HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-08-15, Page 6�D B lbIC" Fliers of R.C„A.F, are%sola ed by U. of T. Aviation Psy- 01101091st to Wear Spectacles.. and Abstain From Hha' ing, •;. Thanksto the initiative of Pro- fessor A•.. Bott, in charge. of av- iation psychology at the Univers- ity of Toronto,; the flying pers- onnel of the R. C. A. F. is mak- ing ' use of .a copiplete inedioal nide .originally prepared for the snide Air Force. • • - Based on scientific studies of the tremendous : strains .imposed -- on respiratory 'digestive and blood circulatory 'systems in • diye bomb- Ing and aerial fighting the book- let tells pilots just what they can ataild and• howtheir capacities to ' "tike • , it" may be . increase.] through the right diet, .exercise .. and hygiene. HOW TO TAKE 'IT Among 'the greatest dangers'in modern aerial', warfare the 'book- let says, are high altitude flying, centrifugal. force, and the strains. of long hours. in the air. Flyers are warned against , eating beans andother'voluminous foods prior to high altitude flights as they tend . to produce .stomach .'gase"s which may. .become dangerous• over 22,000 feet but on long flights they are advised to carry unsweetened chocolate and tea which stimulate the brain by. `in- creasing its' blood supply." Tltey are also urged to seek plenty. of vitamin C which prevents the in- ' flammation of the gums that re- sults in losing teeth during power dives. So perfect must the blood and eirculaforh system. be 'to with- stand the sudden directiopal changes that often make the blood .feel heavier than iron that even -marked reddening of the skin resulting from exposure to the sun should be avoided al- though a proper tan is alright. Red skin is a sign that the. ,cells.. have. been damages and poison-. • ons substances are being carried into the blood stream to- diminish. the resistance to altitude and. centrifugal force. 'A . forward crouch is considered the best' .;position • to resist centrifugal. froce while fighting. GREASE SHIELDS SKIN. As a further means of protVet- Mg the skin pilots of open cock- pit planes\ are • 'advised; not to shave Or wash the face in soap and water, practices which "re- move ' the greasy: coveringthat shields the skin against ultra-- , violet rays which are particularly ' potent at high altitudes. Tumblingand other acrobatics are. the .. best training for para- chute landings' while every flyer ` who can increase his vision by the use of glasses is advised to do so. Lieut_ .Col. A. A. James, Prin- cipal'' Medical' Officer of No. 1 Training Command, R. C. A. F. and . Wing Commander D'Arcy • Grieg, famous R. A. F. Scimeider Cup pilot are among those who assisted in the production of the bcoklet which was originally writ- ten for the .Nazi Air Force by • Heinz von Diringshofen,_Air, Force Medical Chief of Staff in Germany, "and translated from the German after Professor Bott die - covered an obscure copy on the . shelves of the New York .Aced- . ,.S emy of Medicine. This was trans- lated by Major Vel. 'en E. Hen- derson M.A., ?.LB.,,'A.M.C. Pro- '. fessor of Pharmacology, Univers- ity of Toronto. ' Radio Pillow- In illowIn many hospitals patients are supplied with radio headphones, but these necessitate sitting up or a position that mss not be en- tirely comfortable.1 A -new radio pillow, invented by an Australian and row- in use in ,an Adelaide hospital, does away with this. It is made of sponge rubber, in the middle of which is a receiving Mit, 2nd even patients with head and neck injuries who are nue able to use ; headphones can lis- ten to programmes while lying in ease. Both in. appearance and feel. this new pillow is very much like one filled with kapok, for the rubber, is of a special soft quality.. - 'meg Ancient Grenadiers The hand -grenade is a weapon - et least 2,000 years • old. The .inose used them but .100 B. C. in fighting sasagetribes of ( • the 'south. ''These ancient gren- ades consisted of • -bamboo cylin- ders, filled with gunpowder and fragments of metal. They were hurled' at 'the enemy and expio -I ed on striking the ground, scar tering destructive fragments. At least one county is makil'g 101 use of the borne market ,for �'$e iiti itprliies. Gus; of'4ii,-661l hare i Middlesex produced he �,Pnd.es last Tele �C year 21,900 were absorbed in Or.- aario. Only 1,200 barrels were ' exported to Great ,Britain. leis _Majesty Ki George Visits Fusih - Recruits King, George looks on es • a recruit does maintenance' work on a Bien. gun carrier. The Bing' inspected the camp of the Royal Fusiliers, situated near the London area, recently. The men attached to this division have had only a few weeks training,` but areready for any eventuality. HEALTH TOPICS Take It Easy; Save Your Nerves We want to he energetic and peppy all of the e, and never feel lazy or tir• We have a notion that :he • as y and happy people. never ecome fatigued. The truth is that they do get tir- ed periodically, but know ;how to rest and recuperate. They exper- ience normal, not chronic fatigue. • Normal, fatigue is good. It is part 'of normal, healthful living. It may be recognized by a' general tiredness of the body, which is not unpleasant and which may be , dispelled by rest and sleep, and by • increased nourishment. Every- one who has known the ,joy of hard work has known the joy of normal fatigue.:. _ ' If mea and women would omy accept normal fatigue- as an ac- companiment of work or • effort, and would get the necessary re- cuperation through rest, more serious' formsof fatigue would never develop. Life would then .. be balanced.' BREAKS IN 'ACTIVITY Plan for' at least •two breaks in activity during the. day. Dur- ing each break, just stop doing everything for five minutes. Don't talk. Don't, think. .Just sit with your head drooping. forward toward your knees. Or, 'better yet, 'lie on the floor' with your' • feet propped up on a chair. Modern Etiquette BY ROBER7A,4EE BY ROBERTA •LEE - 1; Should one make any kind of explanation when refusing a drink? • - 2. How should one introduce 'a girl stenographer, who • is a new employee, to an executive of the company? 3. When a man takes a girl to a public dining place, is it all right fon ' him to suggest some, thingn the menu, that he knows is good? 4., Isn't it poor form for hales - People to,' address customers as " "dear," " "honey, girlie," doc- tor," "c a p t ai n," "brother,," "boss,' etc.? 5. When a formal dinner begins at eight, at what time should a guest depart? 6. Should a man .comb his. ha•r in public? Answefs L { 1. "No, thank you" is suffic- ient. It is not at all Ilecessary to explain or apologize. 2. ";lies' Moore, this is Mr. Carter, our President." 3. Yes. 4. Yes, and i' often means 'loss of bnsinesee A well-bred person resents snot• familiarity from a stranger. 5. El - e v en, or a little before. unless dancing or some , other form of entertainment follows. 6. No; th'= is ,eonsidered effeminate. Beef .cattle expdtts to the Un- ited States for the first half of 1940. ,:amonnted to :awl•.. fake- eighths of fife nttrntf� r gill1lped to .l the end June t7 eair, Ho:,v-. Lver shipments of dairy' cattle held level and calves' Were down ertlt one-eeventh. South. Africa's Dog Detectives Thrilling stories •. of the Exploits of police dogs in the -detection of ' chime are given in the annual report of the South African Com- missioner of 'Police; Colonel I. P. de Villiers; of Cape Town, in his annual report. In one case a dog called "Echo" traced' down a thief who subse- quently admitted that he had wrapped his feet in sacking to es- cape detection. In ' another in- stance a tog followed a trail one and' a half miles to a hut in the Middle of a compound. of 38 huts„ with 135 inhabitants and pointed out the native. , Golf Gives Him Exercise John ,Carroll picks the gaing 'o%• - golf as ai hobby. because it gives him she needed exercise. Here we find him spending a day on the. ' Bamboo Useful Tropical Tree Makes House -building Simple -People of the' East Eat It, Too. The bamboo tree is one of the most useful trees in the tropics. It . grows as much as sixteen inches in twenty-four hours, and attains a height of more than one hundred feet. ; Thetree is hollow, but at eaeh of the many joints the cavity is clos- ed. Saw off one complete sectionof the thick stem and you have a per- fect pail. or cooking vessel. Sinal, ler sections form ready-made bot - Burnt oo makes _house -building simple. The sterns are used as 'scaf- foldiag'. walls and roofs can be all made froln it. and split sections, form the floors. Masts for ships and rods for fishermen are other uses. People of the East eat it, too. The 'grains of'bamboa seed are regarded by the Chinese as a food delicacy'. while the Hindus Mix them with ' honey to form a; succulent dish. - l'n t:`nfna The oatni'000 e i?; 'klrYt'1,r, . af- ed with ✓k' -mecca care as other crops. Introduced in Europe in 1730, the bamboo is hardy everywhere in sheltered poritione in Sieh loan). Y0itt�E 8A � ARD? 1 ./ 1••i-O-ievr fe �- •o.. two 1-r^��^*' *11.1111 Science' Is Doing There were only three people left' in the bus;' an old lady and two men. Suddenly one of the. men said "25," and ,the other immediately burst into laughter..' When he had -eased' chuckling be Called out "121," and the c .her man now roared with laugher. This went on for some time. No sooner , would one call' a number then the other Would laugh. The 'old lady, doubting the mentality of hes two companions,. turned .to them and said, "Excuse me, but I don't seeanything funny' ins shouting a number.", "It's all . right, madam," one replied, "we are commercial tra:- ellers and we know all our jokes. by numbers." ' • Hotel Guest (phoning down at 2 a.m. for third time): "Say, are you the -night clerk?" Clerk: "Yesa what's - biting yon 'now?" • Guest: "Thai's what I'd like to know." _0_ The. science -master was dem- onstrating the reaction on lime-, water of; carbon dioirade.; The presence of this gas gives to the clear lime -water a mi:ky appear- epee. • Holding a beaker of the liquid in his hand, he breathed into ,it and held it up to ,show the change. Up - went' a hand: "Please, sir," asked one of the" class in an awed voice, "will any - bods breath do. that-?" "Why are you 'suddenly taking French lessons?" "Well, we've adopted a French , baby and we're eag- er to • know what' be says when he 'be°gins td talk." -� Little Renfrew was generally in trouble. Finding that words had but ' little effect upon his child, his father resorted to stern- er measures. A neighbor, watching him chas- ise the boy, noticed with admira- tion that Renfrew gave no out- ward indication of pain. "Don't you . ever cry .when you're beaten, Renfrew?" he ask- ed "What's the use?" retorted the small boy. "The old Mari's deaf!" • -o- Jones: Very polished oro- wrao,' Mrs. Brown, don't you think?" Smith:' "Yes, very, polish- ed indeed. Everything ebe says casts a reflection on someone." -o•- A film producer was '',going round the studios one day when hf saw a face . he didn't know. "Are you on' our staff??" he asked,' "Fes • sir. Your brother engag- ed me.' . "Is, that so? What doeyou do?" .a writer." "A writer, did yousay?" be asked suspiciously. "Yes. sir." "Ali right -spell son-ethi . l„ � g -EEf0A� R�- E PAP ONE F :MEA MACE.i DOUBLE ABOOKLET OMAT1C .• -S, -7•e.. .i 0- -04d 1-41-110A*66-70i-• £OMBATS .HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE • A possible antidote for. high • blood ' pressure in, animals has been 'found at the University ,of Illiilcis $chock of Medicine r Itis an'' antiserum, that is, mai. e like an antitoxin,.,. a substance • • formed, in living, tissues • whii.h•. netitr.. t i : ,poisonous products of erms. This : discovery.,; • a new ep- . proach to` the' myste of 'human high blood pressure. , . ' animals ` 'were dogs with, .fo of • high pressethe• Closely res - ung, widespread ' and highly fatal 'hite man' malady. •: .SU• NSET ON VENUS . 'Four young, scientists• have'. re- ,turned from.,a mountain -top. camp 'with • 1,500 photographs -of sup- • sets on the 'planet Venus, They Said 'probably' not ',mere •than • a dozen iastionOmers had observed. the phenomenon during the last 200 years.' They describ- ed • the photographs as the• first successful series of pictures of the sunsets ever made. They. saw Venus as.a thin sil- ver crescent, the horns of which 'bent toward each other until the ' planet -was visible as a delicate ring. • of light. Astronomers pie-' tate.,. Venus as • a gigantic. "dost bowl." ' FINDS SHIP POSITIONS A combinai vii•sound and r-adio hoop. which will. e*zable -1i Z s determine their lec_tien 'aeeer- .ately With respect re the' bio;.. .has beendereloredr by • the t s- ited Sates. Ce s; and Gec,.'.eti, Surrey for use in 'ocean v reels: .In operatione •a sh:p explodes -a small TNT boron The csrrent that explodes it wake a.. marl; on: a i'apid:y n o ne. ,-ape. The. sound 'eh the e- :olio . is,. picked' up. b: `,.tee• dig n . Duos. which- 'im-r •Epi:e:y sends cnit • a - sign+al. • 15 re':e:vei iiTr�,.',-he ?hi_D`'and causes a eC.=.,-.1 nark' :o 'be Made • on the moving tape.- F• rQm the , Id .stance between T:be • two marks ,the distance of .ship :c• buoy can be ca%ells:ec_ • Identity Game, Here is an•'amu:ing mule. Be - fere the time of placing arrive,., snake a slip of 'paper for _each guest- Write on eaeh slip the none of a famous person. an .h"=- :orcal :_g4-e."a movie .s , or e Free=S-day hero_ ' Wither.: :ening the guest see the name, •pin :he slip on bis hack, teihirg him to discover who he isD asking anyone in tihe mere am o es ion he likes which he thinks F-:: help him to identify nn-nse'f. "Arra I alive?-' 'Am I a man?" "Am I a woman "Do I jive in E-Sr$pe?” "Am I 2 singer, atarr, polii::clan, soldier?_" Polenium, which • gists' about 52.000.000 an ounce,: is 'mined in N_rthern 'Canada. cr..} 1.60+1 miles from the. .orth Pole. The PERFECT Che wing Tobacco • • BY ANNE ASHLEY I. i Q. How can -I clear net. water -' which Lhas ' a. milky appearance?.. •4. Dissolve • a piece of rock uni .about the size of a lima bean iu 'a• pint • of boiling water. This much' will' purify one tab of wat- er. . the How can' I clean -used par-,, affin • so eat- it can be reused? AHeat es: the -paraffin to tae f strain through t ee .i3itl.^t•a-he of 'cheesecloth , over • S '...�_ PcL�=3t if neces- sary. If r_o: -6 o • di :y. it, c -an Ise�e:"Le-Le G_2 Std with a * brush and era wn e • Q. Flow ca.n, rag:x r -e cut flow tarsthan are c _ n y withered?• A_ Four. .a wen's scilrion of ' camphor into the heater 'in .which the flowers :'arid. • Q.. How. can 'I cieee Crushes in which paint has t.sn 'allowed :o dry • •A. S -'.'.k. in turpentine. gasoline, er hot vinegar .on abontan hour. Then. wash :horcughiy in 'strong. soapsuds. ' Q. How can I makes good disn'. ...of macaroni and cheese?? • A. Take 8 Laps of boiling. •wat- er, q teaspoon of • salt, 2 cups of broken - . macaroni._ Add salt to '' water, Add. macaroni. .Boil for'20 minutes. Strain and rinse 'in hot • . water. Drain and add to the sauce. • ' . • •- Q. How can '1 clean patent leather shoes and handbags? 9. They can' be made to look' like new •by means'of a milk bath. Merely dampen a cloth with milk and ruh over the shoes .or bag; dry with. another clean cloth. This treatments is, also very good for the leather. oflosect TOPOITC111-ffilz-h-• For quick relief frau itehmg of insert bites. heat • rash, athlete's foot, eaessa and oters word akin troabte,. me timid-famaos codling, a� •eeptie, ligozd D-D:D. Pteziytioo. Gremlea,. staiate s. &vibes irritation and gnddy stop iotemw it 35e trial bottle pros -vit. or money burr. Adv yon • today far D: 0.0 PRESCRIPTION. our Breadbox .In. The Hot Weather Hot, sticky weather induces rapid ' growth of mold, so keep bread and cake aboxes 'spotless. Immediately dispose of any cake • or 'bread that shows the slightest bit of mold, then scald and wash the box with hot, soapy, water, rinse,.. and dry, and air thorough- ly. Ordinarily a thorough cleans- ing once a week should 'be suf- cient; during ' summer months. more frequent washing may be . necessary. , Only abort 25;000 of the farni orchards in Ontario are sprayed , regularly,- leaving about 170,000 which are neglected. P. W. Hod-. getts . of the Fruit Branch, To- ronto, declares that these un- , sprayed orchards are hotbeds of disease. WOMEN 1f38'to 52 years old. Women Who are restless, moody, NnRVOUS-who fear hot flashes, dmizzy sspells-too tyke Lydia E. Pinkba's Vegetable Com- pound. Pinkham's is famous for helping women during these "trying times" due to functional irregulari- ties. Get a bottle today from your druggist! WORTH TRYINGI - IANTED- I.CLASSIFIED ADVERTItEMENTS. • • &GENT4 WAtTrn AGENTS R✓ANTEI - TO SOLICIT orders for fish_ Write :he man- . .ager. 5181- Sr. Lawrence Bird_, 31ontre'al. Qtiebe,: nathnnv F:QL 11'SIENT. BAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipmenqt always . on hand. Terms arranted..Corres- pondence invited_ Hubbard. Port- able Oven Co.. 153 Bathurst St... Toronto. CAMEBA OWNERS CAME :A OWNERS DEVELOP AND print•yiur own picturas. Complete 16 -piece ' outfit. 8150 postpaid_ Simple instructions. C.O.D. 23c ex - Ara_ Prices on reouest. Emnross Agencies. Bot 5$3. _Montreal_ , BUSINESS OPPORTCNiTT BUTCHER AND GROCERY BUSI- ness for sale' stock at invoice: fixturesat half prise, .T. Lanter. Market Square. Tillsoriburg, Ont. STARTED CHICKS a GET YOUR SHARE "OP '`THESE 'started chick bargain' before they all go. Two wee oid Grade "A•• two weeks old. ew Hainushires. ' - White Rucks 310.451 90 per cent. Pullet= $14.45. oCkerels ..35.95. Leghorn pullers 81.:.46. Three week old add three Bents- Extra Profit add one cent, Four week old Bar- red Rock cockerels 313.55. Free• range Pullet=, • 4 weeks to 24 w'. ks. Free catalogue. Prompt de •i#vary. Tweddie Chick hatcheries • Limited. Ferzus. Ontario. SAFE 'waxes- ON `THESE HIGH quality started •.hi'ks `r••rn blood - tested breeders. Ten d3C nid Bar- red Reck.. New Ilamps 38'45• 9'1 p ' cent Pull' s f 1, 9 '•r.ckereis 17.95. Leghe.rn i:•u::e-< 813.99. two week old add r r:e 'errs: 'hroe .seek Old add f- ur c' • I. _nee Err. Quality add or.e err.' Frur to five week old Bared f -,,k rr.•ktreQ 114':5 Order ' r'.n: putt' i.o.N-':ch''hi:4:'r,es, (t1 iph, On, FC,r'LTRYEEEpErS NO Etir;U`;E .r 7' •.K fail ' endwinter. i• Y, Ei 'Pratt3rastarted h'rkG, rixS.r p ° e kr frn- + • ' •-n d,fze t pin r Also 'ern, Tstr ke, � and r -prr Day c"3 • hi. R. 'c vier. Writefir Rr.`ty li.t tray Hatcher}-, 13 JO"' Harniitcr. Onta- c_ Hdr:H QUALITY STARTED CHICKS from Government Approved blood - tested breeders Standard. Quality two weeks old', New Hampshies,. Barred Rocks S1'i.45: 90 per cent. Pullets $13.85, c,"tkereis 88.95. Leg- horn pullets . $16,90. three week old add three cents. Big Egg Qual- ity add one cent. Free range pul- lets all ages. Baden Electric,Chick Hatchery Limitedk_Baden, Ont. ELECTRIC MOTORS CENTURY ELECTRIC MOTORS are best suited for rural work. Jones & Moore Electric, 296. Adel- aide West,' Toronto. DOGS FOR SAE ITUNTERS - CROSS BETWEEN registered pointer and setter. Short hair -black and white, liver and white. Males and females, In- oculated for distemper by Duncan - Laidlaw method. Sit to nine mths. old. Males 19.00. Females 86.00. To- bacco Road Farm. R.R. No. 1. Har- row. Ontario. ELECTROLYSIS' SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. _MOLES AND warts permanently and painlessly removed by electrolysis. 17 years' • experience_ Anne Graham Logan. 140 Carlton Street. Suite Two, Tor- onto. Branches in Hamilton- 'Lon- don,. Sudbury, Timmins, St. Cath-. arines_ , FIRST CLASS WOOI. RABBITS- ANGORAS. FINEST QUALITY, first class wool producers. Does 35.00. Bucks MO each. R- Faber. R.R. 1. Flensall, Ont. MEN A\D V.OMEr WA\TED A FEW fi('HOOL TEACILERS MALE or Female to matte 825.00 weekly. sol ing our FAMILE. PRODUCTS which are actaat household neeps- s,ti a guaranteed quality; wanted in •every home.• Write: FA,ti1LiY Priory e-rs CO.. 570 St. Clement, ldontreai. '.. Barn Roofing -Granary Lining SI, PCJ;TiTE STEEL SHEETS COST 1;,-e. cover More? .IA5U�.�wJRy�g r 4 be-'L•r4 '- .,•::o t.J-4.eU. Lay„ 'Bit '-'i•.•l,Y.^,'i"` '.. fore war advances prices,direct ' frown .� Superior 'Ii0rdtirt9, Limited. 15eisnn Street.ee t. Sarnia n• •r„o. ISSUE 33---'40 • RELTING BARGAINS BELTING FOUR THRESHFRMEN. Endless rubber thresher belts, sue- • tion hose, feeder Canvas. pulleys. • hangers, shafting motors at very lOw prices, Send -for price list. The York Belting Co_. 88 York Street; Toronto. - - PHOTO .FINISHING FREE! You Can Now Own • complete set of beautiful sitter_ ware ' absolutely without - cost. manufactured and guaranteed by International Stlt'er Company* • You may have this complete . set absolutely free by sending your films to imperial. Send an order now and receive complete partit±'- ulars of this amazing offer. Six or eight exposure films developed and printed 25c. or 8 reprints 25c, plus rout choice of a free enlarge. mentin easel mount or free silver- , ware. To get the best in quality and service send your films to, Imperial Photo Service. Station J. Toronto. PUPS FOR SALE LONGEARED, CROSSBRED. BLOOD Fox Beagle puppies, 7 weeks, fin- est breeding. Males $6.00. Female, $4.00 (Snaps). Harold Lindsay, Nanticoke. Ontario. SAi.E OF ►' ACiFtc- iFAl. coATS SPECIAL VALI:Z.1N PACIFIC SEAL coat's: full swaeger style: black only: coat and lining guaranteed two years: sizes .12 to 42: 110 eoat.t only; while they last only $39.50. ' 10 per eent_ reduction for, rrlativc., of ex -service and service men: will send for exarnin'ation en receipt of 35.00. Many other bargains. Munro Fur Store, Vanrout'pr, 13.C. WATCH REPAIRS 81.25 REPAIRS :YOUR W ATt-n, . tO. matter how badly broken. One year' cti.arantaat Watch Repair co.. s g'4Litlpincr,ttt` .. Toronto. Gttireinteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS - %Pii41AI,112tN 118 'we tiraa.'a' l �yy �o- ■ V R Y V' 1 11 ti+t• R -FRIT$, N drautl" o 1�s f i., W►neies, E e cratorw • Starters', iilagaetott, Cnrt,nretorei, Radiators - •Eirebartag' Struve,. ciao* Satbfaetlou or reran►. Levy. Arlo Porto, Dept. .1.., Toieitte.