The Wingham Times, 1901-02-08, Page 5i,
�� AIIA� iTiliIll� at nAIMP118e FECAli 1 8,, i exile
ll111o11(.1a ill the k`axtness' IllsMile- ns-,AM,ul t) item ( f til b.. r i in Maas alts- ;, ,
will bt+ I1(lti in t}su 7''nret t�rls' Isull, I,1(le• d'1(1F rl 10 Arrr, of tis xb r flats (4:-o:�z1n- g
Yale, next'.'•i'ixeklay aft(!rnoon,ifey, <If tll:t (itis Hilts (:nd Ii( (; ;4 I1111x11,t'r � ! � �i+
Pert al;ricultrra'ists will (s<lclro: s thv of wen busy cutting r,[ul l:a[xliw, the �, � -
audi(-nc•e on their spec}ell topic:,. stanio to tele mill at 131y[h.
EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, L;4gripp3isY(rybadinttli;;rlc'i;�ll'uur-1 llxtt;lr("•x:x:i;i 11€4+latare,(+11:uub, of � �.- "i a—,
stools, worse than it lies been sinee its ! tit!itahb(.rs drav"hig vn;o(l to th4+ 13}y;11
-rm, ---•- iirst opidemle appearance about eigrht bzi0c yard a few clays v,-�). 111,4,,;4 .17 I
tiVat Wxtioavva]se Times Carr(sspolldents Communicate - - Qtlaex years alio. 'i'l1e cause is ,traced to cllu rcrrts were ts4lt� n izl the rl:o 11:1v. i,s I.
t ! � r -t
ellaugable weather. ilit(fT t re(+ting ( lrrl s l,a:rsx alt..:• �(u:l- ;Ali r +
XterAs Clipped rrom Our Ezrchringes. %`eta ilav(, .Iles sleighing; with a Milo lie' ,,Vtbnr i+ c c�i' •1 sl liu5tl(:i.
depth of snow, Aleuldo w(+:1,1hit'. to k p',a;;)s on :4I) � 1h'
" - - John Ga nett will move 1118 house day alt tills r Si(1' zx: o of :+L�cshaol Nf ily,
c:strx.itn�; s. Clelland, of Belgrave, the interested frons his; fano to hi4 vil'age lot, to be w1uni. two of Iii; danglit(,.s( Ut1 , 1.111*e(1 1'f you want to do some � tui sties f''lot-W { �p+�1V1l1 M,
/()41: i23 there deputed from tbis parties; took their respective places in used as a vvprl(shup, in )natrin:ozly to 3Zir+llMel Baltsy, of till, -(it1 CM)not afford to ove.rle uk th(t a t•,tthtli Of f.4,11
'life Alrs..Johz1 Whiteman of Culross at tho parlor. The bride who war, dressoil Our znii4sters, both referred Awlingly towawhi1 s and Air. 011 vr, of 'Ji(tbigas.
'R�eclucf:awkl Sale Prices. '
the advanced age of €0 years, She was very becomirgls in blue s:rtiu trimmed to our let:.) beloved Quocu ill their din- We join with Owir ninny triv.-Ids ill r�•
born in Clivelay near Clunes in the with lace and pearl, entered leaning on courses n week ago 8t4bbt(tti. wit lsiur; 431;x411 s4 Ill( (t;:u.t joulu(y 1 r' „ .• ..., „ , ,.
,county of Alollagllau, Trelnud, in the her father's arra, Miss Mary Nothery, Miss Bella I4`owlter, and Pater Vowler. • through life, i
year 1816. She was starriest to Mr. sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, Iilur�valu ro(1(l, Jahn Pattoisoii, of Dloles- ; l'wobt. Witt li(si, securec4 tilt, con*raetI �' MEN'S fQW1Z•kt AIF,:,, `s PI.,,tJ.k ;XT.4 L i ";' SITIT.0
Whiteman iii' 1$l(i and widglated to anti wove adove color serge trimmed wortha:antl Jazne!s Patterson, Bluevale, of putting the mune v;t411 t;u: ter i'xsi. t � 1v2E :S U-I'S7.'HIR14 MTaNT l Y.i;a'T�+ 1. )` �'•' UV };Ri (11Ta
anada. ;i11 19.1% Por ono year they with yellow satin. Axl-, Joust Scott of � I . ; , , a. •. , , , ,..
y , nru • " to Galt, week, to visit frleuds, .4�rulstrc,uli',, l;asn, 4 % ATI:N'S Uti I,tl�(d).1•Ti1.1M
oniai>iienea 11Tprv�xtpcl i ,tile • county +,ast Wawanosls, assisted the groom, also visite(1 ixl Guelph. Donald AIeitrlojuhll, of the �,tl: line AT pia. I
" of Pe li, 'A tt ' t' till y , P Fva, the littlo clad hter of Riellard has sulci his 1C0::(sre i'ari:l t(, Loin Wil (,t COST" `'�� •
old � ,� vY�:•�t(iyf3cl - Itov, (rep. Alc cissas of Bl til erforni- 1,
%` i4b �ffbere. ed the marriage ceremony. The even. Hockridg(k,1•asvory badly scalded while liama, Of tilts Ut lieu for ::,,1J). All,
alloy xh : r:tfei# °' of XS1�0, Ing was pleasantly" pent in music, dano- carrying a f(it-pot' of hot tea. The little Williams has seourfie(1 a go(A farm. We, ,. i .(i. T,aclier,' Jackets t oust Flee,
rrpix4 tlta' t:' .e kia�' '(l' ti) ( itlross in - and (ether anili p moms, after which s,opts arta :ipos tot cost pr c e ;k p
Al g girl fell ecus was cl'olu ed with the slat are sorry to luau Mr. 2vi.iklejullli, I3e R ,
v4 e,1'r t Cost Price.
wlsicil';wttd a, zta('us,syi�(1 }vhicli all vont to their genies with happy re- contents. She suire d severely but Is has been: in pour health fur some time. „ T
llas . rraii ' smear 1ptna�.. Silo eolleotious of elle evening. Tho liapPy now doizl€ nicely. Me (oro pleased to learn that miss r�'. „• •. 14en � .ar -Y„ - -- -
t 9 U !i
leaves ,lx b 11W0941;to;mourn: couple loft on the morning train from Wesl6y Cornell welit to Preston on Maggio Phidlater lit improving. .
hvr Ions Blyth for their honeymoon torr among Wednesday of last week to attend the ,"1i/° ,,�, in oth D .j� 1, t
't ' , , .- friends,in klamilton, Galt and other funeral of a sister-in-law. (Telae Curot1 of C aotrrit lsy cauirri,n:sonu.
laces in Southern Ontario. Mrs. John Fowler, color, of the Pcrtli, C)ut.,---"I cannot vvitliald my
1 !i h,11'S Idose call. k p Miss Ma Murdock of Luclrnow, re- J tobdinony as to the great value of Cataz '+ RIBBON,) l FLAINI tELE4 TTES
+'T s lr ter nt e1x lie;,slthou h t:vet , vale road, has been a typhoid feverpatiout xhozono as a reused for Catarrh one t Fancy t ( � : • '
y gi g y y r 540 yards I ncy Ribbons, par(: i ►,J yards FI:.luelettA.. flint color.,, '
joint ea and eves nes:ye was �aclsed
turned hams on Saturday after spending in Guelph, hospital for some weeks, is bottie�llavint; ousels my danl;!lter of that . `.•- silk nicwldth. 1 togular Price 100. 1 choice pattvials, virile. Rp" pica 7c. ,.
with patio;?! writes C. W. P,ellalny, fj 1o• two weeks with her sister, Mrs. R. C. .duin well, but is still unable to return trouble. I heartily recommend it to all E ' t ( � ,
. who are suffering with C:ata:rh. No Sale PriceSc. Sale 1 ric.. 5'.
tq was Weak; and, of B:lritho t a Iowa., McGowan, r ' h l:ousa should be without it." Mrs. J.
"I was weal tinct pato, without any tip• yam. Keehille, jr;`•returned home au' n: the list of successful pupils of To• A. Morriss. � MEN'S 'PIES -
Zo give
ilp all rn'i down. As I vvas about Monde About a month ago lie had route Normal 'School, published last So pleasant, babies use it, so safe, a dozen A:ien s Silk Ties. Regular CO
xo $%ve sill{ Igot'!ti'•Uottle 9f Electric Tait- y " 1. � psyira Ladies',veal ilibl)gd
torn,*nd, a0ter'ti4lang it, `I felt as well as the misfortune to lose his left hand in a week, we noticed the names of Misses grandmothers employ it, so certain to price 250, Hose, fast black. Ragul(4r price 35c.
evei aid in my life: Weak, sickly, run cutting box. Lille B. and Whia. J, Isbister, of Morris, curls, (lectors, lawyers, merchants, Sale Price 15C Sal(' PriCe 25C ,
(10WIX people always• gain new. ' life, g public speakers, rely upon Catarrhozona „__ •. (�. �
strength and vigor from their usq. R, Mason was the guest of Miss daughters of Reeve Isbister, w aro for Catarrh Bronchitis, Asthma, .Ha % -•„
Rac11o1 Wrlden on Suncla r y Cally GHAMS j TOZ'VELS.
thetics• Satisfaction guaranteed by Colin y now teaching at NO':.1, Morris ud the Fever. Gatarrhuzolxe is so clival), because I
A. Pkilipboll,. Price 60:cents. Messrs, Jas, Wilson and Thos, Quinn Junction school respootively it lasts su long and because it is so sure ;� 840 yards Ginghaiva in checks and , doz. large Linen To*gls, friu��e(i.
each lost a valuable cow last week. 14Irs. Hcnr lbobb pf elle Arae ling of to e11re that eS (+Il 1110 1)UUle,t esus afford plaids, fast colors. Regular price 7c. Regular price 20a each.
.1$T �YAvy1} NU91T. yVm. i aholiq, sr, is slowly recovering Morris, is,illyand not very likely to re- a guarantee ---v our monoy back if not e Price �_� ce /
stir, acid Mrs. Geo. Page, of Marnooh from a severe attack of pneumonia. cover. ' be of trod. Sold by all d ug i is or vee r, ithSSI PRINTS C _ SDRESSale I GOODS,2 c .:.a.
speut Sunday with Mr. and. Mrs. R. We are told that the bear comes out by hail oil receipt of $1.00. Trial siz:
of his lair on the sebonb da of 10 cts. N.C.Polson & Co„ Kingstun, �1 10 pieces uevv pattern Prints, fast 9 pi, do plain and fancy Dress
Mason. y y F colors. Regular price t c. Goods, doubie•vvidth, Re,,. price �iiu
Ont,, Hartford Conn.
�Irs. Irwin Elliott has been on the sick Iitzd To Conquer Or'Die. and sees ilia shadow he goes bagk to '' Sale Price 5c Sale Price 15C
list for some time. ' i "I was just about gone," writes ,Icer*: snooze for another six weeks, There JAMESTUWN. _ _...,._, .... �.... _.__ ,�. __ — y •_. ___ —.�,.�
Mr. Jol':n Black, who retired from Rosa Richardson, of Laurel Sprlagss`' was enough bright sunshine last Satur- Sydney Linton lies returnedtohislicnio rLA.'vTlvl:LETTES C()FSE'1':3. j
farinin enol moved to Blyth year N. C', I had Consumption so bad that' day to cast a very black shadow behilzil in Bright i ton lies returned
his friends in :sy 382 yards Flannelettes, fast colors, Good strong Corsets, well mace, y
g y the beat doctors said I could not. live 30 in. wide, Regular price 12 Xc. Regular price 35c. q
ago; ]le got tired of town life and pur- more than a month, but I begani to use Bruin, anis vicinity. s
y u y ill the village Saturday, on business. - g . -„ " BLANKETS Sale Price 25c
d Mrs. Hannah Jackson's farm in Dr. King's Now Discovery and was Albert E. Lloyd, of Wingham, was Frank Smith seems to be U. I�. a sin Sale Price IOC
awanosh, whop cured b seven bcittles and am g y, as he,took in the Brussels horse fair T - BRACES
now stout and well. It's an unrivaled Miss Ina Isbister is home from Toronto last Tiursda
the evening of Wednesday, Jan. life-saver of Consumption,. Pneumonia, y' 10 pairs large size heavy white i v clot. pies s strong Elastic Braces,',
residence of Mr. Tames Neth- La Grippe and Bronchitis;,infallible for on a visit, A1iss Godetha Coombs was not able to wool Blan ets. Good value at :$4100.5 Mohair ends. Goodvalue at 25c�eiy, as the scene of another of those Coughs, Colds, Asthma, 'Hay Fever, Last Sabbath was quarterly commun- resulile her work ovviug to a severeSale Price 2. 5. Stile PF1Ce 1 9C
ppevents, whew a numerous coin- Croup or Whooping Caugli. Guaranteed ion in the Methodist church. - ppe,
bottles 50c. and $1.00, Trityl bottles free attach of Wright
..:.... .
Reny of friends were assembled to wit-, at Colin A, Campbell's drug store. William Messer attended thennerai Thomas Wiigllt and Andrew Douglas DRESS GOODS CRETONNE .s
. ]less the marriage of his daughter, Mag- - _ of the late Thomas Gibson, ex- Al. P P., s are laid up with La Grippe. 10 pieces Homespun Suitings, 54 • 2 pieces heavy twill Cretan"',, .
'at Wroxeter oil Saturday. g . P v°
gie, to Mr. James E.. Nichol, of Fast y John Parish, isle Paris Greener is inch wide. Re alas rice $1,25. patterns. Regular price, 10c. V
Wawanosh, and extent their best ,%sTh- Henry Wenzel, a farmer, residing on Edgar Coulter, principal of Ripley going his rounds once more for the next Salc Price 75C Sale Price qC
es to'the newly married clotLPIEkAt six the outskirts of Listowel, committed Public school, and Mrs. John McIntosh, season. He has secured a big jc'b at l -- -
. .... ... . :
50 yards Linen, choice a
o'clock, to the sltr;tina of til wedd- suicide during the night of Friday by of A°.oleswprth, w(:io home. the latter
ing-March, played by Mi*' 4. Maggie Me- hanging himself in his -barn. Part of last week to visit their father. George Wheeler lies bought another Pat- : Choice patterns, good width, fast
Charles Coultes carole home froin horse from Hugh Casemore to replace torus, 54 inch wide. Rog, price arc. colors, Regular price lOc
Moleswottli last week. and was taken the one that died.
Sale Price 2 c Sale Price
® down with Is grippe. Ed.. Jacklin hada ow -wow the other. / `
PP P GLOVES � .. � ••E1VIBRUTllElt,lE3
x_- Miss Agnes Stewart, of Tarnberry, night. A load of Brusselites attended it. Ladies' Lined Kid Gloves, Fur top, ; Pink, Cream, Blue, Flannelette
visited,Mrs. McHardy this vveel; . Afl repe'rt a fively time. spring clasp. Regular price,�I.0o. ; Embroideriery. Regular price 5t:.
Nltke� Ut Tile Flax Company shipped a quantity Adam Roe, of Molesworth spent Sun- Sale Price 69c ' Sale Price jc
of $ow to Ingersoll on Monday . day with his parents. '
Mrs. Stowe, of Goderich was in the An oyeter supper was held at J. D.
village this week. Millar's last Wednesday evening. Fresh Groceries.
Miss Casemore and Mr. Adair, of George Wheeler has secured a new 3
Howick visited at Ali. Christian $rink- housekeeper, but it happens to be his
1 sister. Clothes Pins, per doz , , , , .......1c =Corn Starch, per pkge .. .. oc
er's this week. Miss Snarling, of Howick lies returned pot Barley, per lb .... . ......... 3c Fresh Cheese, Al quality, 1b..13�
Charles Maguire, station agent, has home after visiting a mouth with Mrs, Brunswick Sardines, per tin , .. , 50 Fine cleaned Currants, per lb.. 10c
returned from his home in Barrie where John C att and Mrs. Wm. Holt. Canada Lau4dry Starch, per lb. , 5c Best selected Raisins, per .....ioc
P � Laundry Soap,2 bare for ..... ac
he was called on the death of his sister.Washing Sod4, per lb , , ......... lc
Fine new Figs, per lb .... ......4c
During his absence a relieving agent was Wfi4Q1CVrFresh Sago, pbr lb .............. 50 Pure Baking Powder, per tin ... 5c
sent from Chesley, who was taken ill C Pearl Tapioca, per lb ...........5o 18 lbs granulated Sugar for.. , $100
q•4040+44440444044444444440 and another agent had to be sent.. Rolled frr 1
r ,,00
Will Bailey is another on the long list Rolled Oats, 10 lbs for , , , ..... 25c 20 lbs. Coffee S
of "grippers."
T vin Win
a� Thomas Coultes has been very ill but � Please Shop,iii 'l;hC Morning.
d ■ �i at a time of writing is somewhat improv-
hed. w--% "
Patrick Munn was very ill last weak
but is iiuproving. • o ,
40444444444N44i•444+444404 If the are not greatly mistaken, the is caused by weakness of the The Chea Cash ' Store. 'Opp. Bank of Hamilton
• b, , ,- , • likely
Turnberry correspondent in last weeks P �'
Waving accepted position oil stomach or bowels m LIOto
f _
Advance is in the wrong when he says
_ the evangelist, who recently visited the yield t0 SCOTT S EMULSION Of
Methodist church here, was not melltioir= Cod Liver Oil. - _-A 11l%L(iitn* E; . _..
the road, my stoc as to be clear- ep in the Bluevale, news. If the Turn- E41AT NAWANUSII' he funeral of Mrs Davia Geddes .
y g We dont saysure' and YOU g P col: place on Friday last. The services
berry man had read aright; he would ► y Tllo following is the report of ell
eel out during th next 30 days. have seen two items concerning him,one may not be sure that your, Or standing of the Pupils of S. S. No. 9, were conducted by Rev. A. McLean, of
announcing his arrival the other his ole- + East Wawanosh for the month of Jan Blyth, an old pastor of this deceased.
Commencing On your little one's trouble is due
pasture, also that the meetiiigs had been nary, 1901:— Notwithstanding the stormy afternoon
largely attended. As to giving a third to weak stomach or bowels. Class V.—Alagg}e McDougall, Alberta the funeral to the Brandon,...cemetery
of a column to a concert, you know the Doctors can't always trace a Rintoul. was largely atteude:l by rowiug To-
gWingham Tinns uses large type (similar Sr. IV—Roy Deacou, Leslie Deacon, latives and fl'lell(ts.
4000E -
to that used in the {Advance and besides diSease't0 its cause; and you W Elliott, Frank Mills.
Saturday, F� } Jr. I`r •-- Bella McDougall, Robert • that vvas the only thing T attended that can't, Corn Sowing
evening, How dould I say anything SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod Mowbray, David Johnston, Raymund Is a process excited by vaulty, 1) 4cka l
about the revival meeting when I wasn't Elliott, Alexander Rintoul, Frank Sline- up by good tight boots—.you usay lack
vire will start the biggest there? Why wasn't zthere? ' well now Liver Oil is the easiest food for bottom. the vaulty but you have the (i tight
can a fellow make forty divides of him- a tired digestion. But that Sr. III—Roy Anderson, Herb. Shiell, boots—;vol may :size y wear any boots.
you please up to three sizes too small,
� A � � SALE
self? • When there is a big wedding that , Albert Walker. if you use Prall;nu's Painless Covu and
��, isn't all it encourages stomach "Willie shot.- .,'
you are not asked to, a concert aces a re- Jr. III—Howard Shiell, w+ixt Extractor, Druggists sell it.
! vival meeting, all on one night; and a and bowels to tackle their bottom, Stanley Elliett,Alexander M.ow. ��•1 Alanaxer W. D. Emery ,n of the Wood-
�+ Goods, yy mighty stormy night at that, can you work; it gives and gets them bray, Carrie Deacon, Nota Hogg,Franit stHouseock Opera ouse h:is inherited *20,000
Q1 Dress Tweeds, Boots blame me for hopping into the nearest thCaseinore. by tile deattl of his grall.tmotlser in
and warmest place': Now, Mr. Turn- "strength from the oer food Sr, II—Harvey Unklater, Cliristeua Chicago,
and Shoes, Rea
dy'nlade Clothing, berry I extend an invitation to you, as they ,are able to take. Give it Rintoul, Barbara Styles, Ella Walker. �.•�«- .. • ..�-.-_-_�•--•--
J �9 I• did before to one of your congregation time. Jr: TI—Tessa Anderson, Liltio Wallter, t,
but which vvas not. heeded, to bring any I,:atie Shiell, Alaggio Caselmre, Maggie Cit'UC LPit an If2C%ij
Hats, Caps, etc., ever known In announcements ox iufarmaiit nn that .vol Food is the best of medicine. Siliell, John Aliram. r
�+ + Wish inade known concerning the Metho, •food that sets the body going ! Sr. Pt. 11—Mabel Mowbray, Earnest
He tt`ae an E£t.
the history Ol this part o the *list church or congregations to me be- I Linklater, Willie Stiles, Wilfred Pocbclt, Let fhe ,smallest microbe gein fodgmert
again. tri your body and your Whole system tuck,
ford toll iniuutew pflst six every Monday Garfield ahoebottom, Ma�wcll Abraln. 'r
coir. nary. Nothing will be reserv- evening, and it will find, first place ill This is health : give it time. I Jr. Pt. II—1 arle Elliott be diseased. Zile microbe is mlcrosetrpie.
the Blnevaly sows -if it deserves it. I - - --. .�._..�.,,:..,, _ . _. ... ...
know the Ti ass will be glad to have it,
ed, everything will have to be for they want all the views of the Mill-
munity, not of one side only, If you
tire too timid to Como iii. I'll place's cigar
box outside to receivq your contribu-
Remember date Of commencement Olft phis White,lrand Ill t1le scov waver, oeaveirn
faro groins dart,; as they are speaking"
Slaughter Sale, Saturday, Feb. 9th. any Monday oveising I'll be seen out I
waving in the wind groping around eller,
Maple tree for tbo tveo bit news. Or
Ro o GORDON you could sell(1 it to school with your
littlo boy'. If you. do )lot solid lllel the
items, owd thus give me a Chatee to do.
vote more :earn to revival meotitips. I'll
1313 `r,�'ON BLOOK � i7 ING�iAM.I find It for granted that vett ilrofox t(>