HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-06-13, Page 5TI 4URSDAY,,,JUNE 13th, 1940; 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL • PAGE FIVE .41.1111111111.1111111061ki LANGSI•DENORTH Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM '.' 1 .Show starts at 8 p.m. except Saturday. Saturday night two s'howa at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m: Thursday, ' Friday, Saturday June 1304, 15, WILLIAM BOYD RUSSELL HAYDEN —in— Law' .o8... • m as. Hop along. • • Cassidy goes South .America .,to ..deliver " a herd.. of cattle and uncovers a .murder;, plot. -. 'Also 'Papeye Cartoon'• ."$ port",: "•Nove1>ty Matinee Sat. afternoon. Z:30 . Matinee Admission.: ' • Adults 20c; Children .10c Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 'June17 ' 18 19 CONSTANC'E BENNETT . ,RONALIJ YOUNG. • ' BILLI'E BU RK,E '�opp� pe Takes . Trip Topper' is • back again, having , more, hilarious, adventures with an amazing ghost. • • Also "MARC!! OF. TIME"' "Aquapoise" :"Cartoon", The .United W. M. S. met • at- tare hour, of Mrs. Thos. hill on Wednes silty June 5th. Miss Emend Richard son read the 'scriptuLepasaage and led in prayer. Papers, were given by Mrs. George' Iiarlcness. Mrs._ Farish Mof- fat and, Reba Marshall.,. The bale was valued and packed. Material fors cloth ing for 'refugees was given out. The. 1 July' meeting will beheld at the home 9f •Mrs. Wnr. Brown. 111r. anti •Mrs. Jim Conley and fem.. ily visited.,on, Sunday with Mr. and Mfrs., Ivan Conley. , ` • Mr. and. Mrs, Eldon• Miller and fern ily of, St. Helens, Mr. and Mrs. Cl'if- Mrs, Wt1• Montgomery, Detroit: • fund ''Johnston' of Holyrood visited ' '• Mr: and Mrs 13111, Burtheh and Ron- KINLtUGH 1.Irs Wilbert liodgkiia�on and Ken-' .ieth visited during the: week with her parents Mr: and Mrs. A. Mac- Leod',South Kinloas.. Mr. B. E. MacLean is sporting a new 'Chevrolet. r • 'The-tPresbyterian Anniversary ser rices on Sunday 'next • June 16th are and 7:3.6 p.rrr. Rev. S. •M. Scott .of Kincardine •will be the guest Speaker•. The garden party on the fol- lowing Tuesday June 18th. ' - • Mrs. .A'. • E. 'Haldenby has. returned home after visiting with Mr, and on Sunday with Mr:- and Mrs...Far-. ish Mo£f,at. ' • Anniversary services. will be held in the church here this Sunday,.Jnni• I3th- with •Rev•• Reynolds' Esser in charge of the services. • •A "Major. Bowes's m •prograand. dance after will.:he •heldf this -Friday eve'nin>r' June .14th in the -,;Forester's ilnll, `Langside: 'Prizes •will be given for • each • class and•.thea-.proceeds will be t'u'-:ed, 'fgt.-patriotic. purposes. , • �l3rv: Mr, McConnell of t.uokno•w. •!bas in charge of the •services here- or' •Sunday." r• 1l.iss� lsoirel Or' returned to.. her hcime' oil' Sunday. • 1 • Western Ontario Motorways: BUS SERVICE From. LUCKNOW. LEAVES LUCKNOW, daily:ei. sept • Sundays :& .'holidays at 7 a.m. for , Wingham, , Clinton, London, Detroit, Sarnia; Strat- ford, Guelph, Toronto, Hamil- •ton. • o ids a.-41.p.m.. SUNDAYS & H 1 y TO RI'PLEY and .Kincardine, leaves daily except Sundays & Holidays at 9.10 'p.m. SUNDAYS• and HOLIDAYS-7- 10:50 OLIyDAYS-=10:50 p.m. • r -- For;, further ' information see Local Agent T. W. Smith • Centril Garage '• Lutknow• Hie •of London were •week -enol visitors with 'Mr and Mr's. J. 13. .Hodgkinson. .Mr . . 13. J. Halder(by 'visited during. the ;week -.with her. sister ' Mrs. 1VI'. Arnastr•ong, Kinloss. Meri'tbers ,from the Anglican' W. A: attended the, Deanery, meeting,ri. Tara >n Thursday.. h • Holy.= Institute rn'e t bers from. t e Y •rood. Branch .attended .•.the''' district • meeting 'lield'at.Pine. ]River on Thurs-; day.' • ' . •'The, June meeting of the'.Holyrobd [#rstitrte •was held on Wednesday. 'af•: `ernoon at the home. of Mrs:,Ahoa Ramis'. The president, •Mrs: Levi Eck- enswiller took charge, after the us - gal opening exercises and. business period it was decided` to hold a pat, riotic garden pal•ty on T'hur'sday„ June. 37th at Holyrood. The ' convener of the losing side of, the,. membership, contest, Miss Winnifred Ackert with assistants 'are in, charge of the pro- gram. g'r'am. 'Each. Institri.te member is asked to bring 6 pies, butter, pickles, Jello, .1 cake, cream and . sugar and tea - towels. The co-operation of 'everyone is • earnestly .asked 'to help .in this worthy .cause. The regular program had to beheld over to a later meet- ing to arrange .for the Garden Party and make the' necessary. plans. " The roll call was answered with•the name of a flower'writh the first letter of• your given name. • Lunch was served and a social chat• enjoyed. • The Y:' P: S.• held their ineeting in the church 'on Mend'ay evening. Gra- den Wall gave, the call to worship. Psalm 9 was 'sang. Minutes were•read• acid adopted. Hymn 4383 was sung. Raba Marshall •gave the ::4cripture reading.- N.- Tli • meditation • Was given }, e t,y Jcan 0sher=ire. Jim ltichardsonl led iu prayer. hymn 376 was sung. Clark Lapp: ledinthe offering prayer. •,c'a'pers we i•e given by Ardyss Brown. 'Cordon. Will: 'God save the 'King .was sung. Bob Orr led• in the closing,pray- or. Mrs, Neil .MacDonald,' Mrs.Jdhfi Meclnnis, 'Mrs. Robert ,Donaldson S: Muss Emnla .Richardson spent Th'urs-, clay in. London." • OLIVET • i.,. The monthly meeting .of the W. M•. S:. held :at the church on June '5 .v ithl about ,nineteen ' visitors '• and members present.' Mrs. • W. J. Rous'= .,tow presided. After'' our opening. hymn' all repeated the Lord's. prayer:' Duritft' the business ,period, • Mrs. Black •read .a letter. on stewardship ;and firrance:.l\Irs..W. J. Roulstort read the r'esolut'ions from 'Bruce: Presbyter• ial 'and • a 'letter of ,appreciation re r•ci ecu! ' .1.4.0 in Mrs. Finlay, ,Kincardine, ,\I r s. W. , B. Walden :tools the remain- der.. emain-der• cif the meeting as she ,was• con Avner. for. this Mo.nth along with her 'helpers. Mr.s J. Coiling, ..Mrs: R• C31:cck, 'Beth IVCcTavish, Mrs. W. T: Rcitflston and Mrs... W. R. Haniltom' Mrs. A. McTavish led in prayer.• The Seri pturo reading was. taken by Mrs. •Black. • Toth • McTavish favored . with. ]na'ely. 'sol'o. • Mrs. J.• Lolling ' gave a very; .interesting radio;• talk. and' "Starts :Where •Ligii,or Was Sold" a • our Temperance .talk: The topic was very, cap.ably• handled.' by the guest e.. vote of ..Steel A . �� .pesneaker,11I .r•s thtinles was entended hy: Mrs: •W„alden to \ rs.• Steele •for this '.helpful, talk I•1nd seconded hy. Mrs, W. S. Roulston, c h•) also gave' i vote of thanks to. the conveners for the 6, ;months 'of Walden this. yoar..:Vlrss..Mary Wa dn Closed With, h - prayer. The next meeting will he its charge of Mrs..F. McCharles ss cpnvenc;r and her .helpers Mrs. ,J McIntosh. Noreen Walden.,' Mrs: • 0.• Ilrooks. air's, o. MacCharlies and Mrs. . N. Baynard. ; A , nnniber of the ladies spent • a !'err pleasant afternoon at the home• of Mr: and Mrs D. McCharles doing iced Cross work! A ,number from here attended an, niversnf•y srerrice•s, last Sundav • in • • Itiple.v St: Andrew's church. • Report of Spring Deanery .The annual spring meeting of the Deanery of Bruce, was held in Tara en Thursday last. Beginning, at 10 celebration of Holy Com •munion.: Rural Dean W'. H. Hartley: • Of- Kincardine was celebrant .assisted by the' rector of Tara Rev. Merrick. Following were ` rneet'ings •of. the clergy Laymen and' the W. A. Mrs. 'C'harlie .H'ewitt,,''Kincardine, 'presid- ed over •the W. A. meeting and •Miss• Doris E'llenton acted as' secretary in the abserc e'' of- Mrs.. C. Standing of. Paisley ,w'ho has held this .office. ,for `the• past' 'ten years' and • was• unable to attend due' to ill health. .After .the. National Anthernand opening prayers for the 'W..,A. and. for peace.; Tie roll was called and the' offering for • .the Deanery. The Columbia Coast Miss- •ion; The Bursary Fund were taken. The election. of Officers. followedhon- orary pies., M•r's.• W. H.• Hartley, Kin "cardiae; 'Pres., Mr's,• F. C. McRitchie, Walkerton; 1st vicePres., Mrs.• •C:F. Hewitt,. Kincardine; sec.-treas., • Mrs, C. - Standing, •'Pat'vsley; Dorcis sec., Mrs. Sam Farrel, .Kineardine.. Mrs. Kain'. of Walkerton gave • a splendid repoiit' of the annual' meeting' held in London•,in •April. Rev..A. A.: Maloney of Lucknaw• conducted.' noonday pray- er..After the,.ltincheon which was ser- ved by the Tara .ladies three guest speakers were • introduced ' and spoke on their wor'k: 'Mi'ss •Helen Hutcheson, R.N: of Aklavik hospital ,in the Ar- ctic, gave a splendid • account 'of • the' mirk. in the new •ho.4pital that was btiilt after fire • had completely des- troyed -the other hospital four years ago,' alto the growth af,the'aork.•in the church and• resideritel school that were erected.. They receive bales twice• a year from the W: A. workers• who carry on faithfully to' help in' a, small. way to aid those who have been those ed:td be• our representatives in those isolated nieces but where the Gospel mu.'st he carried to ;fulfill 'the corn mission.. of our Master "Ge ye int. all the world and preach : the gospel." Archdeacon Marsh also of Eskimo:. Point in the. Arctic told- of his work among •the .natives, and 'the, shame that rests upon us all in this part of Canada to, not strive With a greater' zeal to help support these Northern: and Western inissio.nar•7'es. who 'are struggling to' keep oil. •. 'hese deaf ones , in these • •out-of-the-way p1aer: vire just as precious in 'the' eyes ,of 'Gpd, and how glad we are to think of the -radium and furs that thi,: Arctic 'land produces, but how • littli we think of their souls need. Can we say we don't believein Missions. The" challenge is before us: Are •we cap• able? Yes. Are we. willing? That de ponds on. you. Archdeacon Marsh fell • his' call to this Ai-tic'work'some year. ago to ' minister to the soul needs of the people there. as did the. late Bishop Stringer. • The 'Rev. L..A: Dixon, M.A., O.B.E. general • secretary •of M.S.C.C. els 'spoke on the terrible crisis' thi church faces as a -result of war con• ditions, But stated we can't, •'wet won'I go down.. 'Let us go home determine,' 1p•broaden the base of our .Mission - a i y support:. To re -dedicate otirselve: to'•God'e service as the appeal :conk. to till in these dark days,• and m y our. reply he "And here. 0 Lord, .wc offer unto Thee ourselves, our souls our 'gifts, our time to, be, a retlsonabk holy and living sacrifice unto Thee.' ile• stated that ,as a result of the way the help that l nglanil had .previous!'. sent had 'to be withdrawn, so the , re. •:,ponsihility rests upon` uS all. Wit - we. -have to call_ home these, Mission• cries to' the North and West. No 'They rae evangel% working for.us it the -lu=ster's • work to • build • up' the, Kingdom ' " Tru„China at the present• time; he said,, there is 'a .great opportuhit' for the advancement in the 'Gospel :•o we must Lkeep 'on' keeping • on tc assist in this Missionary work. We can't all go to the foreig:h land hua we can telt the old, • old • story • of, .Tesns in our every day lives, in. our • Many Wends hope for 'the speedy ' recovery of Mrs. A. Hamilton who will be• glad to learn he isimproving is, iii Kincardine, Hospital,,• after 'being .bitten by a dog. 'luny friends .of Donald McGuir " Rush, all deliveries, barked the "Chief • .�; 1G »iUItN..c Or ... for immediate reports on all contracts!" Yes, TIME is the essence of all contracts these days! Efficient, fast and private in War or Peace, Long Distance _ Telephone .Service is doing its bit ion the Home Front. Day and night, Long Distance stands ready' and waiting. For economy, special 'loco: rates ,apply after seven, p.m. and all day Sunday. At 7 weeks your chicks, are on the • way to becoming money -making: fail and Winter layers. Keep them, going in the right direction by feed- ing Roe Complete Gro ving"1Vlash —the feed that has helped' hundreds of thousands of Qntario chicksgrow into sturdy,, strong, productive pullets. - This •complete• feed, is of a medium texture, high in digestible.. nutrients—with• the correct.. balance of proteins, minerals and . vitamins your chicks meed to pay you big returns in Fall and Winter eggs. Ask your Roe Feeds -dealer. GROWING MASH Sold by • • FINLAYSON BROS.. OW••' Ltuckn . DUNGANNON • . Mr. '(\Tari. McMantu . iotitlt (lend, Indiana and dant:11Wi • _.Lis. 1;elni••e •(.ra•verscin, Bremen, Indiana are' vis-' iting the fora ei s &brotherin-law, Mr. Thos. Culbert Sr., • and' other rel- atives ;in this district.' Little ' Kenneth Crawford, .Goder- ich spent last week with his grand- barents, 1VIr..• and Mrs. "W. A. Culbert •and .. returned home on Sunday with, his p•ai•ents Mr. and Mrs. • Lenard Crawford. Mrs. Wm. Bray, Toronto is • visit- ing; her :daughter Mrs. W.. J. -Robb on the 6th Cori. • West Wawanosh, . Miss Doris Swan, 13eli'nore, is vis,- iting her :sister, ' Mrs. •Haryey. Mole this week. • We' hear the echo. of wedding bells! ,• Mr. and Mrs.',Herbert' Alton are Speeding :a few days visiting- rela t.ives and friends in Ashfield., . .Mrs, /Annie Cam.pbLi1l; is •-•visitying; iter •soli •Mr. Cyril Campbell', Lanes. ;. • Mrs. Prank. Garniss and,,daugh'tei 13et;t:v`. are ••visiting her -"parents- •Mrs and Mrs, Jas.' .Sproul on the '2nd Con. West Wawanosh. - • ' . Born to, Mr.. and' Mrsc`,:Win Hardy (nee Eisi:e Nivens) • ,n ,May 29th!• .i son, Wm. James' Keith. Mr. Ross McPhee has :purchased the 'fifty acre farm 'belonging to the estate of the late 'John • Welsh; Sara-' toga. "Mr. aild • Mrs, G. W.' Collins and son Mr.. T. H. Collins, • Chatsworth, visited Mr and Mrs.\Bruce• McAr- thur last Friday "• • Mr. and • Mrs. „Chas. Twamley and three 'children, London; visited friends and relatives 'around' Dungannon. -:on -Sunday.' - friends and • relatives with .Mrs.. J. 8:. Crawford, were Mr: and: .Mrs. Allan Pentland,: , London, Mrs. Wilfred Pentlanand babe, Mrs. R. and Mrs. , Cameron, Mrs. 'Writer Harm ton, . Mr: `and Mrs, Jack .MeNab, Mrs. J.' R.• McNab, Luck - now. and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Naylor, West •Wawgnosh. ' and' Mrs. Wilbur Brown; Ken='' Recent neth, • Mr.'and Mrs.••Frank9G1enn and McDonald, Mr.• .Jimmy visited former neighbours Mr. and Mrs. Sam 'Swan, Behtore on • • Mr., Sunday. . The annuald Orange ••'Service. .of the • local L.O.L. 324 will be held, this Suir- 'day .June .164th in.- the United ' church ,at 3 p.m..' The,. guest speaker... will .be Rev. C. 1,T. :MacDonald., Lucknow. We are sorry to report. Mrs: Gee: Irwin:is not .so well' and confined to bed this Week as a preeaution of • a. c•elapse bf. her recent illness. We wish. her a speedy recovery. • Mr. and .Mrs. Chas. Durnin • and family are expected at the end • of theweek from Kirkland • • Lake for -the summer... • ' • Mr: and Mrs.:Benson Mole and fain- fly- and Mr. ' and Mrs. Warner • .An- 'drews visited their: mother Mrs.''' W. R. ,Andrews on Sunday.. - ' VITAMIZED FOR HEALTH ... FARM PROVEN FOR , AiRGMASN RESULTS ir, ♦.tea 1' • stent 'of the • Laymen's. Association. Col.' Fenton of Tara, sec'y, Suitable hynins •were sung :during • the meetings and •prayer ,hy Archdeacon, Hy. of • Kincardine brought. .the. meeting to a"close. it• is expected the fall Dean - .cry meeting will ,be held in •Kinlough. Mr. 'LWWilbert H.odglfiinson •was rush- ed; to• London Hospital 'Saturday, night where• a major• operation . was, per- formed. • Mr. ,and• 1\Irs. A. E. Haldenby arid :tTrs. Art Graham.. Visited Sunday With •Mrs•. Hattie Broelz, Owen Sound. • ' Service in 'the Anglican Church • will be held at :1:30 aan. on Sunday. next June' .16th to allow members .of.' the congregation to. join wr''th+• the ..Pres; i:yferian congregation: at. • their an- niversary services lit 11'a.rn. and 7:30 p.m. ' Mi':. and Mrs. Sid Parry: andfam- ily of Detroit were week-epd vi• tern at. Mr. Jbhn Hodgins': • • ' Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Borthwick of Si. Catherincs visited with Mr, and, Mrs, lledgins'on Sunday.. Mrs. E. Raunchey, is: spending 'a r'ew days with Lucknow friends. rein ••• pr i�k•�%+ t - rnn C (11111)rissioner of 'fi oni1'oi5 addi s• '.ed the TAai'Inens' meeting. Rev. F C. McRitchie of Walkerton .was ap nointotl Rurali Dean and Rev. •N. B Hamilton of Ilervie, secretary. Mr C.. F. Hewitt etas• again chosen presi- ti SO'S ItENITO. NOW!, " A Son Of .The fleaeh" Tony the Fish Peddler T sella da fees$; an I sella da crab, , T am notta so' good, an notta so 'bad, T leeve en dal "shack var da Sea Gull Ire screech. 1 •am Dago Peroni, a'Sohna da Beach., T guess rnahe you teenk I'nr beeg fool, 'C -cause I nevair ben go. •to' American • school, An' I don't know 'so good da Amer- ican speech, ' I'm : joest They da Dago, a, San. of da !teach. • T)ey say to me, '" Tonne•, wot for you stay. here ? . eVou make 'more Mon if you sella da • beer'•': • ' T say, " I don't, care eef I gevaar be ree.eh, i rather he jus' a poor . Sonna da Beath." T,ast. veek I hear two feller talk on da ran' ' Rant. feller called Adolph. beeg Dic- tator man: - • -T. don'. hear so good . tvot dey •say in da speech, Rot is spun' like he. too is a Sonna da Beach. • Nott'' T dam teenk dey Prean •he• be. feller,,like me, 'Caws!; he den' leeve here on da•I3each by da Sea, So I don' onnerstan'—•Maybe him an' , me each • , Re two' difteren' kind ,of 'a Selina da lyr,•.Beach. • ,- BOUNDARY WEST. .(Intended For. Last Week). Mr. Bob Barkwell .of • t)undass -vis- • ited. with Mr, and Mrs. Robert 'Hamil- ton .over the • week -,egad.. . ' Toronto•'and Miss. Jessie MacRae of Mr. Ian MacRae of Strathroy visited with. their parents Mr: and Mrs. John MacRae. • • ii "lilk i" If Atat irt"e01 d14,4 • a •tor irai5,• . , • `Came some day. yea I die an' TTeave •T rotten. . no. will say "Hi. Ton-, corm in, you ' Senna da T3e'tich", 1. I . Mrand Mrs. Wit. Kempton spent ' ' Sunday with -Mr: 'and Mrs. Harold ,Mr. andMrs. ' Oliver MaeCharies Boggle at Auburn, , .;pent the Week -end with Mi and Mrs. • Come in and go oder the entire mower. You'll agree Mat !you have neper seen anything like it.. D McCormuck-Deer.ng o: 7 Enclo end Gear Mower Er are 'anxious .to -have . all ' of •ow friends gee • the ' 'nc os ed -Gear ' ck Deerr !. cCarmr n . N �Nevv. M . g ,.. .Mower: ` We • thiinls. it as one of the fine'st pieces' Of farm • .equipment we. have ever sold! ` •• • Ever. bod .who has,seen• it says they, never had arty Y Y, idea .that a. mower could_'be. built as' this one, is. • • For :exalpnple: :The entire • operating • mechanism, we including drive gears, differential, and countershafts,'`is assembled coinpactly in an . bis -tight gear housing and rub •in a bath of oil. There are, four high-grade •rol'ler • • beaiings.• Operation is so- smooth .and noiseless that you• can scarcely hear the'light hum of the sickle!. Spe al oil:seals at the ends•of •the main axle and. fly= . wheel shaft, and. the oil -tight• gear bo'ai prevent leakage ' protect • all working parts against the' entrance of tio • dirt •and other. abrasive :criat�•ials. Floating action of • nutter bar provides ample play without. disturbing knife' registration.; ALSO SEE US ABOUT HORSE DUMP and SIDE, DELIVERY - •HAY RAKES,• HAY: LOADE.1tS, GRAIN BINDERS & •HARVESTER: ' THRESHERS BEFORE BUYING. THESE MiACHINES .ARE OF • THE HIGHEST .QiJALITY• and LATEST 'IMPRO.V,ED, ;STYLES'. For Sale At G. ANDREW.'S ROUND TRIP . BARGAIN FARES' JUNE 11 & 22 ' from •-LUCKNOW 'To. Stations:Oshawa and East to Cornwall inclusive, ;Uxbridge, Lind-, say;' 'Peterboro, Campbellford, Newmarket; •Coll--ingwood, Meaford, Midland,. North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury; Capreol• and West. to Beardmore. ins JUNE •21 ..'-. - ''API Trains. JUNE 22. TO TORONTO . also, to 'Brantford, .Chatham, Goderich, Guelph,' Hamilton, •London,' Niagara :Falls,, Owen Sound; St. Catherines; St:' Mary's, Sarnia,'Strat- • ford. Strathroy,., Woodstock: ; •' ,, See handbills for.complete list of destinations. For 'fares, return limits, train information, tickets; etc. consult nearest Agent. • T.180—A' NATIONAL •�• • ••CANADIAN. 11: McTavish,. MacTier, Northern On- tario.. • "wl�YNOr GZIV UPINTIIZ FOR SUCII A .LITTLE BIT ZXI1L1 ."Instead of doing the same old thing again -Guying one of the•ordinary kind, of ' cars—we thought.we'd :shop around this time "imagine our surprise when we found Foe could step up to an Olds and easily afford it! Olds prices are lower than you think" "Big Car" '.doesn't necessarily, mean. •"Big Expense ! "• . Look'. at Oldsmobile.. Olds is a really big car any •wayyou measure it. 1979 inches from bumper . ,to bumper. Big and roomy inside. It's powered by a big, 95 horsepower Oldsmobile engine, ,and it's the lowest priced car with: modern coil springs all around for extra riding ¶omfort. • In addition, Olds ' gives your more style, more quality and , more prestige.. Yet Oldsmobile costs so little mdre than ordinary cats--,' and figures show 91ds is very economical to run. See it ! Drive it —today! We have•a ew•Olds,waiting for you. fllustrated—The Oldsmobile '60" TWO Door Touring Sedan "l• "HEST I pO$IRT CM ON TIME 110AD I ro w