ilawlers Liqztii' ed Ozone. Ile saws: S. -me 62, A. Murray; C3, D. Cf inpbell; 54, A. nt relief, cleared the who forges asignatur(�-tho actor does years ago I was taken with a bad att4cX of Nid- o, ped the pain in my both to his voice and face on the stage- Vsert4e. I use,1 to stiffer a gieat deal from -askvntutt; 55, W. Wail. Con. A, No. FPII APPEARS ON 17EVF_P%Y WPIAPPER. pair, iam.), back, aua for a time I fancied 1had 56, Jos. Gamick; 57, Jal. Petertnuu; 63, head.11 It's a quick, sale and sure treatment, but this, after all, is the most you can t.)-.1ch G! sciatica. The pain would be es., L. Sttpller; 50, Xos. E 11g; 00, Joseph and it never fails to cure. 50 ceilts-145 do. You cannot destroy or even tem- -rKC rrNTAUr. C—rAINY. TV F.lUftnl.V rTrcrr. NC Y,,nn ciTy. Void by A. L. Hamilto pe-,Ia' !v bact in the mortilixg, and I t01 you Kneplifter. Formosa, �' porary got rid of the A characteristics of tugs , ".&'onv to get o*.It of bad. It feo;at.11 as .1. 01, A. Werler; i I . . I though a hundred sharp 1-nives were stubl.)izig (2, Geo. Erueweyn; 68, X.. Hauck. On -Tuesday Feb. f , Obb, there passed your writing itself. Itismuch apart of I Die auditors were t` en calledupon awayanoldpictueerof Gray, Malcolm the expression of y&r being as your me. - 6 This sort of thing went an for some time, and when they presented 11 their financial McNichol, iu his 82 He was born manner of talking or; Y�'oilr gait in -walk- a, y I trioti the test pltric!ans in the ci y. In the sWement of the tfEasurer's books in Scotland and settl this township ing, and that it cannot be destroyed is ivy y,1tim VAA "W, Qf this a fro ,.d of mite rccon. �ca ;= to ta%e Oz and accounts, also colle(#ion roll. They some 46 years ago. -lei, has been feeble the more certain bac4uso no one, no U10. me. I hadn't much f4iLh fit it, but raS:)Ived to rive it a trial, It stated they had found ,,-every thing cor- for some time but notf seriously ill until matter how much stud.{, lie might give 4 on of one small he took a cancer on lils tongue about a it, could ever find out }till of the uncon- took thr� a Lcttles to cure me. The relief was -with the exception L rect, B.Q, L 0 0 D F S reniarkal4e in r. s' aorttime, an T have not been item which would require some explan- mouth ago, which *asod his death. scions characteristics 13is handwrit- If you ever contractecl any Blood Disease you are never safe unless the virus or iro,u*ile,� .Ce. Eave T:-Commed,;Qd it to a 'iny frie allies Oliver, lot 1119- -on has been eradicated from the nu=*.Pero; nlls, who have also had good is Thursd%y, Feb. 11 bla I J pz4, system. Attinlesyottsee.ilarntingoymptorns, 4; butlive in hol)CS no serious results will follow. Have you any of the following • results, is a fine rentedy for st iriech of It was moved by Hy. UltiolLty, second- symptoms? Sore throat, ulcers on the tongue or In the mouth, hair falling out, ach- , 31, con. 14, Grey, pas away, aged 84 1� Ing 13,-1 Its itchiness, of tLe skin, sores or blotches on the body, eyes red and smart, e.L.-ze. 11t. never fa' .s ta prueuue g=, ed by Graham ticott, ,that the item of years. He was the f�tller of the late dyspeptic sioulach, sexual weakness -Indications of the secondary stage. Don't results. NO EXG'VSE bonit ruin your system with the old fogy treattuent-mercury and S-.gue.l, THOS. ALISON. NVin. Edwards of Feb. X2, 1900, showing Walter Oliver, who 9vas a member of trait to luck. L� suppresses the symptoms for a time only to break out again when POtash7whicll 011: dETHOD it C�Wurue ;;t., Toronto that $3.68 was paid for L8 ft. of plank the township conuc% for mhuy years. FOR PEOPLE WHO W E AR domesticwife. Don't lot quacks experiment on you. OurNEWI, IT IWEIVAID NT Jn;Luarauteed to cure you. Our guarantees are bactccd should* have * been. for' 788 ft. used Oil The cause of death was heart trouble. Tv bazilc bo that the disease will never return. Thousands of 'Patiente Pov.1cy14 Iiquified Ozone I i st.00 a lame lint. RUSTY OR fADED Lave been already cured by our NEW METHOD TREATMENT for over 20 years, tie, _% �;*=Lll size. j-.1 t.:11gJihtK, or frant the boundary of Turlibeft and Culross; Mr. Oliver was a fine jilan. and was high- a, and no return of the disease. I -To experiment, no risk-fiot a 1,pztch up," but z posie tlabo-.-.tor1.a of the owme Co, of Toronto, Culross share tS.68, �ho amount being ly I esteemed by all wlib knew him. the curs. The worst cases Solicited, CLOTHE Li-n*Lc.1,.,,'9 C, -:borne St.. Toronto. correct only the number of ft. of plank not properly stated. 'CaiTied. Also br A L. Hamilton, Wiligham. you do of your bous Give it a the Don't think less of our system than the council fin ough Oleausing. too. 'Take Hood's Sar- Runt"cott i apniffla. lEeE.&,rmrxw win cure you: and make a man ally audit the treasurers books and ac- s. Under its influenca the brain becomes active, the blood puri fied so that counts and finding the totals armee with atples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so FEOPLE RECOVERING Diamo ?N�101"hyr2l. The Dominion. Go ernment's estimates a that nervousness bashtalnesn and despondency disaggear; the eyes become bright, -books and f the face full and cicir, energy returns to the body, an -'i the auditors report and the a the moral, physical and sex for this year con an appropriation o I1,11 systems are Invi-orated- all drains cease -no more vital waste 6 stattl[e accounts apparently correct and agree- $7,000 for a contin 'tion of the dredg-� Will Make the A01d Things n know Frona Pneumonia, Typhoid or Scarlet Fpver, Wphtherla, La Grippe or in with the auditois' report that the lug of Goderich h. or, and $2,000 for and fres of charge. Don't let gr,aclts and fakirs rob you of your hz ceased auditors ' report be ,accepted and that Look as Go as New. jV;;s any Serious Sickness repairs to piers d break -water. The they be paid nine dollhrs each according riling - t Y ane intention is to dre go 'out a wider iiasin -law, and the collector be also paid unarati- , o to by in the harbor, so at the largest lake If the majority of people cannot afford $30 00 as per by-law.. Carried. to buy new dresses, jackets, capes waists on a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you contemplPting Ballagh-Jarvis-That the salaries of "essels Will not o be able to come in or suits of clothes every three or six HADERI -&--Arivalre? Ras your blood been diseased? Have you any weak. and unload, but ay Also turn round a zesse Our New Method Tree,=eut will cureyou. Cociaullatim months, the use of Diamond Dyes will Free. No matter wyo has treated you, write for an honest opinion Flee of Charge. the several paid officers for 1001 be as when other vessel are in the harbor, enable them to reneN# at trifling cost Cl-_-rges Golden Monitor" fillustratedlonDiseasesof follows: Clerk, $90; Treasurer, $90; with difficult their rusty or faded garments, 10iaking nice "Diseases o' I wozaenlo 111�lhe%wgea of ShLII I'Varlcocole, Stricture and GleeWl A !I nese Froo sealed, Assessor, $60 Collector, $50, and that them as handsome as i new ones. Mrs. �Q 'no sell 0. 0. 0. Tto tnodid No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything I" After a night th "the boys" their W. L. Woodward, of�,, I the application for the differcut offices . Oresswell, Out, , GcnIld-ential. Quostibn ifs; and Oast of Treatment, FREE, for Rome Cure. 9 it is no better re to clearthe head and says: - FRI sideration. Car- so the sto �t4 l- _ Coll settle I,i have always used Diamond Dyes be now opened for h(than Milburuls Ster- Price 10c. and with the best results: ,;butmy last trial ried. }lin:,' Headache Poo dors. of them has exceeded previous efforts. cott-Ballagh-That the, following be; 25e• at all dealers A "'R&' N 11 EDY KEROM "ess I It the officers apl.uintc-il for the year W01: avejust dyed a di of the ver y Early Tuesday �iorniugof last week finest Cloth with Diamond 14S GHEI°BV ST. DETROIT MICH. Yater Clark, imasuier; Chas. Burton, Habkirk, a well Dye Fast Black for Wool, making it the s-pirit of Josh Us I& I M AAA weik; John Armsi ru , ijg, assessor; Alfred L-nov,21 citizen of ll,%vas called array. lo�itk at, well as new goods from the store. t, B'yt Er collector. There is no excuse for;; au e wearing Require Cris Flo. vo To nide-, r3loed t - Carslid, , tor. He wits only M it few days, a threat you richin I & Licari: sustaining Action of Kuntz- Jarvis -Ili , amendment . that old clothes 'while D! I mond Dyes are trouble was the c se 0 death. Deceas- Aold.l' R.Illbu.-Ws tioart and ;;orvo Pills. this council engage tie services of John ed was bora in 11 lop and was mar - 1 T. Retinger as assesior, Ohas. Button, Med to Margaret o. uston, who, with The House of Refuge of Essex county It is well known that after any serious clerk; Peter Clark, :;;treasurer; Alfred three sons vaid tpo daughters surviVe will be open to recehrq guests between I M nerves are extremely CAVAICL, collector.' f, illness the heart and net husband and fathir. Mx- Ikabkirk was April 1 and IG. weak and the blood greatly impoverished. !For the upelidwent, Jarvis and Kuntz. in his 64th year d had been a hearty Under the Ohio game law, anyone For these conditions there is: no remedy I equall-, f4tiburn's Hiatt and Nerve Pills. b or the motiou, Ballugh, Scott and man. 8 Sellretary, of the Morris selling quail or other birds out of season It restores all the vital forces of the body MacEfLy. Amendment lost. Fall Show and Sell acquainted with is liable to a fine of $20' for every bird He was L kaj B which dijease has impaired and wealcont a. Kuutz-soott-o�vhat this council ac- many. sold. Mr. T. Barnicott, Aylmer, Ont., says :- 0 1 About a year ago I bad a severe attack colit the offer of r a grader for the Apoplexy. -Dr. Agnew's Cure for the of La Grrippe which left tny system in an price and sum ofWOO,,-froight and duty The feema Troubles.— My Heart is effective in apoplectic symptoms. exhausted condition. I could. not regain �"ater Station, t business," says J n Gray. ice dealer, of paid laid down at Toes he If you have unpleasant dizziness, lightness Wingham, Ont., 11 one of 'the most fertile or sudden rush of blood to the head, take company to set the mlphine in, running R strength and was very nervous and sleep- 0 F less �t night, and got up in the morning fields under the su : for sowing the seeds for precautions against a rec�rrence. This great as tired a; when I went to bed. order and operate the ,machine fur two rheumatic sufferin - or fiveyears I w a remedy will remove the cause. Thepressof I . great invalid, words nnot convey tare faint- the land has daily a. list of sudden deaths "I had no energy and was in a miser- }clays, and if not satisfactory the machine Ti -m, TIMES announces fol - able state ofbealtli. est idea of my int s su ering constant which would not be chronicled if Dr. Agnew's Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pi to be placed tit the station for return.- IrdnIendured. 6 bottles o American Cure for the Heart were used.- z47 Pills, which Oarried. Itheumatic Care p r entlyc 1 me... I got at Richard's DrugStorehere, changed 146 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. 16w, mg clubbing offers for me from a condition of misery to good Jus. Thompson, D. R.,O., polling div. , p health. The y built up my system, strength- No. 1, $8.00; Thos, Meli$iu, auditor, $9; , 01.1 by A. L. Hamilton. The pain produced by a hornet's sting 1900-1901: ened my nerves, restored brisk circulation I Mrs. Andrew, -wife of J. F. Andrew is caused by a poison iiijectoi into the of my blood, and made a new market me, John McRae, 09; A. OAlick, collector I passed into rest on Tuesday Feb, 12th, wound, and so "`st&ut4uecus's'ts effect Times till end o igoi, 111 heartily recommend them to any one $60; Jail. C0116il, culverts lot -08, Coils- 10 $I.Oo suffering LC i Mrs. Andrew has with her husband been as to cause the attack;of this "'Sect 10 Times and We -1y Globe , with picture, -The Can- ; - r from the after effects of Grippe, and 1 Peter r Clark,-: treasurer, $00; -her severe illness." resident of Ashfield Por over forty Years. resemble a violent blob in the face. orativ Chas, Dutton , clortz, $000, Chas. Batton I adians at t aardeberg," till fan. ist, I For tha past seven or eight years she e Battle of P, regiatration fees, $21 60; Chas. Button, has bequ a patient sufferer having been 1902 I.60 During the days of her vigor she wa, Times and Week; y Witness , Y. 6o. ellveifilg ballot boxes, 35; R. E. Little, confined to her own. home all that time. M. D, R. 0., Imlling div. No. 4, t& Professional Scott- Jarvis -That the fituttice report Times and gamily Herald and Weekly S, it with an energetic and pushing housewife and as read 1�6 adapted and clic4ques issued in one of the kindest of neighbors. She' premium 1 75 1-75 Ballagh-Jarvis M%WXA+ payment. Carried. was amember of the Zion Methodist, 1; 'A Times and Weekly Mail and Empire, ;__Tbat this council do d until'her illness was always Tinies and Western Advertiser, 1.50 church all It's the constant strain now adjourn to meet 017 Monday, V ob. present Millie services of her church and and worry under vhich 25th. CatTlud. 'Ximes and Weekly Sun, first in all good work. 11inp .1 75 the professional man Times abd Daily Globe, 0,3 C 8vrTOX, Clerk 4' '15 labors, the, irregularity of Laza-Liver Pills are a positive cure�Ii and Toronto Daily Star, habits acid loss of rest that for Sick Headaelie,13illiousness. Dyspep. Times 2-50 makes nakeig him peculiarly stla. T. B. 0eagratu, It. P�, of Waterloo, sia, Constipation, and all stotnach stud Times and Farmers' Advocate , 1.90 ceptible i o kieney troubles. the monu- liver coinplailitf4. They neither grips, First it's liticksclial tbon knont fund of t!lo counti town. wealten or sicken. Price 25 )c. at all We Could extend the list, but it. is not ecessary. We. urinary diffloth V-10 tbin- dealers, anlegs it's attetic.-i to- Early on Tuesday me-, ning, V eb. I 2th, can give you clubbing. rates forany pewspa r or niaga.11ne Bristlita Disease Laid - I Herets people free feorn pain and ache published, Every Su scriber will receive a c y of the hand - Mary Alin Ramilton, b2loved wife of I Dyspepsia's direful ills. our well known rositlent, Archibald It is because they always take Some illustrated TWES CIARISTMAS S PPLEMENT. E,,iot,, (;1,,,der1eh, diet vory suddenly The advance in the price 01 *1 r, having to y postage and ,DOAN'S uol-� from heart failure. The late Mrs. LaYakmLivor Pillso having a higher rate from vItlairlisher, the clu inn rates have IL S Li'lliott waa born in the county of 1001" These little pills work while you sleei.), 0 KIDNEY P �s mallAgh, Ireland, and edine to Cftllada in without a gripe pain, curing biliousness, been increased in some instances, The above reourFIXED f8trenothei't ilia itivIgOrm! the klaneys LL rates, marked down so as to admit of no red c&n. There 1842, settling with the hunily in Got'lii• dyspepairtarid sick headache, he j, pith 9110 Inarried)lfri and; matin g You feel better In the thorn ing. pid iveri and cure o giva quick relief and cute Ouse t to r ?twi k thane n a t a c ae v a. billousnans, slelk hes chi, lituildida, rich towilphip. In 18.18 fore there is no use, asking for cheaper rates, When We 'Can fA Ill. 11. Cauttibell, pattw 6f the 214UN", Iges tion to. they , are In- mourning partner, And lived Oil the farm Healg and afford to give cheaper rates to one we can give them tel JA ftPtizli Church, Ei't'x, Ont.lsm.ys: "r"Oni valuable o prevent sic d dt break Up a 39 yont"r, 60-110 13 years since Mr. ;;lull oft. X00019 fever. Mild, gentle, cetts, , they are *orthY WIm. Billott M'ove(I to God(Ilrich Where NOWAY PINE and cures the A sh 7oft a rug "n So6t1lesthe lungs remedy �or Yout otinfidelieti. Pare vottetablat they, resided until i rely liohc 'he them f %n be taken bY elilldren dielleate women. lie dofith call ii lig A V1 y are % ell fft1JJ*, worst kinds of TIMM OFFICE., f. Price, W, 861; all medlein ealeri or by wall cauls. Two Children FlarWV0, GIorg�'of r co rout SU& 003:rIPI&WIC Of a L noot & 0oo., III Mass. Xanitoba, and Mrs. Xnight of Goderiell wxngham, Out.