HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-08-15, Page 5.j • THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1949 THE yLU KN 1N SENTINEL • • • • Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM One show each night except Saturday, -es Saturday night, two shows at 7.46 and 9.45'p.m.' Thursiley, Friday, Saturday Aug. ..15,16,17*. BROADWA MftODYp.1990 efts Game MURPHY • 'hank MORGAN len HUNTER • Elomni' RICE ',trine CARVER sae /J..y. nmtYEI Also ."Letters From Aldershot" ' and.'News' Matinee .Sat. afternoon 2:30 Matinee• Admission Adults -20e Children -10e Monday, Tuesday, .Wednesday Rugs ` 19, •20, 2,1- , JOAN BENNETT • " • • ADOLPHE MEN•JOU, in — "HOUSEKEEPER'S DAUGHTER' It's a mixture' of, : Murder and 1 Mirth, a story of a ganster's girlfriend .and a . fellow ' who wanted to be .ii' newspaperman. • Also "MAIt.CII OI''TIME"' • Q' and • 'TICA VELTALTC PURPLE WH ITEC H.•U RCH Mr.` and. Mrs, Iiugh Anderson of; Buffalo are visiting _bei mother Mrs, AfcGr egor and other• 'relatives. Mr. James ".117cClenaghan and son of Fi:enso, Cal„ visited 'herewith his , brothers, Messrs.. George, Ben and: Harry:l1eC1enaghan, It was '3b years since he left,r�h�ere. . Rev and Mrs. Graydgn Cox...end :tinnily are visiting at the home of her parentst Mr. and 1t'Irs. Mac Ross. 'Mr. and '31rs; Foster Moffat• spent an afternoon at the home of Mrs. 11It•Greg.or,• ,Mrs. H. B. Tichborne of Goderich spent the week -end -with her mother Mr;s. D. Kennedy. • • Mr. wd "Mrs. R.- Mansell and Eam;, ily of • London are spending; 'a week with Mr. and Mrs.:George. Fisjier. 'Miss Lily ,Paterson, of Milton is''vis- et.rng;with her brotheu.Mr..Ken Pater- .. son.• .. .• . . DORN—on August '12th, to Mr.. and *Mrs. ,Eddie. F4 adfde11, , a son.. . • T -he Young Peo,ples' ' Auxiliary met on ilfonrlay evening at. the home • of: Miss 'Velem •Scott. Call tei Worship' .L•ord's prayer, hymns were sung,, scripture reading by Miss Merle Wil- .; son;' 'meditation byMiss„ Catherine ' Mowbray; . prayer • by. .Miss..Velma • Scott; paper on "Fanny Crosby" by •• Miss •Jean Wellwood; topic "Entering :of Christianity* into • GreatBritain" Mrs.' rs.' Johnson, Conn; solo by, Miss Riiby�, Conn; reading by .Miss Grace'. Richardson avid,' • by ; Mrs. 'Wallace, Conn. The:.meeting closed with, pray - 't ter 1,v .•�h Johnson Conn. Quite a number of neighbours 'an • d, rclatrce5 gathered, at the .home of Mr. and :Ws.; J. Craig and • held e,' •Leaver for .Ir. and.' Mrs: R. Hall' • 'Mane useful and.:fine.gifts •w.ere giv= Or.' 31<<0 . the . crhurch pr'esen.ted the yulrp;-� couple' With a fancy 'chair and electric. heti!), :Wishing then many ` liajriiy years,• wc: seek sorry to, report Mr..James '1 Emerson to be seriously ill in Wing- • hath 11•,a-nital: We hope:to hear •of •.a eresl recovery. KINLOSS. CENTRE Mr. and llrc,,• Oscar Keiffer ,were GROVE. Mrs. Ben , Scott visited v. th •her brother Mr. Morley Pettipiece ee Sat- urday. t •7'he :Red Cross workers met at the home of Miss f1innie Fair on Wednes- day afternoon. Tho first part • of the afternoon was, taken up with .aquil`, Miss 'Fair donated the lining and Mr-. J.. C:eil'lins' Abe batting. The • regular meeting was opened With Miss •Sidi • Pollock ,occupying' the ' chair, • After• the sitiging of, a hynin the• .'Lord'.<••. prayer' was :repeated in unison. Thr s'criptute`.lessnri :was read by Miss L. •Cawley. Moll call wasp- answered vita; raymeht of ;Vies. •,Mianiten 'of the previoirs meeting cvere, real and •ap- .proved.•Red Cross worts was.discesscti' and decided upon. This part of tlic' :meeting was ended by singing tebsinn with 11.is Stinson closing in prayer. The social part was,led;'by Mres GOV, Emerson, Jr.: taking' the topic and selecting for her discourstopice, "Neigh- bours" and their• various pasitiori< in. life. Mrs. Jack E?iner=on'gave, a very 'descriptive and intero-ting ins -este of.her Western. trip to her• ft•ienils W- ing' in Prince Albert., ,Edie<eitenr. Re• ging and, ‘V innipog • showing :.nianv :.wens :r•nE view's Of interesting place The .next windier was a• plc asi'ng re- citation by• Hiss Stinson • t;rten, in old Scottish dialect acerin a very capable manner•.. chis brought the afterrioirn' proceedings to ,a close. A vote, of thanks .to the,,.hostess and, those tak r.ponsOrs. ,for little 'J'aines • Charles Schuni.ach or on' Sunday morning. in •Patrick's Chareh, Holyrood, where be received his baptism. ,31'r. Hughie Houston 'of St- Thomas It.( HS...F.. Mr. George Cobean . of-Kin- cardine f•Kincardine called on friendson Saturday. }Ir•: and Mrs. George' Schunmaeher Of Mrs. 'Charles, Sehu- 1 eancer, C'uh•os`,`,.Mi•- and Mrs. -Jerome Vnlad • and 'Ronald i t.ored •to"Kitch- ener• the first of the • veek and .spew{, a :few days, • • Miss Dorothy Murray is- entertain - her: girl friend's from Toronto at the home of Mc. and Mrs. Daniel Murray.. • We ar•e• .pleased to report Mr..Rod- ger Corrigan is •making :favourable . progres. . . Ms. John McPherson, William Wall .f. Culross were Sunday' evening vis- it„'is .with, Mr. and Mrs: RodgerCor- rigan: ' hie part in the program was extend- ed. Lurch was served by • the hostess rad' comic lit ee in charge. Mr. and Mr:,, :Medford Hunter .of :limos %':Sited atMTr. Sam, Emerson's a; c•ently- Mrs:.Angus Graham and Mrs. Pur, i_i called nn reinver around the • (;ro( e, last. Friday°. . Mr. 11.111 Scott and Miss Marville Mr. and Mrs. . Jack ,Emerson siiee i laet Friday.. in London: - - I .' \Ii .• Mary Stinson is visiting with Iter,i •ter Mrs. Charles Shier:' . • LETTERS TO THE EDITOR • 101 Windsor Ave„ London, Ont. . . August 2nd, 1940 The Publisher of :The Sentinel Lucknow Ontario. Dear • This is to thank you for your kind- ness in sending nie a cop' of The Sentinel containing an account of the. Anniversary : Services .of Hackett':: Church. Your thoughtfulness war very very touch appreciated. Long may the good old "Sentinel" guard the' inter• ests•of your readers.• I have met , and, was acquainted with all the editors of your paper until the death of Mr. MacKenzies• 111ore. especially those • concerned the• early days, of • the paper, I wa<.. once offer eel ,the °t►osition, of .".printer's devil" by Mr. Breen. Perhaps I ought to have accepted but duty "seemed tr. cm all 'e •elsewheie, and in. the • active service ' of the 4.3laster there, has• been great joy. ' • The one man. in Lucknow whom 1' have known since childhood is George Robertson., Adl, the . rest, •as far as ['know,' as old s myself, have passed' on before.• • Swine time, perhaps .soon, I shall ,have the 'pleasure of , a handshake with you and so continue the happy *relationships of the past. Sincerely, .. R.. H. Barnby - ,WEDDING BELLS • HALL _ CRAIG • • • A quiet wedding was saalemnized the presence of . immediate i•elatives. at the' home: of 1Cir,' arid Mrs., John . Craig, Whitechurch, at ' • 12 o'clock noon, ,Saturday ,• ,August 3rd, when - their daughter, Janet McGee, was un- ited in marriage to Mr. John, Robert Hall, ofWMebane .son of Mrs. Hall and the late. William •Hall, of Acton.. Following •a short wedding trip they have taken up residence :in Winghain, .WADE _ SNAITH . At the United • cheireh . in ' Sudbury. on Saturday. ,tiny 27th, a pretty':wed- ding 'took place 'at 2 o'clock: The, t•linrch -is beautifully decorated with lilies of the valley. and -delphinium. when Gertrude .Irene Snaith, daugh- 'ter of Mrs. tk .D.: Snaith of Sudbury, became the beide' of 'Lorne George Wade, son'of. Mr.• .George. Wade,, 136. Water • street. Stratford; formerly • of Leckriow, and the late. Mrs. .Wade. :The bride, who' was given in:marriage by her brother•, looked lovely in, dusty ,pink street -length dress-with,'shir-'red' jacket . and matching accessories, wearing pink Talisman roses and gypsophilia. The •bride's•'only, attend= ant was Miss .Eileen Hogg; Wearing • a blue sheer dress 'fashioned otr prin- •cess lines _and matching • accessories:• and wearing red Talisman roses. Mr: • Clifford Lobrick •of Sudbury acted • a; best man. The bride's mother received the guests wearing` a navy' blue and White sheer dress, and wearing red Talisman roses:..The ushers ivere'Al- t fried Barton and Robert Snaith. • Mrs. Kathleen •Hogg, and Mrs.. J..S. Millet poured tea and `thoseserving were. Miss Jean Mabee, Miss Margaret_ •Edwards and Miss Margaret Hogg -. while Miss Shirley. Mabee displayed the , gifts. For • traveg the. ;bride wore a mauve wool crepe dress and turban, .w ith white' accessories.. • Or t their honeymoon they spent a few days at Wasaga Beach and .in, soi th- 'ern, Ontario: They willreside at • Baker• street- in ,Sudbury. "THE • ('` LUCKNc)/4/ SENTINEL. Published at T every Thursday rymrn ng io. Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie—Proprietor Campbell Thompson—Publisher THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th, 1940 NA''1ONAL REGISTRATION' ANI) PRODUCTION We do not reach the unlit of our productive capacityY"w,lien visible un- employment disappears, Within the nation are tremendous untapped re; soirees ,of labotir, These reserves of labour power will:be a 'factor in win- ning the -war. During a period of full employment men shift froni'positioirs of relatively lower productive cap • acity into work of greater import- ance. mport-anca The steel: worker, employed' ' to- day in a service station Will" shift bai<k to his old eectipation here his earning power ishigher. Women tend to' replace .mein in certain classes: of work -men and. *omen 'who -have re- tired-move e=tired•move back ;into the active • ranks of labour. It is 'a selective process--- it reverses what took : place . during the period of deep depression Which followed the boom' et 1928=29. It was by this means, during the last war, that we more than doubled 'our in- dustrial, production while we , had nearly 600,000 men under arms. The increase during the present war will be vastly. greater. We start frem a higher level. • Industry is more efficient. Industry running .at full capacity produces at loner costs: 'The Volume ' of • produc- tion per unit of capital invested—alar the production per unitof labour eni- ploved--goes up. National registration at this • time should, prove- rielpful. There Must• he quite 'a nurnbe of square: pegs fitting rather poorly the round holes into which , th}ey. have :been slipped., Time, will improve this• •situation. 'National registration' •is a* 'move towards' 'in creased industrial production.: , • ' I . • • ' At anchor . ,1, li hl•:1)O' 1 t1 E T.1. S.t (E • tOsiti in a. British fruit ride Ft en. h safe like the Major part of. the French Fleet, from • ,•t•.;e,-., 0ktators grasp, • • • A charming young singer•, called Han.. nab Got into a -flood in Montana. 'As she floated...away: •. I3er ; sister;•'they ,say, • Accompanied ..her. on the piano. LORD ATHL• ONE PLEASED WITH MILITARY' DISPLAY •f)t'ER PET.AWAR'A HOVER • • The crash of heavy artillery 'and the rumble :of mechanical transport's echoed through the . wooded 'hills of Petawawa when' Lord' Athlone,:, Can- ada's new 'Governor-General,'; accom- p nied by Princess. Alice, Iiisited the big training ,centre. It Was his :.Excellency's first inspec,- tion of a. Canadian. military, camp and the series of special displays arrang- ed for Iris benefit, testified .to the vast strides, made by the Dominion's fight ins forces since the outbreak of war eleven months ago.: Bronzed fighting men, trim in .their summer &liforms and spn. helmets. Staged. realistic mock' battles for the Vice -Regal party. At other' points, a, 'long the i'oate taken by their Ex- cellencies displays demonstrating practically• every activity 'of an arm- ed force, from ',bridge building to bay- onet charges; were given. The' niogt, spectacular exhibition was a .sham battle in one of Petaw- awa's wide valleys. The Vice -Regal party, together with high military officers, watched the show from a special stand constructed ob.the side of a hill. More than a mile from the obser- vation stand was a dummy village' with the flag of'the "enemy” flapping from a steeple.. When the "attack' 'began, field guns opened fii-e at the -Base of the hil.l•.and the air was filled - by, the shriek of shells as they -sped toward their targets. ' . ,His Excellency, an old 'soldier him :self;, wntrhe-d intensely through gel.. glasses as . the • heavy 'shells smacked the earth near. the steeple. When they finally. scored direct hits and the' '- -village" .had been reduced to a Elam--". ing ',shambles, His Excellency applau- dell enthusiastically., So accurate wax, the firing that shells were hammer- ing into the centre of the target after the third round had been fired. Meanwhile, as field guns bombard- ed the 'village",• anti-aircraft mach- ine guns peppered floating balloons, with tracer bullets. It was explained• to • His Excellency. that the anti -air-' craft unit was warding off ari "enemy, air attack" directed at the batteries concealed in the 'foliage at the base of the hill,; ' Dummy ' tanks were towed across the fields and became: thel targets fin• IR -pounder guns, fined 'with opeti• sights. One tank, bearing the, swas- tika. exploded with a •roar as a ,heal;t„' shell .ntare a direct, hit. • Obviously impressed by, the sinart- ness and efficiency of the. troop;; as - they:earl:14A out their displays under etstifrti•o'ne, ;stitixititating••t'rv:ttri }•'sdnrba4 the Governor General spent -the en - Uri, afternoon at the trainin carn*. before” returnini" to' Ottawa.L • 1• a'' PAGE • ONTARIO. GENCY CAL. To farmers to school boys and to . secondary school girls FARMERS If you can. use able-bodiied willing •youth for'harvesting and ,,general "farm help, apply' immediately to your Reeve, Agri: cultural Representative or local Employ- ment' Office: , SCHOOL DOE'S' If you are,willing to serve your, coUnhy'a need's by -helping on the -far* , enrol with your school principal at .your own school. Watch for enrollment dates. SCHOOL GIRL If •. you are , willing to serve by selling war certificates enrol with your school principal at yourown school. Watch for enrollment dates. The maintenance ' of a continuoussupply of . food for Britain's fighting forces and civilian population is of paramount importance in the suc- cessful prosecution of the war: The financing of our war ` effort `is • another battle which must be won ' on the home economic front. The Ontario Government seeks the co-operation of all in meethi present critical situation. M F. HEPBURN PREMIER N. O. IMPEL - ' MINISTER OF 'LABOR LANES I DE ' NORTH « The Y. p..$. conducted the services !F of help. • • lin 'the three charges on• Sunday-, 1' • 'Miss Bessie Barnby and her nephew . The Mission Band .held their Aug- _A number .from here . attended the ! i nd niece of Hamilton are the guests ust meeting at the home of Mrs: Ivan horse races at •Goderich on Monday 1 of Mr• "James 'Barnby. Conley. Agnes 'Conley gave the Call :last. to . Worship. Winnie Donaldson . readMiss Marie .Donaldson, is visiting the , Scripture . passage. Prayer was I with her' grandmot'hee, .3Irs. Donald. - given. by Ardyss Brown. Gertie Brown son Culross: • •the Mrs. Pari h Moffat ga e topic.• Closed • the . meeting with prayer. • -The Y. P. S. will hold:their, next, meeting 'in .the church .in .the form of a social: Each member please bring a. contest, pencils and paper. The W. M., S. held their' meeting at the home of Mrs. John . MacInnis izie- • on Thursday last. .11r. r- and Mrs. Dan T.•MacKinnon The United W. M. S. held their were' recent' v isitors With Whitechurch Mr- Kenneth 'Moffat of Hamilton i was a recent visitor with friends here: M • essrs. Jean MacKenzie, Bertha !'Wakeham and Louise WVhitenian of rToion to are ,vis•tins with the former parents, Mr. anMrs. Win.',llacKen.- meeting at the 'home.of Mrs. • George friends: Harkness on Wedneday last.. , •Mi•s.• Jim Moffat, 'Maty and • Jean-•' nette of Toronto are visiting , rela- . tires here. I•Harvesting and, threshing are in ' Miss Hope iWall' ,visited • recently I, full a swing here- but •fainters are ter! with her" sister Mrs. Bert Moffat.. 1 ribly handicapped with, the shortage. ASHFI.ELD Miss Catherine MacKenzie has re , turned home,, after attending summer school in' London. - L. _MacDiarmid and two daugh ter's of Jamestown, NI Y., 'have been holidaying at. Mr. ..N ' .`MaeKenzie's. 1 Rev. R. and Mrs. Esier are on their vacation and.: Mr. Ester's work • nn.' Sunday was taken care 'of ;by Rev. Mr.' Mills*of Toronto.. . • Miss .Joyce Carter has returned to her home :after risiting,for a few days with .Mrs: Alf Ritchie:. ' Master .Roy• Gibson. is hoihe again • after, spending the winter in British Columbia.. This is twice Roy has made . the round trip although he is only twelve years :of age. Miss Jean ' Munro is again' a pat- ' ient in 'Kincardine Hospital having .gorge there ,for treatment. • • t MERCHANDISING provides the trade chan- nels through which commodities flow from their source to consumers. Gdods must be kept moving: from mill to man, from counter to home, frbin farin to table, that industry and 'employiitent. may be maintained and developed. Serving Canadians and their businesses in every section of the community, we invite you to discuss YOUR banking requirements with us. Through our 500 branches we furnish modern, eipecienced', convenient banking service to thousands of merchants throughonc Canada. Merchants and their Workers everywhere are • . our welcome customers, who keep their "sur plus funds with us ()Choi -tow as need arises. K OF MONTR •'A' Bann WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS ARE" WELCOME", Lucktnow Branch V.; N.. PREST, Manager EAL • M©ibERN,'EX.iititItNCkD BAN°YC1t:N.G'" SkitVIlrt.. r. • the Outcome of f3] 'fears" Slcerssf,1;Opet tiaw