HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-06-06, Page 5• ' a • THURSDAY, 311NE4, 6th, 194.0 1 THE LUcKNOW SENTINEL re - LyieumTheatre 'WINGHAM SHOW STARtTS AT 8 P.M. EXCEPT SATURDAY 'SATURDAY NIGHT TWO SHOWS AT ,7.45'and 9.45 p.m. . MATINEE SATURDAY 'AFTERNOON AT 2.30 p.m: • Thurs., Fri., Sat. June 6, 7. -8 SPECIAL ST . ?Oaf E O1tON p 'IS 'BE.. nn IVv• Twentieth resent{ CenI' Y -Fox P s Producti..0•of paeryl . Zonuck ®* R , .. 19391. starring NR • PENCE , TRACY NANCY RICHARD KELLY . GREENE •WALTER BRENNAN. :CHARLES COBURN' SirCedric HARDWICKE 'HENRY HULL HENRY TRAVERS ' Directed by Henry King ALSO "DISNEY CARTOON" and "NEWS" ADMISSION ADULTS -35c;. CHILDREN -20c.>•," MATINEE SATiJRDAY AFTERNOON •AT 2:30 p.m. MATINEE ADMISSION ADULTS -25c; . ..CHILDREN -15c Mon. Tues., ,Wed. June '9,10,11 MELVYN DOUGLAS GRETA GARBO "NINOTCHKA" • 'Garbo. laughs in this romantic:comedy, which satirizes,life and love in, the Soviets... ALSO "CARTOON" CREWE.•.'• Mrs. Wilson and Wallace of Wawa - nosh spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.. Wm.. Reid.. . ' .. • • Mr. and •Mrs.• 'George ' Emrpons-• of Sarnia .spent the •week -end with their' son , Lorne and Mrs. Emmons. ' ' Mi•. .and, Mrs.. Herb Curran, lir. and Mrs. Thos. Anderson, Jr„ visited with Mr. and Mrs Jack Curran on, Sunday. =• Miss, Frances Crozier left Saturdati for London where she is going tc' take a business corirse,•at Westervelt College. We wish Frances. ei cry sec... niece Mrs. C. C. Brown on Sunday. 'visitedMrs. , Sinn ..SherwoOd cess: A number . of .relatives in this do - • her. tric•t plan on attending the • Gradu- '"PRESENT PURSE 'TO NEWLYWEDS' • .(LANGSIDE NORTH NEWS) O n Thur s.d a y evening' last friends and • neighbours of Mr.and Mrs. Bill Lapp gathered at the For- ester's Hall to present to them a ,purse of money presented by ,Robert Donaldson and the address was. read by We., Neil MacDonald. . ' . To Mr- and Mrs. Willis Lapp Dear Bill and . Jessie: A. week ago you were ,united in the bonds of matrimony -so tonight we are taking this .opportunity of extending to you our best wishes.. Jessie, all your life .has been •spent in our community. Your name ,Wil' 'always he-,rcnieinbered when .we third; 'of school,' church or, community af-. fairs. 'We. trust that. your. married life in a '.new •community. will. bring You .added happiness., ' `• Bill., less the n•• two• years. have gone • ,by• since you First .Carne o••' our 'coni -munity Since :that tinge, we have all t ty know you well, And have • often. appreciated your.. cheery. smile and. helping.:hand. • '.We aisit you' well in your new • home •. .May your life •together. uphold the • principles you have practised thus •far so that it shall be a shining light to all about you. •, . We ask you to -accept this gift. As you, use it . you will know that the •I people of Langside .are.'wishing you the very .best in Jife at all times. • Signed on behalf of your friends •and neighbours. • • DUNGA•NNON. • .Mr.. and Mrs. Abe Culbert, ':Mrs. Arthur Culbert 'and daughter. Cora also 'Messrs. Herb 'Stothers and Ar- thur Elliott attended the fuperal of the' late: Mr; Andrew Kirk; Seaforth, on Monday, who passed ' away at 76 Years .and was a fortifier resident 26 years'.aago in this -district on the farm. now mened.• by Mr. Frank :Pentland. We extend sympathy on the. bereaved u ife and family in their•. -sorrow. 'Mrs. Chas. Young, daughter Flor- ence .and Mr. Walter. Miller, 'Stret- ford Strat-ford were .visitors with the former's .Bill replied thanking the .commun- ity for remembering he and his wife in this way and invited all to, visit thein 'in their 'new . home: „All joined in singing "For .They Are Jolly Good Fellows." • •F The Y. P. S. held their meeting in the church on Monday' evening with an attendance of 23. The call to wor- ship 'was given by; Gordon Wall. Mrs. Victor Emmerson led in prayer. Busi- ness inetters were then dealt with' It was decided• that the church ' hold a garden party on the school lawn oil. Thursday evening June .120th.' T.he roll call' was answered by a' talent. Char', lie Tiffin, • worship convener, then took charge' of the program. Jean Os- borne. read the scripture passage. Mrs. Farish . Moffat gave the meds, tation. •.Mr • Pollock" gave the topie, "The Challenge". ' Reba Marshall led in prayer. Mrs.. Emmersongave a reading: Mr..Poliock 'led in the ' dos- ing .prayer. . The Mission 'Band held their meet- ' rk- i"HE LUCKNOW . SENTINEL Published 'every • Thursday morning at Lucknow, Ontarip. Mrs. A. D. MacKenzie,—Proprietor • Campbell, Thempseu publisher. THURSDAY, 'JUNE 6th,' 1940 • WARD. FIVE FORMS RED CROSS U'N 1T, A meeting of the poen ,and ,women of ,Ward 5, Huron Township, was held on • FFriday evening and a Red Cross Unit organized with the following of-. 'ricers: President, Mrs. Alex .1MtTav- �ish; vice -Wes.; Mrs. Donald MacKen- zie; sec.-tress:,Mrs: ,Ross Black; fin- ance coin., ~Donald McKenzie,Donald Mac:Charles,. Ross,Biaek; buying corn., Mi s „W": B:. Walden; Mrs. 'Donald Mac Mrs. A. C. Hamilton; cutting corn., •Mrs. ,•Duncan 'MacKenzie, Mrs. 4. Beaton, .Mrs. :D:; MacCharles, 'Vtrs.� Elmer, Osborne. . On .the following day the °finance committee • made a , canvas .with a splendid response .of $80.80. • This money is...to be used for work ainong the .women 'of the locality: All the Women of. tb.is community,•are asked 'to co-operate! The work days will be .the Etat' and',third Thursday of each month. This ward• is sponsoring a garden party in the near future, the proceed • to be used totally for, Red Cross .works Watch ' for: 'further •particulars and help the; wounded .and.. homeless'. in the war 'zone of 'Europe, where• the Soldier. lads are.fighting` 'to protect our , freedom.. sister Mrs. Chas' Twanrley sat, Lon- don for a few' days. - Mr. Ivan Montgomery spent. the holiday with. friends at' Camp' Borden • Mi•. and Mrs. Sam'. Kilpatrick seen' . Sunday at Zion,. - Mrs. T. M. 'Du.r•nin called on• friends in, Goderich: on Saturday.' •• ' Mr. Aldon Hasty was up from fort Stanley for the•'week-end. • . • Mr. Elliott •Rivett of . Auburn spent the week -end' at his home here.. . Mr. and 'Mrs. Min Sherwood' and fancily • visited friends in ,Goderich ori. Saturday. ation• of nurses. from Goderich on Friday of which' Miss 'Lenore Stothers will be one Of the graduates. Mrs. • H. Ca.sentore, Mrs. Harvey Mole and. son Donald visited relatives alt Belniore on Sunday, . • • Mrs. Wilbur Johnston is• assisting in the house of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey .Mole' during ' the illness' .of Mr. Win'dole Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stofford and .daughter Dawn spent the holiday • weekeeel v.ith their parents Mr. and Mrs. ,los. lla m Ilton. Mr. , and Mrs. H. J. L. Eedy .and fancily spent • Sunday •eith relatives et Moncton and .Milverton . Receives MA, Degree 'Miss Bernice Blake has received her Bachelor .of Arts• Degree and her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. John 'Blake and • grandmother Mrs. , Wnr. Blake ,if Ashfield .attended Spring Convo- cation at University -el Western Ont- ario at London on Wednesday June +th When ,the degree was conferred rpon her. This young lady's univer- sit y • studies began .when attending Wingham 'high School, She obtained for' "general, proficiency"- two , years five tuition at 'UniiersitY and then again the third Carter 'Scholarship. which meant the highest .standing of any in lluron- County.. •We,heartily congratulate herfor her , success 'and wish her :the best for a bright and happy career. 11r, and Mrs. Albert Orser• have purchased the •residence, north' in• the village owned by Mr.. and Mrs. Leroi Stingel aeld' es ill move in July. Miss (AN�i1e,vieve Hamilton who' i° c mployed An a branch of the Royal Bank at Toronto is receiving a fort- night's holidnv'now. . ing ness to Cro 4A8•n rea Cro Ste The on the son wa our has F. ass for • Mr m•r •4th an Su at the home of Mie. GeorgeHa on. Saturday June, lst.. The call Worship' was given, by Marlow wston. Response Agnes...Moffat.. es Conley gave •the . scripture ding. Poems. were .read. by ' Earp, wston and' John:,Mcltuns. Eileen wart , gave the offering prayer. roll call was answered, by. a verse "Love".. Mr's. Farish Moffat gave. Missionary story."Winnie Donald- led onaldled in • the :closing prayer. There. s an attendance of 23. isa Jean Osborne who 'has: been teacher. for the .past four year's resigned: We are Pleased to report that Mr. G.,Moffat is able to be out again. im Orr has returned' home' after•. isting Mr. Johnston of Arnbe„rley some time. Mr. and:. Mrs. 'Farish Moffat and. • Alex MacKenzie spent Sunday,' th. Mr.' and. Mrs. Herbert.HBuckton, Con:, : . . .. A number from here • attended the, niversary services at Calvin on nday. PAGE FIVE R:EAC:1H' .WEST COAST' IN' SIX DAYS Mr. • and, Mrs; Jack McIntosh, Boundary West, who recently left on a motor trip to the West Coast, ar- rived in 'Seattle,. Wash., on Friday last after a pleasant trip, and with-' out• mishap, ' Driving during the day, only ''they covered the 2746 miles in` six days and ata cost of, about a' cent a mile. Cabins,' heated with showers and ,e1- ectric lights, cost from •a $1.00 to $1.50, with meals much the. same as at home,- Mr. McIntosh says, in a' lette 'ved by the publisher, Ser- vice stati -,operators served as'in- formation. bureaus, and are • a fine lot, 'says ,Jack, and playing •a strong game for business: . • .. ..t1.••iiat ;ire 'before• ;reaching` Lucl4 ta' ' of their, trip vl s' now', ons � rt . , their first and last, trouble:' The'•trip •to• Duluth.by the Mackinaw' Straights 'took twe days. to .covet• the '8Q6 miles. Leaving ••-Duluth. last Tuesday- morn- ing they reached' Seattle ..Friday eve- ning. . . • . But , here's'• the., rest' as Mr.. Mac= Intosh has .written it. • While at Duluth 'we met 'many old friends and stayed -with an old Par- amount boy ..Kenny Maginnis and • weretreated with. great, kindness' by he • and his, wife. •Here we visited• the greatest open iron mine ineithe .world and' saw'••the big: Malley Engine; with 16. drive wheels 'Oiling, 180 ears of ore down to„ the docks. , - Seeding ' is- in ' full swing in the prairies and hay in the coil here. ' The road ' in, the Rockies Was 'just open two days' through Glacier Forks, end,..we -came that • route. It was .60 miles thorugh ; continuous big moun- tains. The •altitude .of • the • first big -mountain was the only one that bothered 'me, my hands were shaking •on the 'wheel and my font on .the• gas' feed and. ' my heart, pounding and Mary with her eyes • closed,;e0 so I stop- ped in • the first - hay.. field, .and , lay down ''en my back, when what should come along .but a 'big. black bear but as quiet, as a dog. I was .very • glad to' ;see him for if -'he was:alright up • on that. 2000 foot straight f "aee'why was' not I;• . , • • • ^�It. is a • perfect road 20 feet wide with railing two feet . high- 'retest of the, way. Well, I must be going as I have an aunt Bessie to • hunt up yet as' well as. uncles. Jack,`'Dan, and Finlay and ,my wife's, brother Frank. - I• forgot to .tell. you. this :is our hon- ey moon, although it is a 'Few • years late..-'• • •. The only dark spot on our trip is- . the enquiries' about the war; and our, losses - on • 'Flander's fields,' .now 'and' twenty• years: ago. • They worry even more here than- in' Ontario, 'but their verdict is that'they have'the'heart of neighbors en ;the rth • and there shall• never be any' of err, PARAMOUNT Mr. and •Mrs. Arthur Cook and Cameron and Mr. , and ' Mrs. Robert Hamilton visited with Mr.' and Mrs, Gilbert Barkwell' on Monday evening. • • the occasion 'being 'tthe, host• and host- ess' wetnty-fifth wedding anniver- sary. ' Miss Ethel Martin attended the 'A.;'- ricultural conventionat Port Eleii, •on Tuesday where she gave the r. port ...of the' convention at Toronto and also a demonstration .and talk on Flower , Arrangement." Mr. and Mrs. Melvin 1Lnyna'rd 'ane' children • accompanied by.. Mr. Tong Twamley visited 'friends in Coder- ich on Thursday. • - Mr. James H. Pickering. Miss keret Pickering, Pickering, -M.r. and Mis.. Wna "McGill, MiSs Etta McGill Were week- end guests at the home of Mr. Jame:.. Murray. Mr. and. Mrs. Wilfred Plunkett ano! 'family spent Sunday. with 'Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Baynard. Miss Margaret Murray who • has • been confined • to bed, for a 'while' is improving slowly. ' Mrs. Arthur • Cook spent the, week- end with her sister, Mrs. McDonald. Western, Ontario Motorways BUS SERVICE From LUCKNOW.' LEAVES LUCKNOW; daily ee- cept Sundays & holidays at 7 a.m. • for . Wingham, Clinton, London, Detroit, Sarnia, Strat- ford, Guelph, Toronto, ' Hamil- ton.' ' SUNDAYS &, Holidays --4 .p.m. TO RIPLEY: and Kincardine, leaves daily except Sundays & (holidays at 9.10 p:in. • SUNDAYS, and HOLIDAYS 10:50 p.m: urtlreC• in - •-,, Local Agent T.. W. Smith Central' Garage Lucknow er . . •-BELFAST CENTRE • A number', from here 'attended- the • anniversary services held - at Zion tin Sunday ' last. . • W.e are' sorry to .report that, 1Mrs. Jos. Lawson is not as well as. might be and Mrs. Errington; of Wawanosb is. assisting her this past week. Miss •Mildred Plowman •is• .assist- ing Mrs. .John McDonagh of Zion this .week.. • Mr., ;and Mrs Irwin 'Henry 'spent Sunday, .with ..Mr. and Mrs: 'Jas. Rin- toul of Whitechurch. • ' ',Miss' •Rena Hunter of .Zion • spent a few .days last week 'with her gr•and- inother •Mrs. John Campbell. ' Mr. and • Mrs.' Wes 'Alton, of Lon. - den. called •on friends in the burg on. Sunday.. . 1VIr. Lloyd ampbeli of Fordyce. was assisting' Mr. Glenwood Campbell a few days last week. ' Mr. and Mrs: Donald 'Fowler and daughter Melba• visited the former': sister Mrs. Roy Burchill, Mitchell; on Sunday. •. The W. M. S. of Erskine. Presby- terian Cht rch met Tuesday May 21st at the. home 'of Mrs. Wm. Stewart Mrs. Rich. _ NcWliinney president opened the meeting arid gave a topic on • Serving our Generation, followed l,y prayer. The minutes were read by Mrs. Stewart in the absence of the secretary, Mrs. Fitzgerald. A business discussion was followed by an, . eco\it of the Easter Tl�ankof- ferir. and • a report . of the Preby= terra] e Brussels: Mrs. McWhin•. ney, made comments ' on the "(tome Helpers for 'welcome ande the welfare" Glad Mrs. W. R.,,,•Stothers g Tidings prayer •and. the Daily prayer by Mee. Jones. Mrs. Davidson gave a talk on "Moving Million's". Mrs. Stew- art' t reported on the Jhanse Field and Mrs. Jones read of ,the Mil Field. Mrs. McWhinney _expressed sympathy iii behalf of, the •Society to Mrs. Day. Ideon in elle- loss of het sister. in the West. Mrs. .Jones, pianist for'' the meeting closedwith a hymn. Mrs. Stewart, the -hostesls served lunch. the Tune meeting Which i "Hoorne re H M tw w he su rn D •to lu p a fo w t D p 0 El g a t h i KINLOSSCENTRE .•. (intended for Last Week) On 'Monday evening; May 27th. a ception 'was held 'in' the Township' all, Holyr•ood•, in honour of Mr. and rs. 'Raymond. Schumacher, newly- eds: The crowd• was large in number hick' showed •the high' esteem . in hieh this happy young couple are Id in both neighborhoods. also in the rroundrng. community: Mrs. Schu-• acher, whose, maiden name was, onelda Cecelia. Wad, was a friend o1'd, and young. . After a buffet n.ch was served the bride, and groom assed the 'wedding cake, •They were sked'to take the chairs on the plat- rm where :the hollowing address as read ' by Mr. Edward Green' and. he presentation of a' well-filled purse' made by Mr..•Roger. •Cgrrigan. ear Donelda and Raymond: We; year efriends and • neighbours. ave gathered bore this evening to onour 'You on this ' your marriage ccasion. You 'are both well and fav- tu•ably known to all of us We are isopleased to know •you are not caving our midst. Kindly 'accept this ift as a token of our • esteem. • Signed on . behalf of: your friends nil neighbours: Rodger Corrigan, Ed card. Green .and Morley Wall. Mr: Schumacher made a very fitt- ng'reply thanking all. who so kindly hought of he and • bis wife 'on this appy occasion asking each and every. one to call and see them when settled, n their home. Miss Winnifred .Ackert took the piano and played "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows"'. All' joined in singing. Music wassupplied by IeC'har•les' orchestra. Each and every one had a lovely time. • Guosts.-of Mr. and Mrs.•James Val - ad recently were 'Mrs. Josephine Ken- ny. Mr" Burt Bond of Woodstock. • Mr. and Mrs. Tim. Cronin and Jack of, Ittildniay. Mr. Hughie Houstin of "R. C. A.' F..,.. St, Thomas, Miss Eileen Valid of Walkerton' and Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Hagan of Detroit. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. -0snar• keiffer (nee' Anna • Marie Cor- rigan) who .were married, in St. Annes R. C., c'herch. Riversdale, Saturday morning. .Tune 1st.. Mr. John King. Kenny Hamilton. Miss. Margarette Roan .of Teeswater cnent 'Sun'day with Mr. and Mrs. Roy •Schumacher:.. __ - , . Measles seems to. be in the -near- by •nearby district :where a number ,of cards fates and a number of young Abed; _ F T s —ZotE hon '+ ;Anise .: Mr. and Mi;s: Clen Christie .spent Sunday e tth • rela'tives' hi Seaforth. Mr. Gillies Maines. Teeswater and • sons Neil of Blyth -,and Carman front , Ashfield spent Sunday, in Dungannojt together. • At 7 weeks your chinks are on the way to 1Secoming money -making Fall and Winter layers. Keep them going in the right direction by feed- ing Roe Complete Growing Mash —the feed that has helped hundreds of thousands Of Ontario chicks grow into sturdy, strong, productive pullets. This' complete feed is of a medium texture, high in digestible nutrients --with the correct• .balance of proteins, minerals and Vitamins Tour clicks need to pay you big returns l Fall and Winter • eggs. Ask your Roe Feeds dealer. GROWING MASH Sold by FINLAYSON BROS. Lucknover. 413 Come in and go over the entire mower. You'll agiee lhgI you Iaave never seen anything like it. • • cC,�oarmck-Deering No. 7 Enclose -Gear Mower - E are .anxious' to have all . of our friends see the . 1VtcOormi c n .. No. 7 Enclosed -Gear• ' ck-Deering Mower. -We think it is one of the finest pieces of farm e9uiprnentwe_ have ever: sold) :• r'Everybod • who.has seen it says they : never had any idea that a' n ower could_ be built as this one is. '' For : example: '. The '•entire•• operating .mechanism, including drive ;gears •differential,and countershafts, is assembled, compactly in an, Oil -tight gear' housing and runs in a bath of oil. There are four high-grade roller bearings. Operation . is so smooth and noiseless that . you can scarcely hear the light hum of the sickle! Special oil seals at the ends 'of',the main axle and fly- wheel shaft, and the oil -tight gear box prevent leakage andprotect all working parts against the entrance pf dirt and other abrasive materials.. Floating action- of e cutter bar provides ample playwithout. disturbing knife • registration. ALSO SEE US ABOUT HORSE DUMP.. • and SIDE DELIVERY HAY RAKES, HAY LOADERS, GRAIN BINDERS & HARVESTER THRESHERS ; BEFORE BU.1TING. THESE MACHINES ARE OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY and LATEST IMPROVED STYLES. For 'Sale At G. ANDREW'S •1 WHITECHURCH • Mr." James Hawthorne, - who has been visiting with; his sister, , Mrs. Jas.. Holmes, for the past two weeks returned tohis home in Washington, Miss Genevieve Watt ' spent the week—end in. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. MacLean spent sad news of the ,death of her father, . ,. Mr. Andrew Kirke, Seeforth. The funeral was on 'Monday. Weextend sympathy. ASH FI•ELD ` Mr. and Mrs. D. A. MacLean spent a day recently in London with their daughter Mrs. Donald; Martin. . Miss Maiid. Mackenzie,. 'Mrs.' A. E. • Sunday in Toronto with his brother Munro and Miss Edna Hawkins of Rev. E. R. MacLean.' Detroit spent the week -end. at: the home cif .Mr. N. G. •MacKenzie. We are 'sorry to report Mrs. ' A: Shave Wasn't A Success The dance and floor show •by Mur= ray Simmons• and his colored band in the .• Toren'h all last Thursday even-, ing 'failed' to draw a ' crowd and was called 'off • about midnight :when -the "handful" • who had paid ' admisgion. had the fee refunded. The unsuccess fully performance was under • the •spon orship. of 'the local.L.O.L. « but .shall be us- • -"Sorry, old chap, I 1 , ing my lawn mower this afternoon, and the roller", and the fork."' • "Oh, well, I wonder if I might' bor- row your golf clubs?" ZION Clow suffered a severe attack of acute indigestion..We how, for a good recovery.- • Mr. and Mrs.' : Griffin' ,of . Detroit are •visiting her brother Mr: at Mc-' Millan, " Mrs. John Carruthers of Ripley and her sister Mrs, Maltby of Brampton visited with •1Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher last week.. Mrs. Switzer and Mrs..Cherry (nee Kate and.Lizzie Murray) from Sask- atchewan "are spending a -few weeks 'with their brothers, Mr.' George and. Mr. Joe Mu4•ray • and their sister-in- law, Mrs. C. Murray. , •. Mr:. and . Mrs. 'Harry McBurney of Teeswater • called on old 'firends in: the village on Sunday. We are sorry" to report. the. death of Mr. James Simpson of Toronto. He was. born ,'here and grew up in this community and was highly respected here. Mr: John Simpson; 'his brother and other relatives attended the fun- eral in Toronto. Mrs., Duston Beecroft received the Church services next Sunday are as follows: Schnday School at. 11 a.m. Service in the evening at 7:30 p.m. Anniversary services . were ' held. here on Sunday last. Rev. R. C. Cope- land: Exeter, former Minister of Ash- field charge, delivered very, 'helpful sermons. The day, was all that could be wished for and the •attendance was encouraging. .Visitors in the neighborhood on. Sunday wereMr. and Mrs. S. J. Kil- patrick of Crewe with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anderson; Mr. and Mrs. George Andrew, , i .ucknow,. with ' Mr. and Mrs. 1 Tesley Ritchie. , 1 - Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wall of Cul- ross, Miss Olive Blake, Mafeking with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie; Mrs. Mary McAuley, Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. 'Alfred Ritchie, Laurier, With Mr. and Mrs, Frank Ritchie. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Andrew and Miss Winnie, Mr. and 'Mrs. Dave Al- ton with ,Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Kirk- land and 'Mrs•. Andrew., Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Taylor, Misses Betty. Doris and: Jean,, Mr. and"Mrs. J. Hall; Mr. and ;Mrs.. Joseph Hack- ett, Miss Ada Webster, Lucknow with Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gardner. • - Mr. R. Aekert, Misses. Winnifred Ackert. Holyrood, Mr. George Joynt. Lucknow, • Miss:. Hilda Reed Of Pine River ,with Mr. and Mrs. George'. Hunter. , Rev, and Mrs. R. C. Copeland of Exeter.. Mfrs.. E. Alton of Lucknow. Mrs, Wm. lake " of Mafeking, ' Miss HazelWebster of Lucknowwith Mr.' aridM s W. T. Gardner. `it in '� �'"it"fY'S."'i�iiiTi.•••�am�'K,-' _. 1'I'rr. Jerome Valid we are Sorry t+• 'report has been confined to bid for the past week and.. is feeling a little improved ' hut will have to remail quiet for some tune. 'Mrs. ',Sam- Gibson, was ' in Detroit last week attending' the funeral of • a .nephew: • • Miss Betty' Bissett is one of • the graduating el ss of'Godericli Hospital whose, exercises. take place Friday of this week. ' • •• I The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup;• per , was • observed. at the morning service in the • Presbyterian •church :on . Sunday -last .with the usual pre- paratory services during the Week.: • . 9 N•Dr. CON. WEST.. • . Miss Helen • • McIntyre and Miss Hauna'h MacDonald were recent.' vis- itors at Archie McIntyre's. • .Mrs.. Harold 9innley zpsited on Sunday with Pte: Harold Stewart and Mors. Stewart: of Listowel. Mr. and Mrs.•.Martin McInnes, Jr. and Kenneth of Detroit, .Mr. and Mrs. Roy McInnes and baby were week -end visitors - at the McInnes home.. Mr. and Mrs. W. 'J. Irwin- and • Mamie. were 'in London on ,Sunday. • Mr. Calvi in Irwin motored ,to Hunts- ville the first of • the week. • tr'Ek r'['rjr�43�?c,�1'��t y�73 4`���v�1711{�1` "•'fit` c*,a-�"Ta z `i���.e 1 'e�"r ���" :o:iSS'=u''yer'P•, .�.�' i�:!:i�� T�-it'^„1r•ie'�Stw ..t r,.i.,;;: ?foss Need A PERSONAL' LOIN? Then follow the modern business practice.: ' apply 'for a bank loan at the Bank of Month: Personal loans' of from $25 to $100 and .up may be repaid in monthly instalments. A small charge only is made for the use of tbe> money. Thete is no other cost 'to. the bbrrower. You can obtain a folder on''Persona1Loans;" 8iv= isB full P • at i ulars, at .any branch of this bank. RAND.MONTREAL • OF M ESTABLISHED 1817 &,sk aseAgismati acamosia a i dzonisr" Lucknow Branch: ,Lucknow :ati't r""i ;tTrs`., Chas. lti"t'Ch10"" Misses, Marion Gardner and Jean Ritchie Master Lyle Ritchie have re- covered from recent attacks of meas" lea. • CERTIFICATES .E tr •