HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-06-27, Page 1j
62.00 A YEAR—IN ADVANCE -56c EXTRA TO i S. A. .•
Lucknow Ont., -Thursday . ' June 27th, 1940
Organize Loal Uilit of Br••
uce County 1NEDOINq BELLS
Municial_.DefenseGuards • Battalia:
Authorized by. the • Attorney Gen- FORMER, RESIDEETT VISITED.
• Cray's Department of the Province DERE THIS, WEEK• •• .
•Oritexo •and by the Bruce County
• €purcila a battaion 9f. MunicipalDe Goroon,.Smellier f m
renewed acquaintances here than
'tense' Guards for'the County of ;Bruce
x. ' week'' upon. h•is first visit to the. Vill
is being organized with all •possible •
age since leaving* here . in•1917, after
Speed '-b Branches.'of ,the -Canadian -bei: invalided home'from overseas.
P <.. Y g
Legion; Bruce County, ,' ` Mr. :Smellier was accompanied by'
At' a 'recent representative gather-
ing of officials of all Legion Bran -
chest in the 'County, Lt • Colonel N , R.
Robertson; D.S.O., V D.,, 'of . Walker-
ton, was unanimously chosen as' Com -
•mending Officer of the Battalion
At: a meeting held in Lucknow last
• +„•Thursday evening plans • were,;laid for.
'the organizing of .a Lucknow-Kinloss.
Municipal, Defense Platoon, • or sep-.
arate - municipal . units if the • membei•-
ship •• warrants. •.These units will be'
' co-ordinated., iftto the Bruce Battalion
of .Municipal • Defense Guards.
. The local. unit ' was . formed, and
some of the officers named', at'Thurs-
day's; meeting;. • subject, to Municipal
•approval; which Wa's' received •at a
special 'meeting. of the Village Coun-
cil 'on Monday ,night: Further appoint-
ments will .be necessary before the
tii. is cpmpletely'' organized.,
The prime object is to guard a-
gainst subversive activities, 'by:. form.=
•ing: these companies of veterans and
citizens, withont pay; ' 'to .• assist and
. co-operate with law enforcement, of-
fivers in the - preservation -of . order.
• and the', protection of, property, if and.
when' requested or AS required.'
• War . veterans ' will provide • the
nucleus of these units; which. will :as
well include all citizens, ,not •:subject
to military : service, and all. veterans
and Citizens qualifying; 'are • urged:
to offer their services. and 'co -opera-
. tion to their .Defense Guards uiiit and
- to report any activity, _ contraryto the
welfare of our country, which may
.come' to their attention. -
In•,attendance at Thursday night's:
. organization :meeting here; were Leg-,
ion. members from. Walkerton,. includ-
ing. Col: N. R. Robertson, ."Tex" Cam-
. eron, Crown Attorney J, W. Freeborn,
''and. Harold' Barker. •All four gentle-.
men •spoke stressing the necessity, the'
...purpose and details of the organize-
tion of this Bruce Battalion.. •.
Subversive Elements .
.Crown.'' Atto'r'ney. Freeborn, . in ad-
dressing the meeting, pointed out that
the action was justified in organizing
this Battalion, for, .he stressed, with-
out a doubt there are subversive 'ele-
ments• at work. Reports reaching him,
in his :official capacity, are not. coin-
cidental, he, • said, but are . definite
proof that there is organized and' din,
ected :, propaganda being, • circulated
rightwithin the county.
The Fifth Column . may be Hitler's,
secret weapon, he said. At any rate
' it's' ' been as effective as • his armed•
Ones and 'harder to fight. -
• fir. Freeborn cited several allustra-
tioi'is of . occurrences.•within the Coun-
ty to impress upon: his listeners that,
"This thing is real, there's no'doubt
about' it• °
' He pointed out it wasathe right and
duty of every citizen in ,,the interest
• . of peace, Order and good government
to detain' anyone definitely• talking
• in a Subversive manner.
Colonel '.Robertson. explained the
niethod ' of .organizing' a municilial'
unit, .which with the approval of the
Municipal Council, will then be given
backing by .a special •department set
• up in Toronto, to handle this matter,
known 'as the Volunteer Civil Oiiarii
Department. •
The organization. of the unit • here,
was left to local veterans and citizens,
as the Walkerton •quartette proceeded
to Kincardine' to attend a • meeting
his wife and her niece, 11Irs. Italliwe'll�
all of Edmonton where he is head of,
Smellier and Company, an. insurance,
financing and bonding firm. and
Mrs. Smellier have a family of three..
children*, and his -oldest son has been'
accepted to .join the -Air Force, •
After visiting ,here; and in Ashfield
with Jacob Reid and Mrs. Thos. And
erson, Mr. and Mrs. Smeltzer and:
Mrs. Halliwell : wilt continue en 'en
extended motor trip through the •Un••
ited''States before, returning .to • Ed-
monton. • •,
Gordon Smeltzer is. the son :of tht�
late • Wm..Smeltzer ho' operated • thir
Ford 'Garage.' here at. one time. ,
At a special meeting of the Busi-
ness Men's Association held on, Friday
evening, the chief subject up .for dis-
cussion was the matter of a weekly.
prize draw 'with \ Wednesday night re-
ceiving, unanimous approval for such
an event:
Various ideas and suggestionewere
advanced as to . the basis .on which
such a draw should be conducted.. The
matter .was. left in the hands of a
cornmittee consisting of Gerald Rath -
well, J. H. Hall; =Roy Finlayson and
Kenneth Murdie.
Yesterday 'Morning the 'Committee
announced that the first draw would
be made on Wednesday July • 10th.
Complete details of the plan are not
yet worked out. but to get 'it under
way,'. stores supporting the draw will
commence giving tickets with each
25c purchase on Wednesday, night
next, , July 3rd. Tickets will only. be
given out on' Wednesday night .pur-
chases, with the first draw being made
the 'following week and held . weekly
thereafter. • ' ' . •
Further details . will be available
later, but next Wednesday night .tic-
kets will be given out at the •following
business places, which to date have
entered: Rathsvell & Reed, J. H. Hall,
A. E. McKim, J. 1.. McMillan, N.•'I.1.
'Hedley, ' Leith• & Gibbons, • B. Pearl-
man, Finlayson Bros., 'Elmer John-
ston, Rae & • Porteous, ' Harry ' Lem,
Sepoy Store, R. J. Button, W. A.
Schmid, Templeton & Co., W. W. Hill,
Market Store, Mrs. N. D. MacKen-
zie, Hollyman's ,Bakery, Johnston's
Restaurant, ' Supertest Garage, E. V.
Hoffman, Chin's Restaurant, ' Wm.
Murdie & Sop, .Ford Garage,', John-
stone and MacKenzie, M. C. Orr, R.:
IL Thompson, Sentinel Office; Web=
ster's 'Restaurant, W. J. Davison, Har-
old Greer, T. W. Smith, Reid's Bak -
The Lyceum . Theatre, Winghani,
nest Tuesday, and
Wednesday, the special picture "Babes
in Arms" starring Mickey Rooney
rid Judy' Garland; ...• -.
L.C.A. Harry Prest of the R. C.
A. F,, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. N.
Prest of Lucknow, was presented with,
a watch on Friday byfriends at Fer-
gus. As wellhe a gift from
the 1! e'rgus st - f f of the ' Imperial
St. Peter's .Church, , Lucknow,was
the scene of ' an interesting event .at
noon on ' Saturday when the rector
Rev.- A: 'A:' Maloney, unitedin
riage Mildred Anna McQuillin, young-.
Est daughter of the late Mr. 'and Mrs
Wm. McQuillin and .William Robert
rdon,y,oungestt son of Mr. and Mrs.
J. C. Paden,' both "of West Wawva-
iiosh. • The bride looked lovely .in•a:
street -length gown- of Forget-me-not
blue . sheer with white felt hat And
white accessories aria carried a ' bou-
quet of butterfly roses and marguer-
ites and
' was, attended .by
' fern. She
her sister, Miss Beatrice McQuilli,i
gowned in dove rose sheer and Wear-
ing a corsage bouquet of. roses and
orange blossoms.. Mr. Harris Purdoi.
was his brother's attendant The cere-
mony waswitnessed by the immed-
iate families of the bridal couple:
who . returned to the ' bride'shome
where a dainty buffet luncheon. was'
s&rved by Mrs. Fred McQuillin and
Miss Dorothy Aitkin of .Bluevale. Lat-
er the bride donned for travelling a
printed sheer gown\ and green coat,
and •amid showers ,of confetti, they
left on a motor -trip to Leamington
r -
Our God is able if we but pray. At
the Lucknow Bible Institute this Fri-
day evening, a large part of the time
will be spent in prayer for Revival
and 'foil the protection of our Nation..
At the meeting of the Institute lust
week the prizesfor the best "Fine-
Minuet" Sermonettes were awarded as
follows: first prize, Fred Wainwrights
second prize, Garnet Henderson; third
prize, Jack Leith. The • judges dere
Rev. R. McConnell and ,Mr. John D:
Ross. Friends who attended the rneet-
ing were loud in their praises for the,
fine- work done by` these three young
men.. .
The Lucknow , Bible Institute will
carry on as usual. throughout the sum-
mer' months. It is seeking to give
free to the young people of the differ:
ent churches the training which has
cost the _leaders much in time nand
-money in the, past. From time to time
out -Side speakers will be brought in
with Gospel Messages. An offering
for rforeign•_.
will be taken each evening or ,
School Terni. Closes • -
Alieady• a number of students ha
toted their 'study books home for, the
and other points. On their return they
will 'reside on the groom's farm on
Concession 9, West Wawanosh.
Mr.' and Mrs: Gordon Taylor of
Sebringville are to\ become new res-
idents• of the Village : shortly.' Mr.
Taylor plans to open a drug store
here,'' in the former MacDonald. Shoe
Store in the Murdie Block.
A • wedding of local interest took
place in• Ashburn Presbyterian church,
at four o'clock on Saturday, June 22„
when • Miss Alnia Elizabeth . Lynde,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter. C.
Lynde of, .Myrtle Stations Ont., be-
came ,the bride of Dr. Frederick Al-
lan •Procunier, son of Mr; . and Mrs.
George Procunier, Ingersoll; • • -
The bride is a graduate of Toronto
Western Hospital. and "the groom, a
graduate of the University of 'Tor-
onto. Dr. Procunier is cell known to
many here, baying been.' associated
with Dr. W. V. Johnston for several
months and up' until -hismarriage
last week. Ile will shortly report to
Ottawa as .'a - regimental doctor of the.
Canadian; Medical Corps.
Tip ; Top Tournament ' •
Lucknow Bowling 'Club got break
from the weatlienman' on Wednesday
with a bright clear sky, though some-
what cool, for their first niajor bowl-
ing event of the year—the' Ti.p Top
Scotch' Doubles' Tournament; with the
trophy and suits. of clothes the covet=
ed prize for the .winning pair. Play is
well underway as we go to press! With
local greens unable to accomodate all
the entries, •' Wingham greens are be-
ing used. Play commenced with forty
rinks entered, 22 playing on• the local
greens and 18 'in Wingham.' '
JOHNSTON—In,' Sarnia on Saturday,
June 22nd, , to itfr.. and Mr"s:• C. M.
ciin rt 44/1 ao lstitIe carr•- —ilA :
that all scholars will be free niggers
for the summer. . , School officially
closes tomorrow to re -open again, -rC
Johnston (nee Dolly Webster) a sen. presume, 'on Septemiber 3rd:
Local' headquarters for the Vol-
unta'ry Registration of Canadian
Women have, been moved this
week from the .MMurdie Block to
the Allin. •Bloch, adjoining' Har-
old Greer's Shop;
'}}e e
` t h registration will, Con-
tine, and here also Mrs. Margit,.
et Hamilton Will accept appli'ea-
'tio'ns for refugee'or evacuee Child--
ren, 'Who are to be placed in Bruce `
-C, unty .by .the • Bruce •County . -
ildren's .Aid' Society.' "
Those. who have made applica-
tion for refugee : children under
the V.R C.W. registration are
asked to °call, at the local office
and make outa new application. •
form of the prescribed:C. A. S.,
-,forms, as this is the only organ-
ization, under the new plan, that
. with ' conduct theplacement of
these children. ,.
The' need is .urgent, and the
co-operation of the entire cam-
munity :is urged in making th
'homes •available for these unto
t:anate. children:
Accepts Principalship .. • .
Mr. Gordon 'Johnston has accepted
the principalship ;of Plattsville Grade
A Continuation school, with duties
to 'commence. ,in September. Platts-
ville is near New Ha'niburgh:; Gordon
bas been teaching in Eastern Ont-
ario this • past year. .
L.O.L. • 1044, Maple Grove, propose
holding a church service in Zion
church, "Ashfield, July 7th at 2:30 p.m.
Guest speaker, Rev. 0. E. Gallagher
of Wingbam. Members and, visiting
brethren .please meet at the Lodge
Room at 2:15. Everyone Welcome.
The annual St. Helen's .. Garden
Party will be held in Miller's OrchardThursday, June 27th followed by the
Presentation of ,the play "Money!
Money! Money!" by the Wbitechurch
Y. P..13, • 'Admission 35c and 20c_
Instructor At • Melton _
Mr. Salter Owens, 'who is now an
instructor at the ' Melton Air Port.
recently flew to Walkerton to 'visit
with his parents, Judge and Mr's. W.
G. Owens. Salter saw service in Fin
during the Finnish -Russian war
this past winter; and succeeded in es-
caping from Europe, by a • matter of
a few hours, before Hitler Invaded
FI'.erb McQuillan, who signed up for
military service. in 'the capacity of . a
blacksmith,_ received a call to London
on Tuesday morning for' . medical ex-
amination • and returned home that
evening with instructions 'to report
at London this morning (Thursday)_'
Mr. • McQuillin operates a black-
smith business here, and also has the
mail contract' to -and from the local
.depot and.. en Rural Roittg No.5. •He
is ser 'i'rig his third term as a member
of the Village Coitneil.
If Mr. MCQuii'lin's military duties Communion and the special preacher
(pprevent hint from continuing inmuni- :will be
Rev. R.
S. Skinner,
6a1 office it.sears accordingto of Trinity Church, Cheale _ Therector
will preach . at the evening . service.
Special Anniversary Services Will
also ba held ' at �'St,. Pani', Church,
Dungannon.' At' the 11 O'clock service
Dancing every Friday night 'at Par-
amount Eail to music by MacKenzie's
6 -piece orchestra.. Door prize each
week, a . roasted chicken. General ad
mission 35c. • •
' Dance • to Benny Palmier and his
music, Western . Ontario's• mostpop,
ular dance band at Royal -T, Wing -
ham, Thursday night June 27th and
at a midnight dance, Sunday June 30.
Door prize, spot dancing . Admission
50c. Dancing every Thursday night.
Conimtinity garden party .at Holy -
rood, Thursday June .27th under the
auspices of the H. W. I. Supper 6 to
8 p.m. Special program by the Zurich
Buckle Busters. Admission 35c & 20c.
Dance. after., Zurich orchestra, admis-
sion 25c. A11 proceeds in aid of the
Red; Cross. Li case of rain everything
under cover.
A pretty'. wedding' tare's solemnized
at 'St. Augustine R. C. Church, on•
Monday,' June 24th, when Father•, Mc-
Mahon united in marriage, Verna Iona,
daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Charles -
Steward: and Mervin•.Charle Mi Don-.
Mr. and
aid, son of
Old of Arthur. '
Thebride' who., was given in 'mar-
mar-riage °:by `her father,' wore , a . floor
length gown , of silk shell pink net
over, tat fetta, with: matching, shoulder
length veil held in place with rose
buds and orange blossoms and carried
a. bouquet . of Briarcliffe roses and
baby's breath.: She was attended by
her sister, Miss..Stella Steward as
bridesmaid, who wore a floor length
gown of aqua organza withpink ac-
cessories, carrying a bouquet of talis-
man roses. Mr. Fred Steward,, brother
of the bride, was groomsman.
• During communion, Mises May Red
mond sang Schuberts "Aye Maria".
The church was effeetkvely decorated
with white.and pink flowers., •.
Following, the ceremony. a ;dainty
wedding breakfast was served at the
borne' of the bride's parents. For trav-
elling the bride donned a dusty pink
lace dress, corn • colored English tweed
coat .with' matching hat' and' brown
accessories:' ,
After a, honeymoon trip to Hamil=
ton,. Niagara; Mirth. Bay and other
points the bride and -`room.: will reside'
in Kitchener. ;
A cabled message' has been received'
telling of the permanent appointment
of Lance -Corp. John McLeod, son of
Angus McLeod of ,Shallow Lake, Ont.,
as one of the guards at Buckingham
Palace. He stands six feet two inches
in his sock feet, He enlisted last'Au-
gust with Toronto Scottish and went
overseas with Canada's ' I t Division.
Lance -Corp. McLeod' is a nephew of
Mrs. John A., MacDonald of Luck -
now. • • .
A pirogram 'and dance will be held
in the Community Hall,, St: Helen's,
under: W. I. 'auspices, Friday, June
28th, 'at 8:30. Music for the .dance
'will be provided by the Gulley' Jump-
ers • gyro will be assisted In the pro-
gram by Cactus Mac of CKNX Pro=
ceeds •for patriotic purposes. -Lunch
will be`- served: • Admission 25c & 10c.
Ladies with. lunch • free. .
Jubilee Gatherings. at Crewe Un-
ited Church: Sunday June 30th, 11
a.m., service' conducted by Rev. Leon-
ard Bartlett of Belmont, a former
minister at Crewe and Dungannon.
Music by a Jubilee Choir of former
members; 7:30 p.m. service conducted
by Rev. John A. Agnew of London;
music by church choir; assisted by
visiting soloists; Monday July 1st—
Jubilee reunion and supper on the
Church Grounds. informal re -union
of visitors .and friends 2 to 4 p.m.
Supper served . at' 5:30. Admission 35c
and 20c.
Anniversary Services -
SL Peter's Church, Luctliow, and
St. Paul's Church, Dungannon',
Anniversary. Services 'will ,be held in
St, Peter's _ Church,_ Lucknow, next
Sunday June 30tib At 11 e' lock there
will be a celebration of the Holy
:the present statutes, -that a nomina-
tion, and election if necessary, *ill
be• regn4red to fill the vacancy. •
Such action is necessary when a
Mrs. Charles Steward gave a- trous-
seau' reception on Thursday in
honor Of her daughter, Verna 'Iona,
bride -elect, whose marriage took place
on Monday of this week. The house
was prettily decorated with flowers
and pink and write streamers. Mrs.
W. Hornell poured tea in the after-
noon and Mrs. R. H:. Thompson .in,..the
evening, assisted by friends of the
In this issue of The Sentinel the
LucknowApplications are to include qualifica-
, experience, ,references and sal:
ary expected.
Mrs. Oliver Johnston received -word
on Saturday of thedeath of her son -
in -lav, D. A. Osgod, which occurred
in •Detroit on Friday night. Miss Elva
Johnston went 'to Detroit to attend
the funeral which was held on • Mon-
day: Mrs. 'Osgood was 'formerly May
Johnston. A daughter, Jessie, Mrs.
Wm. Gable is Well known to many in
the Village.
Refugee Children To Be Placed By
Bruce County Children's Aid Society
GARDEN PARTY SEASON 'Placement of refugee . and evacuee
:hildren, it, has been decided in Ot-
tawa, garden • party 'Season is in fur • ta,wa;; will be carried ilea in each lo-
,, . a�
r a
Usual and these events are s
swing an n
X•g • nebular
. calit5 ' liy the Children. s Aid Soviet} ,
proving 'highly popular and meeting
and . with this in mind, Donald W.
Larneron .S:u .'erintend'ent of the Chit,'
iren's Aid Society, of Bruce: is, taking
:minediate'steps to • cope• with, the re., •
eeption, placement -and supervision of
such child*en":as;,may be sent to -Brice. • ,
County. „ .
re is little e specific To date •:the
formation of refugees coming to
�anada, but ' it seems certain that
hildren will soon be evacuated to the
Dominion, from Britain and possibly
including. refugee French children.
The present essential point is to be
ready when the need arises. . '
Mr. Cameron and Mrs: Florence
Rowand of Walkerton, Hon: -Sec. of
Bruce County C.A-S., were in Luck -
now on Monday to explain details
of the •-placement of these childreii:
and tosolicit the assistance of in-
terested citizens to help in advising
the people of the community of ;the:
,Opportunity . to serve in thi% respect,
and to encourage them to open their
home to these unfortunate 'children.
The' following local committee was
named: Pulpit, ''Rev.. C: H, MacDon-
ald; the Institute, Mrs: W. B. And-
erson; High School, Miss F. E Mac
Lean; Public Sehoel,:Miss Marion
McDougall; The Clansmen, Dr:. W. V.
Johnston; Red Cross, Mrs. Hornell;
The .Village, Reeve N. E. Bushell; The
Press, • Campbell Thompson; Girl
Guides; Mrs. A. McKim; . Business
Men's' Association, J.''R. MeNab; V.
,Mrs. Margaret I•iamil n_'
Receives Applications
Applications for these children, will
continue., to be received locally, by
Mrs. Margaret Hamilton, who 'is con-
ducting'the Voluntary •Registration of
Canadian Women. 'Under this V. R.
C. W., : applications 'have' been made
for refugee, children, but under 'the'
new plan of placement these applies
tions will now be made out on reg-
ular Children's Aid Society : applica-.
tion' form. Mrs:, Hamilton has these •.
forms which when filled out will be
forwarded to Mr. Cameron, to whom
application can. 'also be ` made direct
if desired.
Mr-. Cameron made • clear on Mon-
day, the importance of proper 'place-
ment of these children, \with p view
to securing homes where their own
personalties will be respected and a •
"sense' .of `' belonging" established: • •
There mast be provision for physi-
cal care, emotional and social happi-
ness and religions and educational
training, •and placements can only be
made 'to the extent that` local school;
can accomodate them for edlucational
raining.Mr. Cameron Made it clear that in
any home where a child proved a mis-
fit there was no Obligation to keep
the child, and that in case of 'major
medical Or surgical fees, a fund • n as
provided to take care• of this.
with the '•financial •'success 'that the
efforts of'those'sponsoring them. war
On' Tuesday of last week Ward.
Branch:. of the Red .Cross held a -gar-
den party at Olivet :while: the same
evening Kinlough.Presbyterian ;church:
held ththeirgarden Party in association
.With the church anniversary.
On Thursday night the setting for
a similar event was La{igside church
grounds, while on Friday night Hack-
ett's Church in Ashfield wa$ the cen-
tre of festivities. •
Tonight : (Thursday) St. Helen';
Church and Holyrood W, I. each hold
garden parties on the same evening,
While next Monday a Church super is
featured at Crewe where the 'Jubilee
Anniversary ia, being marked on Sun-
A tett-day spell .:of comparatively
dry weather, was broken on Sunday
as . a ' welcome' shower continued
throughout, the day. But *hell it de-
veloped into a torrential downpour
that •night; with intermittent :showers
on Monday. and =Tuesday the situation
became more grave, and en Tuesday
as this is written, the sky is anxiously
scanned 'for a: Break in the lowering
rain clouds.
Up to Tuesday morning about an
136, inches of rain had fallen bringing
the June ' total to a high point of
approximately four inches to date.
With unusual moisture all spring.
hay and grain crops have had abun-
dant and rapid growth, but are "soft"
and` he week -end rains 'and•"w,iiid ,had.
disastrous effects on hay, and wheat
which was badly` beatendown. In ad
dition the "weather has delayed hay-
ing whicih was commencing to get un-
derway and .which operation Will now
be more difficult.
Wheat crops took. 'a particularly
bad beating, and there is little . hope
that these stands will come.i#p, again
or fill,out properly: One exceptionally
fine (crop of 35 acres , of Wheat at
Bill Eadie's at .Holyrood was estim-
ated on Monday to be two-thirds down.
following Sunday's downpour • and
further damage resulted from Monday
night's rain and• 'wind, ' leaving the.
major part of the. crop a flattened,;
tangled mess.
• Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of Bel-
fast were very pleasantly surprised
on Tuesday' evening of Iasi week,
when their family and their nineteen
grandchildren • gathered to cele-
brate with them . fhe occasion . of their
50th Wedding anniversary. . •
Mr. and Mrs. Giiitipbell received
numerous gifts and the congratula-
tions of many friends; - including a
parcel and 'best -wishes from .Burling;
fon friends. .
A visit by their niinisterii,Rev. Wil-
kins was also appreciated and a pleas-
ant,ssocial evening ' enjoyed; during
which the ladies served a dainty lunch
which ' a'ppibopriately+ included a wed -
not received, the seat, it declared va-
cant if the member is :sheens frons,
three successive regular- meetings of
the Board.•
• i
willPreach• the sermon. Rev. It S.
'Pk -inner Will preach at the evening
'service at 7:30 o'clock Everyone is
invited to attend.
Re -engage ,Dungannon Teachers.
At a .meeting 'of the Dungannon'
School • Board last week,, Principal
Graham Pinkney was re-engaged. at
the same salary; $1100. Miss Mildred
Anderson, assistant, re-engaged
at a salary of.$800; a increase of $50.
Pass Reg. Nurse Exams -
• Among those passing the examin-
ation ffr nurse registration in Ont-
ario, we note, Betty Bissett of Ash-
field, , Lenore Stethers, Dungannon
and Beatrice Culbert. The firsttwo
young ladies are •graduates of God-
erich Hospital, while Miss, Culbert
graduated .at Hamilton. • •
Consider Garbage Collection. ,
Huron ^Fownship Council is calling,
for tenders for the collection of gar-
bage at Point Clark, Blair's Grove and
Bruce Beach. If instituted, this ser-
vice would provide collection ' of gar-
arbage twice weekly during July and
Legion Made, Presentation
Some Iocal memberswere. present
last week, when at a gathering of
members of the Wingham Legion and
their wives, the presentation of a set
of. military'brushes..was_tnade toRev-
J. F. Anderson. Rev. Anderson. who
was chaplain of the Legion, is leav-
ing Wingham after a successful minister pastorate, as : of the
United Church:
len conciu`cfing the evening a"l"t joins
in extending to tlt` . venerable couple
be -fit wishes for continued health and
happiness. /
,Normal Results Announced
Normal School examination results
here jpenneedlasttsvesals, and at the
'fa students, We note listed tbeTa'nte.
of Jim llletii.all: Minna Weatherhead
and Hiida Twantley, the latter secur-
ing her certificate on her year's work.
An Imitation
The Sentinel asksits readers to
make these columns their own to the
extent of contributing social and per-
items which are of interest- No-
tices pertaining . to births, marriages
and .deaths are inserted without
charge. If you have friends visiting
you, there isno nicer compliment you
can nay ;gout guests than to take the
trouble to see that their names are
Mentioned in your local newspaper. ,
Call, .or !phone The • Sentinel office:
Our number is 35.
Employed At Airport.' •
Sid Whitby has secured a job at Sky
Harbor Airport and 'commenced work
on Wednesday. Sid's first job will be
to assist in 'remosing several acrid
of hush so that the airport clan be
enlarged., Two eight -hoer• daylight
shifts are employed from 4 a.in. to
noon and from noon to 8 p.m., to •
speedu the. goer; So the coet%ict
may be completed by August 3151.
'Power equipment is at. Work on the
runways and additional' equipment °s
being added, Sandfly Contracting and
Machine Works are the Contractors.
Sid 'accepted the job this week af-
ter unsuccessfully trying to re-enlist
ten days $go in the Elgin • Ite'tinszitt.
being recruited at Goderich. Gid. one
charged, • vheny ue to defective hear-
ing ng he failed
pass the finalMed.