The Wingham Times, 1901-02-15, Page 50 THE WINGRAM TIMES, FEBRUARY 15j, 11911. B rt 3 VAST 11'AWANON11. Torii cox' Connell luet in I'lluoyalit 011) T. NW)lv. of Wnwituaili,. lwji Now,ay, l-l'=1Vd 0111) d 01) 1)1.'bD Pil�$ Nexv 111"i I G on tholluron "fil"M AUR" Mr. 1-11,10wril IT(tgg. of the fr4. c0ii Torub ;lRemd, Hul'o"t. A. fow 3cars ce�slort o.1- -,vry, will have at trut In Hart WaNrant "g?,11te, bowlita, h auction tithe On his farat, this Friday. ,,Trs. I'morson, (A Minnesota, has been ill t1te V V Evers OF 10TEFUT TO ALL 0 U R READERS. and ;a we'll Visit'lig rillittives 'in this vicinity for AI that Wn exaniplo induceil anotber livoth- ji*Vt-ral weeks. wail ti,., to 2"ellcut exactly'v.-hat I),- bad dont W71 Wforinerly Bliss Ida Blwgroyo, of Turn- -I(Jeawabo Irlmoia Corral poadonts Communioate --- Other berry. Clinton New Era. 03 items Clippod From Our Excliangea, Bir. Win. Watson, of 13,olgravo, was Thocoullell lyj(.t ill mulluil iii. our Yllltigo on Blonday inspecting and Woburwy "j, M11, prirsturnt to adjourn - shipping rollers for Mr. John Blitolell "it; ini,mbims till pres-nt;' jidii;;toa cl sbau)r, *!d, re andit; Thus. Hart, 11, of England. la. -it inveting ren4land colifirtned, aders may romeniber error in dol, tax; Paul Powell, *2, extra Ur. Win. Robbison, agent, reprPimenting 4--W& r,f our re. 11 - Robert G. Casouioro,of Nowbridgo, Ar 0 M t.o(luclnath of 10amuol Low, of Morris, collooting; Peter McLaron, $7, postag.o. formerlY of 131tievale, has cold his stock telt! 0,awyer aaft 1114-amey C,)., o' ' which occurred at the railroad crossing Lovell-Xitcholl-That this meeting of general inerchmidiso to ler. 11". Corn. toil Ivan prosolt froxious to vAl tlt,,) I !an the northern gravel, about 15 or 20 do now adjunrix to meet in the Clerk's men, who carried on a similar business ship'road rialdn,,4 ritachinory ot eoiav .years ago. His rentains were tit the office, Blutivalo, on -Monday, April est at at Wintlimp. Air. Common talwti pu,,;s- It'lid, 80 ai to Nwri pato with ol-Iter A T time interred in the Clintou cemetery. 10 o'clock a. ni, ; ession about the middle of March. Mr, municipalities NVIlo -were slow givill-0 On Tuesday his widow dio(I in Morris JOTIN RZIWESS, Clork. 1: Carwinore null family will remove to orders In t1intlino. Tbo Council aiia lichigall, in the spring-, whole, While fully recogilizilig the I)c1le. dyne Cara for Toothaolie. 0. de those of her busbalid. She was fit to be dor;ved front vie use of road N El V 'TO. RN her remains were interred here also Mallistilluo, A side Mrs. I'dollardy, who was ver,; low T1 E i i relative of _I[rs, Thos. Hardy, of the Not only for Toothache, but any nervo with pleurisy, is, wo are pleased to state, malda,,T inw-binfiry, respectfully ded'hued base line. ntou New Era. pain cured almost instautlyby Weryilitte, rog6oring. givilig 'Mr. "Im'Jus"m an or ler in the Une drop equals pain s-abduehig power mealitime, five drops of any other romedy. Thous- 1VVO have had thus far, it, pretty nice, The Collector -reported that lie had All Deimrtments aro. now r000ivhrr large ?7". ands say co. PuNverful, penetrating, rather open winter, No trains have - 0 1. H;id To Conquer Or I I % I far to wind up his roll 00011 lillaule SO "e, pain -subduing Wervilitio. Marvellous been delayed or stuck but as soon its the i additions of the lat3st novcltio�,,, for spring tlll� "I was just about gone," writes Mrs. hi. action for internal and external use. clerk of the weather reads this Ii I or 1WO, and asked for au extension of . t; Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Springs, The -%vorld chiWenged for its equal. linto to the lath of this mouth--Grauted. wear. We are determineal to keep this busi- N. C., "I had Consumption so bad that Druggists sell it. Your mouQy back if boast he'll send us somethill", to 1, "om- Account of Juhn Oraig, St. Angus - the best doctors said I could not live it is not so. ber by, Queer if we do not vilav6zio- ? 32ess abreast of the luim-es, '11' -d show only more than a month, but I began to use thing before March is over. tine, for 121; feet of olut. plank received Dr. King's Now Discovery and was JA)IESTOW.N. Air, Thomas Stewart w by Win. James, puthwastar road division fashiqlnable, up-to-date goods MONEY - wholly cured by seven bottles . and am - as in Brass -18 No. 7j in 1900 (neglected to bo sent in at Novi* stout and well." It's an unrivaled Mr. and Bliss Owens of Delgrave wore On business, Wednesday of last week.the propur time) ordered to be paid. SAVING prices. rl life-saver of Consumption, Pneumonia, visiting their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Pea- Louis Blake Duff, who has been re- Account of Timiz., Office, Whigh4m, La Grippe and bronchitis; infallible for Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Hay Fever, cook, last Sunday, po! ting on the Str.ttforaBeacon for the balmico of printing controt 1000 and for Croup or Whooping Cough. Guaranteed Will. Bell and Ckarlio Ackert, of the last five n.onths, is now in charge of tll.0 extrapriating and advertising, also re- New Dress Goods New Prints bottles 50e and $1,00. Trial bottles free 3rd line of Grey, wcra visiting at Mrs. news Cepartment of the Galt Reporter. .at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. ceived anaordored to be paid. New Linings New Ginghams �,4 Alex. Forrest'8, Mr. and Mrs. John Beaman and family Communications received as follows: Now Trimmings New Shirtings Gideon Parks who has been under the of Rat Portage, are visiting their many From J. D. MoNab, C. B. again asking New Hosiery New Wlusliiiq TURNBERRY. doctor's care for some time with la relatives and friends- in Morris. for the office of Tp. Engineer when that I New Gloves New Cottorades 'ai -Minutes of Council meeting hold on grippe, is able to call around to see his Mr. Thos. Coultes is slowly recovering office becomes vacant; from M. Lack- New Corsets New -pert4 friends, from his recent severe illness. February 11th. Members all present. hart, Esq., County Commissioner on New Belts New Curtains Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last Will Stewart is paying a number of Rev. W. X. Wesb, M. A. and Mrs. matters relating to the County Council New Ribbons New Table (; overs meeting were, read, approved and sign- farewell visits to a few of his frieuft be. West entertained the Presbyterian Sab- as-sultring contrnl of all bridges on 'the) New Silks New TobleyLlnen rf last evening ad. fore taking his departure for the east. g . Tri- Maitland river of 100 feet in length, and New Laces New Window �ius n r bath School choir, at the manse, oI Communications wore }read from The Robert Moffatt, wife and children day from Tp. Clerk of Morris giving state- New Embroideries New Cretonnes I The quarterly tea of the 'Willing coterie Beet Sugar Association. Also visited the former'! mother, Mrs, GeoWorkersSociety of the Methodist church V. of y of Now Sateens New Fbinnelettes from the Council of Blenheim re legis- Moffatt. Morris from East Wawmiosh in the New Clothing New Boote, and c;hoe; was held in the basement on Friday New Gents' Furnishings Fresh Grocerie.% lation-F iled. Amos Weber, of Lisbowel, was visiting matter of appeal by Messrs. Stalker, Mitchell -Musgrove -That by-law No. his Wend, Mr. Jas. Wright, last Friday. evening.. Dingwall and Ross, against; the Engi- New Oilcloths New Litioleums .5, 1001 be passed re assessment of dogs Donald Scott, of Molesworth, bought Mr. and Mrs. Adam.Clenhorn, of the neer, award made in 1000 at the instance Bluevale road, gave a ver; pleasant -Carried. a number of posts at 10c each from Jack of Edwin Kraehling and others, each dance to a number of young people, severally road Cquipland-Mitchell-That by-law No, McEwen, Who has bought an acre of ad and filed. Friday fast. We will continue out, GREAT REDUCTION SALE 'of all win. 6, 1901 be passed reappointment of , fence swamp from Ed. Smith, and is in the Petition of Patrick Gibbons, lot 36, ter goods AT COST PRICE. viewers -Carried. gob of cleaning it up by cutting logs, Misses Annie and Bella Richardson, con. 10 received, requesting that the S? Miteliell-Musgrove-That by-law No -wood and material for fences. of Brussels, visited their aunts, Mrs. of his lot be detached from S. S. No. 11, 7, 1901 be passed re appointment of Tlie social hold at Alex. Forest's was -TObu Burgess and Mrs. Cleghorn, lust and added to S. S. No. 8, beiu- some- It will be to your advantage to inspect, nui, stook and find oat poundkeopers-Carried. a grand success. Hope it will be the week. what more convenient for his fa0mily for our prices before buying. No trouble cc, show you the goods. ' Lovell-Coupland-That all parties re- same at S. Snell's. Alfred, the Great; Ethelred, the Un- school purposes. The Clerk was in- quiring a. change of Pathmasters should Adam Roo has returndd from Moles- ready; William, the Conqueror; Rufus, structed to notify the Trustees of Farm produce taken in exchange at highest m.trkeE prices notify some member, of the council be- worth. He is talking about taking the Red King; Richard, the Lioulleart; sections Nos. 8 and 11 of the intended fore next regular meeting -Carried. situation in Palmerston till May, and Victoria, the good, She wrought her change, and that a by-law be Passed at h The Auditors report Was laid before then he is going to Sault Ste Marie. people lasting good." "Here at last i next council meeting confirining th 0,,!l 'the Musgrove -Mitchell -That the audl= shall rise again." What beautiful words The annual certificate from the e lie Eo 18471RD GUICA council -for final audit. A Fireman's Close Call. shall rest with thee, With thee in Christ; same. e Re - "I stuck to ray engine, although every she inscribed on her husband's tomb!- gistrar General, Toronto, received, ser- report be adopted and that the Clerk joint ached and every nerve was racked The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton be instructed to get 100 copies of abstract 'with pain," I writes C. W. Bellamy, a lo. HOW, constant was her love for him I tifying that the Clerk. in the capacity of printed -Carried. comotive fireman, of Burlington, Iowa., Forty years -a long time humanly speak- Division Registrar for 1900, had register- Mitehell-Lovell-That the Clerk be "I was weak and pale, ivithout any up- ing-she felt her loss and mourned for ed 59 births, 10 marriages and 25 deaths, instructed, to ask for tenders for the Petite and all run down, As I was about hi She was a lonely old n to give up, I got a bottle of Electric Bit- in. y woman, and ordering that he be paid fbr same in township printing for the current year ters and, after taking it, I felt as well as having ontlived so many. conformity with see. 30, chap. 44, R. St from the Wiligham Advance and Timms I ever did In my life." Weak, sickly, run "Life's house was empty, desolate, out- O. 1897, being "ail Act; respecting the AT V and Wroxeter Star -Carried. dowiY people always gain new life, grown. registration of -births, marriages and A -1b, 1141-401 9 The following accounts were passed strength and vigor from their use. Try Nun and cheques issued: The Muni them. Satisfaction guaranteed by Colin Among hot, eighty years she sat alone. deaths." Municipal A. Campbell. Price 50 cents. F ram stangely-peoplel streAts, her long- By-law No. 1, 1901, ratifymg the ap- Out World, $5.70, rolls; Sruith & Pethick,. ing eyes, pointment of Township officials for the ;4c., spikeb; Win. Yoe, $1.60,. repairing Children Cry for Turned to a familiar paradise," there, current year. By-law No. 2. 1001, ap- culvert; A. MacEwen, $10, auditing; D. A%r,� "God grant, to, meet those she'd loved pointing the council road commissioners UT, 11raser, $10, auditing; Win. Cruick- TOJRIAM long since and lost awhile. 11 for. the present year, and by-law No. 3, 1901, authorizing the collector to charge and collect 8per cent. extra on all taxes remaining unpaid after the 15th day of December next; each read three times BUSIN SS and passed Auditor's report and Treasurer'sab- street for 1900 received and read. ............ ....... Moved by Mr. Ellis, seconded by Mr. U a Carr, that the same as now read being satisfactory be received af," e-wl nd adopted, LeavinWinham you Don t and that the auditors be, paid as usual $7 each for their services -Carried. The Treasurer reported cash on hand at date, $478.65. ........................ 9 V The clerk was instructed to call for C,�ane tenders for the township printing for Having accepted a position on the current year, before next council meethig, from the printing offices of You* don't take Vapo-Cresolene into the: road my stock has to be clear. Wingliam, and Blyth. 9 the stomach, you breath it. Put some Accounts were paid as follows: -P• ed out during the next 30 days. Cresolene, in the vaporize�, light the lat'rip Porterfield, services as Division 'Rog' beneath and then breathe -in the vapor. istrar for 1000, $18.80; H. B. Elliott It's easy, convenient, safe. It can be Wingbant., balance of printing contract V ommencing on used with success, even for 'infants. for 1900, and extra printing and adver- tisiug, &a., 019.00; John Craig, St. Don't S'you see at hots Augustine, 126 feet elm plank for roadonce i such a remedy must bb for hay fever, div. No. 77inI900, $1.51; Treasurer of e "dmtuiffled"ay diphtheria, sore throat, catow valuable asthma, Morris, East Wawanosh share of ex 9 and other diseases of the air passages pensesofappeal, per Stalker, Dingwall and Ross (engineer's award, i900) 013.50; 4 For whooping -cough it is a perfect specific, we will start'i the big -01 Jas. W. Bone, services as auditor for often coring the disease in from one to 1900, $7; PeterV. Scott, do., for 1900, thrde days. $7; F. Anderson, services as treasurer, What is Vapo-Cresolene ? It is what 1900, $80; do., do., postage, stationery, SLAUGHTER SAL15J, the doctors calla coal -tar product ; that is &a., for 1900, 04.34. On motion of Mr. Beecroft, seconded of Dress 'Groods, Tvveecis,---,00ts its something like carbolic acid, only it dy Mr. Dobie, the council , then al- JD destroys disease germs._journed till Thursday, 21st March next, and Shoes, Ready-made Clothizi.g, Keep Vapo-CresolenAon hand; it a not . P. Poirrnuvirmb, Clerk. . V. N, MILIM.t4, MIX, Rogersville, Pa.: "I find your remedy to be the boat I have over tried In the treatment of whooping rough, Catarrhal (over, ustfima, also for difiltifeetin rooms Otto statist fever end 91plithorla prevail.,' expensivefor the vaporizer lasts a life- time and the Cresolene costs but little., I - Vapo-at6edl6tid 13 told by druggists everywhere, The Vaporizer and Lamp, vildch should lost a life -time, and a bottle Of CtO8010he GOMPlete, $1.30; extra supplies of V o-Crasdiene 25 Cents and 50 Collis, I'lusirrited booklet Containing -physician*' testimonials fteo upon. request. 17, 0O-Cl%E66V9Now CO-, 190 Fulton St-- w York, U. S. A. Sold and recomwouiled by n, A. Douglass, Druggist) NVinghillu, Catarrh rhilantlivolty.ter Am. Which means, do good its Well as got good. This is how it. ol.,orates,-Peittl the history of t1tids part ©f th le Lake Mill, Que., August, IWO, "Enclosed find $6.00,anc.lsend six outfits tofriends" as follow-, 'A short time ago I wrote country. Nothing will be reserv, you for ate outfit for Air. Liborge. Ito would not part With it for twice its vs Lie, X secured one in Montreal, having been ed, everything vd1l have to ba' informed of your teinody, by my father, -it has noted Wonderfully in Nasal C! Catarrh Of lolig standing. signed sold. Thos'. Sissolls. Remember date om f comeacement or this Mr. Sissons says a great deal More b1tt 801en a inial. ionds for six ontfits CatArithozoltefliat inomis more thAnof S'AUghter Sale S-It"'Widay, rl o). a, IJIL b-dabel of words. 94011 notion stands for conviction that he has discovered n remedy of superlative value. Druggistsi 0 J* 'how all sell Catarthozond, ftalt th6in to r it to yon, Ask them to let you try it. We will solid it to You for $1.60 or it sample for 10 cents. X. & Co. attin, Ont., HartC. Pelson ford, Conti. BUTTON BLOUX WIN 'Xing"'GHAM W N