HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-06-13, Page 7••• .1-•44'svaeraesaa•,.7., eese...essasasaaiaasiestae ee, ,s,„ O s••• ." *17fitZoi,,,, Furniture And Its Arrangement These Are A Few General - Rules to Learn With..Regard To proper, Grouping ad The. Redly's of Your Home There are a few general rules t---- regarding the arrangement of fur- niture, and they applyas readily to a room in which the furniture bas• not changed its position for . years as they do, to ,a new 'house with completely new furnishings, GANGWAYS NEEDED There.mtist be clear passageways' to every door, for it is untomfort- 1 a o li,e required to navigate ell , 4 rat.' ..a.cliair er table when enter- : jag leaving the room. A.I.Se: there: . should be two. goed "therough- lares'.', Across the roomy so that -one , natty: walk in a .straight path _With- ... • • . mut dodging, abent Or bumping lute, the corner of something ib an awk- ward fashion. If, there is a fireplace with a. group of chairs or couch .on either 'side of it, pe floor space between • them Must be clear and empty, and also for' some distance in front of thefire. If a sofa is •placed facing tLie fire, there must be some space tween it and- the fire, and, there nat. t also be a clear passageway around each end ef the sofa: •SIMPLE RULE FOR CHAIRS There are many kinds of varia- than in groupings which can , be Worked out but a simple rule t•o • follow, le that. no chair' Which is previded ,as a place for a, py •i -n to sit on furan length Of time (Lot ' , side chairs, or chairs in dinirig-• room's or ha tIS i eheuld tea without . a ronverrient table for a book. tea- cup. or ash tray: Norway. and Canada The 'truth.: is' that while'.care. sadians' • ktroWer ..soraething ,about . snow.. they .know 'very little. about the Are.ie. regions, says • • the .,•Vancenver 'Pt•oVinCe.' And • ;Isloaway'knows a great deal. Ail • of • Norway is mirth of ••58• •• de- grees, •-and there, are hardly,' any communities in .. Canada so • fart. • north. Dawson is only . at 64. •,,ars • Labrador • is nearly .all farther • , ? 'south than any' - of IslOrvitaY: wo look :upon Juneau as. pretty • far • • ups.. the ctast, hut Juneau ,is . miles ' farther south; than ..•0slo.. • , Narvik;, the little .iroria ore port, scene' of Important .engagemerita, 'between British and Germans• . within the : past , month,... far within -the- Arseic .Circle, some, • • • where', about latitude; .69e:aas, far • . north 'as Ceronation Gulf or the ra,Sutli of ' the. Mackenzie,• .and • •••.:•..censieat ably, • farther • nprth • than •Iceland.. 11. A Refugee Problem .0e After a hurried flight out .of the, path of the Geri'nan war nite chine through northern France, this little refugee munches con- tentedly •cn • a piece of bread at . a Paris welfare station. Se' many refugees from the battle areas have flooded into French and 'Bri- tish 'centres 'that the Allies are faced with a serious problem iri looking after them. More For Beauty Than On Teeth oti're • eang people to go to the ' dentist when their teeth •are defac- alt important need of the future, Dr. Arthur Merritt told the s.sOolation in con-' ventlon tt Tbronoto. Despite a cen- • turY of great prOgress indentistry,, dental ills have not been Material- ly redueed, he said; adding that al- . Most no progress has been made toawrd ,their preyeptien. 99.37 'ARE DEFE('TIVE . The fact that 99.3 per cent.. of 9,450 ehildien'exatnined In the U.S. 12 and under, had decaying teeth, 'constituted a challenge to the pro - DA y SCHQQL LESSON .• ' LESSON XI HAGGAI URGES THE BUILDING coF•GOD'S HOUSE Haggai • Printed Text, Hag. 1:2-12 Golden Text "Let us consider One another to provoke unto love and good pet forsaking our own 'assembling together, as the •custorn.,of some:is. Heb. 10:24, 25. THE LESSON IN. ITS SETTING • Time •7-. About 620 B.C. Place.- The city of Jerusalem, This lesson will be made Pp:TUC.' • ularia iintekeiting •theteaeber ean seeure some accurate' ' sta.thia tics eqncariaing ehuirch expenties in tine community, comparing these sinnawith:the:•spars of.:ratash spent' 'Upon pieature• in the 'sane locality samovies. 'ball genies, race -horses, • slot inaChines, smokes, beverages, gasoline. Is it true that we are spending morprior the maintenance Of pleasure autoinebiles than for the maintenance of the house of the Lord?. REBUILDING OF THE TEMPLE'. • r Haggai 1:2'. Thus speaketh Jeho- vah of hosts, saying, This people say, It is not the time for us to cenie, :the* time for Jehovah'sown' house :to be bath. The one great 'event in *which Haggai' and' Zechar- MIL took .a -leading part was there. • .1.ailding of the temple. For the his- ': tory of tha• event read Ezra, first sixahapters, together .with the bodlcs of the two. Prophe-ts Ahern- sel Yee. .lp .the • Second year- ef Dar- , ius 020 p.c,), the Jews :were suf- • feeing from:drought, possibly from a drought prolonged over sortie 'years. A sense of failure ley upon ' the •peo,ple.•In. a prosperous season a' prophet might have' spoicenein • Vain, but now, that the ,people• 'were• softened by. adversity, they- 'Were' disposed to • listen. Theo time had come. andthe man...This was Hag- gai, 'a prophet. of • whose anteced- ents nothing is kaown. He declara ed ,that the scarcity from which the Jews were suffering was a re- : ininder from Jehovah to stir them • . up th consider their ways. - ' .. FINISH THE WORK. • • 3: -Then -came theword of Je- hovah by Haggai the•prophet, say-' ing, 4. .ls it.a time for you your.. selves to dwell in your ei1ed hous- es, while thia•hciuse lieth waste? 5. Now therefore thus .saith Jehev.alt. of hosts: Consider Your ways:. 6. Ye have sown much, and bring• ' in •little; ye eat, but ye have not ' enough; ye drink,butyekare not ledwith drink; ye•clethe you; but there is none warm; ' and••he that •earneth - wages earneth wages • to • • .put it into a hag Wfth'holes. 7. So thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Con- sider YOI:r. ways. $. Go' up to the mountain, and bring wood; and then build the house; and 'I Will take, pleasure init, and 1 'will.. be giori- fied. ..lehciVah. 9. Ye 'looked for much, and. lo, it came to little; and vvhea yo 'Drought it keine, 1 did blow upon it. WhYVaaith Jehovah of hosts:Because of ray house, that lieth waste; while ye run 'every map to his own house. 10. There- - fore for your sake the heavens .will withhold the dewa and the •earth withholdeth its frail 11. And I cal- led •for a drought upon the land, and upon the mOuntainS, add upon the grain. and upon the new wine. and upon the oil, and upon that • which • the ground bringeth forth. and npon mei,• and upon cattle. and upon all the 'labor" of the hands.'• Here the prophet directly accuses the ,people Of being concerned pri- marity with their own comfort, and sinfully neglecting to rebuild the • temple where the worship. of Je- hovah shotld be. resumed. They • justified such negligence by s,..ayiug that the time .ItAd not yet come to rebuild the temple, and it was the . prophet's purpose to bring thern,to • a reallizatien; that they had becii living upon -the foundation of • a mistaken sense ofarelative values,• .' that they had given secondary con- sideration to what should have, been firet. arid they were•.giVing .first consideration to 'what shciuld have been secohdary'. The evil is common. but it is disastrous. The . evil consequences in national and social life that had followed such negligence Mi.& prophet now vivid- ly denidts, with 'the implication, that if they would come back to 'God and give. Himfirst place in • their life; such failure and impov- erishment and tragedy as they were .behelding svould pass. RENEWED ENERGY • • • 1±... Then Zerubbabel the son of. Shealtlel. and Joshua the son of lehozadakt. the high priest, with ait the retrinatifirbir eyed. the voice of Seh.ovah. their• God. and the -words. of Haggai •the prophet. as Jehovah their God had sent him; and the people did fear before Jehovah. The prophet had not more than finished his Ines- ' sage, than the Make remnant of, the •people felt the quiticenleg of net courage, and set abotit at once to rectify the situation. Espoicially • Thi* VVounded Soldier Lands Safely in Britain 7; p777, 4 as 's • , • Untold feats,'c.f heroisth and self-sacrifice were enacted during the evacuation.. of • British, Frenah. and Belgian. troop's from the coast of Belgium ,and.nor:herri France. A neVal petty officer•is' shown .assisting a; weandedeaoldier up 'the, gangway of a destroyer 'at.. an .unidentified French port during the epic evacuation. French trcepS may.. be seen • behind. • • . . • • -(Rid/o• Photo). • • • • . helped Joshua 'to ;set up the Altar of the G,od • of. Israelat Jeresalena • though. .the circumstances Were eery• ' th realeping. a • • . • People today aped centipuals eh- 0,couragernent in Christian . work:. Encouragement needed ,as .neek • • before, Are you one ef• those: encourage servants of the Lord.. Or .de you burden their lifeand make their existence Imere diffe • cult instead of easic-r? • Fain' •Nes . __- WEED OF • THE WEE:.. .,• • YELLOW ROCKET A weed may be observ.ed in flow- er at this particular time of the year which resembles Wild Must- ard and is •often mistaken for it, • sayseaehn D. .P;lacLeod, Crops.. Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ont. De - • SUMMER *ism • With the reining . of. • summer.. music takes a. lighter turn. Froia outdoor • parka • bandstands,- and radio studios Come melodies • de-• •.signed to. 'soothe the simmer , mood. Wise radio executiveshave- taken ecgpizance et this .fact nI• . dot theii schedules each .evenirl.; 'with'. music of • every 'type and shade, enough. to satisfy the me/. insatiable musical appetite.. 2 . So, in the privacy ..of .his 'par- lour, ..veranda • •or garden' .a matt can take his tat off arid witn, his. family I:sten in comfort, while an. electric fan budes an ar0..flerai • breeze in his fence • • NOTES. AND NEWS . • The CBC Variety program 'gave •to' the air base at Trenton this • Friday, and at .•eight., o'clock a prnart program of m sic,. songs •and gags will. esente.d by Royal Air Force men. Tune • in, you Will dike• this. one! • ; David. Saraeff, an exesutiv the radio ;c:frporatiori ef America .• Offers the opiniciathat abort' lithe .radiO sets -that can betarried ih your pocket si1I be available. Jusz. think what an' advantage that, will .•be-4or it means no loner there be tcprabbling where, to sct .r ' the dial. everycne• will hive own set! ...Betty Cart€r Barboue, in real • life Jean Rouvdral, is absent from the • "One Man's 4 . Family" circle while shetakes a months vacation in . the east with her hese . • band, s•creerewriter Hugo Rcitie- -;eral. Betty, .-as she is known to • Millions'of radio . listeners, Per- • suaded author Carlton Morse to write her out cf the story for the . time beinga- by offering to ..bring • .. • . . .0 4 hiniback a bucket ofhonest to • goedness maple frofn NCW•., -England. . • ' 'Meanwhile, Lin ene Tuttle, wio .played leading roles in the Ca•-• alcade of Drama serida', is play- ing the new .cliaratzer. in One, • The CBC i. offering Cariadians• plenty of entertainment from the lac:: on ti e. other side of. the water 'thee'days. - but at the same Attne theyare not neglecting the boys. in the King's forces- -that\ wear the 'Maple. leaf. .Records of the AH.papppo,),in'• zni.?eanntg,v;irh-ooAdx17utsinei, and re.. made • and- sent ac:ass.the. brine, ..along 'with a. spe.cially .'made-up district news from thi Dominion and, how the lads over thzie, enjoy • these special. iterns. • :., • . •'Spotlight Di9.1ing . :Neighbourly News from • CEL at. ten . S1ver Strings. on the NBC -Red chain. at .1.30 . Songs • . the Soldiers S:ftg via CKOC at 5.30 . With Eliery Queen; Deteetive. on Columbia at 7.30 .... Tuesday - A City 'Mother Pion- eers from CBC 5.15 . . • a Cats 'n Jaminers Swing 'Sessions via.. WOR -Mutual at 8.30 - great House'drarna, . on NBC -blue net- work. at 10.3o., Thursi-uy The Stamp Man •frOm..CICOC 5.30 • . Strange As It Seems- from CBS at 8.30 . - . Henry 'Weber's Concert Revue from CBC at 10.30 • . .,Saturday This Wonderful World, all abput the stars, from the Mutual chain at . 11.4'5,, aan. . . A Boy,-AltGirl,',A Band' front NBC -Red network at. 4.30 - , The Band of the Week. from CROC'' at 6.30 . . The Music Hall from CBC -at 10.3.0. •'Pattmelit of Agriculture, Toronto. This is Yellow Rocket, a' perennial ,weed which appears in new parts . , 'of the Proyinee each year and which is apparently on the in- crease. It le usually found, in lbw, .damp parts, of the fields. RESERBIJES MUSTARD Upon close' examination Yellow • Rocket, .will be tetrad to resemble Mustard Only in the colour of the flower. It may be easily disting- tasked from this weed by its dark green, Smooth and shiny leaves, somewhat oval in outline.' It is .us- ually in flower from May to July, and 'matures seed during July and August, Hand pulling of scattered plants, .. drainage and thorough cultivaticia in. preparation for a spring ' crop will keep.itunder. contrOL • ' • '' DONT LET IT MATURE' ' •,.The seed 'of .Yellovi,ROcket id a •:corninon'intpurity.in clover and ria • falfa 'seed and has been listed as •a secopdaryn0IoUs seed in the . tanada Seeds ' Act. Thit, weed. • should not be permitted to mature seed, particularly; in the clover seed producing. areas. • „ • Learn to distinguish 'Yellow Roc- ket and eradicate, it before ft be- comes' established, advises Mr. MacLeod. Most. Dangerous Ages: 16 to 23 • Canadian Welfare Council Ex- • pec'ts Wave ef Pest -War De- , linquency in Boys and Girls The aftermath of war With its • social Maladjustments will strike • most foreibly, at the boy and • • girl be.neeen 16 and 23, year4 of age, liliss-Charictte Whitton, executive director . of the 'Can- adian Welfare Council told the • Canadian Conference' on Sociel • Work at its :biennial convention. • in Toronto. - \• The boy andgirl of the -se • ages ,"will e fiie• highly vulnes- I able centre of . the-- war's diss integrating blews;"' Miss Whit- ton said in advising the' con- , vention that the Canadian Wei-• ' fare Council "is strengthening' its delinquency ditision' • °and • has been censulted recently by • two Provinces l'on better pro- • visions. for certain types ,of de- linquents." THEY'LL BE .MOST VULNERABLE, lMiss Whitton , said the need for protection cf juveriile im- • migrants assumes "dreficult • angles" with the possible movi- • ment ,,of child refugees to this, ontinent "It is hoped that from the continuing negotia- tions Of the • Canadian National •Committeeommittdei n Refugees; ar-: • rangements , will ' be concluded with'the 'Cenedian. Provinces and the child -caring services of Carr, ad•a, whereby aid will be ass,ur-I • ed for these children, both over- seas: and in Canada," she sa:d. Arctic Talks To Antarctic • Ataskan ' Wireless • Station. • Byrd's Aides Gossip •Anout, •Weather W11.n :distinguished 'selentists es- tablished Coranounication• virtually between 'North Pole and South Pole what do they 'talk about? Why, even as • you and I -a the weather. • • • • • .-• • Stanton, D. Bennett. -operator • of aniatenr wireless station .K7BEB established contact last month With, station KC4USA at the • wear base of Little America in the Anthretic- where Members of the Byrd ekpe- ditiori are encamped. • . - • 'WIRTH, SOUTH .POLE . Speaking over a telephone. line from his home three miles from Bennett's station. br. Ervin H. Brazilian, member of Byrd'S 1933 . Antarctic expedition and now pro• fessbr of physita at the Unive,rsify of Alaska, talked with Dr. Alton Wade. in charge of the west base, and his fellow scientists: The con- versation went something like this: • • Brahman - "It's 'spring time M., the Arctic. Trees are green. flow- ers are 'bloomingand the ,tempera- tu:re is around 60 above." ' Wade -e' "Wiater's approathipg rapidly. Daring the current cold • spell the temperature. has been he- , spring Around 70. below," B -r -r -r! Group Reading . Is Recommended Solitary reading is comparable to solitary drinking in. -the opin- ion of Professor Mortimer Adler of Chicago University. In a • speech to members .of the 'Azter7.. jean Booksellers Association, . Proft A,cller, said; "Solitary read- ing * not as much fun as book., • ish conviviality. A great pleasure• , and source of fruitfulness comas • froM reading books with others and discussing them. The variety of approaches to the same book opens up. understanding," I TH1S CCIRIQUS WORLD 84:11:071 ABECNZ.B A/01.51e CCTV • • .STRECTeZ. • ':a.-DICieN AL. , VVERE iMdiE 84000 LErt/ v6 PL.120005E5.. OF ALL THE WORLD'S SEVERAL. HUNDRED_ SPECIES • PARROTS. " OJLV ONE, CAIR.CDLINA • eAl#ZAKEST , 15 A NATIVE •aaeP • tHE STES. 11- 12,E_LIEVFT-) • • EX-iar CAROLINA parrakeets once were common in thei sOutherit • states, from. Maryland .to Colorado, but no record of their appear- ance has been made for several years, and it is believed that the' white man's alto has wiped 'anotbea race of birds from the earti - . • NEXT: How much is spent in Australia annually controlling tins •'spread of rabbits? •• • • FAMOUS'AdTHOR . I ,HORIZONTAL 'I, 5 Author Of • 'Pilgrim's Progress.'' 10 Dieachc:-. 12 Indian.. 13 Ear •autacse 14 Concealed. • 16 To repent: ' •' 17To feign 20 Type standasd • .21 Osvner of an estate fee, • 22 Sheltered' • place, 23 Unopened ' flowers. 25 Brink. -29 The shank. 31 Peeled. 34 Branches 36 Abhorred 38 To soak flax. 39 Vardpire, 40 TO dine. 42 Dusicf:-- 43 Novel. 46 Pertaining to the liver. r 49 Pronoun. 51 Broad 53 Wall recess. 2 • 3 Answer to Previous puiale 7114I.C7;21M1.-4411r _IAJOiLIE • LE: SL!1.<1\ Y4IE,1 LiL YE iii.11 INXIMMO ENS TREST ROOD EISITIOP 111M, mika 19 To require. . • 21 Friction match,. '53 StilL 24 Introduction'. ' 26 Ghastly. .270rgan of 'hearing... 28 He was a by trade. .36 Sun god. 32 Aloe size of area: 33,Arid. 35 Form of 37 Burmese ' . knife. •• 39 Thus. • . • 41 Five and Ilve. 42 To perish. • 44 Ireland. ' 45 Organ of . aerial flight. 47 Gist. 48 TO melt. 49 Shoe bottom. •50. Scalp• ' Covering. , 52 Nothing. . 54.Headgetar 56 Sloth. I, • 58 3.1416. 0 DAL PtENEGE AL_ CEDES I TAIL O'R -ARCPEEN 1! 1 54 Ancient. • • 55 Dolplsinlrlze creatme. 5r Afternoon meal. • 58 Sanskrit dialect; 59 He was • by'birth. • 60 He rank• s among the great - VERTICAL 2 Hatred. 3'TO sharat.-n . a razor. . TO'N: PREFER 4•Convent ' teacher. 5 Te •exit. 6 Theater,gaide • 7. To warble. . 3m. - . „ "9 Bowed - • 11 Possessing • flavor.. • 13 He; was im- prisoned for• • ' unlawful • .15 Neuter • pronoun. , 18 To grate harshly. • 7- 8 10 13 0 41 3 49 15 52. • 56 59 POP -.7 -Breakage Ahead CANt'repU WA* -1 • CARLING ,omosemosatio By J. MILLAR. WATT N/6s1 CAN . Tri-tztvi :3 ? • 9. • • e -,...1•14-et Pitter , __ a. alMost -twice as much for cosnieties sits it does for dental care, and $200.- 000,000 moro annually for tobacco • I than, for medical sn00(1dental care • in the house ot the Lord nosts. their God. (Zerubbabel was the !ee- rie; of the captives .svh.o returns! in 'd • • f C • He combined. • resptise to theeciee o ,•• 4 1...: 11:A110.:.,.:AllEl!11 ..,-..TE11 • SUMMER *ism • With the reining . of. • summer.. music takes a. lighter turn. Froia outdoor • parka • bandstands,- and radio studios Come melodies • de-• •.signed to. 'soothe the simmer , mood. Wise radio executiveshave- taken ecgpizance et this .fact nI• . dot theii schedules each .evenirl.; 'with'. music of • every 'type and shade, enough. to satisfy the me/. insatiable musical appetite.. 2 . So, in the privacy ..of .his 'par- lour, ..veranda • •or garden' .a matt can take his tat off arid witn, his. family I:sten in comfort, while an. electric fan budes an ar0..flerai • breeze in his fence • • NOTES. AND NEWS . • The CBC Variety program 'gave •to' the air base at Trenton this • Friday, and at .•eight., o'clock a prnart program of m sic,. songs •and gags will. esente.d by Royal Air Force men. Tune • in, you Will dike• this. one! • ; David. Saraeff, an exesutiv the radio ;c:frporatiori ef America .• Offers the opiniciathat abort' lithe .radiO sets -that can betarried ih your pocket si1I be available. Jusz. think what an' advantage that, will .•be-4or it means no loner there be tcprabbling where, to sct .r ' the dial. everycne• will hive own set! ...Betty Cart€r Barboue, in real • life Jean Rouvdral, is absent from the • "One Man's 4 . Family" circle while shetakes a months vacation in . the east with her hese . • band, s•creerewriter Hugo Rcitie- -;eral. Betty, .-as she is known to • Millions'of radio . listeners, Per- • suaded author Carlton Morse to write her out cf the story for the . time beinga- by offering to ..bring • .. • . . .0 4 hiniback a bucket ofhonest to • goedness maple frofn NCW•., -England. . • ' 'Meanwhile, Lin ene Tuttle, wio .played leading roles in the Ca•-• alcade of Drama serida', is play- ing the new .cliaratzer. in One, • The CBC i. offering Cariadians• plenty of entertainment from the lac:: on ti e. other side of. the water 'thee'days. - but at the same Attne theyare not neglecting the boys. in the King's forces- -that\ wear the 'Maple. leaf. .Records of the AH.papppo,),in'• zni.?eanntg,v;irh-ooAdx17utsinei, and re.. made • and- sent ac:ass.the. brine, ..along 'with a. spe.cially .'made-up district news from thi Dominion and, how the lads over thzie, enjoy • these special. iterns. • :., • . •'Spotlight Di9.1ing . :Neighbourly News from • CEL at. ten . S1ver Strings. on the NBC -Red chain. at .1.30 . Songs • . the Soldiers S:ftg via CKOC at 5.30 . With Eliery Queen; Deteetive. on Columbia at 7.30 .... Tuesday - A City 'Mother Pion- eers from CBC 5.15 . . • a Cats 'n Jaminers Swing 'Sessions via.. WOR -Mutual at 8.30 - great House'drarna, . on NBC -blue net- work. at 10.3o., Thursi-uy The Stamp Man •frOm..CICOC 5.30 • . Strange As It Seems- from CBS at 8.30 . - . Henry 'Weber's Concert Revue from CBC at 10.30 • . .,Saturday This Wonderful World, all abput the stars, from the Mutual chain at . 11.4'5,, aan. . . A Boy,-AltGirl,',A Band' front NBC -Red network at. 4.30 - , The Band of the Week. from CROC'' at 6.30 . . The Music Hall from CBC -at 10.3.0. •'Pattmelit of Agriculture, Toronto. This is Yellow Rocket, a' perennial ,weed which appears in new parts . , 'of the Proyinee each year and which is apparently on the in- crease. It le usually found, in lbw, .damp parts, of the fields. RESERBIJES MUSTARD Upon close' examination Yellow • Rocket, .will be tetrad to resemble Mustard Only in the colour of the flower. It may be easily disting- tasked from this weed by its dark green, Smooth and shiny leaves, somewhat oval in outline.' It is .us- ually in flower from May to July, and 'matures seed during July and August, Hand pulling of scattered plants, .. drainage and thorough cultivaticia in. preparation for a spring ' crop will keep.itunder. contrOL • ' • '' DONT LET IT MATURE' ' •,.The seed 'of .Yellovi,ROcket id a •:corninon'intpurity.in clover and ria • falfa 'seed and has been listed as •a secopdaryn0IoUs seed in the . tanada Seeds ' Act. Thit, weed. • should not be permitted to mature seed, particularly; in the clover seed producing. areas. • „ • Learn to distinguish 'Yellow Roc- ket and eradicate, it before ft be- comes' established, advises Mr. MacLeod. Most. Dangerous Ages: 16 to 23 • Canadian Welfare Council Ex- • pec'ts Wave ef Pest -War De- , linquency in Boys and Girls The aftermath of war With its • social Maladjustments will strike • most foreibly, at the boy and • • girl be.neeen 16 and 23, year4 of age, liliss-Charictte Whitton, executive director . of the 'Can- adian Welfare Council told the • Canadian Conference' on Sociel • Work at its :biennial convention. • in Toronto. - \• The boy andgirl of the -se • ages ,"will e fiie• highly vulnes- I able centre of . the-- war's diss integrating blews;"' Miss Whit- ton said in advising the' con- , vention that the Canadian Wei-• ' fare Council "is strengthening' its delinquency ditision' • °and • has been censulted recently by • two Provinces l'on better pro- • visions. for certain types ,of de- linquents." THEY'LL BE .MOST VULNERABLE, lMiss Whitton , said the need for protection cf juveriile im- • migrants assumes "dreficult • angles" with the possible movi- • ment ,,of child refugees to this, ontinent "It is hoped that from the continuing negotia- tions Of the • Canadian National •Committeeommittdei n Refugees; ar-: • rangements , will ' be concluded with'the 'Cenedian. Provinces and the child -caring services of Carr, ad•a, whereby aid will be ass,ur-I • ed for these children, both over- seas: and in Canada," she sa:d. Arctic Talks To Antarctic • Ataskan ' Wireless • Station. • Byrd's Aides Gossip •Anout, •Weather W11.n :distinguished 'selentists es- tablished Coranounication• virtually between 'North Pole and South Pole what do they 'talk about? Why, even as • you and I -a the weather. • • • • • .-• • Stanton, D. Bennett. -operator • of aniatenr wireless station .K7BEB established contact last month With, station KC4USA at the • wear base of Little America in the Anthretic- where Members of the Byrd ekpe- ditiori are encamped. • . - • 'WIRTH, SOUTH .POLE . Speaking over a telephone. line from his home three miles from Bennett's station. br. Ervin H. Brazilian, member of Byrd'S 1933 . Antarctic expedition and now pro• fessbr of physita at the Unive,rsify of Alaska, talked with Dr. Alton Wade. in charge of the west base, and his fellow scientists: The con- versation went something like this: • • Brahman - "It's 'spring time M., the Arctic. Trees are green. flow- ers are 'bloomingand the ,tempera- tu:re is around 60 above." ' Wade -e' "Wiater's approathipg rapidly. Daring the current cold • spell the temperature. has been he- , spring Around 70. below," B -r -r -r! Group Reading . Is Recommended Solitary reading is comparable to solitary drinking in. -the opin- ion of Professor Mortimer Adler of Chicago University. In a • speech to members .of the 'Azter7.. jean Booksellers Association, . Proft A,cller, said; "Solitary read- ing * not as much fun as book., • ish conviviality. A great pleasure• , and source of fruitfulness comas • froM reading books with others and discussing them. The variety of approaches to the same book opens up. understanding," I TH1S CCIRIQUS WORLD 84:11:071 ABECNZ.B A/01.51e CCTV • • .STRECTeZ. • ':a.-DICieN AL. , VVERE iMdiE 84000 LErt/ v6 PL.120005E5.. OF ALL THE WORLD'S SEVERAL. HUNDRED_ SPECIES • PARROTS. " OJLV ONE, CAIR.CDLINA • eAl#ZAKEST , 15 A NATIVE •aaeP • tHE STES. 11- 12,E_LIEVFT-) • • EX-iar CAROLINA parrakeets once were common in thei sOutherit • states, from. Maryland .to Colorado, but no record of their appear- ance has been made for several years, and it is believed that the' white man's alto has wiped 'anotbea race of birds from the earti - . • NEXT: How much is spent in Australia annually controlling tins •'spread of rabbits? •• • • FAMOUS'AdTHOR . I ,HORIZONTAL 'I, 5 Author Of • 'Pilgrim's Progress.'' 10 Dieachc:-. 12 Indian.. 13 Ear •autacse 14 Concealed. • 16 To repent: ' •' 17To feign 20 Type standasd • .21 Osvner of an estate fee, • 22 Sheltered' • place, 23 Unopened ' flowers. 25 Brink. -29 The shank. 31 Peeled. 34 Branches 36 Abhorred 38 To soak flax. 39 Vardpire, 40 TO dine. 42 Dusicf:-- 43 Novel. 46 Pertaining to the liver. r 49 Pronoun. 51 Broad 53 Wall recess. 2 • 3 Answer to Previous puiale 7114I.C7;21M1.-4411r _IAJOiLIE • LE: SL!1.<1\ Y4IE,1 LiL YE iii.11 INXIMMO ENS TREST ROOD EISITIOP 111M, mika 19 To require. . • 21 Friction match,. '53 StilL 24 Introduction'. ' 26 Ghastly. .270rgan of 'hearing... 28 He was a by trade. .36 Sun god. 32 Aloe size of area: 33,Arid. 35 Form of 37 Burmese ' . knife. •• 39 Thus. • . • 41 Five and Ilve. 42 To perish. • 44 Ireland. ' 45 Organ of . aerial flight. 47 Gist. 48 TO melt. 49 Shoe bottom. •50. Scalp• ' Covering. , 52 Nothing. . 54.Headgetar 56 Sloth. I, • 58 3.1416. 0 DAL PtENEGE AL_ CEDES I TAIL O'R -ARCPEEN 1! 1 54 Ancient. • • 55 Dolplsinlrlze creatme. 5r Afternoon meal. • 58 Sanskrit dialect; 59 He was • by'birth. • 60 He rank• s among the great - VERTICAL 2 Hatred. 3'TO sharat.-n . a razor. . TO'N: PREFER 4•Convent ' teacher. 5 Te •exit. 6 Theater,gaide • 7. To warble. . 3m. - . „ "9 Bowed - • 11 Possessing • flavor.. • 13 He; was im- prisoned for• • ' unlawful • .15 Neuter • pronoun. , 18 To grate harshly. • 7- 8 10 13 0 41 3 49 15 52. • 56 59 POP -.7 -Breakage Ahead CANt'repU WA* -1 • CARLING ,omosemosatio By J. MILLAR. WATT N/6s1 CAN . Tri-tztvi :3 ? • 9. • • e -,...1•14-et Pitter , __ a. alMost -twice as much for cosnieties sits it does for dental care, and $200.- 000,000 moro annually for tobacco • I than, for medical sn00(1dental care • in the house ot the Lord nosts. their God. (Zerubbabel was the !ee- rie; of the captives .svh.o returns! in 'd • • f C • He combined. • resptise to theeciee o ,•• 4