HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-08-29, Page 8pktiolt , • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL e • TH AY, AUGUST 29th, 1940 STREET tj -8 )A' Few Of. The Many Specials ° Selected For This Week -End . . . FLETTE BLANKETS—Extra heavy, large size. 12j4. Special. Pair $Z19 BOYS' ALL WOOL WORSTED SWEATERS 98c.. BOYS' BRUSH WOOL SWEATERS. Reg.' $1.98. Special .... $1.50 BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS—Size 12-14. Special s. ... . . , . 89c CHIFFON'TiOSE--New fall shades. , kss69c. YAMA CLOTH --36 in., wide. 3 pieces only: Fri. & Sat.. Yd. 25c • SILK & WOOL PULLOVER SWEATERS for School opening. Special• $1.25 SOCKEES—Fancy stripes, not all sizes hi the lot 15c SOCKEES—Brewn, Navy and. Wine shades , 25c 1, 1 WON AT HANOVER & GODERICH In an Irish trebles tournament at Hanover last week, Howard Agnew, Wes Houstcin and Clark Finlayson, won second prize. The local trio was tied for first place with a Hanover link; but rather than play a couple of ends to decidethe matter the aggraga Ss scores were, taken as the basis of Slaking the awards, with the Lucknow rink taking second place. • .• • In Goderieh on. Friday evening in another trebles event, Howard, Clark and Bill McPherson finished in sec - end place, after a last end running shot , blasted .their chances of finish- ing in firstplace. Pyjamas were their prizes and the demi dark secret is, "Who choa the red ones?" LUCKNOW BIBLE insTsTrrtyr*, ,The "Inatitute will meet as,• usual this Friday evening and will partly be in the form of a prayer, meting and possibly some outside speaker. 8 p.m. Friday, August 30th. Please try and be out* and invite -your friends. ACCIDENT AT ZETLAND , MemberSuf Arthur's Orchestra, en - route to play for a dance at St. Au- gustine, niet -with an accident at Zet- land Hill, 'west of Winghani on Fri- day night. Blinded by the lights of an approaching car as it came over the hill, the driver of ,the Wingham car pulled too far to the edge of the road and .the car turned over on its side into a 'four or five-foot ditch. There were no injuries, but consid- erable body and fender dainage was done to the car, including a shattered glass in the rear door. The read is deceivitig at this point and dangerous, in that .there is no shoulder, and, at the gravel edge tho roadway drops sheer away. Canada at War A Weekly Review Off Developments On The House Front 4 , • • Meeting at Ogdensburg, New York, President Roosevelt of the United States, and the Prime Minister of Fraser MacLean and Mary C. Mac - Canada agreed that a, permanent Lean of Evanston, Ills are visiting at joint board on defence should' be the MacLean home-, Con.. 12, Ashrield, • set up by the two countries, at, once, for a cOuple of weeks:' The board will commence immedi Mrs. Jas. Astles and daughter Doris ate stidies relating to see, land and Were Week -end visitors with her siss air problems, including personriel & • ter, /Are. W.G Armstroug Jr, and material. " It will consider in the Mr. Arnistrong: . broad. sense the defence of the north, half of. the Western Hemis- phere and consist •of fear or five members from each country, most of them from the services. 0 I (LOCALandGENERAL) Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Joynt left on Monday on a motor trip to Western, Canada. Fred Anderson, Jr., who 'has spent some time at 'Callender, has returned to this community for a few weeks. Foriner Culross Reeve Retires David McDonald. a former Warden of Bruce County, and for many years Reeve of Culross, moving to Tees - water, and his son, J. Stewart Mc- Donald, the Culross municipal clerk, will take over his 200 -acre farm 'on the 8th concession of Culross. •• • • ONTARIO To Possessors of Firearms In the Village of Lucknow All Rifles and Shotguns Must Be Registered At The Clerk's. Office in LUCKNOW, by 'September 15, 1940 • Persons Failing to comply are subject to penalties BY AN ORDERSIN,COUNCIL, JU LY 29th, 1940 UN.DElt THE DEFENSE OF)CANADA4 REGULATIONS — • Canada is to issue a second war loan of, from $250,060,000 to $306;000,- 000 early next month. Holders of Dominion of Canada 4% per cent bends maturing September 1 will ' be given opportunity to exchange their maturing bonds for bonds of • the new issue. Terms of the new loan will, it is expected, be an- nounced September 6. Captain Victor G. Brodeur, Royal Canadian 1Navy, appointed. Naval Attache, Colonel H. F. G.' Letson, • M.C., appointed Military Attache to • Canadian Legation hi Washington. Personnel of the Canadian Navy is nearly six times as great as it was a year ago; announced Hon. Angus Macdonald, Minister of Nat- ional Defence for Naval Services. Approximately 10,000 Naval 'officers and men are on active service. Hon. Vincent Massey, Canadian High Commissioner in London, cab eil the Minister for Naval Services that "the quiet but effective work of •Canadian 'destroyers on convoy ser- viee is valued highly by Admiralty, and it is of. especial interest that among their duties has been , the escort of Australian troops ell route to Brita,in." - • Adjustment of educational require- • meats for 'appointment to ArroY commissions in the C.A.S.F. an- nounced by Department of Nation- al Defence. Hon. C. G. \Power, associate Minister of 'Defence, accompanied by army, navy and air advisers, conferred on defence with Newfoundland au- thorities in St. John's Newfound- land. Armored brigade authorized •for the latioris he was unable to get across C.A.S.F. Brigade will consist of the border at that time, and, he has four battalions of the .C.A.S.F., and •been almost two months in complets will be equipped'with 200 tanks in . ing arrangements- to get back to Chic - addition to other armoured vehicles. WEDDING BELLS 11001?ER -- CLARK St. Paul's 4nglican Church, South- ampton was t'he setting fOr a pretty ceremony sSaturday afternoon, when Miss Margaret Cat.lieiine Clark, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. John. B. Clark, was united in marriage to Mr. John Paul Hooper, -son of Dr. and Mrs. E. Ralph Hooper of Teccoa, Georgia, formerly of Toronto. Dr: Hooper and R,ev. Mr. Vivien officiated. ("as W.. M. Little, Toronto, seem - 'Oared Mrs. C, V. Wallace of Toronto, who 'was soloist. • 4• " 0• The bride is a granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. D. R,Madliatoils, Mrs. W. J. Little, Elliott Little and formerly of Luck -how - Miss Enuna McCluskey were guests ,,Whitg, gladioli and tall 'taPers, dee- . at the Hooper -Clark 'wedding in orated the church. The bride, given in Southampton on Saturday. marriage by her father wore a grace- ful gown of ivory peau de soie, with Hiss Helen Thompson president of district No. 3 of the Ontario Teachers' eyelet embroidery at neckline ' and sleeves, fitted bodice and lull skirt Federation is attending a Federation convention at Toronto today (Thurs- day). Mr. and Mrs. Gomer Gibbons were Sunday visiters .here and On- their re- turn were accompanied by her, -mother, Mrs. Wm. Ferris, who will visit with them ;at Elmira. . • A 'Special meeting of the Women's Institute will be held the Town T eir matching off -the -face hats had, velvet bows, and they, carried cascade Hall this Friday afternoon, August bouquets of gladioli. Mr. Steven Pal - attend important business. mer of Hamilton was groomsman, and the ushers were Mr. Bert Lockley, Art McCartney who is in training Mimico; Mr. Thomas J. Bell; Guelph, with the 99th Battery at Carling , and Mr. Douglas R. Steadinan,, Tor - Heights hass been in hospital With onto facial• paralysis, believed to have been A reception was held at Hampton . 'caused by toe much trumpet blowing. Villa, Southampthn. Mrs.' Clark wel- 1 Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Watson and eomed her:guests wearing a gown of • Mrs. T. Glazier a Goderich are vis- Cherry/ rose crepe with rnatehing hat iting with Mrs. Thomas Watson. Mal- colm ands Mrs. Watson return shortly to Wales for the Opening of the school terin on September 3rd. Jack Campbell, Bill Web'ster and Jack Fisher of the 99th Battery, R. C. A., in training at Carling Heights. Toronto On their return. were home fiver the Week -end and I• with long sweeping train. A Juliet cap held her finge-tip veil of peau do sole, and she carried a shower of ivory gladioli, centred with an ivory rose. Miss Isobel Snyder of Waterloo, maid of honor; Mrs. Frederick C. Mannis of Vancouver and Miss Ruth Clark of Kitchener, wore replicas of t e bride's gown in aqua taffeta. TO BE SENTENCED TODAY IN MOTOR ACCIDENT HATILITY • Convicted of dangerous .driving, Robert Govier, 17, East Wawanosh Township youth, was last Thursday remanded .for sentence for one week by Magistrate J. A. Makiris. Govier was the driver of the car .in which Archie Mason, his lifelong friend and school chum,- lost his life in an acci- dent near Blyth on the early morning of July 29th. k • "It's just another case of speed and carelessness,"his Warship summed iip after hearing .evidence for. mere' than an honi."This boy was driving a light roadster with_ no ,top, at an excessive rate of speed, not safe, on a township gravel.' road such as was this one. This boy is 'a goOd citizen and has no bad habits but the evidence shows that he is not used to driVing;" • Testifying in his own defense young Gorier admitted he had only been in possession of his first operator's per- mit for 21 days. He maintained that his 'rear left tire had blown "out at the top of; a hill as he Was dris ng his friend home from a band con at Blyth. The casing however showed no signs of a hlowout when produced in court by Traffic Officer Norman Lever, who investigated the accident. SERIOUSLY INJURED • IN FALL IN BARN Mr. Melville ,Colling, concession 4, met with a painful injury recently. While hauling grain into the barn, he t. was in the act of climbing the ladder, into the mow, when the top rung° broke throwing him about fifteen feet; Thurs., *a, Sat. Aug 29,30, 31' "Maryland" Technicolor Walter Brennan Fayo Bainter • John Payne Brenda ,loyCe. SAGA OF THE MARYLAND BLUEBLOOD STEEPLECHASE THOROUGHBRED HORSES CAPITOL Young Peoples' • Midnite • SHOW, SUN.• SEPT. 1st. ALL COMEDY ALL FUN Ma! He's Making Eyes At Me!, A Special Show— Especially For Young People: Mon, Tues., Wed. Sept- 2. 3,14 HOLIDAY ATI•RACTION Cary Grant , Rosalind Russell Ralph Bellamy His Girl Friday' Jo" ITS ONE GRAND COMEDY! • I • and corsage of sweet peas; and .•Mrs. tb the harli floor where he. landed on thr wagon tongue He' ' • Hooper was gowned in grey chiffen, his heel He narrowly missed being " INFANT STRANGLED own over the- with wine hat trimmed with blue os - was taken by Dr. D. R. Finlayson to • trich plumes,. and corsage of corn - Kincardine General Hospital for flowers and pale pink roses. treatment. Later he was removed to Later the bride and bridegroom left Victoria Hospital, London where the for the Laurentians, and will live in injured limb was set, and he was able to return home. Were at their respective. jobs on Sat- • HABKIRK WALKOM urday night. • A pretty house wedding took place Messrs. Harry • Nixon and Robert at, the home of the bride's parents, Fisher are engage'? at carpenter work 1.Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walkoin, in Man - at Sky Harbor airpOr,t at Goderich_ ro, on Wednesday, August 21st at Among local men employed at Port two e'elock, when their daughter; Albert at present are Jack Button, Mary Geraldine, was united in inarri- bob MacKenzie, Lance -Morrison and age to Sergeant Donald° Habkirk, Lincoln Morrison. son 'of Mr. and Mrs. W. Habkirk • Bill MacKenzie returned tO Chicago Teeswater. • The bride looked lovely in a floor -length - gown of white lace last week to commence an interneship in the Chicago Osteopathic Hospital. net over satin and she carried a bou- quet of American Beauty roses and After graduating this year, Bill came home on a short holiday, and was fern. She entered the room, which scheduled to return on July 1st to was decorated with pink and , white interne. Under new warstime segs_ gladioli, on the arm of her father to the strains of the bridal chorus from Lohengrin, played' by her sister, Miss Lulu Walkom. The bridesmaid, Miss Ruth Walkom, vra!'s' gowned in white dotted organdie and her flowers were asters and American Beauty roses. Private Andrew Baillie was the best man. Rev. Vit, A. Leitch performed the cermony. During the signing of the register Miss Evelyn Walkom sang "The Sunlight Of Your Smile". A buffet lunch was served on the lawn to about thirty-five guests. The bride- groom's gift' to his hride was a cab- inet of silver:. Mr. and Mrs. Habkirk left fOr a honeymoon trip to , Musk- oka and other northern places, the • bride traveling. in a dress of dusky use wool, with black accessories. On 'Their return they will reside in Bar- rie. Ca F. F. Worthington, 311.C, Coin- aga' znanding officer of the Canadian Armored Fighting Vehicles Train- ing Centre at Camp Bo en, will command the brigade. In addition to approximately 40,000 troops overseas, strength of the C.A.S.F. in Canada as of August 14th totalled 114,003. Of this total, 26 companies were veteran home guards. Strength of the non -per- manent active militia stood at 100,- 731 of which 21,500 are at Preseni. in training ,,camps. Name of the Veterans Home Guards is to be changed to Veterans Guard of Can- ada. For three days, thousands of regist- rars, their deputies and- volunteer workers,, engaged in war -time regi- stration of eight 'million Canadian citizens. • Borden. THE UNITED CHURCH LUCKNOW SUNDAY SEPTEMBER Ist 10 p.m.—Sunday School. 11 a.m.—Morning Worship. The Pastor will have charge. 7 p.m.—Evening Worship. Community Prayer Service in the Anglican Church, Tuesday. Sept- ember 3rd, 8 p.m. Stricken In Field Mr. Roderick McLennan living on the Huren and Ashfield boundary i while at work recently in the hat - ',vest field was the victim of a stroke 1 os paralysis. ,. Claire Ann Taylor, infant daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. George M. Taylor of East Wawanosh was strangled to death on Tuesday, When she became entangled in a swing rope. The little ss tot, who was in her second year, was discovered by her mother, who sum- moned Dr Wm. Comiell of Winghain GRADE ROAD NORTH. OF RIPELY who carried on resuscitation efforts • for an hoar 'in a futile effort to re- , Throughqut Bruce County work on county highways is nearing comple- tion for the current season,. accord- ing to .George E. Stephenson, county engineer. Total County expenditures were cut: from $165,000 to $150,0001 this year. In this district, says the Kincardine News, chief work is on the road from Ripley to Highway 9, where grading is progressing so favourably that it is ,near completion so that in future paving may be undertaken with only slight preparatory work. • vire the child. • WILL ERECT MISSION The members -of the Pentecostal Assembly, Ripley, have purchased from Mr. Henry Wyld, Jr, the build- ing lot on the corner of Huron and Park Street, on which they will erect a new tabernacle. The building in which they formerly worshiPmc_l will be used by the Ripley village council as a fire hall and, council chambers. ,—Ripley Express. Get In On An Oats and Barley Competition AT • Meaford 1Fall Fair SEPTEMBER T9-20. 1940 $423.00 in 24 Prizes 0 EE. DISPLAY CARDS IN OUR OFFICE. FULL DETAILS. • ENTRY FORMS M 4Y BE HAD HERE. s • Sponsored By Stanley Knight Limited APPLY — HEN DERSO N & FISHER. LIICKNQW STEWART I'LANING MILL,. LUCK NOW •a• . A • The Month -End Sale At The Market Store Is Always Interestisig In Addition To Our Regular 4List Of Bargains We. Are Selling The Balance "Of The K & P Department Store's Stock • Thursday, Friday, Saturday This Weekt - Lucknow, 0' I Phone 1 2 ° 7s...sass •