HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-09-26, Page 1�, .a s-..1 - .,, . A , , •; .. ... a. • ` r . Y ,Ili . ' " , 1 I 4 I ht- 9 f ` + . / ' .. • • Zi ' ''�. , 11 . .. . . , 1 _ �'• r.'- ! " J _ I I t-1. I I .. . ...it I I - I . 1 ,. . s2.00 A YI.AI,&. ADVANCE, --50C EXTRA TO U- S. A..' , ' Liicknow On`LI Thursday► ' September . 20th, MO . . . - . r. ' 1 1 . . - .. _ __ - . __ _ _ _. . . .. . __ _ _ . -7 . I. . :� . . . ' ' 9 . '.-S,E- t 1. - ER ''' 2,,, - � . 4 -. - L' - h -. '. '' 1 .... � . 4 I , '• ..., � - ,,` °' ... - r ` ow . I 1. . . 0 c t a ' F i ,UBILEB YEAS HARKED _!S1SSFD PSIZE THREEPEIS11 ASHFIELD 'NATIVE NEW SIGN GOES j _' P STORAi. CALL CAL. FIttS, DRAFT., . , t.AUNCH SALE �1F. AGO,'vFO LAST vis UP rAT FACTORY ' • . I'Bo_�R. HOLDS Tth.FAL . FAIR A�PROYED TIIE'SJD FOR �INAT'ION ,1 PTE . � DIED I N CH ICAGO ' AIRPORT SHARES . . = . .- This yseehs, the former furniture r wr , Occasion Celebrated nth Ontstand- - ` ` - the r� 1.Henan ` Per- The' Presbytery of Maitland met in nus Ke"y� was-'dravm in the , )ClCal ,� ' Iia less -than, the 'dam alter. mz-� . , Dridlcolm . MxcI,eo. . 'who operated fnc%ry, carries . a. new sign, read, ,. , At a meeting last week of P ireg llfternm6a end . E g __ • �a- visioalal Board of Directors of Huron PrPsby£enan Chnuclt, LWknow, Mercban'tsl- weekly draw, ,but M:.. dertaking . the tremendous task . of -. , I the first steam powered threshing Bell �lnrcraft Corporation �. £set forraanaoe .On Ihadas That, . Iadicate� the " " • .' lulu School, lin?: Attendande. ;on'• Tuesday ° afternoon to consider a Beau was :7iot ..towmm to .d2din tht National;' Registration, ; the;, Ca aadaan , Training _ Largely Increased - R . • Government -is Alread : vfiliz'" ", . I the , . • ' d ! week _ted laps were 'laid . to, launch s drt , e . - - • , call which had been extended to Tier ,$5 Ofl prize. -Eur hey' }tad the food i r- ' y .11 machine in +bws distract died' 'in. Cbac :five members of the uew firm, hnav County'Flying, 1. ago on Tuesday of :last weep He was, been , m t, town 'during, the . Past . P - , - _,; o d n t ar-' to Gell 3 500 preferred' shares in this_ Tach and tomorrow Thnnrsday . G..-� Young, from the congregations 'tune 'to'have has ria a agaila dna: z3 ,i%rrnation ' pbtned, and 'iiae - in his 82nd year and had been in •fail Lut as yet . devei rnerlts , o o y .' a official' 'Company at. %4-00 a aha e; to. pro- I F`n n, Society i of 'Amos Clsnseh, Drmnore -.$nox hast Wednesday : nighi�_aud : on this � ing of notices to the first gropp ' os-' p, �, ink health, fors tune, rant the releasing. of any o, i P y. $ ( day, T.nchmOw Ag '-.gyral. ' ' s ublication vide., the.'' prescribed 146,000_ corking'holds.its'?5ih.a 3pual Fair. This 4'hurch,. Noxmanby. The call was, .occasion Mr -"Kenny was ire 'town ix some` ;000'single.meii''a l'childlc� _ Malcolm• MacLreod was. born on Con- ,statements , '-tor P A, . Ashfield near where I capital. for' the :Company-. jubilee exhibit lion is being fittibg;5 `igved ,by 217 'member$ ; receive the ward The other luzkc, l widowers „'ilio have :.been .rolled. a I. cession. • 12, w In a statement' issued by Walder_ k and # Board has gone 'to A large' delegation #rem Souath. Sin-: winnea was 9SIs •Lorna' P�ead,'dangh= for 'raft y . by .Pioeiazoaiaon . Grant's Mill flow stands. He' was a ; , . i c . Still On Crutches . son of the late Mr., and, Mrs. Ambi- . George E. Feagan, he, traced the les= ! unusual expense to make the event's loss ',was Present to oppose 9t- : ter of . Mr. and 'Mrs- Sam field, wta.• . or' the Governor an ciaunrII . as. nom- ( Hnghie 'McKenzie, sou of Mr. and tablishment :arid deal lopnient of Skx areal .drawing eard,� and in this we Youn:g's translation to the Saugeer was also on hand' to accept the,five :ender' ztaS_ bald MacLeod, and was the last sur- a Mrs. Wm, �Jic$enzie of Langside, is ' viving member of a large family of ; Harbor until .the ourealc of the war believe they • bade suctoeded, and. i# !Presbytery_ All spoke in complemer, sprit- These notices i3rstariret the regi- x' F children. • still going. around -on crutches as, a when ' Huron County purchased the , the weatherman is on his good be- , terry, iermas of Mr. Young's work..3'he end" to visit a doctor and submit " . . result of a. -nerve injury, to .his Imee; .field and :Placed'' it at alae dispd_sal ! haviour, attendance figures will.' soar ' �argnments of the representation' from : ATTE4'DL•'`G -tiOR.MAL SCHOOL a miedical exAmination within a Mr. Macleod and his brother Ken- that has left his leg "dead." Hugh, eth were.well known threshes in Ash- of. His . Majesty the ging as a 'train-, Ion Friday: i +he congregations and Presbvtery ; three days of . notification r a+� ' and . fie as Dun men and had the dis= who works .in the mines at I.evack, ' �g field #or. Empire defense_ Here's a few of the highlights in a ;?ttg. Prevailed however and 9Lr_ a hundred studtts are ver - f ,wind tc, 'be a second n1. otice w field young Ont_; auffered- the injury in'.'a motor , tinction' of introducing 'iota tris dis- IInder• 'the, British Commonwealth , nutshell rungs translation was grunted to: astered at Stratford Norma] Schoa.' bE sent. to'report,to an indicated mil-' . i ie a first stew 16to iS .d s accident, in' which he also • received ' Air Training Plan, Sky , Harbor ria- take effect after Sunda October th- ' hazy tri c e" ntre ander the Dem ' Thar night tate Arena is open ! y, ft this term, a decrease 'of about .thy? .° in ,machine ,replacing. the.,.old horse facial lacerations'. near• the eye, and been designated as an Elementary'! t' view the fine array ' exhibits I Mr_ Young's .induction into Itis new compared . with last. Scar's fi=gure-- partgoent of Na#aona} Defence for, a owered machines. That was `in 188.: 'on the forehead. rge _ �S,everal from this district are a>1 az- PeT3od of thirty day's A 9, Flying School for, the training of _pili .and. merchant displays ha ' wall take place at 2 p:m_ on tits, and to be operat4d by a civilian I Tiresda'y the lat}r of October an g7aoz,• iendance, anclnditig; Alam' Andersry� in' official a;moune-enient of 'this • and not long after that Malcolm left' Friday morning .preliminary swine the Township, sailed the lakes' a chlor, it1AS01'S TO CONVERGE HERS„ " company club coanpet t ons are held. Church, ' Normanby. >Thae new charge and Madeliney Caesar, R_ 1, Daffigan, ? emarkaI.lrle achievement, uh5cl . re- ° �� Warden Feaa'an's ,statement reads is located between 'D'urhammt aand ,Mt. ' E- fleLts fi3je ever-accsleaati"g tEmpa 'of time and r then located an Chicago. FOR DISRICT SERVICE, SUNDAY i � non Mari Carter, Second -Cox-, part: - , Fradas 'Afteratcron „ Forest ort, was :anade Sat where he has 'since been 'engaged in a Clare R, %; Lmcknow; Margaret Fun- (Cazaada's scar cif 000 in cash is to be .raised £or ,Friday ,afternoon • -the Fair proper, . sto g Ie Helen' Hamiitor `urdav by James G_ , Gar�mer, bion}- '' •" the construction business. . Royal Arch Masons of Huron Dis- , . . �+�� n, ° �, y, has a eontinuota tri t No: 6 will assemble in Luck- 'the.,formation of„ this Company and gets underway, with a lidestock .pare HR_�T Lntkndw; Marian .H. 'MacDonald- F ,-;ter ' of National War TILS M1 i 112_ Mr. 'MacLeod �n tri. et 11 afternoon to attend ' it is.. our plan ,to maintain the control uric and an tints-tand?ng Iivestocl, MA HAVE CLOSED 9IIIS Lae toss; Etta viae Z4I'IeLeod, Bi$-' I' GaTdinea; yshose do sA �+t' 3aQen I' - sbbscnber •to. The Sgntinel .for -well now on Sunday still retained' t act• 'cln service to bre held •in show, a feature of tvhach wi"II be. the s F�va T�amley, ,g �,, I:nelmru over half a century. He I dis r neck and adeptity of Sky- Harbor within SEASON' IN . AND BRUCE ; I yrorkm:, day and -right settanb rip the j - wane. club •j Bt, 'and . later ley; : da = necessary ma,chi ery to assure �" mai old friends in this district, and the Lneknow Presbyterian Church' 3t Krivoi, County_ There are 2r1 muni- final Isobel . Whig Rip Jack $Quer--.� ri "' . y MacDonald, ! t- ii the afternoon, the am Greg and Brace Countres may bare R ; 1, Ripley and. Alan Il[ Durrant; R. I and efficient' of the - was a t visitor here to renew 2 '30 o'clock Rev, G H: MacDo ciPahlaes m Huron and we have aIle. °II . these friendships. pastor of the ;church and a,`` meml►er ted $1500 to each one of them, in' of 27ards, totalling$8i.90: a closed. , muskrat season- Intimation 1, Dungannon. . ' ` P7an, aiitlnoed' a of the ` 1.b his ter wiII• conduct the order to ms'ke" gra"ilable. to all citizens A softball game between flue snap of possibility tit• such a. move i= • preprarttions Anuric_. Mr. MacLeod is 'survived y of the local Chap - I Sarah of service. I' the . opporttmity of• owning stock an Ps ; MacDonald Electrics of. Goderich' 'contained 'in a letter receited- by Dr: $IiITAL,� The sgi vrce; uT aIl.�unairr`ied medt�l widow, formerly MacLean. se i . Colling�ood, and by two sons and A large turnout of Royal _firth !thea own airport• "For" this reason. and a local picked as; 'another ,�_ g . Dough -of Owen Sound, past � P' o?te� r � �. � - 'shtares are bemg distributed at 10 dol- afternoon featulre_ resident of the Grey sad Bruce F three daugfiters. .. members is. anticipated from the dis- li `°There wi"Il 21wars bean England"— i°n have beep► Enlisted. by Mr- were held i Chic- act which includes 'ten lodges in lags each-: 'With . each ten .shares' of Outstanding en vnmeiit :for the Game and Fish Protective Association W'h ale hearts are strong'and brave, ince so t3rat them srBl Sae .no deisy an ' ,'//' Funeral services v� e n tr provided in several det ern g the.: phy�icai minas: • 03' : . referred stock one share of• common afternoon will be Pm . from D. J. Taylor; Ontaiio s deputy Where men are foun who will not � ,, ago on Friday with interment ,in that an - area extending from Stratford to P grandstand acts by .Gaa+den .Bros ,'Pro- d'11 city, where o ly a � year ago, 's son Southampton, . and of which ., district, '1 given as a bonus_ l;z an. .. minister of, game and fisheries.'• 91X_ fear ' the' amen, called :upon iT dor m ' "This is an o portun'ity for you to ;fessional entertainer from . T-oronto; Taylor. wrote that his de ent will there w� be no `fie -up" # " of this Ashfield pioneer 'was ]ad to yp: A. Porteous of town has :the honor I . P - Pam Tate, braggart or tine knave, rest.. of being the eurertt Grand Superin- bhp .control of Sky 'Harbor within This troupe features clowning and, 'pleased to consider a 4n, aPph_ men may. men . sn dancing, Where tyranny can have no place, ' . ! our own ' County of Hui`on, to sub- 'acrobatic stunts, . �t6�g, largely signed' by owners' of . or an_r aicmvemenily 3ocatQsi tendent- large Pr°P9 . Where freedom ,ever reigns, ;AT Doctors have received detod scribe 'to a' patriotic venture' in bel'p- comedy, juggling, magic aid' zeniaii-, adjoining the S�deabam River; m .Where each mum has' a chance to live DIED R1T liL9iLOSS ing 'win' the year, and to 'make what oquist .acts ' , • which' a 'closed season for Chas ricer ' • �d Himself ordains..: m'tructions e p m . _ hent Anderson Residence is considered by,hiuismess men a sound A public ad µ;:.Vi wall is sought- He intimated the closure standards for Act - Wh e� Al - Aheaander Gollan, aged 73 years, fir. ,and. 'Jlrs. Peter 91cCa11 bare investment; yielding per cent on used°on the ,'g�dcughout the _^ �� ire l•�srce dor #lie !Ron- .' g ere' rtriitl o might m cover, the t , As 1� the : Hmu, , '. , . _ passed Awa on Sunday -at' :the Gollan rented the residence +o 9 • Ander- preferred ti wif3a die f#i at _ i c e • - shares, and, surplus '.d�trt"b-. v 'a2id fhe"'l a comities a closed season r declar'-'' � m e "° 1. y e men Shall peat aria P home; Concession 2,, Kinloss. air. Got- I son at the eastern . outskirts of the uted amongst the common shares 1%:4, tendane4 Admission to .tfhe grounds 'ed, it will problably extend for five,! , � .During flue'-ttedieaI on, Ian, who returned, here after an ab -1 villa and which has been tenanted ° lore menwill'' be called upon . ge, County in Canada has made a ,more' is Sac and loo. l all life's .work is done, • yeses. ! nl sense of 50 years, has-been making i for, a' time by. Mr. and -Mrs_ Charlie4,patriotic gesture in connection with ; In d .a land therefi' ever be whether they have ever suffered with his Johnston who have moved 'to Brant Friday Evening his home .for some. ;time w. aviation thian we have, and, by. this, teem 'ane$T'; �'� as '-- ¢"'� . To accomodate the crowd, who mill : Britiish fair 'play and liberty, a brother Jack in .Kinloss, " Another ford. fir_ Johnston was em hoyed at .token, there is no question that -had it DOVT 13I AIME •THE tu' ctdfls's, h� Vie, . r eaven's Mill while a resident of ,wish tfl. attend the Friday night. Con- Ripley, Uat# C-'�' 9t- � cable, rapt ur brother, Kenneth Gollan, predeceased ! Tres not been for our interest in Har- t ,bow will be held in the POSTAL SERVICE . � �' . veins, . him_ the Village_' ; • fboy; the Port Albert Navigation col , he .. . . e or nasal trouble, nervous, mewl Tlae funeral service was conducted - 7-' Arena, where. seating accamodation 11 . ; would never have comp into existence_ wiII be prodded and s Pnbiic address Acting upon complaints of . non- W Alii- P -APER R ATS 'A large s or social diseases and tber a> e by Itev. G. illi. Young in South Hin GAVE RHCITAL THUItSD3Y !This' is an 800 -acre tract of groundm� arrival of cigarettes "and ,chic- a>,ortffient two_ choose from at, ac a ever been Tejeet�d for miilitwry. ser- - . . loss Presbyterian Church on Wednes- . �1 .on which fhcilities : area. being erected The increased .capacity' of the co. packages sent to soldiers over-, roll at hgeSl9q'S 'DRUG STUPE ri fr ,report, thin. g . day afternoon with interment in'- Kin- Dr. Leslie Grossmith, pianist and'. to the extent of approximately one Arena, makes .it possible for the Fair �Sr the 'Post Office .Department n3aF�ic an �? ce�f_v the nian . ply los1.s Cemetery. million. and a half dollars- We wall : - composer,. gave a recital in the Town night crowd to witness the best show made a thorough investigation, that SP3:Ci_AL AT LYCELIII teal cateaor_r Hall on Thursday afternoon_ He was have in this County 'some 1,400 ..risen 1 at- the lowest price in' the Fair's his- reveals that in no instance � the „ 7C . • flue 9:ational Wzr Bervires may' CHICKENS WI3ItE THE "HAND assisted on the Program by - blvs- for trainiag 'and instrdrtion. Thee At the Lyceaam Theatre, �i'mgham, regulations aatr physician who tory The admission is tae for ever r alleged loss or delay •tide #milt of', the , . PICKED" BOWLING PRIZIBS . . Grossmith', who contributed a' solo_ young men will Dome from all over one, except .public school children,'who Department thus Thursday, F`rrdar; and Saturday, an .anacturate. rt�ta„+Ptr; or 2u . Dr. Gros'smith, echo has travelled ex- the . Dominion ' and Huron welcomed The investigation revealed that in ilre hitt Hardy aicture, "Andy .H2; ds iztaccutaiQ cea Li=acate, be ; them Your individual investment u ty be admitted FREE i Due to the vagaries of lite weather tensavely, and 'is at Present touring _ In. case von are not aware of. the come eases it ssas a .masmrderstandima ]leets A. Deba:tamte'. Two shoves of am 'oz2ence and lia'ole, cul***=ATs , Canada s ke• at the' High School need not. be large,'., but as Warden of 'talent to ' peiforni on Friday after- betwe,. the folks at' home and the Thursday and Ss-° rdar nights- conrittion , f ar, Smprisonmeat ;ar ' a last Thursday it' was a case of "off p° the County I appeal to you t4 supple zine or both 7 �k�zsise. heave �a' for local bowl= mt Wednesday on the subject of mus- , noon and evening, frit$ definitely no boys overseas as to the number or the e • ties be amposecl on aur' ale. on, - sent- Som Stein. ie the e�apita] from every town, rage repetition of acts, 'a complete li�-t frequency of parcels 'WAR SAVERS ARMY ing Clubs Scotch Doubles Mystery I'snd township, north, east and sonYlr, . I individual srho_ ..haring been. $enc a . Tournament' with the result. that the of the actors will Ire #ound in an ad- cels failed to react, 'their destination entry list was S°mewhat� LOCAL RESIDENTS thtat Huron's control of aviation mag ! vertisement, in this •issue- due to a boat being lost by enemy AIM OF PLEDGES ; notice of f report a remain in this County for', the •dura- � �. theta as a, climaa..to this big aefi * and in another ' instauce a . medical 'examination. It is the :aim of and only Lpclmow greens were lased, tion of the war and as a foundation An army of '2;40D,400 regala* ii ar , :phe l►ligaster and hi$ da=putr,87or vrhich` were taxed to capacity. OPERA -TED, ON. day,, dance will be held,in the.T.own• clerk gad faiZea to ship a parcel that frnm uhieh to bnrld g 'mighty ' indus- Hall, commencing ° promptly at- ten' had been ordered Savers" is sought in a national Gen_ L, R. La Flerhe. -rho is respons- �` The tournament was completed .in .. Y--- try . in the days to follow the final µSmash Hitler" camppign no y open- able for the execution of tl�e plan, that 1. spite of showers of rain late in the Within the Past week two village o'clock, to music by Roy MacKenzie Most•impo?'tant bowevei' is the Pro- . victory."' addressing of parcels' tq insure big by the...War Savings committee. the, selection of men shall be 5c'_rupu- li } ev ing. Those "hand. picked" prizes !'residents have undergone. operations orchestra_ ' ' Per , ee�I Municipal committees in this re- . To enable •ever; man and o�ainam s-21 toasty amnartial "t ro�!ed to be dressed• chickens; and. for .the removal of thea; appendia_ Truly you wQn't want to massa againsfl loss dr delay_' This requires �' P ( Bard are as follows: Godericli-- i a+ialrpcsir�„Q Canada tc, join this "'Army, of Tis o , . TCit3a the t entente of ap!P' ` cat of eight sets of prizes, not a r On Wednesday evenarng� of last moment of the doings tomorrow, (Fri- completely and legibly1. Reece Turner, Willis 'Fraser, Charles, may), at Lucknow's 75th Fall Fair.. letters or � Parcels. full.: prepay- . million Regular' Wail Sayers", file , in' -mind as weE as speed. - e vciency. . , chicken',remained in town_ .P week • Morris Pearlman suffered an C_ Lee, Nelson Hill; Goderich. Tovcn- , ing postage, affixing customs de- Committee has., developed, m coRab- I Canada Isar been di -sided into 13 ad 1'+ 11 The eight wanriing rinks were How- attack of appendicitis and was taken , oaation viiia the chartered banks, a , miniere derision, each s I sl►rp—Benjamin Rathtaeil, Wal3ndt w cla.rations', as well as raeeful"' - . al , and Sherbondy, �Vingliam; Wsily.lih- . to Godench Ho" .where, he was 1. Pack Haacke. Charles Whitley; ' Colborne ing #or orersess tran on Atponr gym] Pledge Foran a�aieh is bau:O ;�oar8 comprising a judge an chair- ler, Wingham;• i~ Pridham, Gorier- operated on' dararrg the early hour. dTownship--f'�eoag+e n, Will Ss-] COMING EV�NTS �� delivered mail to. over 2,500,000: roam_ supported IT two reurbsenfa- g ick- Reid of Ses#orth; Donald Rae, of Thursday morning_ • 1 "the contents of a parcel a slip of 1 ° - lows.- East . Wawanosb Rayn"d paper should be ms d giving the householders from co:Nst to coast Thi= , t re citizen=, and also a dii�ir+nsl . Wingbam; FrdT-Munt, Goderich; E_, Circnmstan!ees were very similiar.� Redmond, Alex Porterfield, James. C. ` Hazelgrove of Wingham and George. in the case of W. �B. Anderson, who proper Military addrvess of the sold- one o$ floe ]sagest sffigle �ailang= registrar telae -a-ill' Ari as secrete o Currie; West Wawanoshr—Thoma: DA\'CS AT P_�R AaiOUNT t ler as well as the' teturn address of ever ,carried oat by rho Canadian] to yvhonn sn_v per on seep in-" ," .. Matheson, Goderich. , 9 suffered an ' acute attack on Sunday , ebster, other members not yet ap- Dancing every Friday night at Par- �� senders I might, and was rushed to Wingham,. amount Hall to.marsic bg :AiaeHenzie'> Postal. Servide formation as to proredaare.anas and11 - 3 Hospital where _ the o enation Ric robed; Ashfield Township' Ales _ Letters � or paicels should be ad Bc using flats new Wan - 'o ff ' p MgDonald, 'Gilbert ' l:m, yne, Lorne '' .Piece orchestra: Door, prize eacl' : dressed as follows: Pledeie Form any bank ,depositor can . This district comes• under A LOAN OVERSUBSCRM19D I performed early Monday morning_ �r a roasted chicken: General ad - In each case •tire patient is Making Johnston. '�: a Regimental Number, inslrut# his hanl; to �� in one ,or i-rrative Diris;on "A". with Hgm -_• mission 3bc. .Rank, Name, more War Sa-rangs ,eRrtif'cate for 7w6ce W_ T. Eenderson cis �+;rm}rn Canada's second wart loan, with an . favourable progress. In the case of . . Full Name of Regiment or .IInat ham on the 15th of eery month. mad .illi an A 9 r. �, Carling Iiloeh,' objective of X304,000,000 was oyer; : Mr: Andeison, the attack was suf-1 WHT SUFFER the .agony of Rheu- r D�\Cg ,T' LUGS\(ya' C'`S.F Once the pledge rs si-n and arida,: I-nndcna a . re�►i_car_ Tire -,„4 subscribed by- more. than forty-two fered at a • most inopportune time. ,uratic Pam, Sciatica, Lambago; when h - lium$ca ta;11 'give vote quack wet- i A dance will be. held in the Orange ! : Care of .Base Post Office, to Lire bank, the regular paarLhate o> hoard has headquarters- .s-2 Lz+ndoiL million dollars_ . Tire .books closed on as he was bnsr�y engaged in trging :, Ps , Ball, i uclmo , on Thursday, October I Canada. - War Sarnrg� Cel cat l►ees•arte_ ialedfica] , exair ination 'of . int 11, tome relief- McK19i'S DRUG STORE. ? „ , . Saturday less than two weeks sin. e a to harvest a ,large flax, crop, and ° ; 3rd, with music by the "Tune Twist- " subscriptions to the gigantic. loan : which operations have beets badly dis-' - ..11 j ens" Orchestra of I.ochalsb Admi - Certificates i,� dedm cued preach'' mGsat� �iaa first to ane called m ,rag- . were made available to investors h enc rains. v an Irupted y D i si