HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-06-13, Page 8to 11 i,ieinb.er Dad:. Fathers' Da* June 1.6th .. HIVE DAD SOMETHING TO'WEAR• HE APPRECIATES THE PRACTICAL GIFTS. FOORSYTH SHIRTS.. --Plain colors, white, green, bine or tan. Soft collars. The oNewPongo Shirt $2.00 FORSYTH WASHABLE TWS_ $1,80 SILK :TIES s ilii np HOLEPIIOOF SOCKS.. &'COOLIES 35e and 49c 'HDIFS Wh*te or fancy stripes APPRECIATE.AN EXTRA SUIT OF UNDERWEAR BRACES—Free 'siringhock made by Hickory. $1.00 .pr, ,FANCY ' HRACES—Poi's. • 4 50c empleton Lem's Remodelled ".Cafe When In Lucknow • Stop At . , Lem's Newly 'Rem'odelled " ; 'trek-, Restaurant, ' Specie QuicklyServed' FULL COURSE MEALS At Moderate Prices - Come In. And Try ''them R You Are Invited To Inspect Our Cafe At Any Time. Room Acconnodation. . • HARRY LEHiM,I: PROP. ` 'THE LUCKN0w • SENTINEL NEi EUROPEfiS U HEVANGELI ZED MILLIONS Hearts were stirredand anew se m•- pathetie interest ,awakened for the Spiritual need t►f EnroPe ;as * Rev. and Mrs, Arthur Salter from Czechoslo= i akia and Miss Laura Miswick of Lithuania vividly protrayed the hope- lessness of the millions of refugees forced from . their homes, ninny., of whom have never seen a Bible., The •lkiiesiouaries spoke in the :'l? own. Hall; the United Church, at the Mis- ,.sion.Band of . the Presbyterian church and • in the Lucknow Bible ;.;Institute this past ,week and brought 'to their Co my Council in session jQCALandGENERALj Bruce County Council is in session • this week at Southampton, ,wbere Sucinmer Sale of Coats and Dresses, Lake Huron's • cool breezes =will) be Wednesday Juane 19th at Templetop's.. Bargains in . Congoleum, Linoleum "& Feltol. Rugs. The Market Store.. Mrs, A. H. Wilson . of • Fort W�illiarn is ' visiting here with hes sister, Mrs., Dun an MacDonald, Sr. • Bruce County Power grader, oper- ated per=ated by Digit' McQuiliin, was at Work on 'Village streets .on Tuesday. Mrs. :W. L. MacKenzie has •been confined to bed 'for the past week but is improving nicely. Miss Flora Andrew of , London .•was i week -end visitor' at her home here.,, and was aeeompanied .' by. Miss, Jean 'Dorland„ also of London. audiences by means of coloured. slndea ,'".. ... and messages,• a, „startling report of the Spiritual darkness pervading :the :ocentraes OpEurope .:& 'the .eagerness with 'Which many of the, :• inhabitants received the' message of salvatien,- •,The story was told of one Jew who had searched formany' yearn in Lith- uania for a Nevi Testament ' in • the Lithuanian language in order that ►ne might read it' and how finally he ob- tained one from Miss Miswick, . Af .er reading it secretly at night for 'three. weeks he returned full of joy, ,con- vinced that Jesus was truly their ales - slain d Miss Miswick speaks, five lang- uages, Lithuania, Russian, Polish, Czechoslovakia and English_ She told of her perilous voyage from Lithuania and of how their boat was stopped by the Gerinans and searched and the passengers taken off and. questioned: She described the terror of the Jews. onboard and the opportunity she had tg comfort and ' witness for her Sav- iourto these sheep without a Shep- herd. She rejoiced in the opportunity she had of telling the Gospel to so many' nationalities huddled together and of the suspense they .endured while snaking ,their way through the i•, )RESSES for .S1gsinu'er Mrs. Pearlman has •Just returned from Toronto • with• a neige range of NEW SUMMER DRESSES and COATS. All the latest Styles and • Colours, CALL IN AND SPE THEM PEARLMAN ONTARIO CHURCH NEWS United Church W: The June .meeting of"'the W. M. S. of the United church ;was held on Wedneadao the 5th with Mrs. G. An- drew presiding in the absence of Mrs: Bushell who is ill- The scripture. les- son was taken by Mrs. T. Alton. Mrs. It. Fisher gave a Bible reading and Mrs. Hodgins led in prayer. A num- ber of business. 'matters .and corres- pondence was dealt with. 'My. R. Fisher gave a report of the, bale that was pecked : consisting of 2 boxes, valued at $61,00. The MI ion Band also sent a bale to Cape Croker. Mar- garet Rae contributed a solo accom- panied by Miss Jessie McKenzie. Mrs. Robt. Thompson gave a report of the Bruce Presbyterial that had been held in Teeswater Mrs. Jack Campbell. gave the topic ''Building for Peace" and a' number of ladies gave readings On the topic. Meeting . closed, with. ,,,prayer. Presbyterian W. M. S. The June meeting of. the W. M. S - of the Presbyterian church was held in the church under the leadership of Mrs. Watson.Mrs. MacDonald, the president; was in the chair: The.meet ing "opened with hymn 269 after which Mrs. Russell gave the scripture. read- ing and prayer. The roll .call was on grace. It was ¶l'ecided to visit the Mission Band on' June 17th • at 4 o'clock. All ladies of the ..congrega- tion are invited: Mrs. Ball had thi Bible study.'She spoke on prepared- ness. Mrs. Smith gave the Tidings prayer followed, by s reading by Mrs. Jas. Little. A solo was."sung by Mrs. Aitchison' followed by the Presbyter- ial report by, Mrs.- C. Agnew. After hymn 379, Mrs. MacDonald' closed with prayer. LUCKNOW BIBLE INSTITUTE Mr... and, Mrs, Cecil Becker and nbree.: •children' •.of Ann Arbour are eisitwg• with. her sinter' Mrs. E. H. Agee*, andMr. Agnew., urs. E. Urquhart, • Mr. `and Mrs: Burton Urquhart . and Judith spent •Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ait- chison. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gammie, Ross. Dorothy . and John and Mus. Woods Visited Elora and . Fergus' friends last .Saturday. Miss Jessie MacKenzie was .in Thamesford on Friday, . assisting at the trousseau tea far Miss Alice Brownlee, bride -elect. • welcomed, and should be helpful as the County legislators deal with mat- ters confronting them at thWsnmmer sitting, Renew rif, E. Buslcell of town and Richard =04 of Kinloss are amongthase a ttQadanCe, kiss Winnie Douglas R.N. • .5f: Kirkland Lake is holidaying at the home aff here parents, Mr. and Mrs ri. T. Douglas • • Mr. and :Mrs. Grant MacDiarniid. Mr. and Mrs. Nell J. ,MacKenzie and Mr. Alex MecDiarmid spent the week- end in :Detroit .with Mr, and Mrs. Geo, D. Stockhann. 'Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Leith and Jack attended, the funeral. of Mr. Herbert Castle' ,at Clinton on _Monday after- noon: Mr- Castle was a brother -in- law of Mrs. Leith. mines of the North . Sea. " She said. blaylor of the 15th •Genesh➢ "Lithuania Jewry- is the , creanc of Hospital •unit of the R_C-A: �•$-C_, who Jewry, they are very Orthodox has P ing a zeal for, God but not according receifltly returned to Toronto from England; was a week -end visitor with to knowledge". In Lithuania alone .relatives here: there are 306;000 Jews plus 100,000 Jewish refugees fronn Poland.. Mr. and Mrs. Salter lime visited nearly all the lMlission fields where the European Christian Mission have established a'. owrk—France, Poland, Lithuania, Hungary, Rumania, Czechoslovakia' and especially stress Marian' Gammie of Elora on Satun-dav ed the great need of France, a so -call- Janne. 8th and together they attended ed Christian country but in great I the marriage of their cousin Miss Spiritual darkness: There three mus- Jean Marjorie Gammie to Mr. Archie sionaries are labouring in Paris and M Beattie of Fergus. have, handed out thousands of Gospels Dr. J; Grant ,MacKenzie of New and Bibles to the Fieanch and refugees I York City is visiting at the home of from other lands. 'The field of the his parents Mr. and Mrs. W.. L. Mas European' Mission extends from Spain' Kenzie. Dr MacKenzie. is returning to Russia with over 400, 00,000 'un later to complete post graduate Stud - evangelized people- They (say that if Yes at the New York Eye and 'Ear mighty Russia had diem, evangelized Infirmarytthe and the Colrk: Eye Univer. in the past, commuitisin could never it �Iednca1, Centre. have 'seized it. Europe is a pagan sY field, the most neglected and most The Julie meeting of the Women's opportune field in 'the •world. . - q Institute will :be held in the Town Gifts for the work may be left with Hall at 2:30 p.m. this Friday, June:14. the Lucknow Bible Institute or sent Motto ----"Better be silent than speak directly to the European Cluistiann ill"; roll call"Things money cannot Mission 960 Dufffferin St:, , Toronto. buy"; topic—"Art of everyday living"; The . Lucknow Bible ▪ Institute will meet as usual this Thursday evening to which all are invited.' Part of the evening' -will be spent in prayer, for revival and ,for our nation. The Bibb' Study will be Acts 5:. and friends are urged to bring their Bibles with them and invite others to come. Reports have .' been • current' this week that a new drug store is to open in Lucinow, but while' a young rear- ried couple have Qisitedethe Village in. this regard, there. is, no assurance that they plan . to locate here. Miss Helen Genuine visited Miss SPOKE ON SOCIAL FIEA,LTH- SERVICES The Honourable George. Hoadley, former Minister of Health 'in Alber- ta, spoke in the Town Hall here on Thursday night, but unfortunately his splendid address was beard by a mere handful of people. . m . • • Mr. Hoadley ,is ,associated with time National .Committee for Mental Hy., glen, andis conducting a series of meetings arrangedby the United Far- nmers of Ontario. He spoke here un- der auspices of the Lucknow United Farmers and Hairshea Clubs. As Minister of Healthfor fourteen years fp. Alberta, he introduced "out- standing 1e " latiouj for the provision of 'socia ' . ealth' .services, and :pit" .n , in support of 'the extension of health _.erelees in the Dominion . that Mr„' Hoadley is new, lecturing; • Hikes made a• wide study of health conditions and various types of conn miinity health organizations, ” and is the author of' a booklet •"Canada's Health", Which affords much . stat- istical and other first hand Imewledge of this 'vital subject. • . The conclusion of those who have studied this matter suns it up thus. "The health situation in Canada must be viewed with grave concern." Mr. Hoadley advocates . a public health service that has as its, founda- tion preventative medical care; made Possible by state paid doctors- Such health services however should far= ther include all phases of treatment;, including maternity and surgical'caire: Of several million dollars now speiat Mc-. and Mrs. George Alton of Bel- a for public health services, only sie feel' were Sunda visitors at Mr. Ern- per cent. is for prevention. `As long est Ackert's. $ as tidy short-sighted policy prevails, Mr- and Mrs.' Chas. Congrase and we will continue to pour out millions fancily • were Sunday visitors •'Mtn friendsat EtheL for merely canting sickness", said Mr.- . Illi-. ^and' Mrs- Clifford Harmon. and Hoadle3r. ENGAGEMENTS • The engagement is announced of Mildred Anna, youngest daughter •. of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm, 'McQuil- lin to William Robert Pardon, young- est sten 'of .Mr. and • Mrs: J. C. Porion of Wawanosle,='I'he marriage to take; Place the latter part , ofy June. Y The engagement, is .amiouncedof. Ahna Wizabetb; daughter of Mr. and ➢ , Walter -C= :.Lynde Myrtle- Sta- tion, Ontario, to Dr. Frederick Allan Procunier; 'son of Mr. and 1 rs- Geo. Procunier, Ingersoll, Ontario. The marriage to take place June 22. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Swan of Bel- more wish to announce the engage- ment of their second eldest daughter Doris Vilda to Mr. John Smith Mac- Donald, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs - Donald A. MacDonald of Ripley, the wedding to take place the latter part of 'June. {HOLYROOD Mrs. Wm. Fisher, visited on Tues- day with Mrs.. Howard' Robinson: • Mr. and Mrs. Rout.. Turnbull, Betty and Ruth of Underwood spent Sunday at Mr.Robert MacDonald's. • • THUR:SDAY, JUNE 13th, 1940 family of Tata, •Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Statistics contained in Mr. Boad- Miller and fondly :of Allenford Spent 1ey's '•hookiet,` emphasize clearly the Kincardine• Thurs., 'Fri, Sat. — June 13, 14, 15 THE .FUNNIEST PICTURE, EVER MADE! • Pr "THE HOUSEKEEPER'S DAUGHTER" »with JOAN BEN NEIT ' ADOLPHE 'ME1+IJOU ' BILL GARGAN Plus ACTION PICTIURE ,An `Angel Boli.'Texas' ROSEMARY LANE - WAYNE MORRIS lMlon„'Tues;, Wed. June 17; 18, 19 M tII RICE MAETER LINCK'S. The . Brie Bird A FANTASY. IN TECHNICOLOR • . ' with' . , SHIRLEY .TEMPLE .SYBIL JASON Jesse Ralph, Eddie Collins; Nigel Bruce, Al Sheen, Gale ' Sonder- gaard. • - Sunday with Holyrood friends. . • masses who cannot afford proper m: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott and ical services until their illness has C"layton;. Mrs. Perry Anthony of De- reached a point where it is imperative trait, Mr. Walter Pollock of Clarks they. receive such attention. This is the were recent -•visitors with •Mrs. Album prime cause that makes social ser - Ackert, slices so imperative, for, ”"in this 20th ' Mk. and Mrs- Gordon Jamieson; Ira- century of progress we have death belle and Stuart of Paramount, Mrs_ C., E. Wilson, Kenneth and Donald of ,.rates for certain eauses `snnworthy of Saskatoon spent . Sunday evening at a civilized country," he said. M.r...Thos. Harris:. • We know something of'the mach- Mie null Mrs., ;Parker Israckelbani➢s finery whien is available; • of the.: plans and •. Isabel • of , Cargill' spent Sunday ct Mr Albert. T'liinpsons. which may be tried,- of the public Mr.and Mrs. Ho and biuson ono health services we have. which meed Shirley' spent Sunday at oderich. gstrengthening; and of th'e great areas t: where they do not even exist, he said. Individuals cannot get machinery moving, but great : things ' 'could be accoef- 1 Ontario. 1" report of .•District Annual; gliest speaker -Miss 'Gwendolynn Ackert::• WARD FIVE UNIT OF, 1tED CROSS IS ACTIVE.. At . another' meeting of.'Ward, 5. Huron ''Toaa.nship� unit' of the Reale Crows held in. Olivet Church Thurs- day evening arrangements were made for a garden party to be held in 01- d ivet Church. •grounds Tuesday:June 18th. Committees neve appointed and a good evening's entertainment is ex- On Thursday afternoon three work petted • meetings were held; on the 4th at 'Mrs. Bert Breckenridge up the 2nd at u Mrs. Donald' alaeCharles and 'west, on the 2nd at the home of Mrs.- Alex MacTavish. 'Quilts were' quilted. gar -1 mnents cut Out and.giv,en out. Keen in -4 terest is being shovrn in this work .and many donations have been re- •ceieed, Look .for fuller announcement of garden party in this 'paper. • THE U N'I1ED CHURCH. L'BPC11;1 oiv • . SUNDAY JUNE 16th 10 a�n.—Sunday School Public Worship 11 a.m. & 7 p.m - The. Sons of God by passing griefs are blessed; Amid• the dark, He ever .leads to light; His purposes and plans are al - 1 ways right. t, • CREWE 3Ir and Mrs.- Lorne Woods and Donna and Mrs. Helm of St. Helen. visited Mr. 'and Mrs- Sam Kilpatrick int Sunday.. Mrs. Helm remained for a , few days.'• , . . Mr. and Mrs. Edwin. Whitley and little son off nndridge spent a- few days with. Mriand Mrs. Victor Whit- :, ley- ' • JIr. and .rs. Wilffred. Drennan and 1I family, Mr.. and Mrs. Jack Curran. and fannily, Mr. and Mrs.: Bert Treleaven and family attended the graduation og A & .M Hospital, Goderich, on Friday' their niece; Miss Lenore Stothers be-, hing one of 'the graduates. Mr ' and Mrs. Sane Sherwood at= tended the graduation of their niece Miss Fern ' Cranston ' at Goderich on Friday. Mrs. James Sherwood, 5hir- le and Norma were' also guests. • Mr. Colin Crozier was up • from lieury and attended the graduation also •a' guest of Miss. Cranston. Mme- Earl McWhinney of Echo Boa ;is visiting at her uncle's Mr.. Dave MIcW hinne'. Mr. and Ctrs. S. J. Kilpatrick Mr. and ilia.R: Kilpatrick were guests ,1 of 'M,-. and Mrs. Jim Hesson, Strat= ;lord patu,rd. i, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Robinsoci of• Thu- noek were .recent : guests with Mr. and Mrs.` R. Finnigan. 1 Mr. :arid: Mrs. Geo. Fteeman visited - their, daughter Mrs. Lorne. Emmons On Thursdayafternoon. the W. M. S. meeting was held at Mrs. Rivett's. After devotional exercises readings: were given by Mrs. • S. Kilpatrick, Mrs. Finnigan :and Study book by Mrs. Treleaven after which arrange menu were made' for the -Church Jub- ilee se hick is .being 'held on. Sunday Jung 30th and Monday July 1st. mplished by ' a co-operative fort to this end. ' • Mr. S. E. Robertson was appoinated' chairman " for the* evening, and ex- presses appreciation to Mr. Hoadley for his. very fine address. .. i. ZiON Those attending the graduation ••e ercises in Godericli• on Friday last when. Miss • Lenore Stothers of Dan - gentian was one Of the five to grad- uate were Mr- and Mrs: Thos. Hack- ett and fancily, Miss' Kathleen Gard- ner, Mr .and Mrs. .,George Ilninter, Miss Elleda Hunter,.:. Mr- and Mrs. W. G. Nuciter.' ' . • „Mrs. MMlrs. Charter and 'son Robert of Blyth, 'Mrs: Leroy and daughter Mar waren of Regina were visitors witin Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland and Mrs. Andrew. Mrs. Robert • llannilton and sons Benson. Clarence of Wingham visited on. Monday with. Mr. and Mrs. 'Rich- ard . Gardner.' Mrs. "George Colman of Seafortt spent Sunday with: her sister Mrs. Wan. Ritchie and Mr -..Ritchie. Church services on Sunday at 11 a.m. when Mr. Roy Alton, a delegate to London Conference .this year will present 'his report-' Sunday School' at 10:30 a.nn. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon •Kirklend and David were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Andrew,•Wingham.• Mrs.. Alfred Ritchie of Laurier spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest (Ganer. • - Tt"e arc lrdileased to report that Mints Jean Ritchie. R.N.., .is able. to return home after being a patient in Queen Alexandria Hospital for' some time past. !1!!g THE MORE. YOU BUY THE 'BETTER YOUR .CHANCES TO WIN THE LOVELY Cedar Chest Value $29.95' WHICH WE .4RE GIVING AWAY. ABSOLUTELY FREE NE ITEMS JUST ARRIVED. SUIMIMER: LUGGAGE WHITE PURSES • VOH E DRESSES ' TABLE OILCLOTHS SE'POT 5c to $1:0.0 ' Store I' MAFEKI NG Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Woods and tittle daughter and Mrs. John .Helen of- St.. Helen's visited on Sunday witn Mafekinng and Crewe friends. Mrs. Helen remained with her sister 'Mrs - S, J. Kilpatrick for a few days visit. • The shingling' of the chaarch .and shed is almost completed: Mr. and -Mrs. George Stewart 'of St: Helen's called at the home. of Mr. Milton Kilpatrick one evening last week. • Mr. and Mrs. Frad Anderson of . 'Lion spent' Monday With . Mafeking' and Crewe friends. Sunday, visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Twaanley were. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Higgins and 'Mr- and Mrs. Alvin Higgins and children of "Brassies. Mrs. Harvey Webb and children of St. Helens spent Sunday with M. and Mrs. Harvey Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald and Mr. and Mrs: Neil McDonald of Pais—: ley, also Mr. and Mrs. Omar Brook. of Paramount visited recently wit. Min and Mrs. Richard Kilpatrick. Mrs.. George Andrew and' Flora of Lucknow called on Mr. and Mrs. Wit! rMnili'ecV oni .9ntorday. 'Mr. and • Mn:s- S. J. Kilpatrick and ' Mr. and Mrs. itichard Kilpatrick vis- ited friends . in Stratford on Satur- day; • Mr.,Hagedaprs of Paisley who oper- ates' a ditching: mpehine moved the ditchee to Mr. Milton Kilpatrick's this 'Week. • Baraiiis. in Cony®Ieum and Linoleu - Res. New Goods,. New Patterns at less that* List Prices tains and Curtain Nets. Special ' Prices onThese for Next Two Weeks :`Cur a Lucknomi, one 1