HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-08-29, Page 4PAO. Fo'n IN fi 11E LUCK•NOW SENTINEL Telegram Received Toronto , Out . Aug 27th ' 194.E Luoknow Sentinel Lucknow Ont 34'4: Robin Hood flour wine again stop in open competition with all other flours -at Canadian National Exhibition Toronto today first second third and ',fourth prizes for white .• 'bread. ire : e all won by Robin Hood Evangeline Robin Hood Flour Mills b' ALM NO WONDER THEY CALL ROBIN HOOD' ,4 F CHAMPIONS! THS .CI-�QICE °O " .. BELFAST 1 f WHITECHURCH GROOM SERENADED HIMSELF A beaming... benediet following his Donal'da and Allan Hackett visited ' The funeral of Mr_ Jaimnes Eraer Iiook-up with blushing brlde and /not week with .Mr. and Mrs. Plbaris s©.nr w.as'beldRlast Fr.day to Greenhill happy slave drove to the Bruce cap '. f Cemetery and was very Iargeiy at ital , on Monday afternoon and went MacDonald spent ..the, tended_ Ile passed away in VI -Ingham through town blowing his horn with week-mat1 with Ma, atm woratedlllosnital an Tuesday. Ile was - a life RIPLEY IN BRUCE JUNIOR FINALS Ripley Juniors and Chesley • now hook up in the Bruce League junior championship series. But itt nearly was Walkerton and Chesley. Two rens down going into the 9th • at. Walkerton on Monday, iri the de- ciding game, the Redmen came to life and pounded Zuber off the mound in scoring four runs that gave them a 10. to. 8 victory aver . the County Towners; . and the rightto continue their, quest for the Bruce' League Sil- verware; and a spot in the O.B_A.A: playdowns. It was a jubilant bunch of 'ball players andfans that saw the Red- men cop the . th'ree-ga'nze series that had .developed into a real feud. Riplee won the first game with S' ease ,,by a ''T. to' 3 seo ,ise. Walkerton' o n protest; -of this game was thrown out_ In Walkerton, last last Saturday Ripley was headed for' :another victory with a 10 to 3' leadat the end of the 7th: But they blew up in the 8th • and Ott, when Walkerton abased home 8 run: to eke out an 11 to xO win. In the 'third and deciding game on Ionday the tables were turned. Rip- y was trailing. by two runs going into the 9th. '. With: two on, Weis doubled to tie the count at 8-8_ Then Huffy Harris, the Red's one-man pitching staff,' won Ms own game by belting out. a 'triple to score Weis sueh . zest_ that' business was practi- • lung resident of is 'cc" ramirni, • be trc&ett. enily suspended an the front street as .visitors with Mr_ and 1CIrs im,: tarn on fair farm where 1^e had merchants and their cos'to/ners rushed Pollock's single scored Huffy to make �ndm ran were 1 and Mas.^Rola. "vet. all leis life. The sympathy of -the it 10' to 8 for the "Huron Hub" /ads c • Losm allO lif extended to Isis' aged forth to get aclose=up of the nets- ) olmesville Mr. and Ins_. a F rest' one-man performance on a' honey- In the last of the 9th, Harris. here Make of • tea Isla alas_ : mother and . two b �rs.. alit two moon' that has come . down the main the 'County Towners well' in 'hand Ray wane and. y, ter Ste: McGuire Of , Dungannon. i sisters_ <�; . aria- since the Indians and: their First than ug, popped' to Huffy: He w h,, Mrs_ T: Launb of Goderich visited walked the next man and threw the E s_ anal *samara e.witFredarF ld warwhoops weir[. out of the., pi;eture, of canton one day Fait weep with 'her pmts* here_ D abtlessly the: groom, who, next batter out . at fir$[ on a roller; ' Day and°� •. to the mound:. Then to, end is up mans s Frena ming for a few. days:: MT- and Mrs_ John Ken atedy_ • acted lie 'he hadn't a axile friend Ila Mr. Jaek IPolllock of the Elgin Reg ' „h —__as , tag[ a_ R .,,.a ...,�.� quickly, Hoffy`straek out Caruso, one - are and 1$mtln yrrareD 111rs� wan meat Spent.•the week-ead',at his horLre ine ase: �.ag with Aar. �cd • C DUNGANNON Miss Betty ,Elliotttad as. a guest last week her sister-in-law, Pdrs_ Ed- Elliott d, +' liott of Calgary, • Mr. and Mrs, Axillar and Mr, and Mrs. 'Lamb have, taken >(ooms at the farm\ house of Mr.' R_ J. Durnin. The men are.e�mployed as truck drivers on the air port work. Miss Minnie Dickson on the staff of the Goderich Marine and General Hospital is enjoying a vacation with her parents Mr..and Mrs. Thos. Dick- son, Sr., who have recently moved to the village. - ° Miss . Grace Crawford who is ' a teacher at Calgary and enjoyed the, holidays with her sister Mrs. R. • J. Durnin'and other relatives has return- ed to the West to resume her duties.. t Mr. and Mrs. Frank PatPo n, a s dar- ing Stonehouse ants ith Mrs. Jas. S iing the. air port Work, spent the.week end at' their, home in Windsor. Mrs. Stonehouse; accompanied them' to• Ex- eter and: vjsited relatives there. Visitors last Friday with Mrs; Hen- ry Wilson were Mrs. Percy Sander ;on, Mrs. Chas. Sharpe and.two little daughters and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker: Friends will remember them as forn>aer Dungannonites.. Mrs. Ida Young, Goderich, also spent the day. 11ORN—To Ma. and Mrs. Carman Hayden (nee ,Irene Carr) twin'' boys at Goderich Hospital; Sunday August 25th_ Hearty congratulations. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. 13arvey Mole on Sunday were Mr. and ,Mrs. Ed Mole, Laura.and Vera,' Seaforth. Miss Winnifred Swan, Belmore and Mr. Stewart McDonald, . Ripley. • Mr. and `Mrs. Walter. Stafford laughter Dawn and Miss Genevieve Hamilton, Toronto,' were week-ent' guests with.Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Ram- .ilton. Visitors Iately with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Caesar were Mi. Aldolphus •Cie;. sar and his " daughter Mrs. James Ashworth, husband and.little ,gin' from Cuyahoga Falls, (suburb) Ak ron, Ohio. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kidd and chil- dren Ryan'tl and infant daughter She/- ah of Wingham are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John. Ryan. Mrs. R. Fitzgerald end' Mrs. Rich McWhinney attended the ' Kintai] branch of the Presbyterian W. M. S. at the 'home of Mrs.'McKenzie, Kin - tail, • Wednesday afternoon of last week.' , Miss Madeline Caesar' who has com- pleted her . High•' School 'education .. at Lucknow and Miss Alma Anderson from the G. C. I., Goderich, are . pla i- ning to attend Normal School at Stratford this year:: Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Duff, son Roy and• the Misses Blanche Buell, Edith Rymal and Winnifred Piekel of Leam- ington .-visited friends in the village, Many] remember the Duff family as form`s Dungannonites. The Dungannon School, SS. No. 8 Ashfield, opens as. usual for the'faP term on September 3rd. Mr. Walter Dickinson spent the week -end with his friend Mr. 'Wm Sage, Shepherdton: • Mr. J. D. Richardson last week ten- dered his resignation to they Goderich RuraI Telephone Co. He has accepted a position of Superintendent Of the Aylmer Malahide Telephone Co. of repairs, where seven other men are employed on the lines.: Mr. Richard son has been with us nine years and en September 9th leaves to take over his new duties. Mr. Jack McGee has been hired to fill the vacancy. The Women's Institute meets: on Thursday at the home of Miss ?erne, Robb. here_ t�. l • lelsetft's W'_ jos_ s_ held fry Mr`_ and Mrs: T. Jantzi of Milverton make • the jubilattion comp/arae—Walk- att the )fie of Mrs. George sil t the week -end with her brother: erton Herald -Times. Meeting Mr. .Ge'arge Fisher and, renewed old • f.aar� on Tuesday atftea'arotin- The pre_ grim, wl ,'a as in; charge of the, young &.r ,` was greatly enjoyed- , of Walkerton's best batters_' e on his return home and hurl a few pots and pans. lineup—Jack. Bowers 2nd ans. at himself, to R> y P , g M. Weiss, ss; ; Donald Finlayson, c; H. Harris, p; G: 'Pollock, 3rd Doti .Aitchison, cf; W. Weiss, rf; BeII, If; Jack Cook, 'Ist. Mrs. ins Aare spent Satirday ccgtranuta>g - lairss, .Jeafe Coulter . of London is spemaieaaig two weeks with . her par_ Wittis ter mother, Mita Same. Sherwood_ ennt. ' Mr- and Mrs: Win& J_ Cotdter. . BURNED BY 'GASOLR USED AS LirintENT Charles~' a farnaor of Con. 4, • East Waticanosin suffered painful in Wires in .a pair: manner on Fri-. .day. acreaikg at • his home_ Owingto. aliack brae he .was using genii, - line as a, Ota , neat anti was applying it when it ^ is believed the fires eante :ha contact with the heat front tiee stove, and the treated part 'oaf his Pack was ignited resulting in sev- ere b He, )Medly rushed out- tide and coiled for help. Neighbors bearing the seaeams, came to his 'r,es' enc. Medical aid was given by B. C Weis of Asehu Masses Jean N[cKague• and Jean Bireldli of Turnberiy are spending a week with their aunt, Mrs- Fling Grain_ Mr. and Mirs. W. Jos. Henderson Mistress: "Have you any refer- ences?" -• . Applicant: • "What references?" Mistress: "I stated clearly in • my advertisement-Exeellent references_" Applicant:I "der,' that? I thought that applied to yorz". • . of .Winnghan spent F•1;iday •afternoon WEST WAWANOSH NATIVE with Mrs;. •D. Kennedy_ DIED BRITISH COLUMBIA McKenzie . Mititarbray and Kenneth . Word has been received by the Messrs_ Wall and Gus Kinahan of the death of their oldest brother, .Inspect or John Rinnlian, B.A., who died in British Co/u•Lubia (,Albany) on Friday, August 16th. Inspector Kinahan was the building of 92 vessels, of which the eldest; son of the Late Mr- and a portion is now afloat, the Canadian • Mrs Will Kinahan, of the 9th cones - akar!, conversion program;, in pi ogreas sion of West Wawanosii_ Surviving sine! the start of Una war„ is pro- :bint, are his widow and five brothers. eeeding'altead of schedule. Many con -rand one sister, .Will and Gus, of St. vented vessels are now in service on Augustine, Thomas',Vincent and Jos - the high seas with' the Royal Canad-'epls, of the West, and Mrs_' Mary inn Navy. Blake of Brussels- . 4 - o Laidlaw are work 'g at, Port .Albert air pprtt- Shipbuilding Ahead Of Scher In addiction to the Well advanced naval construction 'program involving Birgain TRIAL OFFER. New Subscribers Only The e . Sentinel b . to Dec. 314 1940 4 months, for c Beaissues .. _ +' Here'sof The sentinel . with all 17 RsS the local news at less than 3e a, week scribe ow The Luelinow Sentinel 0 i • " KI N LOUGH Messrs_ A. E. and' G. W.aldenby Motored to Torbnto last week. Mist Ethel. Haldenby returned home with them after spending a few days there. and Mrs_ Gerald McIver `and family spent a few days with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hodgkinson_ Mrs. Raunchey' is spending' a few weeks with 'friends; ;at Merritton_ . Mrs. Arthur . Gzaliam 'is visiting with Kincardine friends: Miss Ir/ma Hodgins returned home after holidaying with St. Catherine. friends. ' There will be no service in 'the Anglican. Chiyreh next Sunday morn- ing as the Rev. H. B. Hamilton is on holidays. OL the following Sunday September 8th, .there will be a union service in Bervie at 3 p.m. when the Bishop ' of Yukon will be the guest speaker: Mr. and Mrs_ B. Logan and Lenora spent a 'day'' teat week at Mr_ Jas. Hodgins' Mr. John Johnstone, Con_ 10, is net" enjoying as good health as his many friends would like to see. The next regular meeting of the H. W. I. will be held at the home of Mrs. Roy Graham_ Convener -A -Mrs. Don McCosh; .assistants,' Mrs. Eldor Eckenswiller, Mrs. Almer Ackert- ' topic, Hine Economics and publicity • current events; motto—Habits retain- ed from Grandmothers' day; roll call First aid for burns, sunburns and cuts: lunch committee, Mrs. Roy Graham' Mrs. Almer. 'Ackert, Mrs. Chas. Con - gram. THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th,a19.40 FOR SALE—a .22 calibre rifle, cheap Apply at Sentinel Office. • ° FOR SALE -A quantity of good seed wheat. Apply to S. E. Robertson. Lucknow. • FOR SALE—English pram, good con- dition, Gondola type. Mrs. Fred Em- berlin, Lucknow. • FOR SALE—before September 5th a nappyx goat, milking. Apply, at Sentinel Office. FOR S ALE White~Leghorn yearling hens. Choice ,layer's for this win.tei,. Wm. Andrew, R. 7; Lucknow, 'Phone;' i7 -r-3, , Dungannon. L. Injured At Dungannon Pit Gordon, Reid, employed in the .pit. where gravel for the Port Albert Ai;port is being obtained, had one of his feet badly crushed when a goo -Ib weight fell on it. It required three men to lift the weight frbrn hi-, foot He will be laid up for some time, althodgh an X-ray revealed that no bones were broken and the foot was crushed only. TILE iFbR "SALE -cement tile •avail able in the following • sizes Sin. 12in., 14 in., 20 in., 25 , in. and 30 in. James Burns, Havelock, St., Liieknow. FOR SALE—Electric . washing mach- ine, achine, bedroom suite, kitchen table and chairs: Apply at Fred. Nixon's Resi- dence, Main St., Lucknow. WANTED ---Light carting and odd jobs Wanted. Having considerable time to spare would be glad to do any carting or odd jobs you may wish Phone .58 Lucknow or call at Expres. Office. Garnet Henderson. LAIN:GSIDE NORTH The Y. 1?. S. will hold theft meet- ing in the . church 'On Tuesday Sept- ember 3rd at 8:30 p -m. Mr. and Mrs_ Robert . Donaldson Donald and Helen spent Sunday with Mrs. Thos. Donaldson, Culross_ They were 'accompanied home by Marie wha. has spent the past two weeks with her grandmother_ Mr. and Mrs: Ira Wall spent San - Mr. Thornton Eedy left Monday to accept a clerical position in the R$ - crafting office at London. Mr.: and Mrs. Eedy and family spent Sunday with relatives ,at Mil- verton. . Private George Hamilton, after a 10 -day leave 'from the army returned Sunday to London. . HOLYROOD CLEARING AUCTION' SALE of household effects at the late John' Joynt residence, Lucknow;' Saturday August 31st at 1:30 o'clock. See; bills. Terms cash. Mary J. Johnston, Ida K McLeod, Letitia ' M. Millson, Ex- ecutrices; Well Henderson, auc. • NOTICE . . Mrs. ' Duncan Stewart of Ailsa Craig, Miss Muriel Meisner. of Ham- ilton, Mrs. George fludie and son George of Clinton spent Sunday with Mrs. A. Ackert: - Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris and Lorraine spent Sunday at Mr. Johr .Jamieson's, Lucknow. Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacDonald and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Turnbull, Under- wood. day at the home .of ,Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ernest Ackert, Winnifred and Wilson Wall. Lloyd, Misses Blanche McDougall Messrs, Clark, Lapp and Jim Oar spent „Sunday with friends at God- the former's cottage at Bruce Beach Bessie Carnochan are holidaying at this. week. The United W. M. S. will bold their 1- miss. Anna Robb of Glamis meeting at the home of liss Market- is holi- I et Ross oii Wednesday, September 1 . . y g with Miss Eileen Phan `da in BORN—To r. and Mx1. Howard at 2'10 Pon- • d Sunday with Miss Marjory Murray. I uat 25th, a son. Congratulations_ I which everyone appreciated, and Mitis NOTICE TO CREDITOR S of David HustE on EateR oof the Estate lage of Lucknow in the County :of Bruce. Furniture Packer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf, that all persons having claims, against, .the Estate of the said David Huston de- ceased, who died on or about ,the .Sev- enth day of July A.D. 1940 „are re- - quired to forward'their claims-= proven to the undersigned' executors duly of the last Will and Testament 'of the said deceased', on: or -before the . Sev- enth day of September A.D..1940, af- ter which date the Executorswill Pro- Geed to tribute the assets of the Estate a entitli d ong .the •persons Co entitled' thereto'haviing regard only tand be- . z .ing responsible. only for the claim of which they shall then have ,' had. police. b Dated 'at' J.ncknow. Ontario; this Twelfth' day of August, A.p:. 1940. W. J.Davison Joseph Agw,.. ' Lucknenow, Ont. Executors. Voters' Lists; 1940, : Mbnicipality'' Of The Village Of ,Lucknow, County ,of Bruce. NOTICE,TO.CREDITORS IN 'THE MATTER of the -Estate of Isabella Gleason, late of the Village of Lucknow in the County of Bruce, Widow. deceased_. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to the Statutes in that behalf, that all i;ersons •having claims against the Es- tate of the said, Isabella Gleason, Wid-, ew. deceased, a h4 died on or about the tnventy-secondday of July A.D. 1940, are : required to forward their claims duly•proven to the undersigned, Ad- .ministrator of the said estate, on or before the Seventh day of September; A.D. 1940, after which date the Ad- ministrator Will. proceed. to distribute the assets of the said Estate among .the persons entitled thereto having re- gard only to and, being responsible only Or the• claims of. which he shall' then have had notice. • Dated. at. Lucknow, ,Ontario, this Twelfth day 'of August, A.P. 1940. Notice is hereby given 'that • I hare complied with Section 8 of the Voters' Lists' Act and that I have posted up at my office in the Village. of Luck-, now on the 20th day of August A.D. 1940, the list of all pe'rsensentitled to vote in the said Municipal'ty tt Municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. ' And I hereby all upon all Voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for ap- peals being the tenth day of ' Sep-. tember, A.D., 1940. Dated. at Lucknow, Ontario,. this 20th day of August, A.D., 1940. Joseph Agnew. Clerk of the Village of Lucknow ZION Services next Sunday - will he at 11 a.m. when a representative of the Temperance Federation aill be. in 'charge. Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. Miss Elleda Hunter spent a week camping at. Kintail. Mr Wesley Ritchie had a colt kill- ed by lightning' recently. Mrs. AJoesph Freeman and family. of Leburn spent a couple' of days with Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Gardner. . Lorne Gardner of Wingham spent a few 'days in the community last week. ' - Mr. 'Thos. Ferguson of Lanes re- i • ceived word recently of the, death t of his :brother John of Winnipeg. Mr. Ferguson 'was formerly of Zion and Lucknow and 'had been in ill health for some time. His wife predeceased him a few 'years ago. Surviving is and daughter,'Fredda. MAFEKI NG Mrs. Richard Johnston returned home last week having spent the past few weeks with her daughter, at Watford. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pearce of I/olinesville are visiting with Mr. anis Mrs. Thos. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Thompson 1lolyrocld visited on Sunday with Mr. and • Mrs. George Saunders. Mr. 'Fred Anderson of Callander returned hone last week, and visited friends here over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Darold Webster and little son of West Wawanoah visited on Sunday with -Mr: and Mrs. Ernest Blake. Anniversary services were held in Blake Church last Sunday afternoon and evening. ,Rev. C. H. 'Dickiinson of Toronto had charge of both services and delivered two very fine sermons. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall of Lucknow - r tt. iiia r . t r!'d�„i �S.n ..410.._ e..:a .1, cry';... ,r as -W. �.�-,.-: ",„.',�,..0 ._-,..ted..<�..•� �e.,r,.ks�`iG� .'i.....� 3iZ.4�+t� '�� 4 p'-.:"a=�'�a;.r ` r ` .di "1:.� ,Ssv�:,". Cu'Iross. A number of the ladies on 'the 8th Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Moore and fan- attended a shower at the home of Mrs. ily visited on Sunday with • Mrs 1 Annie Sniith for her daughter, Mar Moores mother, Mrs. Young. garet, bride -elect of this north. Jean Andersen also rendered two solos. ' Church service will Sunday at 7:30 p.m. be held next Joseph Agnew, Lucknow, Ontario, Administrator. A. E. COOK. PIANO; VOICE & . THEORY FOR APPOINTMENTS: Call At Hilis Store' or Alex MowF ray's' ` Phon,. 145-1 F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST • WILL BE IN LUCKNOW EACH WEDNESDAY t:30 to 9 o'clock AT WM. SCHMID'S. STORE Western Ontario. Motorways BUS SERI/1(E from LUCK'KOW LEAVES .LUCKNOW, twice daily` except Sundays and holi- days at 7 a_m_ and 3:30 p.m. for Wingham, Clinton, 'London. Detroit, Sarni a, Stratford, Guelph, Toronto. Hamilton. SUNDAYS & Holidays13:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. TO RiPLEY and Kincardine, leaves twice daily. except 'Sun- days and Holidays at 2:55 and 9:10 p.m. SUNDAYS and HOLIDAYS— 2:55 p.m. and 10:50 p.m. For further information • see • Local Agent T. We Smith Central Garage Lucknow PARAMOUNT Congratulations are extended toy Mr. and Mrs. Frank King (nee Rachel MacDonald) on their recent marriage. The September meeting of the .Par- amount Wornen's Institute',' will be held at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Sarkwe�ll, on Thursday afternoon. September 6th. Roll call—article for medicine cabinet; topic—Health and care of the teeth, by Dr. J. Little from Lueknoa ; program and lunch, Mrs. .1. Ilanititon and Miss E. Martin. Teacher: tore. iv illie• A puncture' is in a tire, usually found tine from a garage. Define the Word pane - 'a a Title hole great dis-