HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-08-15, Page 1•
Lucknow Ont., Thursday August 15th, 1940
Aged Ashfield.. Resident Missing Since
Monday Evening Pound Near Am-
herley on Wednesday Morning.
Missing from his hone on the. 12t
Concession of Ashfield since Monday
' evening, William Wallace, More than
eighty years of age, was found late
;Wednesday, morning near Amberley.
' When found, the aged man was sits
ting below a. Aree.'at 'Jack Mason's
farm, completely lost. , He could 'ace -
call little of his wanderings, or • the
two nights .he spent . either • in fhe
open Or in out buildings. • ' .
Mr, Wallace Makes' hits home with
his nephew and niece, Mr, and Mrs.
•- Louis Taylor, of Concession 12, near
McRae's, sideroad. Mr. and Mrs. Tay'-'
for were working in the fields ,until
late Monday .evening. They left Mr.
Wallace ifl. the house with the child-
ren'',. Who were in bed when their par-
ents, came • in from" the fields about
nine o'clock. At first they presumed
, that Mr.
Wallace. was also in bed.
but. upon discovering he ' was not,
made unsuccessful efforts to locate
him , that night:' •
No one had seen him, anti o trace
.of him could be found at homes where
he might visit. On Tuesday police
at. Goderich were notified and joi ►ed
in the ,search:' It was believedhe
might have, wandered into a nearby
swamp, or. into 'a. .heavily •wooded
acreage on . the McRae sideroad, , but.
all'efforts to 'locate .him were ,futile
until late Wednesday morning.
The old man appearedlittle the
worse- of his foodless, wanderings of
nearly. two days. •
Member's'of the Trail Rangers con-
tinue to patrol the swimming pool
each . afternoon keeping a watchful
'o ing
eye, an youngsters who are enjoying,.
themselves there these hot days.
h On two.occasions ,over the" week-
end two 'rescues" have 'been, per-
for•med. On .Saturday Eileen Knees
got a little,beyond';her depth and. was
struggling to' get back 'to shallower"
water, when Bud Orr event to her as=
o a • Donnie got
• Ong. � nd y e a g
into difficulties whi}e playing t on a
log which,tstarted to roll with him.
Jacic Treleaven, who was on, duty
went"'to the assistance of .the fright-
ened youngster: Both "rescues" swere,
quite tiinely and averted any serious
developments in either case.
largTo; further ,,safeguard children...
e highway signs have been placed
both east and • west of the'approach
to' the' pool advising motorists., of this
playground. The signs were erected
by the Highways Department on the
request of ,the Clansmen.
' The 99th Battery,' N.P.A.M., ,of
Wingham, .which drills twice weekly.
• did their route march last Thursday.
evening to the skirl o' the pipes:
Members' of the Lucknow Pipe
Band were en hand to lead the, Bat-
' tery, as • they paraded; 'marls', one
hundred strong, • to Conclude their
two hour, drill period. Quite a
number gathered along the 'line of
March to watch the parade.
The Battery is expected to. leaves
...Sunday to spend two weeks in camp
at Carling Heights. Clarence Greer has
joined this Battery, raising to eigh-
teen the 'number of boys from Luck -
now and immediate vicinity in the
unit. •
The majority of the local boys are
in , A company and several of them
took part -in a ioftball game with
B -company last Thursday evening
prior• to the drill period. The result
was a 10-2 win for. A troop. ,
- Russ Creighton and his Canadian
Mountaineers, plus several vaudeville,
artists are slated as the feature at-
traction for th'e Clansmen's annual
carnival to be ' -held in Lucknow, or.
Thursday, August 29th.
This Toronto troupe of radio fame.
will provide an outstanding variety
entertainment and his band will 'turn
• ish music for the ,street dance to fol-
low. 'Watch for further "deta•ils. , •
By the way, have you secured your
tickets for the prise draw• that night
'There will be nine winnerrs of wart
savings certificates totalling '$60.ne
in value. Tickets are available nod
from Club members.
' Rev. and sirs. A. W: Brown of
Brantford are renewing acquaint-
anees . in the • community this week
while visiting at Adam Johnston's
and W. T. Gardner's in Ashfield.
Their daughters, . ,Ethel and Bertha
are, attending the Senior Girls' Camp
at Goderich.
Working On Section
Peter T. Carter is at present en-
• gaged on the Ripley C.N.R. section.
in the -absence of one .of the section -
'men who was. recently 'injured.,
Special Traffic Officer
jack Leith, who was recently ap
pointed by the local ' Couecil' as a
special traffic officer was on duty
Saturday night for' the first time.
Wednesday and Saturday night traf-
'Kic congestion, and its consequent
hazards, made the appointment a
very necessary one.
'Card Of• Appreciation
;Bass S. Purves of lfolyroed wishes,
to express her •'Yincere thanks to the
friends for their kindness and
thoughtfulness during her recent ill-
ness. • •
•Passes Naval Tests . '
f#ob :Tliornpson, son of 'Mr: and Mrs.
'RI Tl1bmpson, was in Toronto last
weeksswhere he passed his. • medical
and wireless tests, in connection with
enlisting; in the 'Royal. Canadian Navy
and ' •is , at present awaiting • .a , call.
13oi, applied several months ago. to
join the Air: • Force as a"radio oper-
ator, but •,upon 'failing. to be called
for this branch,',more recently made
application to „enter the• naval ser.-
er-vice 'and was accepted` last week.
The •Iniekno•w Pipe Band has a new,
piper. She' is Patsy . Treleaven, . 11 -
year -old daughter of Piper R.. L. and
Mrs. Treleaven. "Pat" made her' first
tru},lic : appearance; with the Band on
Saturday night; looking trim in • her
new kilts and with her little- set of
.pipes'- Thus the Band now boasts. two
girl pipers', Patsy, and Audrey Camp-
bell. Pat was.. tutored by her father.'
and. We:. Wouldn't be surprised but' that
she sets something of a record for
the youngest girl piper in an organ-
ized 'band.
• About�„seventy five bowlers" from.
•Teeswater, Wingham and Lucknow
took part in a• nixed rinks jitney at
the local greens on Monday evening
Refreshments were Served at the•con-
elusion of. this.popular • event.
Winners wee:. Ladies—Mrs. H.
Campbell, Wingham; Miss Keith,
Teeswater; .Mrs. ,A. Wilson, Mrs. Tay-
lar, Mrs.• Sturdy, Miss Agnes Swan-
son . and Miss Sarah McLean, all of
Wingham. Men—Art Wilson, Wing -
ham; 111 Rae, .E. V. Hoffinan;
Jacklin, Teeswater; C. Finlayson,,•W.
Schmid; S. S. Campbell; Wingham•
and Alex MacKenzie. ,
interesting Old •Coins .
Cecil McAlpine of the local Bank
of .Montreal staff -has an interesting
collection' of old chins, among which
is a 5 -franca piece dated 1815, , and
issued during the reign' of Lou,;
,War_ or no war the work in 'aid
of the blind must go on as usuah The
blind are still with us and their
needs are the same. This is the dee
termined attitude . on the part of
twelve Lucknow girls who have vol-
unteered their services in connection
with the Tag Day for the Blind being
held in Lucknow on Saturday, Aug-
ust 17th.
Everyone feels an urge to help the
blind. Everyone 'tan translate that
urge into fruitful action by giving
generously when they are,apptoached'
On Saturday by , one .of these young
enthusiastic. workers, The 'proceeds
of the Tag Day are expended on ser-
vices 'for the 'benefit of more than
thirty blind. persons in Huron County
as well as ,prevention of blindness
treatment for those who are in dang-
er pf losing their sight.
Mrs. W. V..johnston and Mrs. R. L.
Treleaven are co -enliveners of the
Committee i', charge of Tag Day ar-
rangements. Of the many deserving
appeals put on from time to time by
carious . charitable organizations
4h is put on once each gear in aid
ofThe• .an d-ian Natio
C a ria institute
for the Blind. • '
Thee National Registration in Can-
ada will be taken next Monday, Tues-
day and. Wednesday. Registration of-
fices will ;be open fr•om„8 a.m.. •to 10
p.nr.'on each of the three days, when
all residents of The 'Dominion are re-
quited to. personally attend 'such• reg-
istration places as have been pre-
s icr bed. .
Severe penaltie i are set forth for
failing to register, . for failure • to
answer �• alny. question on the, i•egistra:
tion card, .or for, answering any •ques-
tion 'untrut'hfully:.
Registration; in Lucknow, will• be
held in the Public School, and to 'as-
sist the registrars in 'their 'volurnour
three-day job, residents of the pill-
age arc-tirged' to register early.
The Villago, is • divided into' three
sub -di visions' the Same as for election
'purposes, • but all three registration
booths .are located .',in the Public
School. ,
Deputy regatrars• iii , Polling sub-
division. No:. 1, are .i<Iarshall ,Graham
and Alex MacKenzie. This . division
includes alis of the village north o;f
Campbell: and east, of 'autism and
North Delhi Streets.' ,
Registrars in subdivision •No. 2 t•e
'Phillip Stewart and ,Margaret .c-
Quillin., •who will .take the registry,:
thins', of all `'those residing north of
Campbell street and west of.' Outram
and North Delhi streets: , These ' ' two
registrars will, be located in 'the, pri-
mary ,room ,in, the north-west corner
of the .school. '
Registrars iir,suhdivision .No.. 3, are
Albert 'Boyd and .Mrs. W. V. John-
Ston' who, will • take the registration
of sale residents 'of' the Village south
of Campbell• street...-
treet. • .
Should Stiidy .Questionnaire
Those, 'who are required to regis
ter• should study the questionnaire
carefully and be prepai•c�d to answer
the. questions fully and readily. A.
advertisement listing the questions to
be. answered, appeared. recently in
The :Sentinel and has appeared this
week in the daily'press. ,
TfTron registering, each ,person is
furnished',with ,a ,certificate,. of bill
fold size,wliic•h ie signed try• the, pre
siding registrar... This'eertificate nust
be'.cari•ied at alltimes. „
• The..assistance' of •volunteer. workers
may be required by the registrars .to
cope with tile work, and the..co-aper-
ation of those free to assist would be
appreciated by the registrars:
There ire a few instances Where
illness will prevent .persons from pre-
senting themselves :,for registration.
and they.will have to ,be visited.
Regulation; requite for the regi-
stration of all persons who have at-
tained'the age of '16, on or before the
last day of the registration , period.
August 2l.st. There' is' no age limit- ,
Those Away .Froni (Home
A person who is away froa home
during the period of registration is
required to go •to the registration
booth,nmost convenient, where his or
her card will he. filled in and .a cer-
tificate -Issued: die must first satisfy
the registrar that he is unable to reg-
ister at home.
. People who are out of Canada at
this time must go. to their own post-
offiice within' thirty days after thein
return and complete a registration
card and secure a certificate.
• Sc.remember•' you have a date with
.registra••r either Monday, Tues •
day or Wednesday of next week.
A pretty August•wedding took place
in Ashfield parsonage. Lucknow, when
Rena A.lnea Pearl Thorirpson, daiugh-
ter of Mrs.. isai c Cranston, Ashfield.
was united in marriage to Livingstone
Menary, eon of Mr. and Mrs. • Geo.
Menary of Dungannon., Rev. Jas. Wil-
kins officiated. The bride wore n
street -length powder blue sheer redin
gote with accessories to match • and,
can•ied a bouquet of Butterfly.roses.
Gypsophilia and Andiantum fern. As
bridesmaid. her sister, Miss 'Cora
Thompson wore a street length' nils!
green sheer with. accessories to match
and.carried a ' bouquet of Rosedale
roseand fern. Jerry Cranston 'atten=
de.d the groom:
After the ceremony . the • wedding
breakfast Was served at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Cranston to the
immediate friends and relatives. Later
Mr, and Mrs. 'gentry left on a trip.
to Niagara and other paints, the bride
with white accessories. T ey will re-
side it. the• 9th :c'oncessi'on of Ash-"
The Sentinel mailing list was cor
• rested up to Monday, August 12,
and if you ha'e paid • your , sub-
scription recently . your ,address
label on this .issue should be 'cor7..
rected accordingly.
We have. been ,delayed in mak-
ing .these corrections, and several
subscribers have enquired as lo
y+the label remaining- unchanged.
I'ilease take note .of the date this
week and in case of error' please
advise us •at • once.
If yo subscription. yis in .ar-
rears '�e again request. your
eerie, attention ' to the matter.
Small payments' regularly,. if the
amount.. is, ;large, are -quite ac-
ceptable and such will soon put
you. "in good• standing" again.
Confined 'To Bed
Mr. John 'Little). who, lives east of
the ,C.N.R. depot, has been. confined
to bed for about nine weeks 'since
' painful injury in a ,fall
at Finlayson's Corner one evening;
when be dislocated a knee can.
The Ontario Gevernment is anxious
to do somethingto assist farmers
effectively in the labour crisis caused
by, the lateness of the season,. the
heavycrops and the shortage of farm
help due to .,war conditions. An en-
deavour: is -being. made to secure as
many helpers experienced and inex
perienced . as can be enrolled from
A,rinyCamps, university students, pro-'
fessional men, industry, High schools
and other sorfrces.
The other. side. of the probimis,
to determine the exact 'extent ' and
location. iIof the; • demand; what kind
of help , is called for . and the wages'
being. offered. •This task is being un-
dertaken, in Bruce County by the
reeves ' and Councils ;in the -various
townships who will .report : °the situ-
ation to a committee composed of the
Warden, Public School Inspectors and
Agricultural Representative.
The reeves Will endeavour. to find
out , exactly those requiring help, the
wages they are prepared to pay, etc.
As this is ; an extremely heavy task
farmers wishing to...receive help are
asked to get in touch with the reeve
of their .township or, with the Agri-
cultural . Representative, Walkerton:
Application forms will be forward-
ed and requests for help will be taken
care of locally or by the Minister of
Labour. ;IOn the other hand anyone.
wishing to work as a farm labourer
to help with the harvest• should also
communicate with. the reeve or the
Agricultural Representative.
Farm Help Scheme In Huron '
At a meeting held in the County
Build, f Goderich, on ,August 10th,
it was decided to form a Hiiron
County Farm help Committee, con-
sisting of the Warden George . Fea-
gan, School, Inspectors E. C. -Beacom
and J: H. Kinkead, the. rural reeves
and .clerks of "the towns 'and villages.
of Huron, with -J. C. Shearer, Agri-
cultural Representative, to act as
Convener. The object of the commit-
tee is to endeavour to assist farriers
in ' harvesting -,their crops' by plac-
ing boys and young ' Men from the
•towns and villages where • needed. To
this end the following plan was ad-.
opted. •
1. Boys and young men willing to
work on the farms as a special war
effort for a'period of a few weeks,
are requested to register with .Lthe
Clerk of their town(;,rvillage.
2. Farmers ,desiring help' are re=
quested to 'apply to their local town-
ship reeve or.direct to the Agricultur-
al Office, Clinton.
3. Puhiicity to be given
scheme • by means of County . news-
papers, daily press', and radio so that
farmers and helpers may be brought
together quickly, as the harvest sea-
son has already ''commenced.
4. helpful suggesti(rns and critic-
iser are solicited by che committee to
im t'ove the 'scheme.i' and the effic-
ieiy'of it.
Dancing every Friday night at Par-
6 -piece orchestra. Door prize each
week, a roasted chicken. General ad-
mission 35e.
At a street carnival in' Dungannon
on Friday evening the new Lucknow
to' Goderich road as officially open-
ed'. The hard surfacing•wof the lasit of
.this • twenty-two ]Wile , stretch • was re
Gently completed providing an' excel-
lent dustless 'highway link between
these two centres,: via D'un;gannon,
which• community took: the initiative
to: fittingly -mark' the ...achievement. •
The earnival was sponspr•ed•• bythe
'Dungann'on., branch of the Red Cross
Society . with Heber J. -'L. Eedy,. pees-
ident of, the branch _presiding over
a.,progrem of music, song and ad-•'
dresses:: • :
Speakers in 'attendance included
George Feagan, Warden ' of •Huron,,
who referred to this County road as
'one of the best in the Provinces and
paid tribute to County Engineer Roy
'Patterson for .the manner in 'which
the work had been carried, out. Rol-
and Grain • represented the Road Com-
mission, 'Charles Meakins the town
of.. Goderich;.and Wm.. Murdie . the
Village ,of Luknow.• • •
L. E. Cardiff, M.P. congratulated
the . County . of ,Huron upon • its econ-
omy in building silch.'°roads, which,
he said,' it completes at'. about One -
halt' the cost of those built 'by the
Department of Highways:
The road was. declared, officially
opened when the ribbon was cut by
Miss Isobel Feagan, dt1irghter of. War
den George Feagen.
Carnival . gani.es `'were.' in operation
'with • Luck'now ` Clansmen assisting. in,
operating thein. Dancing, was enjoyed
,to music by 'Arthur's Orchestra., Blyth.
Bandl was. in •attendance, giving their
services' free` fins' this. patriotic en-
;deavour, at which.proceeds amounted
to . about. $27.5.00. •.
Since the printing••of. the Fa11 Pair
Prize ' lists. last week, three 'donations
have' been received by, the Society.,
They include Webster's Restaurant,',
$2.00;; .Roberti Gibbons, 41.00; Fred
Thompson, Teeswater, $2.00.
The Secretary will he pleased to
receive and..ackno,wledge • any further
donations,that anyone may :wish, to
make, in , contributing to the stir=
cess _of this year's Jubilee Fair—
whieh marks • the 75th '!consecutive
exhibition of the Lucknow Agricult-
ural Society. • ' .
Kincardine Council, in special ses-
sion. last week; by a majority vote
of 5-2, declined to act on the, request
of hotel operators that a "beverage
room vote" be, taken under L.C.A.
regulations. Kincardine •has been,
"dry" for thirty years.
Hotelmen were advised by Mayor
•Marcus that if a petition .was pres-.
ented, sigrted' by 25 per cent' of the
ratepayers, Council must then approve
a regeest to the Liquor Control
Board- p •
Just a year ago, beverage rooms
were voted down- in- Ripley.'
Soak new potatoes in salted cold
water and their coats will., loosen .and
scrape off easily.
Mrs. Pearlman- just arrived .from Tor-
onto with a wide variety of new dres-
ses. Call in and see them.
The engagement is announced of
Miss Eloise. Roberta Wilkins, 'Wind-
sor, daughter of Rev. and Mrs. James
'Wilkins. of Lucknow, to Mr. John
kaiser, Detroit, son of Mr. and Mrs.
.T._ E. Kaiser, Detroit The wedding
will take place the latter part of
Mr. and Mrs.•.John-B. Clark, South-
ampton, announce the engagement of
their daughter, Margaret Cathleen, to
Mr. J. Paul Hooper, son of Dr. and
Mrs. E. Ralph Hooper, Toccoa, Georg-
ia, formerly from Toronto, the Mar-
riage to take place on, August 24 lin
Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Agnew of Lon-
don, announce the .engagement , of
their second daughter, Helen Marie,
to Mr. R. James Gr ves, Ottawa, son
?.0 Vii? t►r r -,r t Ate-
say. i . a ia. ke pace
August 31 iri Empress Avenue United
Church. '
• . A number of Bell • Telephone em-
ployees' have been •at work locally
for the• past week, and will continue
to • be engaged -here for :a time, .ir
'changing aver the cable. 'and'•.marr
street services.., •
This will eliminate all :the ex'istins
averheed• wires. and' cables " •fr•,oze
Campbel'1 street and•.vill make: a de:
tided imp?eveinent in . the 'appearanes
of the' main street, : ^
Stores fronting • on '..Campbell'... St-
are being rewired. an 'will be• "s r
viced from pole . lines at the r • of
the business .section. Cables ' °will s -be
run underground., The entire : work
will' be .accomplished with' practically
no interruption of, telephone. service.-
. This. work• is ,being done by 11. P'
(Mike)' Carmichael, the .well,-know•r,'.
firebrand 'of the. Wingham ,b1.11 :club
Ross "Shorty" Wilson is in charge of
cable wor‘and • the .office Work
being done by the popular Ray Jack-
The Lucknow Pipe Band was well
received ,at, Port Elgiii' on Sunday.
;where' they presented an afternoon
and evening 'band concert at this pop-
ular summer resort. G
rge •" ea. h perf•-
niaLances,. and
the• customary. rdbot"passinPor
of the hat", . netted the. Band some
sixty :'dollars. With Eldon Henderson
doing a good deal, ,of drumining of
late, another tenor has been added tom'
the array of vocal talent that is be.
eluded in the band, and to :conclude
their performance in Port Elgin;the
Band' did a splendid vocal rendition..
of The National Anthem..
Several" of the • pipers had • a busy'
week -end.. On Thursday night a half
dozen members of the Band, led the
99th' Battery parade. Returningto.
the Village they played' a few 'num
bets• at the . bowling green, where the
finks tournament was in progress.
The Band was.•' out fourteen '• strong
for' their Saturday night .street con,
cert 'here and son. •Sunday played t.wo
Performances in Port Elgin:' ,
Appoint'ed Postmaster • •
A. M. (Archie) Peebleshas been
appointed-pcjstmaster at Wingham 'to.
fill the vacancycaused by the death
of the late A. H. Musgrove: Archie,
who 'has travelled for McCormick's
of London 'for, several years, is well
known, to many in town: There were
eleven applications for the position
injured • Finger •.
Mrs. W. J. Spindler suffered a
Painful injury to the index finger of
her right hand last week when it was
crushed in the washing machine
Fall Fair prize Lists are 'now avail-
able for the annual seventy-fifth est-,
hi:bition of the Lucknow Agricultural.
Societ .. The datesc
fall o the ust.
omary last Thursday :and Friday of
Septe �ber-the 26th and 27th.
-This is . Jubille year and the Board
has decided to fittingly mark. it as' •
such. A.iready, an , outstanding group
of Canadian Vaudeville -performers.
have been engaged, to provide the
finest afternoon' grandstand perfox.
mance • •in the history of the .Society:
Other meinbei s of . this.* versatile ,
group••of artists will. present the ev-
enfng. Performance Ore Friday. : •
These artists will,` present a var-
iety of acts. such as professional
clowning and acrobatic .stunts; band'
balancing and almost unbelievable
tricks; feats of magiie•'and 'a ;clever
ventriloquist act; comedy ..songs' and
sayings; ':dancing,singiing:'. and im-
persorlation's. ' • '
Its a program that will provide the
unusual , in' entertainment and there,
won't' be 'a dull inoment for the Fri-
day afternoon -fair' crowd:
Get' A Prize List
• .Ask for 'a prize list .and plan now
to be an exhibitor 'at this year's Fair.
Included in the list this .)*ear are de-,
tails of the Boys' Swine Club •-which
promises to bean interesting feature
of the show, as the°eighteeii ,members
of the :g1ub vie 'for 'honors.
The Simpson prize this year is.
awarded for the best buil; beef 'type;
and the Eaton 'prize will be awarded'
to the exhibitor winning the highest
number of points 'in the livestock
classes, including horses, cattle, sheep
and swine.
The fruit display should, be out-
standing. In one section, for the best
four hampers'. of apples, $1200 ..in
prize money is offered. Apples shown
in, this section become the property
of the Society'•to. be auctioned off
at the Friday night concert with pro -
needs :donated to the .Rea Cross'Soc-
Dr. R. J. Bowen of Lambeth and
formerly of 'Lucknow; is in Victoria
Hospital, London, with a . fractured"
left arm, slight concussion and other
injuries' sustained .when his car went
into the ditch on No. 4 highway early
last Thursday morning.. 1,
Dr. Bowen who is on the medical '
staff of the R.C.A:F. at London, was
believed to have•been returning from
his summer• home in Port Stanley 'a-
bout 1:30, a.m. Passing motorists
rushed him' to the city for first aid
• No Arrests Yet
Transferred To Hamilton
Gordon StatiOrs, son of .Mr..D,enzil
Starters of Kinloss, has been trans-
ferred to the Main St. East branch
of, the Bank of •Montreal in Hamil-
ton. Gordon, who started in the bank
here,, has for some 'time . been on 'the
staff of the King and Yonge branch
in Toronto.
.Relieving At Pergus
Henry 'Carter of the local ,express
and C N.R. station • staff, 'i reliev-
•ing at the Fergus depot, during vaca-
tion 'time.
M.el Donohue's rink 'of Teeswater
bagged' the John 'Joynt Trophy and
occasional chairs each, at the Luck -
now" Bowling Club's annual rinks
tournament last Thursday. ' , .
• • Ideal weather . faveured the event.
which attracted an entry of twenty
rinks,• with play continuing well' past
midnight before the winners were de
tided. • .
Bert Scarboro's rink of Hanover
and Hardy's rink .of Mt. Forest were
;tied for 2nd and 3r4 place. with the
Hanover rink getting the second pili e
prize of Walnut tables, and the Mt.
Forest quartette , retch ing sweaters
eachD. •
otvning's •
rink ` of Mt. Forestfin-
ished' in fourth. •position'to receive
silver dishes.
Winners.of the two five -dollar cash
rriies last Wednesday night,, iri the
Lucknow Merchants' Prize Draw.
•s'. --mac ti's
and 1 ed Ca`i(yer of Lucxnowr =Both
winners were present to claim `the
The thief' or 'thieves, who recently
broke into Ostrander's Garage and
Silverwood's • downtown office, remain.,
at large, with no arrests having been ' • •
made to date.
° A reception was 'held on • Tuesday
night in -Honor of .Mr. and "Mrs. -Alex
Farrish; whose marriage took place
ori • Saturday. The bride was formerly.
Marjorie Winnifred T h o m p so n,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Thompson. •Alex • is .the son • of Mr.
and' Mrs., Wilfred (Pete) Farrish of
Ashfield. •
Work • of converting some 800 acres
of farm landinto a vast, airport at ,
Port Albert, is proceeding rapidly,,
with construction work underway, and
preparations being. rushed ,to pour
concrete for the runways.
In the pit west of Dungannon,
which is floodlighted at night, work
continues 22 hours a day in crushing
huge piles of gravel for cement work.
The bituminous plant his being set up
at . this point' andthe ready -mixed
• concrete will' be trucked from the pit
to the airport. The concession road
has been widened and when the con-
crete pouring gets underway, we en:
derstand traffic will be shut off ' on
I this road..
• Scrapers and gradersLhave been
use preparing the field for "pour-
Mg" the rbnway s. Crops have either
been • harvested' or in some cases de-
,troyed if nat ready for harvesting.
Buildings to be demolished have been
vacated, hut a ne* steel barn en the
J - �
U�C°s •
A,i u
l�•r�l �„la t/CI�-�lA �c � GI•I CNI.)1�.'X, ••♦
for the Targe number of men who
e''entually. be employed.. . ' -