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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-06-27, Page 3
• Walking Well Social Asset integral Part of : Modern "Smartness"; Which Can Be Acquired NO girl wilt , ever ' ,.be in the . "smart" class who does not walk lvelt,. writes Donna. Grace, beauty editor. She must know how to ear- ry herself • so that she will be act-. • mired for her grace and, poise.' ' We. once heard 'a lecturer tell' a. class ' that smartness was- •a gift. "S'ometh.ing' you either have or you ha.ven't," she said and added: that those who didn't. know what real • rout tnese .was, would never acquire it This,. 'we :can assure?' you, • is a • iuistke, "Any `girl eau' be snta.rt`rf' sl will . learn. hots • to, make the; most. of the gifts she'h.as. ..DAILY N13E:DED She ca.nhave, a well -proportioned figure ell,ether" she Vis, short or tall. rhe cats be` well-groomed; even inexpensive clothes and she can 'weak like a queen. Mature women.. who 'have- never • thought rnu?h about the import: rcnce of. good carriage can take themselves in hand, ' •They must have enough personal pride to make them "snap out; of the old way.." They.. will need daily exer- cises. Wiest important they must pay attention to their'.walkdng. . 'HOLD YOURSELF TALL The girl who will walk with real smartness and•distinction will learn tt' 'stretch mer;, times during the • Clay end keep all ,muscles lithe '.,ad • areis e. She will hold herself• 'tall and .fceg.et about ki.,ee jointe. With ' ' eaeltt step, she.•will swing the leg treat the liip.eand•take fairly long • strides: '. Stiff .knees. mean stiff jerky steps. The foot on:the floor supports the. • weight.. Peactise the exercises that straighten the back :at• the •Waist.:. line.. There •should be , a .straight` Iine. and. net iii-crrve. ,Walk beauti- telly and you'll• be smart. FOR SPORTSANIS CASUAL WEAR' Diana Lewis truly has a feather in ler cap when she wears this perky - off -the -face hat in. white. Fashioned 'of.ribbon, with grosgrain ribbon in • navy as the trim, the hat achieves a jaunty, air by the blue feather thrust through the crown. •. The Oldest Trees On Our Continent Are Believed to be Cedars 'in , The Trans -Pecos Section of Texag -- Ring Count is .10,- 000 Years '1 hr• oldestliving trees on the American continent and perhaps .: in the world, ate the cedars which are found in :remote perts •of the Trdns-Pecos region of Texas tic- cording to IL L. George, civil en. gineet' and forester. 'These trees grow in semi -arid soil that is al - Meet pure gypsum and, are, sev- eral thousand years older 'than the giant redwoods in California,' Mr. George said. "Some time ago I was rettachig donne of the surveying work done by `Jacob I uchler,' an early sur veyer w Gated lands west of e Pecos River, about forty Miles • north of Kent Texas," he 'said. "Thiswork was done in 1879 He ' marked trees with a cross. These cedars have not grown sufficient : ly.in fifty-nine years .to cover these marks. 'Several of the trees were on our survey line and had to be cut, and at that time, we noticed that their rings were so oldie together filet they could not be seen without the aid of a • powerful magnifying glass. "By examining several of the trees closely, we found• there were approximately seventy i rings to thequarter inch. At this rate :. " SUNDAY' SCHOOL .,LESSON LESSON ?4111 - JONA'H: TRE OUTREACH OF OOD'S LOVE -d- Jantih 3, 4, Printed Text, Jonah 3:1-10; 4:10,.1.1 'Golden Text — "Salvation le of Je- hovah." Jona 2:9.., ' THE LESSON IN ITS. SETTING' Time •,:. Jonah lived during the •' reign of Jeroboam IL who reigned from 700 to' .750 B.C.- Piece — The events of the','Iast two chapters of this book •occurred at and, just outside , of the city of Nineveh, located on the east back of the uppee:. Tigrie River. •= In this lesson we mete a 'study •. of greet revivals' considering the character' of the `messenger, ' the fundamentee,eletnents • of the Ities< Trsage, , the power with -.which .the . message is conveyed; the evidences that a People 'are under the cenvic- tign of , sin, 'a true twining to God, and the'' ultimate . abiding conse- quences of a revival after the par • - ticular period of preaching is over. . 'The question .might well .be asked • whether the revival in, Jonah's ' day had the same fundamental elements that revival must have in our day. 2 ' Kings,,: 14:25 definitely identi- fies the prophet Jonah • as " an definitely • identifies Jonah: as an' historical personage who lived shortly before the bele of the pro- phet. Amos. Jonah was a native•of. (latuepher in. Galilee, situated just four mile§ nerth of. Nazareth: And when Jonah was first called to 'go to .the great' city. of Nineveh and ,prophesy, the mission' was so utter ly distasteful to .him that he fled from the presence of the Lord,'took ship .at Jeppa,,:intending to sail to Tarshish, which is probably to be identified with Tartessus• in south= eastern Spain. The rest of the story, is familiar to everyone. ' . • HIS. SECOND COMMLSSION Jonalt 3:1. And the word of, Je- hovah came e-hovah`came unto Jonah the second time, saying. 2. Arise; go unto Nin- eveh,. that. Feat city, and `preach': unto 'it. , the. ' reaching' that' I,' bid ,thee, Nineve was the last eastern capital of the Assyrian empire. Jo- niah's mission `•to Nineveh took place after • his 'wonderful deliver- ance. ' 3:.So Jonah arose, .and went unto Nineveh,. according to the word of Jghovah. New Nineveh was an ex- ceeding great 'city, of three days' journey. • 4:. And Jonah be- gan to entier into the city a day's journey,' and he cried, 'and said,. Yet forty -days, and Nineveh shall he overthrown. Jonahissermon was e:cceedingiy• brief, consisting .of a clear, definite, . easily understood., announcement of the irdminent de- structioii• of the city. The sentence upon. Nineveh was conditional: • if the people repented, their city then could be 'saved. . • THE GREAT REVIVAL 5. And the peeple of Nineveh be; lieved, God; and.. they proclaimed a fast,and put onsackcloth, from the greatest of then -even to the least of .them. -6 And the tidings •reached the. king of Nineveh, and he. arose the king of Nineveh, and ho arose from . him, and coveredhim• with sackcloth and sat hi ashes., 7.' Aid he made proclamation and publish- ed throughout Nineveh by. the de- cree of the king and his , nobles, saying; Let neither map nor beast, herd or flock, taste anything; let them not feed; -nor :drink :water; 8. but let them be covered With sack- cloth, both man a.nd•beast; and let them cry" mightily unto God; yea, let .them turd every one from• his evil way, and • from the violence that is inhis hands. 9. Who know- eth whether God will not'turn and repent, and . turn away from- his fierce anger.• that we perish not?, 4 JONAH, THE "SIGN" The effect of the' preaching of Jo- nah was simply ,phenomenal. One prophet of the true..Go'd changed a city of probably 600,000 perople for generations worshippers of the false gods. to one crying for mercy to: Jehovah. Jonah was not only a -prophet delivering . by word .•of mouth the message of destruction which God had- given him,but he was a sign unto the Ninevites. (Luke 11:29-32), Perhaps the amaz- ing story, of Jonah's deliverance from death made the people of Nin- eveh aware of God's wondrous way of showing his grace to the guilty who turn to him and trust him, 10. And .God saw their works. that they turned from their evil' way; .and God repented of the evil which lie said' be would do unto , them; and hedid it not. SHOULD I NOT PITY? - Jonah 4:10. And Jehovah said, Thou has had regard •for the gourd .' for. which thou has, ' not labored, neither naadeit• itgrow; which. cantle tip in a night: and perished in, a night: 11. and should not I have regard for Nineveh, that great city, Wherein are mere •than score thousand persons . that can- not . discern between theirright hand and their left hand; and, also , . ninth cattle? (All of Chapter •4 should be read carefully), Here Ivo see a revelation of the divine eta - tilde totvarda a city, outside' the home .of these theca are thirty-six is Meer' shining in creation. The at- inchea in dianieter, 'they would be 'Wade of God toward the cities of approximately 10,000 years old." ' men IS never that of'alootnesa or of As Nazi Mechanized Unita Entered Pais er ‘41 ke Abio,..,. .. A motorized' unit of the. Nazi army is shown. rumbling past the Egyptian :Obelisk in the Place 'De La Concorde in Paris, as the: German military' formally took possession of the French capital.—(12adio-Pho•toj_ distance — that. was ;the sin of Ju- dah; that "was the sin of Jonah, God cares for the suffering, the dy- . ging, the dead world: Whatever the conditions of men may be, or what- ever their sin, the voice of God 'is heard, saying, "Should not I have PitY?" ' •.A: wire fence• extending' from. `'Calgary to, ; Montreal requires some .effort .to visualize:. The pas tyre lands enclosed ',under 'the' • • pians of the Prairie• 'Farm .Re- habilitation. Act, • require. that length of• fence for the 1,000;000 act'es included„ .' .. RADIO REPORTER , By .DAVE ROBBINS EUROPEAN RQUf11D-UP .Both NBC and cps have -their European correspondents on Ithe. ,. air regularly for .two 15 -Minute per - cods daily.. • � • Recognized , as the • most, in'gen- • fous, best -organized radio news-' gathering agency In : Europe, '.the CBS bureau, supervised by ,Paul , 'White in New York, for 'the, ,past • month or so has :been 'eneeluying eight, full -tine correspondents, and . four stringmen,. kept on tap for ' • special assignments. From London; the bureau:s • European 'chief, Ed.. ward Murree... wields an efficient'" •baton over this' war -tasting sym- ' phony. `Columbia's William L. Shit-- ees• .talks, from Berlin have estab- lished him as the ablest' newsca•s- lter of them all. ' ° As opiosite numbers • for .these CBS fla•s• .es, NBC has as its per- manent staff a talented trio: Max' • Jordan, • Fred Bate, and Paul Arch- ' inard. MBS' w' •• news -casting from abroad is' done by John Steele in London,' Weverley Root in France. "THEY SHALL NOT PASS" • . British , history is a proud re- ' cord of victory won in the face of overwhelming odds, victory.achiev- ed by, the "stubborn slow strength of a people :not easily, or quickly roused. ' The past is rich .in episodes that. . tell; the same .inspiring story. Aid from the 'days when King .Alfred earned his title "The Clreat". by Wining 18eg• years- of defeat into final victory, over the invading Danes L from the days when the sea -dogs of Drake smashed the tow- ering threat of- Spain's Armada — from Trafalgar, whore Nelson broke Napoleon's, naval might in ' the face Cf great odds- from ear-. Best history -to the present day, each challenge to• British freedom . has proved an inspiration to' B tish courage. Such episodes as these form..the theme of the new series of dram- atic features, "They Shall Not' Pass"! which will • be presented over the CBC's National Network each Wednesday eve ling, .10:00 to ' 1.0:30 p.in, EDST: They will remind ,• Canadians that t1i&y shai-ie in a tra- dition of unconquerable 'courage, • that has never counted .odds oncost, ' when the real test rias come. NOTES ANO NEWS.. . • For your ,Sunday afternoon list- ening istening you will find few. programs • 'better . than "Melody Time",. a fea- ture from 1120 on the dial• at 5:15. Ricco Marcella, who iorinerly conducted: the orchestra of an early • Fibber McGee show known ''es "The House by.• the :Side . of the • Road", -';has succeeded, the late Joseph Pas- ternack as,conductor of that excel- lent program — "The .Contented' Hour" — heard from NBC -CBC on• Monday 'evenings at 10:40. About sixty' years ago. concert- goers were all agog about the work of a young Russian eorliposer Peter Tschaikowsky. Conservatives were ' shucked by; his original style, but the sincerity and beauty of his mu• sic compelled, atteution that grew to world-wide "adiniration... This year 194.0; is the centenary of. Tschaikowaky's birth — and 'in re- cognition, tho com.posei-s'.series- ,, offered by, the CAC network at • 10:30 each Tuesday' evening _ will next• week' feetere the works of . this musical• genius in 'recital. • One of the best bands on the air lanes for, our money is Dick ,Gas-, parre's lMiusic Makers. They 'are featured froth WARC on Thursday. nights at 11;00 — 'anti 'wort 15 minutes of anyone's* time.. And here's jowe news about the show that 'will. take the place o•t . Fibber McGee and Molly at.9:30 gn' Tuesday nights on the CBC chant. for the Summer. Meredith \Villson-s • Musical Revue.is the name of the" presentation and Willem] is one of• the foremost flautists ie the dance world. Ho was 'the lad who - directed' the music of the "Good • News " show all Winter. Meredith promises to have a top-- notch program to .follow into the • shoes of one: of the best shows on' the air.' • Most Imports Are Licenseci New British Order -- Canada Hears Live Animals Only. Ex, ception '• Trade Minister ••MacKinnon an- nounced at Ottawa he had been in- formed by the chief Canadian trade commissioner in London that the British Board of Trade had issued an order under •whieh all -goods im- ported , ipto the United Kingdom, except live quadrupedkanimals, will be, subject to impor't.:licetisiug. Many, classesf merchandise al-, . ready , were subject tO .11 - cense under 'previeus order's amt..- , the new...order extends, the control, over isnports.,It does; net affect the- geode which• have . been seat ae, the ' United (ingdene . before June and' imported before August .10th. For administration Of the nevi order an 'o•pen general license that -permits importation: from all (the' countries' witiieut the necessity of Obtaining license for indevi ual. shipments, has been established for • . certain commodities. . • OF INTEREST. TO'CANAD They include among other of interest. to Canada: cod liver oil; fish, fresh, other than frozen and • wet salted; spirits, asbestos raw and waste;.'drugs, natural, raw; •fur skins, undressed; nickel ore, con- centrates, residues and matter; ra- dium ores, coticentratea, residues and compounds';. 'talc; wood tar; cadiuni; carbon black; cobalt; films; cinematograph . (Stan and width), unexposed, and .film b se; films, 'cinematograph, exposed, rid tool handles .of wood.', A'. further list of goods brought within the scope of open genera 11 - Cense as regards imports from • ri• tish Empire' eountriee includes is - ;cults.; buttons whether finished or . . not; dry earth colors;: raw wool. Farm Notes: . • • PASTURIATIPS • According to J, C. • Steckley, director of the • Western, Ontario •Experimental • Farm, Ridgetown, •good grazing land is' not the only essential in turning;livestock out.. to ' pasture. Water, 'salt and. shade are just as important, the director advises ' . • "Water• is 'not only the largest single ; 'constituent of • alt living , • Matter, .batt plant and'animal, but • carries the ,nutrients from. one part • 'of the living structure :to ..another by • holding them in sol a- tion," he explained. . •"Herbivorous animals (those , that live chiefly on plants) "need a -.et risiderably. larger • amount.- of co.nninon 'salt than is supplied by their asual .feeds," Mr. Steckler said: • "Swipe and. poultry need less salt than other Iivestock," "Mr. Steckley said,,"but it .is. usually advantageous t'supply then. with, some. • Water, Shade .dna Salt C.ominenting on the third essen- tial, "Shade" Mr., Ste'c)*ley. said; "Shade ,should Ue provided for all classes of 1Hestock and al- though on most' pasture farms ',;,there,are 'seifficient trees • avail- . able o. provide sufficient shade;',. pasture . fields, where there are rid shade trees, should •be equip.- 'ped quip-'ped with some "cheap strue.ure that would serve the purpose. 'Particularly, this should he :done for, swine pasture." Mr.. , Steckley Laid, ae:the. direct rays from 'the sun may injure , yourg pigs permanently." • • Sees Aniei lca As Big Food Source. Canada and United States to 'Supply Europe ,— President of O.A.C., Sfresses Our. Im- portant Food Role play i Of, war by lr. dresgat deleg fes, and 1M afes throu.g of 1 expect, ileo R foodstu 's w prices, as en the. t;ni t'd- mportnnt'toie*C':,inad•a must �prot'iditlg fncd' for peoples torn Europe ivas stressed. , i. Christie in a recent ad - Guelph, to ;more than' 140 representing business `oval women's clubs all ntario. "We cannot n amid a surplus of h ,everything at low teed in Ca. ;nada. and tates .and have the • • rest of the world atarving to death, Bald the college .president. AGRICULTURE DISR`f7PT1~;D ABROAD • P,ointitig'out that agriculture has: been disrupted in Holland, Belgium, Denmark and other invaded count- ries, he said the problem of; food would 'confront every' individual in Canada and the United States in the .very near future due 'to the feet that the only food supply for the world is in •North .America' and. . parts of ,the South American con- tinent. "People are going to demand .food whether they come here for it or we send it to them. It ',has g todone end we shall havto share the responsibility," said ,Dr. Christie in referring to' iucreased sacrifices which Must be made 'la this country. ° t 1 THIS COPIOUS WORLD : Fergu6on 1 IN ANCIENT TTUNDER.. HEAR zee +_t EVEO -1,41- 1I -1E : ^:s WERE „..,PART -i 16'A RTAtN'T ,AESSAGE. ©1977 SI NEA SERVICE. INC. .GEORGE.WASWIfVG7ON NEVER, WiRacerE' felly .NAME, • /A/ FULL. d 'Ci71a .SLJGAR 'BEET PS ABOUT, 7.5 ,EQ GE/VT WATER oz -2. SUGAR beets; •botanically' speaking,belong to the same species • ea' the garden beet, Although they contain less than. 20 per cent sugar,they ffurnislrnearly one-half of the world's supply of that Commodity. NEXT:.Ds 88, Insects einerter m' Theegg in'.ItiAiliKed NIM dltionf • i BASEBALL STAR UORIZONTAL 1 Establishes baseball star . 9 He, is a — • league player. 13 Aureole. 14 Aperient. • 16 Sea .'eaglet, •17 Clever. • 19 Tissue. 21 Low tides. • • 23 Rubber. tree 24 Aur-ieuIate. 25, Pertaining to an episode: 28 To unfold. 31 `Primeval fluid. 32 Long inlets. 33 Court. 3,5 While. 36 Ready. 37• Robbers. 40 Full. 41. Boxes. 45 Astronomical instrument. 50 Weird. • 51 Church hen: -.1t. 53 To crit Answer to Previous Puzzle RABB OV E MDSE T AL ANOD ( AE . E FL' MPOWER' N N A OT© G C•.A F1 Oiv1INOL 0 • LE A R E whiskers. 54 Payment demand. • 55 Denudes A amazing record: 18:Herb. S20Advertise went. E 22 Mineral spring. 24 Small shield. 26 Restless hankerings. 27 •Inserts. 29 Frost bite. 30Butter lump. 34 To, capsize 35 Hail! - 38 Lay 'cl' arch oflRcial. . 39 Observes. '42 To do again. 43 Cuckoopoint 44 Prong 46 Style. 47 Rootstock 48 Above. • 49 Mueical note: 51'Skillet:' 52You 'and I. ' 55 Bushel: 56 Senior. 4 Systenes of doctrine. 5 Noun ending 6 Pronoun. 57'Wrath: . . 7 Branch. 58 He is famous 8 Pierced by for makinghorns; 9 Myself' 59 Annals. ' -10 Pier: • 11 Toreascgfl. VEL 12 Helmet 2 MonsterRTICA.' wth. • 3 Forearne 15' Point. bone. r 18 He has an i1 POP—Well, It's' a Game .Frill of Fish Stories By J. MILLAR WATT LET'S SGiz -- !W)dO WAS 'Ti-IP, Tut SAi,N1" ISHERMGNI ?. At J4N IAS, -A'AStrIr • • • V • x:•1431 r. 10.1, Ov ,rn r.,' r r ci �l•�. b Ci ,- .. .•: . • EUROPEAN RQUf11D-UP .Both NBC and cps have -their European correspondents on Ithe. ,. air regularly for .two 15 -Minute per - cods daily.. • � • Recognized , as the • most, in'gen- • fous, best -organized radio news-' gathering agency In : Europe, '.the CBS bureau, supervised by ,Paul , 'White in New York, for 'the, ,past • month or so has :been 'eneeluying eight, full -tine correspondents, and . four stringmen,. kept on tap for ' • special assignments. From London; the bureau:s • European 'chief, Ed.. ward Murree... wields an efficient'" •baton over this' war -tasting sym- ' phony. `Columbia's William L. Shit-- ees• .talks, from Berlin have estab- lished him as the ablest' newsca•s- lter of them all. ' ° As opiosite numbers • for .these CBS fla•s• .es, NBC has as its per- manent staff a talented trio: Max' • Jordan, • Fred Bate, and Paul Arch- ' inard. MBS' w' •• news -casting from abroad is' done by John Steele in London,' Weverley Root in France. "THEY SHALL NOT PASS" • . British , history is a proud re- ' cord of victory won in the face of overwhelming odds, victory.achiev- ed by, the "stubborn slow strength of a people :not easily, or quickly roused. ' The past is rich .in episodes that. . tell; the same .inspiring story. Aid from the 'days when King .Alfred earned his title "The Clreat". by Wining 18eg• years- of defeat into final victory, over the invading Danes L from the days when the sea -dogs of Drake smashed the tow- ering threat of- Spain's Armada — from Trafalgar, whore Nelson broke Napoleon's, naval might in ' the face Cf great odds- from ear-. Best history -to the present day, each challenge to• British freedom . has proved an inspiration to' B tish courage. Such episodes as these form..the theme of the new series of dram- atic features, "They Shall Not' Pass"! which will • be presented over the CBC's National Network each Wednesday eve ling, .10:00 to ' 1.0:30 p.in, EDST: They will remind ,• Canadians that t1i&y shai-ie in a tra- dition of unconquerable 'courage, • that has never counted .odds oncost, ' when the real test rias come. NOTES ANO NEWS.. . • For your ,Sunday afternoon list- ening istening you will find few. programs • 'better . than "Melody Time",. a fea- ture from 1120 on the dial• at 5:15. Ricco Marcella, who iorinerly conducted: the orchestra of an early • Fibber McGee show known ''es "The House by.• the :Side . of the • Road", -';has succeeded, the late Joseph Pas- ternack as,conductor of that excel- lent program — "The .Contented' Hour" — heard from NBC -CBC on• Monday 'evenings at 10:40. About sixty' years ago. concert- goers were all agog about the work of a young Russian eorliposer Peter Tschaikowsky. Conservatives were ' shucked by; his original style, but the sincerity and beauty of his mu• sic compelled, atteution that grew to world-wide "adiniration... This year 194.0; is the centenary of. Tschaikowaky's birth — and 'in re- cognition, tho com.posei-s'.series- ,, offered by, the CAC network at • 10:30 each Tuesday' evening _ will next• week' feetere the works of . this musical• genius in 'recital. • One of the best bands on the air lanes for, our money is Dick ,Gas-, parre's lMiusic Makers. They 'are featured froth WARC on Thursday. nights at 11;00 — 'anti 'wort 15 minutes of anyone's* time.. And here's jowe news about the show that 'will. take the place o•t . Fibber McGee and Molly at.9:30 gn' Tuesday nights on the CBC chant. for the Summer. Meredith \Villson-s • Musical Revue.is the name of the" presentation and Willem] is one of• the foremost flautists ie the dance world. Ho was 'the lad who - directed' the music of the "Good • News " show all Winter. Meredith promises to have a top-- notch program to .follow into the • shoes of one: of the best shows on' the air.' • Most Imports Are Licenseci New British Order -- Canada Hears Live Animals Only. Ex, ception '• Trade Minister ••MacKinnon an- nounced at Ottawa he had been in- formed by the chief Canadian trade commissioner in London that the British Board of Trade had issued an order under •whieh all -goods im- ported , ipto the United Kingdom, except live quadrupedkanimals, will be, subject to impor't.:licetisiug. Many, classesf merchandise al-, . ready , were subject tO .11 - cense under 'previeus order's amt..- , the new...order extends, the control, over isnports.,It does; net affect the- geode which• have . been seat ae, the ' United (ingdene . before June and' imported before August .10th. For administration Of the nevi order an 'o•pen general license that -permits importation: from all (the' countries' witiieut the necessity of Obtaining license for indevi ual. shipments, has been established for • . certain commodities. . • OF INTEREST. TO'CANAD They include among other of interest. to Canada: cod liver oil; fish, fresh, other than frozen and • wet salted; spirits, asbestos raw and waste;.'drugs, natural, raw; •fur skins, undressed; nickel ore, con- centrates, residues and matter; ra- dium ores, coticentratea, residues and compounds';. 'talc; wood tar; cadiuni; carbon black; cobalt; films; cinematograph . (Stan and width), unexposed, and .film b se; films, 'cinematograph, exposed, rid tool handles .of wood.', A'. further list of goods brought within the scope of open genera 11 - Cense as regards imports from • ri• tish Empire' eountriee includes is - ;cults.; buttons whether finished or . . not; dry earth colors;: raw wool. Farm Notes: . • • PASTURIATIPS • According to J, C. • Steckley, director of the • Western, Ontario •Experimental • Farm, Ridgetown, •good grazing land is' not the only essential in turning;livestock out.. to ' pasture. Water, 'salt and. shade are just as important, the director advises ' . • "Water• is 'not only the largest single ; 'constituent of • alt living , • Matter, .batt plant and'animal, but • carries the ,nutrients from. one part • 'of the living structure :to ..another by • holding them in sol a- tion," he explained. . •"Herbivorous animals (those , that live chiefly on plants) "need a -.et risiderably. larger • amount.- of co.nninon 'salt than is supplied by their asual .feeds," Mr. Steckler said: • "Swipe and. poultry need less salt than other Iivestock," "Mr. Steckley said,,"but it .is. usually advantageous t'supply then. with, some. • Water, Shade .dna Salt C.ominenting on the third essen- tial, "Shade" Mr., Ste'c)*ley. said; "Shade ,should Ue provided for all classes of 1Hestock and al- though on most' pasture farms ',;,there,are 'seifficient trees • avail- . able o. provide sufficient shade;',. pasture . fields, where there are rid shade trees, should •be equip.- 'ped quip-'ped with some "cheap strue.ure that would serve the purpose. 'Particularly, this should he :done for, swine pasture." Mr.. , Steckley Laid, ae:the. direct rays from 'the sun may injure , yourg pigs permanently." • • Sees Aniei lca As Big Food Source. Canada and United States to 'Supply Europe ,— President of O.A.C., Sfresses Our. Im- portant Food Role play i Of, war by lr. dresgat deleg fes, and 1M afes throu.g of 1 expect, ileo R foodstu 's w prices, as en the. t;ni t'd- mportnnt'toie*C':,inad•a must �prot'iditlg fncd' for peoples torn Europe ivas stressed. , i. Christie in a recent ad - Guelph, to ;more than' 140 representing business `oval women's clubs all ntario. "We cannot n amid a surplus of h ,everything at low teed in Ca. ;nada. and tates .and have the • • rest of the world atarving to death, Bald the college .president. AGRICULTURE DISR`f7PT1~;D ABROAD • P,ointitig'out that agriculture has: been disrupted in Holland, Belgium, Denmark and other invaded count- ries, he said the problem of; food would 'confront every' individual in Canada and the United States in the .very near future due 'to the feet that the only food supply for the world is in •North .America' and. . parts of ,the South American con- tinent. "People are going to demand .food whether they come here for it or we send it to them. It ',has g todone end we shall havto share the responsibility," said ,Dr. Christie in referring to' iucreased sacrifices which Must be made 'la this country. ° t 1 THIS COPIOUS WORLD : Fergu6on 1 IN ANCIENT TTUNDER.. HEAR zee +_t EVEO -1,41- 1I -1E : ^:s WERE „..,PART -i 16'A RTAtN'T ,AESSAGE. ©1977 SI NEA SERVICE. INC. .GEORGE.WASWIfVG7ON NEVER, WiRacerE' felly .NAME, • /A/ FULL. d 'Ci71a .SLJGAR 'BEET PS ABOUT, 7.5 ,EQ GE/VT WATER oz -2. SUGAR beets; •botanically' speaking,belong to the same species • ea' the garden beet, Although they contain less than. 20 per cent sugar,they ffurnislrnearly one-half of the world's supply of that Commodity. NEXT:.Ds 88, Insects einerter m' Theegg in'.ItiAiliKed NIM dltionf • i BASEBALL STAR UORIZONTAL 1 Establishes baseball star . 9 He, is a — • league player. 13 Aureole. 14 Aperient. • 16 Sea .'eaglet, •17 Clever. • 19 Tissue. 21 Low tides. • • 23 Rubber. tree 24 Aur-ieuIate. 25, Pertaining to an episode: 28 To unfold. 31 `Primeval fluid. 32 Long inlets. 33 Court. 3,5 While. 36 Ready. 37• Robbers. 40 Full. 41. Boxes. 45 Astronomical instrument. 50 Weird. • 51 Church hen: -.1t. 53 To crit Answer to Previous Puzzle RABB OV E MDSE T AL ANOD ( AE . E FL' MPOWER' N N A OT© G C•.A F1 Oiv1INOL 0 • LE A R E whiskers. 54 Payment demand. • 55 Denudes A amazing record: 18:Herb. S20Advertise went. E 22 Mineral spring. 24 Small shield. 26 Restless hankerings. 27 •Inserts. 29 Frost bite. 30Butter lump. 34 To, capsize 35 Hail! - 38 Lay 'cl' arch oflRcial. . 39 Observes. '42 To do again. 43 Cuckoopoint 44 Prong 46 Style. 47 Rootstock 48 Above. • 49 Mueical note: 51'Skillet:' 52You 'and I. ' 55 Bushel: 56 Senior. 4 Systenes of doctrine. 5 Noun ending 6 Pronoun. 57'Wrath: . . 7 Branch. 58 He is famous 8 Pierced by for makinghorns; 9 Myself' 59 Annals. ' -10 Pier: • 11 Toreascgfl. VEL 12 Helmet 2 MonsterRTICA.' wth. • 3 Forearne 15' Point. bone. r 18 He has an i1 POP—Well, It's' a Game .Frill of Fish Stories By J. MILLAR WATT LET'S SGiz -- !W)dO WAS 'Ti-IP, Tut SAi,N1" ISHERMGNI ?. At J4N IAS, -A'AStrIr • • • V • x:•1431 r. 10.1, Ov ,rn r.,' r r ci �l•�. b Ci ,- .. .•: . •